Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.10.06.


[이데일리 최선 기자] 연예사병 중 체력왕, 사격왕은 누구일까.

5일 김진표 국회 국방위원회 위원이 국방부로부터 제출받은 자료에 따르면 지난 2010년 이후 연예사병으로 제대한 연예인 중 체력테스트서 특급판정을 받은 이는 가수 최진(미쓰라진) 배우 김지훈이었다. 현재 군복무 중인 연예사병으로는 가수 정지훈(비) 강창모(KCM) 김경훈(더크로스)이 체력왕에 올랐다. 이들 모두 1분에 팔굽혀펴기 72개·윗몸일으키기 82개 이상을 했고 3km달리기에서 12분 30초 안에 테이프를 끊었다.

예비역과 현역을 통틀어 최고의 명사수는 ‘왕의 남자’ 이준기다. 20발중 19발을 명중시켜 사격왕에 등극했다. 예비역에서는 이현균(재희) 이동욱 이선호(신화 앤디), 현역에서는 정지훈과 배우 조정익이 18발을 명중시켜 ‘특급사수’ 반열에 올랐다. 특히 정지훈은 체력검정 특급, 주야간 사격 90% 이상 명중, 30km 행군 8시간 이내 완주를 성공시켜 연예사병중 유일하게 ‘특급 전사’의 영예를 안았다.

가장 휴가를 많이 나간 연예병사는 이민호(붐)였다. 총 665일인 복무기간동안 150일의 휴가를 받았다. 이어 김윤성(다이나믹듀오) 116일, 최재호(다이나믹듀오) 108일, 이선호(신화 앤디)가 103일로 뒤를 이었다. 

육군 일반병사의 평균 휴가일수는 기본휴가 32일을 포함해 최대 50일 안팎인 반면 2010년 이후 제대한 연예병사 30명의 평균 휴가일수는 76.4일로 더 길었다. 하지만 지난해부터 특혜성 휴가가 대폭 줄어들어 현재 복무중인 연예사병은 일반사병과 휴가일수가 비슷한 수준인 것으로 나타났다.

한편 현재 복무중인 연예사병중 가장 제대일이 가까운 말년병장은 배우 조정익(유건·12월1일)이다. 이외에는 내년이 돼야 전역할 수 있다.



12-10-04 Rain @ Consolatory Train

Credit : vivianbi_taec @ weibo


12-10-06 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain & KCM DJ

credit : ratoka


secession 2012.10.07.

[Rain]&[KMC] : Rain&KCM's "The Desire To Speed"!

[Rain] : Most of people change their mind with the change of seasons. Fall usually makes them feel melancholy, and produces a desire to love somebody.
[KCM] : I think it's the weather today. It’s been a long time.
[Rain] : Yeah, we'll get right to it.

[KCM]: Many fans worry about your health. What is the state of your health?
[Rain] : Good. (laughs)
I've felt a pain in my back since I danced overtaxing my strength in my childhood. From time to time as the need arises, I was able to be treated before and after my concerts during my activities as a singer. But I find it difficult to combine my military service with my hectic performance schedule while serving in the army.
I think I had a relapse and was taken to the hospital due to my busy schedules.
According to some articles I read, I was as good as dead. (laughs)
Now I'm in a good condition, and there is nothing to worry about this disease.
I'll carry out my duty.

[KCM]: Listener 'Won Dong Hyun', "I never miss this show. I like hear your voices again."

[Rain] : Listener 'Jo Woo Sang', "I broke up with my girlfriend after my enlistment. I was really having a hard time for a period of time, but my soldier fellows have given me so much strength. I'll try to do my best for them."
My soldier fellows were also my strength when I was weak during my recruit.
[KCM]: There are a lot of women in the world. I hope he'll see a good woman after his discharge.

[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "Communication also plays an important role in our relationship."

[KCM]: Listener '#6535', "The weather is perfect. There is nothing like enjoying a weekend with my children. I'm listening to the show while they are playing in the bathtub."
[Rain] : To put it another way, she may leave them to spend time playing themselves under the pretext of listening to it. (laughs)
I believe she is listening to it, taking care of them.

[Rain] : Listener '#5267', "I'm busy studying for the midterm exam."
Good luck for your exam.
[KCM]:Listener 'Bi Oppa, "It's really good to hear Rain's voice again."

[Rain] : Listener '#3334', "I congratulate KCM on being promoted to corporal.
I heard 'Park Hyo Shin' left the army worrying about KCM much. (laughs)
I hope KCM'll serve the army well. (laughs)."
[Rain] : We only have a bit more to go till we leave the army.
I offer you KCM my hearty congratulations.
[KCM]: Thank you.

[Rain] : Listener '#6532', "I'm very glad my 7-year-old daughter did well on a written Chinese character test."
I wish there would be an age difference of seven years between my future children. I really want to have a daughter and a son, and I wish she would be seven years older than he is.
[KCM] : Actually, I just remember I was a good student in school. (laughs)
[Rain] : I can't believe it. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener '#8305', "My son has been undaunted even though we can't take care of him because both of us bring home the bacon. My son, I love you."
[Rain] : Just because a man was a good student in school, that doesn't necessarily mean that he'll be a good son. He only has to stay out of trouble to be a good son. You know what I'm saying? (laughs)
[KCM] : I understand clearly what you mean. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Because Of You', "After all, you two's health comes first. I hope you'll pay more attention to your health."

[KCM] : Listener 'Memo', "I've bought a lottery ticket. When I hit the lottery jackpot, you'll be the first to know."
I fantasized that I was going to win the lottery after I had a very good dream, but I had finally found it was a pipe dream.
[Rain] : A dream is only a dream. There is nothing to it achieving your dream if you call my name or if you look into my eyes. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Movie Star Ahng', "It sure is a nice today. I still kick myself for not going out to play."
Recently, I find I love taking a walk in the breeze with advancing years.
[KCM] : When I recently took a walk in the breeze with Rain, I felt great.
[Rain] : I was not feeling well on that day.
[KCM] : Why?
[Rain] : I should have taken a walk with a woman.
[KCM] : Pooh!

[KCM] : Listener 'Honey Peanut', "They were on sale, so I gave a cheap scarf my mother as a present and she really loved it, saying, 'The cost is of secondary importance'. She is so understanding and it makes me feel even worse. I'll give her a present as nice as can be."

-------------Talk with 'Pyo Ju Yeol' about music-------------------

[Rain] : Nice to meet you.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Nice to meet you. Long time no see.
[Rain] : Do you combine your professional interests with a love of music?
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : I like music, but I think I spend my working life keeping up to date with the latest trends, so my job often seems to entail a lot of hard work.

(1). 'Lee Seung Cheol's 'Amateur' :
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Since his debut in 1987, 'Lee Seung Cheol' has released many albums and many of his songs have been smash hits. He has recently served as a member of the judging panel for TV audition program 'Super Star K'.
He thinks his 'Amateur' song can give amateur singers many things to dream and hope for the future.
[Rain] : He has a powerful voice and outstanding singing ability.
[KCM] : I think he has become a veteran singer.

[Rain] : Listener 'Ballad', "I think the song goes well with the tones of autumn."
[KCM] : Listener 'Forward', "Every single word of the song rings so true to me."
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Listener 'Americano', "He really sings very well."
[Rain] : Listener '#8698', "The lyrics have rich implications."

(2). 'Naeol's 'We have to Say Good-Bye' from 'Principle Of My Soul' :
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : 'Naeol' has been viewed as a leader of Korean R&B soul music since his debut in 1999. He just brought out his first single album after being in a group called 'Brown Eyed Soul'.
[Rain] : 'Naeol' is one of few singers that reveal the brilliancy of their natural gifts.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : He is actively engaged in various fields, and the 'Naeol' brothers are fraternal twins.
[KCM] : I couldn't tell the twins one from the other before. (laughs)
[Rain] : I know they continue to excel in their field.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : It is said 'Naeol' made this album by way of analog method.
[Rain] : A gospel atmosphere seems to hang over the album.
I have feelings that I'll sing low when I listen to the songs from the album. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#4217', "It's very good to listen to his songs in years."
[KCM] : Listener 'Double Feature', "Listening to this song sets my mind at ease."
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Listener 'Be Careful Not To Catch A Cold’, “The song lyrics are pathetically touching."
[Rain] : Listener 'Woman in fall', "I feel relaxed when I listen to the song."
[Rain] : Listener #6789', "The song brings back old memories."

(3). 'Maroon 5's 'One More Night'
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : The group has received ardent support from the public since their debut. Their song 'One More Night' recently hits number one on the Billboard charts, being a drag on Psy's 'Gangnam Style'. The group is very popular even among Korean fans.
[KCM] : With his intense charisma, Psy has the audience in the palm of his hand.
I think Psy should have stayed in USA longer to raise his international profile.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Psy gave a free public performance in Seoul a few days ago.

[Rain] : (After listening to 'One More Night').
I think it's not very good. (laughs)
I hope Psy's song will hit number one on the Billboard charts next week. (laughs)

[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Listener 'Eagle', "'Maroon 5' is the only pop singers I’ve ever known." (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener '#8973, "When 'Maroon 5' had a performance in Korea, they charmed the fans with his refined stage manners. I'd like to see them again."

[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Actually, more and more overseas pop singers have had performances in Korea than in the past.
[Rain] : Our country has grown in stature that much, in terms of the market for pop in the world.
Michael Jackson was rumoured to ask for Jeju-do on condition that he would perform in Korea, but the rumor proved to be false.
[KCM] : Little did I dream of such a thing happening.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : It is said Korean audience response are very positive at those concerts, which seems to make them hope to come again.
[Rain] : As Korean Wave can be a bit of a culture shock for many westerners, I think it is working as an advance guard for spreading Korean cultures.

-'Far East Movement's 'Live My Life'-
[Pyo Ju Yeol] :'Far East Movement was the first pop group from Korean-Americans to top the Billboard charts with 'Like A G6'. In particular, 'Live My Life' features Korean rapper 'Yun Mi Rae' and 'Tiger JK'.
[Rain] : I think they've enjoyed remarkable success, but I hope Korean singers including 'Psy', not Korean-Americans, will top the Billboard charts with their songs in their native languages.
It's the time to say good-bye.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Is that really the time?
[Rain] : Thank you very much for coming in. Have a nice weekend!
[Pyo Ju Yeol] :Thank you.
[KCM] : See you next week!

[KCM] : Listener '#4762', "I work at a hospital in Uijeongbu City. I'd like to celebrate my friend 'Hyunhee's birthday."
Happy birthday!

[Rain] : Listener '#3253', "My father supports his family by working three jobs. Thanks to him, my sister and I are attending universities. Today is his birthday. I wish him a happy birthday."
Why don't you work part-time to pay for your school expenses?
Please be good to your father while he is here.
By the way, college tuitions are really high, aren't they?
[KCM] : Anyway, I offer him my hearty congratulations. Fighting!

[Rain] : Listener '#6696', "It's good to hear your voices again. It’s my birthday next Tuesday."
Happy birthday!

[KCM] : Listener '#3462', "I brought mom a chrysanthemums flower pot and some money for her birthday today."
[Rain] : Happy birthday! Please be always healthy.

--------------Miss A & Mr. B-------------------------

[Rain] : They say a man will never forget his old love to his dying day.
[Kim So Jung] : They say a woman forgets her old love easily when she gets a new boyfriend as she always been down to earth.
[KCM] : Oh my god! It's time to hand down the secrets of being romantically involved to you.

[Rain] : 'Kim So Jung', nice to meet you. Bbuingbbuing! (laughs) (an echoic word.)
You're dressed beautifully today.
[Kim So Jung] : I'm all dressed to go on the air. I think my schedule is really hectic today.
[Rain] : I think your face is getting smaller and smaller. (laughs)
[Kim So Jung] : But, I'd like to lose my weight more.
[KMC] : The way it is now is perfect. I wonder how you were doing during the last holiday?
[Kim So Jung] : I did nothing but rest during the holiday, and the holiday did help recharge my batteries.

[Rain] : In fall, most women feel blue.
[Kim So Jung] : Fall usually makes me feel melancholy.
[Rain] : I seriously get sentimental in the fall. (laughs)
[KMC] : Musicians tend to be very sensitive.
[Rain] : Perhaps because it's fall. Recently I can't seem to concentrate whenever wind blows. (laughs)
The falling leaves makes me almost cry. (laughs)
[KCM] : I've never seen such a sight. (laughs)
[Rain] : The tears try to come to my eyes even while I'm making coffee as if I were manic-depressive. (laughs)
[KCM] : Rain, you seem to need professional counseling. (laughs)
[Rain] : And I'm inclined to dump something unceremoniously on the floor even during workouts. (laughs)...and I can not wait to get out of here whenever I see birds flying. (laughs)
[KCM] :Oh, no! Don't say such a thing. (laughs)
[Rain] : I think I was somewhere else. (laughs)

- Story 1-

[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Wallpaper With A Design Of Flowers', "My close friend's younger brother who is in for his College Scholastic Ability Test and who is two years younger than her, has declared his love for me while giving me a present, but his sudden declaration is confusing for me. But on the other hand I feel a sudden tingle of excitement. I do not know how I ought to behave."
[KMC] : Would you like to come in at this point, Rain?
As you all know, Rain is a trained counsellor. (laughs)
[Rain] : KCM, are you crazy? (laughs) Please don't give me any of that nonsense! (laughs)
Hello, this is Dr. Jung. (laughs)
How he feels about her could be a mere transitory sentiment and he is preparing for the college entrance exam, so I think she'll have to ask him to meet again when he gets accepted by a university. It is never too late to have a relationship then.
[KCM] : I am sure that he will never refuse to give up.
[Kim So Jung] : The predicted result and the actual result could be very different then.
[KCM]: Listening to the story, I feel a generation gap.
[Rain]: Women have been attracted to younger men from a long time ago. (laughs)
A crowd of women who were older than me, used to line up in front of my school to see me in the old days. (laughs) I am sorry. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Lip Girl', "People are transient. There’s no guarantee that they will date after he becomes a college student."

[Kim So Jung] : Listener '#0328', "Why doesn't he date with her while studying?"
[Rain] : I think it’s not a good idea to date while studying.

[KCM]: Listener 'Only One', "Please cross that bridge when you get there because there are so many women and men in the world." (laughs)
[Rain] : But they say it is the fashion for men to date with women who are older than them. I was also very popular with women who were older than me in my school days. (laughs)

[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Anchovies Noodle', "I think her love was a mere transitory sentiment."

[Rain] : Listener '#4821', "I think the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in that house will get along well if she marries him because they are acquainted with each other."
But you should know she must be more careful about her actions in front of her acquaintances. (laughs)

- Story 2 -

[Rain] : Listener 'She Loves Me', "I had dated with a woman who works at the same company as me unawares to other co-workers, but I split up with her because didn't agree. Meanwhile, she has worked in my department since she transferred to my department 6 months after we split. The situation where I am in contact with her on a daily basis, evokes a feeling of love in me again. Should I confess my feeling or not?"
I think destiny has drawn them together again. I suggest to him that he build up the courage to confess his love for her by saying "I love you. I'd like to live with you. You are mine" (laughs)
But, she may turn out to see another guy. (laughs)
[KCM]: What should he do?
[Rain] : If so, there is no choice but to do get dumped by her. (laughs)
[KCM]: Anyway, I hope he'll declare his love for her and beg for pardon on bended knees.
[Rain] : I agree. Every woman has a soft spot for men's tears as I've been there and done that. (laughs) Please call me Dr. Jung or J. (laughs)

[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Stop', "Trying wouldn't hurt. Please try to declare your love for her. If I were in her position, I would accept his love."

[KCM]: Listener 'Hair', "Please don't do anything you might regret. I hope he'll declare his love for her."

[Kim So Jung] : Listener '#8754', "It’s worth keeping the relationship under wraps while they are working at the same company."
What happens if one of them has an affair with another man or woman? (laughs)

[KCM]: Listener 'Because Of You', "Go ahead and give it a try."
[Rain] : I also cannot decide (whether to admit that I can't live without KCM.) (laughs)
[KCM]: I think we have the 7 year itch. (laughs)
[Rain] : Are you crazy? (laughs)
[KCM]: You started it! (laughs)

[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'She Loves Me', "Listener 'She Loves Me', please try to declare your love by gathering heart."
[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "Ultimately , it’s up to you to decide, but try to declare your love."
Recently I slept with the windows closed not to catch a cold, but the window was often open when I woke up in the morning. I found out KCM did it. (laughs)
He does all those weird things to draw interest of me. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Rain Clothes', "I'm sure they can start over right."
I think a man can get on his knees in front of his girlfriend and bow low to beg for forgiveness. I don't know what I'm saying. (laughs)
The pain medication I've eaten is quite toxic, so I find it hard to concentrate and I feel extremely tired.
[Kim So Jung] : KCM, why don't you give the healthy food to Rain? (laughs)
[Rain] : I've never seen such a person who enjoys healthy foods so much like KCM in my whole life. (laughs)

- Story 3-

[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'The Moment', "I had an unrequited love for a man who had a girlfriend, but I heard that he broke up with her after he left the army. It has been years since I last saw him and I can't put him out of my mind."
I think she loves him one-sidedly.
[Rain] : Excuse me, could I blow my nose in to on a tissue? (laughs)
[KCM] : Rain seems to appear to have severe symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

[Kim So Jung] : I think she is just singing a torch song for him.
[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Ji Hoon Love', "I suggest to her that she'll confess her feeling after getting along with him."

[KCM] : Listener '#5675', "She'd better make a clean breast of it."
[Rain] : I think they will have to just be friends first, and she'd better confess her feeling when she can.
[KCM] : After that, she can roll her eyes at him. (laughs)
[Rain] : KCM, do you pick up women that way? (laughs)
Recently, KCM even came on to me, handing a letter to me. (laughs)
[KCM] : Anyway, I received Rain's response. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#5675', 'Turn Table', "Haste makes waste. Please don't hurry."

[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Only One', "She'd better confess her feeling after figuring out what he is made of."
[Rain] : I suppose 'Only One' is right.
There's only a very fine line between success and failure. Maybe each of you could meet a nice one someday. Please don't worry about your love affairs.
Now I want to tell myself, "Don't worry about others and take care of your own business." (laughs)
Anyway, please be happy always.
'Kim So Jung', thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and see us like this.
[Kim So Jung] : Thank you. See you next week.
[KCM] : See you next week!

[Rain] : Listener '#5114', "I am sad when the fall comes."
That can happen.

[KCM] : Listener 'Rain Love', "I'd like to love somebody when the fall comes. It's good to hear Rain's voice."
[Rain] : I also want to love somebody after hearing that.

[Rain] : Listener 'Wine', "My whole body is covered with insect bites."
[KCM] : The warm damp air attracts a lot of mosquitoes.

[KCM] : Listener 'Rain Love', "I'm down with a bad stomach flu, so I can't eat just anything. I feel very hungry."

[Rain] : Listener '#0830', "What’s the best way to cook shiitake?"
Please try to boil bean-paste stew, then add shiitake.
[KCM] : That's a good idea.
[Rain] : But you can look up the method on the Internet.

[KCM] : Listener 'Flower Bora', "Today is my birthday, and I'm attending my friend's wedding. It's good because I don't feel lonely."

[Rain] : Listener 'Roger That', "I think I tossed about in my sleep last night.
I seem to sprain my neck. (laughs)
[KCM] :You need to have acupuncture in your neck.

[Rain] : Listener 'Wisdom', "I work part-time at a convenience store. I suggested to a customer that he would suck up a soda through a straw, but he rejected to do that, saying, 'A man doesn't suck a soda through a straw." (laughs)
[KCM] : But, I like drinking a drink through a straw. (laughs)
[Rain] : It is understandable that KCM sent a letter to me. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Time', "As I'm squeezed in between lovers, I'm in double bind.
I couldn't get a good seat."
[KCM] : Why don't you drink with the flies? (laughs)
[Rain] :KCM, your joke seems to be in very poor taste. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener '#2114', "I'm often misunderstood because I look older than my age."
[Rain] : I already looked old for my age in my school days. (laughs)
[KCM] : Me too. (laughs)

[Rain] : Your words of encouragement can be a great consolation to somebody.
I hope you'll have a great weekend.
[KCM] : Small gifts will be provided for 'Wallpaper With A Design Of Flowers', 'Shall We Love', and 'The Moment'.
[Rain] : This has been Rain.
[KCM] :This has been KCM. Thank you.
[Rain] : Bye!

emik 2012.10.11.

[Rain]&[KMC] : Rain&KCMの "疾走本能"!

[Rain] : 大抵の人は季節が変わるのと一緒に心変わりする。通常秋は人々を物悲しくさせて、誰かを好きになりたい欲求を引き起こす。

[KCM] :今日のこの天候だと思う。久しぶりだよ。
[Rain] : うん、早速始めるよ。
[KCM]: たくさんのファンが君の健康を心配している。健康状態はどう?
[Rain] : いいよ。(笑い) 僕は子供の時からダンスで無理をし過ぎると腰に痛みを感じていた。歌手として時々必要に応じて、コンサート前や後、活動の最中に治療を受けることが出来ていた。でも兵役に服しながらの過密なパフォーマンススケジュールと兵役を両立するのは難しいと思う。

[KCM]: リスナ- 'Won Dong Hyun', "この番組を欠かさず聴いてます。再びあなたの声を聴きたい。"

[Rain] : リスナ- 'Jo Woo Sang', "入隊後、彼女と別れた。一時期本当につらかった、でも兵士仲間/戦友が僕をすごく強くしてくれた。彼らのために僕はベストを尽くすつもり。"
[KCM]: 世の中には女性はたくさんいるよ。彼が除隊後に素敵な女性に出会う事を願うよ。

[Rain] : リスナ- 'Only One', "人とのかかわりでコミュニケーションも重要な役割を担っている。"

[KCM]: リスナ- '#6535', "パーフェクトな天気。子供達と週末を楽しむほどいい事はない。子供達がバスタブで遊んでいる間に番組を聴いています。"
[Rain] :別の言い方をすれば、彼女は番組を聴くという名目で子供達を自分達で遊ぶように放っているのかもしれない。 (笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ-'#5267', "中間試験のための勉強が忙しい。"

[KCM]:リスナ- 'Bi Oppa, "Rainの声をまた聴くことが出来て本当によかった。"

[Rain] : リスナ- '#3334', "KCM、上等兵に昇格おめでとう。.'Park Hyo Shin' がKCMのことをとても心配しながら除隊したと聞いた。(笑い) KCMが上手に/うまく兵役することを願う。(笑い)"
[Rain] : 僕達が除隊するまでに残っている時間はあと少しだけ。
僕はKCM に心からのお祝いを述べるよ。
[KCM]: ありがとう。

[Rain] : リスナ- '#6532', "7歳の娘が漢字の筆記テストでよい成績だったので本当にうれしい。"
[KCM] : 実際、僕は学校で成績優秀だった事を思い出した。(笑い)
[Rain] :信じられない。(笑い)

[KCM] : リスナ- '#8305', "息子は私達2人で生活費を稼いでいるので彼の面倒を見ることができないことを理解している。 息子よ、愛してるよ。"
[Rain] : 学校で成績優秀というだけでそれが良い息子であるというわけではない。彼は良い息子でいるために面倒を起こさないでいるだけでいい。僕の言いたいこと分かる? (笑い)
[KCM] : 君の言いたい事はよくわかるよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ- 'Because Of You', "結局のところ, 2人の健康が第一。2人が健康にもっと気を配る事を願います。"

[KCM] : リスナ- 'Memo', "宝くじを買った。もし大当たりしたら、最初に2人に知らせます。"
[Rain] 夢は夢でしかない。 あなたが僕の名前を呼ぶ、あるいは僕の目を見ればあなたの夢はいとも簡単に達成する。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ- 'Movie Star Ahng', "確かに今日はいい天気。遊ぶために出かけなかったことをいまだに悔んでいる。"
[KCM] : 先日、Rainと一緒に簡単に散歩に行った時, すごくいい気分だった。
[Rain] :その日、僕はあまりいい気分じゃなかった。
[KCM] :どうして?
[Rain] : 女性と散歩に行くべきだった。
[KCM] : フン!

[KCM] : リスナ-'Honey Peanut', "セールだったので、プレゼントとして安いスカーフをお母さんにあげたら彼女はとても気に入ってくれて '価格は二の次' と言っている。彼女はとても理解/思いやりがあるのでそれがさらに私をつらくさせた。彼女にできるだけ素敵なプレゼントをあげるつもり。"

------------- 'Pyo Ju Yeol' と音楽について語る-------------------  

[Rain] : お会いできて光栄です。
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : お会いできてうれしいです。お久しぶりです。
[Rain] : あなたは専門的興味と音楽好きを結合/兼ね備えている?
[Pyo Ju Yeol] :僕は音楽が好き、でも自分の作業時間は最新の流行に遅れないでいるようにするために費やされていると思う、なので僕の仕事はたびたび大変な仕事/多くの努力が伴うように思える。

(1). 'Lee Seung Cheol: 'Amateur' :
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : 'Lee Seung Cheol' は1987年にデビューして以来, 多くのアルバムをリリースし、多くの曲は大ヒットになった。最近彼はTV オーディション番組 'Super Star K'の審査員メンバーとして参加している。
彼は自身の曲 'Amateur' がアマチュア歌手達に将来のためにたくさん夢見る事や希望を与えることが出来ると思っている。
[Rain] : 彼はパワフルな声と卓越した歌唱力を持っている。
[KCM] : 彼はベテラン歌手になったと思うよ。

[Rain] : リスナ- 'Ballad', "この曲は秋の色調に良く合っていると思う。"

[KCM] : リスナ- 'Forward', "この曲の歌詞ひとつひとつすべてが私には真実のように思える。"

[Pyo Ju Yeol] : リスナ- 'Americano', 彼は本当に歌うのがとても上手。"

[Rain] : リスナ- '#8698', "この歌詞には豊かな意味合いがある。"

(2). 'Naeol: 'We have to Say Good-Bye' from 'Principle Of My Soul' :
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : 'Naeol' は1999年にデビューして以来、韓国のR&Bソウルミュージックのリーダーとして見なされてきた。 彼は 'Brown Eyed Soul'と呼ばれるグループに加入した後、ファーストアルバムを世に出した。
[Rain] : 'Naeol' は生まれながらの才能の輝きを見せた数少ない歌手の一人。
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : 彼はさまざまな分野に積極的に関わっている、そして'Naeol' の兄弟は二卵性双生児。
[KCM] : 以前、僕は双子を見分けることができなかった。(笑い)
[Rain] : 彼らの分野で彼らが活躍し続けることは知ってる。
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : 'Naeol'はアナログ方式 でこのアルバムを製作したといわれている。
[Rain] : 福音/ゴスペルの雰囲気がアルバムに漂っているように思える。

[Rain] :リスナ- '#4217', "久しぶりに彼の曲を聴くのはとてもいい。"

[KCM] :リスナ- 'Double Feature', "彼の曲を聴くと安心/ホッとする。"

[Pyo Ju Yeol] :リスナ- 'Be Careful Not To Catch A Cold’, “この曲の歌詞は悲しくなるほど感動的。"

[Rain] : リスナ- 'Woman in fall', "この曲を聴いた時、くつろいだ感じがした。"

[Rain] : リスナ- #6789', "この曲は昔の思い出を蘇らせる。"

(3). 'Maroon 5: 'One More Night'
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : このグループはデビュー以来、大衆から熱烈な支持を受けている。先日彼らの曲 'One More Night' がビルボードチャートで1位となり、Psyの 'Gangnam Style'の妨げとなっている。このグループは韓国ファンの間でさえもとても人気がある。
[KCM] : Psy の強烈なカリスマで彼は観客を熱狂させている。
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Psyは数日前にソウルで無料公演を行った。

('One More Night'を聴いた後)
[Rain] : あまりよくないと思う。(笑い)
来週 Psyの曲がビルボードチャートで1位になることを願うよ。(笑い)

[Pyo Ju Yeol] : リスナ- 'Eagle', "'Maroon 5' は私が知っている唯一のPOP歌手。"(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ- '#8973, " 'Maroon 5'が韓国で公演した時、 彼らの洗練したステージマナーでファンを魅了した。再び彼らを観に行きたい。"

[Pyo Ju Yeol] : 実際,今までになく ますます多くの海外のPop歌手達が韓国で公演を行っている。
[Rain] : 世界のPop市場に関して、僕達の国はそれだけ大規模になった。
Michael Jacksonは韓国で公演するという条件で済州島を要求したと噂されたけど、噂はうそだと判った。
[KCM] : そんなことが起こるとは夢にも思わなかった。

[Pyo Ju Yeol] :これらコンサートでの韓国の観衆の反応はとても好意的だったので、彼らにまた韓国へ来てみたいと思わせたようだ。
[Rain] : 韓流は多くの西洋人には少しカルチャーショックになり得るので、先陣として韓国文化を広めるのはうまくいくと思う。

-'Far East Movement': 'Live My Life'-
[Pyo Ju Yeol] :'Far East Movement'は韓国系アメリカ人からの初めてのPopグループで 'Like A G6'ビルボードチャート1位になった。特に.'Live My Life'という曲は韓国人ラッパー'Yun Mi Rae' と 'Tiger JK'が参加している。
[Rain] :彼らは目覚しい成功を楽しんでいると思う、でも韓国系アメリカ人ではなくPsyを含む韓国人歌手が、彼らの母語の曲でビルボードチャートの1位になることを願うよ。
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : 本当にそんな時間?
[Rain] : お越しいただきありがとうございます。良い週末をお過ごしください!
[Pyo Ju Yeol] :ありがとう。
[KCM] : また来週 !


[KCM] : リスナ- '#4762', "議政府市の病院で働いています。友人'Hyunheeの誕生日を祝ってあげたい。"

[Rain] : リスナ- '#3253', "お父さんは3つの仕事をして家族を支えています。彼のお陰で、妹と私は大学に通えるkことができます。今日はお父さんの誕生日。お父さんの誕生日おめでとう。"
ところで, 大学の授業料はすごく高いよね?
[KCM] : とにかく,彼女のお父さんに心からのお祝いを述べるよ。ファイティング!

[Rain] : リスナ- '#6696', "あなたの声を再び聴くことができてよかった。来週の火曜日は私の誕生日。"

[KCM] : リスナ- '#3462', "今日のお母さんの誕生日に菊の植木鉢と少しのお金持って行った。"
[Rain] : 誕生日おめでとう! いつも健康でいてください。

--------------Miss A & Mr. B-------------------------  

[Rain] : 男は死ぬ日まで昔の愛/恋を決して忘れないらしい。.
[Kim So Jung] : 女はいつも現実的なので新しい彼ができた時、昔の愛/恋を簡単に忘れるらしい。
[KCM] : やばい!あなたの恋愛/交際のシークレット伝える時間です。

[Rain] : 'Kim So Jung', お会いできてうれしいです。Bbuingbbuing! (笑い)(擬音語)
[Kim So Jung] : 放送中に行くためにおしゃれしてます。
[Rain] : あなたは顔がますます小さくなっていると思う。(笑い)
[Kim So Jung] : でも、もっと体重を減らしたい。
[KMC] : 今のままで完璧だよ。この間の休暇中どうしていたのかな?
[Kim So Jung] :休暇中は何もしなかったけど休養してました、そしてこの休暇は英気を養う助けになりました。

[Rain] : 秋に多くの女性はブルーになる。
[Kim So Jung] : 秋は大抵私を憂鬱にさせる。
[Rain] : 僕は冗談抜きで秋に感傷的になる。(笑い)
[KMC] : ミュージシャンは神経質/感受性が強くなる傾向がある。
[Rain] : おそらく秋だから。 最近、僕は風が吹くたびに集中することができないようだ。(笑い) 木の葉が振り落ちると泣きそうになる。(笑い)
[KCM] : そんな光景見たことないよ。(笑い)
[Rain] :あたかも躁鬱病のようにコーヒーを入れながらでさえも目から涙が流れそうになる。(笑い)
[KCM] : Rain, 君は専門家によるカウンセリングは必要みたいだね。(笑い)
[Rain] : そして僕はトレーニング中でさえも何かをあっさりと床に投げ捨てたいと思ってる。(笑い)...それと、飛んでる鳥を見るたび、ここから出るのを待つことができない。(笑い)
[KCM] :わー! そんなこといわないで。(笑い)
[Rain] : 僕は(の心は)違うところにいたのだと思う。(笑い)

- Story 1-

[Kim So Jung] : リスナ- 'Wallpaper With A Design Of Flowers', "私の親しい友人には2つ違いの弟がいて、彼は(弟)は大学修学能力試験(CSAT)に申し込んでいる。その彼が私にプレゼントを渡しながら私への愛を告白した、突然の彼の告白に私は混乱している。でもその一方で、突然のゾクゾクする興奮を感じる。私はどのように振舞うべきかわからない。"
[KMC] : この時点で話をしたいかな, Rain?
[Rain] : KCM, 気は確か/頭おかしいんじゃない? (笑い) お願いだからそういうデタラメ言わないでよ!(笑い)
こんにちは, こちらはDr. Jungです。(笑い)
彼の彼女への思いは、ほんのつかの間の感情かもしれない、そして彼は大学入学試験の準備をしているので、彼が大学に受かった時、彼女は彼に再び会うことを訊ねなければならないと思う。 その時に付き合うのでも遅過ぎるということはないよ。
[KCM] : 僕は彼が諦める事を決して拒まないことを確信してる。
[Kim So Jung] : それなら予測される結果と実際の結果が全く異なることもあり得る。
[KCM]: 話を聞いていて、ジェネレーション・ギャップを感じるよ。
[Rain]: 昔から女性は若い/年下の男性に魅力を感じる、(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ- 'Lip Girl', "人ははかないもの。彼が大学生になった後、彼らがデートするという保証はない。"

[Kim So Jung] : リスナ- '#0328', "どうして彼は勉強しながら彼女とデートしないの?"
[Rain] : 勉強しながらデートするのはいいアイデアではないと思うよ。

[KCM]: リスナ- 'Only One', "世の中にはたくさんの女性と男性がいるのだから、取り越し苦労はしないで/今から心配しても仕方ない。" (笑い)
[Rain] : でも、男性が自分より年上の女性とデートするのは男性にとってはファッションらしい。僕も学生時代、年上の女性にすごく人気があったよ。(笑い)

[Kim So Jung] : リスナ- 'Anchovies Noodle', "彼女の愛はほんのつかの間の感情だと思う。"

[Rain] : リスナ- '#4821', "義理のお母さんと彼女は知り合いなので、もし彼女が彼と結婚したら義理のお母さんと仲良くやっていけると思う。"

- Story 2 -

[Rain] : リスナ- 'She Loves Me', "僕は他の人が気付くことなく同じ会社で働く女性と付き合っていた、でも意見が一致しなかったので彼女と別れた。その一方、僕達が別れてから6ヵ月後に彼女は僕と同じ部署に異動になり、それ以来一緒に働いている。彼女と毎日のように接触がある状況は、僕の恋愛感情を再び呼び起こす。自分の気持ちを白状/打ち明ける それとも だまっているべき?"
宿命/運命が再び彼らを引き寄せたのだと思う。僕は彼に提案するよ、彼女に"愛している。君と一緒に暮らしたい/生きていきたい。君は僕のもの" と言って彼女への愛を白状する勇気を駆り立てることを。(笑い)
[KCM]: 彼はどうするべき?
[Rain] : そうだとしたら、彼女に振られる以外選択肢がない。(笑い)
[KCM]: とにかく, 彼が彼女への愛を告白し、ひざまずいてわびることを願うよ。
[Rain] :同感だ。僕がそのことはよく知っているように、そしてやったことがあるようにすべての女性は男性の涙に弱い。(笑い)
どうぞ僕を’Dr. Jung’ または’Dr. J’と呼んで。(笑い)

[Kim So Jung] : リスナ- 'Stop', "やるだけやって損はない。 彼女への愛を告白してみて。もしも私が彼女の立場だったら、私は彼の愛を受け入れるでしょう。"

[KCM]: リスナ- 'Hair', "あとで後悔するかもしれないことはしないで(後悔先に立たず)。彼が彼女への愛を告白することを願う。"

[Kim So Jung] : リスナ- '#8754', "彼らが同じ会社に勤めている間は関係を隠しておくのが望ましい。"
どちらかが他の異性と浮気したらどうなるの? (笑い)

[KCM]: リスナ- 'Because Of You', "やるだけやってみよう。"
[Rain] : 僕も決めることができない (KCMなしで生きていけないことを認めるかどうか)(笑い)
[KCM]: 僕達は結婚7年目の浮気/結婚後に騒ぎ出す浮気の虫があると思う。(笑い)
[Rain] : 気は確か/頭おかしいんじゃない? (笑い)
[KCM]: 君が言いだしたんだよ!  (笑い)

[Kim So Jung] : "リスナ- 'She Loves Me', 気持ちを奮い立たせてあなたの愛を告白してみて。"
[Rain] : リスナ- 'Only One', "結局のところは、あなたの告白次第だけどあなたの愛を告白してみて。"
そしてそれはKCM が開けているのだと判ったよ。(笑い) 

[Rain] : リスナ- 'Rain Clothes', "彼らはやり直すことができる。"
[Kim So Jung] : KCM, どうしてRainに健康に良い食べ物をあげないの? (笑い)
[Rain] : KCMのように健康に良い食べ物をあれだけ味わう人はこれまでの人生で見たことがない。(笑い)

- Story 3-

[Kim So Jung] : リスナ- 'The Moment', "彼女がいる男性に片思いしていた、でも彼が除隊した後、2人は別れたと聞いた。彼を最後に見たのは何年も前のこと、でも彼を忘れることができない。"
[Rain] : 失礼/すみませんが、鼻をかんでもいいかな? (笑い)
[KCM] : Rainはアレルギー性鼻炎のひどい症状が出ているようだ。

[Kim So Jung] : 彼女は彼のために失恋や片思いの歌を歌っているだけなのだと思う。
[Kim So Jung] : リスナ-'Ji Hoon Love', "彼と仲良くなった後、彼に気持ちを打ち明けることを彼女に勧める。"

[KCM] : リスナ- '#5675', ".彼女は洗いざらい打ち明けたほうがよい。"
[Rain] : 彼らはまず、ただの友達ならなければならない、そして彼女の気持ちをタイミングで打ち明けること。
[KCM] : その後、彼女は彼に色目を使うことができる。(笑い)
[Rain] : KCM, 君はそういうふうに女性をナンパするの? (笑い)
先日, KCMは僕さえも口説いた/誘いにかけた、僕に手紙を手渡してきた。(笑い)
[KCM] : とにかく, 僕はRainの返事をもらったよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ- '#5675', 'Turn Table', "急いては事をし損じる。急がないで。"

[Kim So Jung] : リスナ- 'Only One', "彼の真価を理解した後に彼女は自分の気持ちを打ち明けたほうがいい。"
[Rain] : 'Only One' は正しいと思う。
成功と失敗は紙一重だよ。 2人それぞれがいつか素敵な人に出会うかもしれないよ。
今、僕は自分に言い聞かせたい, "他人/周りのことは心配するな、自分がやるべきことをやるんだ。" (笑い)
'Kim So Jung', 忙しいスケジュールの中から時間を割いてこんなふうに僕達に会いに来てくれてありがとう。
[Kim So Jung] : ありがとう。また来週。
[KCM] : また来週!


[Rain] :リスナ-'#5114', "秋になると悲しくなる。"

[KCM] : リスナ- 'Rain Love', "秋になると誰かを愛したく/好きになりたくなる。Rainの声を聴けてうれしい。"
[Rain] : それを聞いて僕も誰かを愛し/好きになりたい。

[Rain] : リスナ- 'Wine', "体中、虫に刺された。"
[KCM] :暖かく、湿った空気でたくさんの蚊が発生する。

[KCM] : リスナ-'Rain Love', "重症のウイルス性胃腸炎で寝込んでいるので何も食べることができない、すごくお腹が空いている。"

[Rain] :リスナ- '#0830', "しいたけのベストな料理方法はなんですか?"
[KCM] : それはいい案だ。
[Rain] : やり方はインターネットで調べることができるよ。

[KCM] : リスナ-'Flower Bora', "今日は私の誕生日で友人の結婚式に出席する。孤独を感じないのでよかった。"

[Rain] : リスナ- 'Roger That', "昨夜、自分の寝相が悪かったのだと思う。首を寝違えたようだ。(笑い) 
[KCM] : 君は針治療が必要だよ。

[Rain] : リスナ- 'Wisdom', "コンビニでパートタイムで働いている。お客さんにストローを使ってソーダを飲むよう勧めたのだけど、彼(お客)は '男はストローを使ってソーダを飲まない"といって拒否した。"(笑い)
[KCM] : でも, 僕はストローを使って飲み物を飲むのが好きだよ。(笑い)
[Rain] : KCMが僕に手紙を渡してきた意味が理解できるよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナ-'Time', "カップルの間に割り込んだので板挟みになっている。いい席をとることができなかった。"
[KCM] : どうして独りでお酒を飲まないの? (笑い)
[Rain] :KCM, 君のジョークはとてもセンスが悪いように聞こえる。(笑い)

[KCM] : リスナ- '#2114', "実年齢より老けて見えるのでよく誤解/間違われる。"
[Rain] : 学生時代、すでに僕は年より老けて見られていたよ。(笑い)
[KCM] : 僕も。(笑い)

[Rain] : 君たちの励ましの/激励の言葉は誰かへの大きな慰めになることがある。

[KCM] : 'Wallpaper With A Design Of Flowers', 'Shall We Love', そして'The Moment'に心ばかりの贈り物が送られます。

[Rain] : Rain がお送りしました。
[KCM] :KCMがお送りしました。 ありがとう。
[Rain] : Bye!

12-10-05 Friends FM - 김재욱의주고싶은마음듣고싶은얘기_mention Rain

Credit : onlyone0626


secession  2012.10.08
[English translation]

[Private 'Lee Jun Hyuk'] : Corporal 'Jung Ji Hoon (;Rain);'s lower back hurts inside, but he doesn't show it outside. He always tries to create a friendly atmosphere.

[Corporal 'Kim Jae Wook'] : His (;Rain's); back pain is not a serious illness. He still has a good appetite and laughs a lot. I think he'll dance with ardor soon, so please don't worry too much.

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