[19-May-11][dnn-online]Asia-Pop trifft Klassik: Interview mit Jan Vogler und Rain zu den Musikfestspielen
source :
Dresden. Asiatischer Pop trifft bei den Dresdner Musikfestspielen auf klassische Cello-Klänge. Der koreanische Superstar Rain (28), der als Michael Jackson Asiens gilt, steht in der Semperoper gemeinsam mit Festspielchef Jan Vogler auf der Bühne. Wie die ungewöhnliche musikalische Verbindung zustande kam und was ihren Reiz ausmacht, erzählten die beiden Musiker im Interview mit der Nachrichtenagentur dpa.
Ein koreanischer Popstar und Teenie-Schwarm, der mit einem europäischen Cellisten musiziert - Wie kam es zu dieser Verbindung?
Vogler: „Rain und ich haben uns über eine gemeinsame Freundin in Südkorea kennengelernt. Bei einem Abendessen haben wir uns angefreundet und ich habe ihm mein Cello erklärt."
Rain: „Für mich ist es das erste Mal, dass ich klassische Musik mache. Das ist eine ganz neue Erfahrung für mich."
Warum funktioniert die Kombination aus Asia-Pop und europäischer Klassik?
Vogler: „Musik ist universell. Pop-Musik und klassische Musik sind zwar sehr verschieden, aber es gibt eine Brücke und die wollen wir überschreiten. Man muss die Musik des anderen respektieren. Dann hat es wirklich die Chance, magisch zu werden."
Rain, abgesehen von europäischer Klassik - Gibt es auch einen Unterschied zwischen asiatischer und europäischer Pop-Musik?
Rain: „Sie unterscheidet sich aus kulturellen Gründen und der geografischen Lage an sich. Im Kern ist die Musik aber dieselbe."
Was erhoffen Sie sich von dem gemeinsamen Auftritt?
Vogler: „Ich möchte dem europäischen Publikum zeigen, dass Rains Musik auch klassisch sein kann und wie viel Klasse sie hat. Sie hat eine unglaubliche Energie."
Rain: „Der Auftritt wird in der Zukunft sehr hilfreich für mich sein. Als eine ganz spezielle Inspiration."
Rain performs to sell-out crowd in Dresden
Rain performs to sell-out crowd in Dresden
On May 19th (German local time) singer Rain attended the inaugural Korean Dresden music festival in Germany. His agency revealed that Rain performed with an orchestra, with tickets completely selling out.
His agency added, "Rain performed at the request of worldwide renowned cellist Jan Vogler, who was entrusted with directing the entire festival. It's unusual for a pop singer to perform at Dresden, but because Jan Volger has a lot of interest in Eastern culture, he changed the theme and created an event with a lot of significance."
"Tickets for Rain's performance were completely sold out. This shows that even in Europe, people have changed their views about the East, and a lot of them have gained an interest in Eastern culture. From now on they will be looking forward to our entry into the European market."
The Dresden music festival first took place in 1978, and has come to be one of Germany's representative festivals.
Source: OSEN
On May 19th (German local time) singer Rain attended the inaugural Korean Dresden music festival in Germany. His agency revealed that Rain performed with an orchestra, with tickets completely selling out.
His agency added, "Rain performed at the request of worldwide renowned cellist Jan Vogler, who was entrusted with directing the entire festival. It's unusual for a pop singer to perform at Dresden, but because Jan Volger has a lot of interest in Eastern culture, he changed the theme and created an event with a lot of significance."
"Tickets for Rain's performance were completely sold out. This shows that even in Europe, people have changed their views about the East, and a lot of them have gained an interest in Eastern culture. From now on they will be looking forward to our entry into the European market."
The Dresden music festival first took place in 1978, and has come to be one of Germany's representative festivals.
Source: OSEN
[20-May-11][DNN Online] Asia-pop meets classical: Interview with Jan Vogler and Rain at the Music Festival.
DNN Online 5/19/2011 — [German to English translation by Stephe @Cloud USA]
Asia-pop meets classical: Interview with Jan Vogler and Rain at the Music Festival
Dresden. Asian pop meets classical cello sounds at the Dresden Music Festival. The Korean superstar Rain (28), considered the Michael Jackson of Asia, is in the Semper Opera House together with festival chief Jan Vogler on stage. In an interview with news agency DPA, the two musicians talk about how the unusual musical connection came about and what makes it appealing.
A Korean pop star and teen heartthrob who makes music with a European cellist—how did this connection come about?
Vogler: "Rain and I met through a mutual friend in South Korea. At a dinner, we made friends and I helped him with my cello."
Rain: "For me it's the first time that I've done classical music. This is a new experience for me."
Why do a combination of Asian pop and European classical music?
Vogler: "Music is universal. Pop music and classical music are very different, but we wanted to cross that bridge. You have to respect the music of the other. Then it really has the chance to be magical."
Rain, apart from European classical music—is there a difference between Asian and European pop music?
Rain: "It is different for cultural reasons and the geographic location itself. In essence, the music is the same."
What are your hopes for this joint appearance?
Vogler: "I want to show the European public that Rain's music can be classic and how much class it has. It has an incredible energy."
Rain: "The performance will be very helpful to me in the future, as a special inspiration."
German to English translation: Stephe @Cloud USA
Article Source: (Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten) DNN Online "Asia-Pop trifft Klassik: Interview mit Jan Vogler und Rain zu den Musikfestspielen"
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[Fan acct]11-05-19 Rain @ Dresden
just off the call with friends, Rain's performance in germany was very successful,sang a total of about 5 songs,rainism,hip song, it's raining,way to avoid the sun,love song.the last 2 songs were performed with the cello together.the audience's reflection was very enthusiastic.after the show,applause did not leave up to 10 minutes.most of the audience's ages are a little older.after all,we know the europeans like classical music most.however,because of that,Rain makes us feel very.
source : brnamoo
Pop trifft Klassik bei den Musikfestspielen
Die Dresdner Musikfestspiele feiern mit einem Konzert der Sächsischen Staatskapelle in der Semperoper ihre Eröffnung. Bis zum 5. Juni präsentiert die 34. Festspielsaison wieder eine große Dichte international renommierter Orchester und Ausnahmesolisten. Unter dem Motto „Fünf Elemente“ schlägt die Musikauswahl diesmal eine Brücke zwischen Europa und Asien. Und erstmals trifft Klassik auf Pop. Bi Rain, der Michael Jackson Asiens, gibt während der Festspiele sein Europadebüt.
In Asien füllt Rain – der wohl derzeit berühmteste Vertreter des Korean Pop - mühelos ganze Hallen. Und die Leser des Times Magazine haben ihn kürzlich auf Platz 1 der 100 einflussreichsten Personen 2011 gewählt. Nun ist der Sänger und Tänzer im Rahmen der Dresdner Musikfestspiele erstmals in Europa überhaupt live zu erleben. In einem gemeinsamen Konzert mit Jan Vogler am 19. Mai in der Semperoper werden nicht nur die Grenzen zwischen Asien und Europa auf der Bühne aufgehoben. Die beiden Künstler werden sich gegenseitig und dem Publikum auch ihre musikalischen Welten vorstellen und diese füreinander öffnen.
Schon seit langem ausverkauft ist das Gastspiel der New Yorker Philharmonie mit Alan Gilbert am Pult und mit den Solisten Thomas Hampson und Lisa Batiashvili am 21. und 22. Mai in der Semperoper. Die Berliner Philharmoniker und Sir Simon Rattle werden am 3. Juni nicht nur den Beifall für das Konzert entgegen nehmen, sondern auch den Glashütte Original MusikFestspielPreis, mit dem sie für ihr Engagement im Bereich der Musikvermittlung und Nachwuchsförderung ausgezeichnet werden. Im Abschlusskonzert am 5. Juni werden dann in der Kreuzkirche noch einmal alle Register gezogen: Nach Dvořáks Cellokonzert mit Jan Vogler erklingt Saint-Saëns‘ Orgelsinfonie mit dem Gewandhausorchester Leipzig unter Christoph Eschenbach.
Unter dem Motto »Fünf Elemente« stellt das diesjährige Programm die Lebensphilosophie Asiens und die Entdeckung der kulturellen Werte des Kontinents in den Vordergrund. Zahlreiche Interpreten sind Teil dieser musikalischen Reise und bringen Werke von Komponisten zur Aufführung, für die der Brückenschlag zwischen Ost und West und die Öffnung für die jeweils andere Kultur ein wesentlicher Teil ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit darstellt. Die Reihe „Asiens Stars von morgen“ auf Schloss Wackerbarth stellt zwischen dem 25. und 31. Mai fünf junge Künstler vor, die gerade dabei sind, im Sturm die Konzertsäle dieser Welt zu erobern.
Das fünfte Element – die Spiritualität – wird von zahlreichen Konzerten auf unterschiedliche Weise reflektiert. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Europäischen Zentrum der Künste - HELLERAU wurde das für den chinesischen Kulturkreis prägende Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan eingeladen, das auf der Suche nach den Gemeinsamkeiten der verschiedensten Religionen den spirituellen Reichtum Asiens widerspiegelt. Zu einem wahren Gipfeltreffen der Kirchenmusik kommt es am 2. Juni mit dem gemeinsamen Konzert der Thomaner & Kruzianer. Dass die sächsische Chorlandschaft noch einiges mehr zu bieten hat, zeigt sich dann bei »Dresden singt & musiziert« am 4. Juni, wenn 15 Chöre und Kantoreien u.a. die 40-stimmige Motette »Spem in alium« von Thomas Tallis intonieren.
Dank fruchtbarer Kooperationen können die Dresdner Musikfestspiele zwei neue Werke präsentieren. Das erste entstand als gemeinsamer Auftrag mit der Deutschen Radiophilharmonie und Christoph Poppen an den Schweizer Komponisten Daniel Glaus. Für sein Oratorium »Von den vier Enden der Welt« ließ er sich von der Frauenkirche inspirieren und schrieb ihr das Werk also auf den Leib. Mit einem spektakulären Orchesteraufbau und der räumlichen Anordnung des renommierten Hilliard Ensemble wird der Kirchenraum am 27. Mai in einer völlig neuen Dimension erfahrbar. Die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit dem Staatsschauspiel Dresden wird mit einer weiteren Neuproduktion fortgesetzt. Der junge Regisseur David Marton zeigt mit »Rheingold. Musiktheater nach Richard Wagner« am 28. Mai seine ganz eigene und garantiert ungewöhnliche Sicht auf den Nibelungenmythos.
(Siglinde Werner)
Weiter Informationen:
source :
[20-May-11][DongA]Rain's performance in German Dresden hits the headlines in the local papers. Rain performs in the presence of a throng of eager fans.
Rain's backup dancer 'Park Kyung Ryul' with the ID name @gori7911, posted on his Twitter, "I didn't realized that there were so many Rain fans loving him with all their heart in Germany. Many young people were seen dancing to the beat of his 'Hip Song' in the plaza after the concert. I was so amazed by this fact that there were so many young fans loving him like this. How nice! I think his German fans are such lovely persons."
Continuing, "The response to his performance in Dresden was so fantastic.. When he finished performing, the audience gave him a standing ovation, in addition, they even shouted, "Encore!" Just then, I felt a lump in my throat..I was totally unprepared for their response because I thought that the concert hall would have a quiet atmosphere. I can't believe that we performed in the presence of such a throng of his eager fans..."
Dresden music festival has come to be one of Germany's representative festivals since it first took place in 1978. Rain was asked to attend the festival from Jan Vogler, a world-famous cellist and artistic director of the festival, and came to participate in it on the 19th.
Aslo. the article about Rain was on today's online and offline papers. He was featured in the culture section of the newspaper, ‘', that contained the following, 'Rain was invited to take part in the Dresden Music Festival from 'Jan Vogler', 'Rain got the honor of being on the list of TIME's top 100 most influential people in the world again.' and 'His films'
Netizens made their comments, "I'm dying to see the video clips showing his performance." "It's incredible that Rain had great influence with the people even in Germany." The people who attended the concert, posted on the internet, "His song "The Way to Avoid the Sun' with the cello tunes really was quite fantastic." "I am really proud of Rain."
Credit to
Brief translation by rain bird.
[20-May-11][en.Korea]Rain, covered by the German media
Rain successfully finished his performance in Germany.
Rain’s dancer with the id @gori7911, Park Kyeong Yeol uploaded a picture with a comment, “you look awesome.” In the black and white picture, he is wearing a sunglass beaming his charisma out.
The picture seems to be taken in Germany when he visited for a Dresden Music Festival. Dresden Music Festival is one of the traditional festivals that started since 1978, and Rain was invited by Jan Vogler who is in charge of the production. He joined the festival on the 19th.
Rain was covered by both the on, off line news media in Germany. In an online newspaper, introduced Rain as one of the most influential figure of the hundred and was invited by Jan Vogler.
And one fan at Rain’s site said, “I did not know there are that many fans in Germany. There were fans who were mimicking the dance moves and were plenty other fans. German fans rock.”
He added, “the reaction was very hot, a standing ovation and encore requests…It was simply amazing.”
Source Nate by Ye Sul //
[19-May-11][Gulf News] Rain set to take a break (Dubai / UAE News)
As the South Korean artist gears up for a two-year break from the entertainment industry, his fans are confident he'll emerge from military service stronger
In nine years, Rain has gone from an unknown backup dancer to one of Asia's hottest stars. The South Korean actor-singer also has two Hollywood movies to his credit.
But his thriving entertainment career must be put on hold later this year when he reports for two years of mandatory military duty. It's a topic the 28-year-old performer doesn't want to discuss.
In the southern Chinese gambling enclave Macau for the latest stop of what is likely his final Asian tour before military service, Rain made sure the media couldn't ask him about his imminent break from the entertainment industry.
At a news conference — delayed by 2 1/2 hours — before his concert at the Venetian Macao casino-hotel late on Saturday, organisers banned questions that were not preapproved by Rain's managers. Instead of discussing how the break would affect his entertainment career, Rain spoke about Macau and fan reaction around Asia.
He talked about his new movie, Living in the Sky, in which he plays a pilot, and said he wanted to make more action films and take on romantic roles in TV dramas.
Few details of his military duty have been disclosed, but he told South Korean media last month that it would start at the end of this year.
All able-bodied South Korean men must join the military for about two years of service sometime between the ages of 18 and 35.
Crossing over
In his short career, Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, has released five Korean albums and a Japanese record and launched a film and TV career. He has also crossed over to America, appearing in a "dance-off" against comedian Stephen Colbert and starring in the Hollywood action thrillers Speed Racer and Ninja Assassin.
But Rain thinks his entertainment future lies in Asia. "Now, America is no longer dominant. Now many Asian movies and songs are very popular. The two regions have the same status now," he said.
Rain's fans are confident their idol will emerge from the two-year break unscathed. Several dozen die-hard fans were camped out outside the concert venue six hours before show time.
"He is a very hard-working person. Serving in the military will improve his determination. It will make him more manly and more mature. His career might take a different direction after his military service, but I think he will keep getting better and better," said 21-year-old university student Zhao Wenwei.
"All his fans think that if he is gone for two years, we will not forget him. We will remember him by watching his movies and other past works," said the Shanghai resident, who shelled out $255 (Dh936) for her ticket.
"The two years of military service will help build his endurance," said Ivy Tang, an 18-year-old university student from the southern Chinese city Guangzhou who travelled to Macau with about 60 fellow members of a Rain discussion group on the Chinese search engine Baidu.
But his thriving entertainment career must be put on hold later this year when he reports for two years of mandatory military duty. It's a topic the 28-year-old performer doesn't want to discuss.
In the southern Chinese gambling enclave Macau for the latest stop of what is likely his final Asian tour before military service, Rain made sure the media couldn't ask him about his imminent break from the entertainment industry.
At a news conference — delayed by 2 1/2 hours — before his concert at the Venetian Macao casino-hotel late on Saturday, organisers banned questions that were not preapproved by Rain's managers. Instead of discussing how the break would affect his entertainment career, Rain spoke about Macau and fan reaction around Asia.
He talked about his new movie, Living in the Sky, in which he plays a pilot, and said he wanted to make more action films and take on romantic roles in TV dramas.
Few details of his military duty have been disclosed, but he told South Korean media last month that it would start at the end of this year.
All able-bodied South Korean men must join the military for about two years of service sometime between the ages of 18 and 35.
Crossing over
In his short career, Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, has released five Korean albums and a Japanese record and launched a film and TV career. He has also crossed over to America, appearing in a "dance-off" against comedian Stephen Colbert and starring in the Hollywood action thrillers Speed Racer and Ninja Assassin.
But Rain thinks his entertainment future lies in Asia. "Now, America is no longer dominant. Now many Asian movies and songs are very popular. The two regions have the same status now," he said.
Rain's fans are confident their idol will emerge from the two-year break unscathed. Several dozen die-hard fans were camped out outside the concert venue six hours before show time.
"He is a very hard-working person. Serving in the military will improve his determination. It will make him more manly and more mature. His career might take a different direction after his military service, but I think he will keep getting better and better," said 21-year-old university student Zhao Wenwei.
"All his fans think that if he is gone for two years, we will not forget him. We will remember him by watching his movies and other past works," said the Shanghai resident, who shelled out $255 (Dh936) for her ticket.
"The two years of military service will help build his endurance," said Ivy Tang, an 18-year-old university student from the southern Chinese city Guangzhou who travelled to Macau with about 60 fellow members of a Rain discussion group on the Chinese search engine Baidu.
source :
11-05-19 Rain Autograph in Dresden
From : DC
11-05-19 Rain and dancers in dresden
11-05-19 Rain and dancers in dresden
Rain blue shorts and a hat in the south
Rain @ Sachsische Zeitung Das Ausgsh Germany Magazine
Rain @ Sachsische Zeitung Das Ausgsh Germany Magazine
source :
11-05-19 Rain & Jan Vogler in dresden
source :
11-05-19 Rain Fans At Dresden Music Festival
Rain Clouds in front of Sombra Opera Semperoper
credit : Dresdner Musikfestspiele
source :
11-05-19 Rain & Jan Vogler in dresden
source :
11-05-19 Rain Fans At Dresden Music Festival
Rain Clouds in front of Sombra Opera Semperoper
credit : Dresdner Musikfestspiele
11-05-19 Rain in Dresden concert
11-05-19 RAIN & VOGLER
110519 Rain @ Dresden
Credit: gori7911 @ twitter
110519 Rain & dancers @ Dresden
source :
11-05-19 Rain in Dresden Music Festival
11-05-20 Rain MCM Dresden Music Festival
MCM이 후원하는 2011 ‘독일 드레스덴 뮤직 페스티벌’, 지난 19일 독일이 낳은 세계적인 첼리스트 얀 포글러(Jan Vogler)와 월드스타 비(Rain)가 만나 역사적인 협연을 선보였습니다.
11-05-20 Rain @ Dresden Music Festival
credit : Dresdner Musikfestspiele
11-05-19 Rain and Jan Vogler from program booklet
Credit : DraftWorks
19 May 2011 - Rain at Dresden Music Festival
credit: Phoenix - RAIN Germany
[Eng Trans]11-06-20 MBC - News_Rain interview @ Flight Close to the Sun
Credit : DC // RATOKA @ YT
- Brief summary -
'Flight : Close to the Sun', a fighter pilot-featured movie, is currently being filmed, and is scheduled to be released early next year.
Rain has been cast as the main character as the top gun in this film.
Our air force is also taking an active part in helping to film the movie.
Fantastic formation flying..
The F-15K valued at about 100 billion won a unit.
This is not a computer graphic - it’s for real and has closely been filmed by a specially equipped plane for the movie. Following USA and France throughout the world, South Korea has become the third nation to actually film aerial scenes. To put perfection in the work, hollywood film crew specializing in making aerial scenes joins the movie shooting.
This movie tracing the human touch of Air Force pilots will pave the way for our air force's work in hitting close to home for moviegoers.
Rain : Now I've got to know how hard fighter pilots work on this.
Their dedication to their work is so admirable.
'So Yun Young' who is the stand-in for Rain in the movie and a major in the Air Force belonging to the 17th combat wing :
Rain is very tall and handsome, I love to see him work hard, and his positive attitude to try to understand the appreciation of Air Force pilots' lives rings in my heart.
Brief translation by rain bird.
[Eng Trans]11-06-20 SBS - News8_Rain interview @ Flight Close to the Sun
watch video here
or watch video here
Rain : It is said to be a test of gravity. I remember the severe suffering under pressure in a way that my body was affected by a gravity of 9 times during the drill.
Brief translation by rain bird.
[Eng Trans]11-06-20 Ytn - News_Rain interview @ Flight Close to the Sun
11-06-20 Ytn - News_Rain interview @ Flight Close to the Sun
Source : Ytn // ratoka @ YT
Rain : I've actually flied F-15K..The aircraft boarded by myself flied to the upper ether, it was a moment I'll never forget.
Brief translation by rain bird.
11-05-19 Fancam - Rain in Dresden
Credit : GermanClouds
[16 Fancam] 110519 Rain in Dresden Music Festival
Credit : DC // ratoka +zitrone343 +GermanClouds+oOMeiYingOo+aledja84@ YT
More [Fancam]11-05-19 Rain in Dresden Music Festival
Credit : Sakura0000001@Youtube
[Vid]11-05-15 Fancam - Rain @ Macau Airport departure
Credit : miyupy
[Vid]11-05-07 Fancam - Rain in Bangkok Hotel
Credit : miyupy
110516 CEN_'The Best' concert in Taipei
RAIN BI 비 110516 CEN_終極暴雨台北演唱會
110517 Pheonix_ 'The Best' concert in Taipei
Credit: biblueberry06 @ youtube
110517 CETV_ 'The Best' concert in Taipei
Credit: biblueberry06 @ youtube
RAIN BI 비 110517 華娛_終極暴雨台北演唱會
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