Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.12.01.


[UP포토] 스타들 쌀화환 드리米가 여기 있네~


'2012 구세군 자선냄비 시종식'이 30일 오전 11시 서울광장에서 열렸다.

이날 드리미 대표 노승구가 쌀화환 기부자 박유천(JYJ), 2AM, 비(정지훈), 소녀시대(티파니, 써니), 신화(김동완, 신혜성), 배우 남우현, 송승헌, 송창의, 이상윤, 이희준, 전동석, 정소민, 최수형 등의 수많은 도움으로 사랑의 쌀 20톤을 구세군에 전달했다.

한국구세군(사령관 박만희)는 30일 시종식을 시작으로 전국적으로 모금활동에 들어가며, 올해 모금 목표액은 작년 모금액 48억9천만원보다 많은 50억원으로 잡았다. 이를 위해 전국 76개 지역 300여 곳에 모금함을 설치했으며, 특히 올해는 디지털 자선냄비를 통해 신용카드로도 기부할 수 있도록 준비했다.

한편 '제84회 구세군 자선냄비'는 11월 30일(금)부터 12월 24(월)까지 전국적인 거리 모금 캠페인을 진행할 예정이다.

[유니온프레스=이희수 인턴기자]



[Yes or No 인터뷰]홍성흔, 다시태어나면 비처럼 가수

홍성흔은 다시 태어나면 가수 비처럼 월드스타가 되고 싶다고 했다. 아내 김정임씨와 포즈를 취한 홍성흔. 부산=노재형 기자 jhno@sportschosun.com

홍성흔에게 가족 이외에 이 세상에서 가장 소중한 것이 무엇이냐고 물었다.

"사람 사는 것? 다 똑같은 사람들이잖아요. 나는 적을 만들면 못 버팁니다. 그게 중요해요."

그의 인생관을 가감없이 보여준 답이었다. 홍성흔의 이런 낙천적이고 소통의 가치관은 가족에서 출발한다. 그는 아내 김정임(39)씨와 2003년 결혼했다. 딸 화리(7)와 아들 화철(5)을 얻었다. 화리는 초등학교 1학년이고 화철이는 유치원에 다닌다. 그의 휴대폰 사진 목록의 반은 야구이고 반은 가족이다. 가족에게서 야구를 할 수 있는 에너지를 얻는다고 했다. 그런데 요즘 화리가 시무룩하단다. 부산에서 초등학교를 다니며 사귄 친구들과 헤어져야 하는 날이 얼마 남지 않았기 때문이다. 두산과 계약을 하고 난 뒤 '아빠' 홍성흔은 마음이 아프다. '서울로 이사를 하면 또 적응하겠지'라며 딸을 달래고 있다. 그래서 자랑스러운 아빠의 모습이 더 필요하다고 느낀다. 홍성흔에게 가족, 야구, 인생에 관한 'Yes or No 인터뷰' 질문을 했다.

▶돈도 더 벌었다. 셋째 볼 생각은 없나=No(공장문 닫았다. 지금 애 둘이 있는데 솔직히 야구하면서 신경도 잘 써주지 못한다. 또 하나를 낳아서 나의 애정을 셋으로 나누고 싶지는 않다. 지금 둘을 애정을 갖고 키우고 싶다. 그리고 나도 그렇고 화리 엄마 나이도 있지 않은가)

▶아들이 야구를 하겠다면 시킬 것이다=Yes(자기가 좋아서 야구를 한다면 적극적으로 시킬 것이다. 나도 어렸을 때 야구가 좋아서 했다. 그러나 아빠가 야구선수라고 해서 개인적으로 잡아놓고 훈련시키진 않을거다. 본인이 즐길 수 있도록 안내해줄 거다)

▶아내에게는 외모에 반했다=Yes(솔직히 처음 만났을 때는 좋은 감정이 아니었다. 그런데 두 번째 만날 때부터 키도 크고 시원시원하게 생겼고 마음에 들었다. 그리고 뭐랄까. 얘기를 하면 할수로 야무진 구석이 있더라. 명품 좋아하고 그랬으면 안 만났을 거다. 외형과 달리 검소하고 절약정신이 투철하고, 외모에 더해 그런게 마음에 들었다)

▶은퇴후 사업을 해보겠다=No(나는 오로지 월급쟁이 체질이다. 주어진 일에 열심히 최선을 다하는 것이 내 인생인 것 같다. 사업은 지금 와이프면 충분하다. 난 정이 많아서 사업하면 백프로 망한다. 다퍼줄 것 같다)

▶유쾌하고 밝은 성격은 타고난 것이다=Yes(어렸을 때부터 낙천적인 것을 좋아했다. 그렇지만 나중에 만들어진 부분도 있다. 80%는 타고난 것이고, 20% 정도는 만들어진 것이다)

▶외모나 능력, 나보다 잘난 야구선수는 없다=No(지금 잘난 선수가 얼마나 많은가. 외모만 따지더라라도 난 이제 승부를 보기 힘들다. 그래서 아마도 리더십 얘기를 내가 많이 하는 것 같다. 이제는 고참으로서 노력하는 것이고, 팬들이 좋아해 주신다면 그건 내 이름이고 실력일 것이다)

▶지금도 가수 '비(정지훈)'의 춤을 멋지게 출 수 있다=No(그 때는 몸무게가 90㎏대 초반이었다. 그 춤을 추기 위해 일부러 살을 빼고 안무가님한테 1주일 넘게 배웠다. 지금은 100㎏이 넘는다. 나이도 들고 뚱뚱해서 춤사위가 안나올거다. 자신없다. 홍성흔은 2009년 골든글러브 시상식에서 비의 '레이니즘' 춤을 선보여 화제를 모았다)

▶다시 태어나도 야구를 할 것이다=No(다시 태어나면 정지훈처럼 가수가 될거다. 지훈이랑 인생을 바꿔보고 싶다. 월드스타 아닌가. 지훈이의 음악과 춤이 좋다. 지훈이의 몸매와 얼굴로 태어나서 월드스타가 되고 싶다. 그리고 가수는 개인운동이지 않은가. 야구는 단체운동이고. 얼마만큼 기량이 될지 궁금하다. 와이프가 비를 좋아하기 때문에 질투심인가?)

부산=노재형 기자 jhno@sportschosun.com



12-11-29 Rain @ Consolatory Train

source : dema.mil.kr



12-11-27 Rain @ Consolatory Train

source : dema.mil.kr


12-12-01 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain & KCM DJ
credit : ratoka
121201 Friends FM - (The Desire To Speed) Rain & KCM DJ from ratoka on Vimeo.

secession 2012.12.01.

[Rain]&[KMC] : Rain&KCM's "The Desire To Speed"!

[Rain]: Today is December 1st. It is a time when we start preparing for closing the year, but it is the beginning of a new month.
[KCM] : As for me, the same as any other day. It's just the day I meet our listeners. I even lost sleep thinking of them last night.
[Rain]: You're lying through your teeth. (laughs)
Unlike you, I slept very well last night, and I feel quite calm.
Nothing has changed, but I hope all of you will find the time to look well at yourself while closing the year.

[Rain] : Is there a difference between what you used to be and the person you are today, in terms of greeting this December?
[KCM] : If this month ends, the day of my discharge will arrive soon. (laughs)
[Rain] : The end is still far to see. (laughs)


[Rain] : You can send your stories and song request to us through SMS #0967 or its Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/speeding967) or its message board
(http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2086&mod_id=board_2093&pseq=0 ) or (http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2141&mod_id=board_2098&pseq=0)

[KCM] : Particularly, foreign fans can send their stories and song request to us by email : speedingradio@hanmail.net


-Quiz Pang Pang-

[Rain] : Now I'm dying with hunger. Those are the times when I'm really hungry.
[KCM] : You were seen eating something during intermission just a minute ago.
[Rain] : The food was not enough to feed a fly. (laughs)
Thankfully, my fans have brought us red bean soup. We gratefully receive.
[KCM] : Thank you so much.

[KCM] : If you give a correct answer to my question or if you give a funny answer despite a wrong answer, you will get a present as a prize.

*Quiz 1.

(Rain and KCM read the words to a song.)
[Rain] : What is the name of the song?
[KCM] : Please send a chargeable text message to this number #0967 if you know the answer or if you want to send your wrong and funny answer to us.
[Rain] : Let me tip you off. It's KCM's song. (laughs)
Before this, let us play 'Lee Gi Chan's song 'Are You Listening To It?" which was very popular in 2002.

[Rain] : The answer is KCM's 'Faded Photo'. (laughs)
[KCM] : It's my 'Black-And-White Photo', not 'Faded Photo'. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener, '#6353' - This Guy's Song. (laughs)
Listener, #6287' - The Kid Who Has Big Eyes.
Listener, #7554' - Why Are You Chasing My Shadow?
Listener, #8686' - KCM's Photoshop. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener, #0730 - "This is KCM's Mom. (laughs) The answer is 'Winter Sonata'."
KCM, #0730 is your mother? (laughs)
[KCM] : No way! (laughs)
[Rain] : I think #0730 is barmy. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener, #9651 - KCM's 'Mother's Photo'.
Listener, #6025 - 'Kimchi Man's 'The Photo To Humiliate KCM'.

[Rain] : The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#0730'.

[KCM] : Listener 'Missing Rain', '#0825', '#4682', '#1719, etc. - KCM's 'Black-And-White Photo'.
The winner out of those who have got the right answers, is #1719.

*Quiz 2.

(A song is playing on the radio)
[Rain] : What is the name of the song?
[KCM : Please send a chargeable text message to this number #0967 if you know the answer or if you want to send your wrong and funny answer to us.

[Rain] : Let me tip you off. The female singer who sings the song is a rising star in the music world, and she is much younger than singer 'Lee Hyo Ri'.

[Rain] : The answer is IU's 'Nitpicking'.

[KCM] : Listener, '#9651' - IU's 'The Day When I Put My Lips To His Lips' (laughs)
Listener, '#6367' - IU's 'The Day When I Won The First Prize In The Lottery.'

Listener, '#9145' - IU's 'You And Me'.
Listener, '#0959' - IU's 'Bow-Wow'
Listener, '#6025' - IU's 'Sneeze'.
Listener, '#2745' - IU's 'Silly Talk'. (laughs)
Listener, '#7093' - IU's 'The Day When I Got My Hands On A Sizable Sum Of Money'
Listener, '#8462' - IU's 'Mom's Rap'
Listener, '#2235' - IU's 'Oh'.

[Rain] : I think '#9651' (IU's 'The Day When I Put My Lips To His Lips' ) deserves the winner, but we've picked #2745 ( IU's 'Silly Talk') as the winner out of those who have got the wrong answers. Congratulations!

[Rain] : Listener 'Missing Rain', '#9627', '#0169', 'Hye Jin', '#5136', 'Quiz Pang Pang', etc - IU's 'Nitpicking'.
The winner out of those who have got the right answers, is '#9627. Congratulations!

[Rain] : I have an interesting story about IU.
When I was a teaching assistant in a recruit training center, there was a recruit who was a big fan of IU.
Being unable to remain a mere spectator, I asked my manager to buy a CD of IU and come here. When I handed the recruit the CD, he felt so happy.
IU is enjoying a tremendous popularity among soldiers.
[KCM] : The recruit may owe you (Rain) a debt of gratitude.

*Quiz 3.

(Singer 'Lee Seung Ki's 'Will You Marry Me? is playing)
[Rain] : I want you to guess what the lyrics are when a bell rings.
[KCM] : You can send us a correct answer or funny answer through SMS #0967 (charged messaging service)

[Rain] : The answer is 'Wrinkles'

[Rain] : Listener, '#8462' - 'Ji Hoon' oppa's (Rain) 'Smiling Eyes'
Listener, '#3859' - 'Nitpicking'.
Listener, '#0415' - 'Private Loan Debt'
Listener, '#7244' - 'Waistline'

[KCM] : Listener, '#0959' - 'Pores'
Listener, '#2080' - 'Decayed Tooth'
Listener, '#3462' - 'Waistline'
Listener, '#8686' - 'Berating'
Listener, '#6367 - 'Age Spot'
Listener, '#5476' - 'My Ex-Boyfriends' (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener, '#0625' - 'Drinking Capacity'
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#0625' ('Drinking Capacity') Congratulations!

[Rain] : Listener, '#1805', '#4281', '#6353', '#7554', 'Missing Rain', etc.
The winner out of those who have got the right answers, is Missing Rain'.

[Rain] : How do you find this segment?
[KCM] : Without a doubt, I think the term 'Pang Pang' has turned into an overused buzzword. (laughs)
[Rain] : It’s time to leave off work, See you next time. (laughs)
Just kidding ! (laughs)
Please stay tuned while you listen to a song.


[KCM] : Listener 'Jaejae', "But guess what? Many of foreign fans are mesmerized by Pang Pang's charm on Twitter."

[Rain] : Listener 'Comico', "Rain's movie 'R2B' has been released in Japan today.
I think I can't listen to the radio show today anymore because I have to go see the movie. I'll listen to its recorded show. Please keep the good work."
[KCM] : I believe that this movie will be a big hit in Japan. Fighting!

[KCM] : Listener 'Melody', "Sergeant 'Jo Jung Yik' has been discharged from the service today. Do you have any plans when you are promoted to sergeant?"
[Rain] : It's been four months since I was a corporal, and I'll be promoted to sergeant after three months. umhahahahaha.
[KCM]: Thinking about the discharge, makes me lighthearted.
[Rain] : By the way, I'm trying to give my opinion of current awards ceremonies before the second part of the show by looking at them from an impersonal point of view.


[Rain] : As already noted..I watched an awards ceremony yesterday. I think our artists have accomplished a great deal in developing their performances over the last few years.
I don't think I'll make a guest appearance at any awards ceremony next year.
I'm planning to enjoy taking a rest from all my hard work for about 6 months after my discharge.
[KCM]: But you've promised you will participate in my album as a composer.
[Rain] : I'm a promise-breaking man. (laughs) The song is supposed to give to you, but it is too good to give to you. (laughs)
Anyway, I want to watch those awards ceremonies on TV at home in 2013.

[Rain] : Listener '#7066', "Rain's joining the army has left an enormous gap in my life. Yesterday's awards ceremony reminded me of Rain. There aren't too many days left in this year. I look forward to his performances in 2013. I can't wait for the year 2013."

[KCM]: Listener 'Hiromi', "Recently KCM's popularity has boomed in Japan. I hope he'll visit Japan after his discharge. Thankfully, he always reads stories slowly so it's easy to understand what he says."
[Rain] : So, I'll read slowly, too. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#4250', "My son will complete the whole course of a basic military training after 5 days. Thanks for his hard work."

[KCM]: Listener 'Mayeco', "My parents will commemorate their 40th wedding anniversary soon. Not beaten by hardships, they've managed their company successfully. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank and love and respect them, and their 10th store opened yesterday. If you have a chance to visit Japan, please be sure to visit their store. We'll treat you well."
[Rain] : How can more information about their store?
[KCM]: More detailed information can be left through SMS #0967.

[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "Only a few weeks are left before the end of this year. I want to eat hot food around this time of the year. Listening to those Christmas songs, makes me happy."
First of all, I'll be glad when this year is over!


-The Desire to Post Comments With 'Lee Jin Ho' and 'Lee Ji Hoon'-

[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'A', "My guy friend enjoys eating undercooked pork belly.
If he has to get food poisoning, never mind."

[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener 'B', "When my younger sister and I went see a movie, she wanted to know who was the criminal while watching the movie, so she called her friend and found out who the criminal was by speaking in a loud voice. Wearing out our welcome, we had to quickly left the theater."

[Rain] : Today's comment subject is about "One of the most impetuous people you have ever met!"
All : The Desire to Post Comments!! (laughs)

[Rain] : Welcome, 'Lee Jin Ho' and 'Lee Ji Hoon', it’s great to have you on our show.
[Lee Jin Ho] : Nice to meet you. We've sent a soldier (Jo Jung Yik) off to society. And I'm supposed to sleep out (have a vacation) today, but it is dropped for the moment for this show. Let's do things so more quickly. (laughs)
[Rain] : Although you go out, you have nothing particular to do, right? (laughs)

[Lee Ji Hoon] : Hi, everyone. This is 'Lee Ji Hoon' who has been promoted to private first class today.
[Rain] : Not long ago 'Lee Ji Hoon' went on a recruit vacation. If an airman first class goes on a vacation, he'll have 16 months till the completion of his military service. (laughs)

[Rain] : It's been around 430 days since I started serving in the army. (laughs)
[KCM] : In my case, 410 days.
[Lee Jin Ho] : In my case, 520 days.
[Lee Ji Hoon] : I haven't counted the number of days that I've served yet.

[Rain] : This week's comment subject is about "One of the most impetuous people you have ever met!" Please post many of your funny writings on its bulletin board or by its Twitter or by SMS #0967.


[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'Park Eun Ji', "The only flaw in my husband's character seems to be a short temper. He often eats his food before finishing it.
He says he's been impatient since his discharge from the service."

[Rain] : Listener 'Micaco', "My female senior who is two years as old as I, always urges me not to be late for our appointment, but she is often late for the appointment. Her hot-headed character makes me nervous, but I hope we stay close friends as ever."

[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener '#1752', "One of my neighbors in the same apartment complex as me, always pushes the elevator button even before the door opens or closes."

[KCM] : Listener 'Kim Yeon Ju', "My elder sister always sends text messages to her friends by writing only a simple sentence as she dislikes a time-consuming job."

[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'Kim Young Hoon', "When my mother broke down through overwork and entered a hospital, she had to be fed intravenously. She, who has a hot temper, pushed the tube harder to be drugged more quickly and the injection was done earlier than expected." (laughs)
[Rain] : She could be shocked by the trial.
[KCM] : I've been drugged before...
[Rain] : Let's move on to the next. (laughs)
KCM, tell us what happened. (laughs)
[KCM] : I was able to notice redness and swelling after the wrong injection.
It was so painful.

[Rain] : Listener 'Gu Hyun Gyu', "My mother's temper is of the quickest.
She says only what she wants to say and just hangs up the phone when she calls, so I have no idea why she calls me." (laughs)
[KCM] : I think his mother and my mother are much alike in character.
Whenever I place a collect call to my mother, she always nags me, "The phone bill may be high, so come to the point at once!"
[Rain] : KCM has a talent for dwelling on the uninteresting story. (laughs)
[KCM] : My mother often says so. (laughs)
[Rain] : By the way, KCM's mother..I love you and I hope you are always healthy.
As you know, I'm no more than your son, but I'm much better than KCM in terms of both quantity and quality, ain't I? (laughs)
[KCM] : Not necessarily that. (laughs)


[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'Lee Eun Sung', 'My friend 'Jong Yim' always calls me by using a simple phrase. A short temper is her only defect."

[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener, 'Hur Gyu Sung', "To save her time, my elder sister is always ready for starting taking off her clothes one by one on her way home after stepping down from the bus after her evening studying at school." (laughs)
[Rain] : I liked my senior's younger sister 'Lee Yun * ' in the past. When I visited her, it happened she was not in her house at that time. He showed me to her room. Her room was very unclean and there was bad smell over the length and breadth of the room. (laughs) All my illusions about her were shattered. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : Unexpectedly, I think there are a lot of women who are messy in the world. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener, 'Kim Yun Kyung', "My grandma really enjoys dramas, so she can't wait to see again."
There was an interesting story about me.
[Rain] : Let's move on to the next. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : I think KCM has a hot temper. KCM was seen running to the bathroom after pissing his pants in the bus while moving onto a charter bus. (laughs) Sorry. The story is all made up. (laughs)
[KCM] : Before I've had endoscopic examination, not conscious sedation endoscope, to save my time. I endured the pain by clenching my teeth during the examination.
[Rain] : KCM is a simple person and tends to be rash at times, but he is good-hearted.
[KCM] : I have a nice personality.
[Rain] : You are just good-hearted. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Yim Min Suk', "Waiting for the light to change, I saw a motorcycle delivery man for Chinese food omitting his delivery case and leaving when the light was green. I picked up the case and drove at full tilt to hand it to him. When I followed after him and shouted toward him, opening the car door, "Please take it quickly!", he told me, "I don't take any order. You can call the store and order your food." Then he left without looking back. I'm still putting the case in my car boot." (laughs)


[KCM] : Listener, 'Lee So Jung', "My mother is no more than a rapper as she is a rapid speaker. After popping out for a moment and being back soon, she spoke to me so fast, 'It's very cold, so turn on the fan.' " (laughs)

[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener, 'O Sun Ju', "My wife has a hot temper and often gets into fights with me. No one can stand her bad temper."

[KCM] : Listener, 'Lee Min Young', "I told my friend she'd better control her short temper, but there is no way of mending her character."
She and I have similar personalities. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Ahn Woon Hee', "One of my close relatives has decided he'll marry a woman after only meeting her twice." (laughs)

[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener 'Lee Myung Won', "My friend's most annoying habit is having me waiting so long. Finally I could contain myself no longer and burst out."

[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener, 'Kim Sun Yim', "I visited my boy friend's home at dawn because I quickly wanted to break up with him, but naturally I couldn't meet him because he was sleeping." (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#9023', "I am often quick in temper. I ordered a lot of goods on the internet before Christmas, but most of them were wrongly ordered."

[KCM] : Listener, 'Ko Mi Young', "My mother has a hot temper, so she often brings me half-boiled eggs."


[Rain] : Th winners are 'Kim Min Sung' and 'Kim Yun Kyung'.
Thank you for being on the show. How do you find today's show?
[Lee Ji Hoon] : I'm happy to be on this show as a regular. I'll work harder to bring you an enjoyment.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I'm supposed to stay out overnight today, so I can’t wait to go out. (laughs)
[Rain] : As I said, you have nothing particular to do, right? (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : You're right. (laughs)
[Rain] : Thank both of you for coming in today, and special thanks to 'Lee Jin Ho' coming like this because he has no place else to go although he is supposed to stay out overnight today. (laughs) I hope you are always healthy.

[Rain] : I think we're having a wonderful day.
Small gifts will be provided for #0730, #1719, #2745, #9627, #0625, Missing Rain,
'Kim Min Sung', and 'Kim Yun Kyung'.
Please leave your phone numbers and names in private in its bulletin board.

[KCM] : Today is a very meaningful day for the two of us because we've hosted the show together on the first day of December.
[Rain] : I hope all of you have had a successful year, and that you will succeed in whatever you do again next year.
This has been 'Jung Ji Hoon'.
[KCM] : This has been 'KCM'. See you tomorrow!

emik 2012.12.18.


[Rain]&[KMC] : Rain&KCM の “疾走本能”!

[Rain]: 今日は12月1日。1年の締めくくりを始める時、でも新しい月の始まりでもある。

[KCM] : 僕の場合, いつもと同じ。 僕達のリスナ-に会う日、それだけ。昨夜リスナ-のことを考えて眠れなかった。

[Rain]: 君の言うことは真っ赤なうそだ。(笑い) 君と違って昨夜僕は熟睡した、そしてかなり穏やかな気持ちだよ。

[Rain] : 今年の12月に挨拶することに関して、今日の自分とかつての自分に違いはある?

[KCM] : 今月が過ぎたら、僕の除隊日がすぐ来る。(笑い)

[Rain] : 終わりはまだ先だよ。(笑い)


[Rain] : SMS #0967 または
Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/speeding967) または
メッセージボード(http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2086&mod_id=board_2093&pseq=0 ) または

[KCM] : 特に海外のファンは email : speedingradio@hanmail.net にストーリーまたは曲のリクエストを送ることが出来ます。



-Quiz Pang Pang-

[Rain] : 今すごくお腹が空いてる/飢えて死にそう。 こういう時僕は本当にお腹が空いている。

[KCM] : ほんの1分前の休憩時間に君は何か食べていたように見えた。

[Rain] : 食べ物はハエに餌を与えるにも足りないくらいだった。(笑い) ありがたいことに僕のファンが小豆スープを持ってきてくれた。僕達はありがたく頂いたよ。

[KCM] : どうもありがとう。

[KCM] : もし、あなたが正解をくれたら、または間違っているけど面白い回答をしてくれたら、賞品としてプレゼントが送られます。

*Quiz 1.

(Rain & KCM がある曲の歌詞を読む)

[Rain] : この曲のタイトルはなんでしょうか?

[KCM] : 正解または間違えているけど面白い答えを有料テキストメッセージ番号 #0967 に送ってください。

[Rain] : こっそり教えるよ。これはKCM の曲だよ。(笑い) その前に‘Lee Gi Chan’の曲‘Are You Listening To It?” をかけよう、これは2002年にとても人気があった曲。

[Rain] : 正解はKCM :‘色あせた写真’。(笑い)
[KCM] : :‘色あせた写真’ じゃなくて僕の ‘モノクロ写真’ だよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#6353′ – この男の曲。(笑い)
リスナ-, #6287′ – 大きな目の子供。
リスナ- #7554′ – どうして僕の影を追うの?
リスナ-, #8686′ – KCM :フォトショップ。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ-, #0730 – “私はKCM の母です。(笑い) 答えは ‘冬のソナタ’ ”
KCM, #0730 は君のお母さん? (笑い)
[KCM] : まさか ! (笑い)
[Rain] : #0730 は気がふれていると思う。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ-, #9651 – KCM :‘母の写真’
リスナ-, #6025 – ‘キムチマン :‘KCMに恥をかかせる写真’。

[Rain] : 間違った答えをくれた中からの当選者/勝者は ‘#0730′おめでとう !

[KCM] : リスナ- ‘Missing Rain’, ‘#0825′, ‘#4682′, ‘#1719, ほか. – KCM : ‘モノクロ写真’。
正解をくれた中の当選者/勝者は #1719、おめでとう !

*Quiz 2.


[Rain] : この曲のタイトルはなんでしょうか?

[KCM : 正解または間違えているけど面白い答えを有料テキストメッセージ番号 #0967 に送ってください。

[Rain] : こっそり教えるよ。この曲を歌っているのは女性歌手、音楽界で人気上昇中、そして彼女は歌手 ‘Lee Hyo Ri’よりずっと若い。

[Rain] : 正解は IU :‘つまらぬあら探し’

[KCM] : リスナ-, ‘#9651′ – IU : ‘私の唇を彼の唇に当てた日’ (笑い)
リスナ-, ‘#6367′ – IU : ‘宝くじに初めて当選した日’
リスナ-, ‘#9145′ – IU : ‘あなたと私’.
リスナ-, ‘#0959′ – IU : ‘ワンワン’
リスナ-, ‘#6025′ – IU : ‘くしゃみ’.
リスナ-, ‘#2745′ – IU : ‘くだらない/ばからしい話’(笑い)
リスナ-, ‘#7093′ – IU : ‘かなり多い金額を手にした日’
リスナ-, ‘#8462′ – IU : ‘ママのラップ’
リスナ-, ‘#2235′ – IU : ‘Oh’.

[Rain] : ‘#9651′は勝者にふさわしいと思うけど、僕達は間違った答えをくれた中からの当選者として#2745を選んだ。′おめでとう !

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Missing Rain’, ‘#9627′, ‘#0169′, ‘Hye Jin’, ‘#5136′, ‘Quiz Pang Pang’, 他 – IU : ‘つまらぬあら探し’
正解をくれた中の当選者/勝者は ‘#9627、おめでとう !

[Rain] : IUについて興味深い話があるよ。僕が助教として新人兵訓練センターにいた時、IUの大ファンの新人兵がいた。僕は単なる傍観者に留まることができず、僕のマネージャーにIUのCDを買って訓練センターに来て欲しいと頼んだ。 僕が彼にIUのCDを渡したとき、彼はすごく喜んだ。IUは兵士達の間で大人気になっている。
[KCM] : その新人兵は君(Rain)にとても感謝しているかもしれない。

*Quiz 3.

(歌手 ‘Lee Seung Ki : ‘Will You Marry Me? が流れる)

[Rain] : ベルが鳴った時の歌詞が何か予想してください。

[KCM] : 正解または間違えているけど面白い答えを有料テキストメッセージ番号 #0967 に送ってください。

[Rain] : 正解は‘しわ’

[Rain] : リスナ-, ‘#8462′ – ‘Ji Hoon’ oppa (Rain) :‘にこやかな目’
リスナ-, ‘#3859′ – ‘つまらぬあら探し’
リスナ-, ‘#0415′ – ‘個人ローン負債’
リスナ-, ‘#7244′ – ‘ウエストライン’

[KCM] : リスナ-, ‘#0959′ – ‘毛穴’
リスナ-, ‘#2080′ – ‘虫歯’
リスナ-, ‘#3462′ – ‘ウエストライン’
リスナ-, ‘#8686′ – ‘ガミガミ叱る’
リスナ-, ‘#6367 – ‘年齢によるシミ’
リスナ-, ‘#5476′ – ‘私の元彼’(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ-, ‘#0625′ – ‘お酒を飲める量/酒量’
間違った答えをくれた中からの当選者/勝者は ‘#0625′おめでとう !

[Rain] : リスナ-, ‘#1805′, ‘#4281′, ‘#6353′, ‘#7554′, ‘Missing Rain’, 他. 正解をくれた中の当選者/勝者は Missing Rain’、おめでとう !

[Rain] : このコーナーはどう?

[KCM] : 疑いなく、‘Pang Pang’ と言う言葉は使われ過ぎた/濫用された業界用語になった。(笑い)

[Rain] : もう仕事をやめる時間だ、また次回。(笑い) ほんの冗談!(笑い) 曲を聴いている間もチャンネルはそのままでいてね。



[KCM] : リスナ- ‘Jaejae’, “でも聞いてくれます? 多くの海外ファンはTwitterでPang Pang の魅力に引き込れています。”

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Comico’, “今日からRain の映画‘R2B’が日本で上映されます。 映画を観に行かなければならないので、今日はこれ以上ラジオを聴いていることが出来ません。録音された番組を聴きます。引き続き仕事頑張って。”
[KCM] : この映画は日本大ヒットになると信じているよ。ファイティング !

[KCM] : リスナ- ‘Melody’, “今日‘Jo Jung Yik’兵長が除隊した。2人は兵長に昇格した際のプランは何かありますか?”
[Rain] : 僕は上等兵に昇格してから4ヶ月経った、そして3ヵ月後に兵長に昇格する。ムハハハハハ。

[KCM]: 除隊のことを考えると愉快になれる。

[Rain] : ところで, 番組の第2部の前に今の授賞式について、一般的な見解でこれらを見た僕の意見を言いたいと思う。



[Rain] : すでに言ったように、僕は昨日授賞式を観た。ここ数年の間に僕達(韓国?)のアーティスト達はパフォーマンスを発展させ多くのことを達成したと思う。来年、僕はどの授賞式にもゲスト出演することはないと思う。僕は除隊後約6ヶ月は休暇を楽しむことを計画している。
[KCM]: でも、君は僕のアルバムで作曲者として参加すると約束した。
[Rain] : 僕は約束を破る男。(笑い) 君に曲を提供するはずだったけど、君に提供するにはいい曲すぎる。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#7066′, “Rainの入隊は私の人生に大きなギャップを残した。昨日の授賞式はRainを思い出させた。今年も残り少ない。彼の2013年のパフォーマンスを楽しみにしている。2013年が待ち遠しい。”

[KCM]: リスナ- ‘Hiromi’, “最近、日本でKCM の人気が急上昇している。除隊後、彼が日本に来てくれることを願う。ありがたいことに、彼はいつもストーリーをゆっくり読んでくれるので、彼が何を言っているのか理解しやすい。”
[Rain] : では、僕もゆっくり読むよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#4250′, “5日後に息子が基礎軍事訓練のコースをすべて終える。頑張った彼にご苦労様”

[KCM]: リスナ- ‘Mayeco’, “もうすぐ両親は結婚40周年のお祝いをする。困難に負けることなく、彼らは無事一緒にやってきている。この機会に彼らにお礼を言いたい、そして彼らを愛し尊敬している。そして彼らの10番目の店が昨日オープンした。もし日本に来る機会があったら、是非一度彼らの店を訪れてください。優遇しますよ。”
[Rain] : どうやって彼らの店についてもっと詳しい情報を残すことができるのかな?
[KCM]: 更なる詳細な情報はSMS #0967を通して残すことが出来るよ。

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Only One’, “年末まであと数週間残すのみとなった。毎年この時期は温かい食べ物が食べたくなる。クリスマスソングを聴いているとうれしくなる。”
何よりもまず、早く今年が終わって欲しい !



-‘Lee Jin Ho’ と ‘Lee Ji Hoon’とともにコメントを投稿したいという欲求-

[Lee Jin Ho] : リスナ- ‘A’, “私の男友達は生焼けの豚の3枚肉を食べるのが好き。もし彼が食中毒になっても、気にしない。”

[Lee Ji Hoon] : リスナ- ‘B’, “妹と2人で映画を観に行った時、妹は映画を見ている最中に誰が犯人か知りたくなり、友人に電話して誰が犯人なのか大声で話して確認した。私達は嫌がられて、急いで映画館を出なければならなくなった。”

[Rain] : 今日のコメントのお題は“あなたが出会ったことがある最も激しい/衝動的な/性急な/せっかちな/猛烈な人!”

[All] : コメントを投稿したいという欲求 !! (笑い)

[Rain] : ‘Lee Jin Ho’そして‘Lee Ji Hoon’ようこそ、僕達の番組参加して頂きありがとう。

[Lee Jin Ho] : よろしく。僕達は兵士を一人(Jo Jung Yik) 社会へ見送った。そして今日 僕は休暇のはずだけど、この番組のためにやめになった。 もっと急いで進めよう/やろう。(笑い)

[Rain] : 出掛けたとしても、特にやることはない、そうでしょ? (笑い)

[Lee Ji Hoon] : ハイ,皆さん。僕は今日一等兵に昇格した‘Lee Ji Hoon’です。

[Rain] : 少し前に‘Lee Ji Hoon’は新人兵の休暇を取った。もし一等空軍兵が休暇を取ったら、兵役完了するまでまだ16ヶ月もある。(笑い)

[Rain] : 僕が入隊してから約430日が過ぎた。(笑い)

[KCM] :僕の場合, 410日。

[Lee Jin Ho] : 僕の場合, 520日。

[Lee Ji Hoon] : 僕はまだ兵役日数を数えていない。

[Rain] : 今週のコメントのお題は“あなたが出会ったことがある最も激しい/衝動的な/性急な/せっかちな/猛烈な人!” 面白い話を電子掲示板またはTwitter または SMS #0967にたくさん送ってください。



[Lee Jin Ho] : リスナ- ‘Park Eun Ji’, “主人の唯一の性格上の欠陥は、短気のように思える。彼はたびたび飲み込む前に次の食べ物を口に入れる。除隊して以来せっかちになったと彼は言っている。”

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Micaco’, “私より2歳年上の女の先輩は約束に遅れないようにといつも私をせき立てるけど、彼女はよく約束に遅れる。彼女の短気/性急な性格に私は緊張する、でも私達がいつものように親しい友人でいられる事を願う。”

[Lee Ji Hoon] : リスナ- ‘#1752′, “同じ共同住宅に住んでいる隣人は、いつもエレベーターのドアが開くまたは閉まる前にエレベーターのボタンを押す。”

[KCM] : リスナ- ‘Kim Yeon Ju’, “姉は友人にテキストメッセージを送るとき、彼女は時間のかかる仕事が嫌いなので、いつもシンプルな文章だけ送る。”

[Lee Jin Ho] : リスナ- ‘Kim Young Hoon’, “母が過労で体調を壊して入院した時、彼女は静脈注射で栄養を補給されなければならなかった。彼女は短気/気性が激しいので、より早く投与されるためにチューブを押した、そして注入が予定より早く終わった。” (笑い)
[Rain] : 投与で彼女はショック状態になり得る。
[KCM] : 前に投与されたことがある…
[Rain] : さあ次へ行こう。(笑い) KCM, 何があったか話して。(笑い)
[KCM] : 間違った注入/注射の後、発赤と腫れに気付いた。すごく痛かった。

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Gu Hyun Gyu’, “僕の母はとても短気。彼女は電話で言いたい事だけ言ってすぐに電話を切るので、どうして電話してきたのか僕には全くわからない。” (笑い)
[KCM] : 彼と僕のお母さんは性格が似ていると思う。僕がお母さんにコレクトコールをかける度にお母さんは“電話代が高くなるかもしれないから、単刀直入に !” と文句を言う。”
[Rain] : KCM は面白くない/興味の沸かない話を長々と話す才能がある。(笑い)
[KCM] : 僕のお母さんもよくそう言う。(笑い)

[Rain] : ところで, KCMのお母さん.. 愛してます、いつも健康でいることを願ってます。ご存知の通り、僕はまるであなたの息子のようだ、でも質と量の両方という意味で僕はKCMよりずっと優れている、でしょ? (笑い)
[KCM] : 必ずしもそうじゃない。(笑い)



[Lee Jin Ho] : リスナ- ‘Lee Eun Sung’, ‘友人の‘Jong Yim’はいつもシンプルなフレーズを使って私を呼ぶ。短気なのが彼女の唯一の欠点。”

[Lee Ji Hoon] : リスナ-, ‘Hur Gyu Sung’, “姉は時間を節約するために学校での夕方の勉強後、バスを降りた後、家に帰る途中いつも服を一枚一枚脱ぎ始める。” (笑い)
[Rain] :昔、 僕は先輩の妹‘Lee Yun * ‘ が好きだった。 僕が彼女に会いに行って、その時間に彼女は家にいなかった時のこと。先輩は彼女の部屋を僕に見せた。彼女の部屋はすごく汚くて部屋全体に悪臭がした。(笑い)
[Lee Jin Ho] : 思いの外、世の中には乱雑な/汚い女性はたくさんいる。(笑い)

[KCM] : リスナ-, ‘Kim Yun Kyung’, “祖母はドラマが大好きなので、再び見るのを待つことができない。”
[Rain] : さあ、次へ行こう。(笑い)

[Lee Jin Ho] : KCM は短気/気性が激しいと思う。チャーターバスで移動中、KCM が思わずちびりそうになってトイレに駆け込むのを見かけた。(笑い) ごめん。 これは全部作り話。(笑い)

[KCM] : 僕は意識下鎮静法内視鏡ではなく内視鏡検査を受ける前、時間を節約するために検査の間、歯を食いしばることによって痛みに耐えた。

[Rain] : KCM は単純な人、そして時々そそっかしい傾向がある、でも彼は心根が優しい/思いやりがある。
[KCM] : 僕は性格がいい。(笑い)
[Rain] : 君は心根が優しい/思いやりがあるだけ。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Yim Min Suk’, “信号が変わるのを待っていながら、中華料理のバイク配達人が配達ケースを落として/忘れて信号が青になったとき去っていくのを見た。私はケースを拾い上げ、彼に手渡すために全速力で車を走らせた。彼に追いついた時、彼に向かって怒鳴り、車のドアを開けながら“早くこれを取って !”と言ったら彼は, “僕は注文はとらない。店に電話すれば注文できるよ。” と言って後ろを振り返らず去っていった。ケースはいまだに車のトランクにある。” (笑い)



[KCM] : リスナ-, ‘Lee So Jung’, “母は早口で話すのでまるでラッパーのよう。ちょっとの間外出してすぐに戻ってきた後、母はとても早口で私に話してきた、すごく寒いから扇風機/換気扇をつけて’ ” (笑い)

[Lee Jin Ho] : リスナ-, ‘O Sun Ju’, “妻は短気/気性が激しい、そして僕とよく喧嘩になる。彼女の短気には誰も耐えられない。”

[KCM] : リスナ-, ‘Lee Min Young’, “友人にかんしゃくを抑えたほうがよいと話したけど、彼女の性格を直す方法はない。”

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Ahn Woon Hee’, “親しい親戚の男性が女性と2回会った後、彼女と結婚することを決めた。” (笑い)

[Lee Ji Hoon] : リスナ- ‘Lee Myung Won’, “友人のもっとも厄介な癖は私を長い間待たせること。とうとう私はこれ以上自分を抑えることができず爆発した。”

[Lee Jin Ho] : リスナ-, ‘Kim Sun Yim’, “彼と早く別れたかったので朝早く彼の家を訪れた、でも当然のことながら彼に会うことができなかった、なぜならば彼は眠っていたから。”(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#9023′, “私はすぐにカッとなることがよくある。クリスマス前にたくさんのグッズをインターネットで注文した、でもほとんどものは間違ったものを注文していた。”

[KCM] : リスナ-, ‘Ko Mi Young’, “母は短気/気性が激しい、なので彼女は半熟たまごをよく私に持ってくる。”


[Rain] : 当選者/勝者は‘Kim Min Sung’ と ‘Kim Yun Kyung’です。
番組に参加してくれてありがとう。 今日の番組はどうだった ?
[Lee Ji Hoon] : レギュラーとしてこの番組に参加できてうれしい。 あなたを喜ばせるために一生懸命頑張ります。

[Lee Jin Ho] : 今日僕は外泊するはずだったので、外出するのが待ち遠しい。(笑い)
[Rain] : さっき僕が言ったように,特にやることはない、そうでしょ? (笑い)
[Lee Jin Ho] :その通り。(笑い)

[Rain] : 2人とも今日は来てくれてありがとう、‘Lee Jin Ho’に特に感謝するよ、今日彼は外泊するはずだったけど、どこにも行くところがないのでこんな風に来てくれた。(笑い) 君たちがいつも健康であることを願うよ。

[Rain] : 僕達は素晴らしい日を過ごしていると思う。#0730, #1719, #2745, #9627, #0625, Missing Rain, ‘Kim Min Sung’, そして ‘Kim Yun Kyung’に心ばかりの贈り物が送られます。 あなたの電話番号、氏名を非公開で掲示板に残してください。

[KCM] : 僕達2人にとって今日はとても意味のある日、なぜならば12月の最初の日に一緒に番組の司会を務めたから。

[Rain] : 君たちみんなにとって成功した1年で、そして来年もまた何をしようともみんなが成功することを願うよ。
‘Jung Ji Hoon’がお送りしました。

[KCM] : ‘KCM’がお送りしました。また明日 !



12-11-29 Fancam - Rain @ Consolatory Train

Credit : terry820625

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