Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2011.05.02.


[Eng Trans]110502 Mnet_Wide News_Rain in New York for TIME100 Gala Party

Credit: you유 @ DC // scorpiolabi1 @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vh6fgBjEbA

English Translation by rain bird


Rain picked as one of this year's 100 most influential people in the world by U.S. weekly magazine 'Time'.
We want you to meet our proud Rain.

Rain : Hi, everyone. This is Rain. The time is a little after 6:00 pm..
I'll be leaving for New York because I've been picked as one of this year's 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine, that’s because of you.
I’m honored to be selected as one of the final list.

Rain has ranked first on the 2011 Time online poll, beating out the world's celebrities and then been included in the top 100 most influential people in the world twice since 2006.

Rain left the country through Incheon International Airport last 24th to attend the Time 100 party in New York.
Hundreds of reporters and his fans came to see him off at the airport.

Rain : I'm so happy and honored to be picked twice as one of the final list.

Rain was saying hello to a child passing by, looking surprisingly relaxed,
He entered into the departure gate as many people saw him off.

Rain : This is the first time for me to use a self camera on a flight.

Q : Any idea about what kind of voting you could rank top on ?
Rain : Of course, being chosen as the sexiest person in the world is better than being chosen as the most influential one in the world.
In fact, it's of no avail to be chosen as the most influential one in the world.

Q : Who do you want to meet the most among the chosen 100 people?
Rain : First I want to meet U.S. President 'Barack Obama'.
That way, I want to take a picture together with him and then hang the picture on a wall in my living room.

Q : What do you usually do on a flight?
Rain : I gorge to the bursting-point or to the death.

Rain : I think my face has turned red.

Rain : This is reporter 'Jung Ji Hoon' in Manhattan, New York.
It's already 9:46am.
Since I only slept for two hours last night, my fatigue has accumulated and my face has broken out in pimple at this age, 30.

Rain : Anyway, today I'm trying to search for some idea that can be helpful in making my next album.

Rain : I think I have good looks in especial today of all days.
(It does appear to be an ego trip for Rain)

Rain : I'm going to go now with my face which is all swollen up in order to search for some idea.

Rain is in Times Square in New York.

Rain : It’s been so long since I took a rest last time, but in a true sense, this can't be a rest. Of course I've come here to do my work though.

Rain : I'm really glad to be here again after all these years.
This reminds me of my past happy days. To promote Ninja Assassin, I was visiting many cities in this country the year before last.
Anyway, I'm so happy and am having a wonderful time.

Rain : It’s a big day for me. I'm going to the Time 100 gala party.
It makes me feel good and excited to meet the world's celebrities.

Rain : This is the second time since 2006 I've been chosen as one of the Time 100 final list. Yes, and I must say I never expected to be. It's a great honor, that's because of all of my fans.

Finally, Rain arrived at the red carpet event held in front of the Time Warner Building.

As he appeared and walked on the red carpet, fans cheered by screaming his name and countless cameras flashed, and they could realize his popularity.

Rain : Even if I've been here twice, I'm so nervous by the thought of meeting the people of eminence and distinction.

All the celebrities in the event had name bands on their wrists to be granted a special entry in the party.

Zillions of reporters from all over the world gathered at the red capet and competed to cover the event, calling his name.

Rain taking an escalator to attend the party.

Rain : I'll be back soon, bye~

Rain in rage with the world's celebrities such as Lay Gaga, Beyonce, Rihanna, Sting and so on. Rain is the real global star.

Rain : I think I had a good experience.

Rain : My second goal is to sing on the stage of the Time 100 gala party (after the first : being selected as one of the final list)

Rain : It’s time to turn, but I don't go back to the hotel.
I'm going for a meal.. I feel better already to know that I'm gonna be eat soon.

Last April 28, Rain returned with glory amidst hearty cheers.

Rain : I'm so happy, and it's a great honor. I had a great time, meeting many celebrities at the party. That's because of all of my fans. Thank you.


[Eng Trans]11-05-02 Rain @ Mnet Wild News_Time 100 Gale Party  

Credit : DC // RATOKA @ YT

Rain picked as one of this year's 100 most influential people in the world by U.S. weekly magazine 'Time'.
We want you to meet our proud Rain.

Rain : Hi, everyone. This is Rain. The time is a little after 6:00 pm..
I'll be leaving for New York because I've been picked as one of this year's 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine, that’s because of you.
I’m honored to be selected as one of the final list.

Rain has ranked first on the 2011 Time online poll, beating out the world's celebrities and then been included in the top 100 most influential people in the world twice since 2006.

Rain left the country through Incheon International Airport last 24th to attend the Time 100 party in New York.
Hundreds of reporters and his fans came to see him off at the airport.

Rain : I'm so happy and honored to be picked twice as one of the final list.

Rain was saying hello to a child passing by, looking surprisingly relaxed,
He entered into the departure gate as many people saw him off.

Rain : This is the first time for me to use a self camera on a flight.

Q : Any idea about what kind of voting you could rank top on ?
Rain : Of course, being chosen as the sexiest person in the world is better than being chosen as the most influential one in the world.
In fact, it's of no avail to be chosen as the most influential one in the world.

Q : Who do you want to meet the most among the chosen 100 people?
Rain : First I want to meet U.S. President 'Barack Obama'.
That way, I want to take a picture together with him and then hang the picture on a wall in my living room.

Q : What do you usually do on a flight?
Rain : I gorge to the bursting-point or to the death.

Rain : I think my face has turned red.

Rain : This is reporter 'Jung Ji Hoon' in Manhattan, New York.
It's already 9:46am.
Since I only slept for two hours last night, my fatigue has accumulated and my face has broken out in pimple at this age, 30.

Rain : Anyway, today I'm trying to search for some idea that can be helpful in making my next album.

Rain : I think I have good looks in especial today of all days.
(It does appear to be an ego trip for Rain)

Rain : I'm going to go now with my face which is all swollen up in order to search for some idea.

Rain is in Times Square in New York.

Rain : It’s been so long since I took a rest last time, but in a true sense, this can't be a rest. Of course I've come here to do my work though.

Rain : I'm really glad to be here again after all these years.
This reminds me of my past happy days. To promote Ninja Assassin, I was visiting many cities in this country the year before last.
Anyway, I'm so happy and am having a wonderful time.

Rain : It’s a big day for me. I'm going to the Time 100 gala party.
It makes me feel good and excited to meet the world's celebrities.

Rain : This is the second time since 2006 I've been chosen as one of the Time 100 final list. Yes, and I must say I never expected to be. It's a great honor, that's because of all of my fans.

Finally, Rain arrived at the red carpet event held in front of the Time Warner Building.

As he appeared and walked on the red carpet, fans cheered by screaming his name and countless cameras flashed, and they could realize his popularity.

Rain : Even if I've been here twice, I'm so nervous by the thought of meeting the people of eminence and distinction.

All the celebrities in the event had name bands on their wrists to be granted a special entry in the party.

Zillions of reporters from all over the world gathered at the red capet and competed to cover the event, calling his name.

Rain taking an escalator to attend the party.

Rain : I'll be back soon, bye~

Rain in rage with the world's celebrities such as Lay Gaga, Beyonce, Rihanna, Sting and so on. Rain is the real global star.

Rain : I think I had a good experience.

Rain : My second goal is to sing on the stage of the Time 100 gala party (after the first : being selected as one of the final list)

Rain : It’s time to turn, but I don't go back to the hotel.
I'm going for a meal.. I feel better already to know that I'm gonna be eat soon.

Last April 28, Rain returned with glory amidst hearty cheers.

Rain : I'm so happy, and it's a great honor. I had a great time, meeting many celebrities at the party. That's because of all of my fans. Thank you.

Credit to : you유 @ DC // Ratoka @ YT
English translation by rain bird.


(Tudou+YT)110502 Mention Rain @ SBS Good Moring

Credit : ratoka @ YT




((Tudou+YT))[Eng Trans]11-05-02 Rain interview @ SBS Good Morning_Time 100  

credit : DC // ratoka @ YT



Rain picked as one of this year's 100 most influential people in the world by U.S. weekly magazine 'Time'

Rain : Hi, everyone. This is Rain..Can you come with me to the Time 100 gala party through my self camera?

Leaving for New York to attend the party, Rain was accompanied by us via his self camera.

Rain : This is on the flight to New York.
Now as all the rest of them sleep, I'm staying up, so it's rather embarrassing..
I'll see you back in New York..
Thank you.. 
He finally arrived in New York 14 hours after leaving the airport of Incheon.
A welcoming rain was coming down from the sky when he arrived there.

Rain : I'm really glad to be here again after all these years.

Rain has ranked first on the 2011 Time online poll, beating out the American President and the First Lady, singer Beyonce and so on and then been included in the top 100 most influential people in the world twice since 2006.

Rain : It’s a big day for me.
It makes me feel good and excited to meet the world's celebrities including famous artists.

Q : Before attending the Time 100 event, what do you feel like now?
Rain : I'm really looking forward to it. Why don’t you accompany me?

Q : How do you feel after being selected as one of the Time 100 final list?
Rain : I'm very nervous to ride in a limousine again after all these years.
I'm really glad to see many people, and I think I've been picked as the final list, thanks to my fans.

Q : Who do you want to meet the most at the event?
Rain : I'd like to be photographed with U.S. President 'Barack Obama' and then hang the picture on a wall in my living room, this is my goal now.

The Time red carpet was held in front of the Time Warner Building in New York on 16 April. As he appeared and walked on the red carpet, fans cheered by screaming his name and countless cameras flashed.

Q : How do you fee nowl?
Rain : Even if I've been here twice, I'm so nervous by the thought of meeting the people of eminence and distinction.

Zillions of reporters gathered at the red capet and competed to cover the event, calling his name.

Rain : I will be back soon.,bye..

Rain released two different images via his Twitter on this day : one containing the world's famous singer 'Sting' and him, and the other artist 'Bruno Mars' and him.

Q : How was the party atmosphere?
Rain : It was more interesting than the last one.
I was photographed with 'Sting' and 'Bruno Mars', respectively.
Contrary to expectations, the first lady didn't come, but I enjoyed the dinner very much and spent meaningful time with the people, and heard Sting sing.

Rain going back to the hotel with a heart which still leaps up.

Rain : It's not be the last time.

Q : If you ever have another chance to be selected as one of the Time 100 final list?
Rain : If so, my second goal is to sing on its stage (after the first : being selected as one of the final list)

Last Thursday, April 28, Rain returned with glory amidst hearty cheers.

Q : What's next for you?
Rain : I've been filming a movie, and after filming is completed, I plan to lead an active life as a singer or an actor before entering the military at the end of this year.

Rain who has elevated the status of South Korea in the world.
Hope to see more of his work in the future.

Credit : DC // ratoka @ YT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=289-yJ9OUZQ
English translation by rain bird.



[Eng subs]SBS - Hamban TV_TIME100 Party in NY+Incheon Airport arrival

Credit : itsrainismworld



11-04-30 (Eng Subs)Rain @ KBS YunYeGaJunGye_ Self camera interview

CREDIT : itsrainismworld



[15 sec]Rain Mentholatum for Men_ Icy Charcoal Face Wash

credit angela_ad @ tudou // ratoka @ YT


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