국군교향악단, 한-베트남 수교 20주년 기념 초청 연주
source :
◦ 국군교향악단이 한-베트남 수교 20주년을 맞아 3. 17 ~ 3. 23까지 軍 문화외교 활동에 나선다.
∙ 참가인원 : 92명(교향악대 60명, 육군전통악대 17명, 홍보지원대 7명 등)
∙ 단 장 : 국방부 국방교육정책관 정대현
∙ 공연계획 : 총 6회
- 초청공연 : 2회(3.19/아미씨어터, 3.21/하노이 오페라하우스)
- 찾아가는 연주회 : 4회(군예술음악대학, 베트남 군악대, 한인학교, 한국문화원)
◦ 이번 연주회는 한-베트남 수교 20주년을 맞아 베트남 정부의 공식 초청으로 이루어졌으며, 국군교향악단이 외국 정부의 초청을 받고 해외 연주에 나서는 것은 ‘10년 창단 이후 처음이다.
◦ 국군교향악단은 3.19(월)과 3.21(수) 베트남 정부 및 군 관계자와 교민 및 현지 주민을 대상으로 두 차례 공식 연주회를 갖고, 3.22(목) 베트남 군악대와 합동 연주회를 갖는 등 다양한 軍 문화외교 활동을 펼친다.
◦ 또한, 국군교향악단은 방문기간 중 현악 앙상블과 국악대, 홍보지원대원 등으로 소규모 공연단을 구성하여 베트남 군 예술 음악대학, 한국문화원 및 한인학교 등을 방문, 찾아가는 연주회도 실시 한다.
◦ 국군교향악단은 이번 초청 연주회에서 수준 높은 정통 클래식 연주와 더불어 육군 전통악대의 모듬북과 사물놀이, 일병 정지훈(가수 비)와 박효신 등 한류 스타들의 K-POP 공연 등 다양한 볼거리도 보여준다.
◦ 이번 국군교향악단 초청 연주는 한-베트남의 우호증진에 기여하는 한편, 베트남 현지 교민들의 조국에 대한 자부심과 애국심을 고취하는 계기가 될 것으로 기대된다.
◦ 국군교향악단은 국내 유일의 국군 오케스트라로서 ‘10년 창단 이후 40여 차례의 연주회를 개최하였으며, 지난해에는 미국 순회 연주회를 통해 6.25 참전에 대한 감사를 표하는 등 한미 동맹 강화에 크게 기여한 바 있다.
[Video Interview] Meet with Rain, who has transferred to the Public Relations Support Team
You can watch the interview and the photos at the following link:
English Translation of the interview by huhuhuhu:
Greetings from Rain: Loyalty! This is private first class Jung Jihoon of the Public Relations Support (PRS) team under the National Defense Service Support.
Q. This is your 5th day at the PRS. How do you feel?
A. I served as Assistant Instructor at the No. 5 Division before I was transferred here. I feel excited at the thought that I am able to give support to soldiers as a member of the PRS.
Q. You had been promoted to private first class while in the army. We heard that your promotion was quicker than the normal case because you had been chosen as Special Warrior?
A. It's a man's duty to serve the army. Like others, I adjusted quickly to military life and did my best at all the trainings we received. The reason to try to become a Special Warrior is none other than that you get extra holidays^^. It's not just me, all the soldiers had the same thought. We gritted our teeth and worked hard. I was not very good at long distance running, and if I might exaggerate a bit, I really ran to the extent like I put all my organs out. It was a difficult run, I made it and became Special Warrior. Luckily I seemed to be quite good at shooting. I got good scores (19 out of 20), so that's why I was made Special Warrior.
Q. It is said that whoever joined the army, many thoughts came to mind the first night they had to stay up. What thoughts did you have?
A. Many thoughts crisscrossed in my mind. I thought most that I am now serving not as an ordinary person but as a soldier, and I had to be absolutely loyal to our country. And I adjusted quickly without major obstacles.
Q. Was there any most memorable training while you were in the camp?
A. All trainings were memorable. However if I had to name a few, I would say the solid affection and friendship between us classmates, and the night march which let us understand comradeship. Our no. 1 and no. 2 teams combined to have a 100km overnight march. We learned helping each other during difficult times. This should remain a good memory even when I am discharged.
Q. You worked as Assistant Instructor at No. 5 Division before your transfer. How was an assistant instructor chosen? How did you feel serving as Assistant Instructor?
A. You could volunteer as an assistant instructor. You attended interviews and capable persons would be selected. This is the first time I am teaching others as an Assistant Instructor, so I thought a lot on "how to make it easier". Other jobs may be difficult as well but there is no doubt that assistant instructor is a difficult job. In order to teach others, you need to have the knowledge and be familiar with the rules. So there is a system that we have to attend assistant instructor classes for 2, 3 months. You got your assistant instructor badge only after you passed the classes. You need to continue to study. Everyday you slept 1 or 2 hours later than the others and you woke up 1 hour earlier than the others, because you had to be their model. There are many difficult points.
Q. Any changes on yourself before and after you entered the army?
A. My patriotism has grown immensely. Rather than thinking that serving the country is my duty, the love of my country has come out voluntarily. I feel great that I am doing a rewarding job.
Q. Now that you are with the PRS, any particular broadcast programs that you would like to do?
A. I worked as an artist before I joined the army and I did a lot of acting and singing. So it seems a good experience for me to do some radio programs while serving my military duties. As a member of the PRS, we will have lots to do and will be very busy, but I'd like to try radio broadcast programs.
Q. We are now at the end of the interview...
A. I am about to serve many people as a member of the PRS. How I will do it, how many rewarding things I could do - I want to be the private first class Jung Jihoon who could give all of you support and strength. Thank you.
[Eng.trans]Korean military orchestra receives an invitation to
perform in Vietnam.
This year celebrates the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
relations between South Korea and Vietnam. In honor of its 20th anniversary,
South Korean military symphony orchestra has been invited to perform.
- Military's various cultural diplomacy activities such as playing orthodox classical music,
playing Korean traditional instruments, K-POP stars' performance, etc.
◦ Military symphony orchestra will participate in the event and engaged in military
diplomatic activities from March 17 to 23.
∙ the attendance :
92 (symphony orchestra: 60, military's traditional band : 17, and the support group : 7,
∙ The head of the national defense education policy : Jung Dae Hyun.
∙ The planning for performance : a total of six times.
- Invitation performance : two times
(19 March / Army theater, 21 March / Hanoi Opera House)
- Visit performance : four times
(the Military Art College of Music, Vietnam Military Band, a South Korean school, and
South Korea World Institut)
◦ In celebration of the 20 year anniversary of South Korea-Vietnam amity, this concert
comes at the official invitation of the Vietnamese government.
South Korea military symphony orchestra's participation in this invitation concert from
abroad is the first time in ten years that it has been found.
◦ The military symphony orchestra will engage in various diplomatic activities, holding two
official concerts geared toward the Vietnamese government, military officials,
Korean-Vietnamese, and local people (Monday 19 March, Wednesday 21 March), and
holding a joint concert with the Vietnam military band, etc. (Thursday 22 March), etc.
◦ The military symphony orchestra will provide people with various visual treats, such as
military traditional Korean band's drumming and samulnori, K-POP concert by Hanryu
Stars - Pfc "Jung Ji Hoon" (singer Rain),Pfc Park Hyo Shin (singer), etc.
Stars - Pfc "Jung Ji Hoon" (singer Rain),Pfc Park Hyo Shin (singer), etc.
◦ This program is to foster friendships between the two sides, and it is expected to make
Korean-Vietnamese feel very patriotic and proud of our country.
◦ The military symphony orchestra is the only military orchestra in Korea, and it has held
more than 40 concerts since its foundation.
Last year, it contributed greatly to cementing the alliance between South Korea and USA,
being much obliged to veterans of the Korean War through a tour concert in USA, etc.
Credit to the Ministry of National Defense
Re-posted by ratoka.
English translation by 화니
[15-Mar-12][Korea News]Rain visits Vietnam as Korean culture diplomat
Singer Rain, who recently joined the entertainment regiment of the miliary, will take diplomatic action abroad.
Rain will sing his hit songs at a concert, which will be held on March 17 through 23 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Vietnam.
Entertainment soldier Park Hyo Shin will also attend the concert. Korea National Military Symphony Orchestra will mainly perform and singers and Korea National Military Traditional Band will perform as well.
The Vietnamese government officially invited them to hold the concert and this is the first time they have performed abroad by invitation after the Korea National Military Symphony Orchestra was created 10 years ago.
Korea National Military Symphony Orchestra will hold a concert on March 19 and 21 for the Vietnamese government, military officials, Koreans, and local people.
They will also form several small bands and visit the Military Music College, Korean Culture Center, and Korean Schoos to perform concerts.
A military official says, “This will foster friendship between the two countries and inspire patriotism in the Korean people living in Vietnam.”
The Korea National Military Symphony Orchestra has held over 40 concerts and they visited the United States to hold concerts last year.
Source: TV Report //
12-02-25 YTN - 공감 Interview_singer Sim Soo bong Mention Rain
credit : Ytn // cap by ratoka
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