Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.12.23.


[Blu-ray]R2B: Return to Base (First Press Limited Edition)(Korea Ver.)


R2B: Return to Base (Blu-ray) (First Press Limited Edition) (Korea Version)
Blu-ray Region A

Expected release date: January 3, 2013

YesAsia Editorial Description

Before entering the army for his mandatory military service, Korean superstar Rain joined the air force onscreen for the aerial action thriller R2B: Return to Base (a.k.a. Soar into the Sun). A remake of the 1964 film Red Scarf, R2B delivers Top Gun-esque entertainment with Rain as the brash young pilot who is part of a unit that patrols the airspace between North and South Korea. Directed by Kim Dong Won (Drifting Away), R2B: Return to Base brings together an impressive cast that includes Shin Se Kyung (Hindsight), Kim Sung Soo (Hellcats), Yoo Jun Sang (In Another Country), Jo Sung Ha (The Yellow Sea), Lee Jong Suk (As One), Jung Suk Won (Beast), Oh Dal Soo (The Thieves) and Lee Ha Na (Le Grand Chef).
After pulling a dangerous stunt at an aerial demonstration, reckless fighter pilot Tae Hoon (Rain) gets kicked off the elite Black Eagles team and transferred to a unit led by straight-laced commanding officer Cheol Hee (Yoo Jun Sang). Cheol Hee is the best pilot in the unit, but Tae Hoon's skills may surpass even him. One day, an unidentified fighter plane from North Korea crosses into South Korea and initiates combat over the city. There has been a military coup in the North, and South Korea is suddenly faced with the threat of a missile attack. It's up to Tae Hoon and his unit to thwart the attack before war breaks out.

This edition includes making-of, character profiles, behind the scenes and trailers.

Technical Information

Product Title: R2B: Return to Base (Blu-ray) (First Press Limited Edition) (Korea Version) R2B: 壯志衝天 (Blu-ray) (首批限量版) (韓國版) R2B: 壮志冲天 (Blu-ray) (首批限量版) (韩国版) R2B: Return to Base (Blu-ray) (First Press Limited Edition) (Korea Version) 알투비:리턴투베이스 (블루레이) (초회한정판) (한국판)

Also known as: Soar into the Sun R2B:獵鷹行動 / 返回基地 R2B:猎鹰行动 / 返回基地 Soar into the Sun Soar into the Sun

Artist Name(s): Rain (Jung Ji Hoon) (Actor) | Yoo Jun Sang (Actor) | Shin Se Kyung (Actor) | Kim Sung Soo (Actor) | Lee Ha Na (Actor) | Jung Kyung Ho (Actor) | Jo Sung Ha (Actor) | Jung Suk Won (Actor) | Lee Jong Suk (Actor) 鄭 智薰 (Actor) | 俞俊相 (Actor) | 申世炅 申 (Actor) | 金成秀 (Actor) | 李 荷娜 (Actor) | 鄭京浩 (Actor) | 趙成夏 (Actor) | 鄭錫遠 (Actor) | Lee Jong Suk (Actor) 郑 智薰 (Actor) | 俞俊相 (Actor) | 申世炅 申 (Actor) | 金成秀 (Actor) | 李 荷娜 (Actor) | 郑京浩 (Actor) | 赵成夏 (Actor) | 郑锡远 (Actor) | Lee Jong Suk (Actor) Rain (ピ) (Actor) | ユ・ジュンサン (Actor) | シン・セギョン (Actor) | キム・ソンス (Actor) | イ・ハナ (Actor) | チョン・ギョンホ (Actor) | Jo Sung Ha (Actor) | チョン・ソグォン (Actor) | Lee Jong Suk (Actor) 비 (Actor) | 유 준상 (Actor) | 신세경 (Actor) | 김 성수 (Actor) | 이하나 (Actor) | 정경호 (Actor) | 조성하 (Actor) | 정석원 (Actor) | 이종석 (Actor)

Director: Kim Dong Won 金 東元 金 东元 Kim Dong Won 김동원

Blu-ray Region Code: A - Americas (North, Central and South except French Guiana), Korea, Japan, South East Asia (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) What is it?

Release Date: 2013-01-03

Language: Korean

Subtitles: English, Korean

Country of Origin: South Korea

Picture Format: NTSC, [HD] High Definition What is it?

Sound Information: DTS-HD Master Audio

Disc Format(s): Blu-ray

Screen Resolution: 1080p (1920 x 1080 progressive scan)

Publisher: CJ E&M

Other Information: 1-Disc

Product Information
알투비:리턴투베이스 (블루레이) (초회한정판) (한국판)

*Screen Format: 2.35:1 AVC 1080p
*Sound Mix: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 (48khz-24bit)
-출격완료, 500일의 기록
-F15K, 도심을 날다
-티져 예고편

*Director: 김동원

- CJ E&M의 25번째 한국영화 블루레이 [알투비:리턴투베이스]
-초회한정 스페셜 패키지
-출격 준비 완료! 하늘에 전부를 건 그들이 온다!
-F-15K 실사 촬영, 아찔한 추격씬으로 완성한 고공액션드라마!
-철저한 몸매&체력 관리. 여기에 전투기 조종사들의 필수훈련까지!
대한민국 1% 전투기 조종사로 거듭난 배우들의 열연
-서울 도심 상공에 정체 모를 전투기가 출현한다면?!
현실적인 소재와 설정으로 리얼리티를 더한다!

공군 특수 비행팀 '블랙이글스'의 조종사 태훈(정지훈)은 에어쇼에서 금지 비행 기술인 ‘제로노트’를 감행하다 행사를 난장판으로 만들고, 팀에서 퇴출당한다. 대서(김성수)가 편대장으로 있는 21전투비행단으로 이적된 태훈은 동기생 유진(이하나)과 후배 석현(이종석)을 만나 차츰 적응해가지만, 비행단 내 '탑건'으로 불리는 철희(유준상)와는 사사건건 부딪힌다. 두 사람의 명예를 건 F15K 비행 대결에서 생애 처음으로 패배를 맛본 태훈은, 정비대대 최고의 에이스 정비사 세영(신세경)과 팀을 이뤄 보라매 공중사격대회에서 자존심을 회복하고자 한다.
남북간에 평화 분위기가 무르익고 있던 어느날, 귀순을 가장한 적기 한대가 서울까지 내려와 초계비행중인 21 전투비행단과 예상치 못한 교전을 벌이게 된다. 엄청난 대가를 치루며 평화를 지켜내지만, 이는 한반도 전체를 위협하는 거대한 음모의 시작이었을뿐. 이에 21 전투비행단은 최후의 비공식작전 ‘리턴투베이스’를 개시하는데…
주어진 시간은 단 7분, 반드시 막아야 한다!

▣ <알투비:리턴투베이스>초회 한정판 Blu-ray 패키지
: 아웃박스 + 고급 디지팩 + 이미지보드



[FANMADE] Christmas Greeting

Christmas Greeting for Rain
by Dolphin Janna ( Indonesian Cloud )


[FANMADE] Christmas Greeting_2

Christmas Greeting
by Dolphin Janna ( Indonesian Cloud )



[FANMADE] Christmas Greeting

Christmas Greeting
by Rain NThree ( Indonesian Cloud )



[Friends FM]12-12-23 Rain @ Consolatory Train

Credit : ratoka

[Friends FM]121223 Rain @ Consolatory Train Hip Song from ratoka on Vimeo.



12-12-23 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain DJ CREDIT RATOKA
12-12-23 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain DJ


121223 Friends FM - 비.KCM의 질주본능 (The Desire To Speed) Rain & KCM DJ from ratoka on Vimeo

secession 2012.12.23.

[Rain]&[KCM] : Rain&KCM's "The Desire To Speed"!

[Rain] : Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. At this time last year, I was diligently mopping floors with a dust cloth and the polished floors glowed richly, but I plan to have a holiday this Christmas. hahaha.
Well, let me make you laugh, according to this radio show PD's earnest appeal. (laughs) One plus one is sweety. Two plus two is sweety. Three plus three is sweety. Four plus four is sweety. Five plus five is sweety. Six plus six is sweety. (laughs) Anyway, I hope you all have a fun time again today. (laughs)

[Rain] : There are a lot of concerts being held around Christmas time. I think I'll hold a concert in Las Vegas at this time next year. Actually, not long ago I was asked to hold a concert in Las Vegas from my agency in USA by email, but I declined their invitation through my manager, saying 'I really appreciate your offer, but I think it's possible to do so because I'm serving in the army'. I think they presumed I could hold a concert even during my military serve like Elvis Presley.
By the way, in cold weather around Christmas time some years ago, I was barely able to reach a ceremony awards venue on time by having motorcycle messenger's service in the back of his motorcycle. At that time I was pressed for time since I was suddenly having scheduling conflicts and that's why I could easily lose my life doing this job.


[Rain] : You can send your stories and song request to us through SMS #0967 or its Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/speeding967) or its message board
(http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2086&mod_id=board_2093&pseq=0) or (http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2141&mod_id=board_2098&pseq=0)

[KCM] : Particularly, foreign fans can send their stories and song request to us by email : speedingradio@hanmail.net


[Rain] : Listener 'Minwon'(from Japan), "My Korean teacher said she would stop working. It is regrettable that I have to part with her, but I'm glad I've made many friends from Korea, thanks to corporal 'Jung J Hoon' (Rain)."
I'm sure you can make many new good friends.


-'The Christmas carol songs I'd Like To Share'-

[Rain] : Now it's time to experience the happiness of Christmas in advance.
Let me advise you about how to make a woman your girlfriend.
Please find a set of circumstances that have all three : music and surrounding environment, delicious food, and polite attitude. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. (more than 10 times).
In my case, my ex-girlfriend accepted when I asked her out on a date once or twice. (laughs)
Now I'm running a special feature on Christmas.

Part 1 :
[Rain] : 'Lynden David Hall's 'All You Need Is Love' from the 'Love Actually', O.S.T. & Rain's Handshake' are recommended.

('Lynden David Hall's 'All You Need Is Love' & Rain's Handshake')

[Rain] : I'll make a big comeback with a new song in just 7 months. I can feel energy surging from inside when I think about that. I'll show you something surprising then.
By the way, I hope you will stop staying inside the house and go around outside
at Christmas, and watching fun movies about Christmas or having a girlfriend (or boyfriend) is another great way to enjoy Christmas.

Part 2 :
[Rain] : 'Kim Tae Woo's 'Snow Of Love' & Mr. Two's 'White Winter' are recommended.
'Snow Of Love' failed to be a hit as far as I remember, and 'White Winter' was very popular when I was a child. I think the music can bring back old memories.

('Kim Tae Woo's 'Snow Of Love' & Mr. Two's 'White Winter')

Part 3 :
[Rain] : Listener 'Son Su O' is our regular listener, so I'm thinking of holding her tight in my arms to keep my promise that I'll give regular listeners big hugs on the day when I leave the army, as I said before.

[Rain] : Listener 'Son Su O', "I request George Michael's 'Last Christmas'.
My ex-boyfriend and I belong to the same family lineage, and Korean people think the marriage of a couple with the same surname and same place of family origin is immoral. We had been having a good relationship as friends quite a long while.
But, he has cut all ties with me since he drove me into a rage after I found my sweetheart. It is understandable that he is angry, but I wonder how he has been these days."

[Rain] : Listener 'Masami', "I request 'Nat King Cole's 'Love'. The music always ease my mind. I want to listen to the music, having coffee."

(George Michael's 'Last Christmas' & 'Nat King Cole's 'Love')

[Rain] : When 'Kim Te Woo' and I went to a ski resort a couple of years ago, our car was sliding and fell into an iced puddle.
Before this, I said to him that we should iron up our tires, but he dip his toe in and that's why we were in such an accident.
And, I was ever undervalued and talked down to by 'Kim Te Woo' in connection with 'Nat King Cole', but it is difficult for me to say clearly what the reason is because I'm so shame. (laughs)


[Rain] : Listener 'Izmidone', "My son entirely believed in Santa when he was a kid, and I did not want to burst the young boy's bubble by telling him there was no Santa Claus, but now he is a big boy as he knows all the facts."
When I was in fifth grade, I went over to my aunt's house on Christmas Eve and hung up my stocking on that evening before sleeping. I saw her putting some money in my stocking in the middle of the night. I would like to take this chance to express my thanks to her.

[Rain] : Listener '#0760', "Our new home has been under construction these days.
I'm in seventh heaven in my newly constructed home. I'm enjoying the time I'm listening to the show."

[Rain] : Listener '#9785', "My nephew will be enlisted at 306 Supplement next Tuesday. I hope he'll commit himself to his duty for 21 months."
Korean under obligation to protect the country, young men must go to army.
Hope he'll do his best to serve in the army.

[Rain] : Listener 'Yuko', "There are lots of drinking parties at the end of the year.
Any unique or strange habits when you drink?"
When I drink a lot, I just sleep. I think I have poor blood circulation.

[Rain] : Listener '#9126', "I'm listening to the show by driving very fast on the highway, which makes me feel better."
Thank you.


[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Jung Howa', "I'm supposed to be introduced to a man at a group party on Christmas Eve. I want to know what type of girls men likes."
There is no absolute standard of beauty. Please make the most out of your strengths. If you show an active attitude, you may meet a better man than expected.

[Rain] : Listener '#9021', "A water main in our neighborhood froze and burst, and
the owner of a beauty parlor where I'm regular, had no running water for several hours, so I only had my hair cut there, but she didn't receive the money."
The service at that beauty parlor is good.

[Rain] : Listener '#8921', "Now I'd like some foods that are confections."
When I arrived at LA Airport for the first time in my life, I went to a cafe around there and ordered Caramel Macchiato coffee with sugar in it. But the middle aged big fatty woman employee pretended not to understand what I was talking about. With the help of a male customer in the cafe, I was barely able to order the coffee. I think she intentionally embarrassed me in front of everyone probably because I appeared like a pushover.

[Rain] : Listener 'Nakkami', "I want to walk with my dog, but he (dog) insists on not going out probably because the weather is very cold."
My dog 'Baegu' (alias, Janguny) is a very neat personality. (laughs)
He hates getting dirt on his legs and he often removes the dust on his hairs with his tongue. Even he runs to the mirror and looks at himself. (laughs)
I think he's quite a character. (laughs)


-Talk About Christmas Carols With 'Kim Tae Wan'-

[Rain] : Welcome, 'Kim Tae Wan', it’s great to have you on our show.
[Kim Tae Wan] : Nice to meet you. I feel something's missing in my heart perhaps because KCM isn't here. (laughs)
[Rain] : I don't mind even if he doesn't come. (laughs)
By the way, I doubt we figured we'd host the radio show together before my enlistment. (laughs)
[Kim Tae Wan] : Yes, indeed. (laughs)
[Rain] : I'm lucky to have this really great partner.
[Kim Tae Wan] : Me too.

[Rain] : What do you remember most about Christmas?
[Kim Tae Wan] : Every year on Christmas Day, I used to feel lonely because I split up with my girlfriend and was alone. This thought is suddenly bringing me down.
[Rain] : That's why you acquire an enviable reputation for artistic ability.
[Kim Tae Wan] : Thank you.


[Rain] : What's the talk going to be about today?
[Kim Tae Wan] : I want to introduce various Christmas Carols.
The word carol comes from the Latin word for “choraulien".
Carol was later known throughout Europe, and it gain an amazing level of popularity in France. This custom was firmly established in 1700~1800.

[Rain] : As far as I know, 'Mariah Carey' is best remembered as the singer whose soulful voice and musical interpretations have made her one of the bestselling Christmas Carol vocalists in history.
Her album containing Christmas Carols released in 1994, sold nearly 4 million copies. I bought the CD in a department store called Crystal in Shinchon when I was in fifth grade.

[Kim Tae Wan] : She must be a great singer.
When Justin Bieber released his single 'Mistletoe', his voice started breaking, but he showed off his undiminished ability as the song was a mega hit.

(Justin Bieber's 'Mistletoe')

[Rain] : Come to think of it, there are only two days left until Christmas.
[Kim Tae Wan] : Your words bring back painful associations for me. (laughs)
[Rain] : You will always have the bad as well as the good in the world.
They can happen to anybody. I think you can master your mind through mind control.

[Kim Tae Wan] : Let me introduce 'Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Is You' to you.
Producer 'Jermaine Dupri' wrote a new hip-hop version of the song.

('Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Is You' )

[Rain] : Korean gagman 'Shim Hyung Rae' was famous even as a singer singing comically. (laughs) He is better known by his professional name of 'Youngu'.
Seeing him showcasing comic roles in movies or dramas or comic shows, could be comforting in times of my trouble when I was younger.
[Kim Tae Wan] : He is one of my favorite gagmen.
Old memories come vividly to mind. (laughs)

[Kim Tae Wan] : Chris Brown's 'This Christmas' is the theme song for the movie of the same name.

( Chris Brown's 'This Christmas')

[Rain] : I think I can feel the Christmas atmosphere around me while listening to those Christmas Carols.
Christmas reminds me of movie 'Home Alone', 'Love Actually', and 'Die Hard'.
[Kim Tae Wan] : Christmas oddly reminds me of Blade. (laughs) Sorry.
I often felt miserable at Christmas. (laughs)
[Rain] : I bought a gorgeous underwear in mistake for a padding jacket when I was a high school student. (laughs) I flaunted the clothes, not knowing the fact, but I was just teased by my friends and I was embarrassed to death. (laughs)

[Kim Tae Wan] : Escape's 'Christmas Without You' is sad song unlike a Christmas carol.

(Escape's 'Christmas Without You')

[Rain] : The music evokes memories of the time when I was a high school student.
The knitwear that my girl friend bought me on Christmas of the time, rings in my heart.
[Kim Tae Wan] : A great while ago, I had an appointment with a woman on Christmas when I had dated with her only a short time. On the day, the sudden heavy snow caused a traffic jam in downtown Seoul and I had no choice but to break the appointment.
I got out of the taxi and ran hurriedly to arrive at the meeting place though I was late, but she had already gone. I had called her several times but she didn't answer the phone. She seemed more interested in dating with another man.
[Rain] : She was much more likely to be attracted to such a man who might have his own car. (laughs)
You can make a song and name it like that, "You Have A Car, But I Don't Have A Car' (laughs)
[Kim Tae Wan] : That song may bring tears to my eyes. (laughs)

[Kim Tae Wan] : 'Boyz II Men' participated in 'Baby Face's 'I'll Be Home For Christmas' as rappers. They's got a really good friendship and made the hard work easier.

('Baby Face's 'I'll Be Home For Christmas' )

[Rain] : How old were you when she stood you up?
[Kim Tae Wan] : I was in my early twenties.
[Rain] : The man who she liked more than you must be in his late 20s.
She may now be regretting not having dated with you. (laughs)

[Kim Tae Wan] : 'Yolanda Adams' is famous as a gospel vocalist in the world.
[Rain] : When we hear such gospels, we are deeply impressed.
It's time to wrap it up.

[Kim Tae Wan] : Is it that late already?
[Rain] : I'm afraid that's the way it is.
Thank you for coming in today, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I hope you'll prepare uplifting music next time.
[Kim Tae Wan] : I'd be glad to. I'm thinking of preparing your songs.
[Rain] : I hate listening to my songs. (laughs)
Because I've listened to them a few thousands times already. (laughs)
Can we run a special feature on me next time? (to the PD) (laughs) I'm just kidding (laughs).
Songs such as 'Young Man', 'You Raise Me Up', 'My Way', etc. can boost our confidence and give us hope. Please be sure to keep your appointment.
See you next week. Thank you.
[Kim Tae Wan] :Thank you.

( 'Yolanda Adams' 'O Holy Night')


[Rain] : Hope you all have a Merry Christmas.
Gifts will be provided for #9022, 'Kim Junng Howa', '#9785', and '#9021'
Please leave your phone numbers and names in private in its bulletin board.
This has been Rain. Thank you.

emik 2013.01.09.



[Rain]&[KCM] : Rain&KCM の “疾走本能”!

[Rain] : 明日はクリスマスイブ。去年の今頃、僕はひたむきに床を雑巾で拭いていた、そして磨かれた床は見事に輝いていた、でも今年のクリスマス、僕は休暇を取る予定。ハハハ。

さて、このラジオ番組のPDの熱心な訴えによると、僕はあなた達を笑わせるよ。(笑い) 1+1=素敵な人。2+2=素敵な人。3+3=素敵な人。4+4=素敵な人。5+5=素敵な人。6+6=素敵な人。(笑い) とにかく、今日もまたあなた達は楽しい時間を過ごすことを願うよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : クリスマス時期にはたくさんのコンサートが開催される。来年の今頃、僕はラスベガスでコンサートを開催するつもり。実は、少し前にUSAのエイジェンシーから僕にe-mailでラスベガスでコンサートを開催しないかと提案された、でも僕はマネジャーを通して‘あなたの提案にとても感謝します、でも現在僕は兵役中なのでそれは不可能だと思います。’と言って彼らの誘いを断った。彼らはElvis Presley のように僕が兵役中でもコンサートを開催できると思い込んだんだと思う。



貴方のストーリーまたは曲のリクエストはSMS #0967 またはtwitt(https://mobile.twitter.com/speeding967) またはメッセージボード
(http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2086&mod_id=board_2093&pseq=0) or (http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2141&mod_id=board_2098&pseq=0) に送ることが出来ます。

[Rain] : 特に海外のファンは email : speedingradio@hanmail.net にストーリーまたは曲のリクエストを送ることが出来ます。


[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Minwon’(日本から), “韓国語の先生が仕事を辞めると言った。彼女と離れなければならないのは残念、でも‘Jung J Hoon’上等兵 (Rain)のおかげでたくさんの韓国人の友人ができたのでうれしい。”




[Rain] : さあ、先取りしてクリスマスの幸せを経験する時間だ。一人の女性を君の彼女にする方法についてアドバイスしよう。 次の3つすべてを揃えた状況を見つけてみて:音楽と周辺の環境、美味しい食べ物、そして礼儀正しい態度。もし最初に成功しなくても、何度も何度も何度もやってみて。(10回以上)僕の場合、元彼女を1回か2回デートに誘った時、彼女はOKしてくれた。(笑い)


Part 1 :

[Rain] : ‘Love Actually’, O.S.T. から‘Lynden David Hall’:‘All You Need Is Love’ & Rain :‘Handshake’ をお勧めするよ。

(‘Lynden David Hall’:‘All You Need Is Love’ & Rain:‘ Handshake’)

[Rain] : あと7ヶ月で新曲とともに僕は大掛かりなカムバックを仕掛けるつもり。 それを考えると(体の)中から力が沸き上がるのを感じる。 その時、びっくりさせるようなものを見せるよ。


Part 2 :

[Rain] : ‘Kim Tae Woo’:‘Snow Of Love’ & Mr. Two’:‘White Winter’ をお勧めするよ。

僕が覚えている限りでは‘Snow Of Love’ はヒットしなかった、そして僕が子供の時‘White Winter’ はとても人気があった。音楽は昔の思い出をよみがえらせると思う。

(‘Kim Tae Woo’s ‘Snow Of Love’ & Mr. Two’s ‘White Winter’)

Part 3 :

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Son Su O’ は僕達のレギュラーリスナ-だから、以前言った通り、僕の除隊日にレギュラーリスナ-をギュッと抱きしめるつもりなので、約束を守るために彼女をしっかりと両手で抱いていることを今、想像している。

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Son Su O’, “George Michael’:‘Last Christmas’をリクエストします。 元彼氏と私は同じ家系に属している、そして韓国人は同姓同士や同じ門地/家柄の結婚は不道徳と考える。私達は長い間友人としてよい関係を保っていた。しかし、私が恋人を見つけた後、彼は私に怒り、それ以降関係を断った。彼が怒っているのは理解できる、でも最近彼がどうしているのか知りたいと思う。”

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Masami’, “‘Nat King Cole’:‘Love’をリクエストします。 この曲はいつも私の気を楽にしてくれる。私はコーヒーを飲みながら音楽を聴きたい。”

(George Michael’:‘Last Christmas’ & ‘Nat King Cole’:‘Love’)

[Rain] : 2~3年前に‘Kim Te Woo’と一緒にスキーリゾートへ行った時、僕達の車が滑って凍った堰に落ちた。 そうなる前に、僕は彼に僕達はタイヤにチェーンをつけるべきだと言ったんだ、でも彼はタイヤチェーンなしを試した、そのせいで事故になってしまった。 それと‘Nat King Cole’に関連して、‘Kim Te Woo’は見下した態度/恩着せがましい態度で僕に口を利いていたし、僕は過小評価されていた、でもその理由をはっきりと言うのは難しい、なぜならば僕はすごく恥じているから。(笑い)



[Rain] : リスナー ‘Izmidone’, “息子は子供の時、サンタを完全に信じていた、そしてサンタクロースはいないと言って少年の夢を壊したくなかった、でも今、彼は大きくなりすべてを知っている。”
僕が5年生の時、クリスマスイブに叔母さん宅へ行き、夜寝る前に靴下をぶら下げた。夜中に叔母さんが僕の靴下にお金を入れているのを見た。 この機会に僕は叔母さんに ありがとう と言いたい。

[Rain] :リスナー ‘#0760′, “新築の家を建てた。新築の家で私は幸福の絶頂にいる。番組を聞く時間を楽しんでいる。”

[Rain] : リスナー ‘#9785′, “来週火曜日に甥っ子が第36補充部隊に入隊する。彼が21カ月任務に全力を尽くすことを願う。”
国を守るため韓国の若い男性は軍隊に行く義務がある。 彼が軍隊でベストを尽くすことを願うよ。

[Rain] : リスナー ‘Yuko’, “年末はたくさんの飲み会がある。お酒を飲んだ時のユニークまたは変わった癖はありますか?”
僕はたくさん飲んだ時、ただ寝てしまう。 僕は血液の循環がよくないのだと思う。

[Rain] : リスナー ‘#9126′, “高速道路で早く走りしながら番組を聞いていると気分がいい。”



[Rain] : リスナー ‘Kim Jung Howa’, “クリスマスイブにパーティーで男性を紹介される予定。どういった女性のタイプが男性は好きなのか知りたい。”
絶対的な美の基準はないよ。 あなたの長所を最大限に生かすようにして。積極的な態度を見せたら、期待していたよりもいい人に会えるかもしれないよ。

[Rain] : リスナー ‘#9021′, “近所の水道本管が凍結して破裂したので、いつも私が行く美容院で数時間水が出なかった。なので私はヘアカットだけしてもらった、でも店主はお金を受け取らなかった。”

[Rain] : リスナー ‘#8921′, “#8921′, “今、お菓子が食べたい。”

[Rain] : リスナー ‘Nakkami’, “飼っている犬と一緒に散歩したいのだけど、犬はどうしても出かけようとしない、なぜならばおそらくすごく寒い天気だから。”
僕の犬 ‘Baegu’ (別名:Janguny=将軍) はとてもこぎれいな性格。 (笑い) 彼(Baegu)は脚が汚れるのが嫌いそして毛についた汚れを舐めて落としている。彼は鏡に駆け寄り自分の姿を見るよ。(笑い) 彼はかなり変わった犬だと思う。(笑い)



-‘Kim Tae Wan’ とクリスマス・キャロルについて語る-

[Rain] :‘Kim Tae Wan’ようこそ, 僕達の番組にお越し頂きありがとう。

[Kim Tae Wan] : よろしく。心の中で何かが欠けているように感じる、だってKCM がここにいないから。(笑い)

[Rain] : たとえもし彼が来なくても僕は気にならない。(笑い) ところで、僕の入隊前に僕達が一緒に司会をしたラジオ番組で僕たちが計算した数字を疑うよ。(笑い)

[Kim Tae Wan] : その通りだね。(笑い)

[Rain] : この素晴らしいパートナーを持てて僕はラッキーだよ。

[Kim Tae Wan] : ぼくも。

[Rain] : クリスマスで最も思い出に残っていることは何?

[Kim Tae Wan] : 彼女と別れて一人だったので、毎年クリスマスの日は孤独を感じていた。そう思ったら急に気分が落ち込んでくる。

[Rain] : だからこそ君は芸術的才能でうらやましいほどの評判を得ている。

[Kim Tae Wan] : ありがとう。


[Rain] : 今日は何について話をするつもり?

[Kim Tae Wan] : さまざまなクリスマスキャロルを紹介したいと思う。キャロルという言葉はラテン語の“choraulien(=フルートに合わせて踊る)” が語源。キャロルはのちにヨーロッパ中に知られるようになり、フランスでは驚くべきレベルの人気を得た。この習慣は1700~1800年に確固たるものになった。

[Rain] : 僕が知る限りでは、ソウルフルな声を持つ歌手といえば ‘Mariah Carey’が有名、そして音楽的演出は彼女を史上最もよく売れたクリスマスキャロルボーカリストの一人にした。クリスマスキャロルを収録した彼女のアルバムは1994年にリリースされ、4百万枚近く売れた。僕が5年生の時、新村のCrystalと呼ばれるデパートでこのCDを買ったよ。

[Kim Tae Wan] : 彼女は素晴らしい歌手に違いない。
Justin Bieber がシングル曲‘Mistletoe’をリリースした時、彼の声変わりが始まった、でも彼は衰えることのない才能を見せつけ、この曲は大ヒットした。

(Justin Bieber : ‘Mistletoe’)

[Rain] : そういえば、クリスマスまであとたった2日。

[Kim Tae Wan] : 君の言葉は僕に苦痛な関連性を思い出させる。(笑い)

[Rain] : 世の中にはいつも良いことも悪いこともある。それは誰にでも起こりえること。マインドコントロールを通して君は自分の心を制することができると思う。

[Kim Tae Wan] : ‘Mariah Carey’:‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ を紹介させて。 プロデューサー‘Jermaine Dupri’ がこの曲のニューヒップホップバージョンを作った。

(‘Mariah Carey’ :‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ )

[Rain] : 韓国人ギャグマン ‘Shim Hyung Rae’ は歌を面白く歌う歌手としても有名だった。(笑い)彼は通称‘Youngu’でよく知られている。子供の頃、僕が困っていた時、彼が映画、ドラマまたはコミックショーで面白い役を演じているのを見ていたら慰めになっていたかもしれない。

[Kim Tae Wan] : 彼は僕のお気に入りのギャグマンの一人。昔の記憶が鮮やかに思い浮かぶ。(笑い)

[Kim Tae Wan] : Chris Brown :‘This Christmas’ は同じタイトル‘This Christmas’という映画のテーマソングになっている。

( Chris Brown : ‘This Christmas’)

[Rain] : こういったクリスマスキャロルを聴いていると僕の周りのクリスマスの雰囲気を感じられると思う。僕はクリスマスというと映画 ‘Home Alone’, ‘Love Actually’, と ‘Die Hard’を思い起こす。

[Kim Tae Wan] : クリスマスは奇妙にも(映画)Bladeを思い起こす。(笑い) ごめん。僕はクリスマスに惨めな気持ちになることがよくある。(笑い)

[Rain] :高校生の時、中綿入りジャケットと間違えて高級な下着を買った。(笑い) 僕はそれを下着だと知らずに誇らしげに着て歩いた、でも友人にからかわれて死ぬほど恥ずかしかった。(笑い)

[Kim Tae Wan] : Escape:‘Christmas Without You’ はクリスマスキャロルらしくない悲しい歌。

(Escape :‘Christmas Without You’)

[Rain] : この曲は僕が高校生だった時の記憶を呼び起こす。当時クリスマスに僕の彼女がニットウェアを買ってくれたことが胸に響いた/感動した。

[Kim Tae Wan] : ずいぶん前に、少しの間だけデートした女性とクリスマスに約束をした。約束の日、大雪のせいでソウルの繁華街の交通がマヒした、僕は選択の余地なく、タクシーを降りて待ち合わせ場所まで走って時間に遅れて到着した、だけど彼女はすでにいなかった。彼女に何度か電話したけど、電話に出なかった。彼女はほかの男性とデートすることに興味があったようだった。

[Rain] : 彼女はマイカーを持っているかもしれない男性に惹かれた可能性が高い。(笑い)

[Kim Tae Wan] : その曲で僕は涙があふれだすかもしれない。(笑い)

[Kim Tae Wan] : ‘Boyz II Men’ は‘Baby Face’:‘I’ll Be Home For Christmas’ にラッパーとして参加している。彼らは本当にいい友情関係を作り、大変な作業を簡単にした。

(‘Baby Face’s :‘I’ll Be Home For Christmas’ )

[Rain] : 君が彼女を待ちぼうけにさせたのは君が何歳の時の話?

[Kim Tae Wan] : 20代前半。

[Rain] : 彼女が君より好きになった男性は20代後半に違いない。今、彼女は君と付き合わなかったことを後悔しているかもしれない。(笑い)

[Kim Tae Wan] : ‘Yolanda Adams’ は世界中でゴスペルヴォーカリストとして有名。

[Rain] : こういったゴスペルを聴いた時、僕たちは深く感動する。


[Kim Tae Wan] : もうそんなに遅い時間なの?

[Rain] : 残念ながら、これが現実。 今日はお越しいただきありがとう、そしてMerry Christmas そして Happy New Year! 次回も君が元気が出る曲を用意してきてくれることを願うよ。

[Kim Tae Wan] : 喜んで用意するよ。 君の曲を用意することを考えているんだ。

[Rain] : 自分の曲を聴くのは嫌い。(笑い)だって自分の曲はすでに数千回聴いてるから。(笑い) (PDに向かって) 次回、僕の特集をやることできる?(笑い)冗談。(笑い) Young Man’, ‘You Raise Me Up’, ‘My Way’というような曲は僕たちの心を高めて希望を与えてくれる。 どうか約束は守ってね。 また来週。ありがとう。

[Kim Tae Wan] :ありがとう。

( ‘Yolanda Adams’ ‘O Holy Night’)


[Rain] : みんなが楽しいクリスマスを過ごすことを願うよ。

#9022, ‘Kim Junng Howa’, ‘#9785′, and ‘#9021′に贈り物が送られます。


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