Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2011.11.08.


[07-Nov-11][allkpop]Rain and Kim Tae Hee become the new models for ‘Coupang’


Actress Kim Tae Hee and ‘world star’ Rain were chosen as the new models for ‘Coupang‘. The two will be following in the footsteps of former Coupang models Kim Hyun Joong and Lee Na Young.

Both Rain and Kim Tae Hee were chosen because of their smart and global image. The two finished their CF shoot last month, with Rain showing his enthusiasm through dance and wardrobe ideas. Kim Tae Hee also exhibited her surprising singing skills, impressing everyone on set.

The CF will be revealed on the 8th of November.

Source + Image: Nate // allkpop


[07-Nov-11][Hancinema]Rain Named Top Marksman at Boot Camp


K-pop superstar Rain was named top marksman at the Army boot camp after he enlisted for mandatory military service on Oct. 11.

Rain hit the target 19 times out of 20 in daytime training at the 5th Infantry Division's boot camp on Oct. 26, and all 10 of his shots hit the target in nighttime training. He was one of the three conscripts with highest accuracy among the 140 in firearms training on the day.

Other stars named top marksmen are heartthrob Hyun Bin, who enlisted in the Marine Corps in March; Andy, a member of boy band Shinhwa who completed his military service last month; and actor Lee Jun-ki, who will complete his military service in February next year.

source ; hancinema


[ 공 지 ] 제9차 열쇠 홍보대사 이벤트 당첨자 입니다

cr : http://cafe.daum.net/YShwarang/K0M0/117


 2소대 11번 훈련병 홍승도 (승도맘)

2소대 1번 훈련병 정지훈 (전문상담원)

현재 12중대가 각개전투 기간이기때문에 포상이 지연될 수 있으나 최대한 빠른시일내에 포상전화를 실시하도록 하겠습니다. 참여해 주신 분들 감사드립니다 ^^

Congratulations to Rain 


[Nov-08-2011] Rain'll talk to his family or friend on the phone for three minutes as a reward for winning an event by 열쇠카페 (Key Unit cafe).
In an event called 'Posting Comments A Lot' conducted by 열쇠카페 (Key Unit cafe), aimed at the families and friends of new soldiers belonging to 10th and 12th companies, from Nov.11~14, 전문상담원 (a fan of Rain)'s writing of encouragement to Rain where the most members have left replies in 12th company part, has been chosen as the winning one, therefore 'talking to his family or friend on the phone for three minutes' will be available exclusively to Rain soon.


당첨자는 (the winner)

-10중대- (10th company)
 2소대 11번 훈련병 홍승도 (승도맘)
: Recruit "Hong Seung Do', #11, 2nd platoon, (승도맘: his mother)

-12중대- (12th company)
2소대 1번 훈련병 정지훈 (전문상담원)
: Recruit 'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain), #1, 2nd platoon. (전문상담원: his fan)

현재 12중대가 각개전투 기간이기때문에 포상이 지연될 수 있으나 최대한 빠른시일내에 포상전화를 실시하도록 하겠습니다. 참여해 주신 분들 감사드립니다 ^^ 
Currently 12th company's individual battle practice is being exercised, so the reward could be delayed, but the two will talk on the phone as rewards as soon as possible.

12중대 2소대 45번 안승현 훈련병 <하나뿐인 오빠♡를 위한 하나뿐인 동생의 멋진 이벤트를 신청합니다♡> [2] 사진첨부 새글 4ㅏㄹ6ㅎH 01:45 33 0

관리자에 의해 규제된 글입니다.   자세히
가수-김아리, 무정한 사람, 소설같은 사랑, 박일남 작사,작곡 파일첨부 김기자의 독설 11.11.05 30 0
잘 부탁합니다! [2] happym 11.11.04 199 1

관리자에 의해 규제된 글입니다.   자세히
12중대 2소대 1번 정지훈 훈련병 이벤트 신청합니다. [412] 사진첨부 전문상담원 11.11.03 6737 211
♡♥♡12중대 2소대 57번 박병현 훈련병 이벤트 신청합니당!!!♡♥♡ [51] 사진첨부 병현곰신 11.11.03 422 0
♥♡♥10중대 2소대 2번 최인호 훈련병 이벤트신청합니당♥♡♥ [31] 사진첨부 인호곰신 11.11.03 270 0
10중대 4소대 심승환엄마 이벤트신청합니다 [7] 심짱의엄마 지혜와용기 11.11.02 99 0
12중대2소대1번 정지훈팬입니다. 잘 부탁드립니다. [8] yuko yamamoto 11.11.02 493 9
2905 12중대 ★★12중대 1소대 49번 김정표훈련병 이벤트 또,한번신청해요★★ [39] 정표야언능와 11.11.02 167 1
10중대 2소대11번 홍승도 훈련병 부모입니다 이벤트신청합니다 [109] 승도맘


Breif translation by rain bird.


[08-Nov-11][Yonhap News]Rain selected as a teaching assistant at the 5th Division boot camp.


Singer Rain (29, Jung Ji Hoon) who enlisted in the army last October, has recently been selected as a teaching assistant at the boot camp of the 5th Division.

One from army officials said on the 8th, "Rain was chosen as a teaching assistant at the boot camp last 4th."
He added, "He'll be assigned to the division upcoming December 9th after the 1st and 2nd boot trainings."

In general, by reflecting the will of the high-performing recruits during their military basic training, a few of them are picked as teaching assistants.

The official said, "Teaching assistants at boot camp are highly qualified human resources who train recruits. Rain has led his fellows well and conscientiously completed the training course, so he has been selected as a teaching assistant by making himself heard." 
Rain will be on the active list for 21 months and be separated from the army in July, 2013.

English translation by rain bird.


[08-Nov-11][Korea News]Rain is selected as an assistant instructor in the Army  


A high-level military official recently talked about the reason they chose Rain as an assistant instructor for the fifth division training camp. He said, “Rain is very responsible and faithful.”

Rain joined the Army on October 11 and was trained for five weeks in the fifth division.

The official said, “Jung Ji Hoon was an example for others and did a very good job as a trainee with other soldiers.”

“He also wanted to be an assistant instructor and we made a fair estimation. We thought he was enough to be the assistant instructor.”

Rain is especially skilled at shooting.

On October 26, he shot the mark with nineteen shots out of twenty during the day and he shot the mark with ten shots out of ten at night. He was one of the top three marksman among one hundred forty soldiers.

Rain will become an assistant instructor on December 9.

He will serve as a soldier for twenty one months and he will be discharged from military service on July 10, 2013.

Source: TV Report //en.korea.com


Rain-Italian-Clouds-.... fighting!!!


Hello Cloud family..hello sis clouds^^ [sorry for my bad english m(_ _)m.]

i'm cloud umeboshi from Italy..i wanna entroduce you the new house of italian clouds...our new forum ^_^

Last october italian fans lost their previous forum..this wasn't our decision...someone has chosen for us!we couldn't do anything to change what's happened.

Although i managed the previous forum since 2008...it wasn't my forum so i couldn't do anything to prevent what happened last 16 october....and i'm really sorry for that.

Italians fans want to support Rain especially during his military service and in the following years  ^__^ as we did in the last 3 years..so we opened a new forum last 20 october.
The forum is new...but we are the same ^_^ ..... nothing is really changed,especially our love &  devotion for RAIN ^^ only the name of forum has changed ^^.

above you can see our logo.."Rain-The bad guy"....please don't misunderstand XD..-bad guy- it refers to Rain's 1° album^^...Rain's debut....and the new forum is for italian clouds our debut ^^ . 
we are italian clouds and finally we have a forum that represents us for real !!!!

we called our forum rain-italian-clouds and this is the link ..i hope you can visite and support us^^

i wanna thank... huhuhuhu and Raincloudhk / sandara and RainLatino for supporting our forum^^

i big thank to Heidi (huhuhuhu ^^) ..thanks for your help ..thanks for your kind words when i was so sad and depressed for what happened to us last october !!

Fighting Italian clouds!!!

greetings from Italy ^__^/
Rain @ Japan Magazine
Credit : Rain Love 2


11-11-08 KBS - News Time_Rain selected as a teaching assistant at the 5th Division boot camp

Credit : KBS // ratoka @ YT



08.Nove11.11[video][SBS]BI RAIN入隊 111108 SBS テレビ芸能 日本語字幕

RAIN入隊 111108 SBS テレビ芸能 日本語字幕

wawalalal : im crying every day i remember that day its not easy his leaving T_________T


Credit : SBS


BI Rain Last OF the best 09.10.2011_changing clothes  




BI Rain Last OF the best 09.10.2011_Review clip  



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