Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.06.24.


마음으로 사랑을 담아 생일 축하합니다!!!

마음으로 사랑을 담아
생일 축하합니다!

마음으로 사랑을 담아
생일 축하합니다
입대하셔도 건강한 모습을 볼 수 있어서
1년 9개월의 힘든 기간을 어떻게 지내나 하고 걱정했던것이 거짓말 같습니다.
건강한 모습을 볼수 있어서 정말 기쁩니다.
그리고 그 모습을 그릴 수 있어서 저는 2배 더 행복합니다
몸 건강에 조심해 주세요
일본에서 건강을 기원하고 있겟습니다
항상 Raimy씨와 함께 일본에서 응원하고 있습니다.
다시 한번 더 생일 축하 합니다.

nao & Raimy올림

23일 토요일 국가시험공부로 시들시들한 저에게 지훈씨가 응원 해주신
비가 언제나 내리는 것은 아니다 참다보면 언젠가는 그칠날이 온다라는
그 응원의 말씀이 평생 잊혀지지 않을것 같습니다. 감사합니다



12-06-24 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain DJ

Credit ratoka


[English translation]

[Rain] &[KCM] : [Rain]&[KCM]'s "The Desire To Speed"!

[Rain] : When someone had a tummy ache in his childhood day, he or she wouldn't be sick anymore and would be already fast asleep while his or her mother passed her hand over his or her stomach. I bet we all have experienced that feeling.
I hope you'll enjoy "The Desire To Speed" with such peace of mind again today.

[Rain] : They say it is scientifically proven that mothers' hands are capable of healing. Mental communication with mothers in early childhood provides children with emotional stability and helps children feel better.
[KCM] : Not only mothers' hands but also friends or lovers' hands seem to be capable of healing sometimes.
[Rain] : Since I am my own Lord throughout heaven and earth, my friends' help are superfluous. (laughs) (I work so well that their help is superfluous.)
KCM and I have caught a cold due to our busy schedule.
We're overloaded with work these days, but it can't be helped because we're soldiers.

[Rain] & [KCM] :
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.

[KCM] : Please send your stories and song requests to the radio station through a chargeable SMS #0967 (₩ 50) or its Twitter (@speeding967) or Smart R2 Application.

[Rain] you can visit " http://www.dema.mil.kr " and post comments on its bulletin board (별사탕게시판)

[Rain] : Or you can visit the page by putting the keyword "국방홍보” (Defense Agency for Public Information Services) in the search box. So please send your stories about the joys and sorrows of everyday living or letters to the people around you or song request to <;Rain&KCM's The Desire To Speed>.
[KCM] : Mini radios the military broadcast's logo is emblazoned on, gift certificates, vitamin sets, etc., will be provided to the participants.

[KCM] : Listener 'Kim Yi Young', "What you say is easy to understand today of all days."
[Rain] : Listener 'Newt Rain', "When I was a kid, I fell sick and mother took care of me all through the night. Looking back on those days, tears are suddenly welling up in my eyes."
[KCM] : Listener 'Wikiring', '#5685', 'And Rain', 'Rangrang', '#2975'. 髉', 'Santokki', etc. celebrated Rain's birthday in advance.
[Rain] : Thank you. It is a wonderful feeling, and there are always a lot of congratulations on my birthday. It is very kind of you all to celebrate with me.

[Rain] : Listener 񡕞', "Way to go! 'Roller Jung' (Rain) and 'Macchiato Kang' (KMC) who are traveling through many different places around the nation."
I really appreciate you saying so!

[Rain] : Listener 'Return To Base', "They say today is the hottest day this summer."
We are really worrying because of a long drought. I wish it would rain soon.

[KCM] : Listener '#5535', "The summer heat makes me want to eat nothing, so I keep losing weight."
[Rain] : Please keep going without food for a whole day. (laughs)
Starving for days will give you an appetite. Then, you can eat up everything in sight and you will regain that weight in a short time. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Won Young Joo', "My mother grew potatoes in the countryside
and sent me those potatoes. But, my son doesn't like eating potato, which displeases me."
I'm sure he'll want potato when he grows up.

[Rain] : Listener '#0232', "I saw a lizard at the riverside."
The fact shows that the water is clean.
Lizards are not originally found in our country, but global warming has caused the change of ocean currents, that's why they are found in our country.

[KCM] : Sergeant 'Jung Jae Yun' who is serving in Baengnyeong-do, "I listened to this program yesterday for the first time, and you two had such a funny show.
Just the thought of it is making me laugh. I only have a few days left before the discharge. I'm thrilled at the prospect of seeing my future girlfriend."
[Rain] : Every woman, please don't meet 'Jung Jae Yun'. (laughs)
[KCM] : Rain is very jealous of 'Jung Jae Yun'
[Rain] : I meant it for a joke.

- Talk with 'Lee Dae Hwa' about music-
[Rain] : Nice to meet you. You couldn't appear on this program last week, so a female reviewer appeared on it in place of you.
[Lee Dae Hwa] : I was tied up with something urgent. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.
[Rain] : Of course she is a very capable person, too, but we wanted to see you more than anyone else.
[Lee Dae Hwa] : I really appreciate you saying so, and at the same time I’m sorry that I wasn't able to appear on it.

-Duck Sauce's Barbra Streisand-
[Lee Dae Hwa] : 'Barbra Streisand' was in vogue all over the world in 2010.
This group is comprised of 2 members, "Armand Van Helden", "A-Trak".
The cover of this album is a takeoff on the cover of an album by Barbra Streisand and Barry Gibb.
[Rain] : By the way, I find the music industry is currently undergoing rapid change.

[KCM] : (When KCM started humming along with the melody of Duck Sauce's Barbra Streisand,)
[Rain] : Give it a try.
[KCM] : Woooo~~
[Rain] :Please focus only on what you do best. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#6054', "Lee Dae Hwa, welcome back to the show."
[Rain] : Listener 'Newt Rain', "I want to drink beer whenever I listen to this song.
I'm considering the effects of the jingle for TV advertising."
[KCM] : Listener '#5535', "It is better for you to listen to such music by night than by day."
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Listener '#0485', "This music always enter my mind to a TV commercial featuring the world-famous Korean figure skater 'Kim Yu Na' "
'Barbra Streisand' is very infectious.

-Calvin Harris' Let's Go (Digital Audio Bundle) (Feat. Ne-Yo)
[Lee Dae Hwa] : It’s been an incredible hit.
Calvin Harris is a singer and DJ from Scotland, and he is 27 years old.
He produced singer 'Rihanna's 'We Found Love' which was a big hit.
His 'Let's Go' is an electronic music and its melodies are also brilliant.
[Rain] : KCM, can you dance to 'Let's Go' while we listen to the music.
[KCM] : Sure I can!

[Rain] : Listener '#6053', "'Macchiato Kang' (KMC), would you show me your dance someday?"
[Rain] : Listener '#3462', "This sounds familiar to me. Welcome back, 'Lee Dae Hwa' "
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Thank you.
[KCM] : Listener '#6054', "I know the song has been a mega hit these days."
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Listener 'My Love Boku', "I'm fun to sing along to."
[Rain] : Listener 񠝪', "The highlights of the song are very infectious."

[Lee Dae Hwa] : Listener 'Ang', "I'd like to dance to the music, drinking beer."
[KCM] : I like to dance to music, looking at myself in the mirror, but I look terrible. (laugh)
[Lee Dae Hwa] : I saw KCM dancing a minute ago, but a big teddy bear seemed to dance. (laughs)
[Rain] : It was an ugly spectacle. (laughs)
[KCM] : Rain, would you mind teaching me how to dance?
[Rain] : Please just sing songs. (laughs)

-Afrojack's 'Take Over Control' & Can't Stop Me-
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Afrojack is a world-famous PD and DJ, and he is Paris Hilton's ex-boyfriend.
[Rain] : This music produces a desire to go dancing at a club.
[Lee Dae Hwa] : You'd rather go there on weekdays. Dark clubs reek dreadfully of tobacco and there are so many people there on weekends.

[KCM] : Listener '#8686', "This music produces a desire to drink beer while dancing."
[Rain] : By the way, let me tell you about an internationally funny news - A british person ate semidry cuttlefish, but its egg hatched in his gums before he knew and he had to undergo a surgery to remove a lot of little cuttlefish.
[KCM] : Really? It is inconceivable to me that it will happen.

[Rain] : Listener '#5658', "I can't dance well, but now I really want to dance."
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Listener '#1702', "I really want to go to a club tonight, but tomorrow is Monday, so I can't go."
[Rain] : My master JYP told me when I was a trainee, "Break up your sleeping time in order to go out and play." Looking back on it now, I suppose he was right.
Singers should continue to strive to survive in the music industry.

- Chris Brown's Turn Up The Music -
[Rain] : House Music has become part of the mainstream, no longer a separate branch of modern music. I want to do real music, though.

[Rain] : Time goes by so quickly. Thank you for coming today, Lee Dae Hwa.
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Thank you. See you next week.

[KCM] : Listener '#5024', "I'm thinking of going to a club with my husband."
[Rain] : Listener '#1103', "I had dinner at an Italian restaurant in Seoul's Itaewon
last Friday, where a DJ played music."

[Rain] : Listener '#0232', "I like to eat mashed potatoes with sugar and salt (fifty-fifty)"
[KCM]: Potatoes taste good with Kimchi.
[Rain] : I like mashed sweat potatoes with a pinch of sugar.

[KCM] : Listener 'Kim Han Sol'. "I caught the KTX home to help my parents after working throughout the yesterday night."

[Rain] : Listener 'Ji Soo'. "I'll wear a bikini bathing suit at the beach this summer after losing weight."
I want a picture of her in a bikini. Let's get married. (laughs)
If she sends me her picture, I'll send her my picture showing my abs. (laughs)

- R vs K or K vs R -
-Guests : [Park Kyung Wook]& [Kim Sung Won]-

[Rain] : 'Park Kyung Wook' and 'Kim Sung Won' are very outstanding PR soldiers.
How long have you been in Defense Agency for Public Information Services?
[Park Kyung Wook] : I've been here only a month or so.
[Kim Sung Won] : I've only been here 2 months.

[Rain] : Which of the following do you think is the best song in the first half of this year?
SISTAR's 'Alone', Taeyoen, Tiffany, and Seooyeon's 'Twinkle', miss A's 'Touch', Busker Busker's Cherry Blossoms Ending, etc.

[Park Kyung Wook] : I'll choose Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'.
[Kim Sung Won] : I'll choose SISTAR's 'Alone'.
[KCM] : I'll choose Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'.
[Rain] : I want to choose Seven's 'Although I Can't Sing'

- Choose one of the two, Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending' (KCM), Seven's 'Although I Can't Sing' (Rain)-

[Kim Sung Won] : Listener '#2358', "I'll vote for SISTAR's 'Alone'."
[Rain] : Listener '#2358', "Seven's 'Although I Can't Sing'"
[Park Kyung Wook] : Listener '#3593', "I like Wonder Girls' 'Like This'"

[KCM] : Listener 'Kin Yin Joo', "I don't listen to female singers' songs, but
I listen to 'Baek Ji Young's songs."
[Rain] : I don't listen to male singers' songs, but I listen to my songs by paying the bill. (laughs)

[Kim Sung Won] : Listener '#1702', "I'll vote for Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'"
[Rain] : Listener '#8686', "Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'"

[KCM] : Listener '#0232', "Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'"
[Rain] : Listener '#7645', "Seven's 'Although I Can't Sing' "
[Park Kyung Wook] : Listener '#6696', "Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'"
[Kim Sung Won] : Listener '#0774', "Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'"
[Rain] : Listener '#0625', "Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'"

[Park Kyung Wook] : I'll vote for Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'.
[Kim Sung Won] : I'll vote for Seven's 'Although I Can't Sing'

[KCM] : Listener '#5114', "I'll vote for Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'."
[Rain] : Listener '#5658', "I'll vote for Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'."
[Kim Sung Won] : Listener 'Love', "I'll vote for Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'."

[Rain] : The winner is Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending'
Busker Busker's 'Cherry Blossoms Ending' (195 votes)
Seven's 'Although I Can't Sing' (152 votes)
Congratulations on your victory, KCM.

[KCM] : Listener '#0455', "Happy birthday to my close friend."
[Rain] : Listener 'Nana', "Let me tell you about a funny story."
Please don't say such a thing. (laughs)
Listener 'Nana', "What'll happen to ‘Song Hae' (a famous MC) if he takes a bath?
-his skin will be 'Bbosonghae' (will be as soft as silk)"
You shouldn't have said such a thing. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Eun Young', "My face is puffy because I had ramen last night."
Please press hard on your temples with your hands to help reduce the swelling.
[KCM] : Or wash up with water including green tea.
[Rain] : Let me know the results next week after trying to find which of two methods is the better.

[KCM] : Listener 'Newt Rain' "Please try to place a rolled towel including ice pack behind your back to beat the heat."
[Rain] : To beat the heat, please try to enter the refrigerator after taking all food items from it. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'R2B Will Hit The Jackpot', "I went to Gyeonghoeru Pavilion in Gyeongbokgung Palace. It was imbued with the life breath of our ancestors."
Movie 'R2B' in which I star is coming out this August, but unfortunately, I can not take part in various events to promote the movie, so I am sorry that I could not be with all the actors and actresses such as 'Shin Se Kyung', 'Yu Joon Sang', 'Kim Sung Soo', etc.
[KCM] : Definitely I'll go see it.

[Rain] : Listener '#8745', "I went to Yeosu International Expo and asked the price in English to buy some goods at a shop a foreigner ran, "How much is this?", then the owner said, "10,000won, 10.000won" in Korean.
Boy, was I embarrassed! I finally bought a ring and was out of there."

[Rain] : Actually, I got a terrible headache when this show started, but now my headache has dissipated throughout its proceedings.
Tomorrow is the 62nd anniversary of the armistice that ended the Korean War. Let's not forget about the brave soldiers who died for our country.

[Rain] : Thank you very much for being with us.
[KCM] : Thank you. See you next week.
[Rain] : Bye!

emik  2012.07.04
Dear 화니, Thank you for the translation.


[Rain] &[KCM] : [Rain]と[KCM]の "疾走本能"!

[Rain] : 子供の頃、腹痛になった時、お母さんがお腹に手を当てると具合もそれ以上悪くならず、ぐっすり眠ることができた。

[Rain] :母親の手は治療の能力があると科学的に証明されているらしい。
[KCM] : 母親の手だけではなく、友人または愛する人の手も時々、治療の能力があるように思える。
[Rain] :天上天下唯我独尊なので、僕は友だちの助けは必要ない。(笑い)
KCM と僕は多忙なスケジュールのため風邪を引いてしまった。

[Rain] & [KCM] : *以下は地域ごとの周波数の案内なので和訳は省略します。

Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.

[KCM] : あなたのストーリーまたは曲のリクエストを有料SMS0967番(₩50)または、この番組のTwitter (@speeding967) 、あるいはSmartR2アプリケーションを通して送ってください。

[Rain]: " http://www.dema.mil.kr "にアクセスして、電子掲示板 (별사탕게시판)にコメントを投稿することもできます。

[Rain] : または、 "국방홍보” (国防省広報支援隊)と検索スペースに入力してアクセスできます。日ごろの喜びと悲しみのストーリー、またはあなたの周囲の人への手紙、または曲のリクエストを<;RainとKCM の疾走本能>へ送って下さい。
[KCM] : 参加者には軍放送のロゴが入ったミニラジオ、商品券、ビタミンセットなどが贈られます。

[KCM] :リスナー 'Kim Yi Young', "今日に限って貴方達が話していることが理解しやすい。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Newt Rain', "子供の頃、病気になった時、お母さんが夜通し面倒見てくれた。当時を振り返り、突然涙があふれる。"
[KCM] : リスナー 'Wikiring', '#5685', 'And Rain', 'Rangrang', '#2975'. 髉', 'Santokki', などと事前に Rainの誕生日を祝った。
[Rain] : ありがとう。素晴らしい気分だよ、それと誕生日にはいつもたくさんのお祝いの言葉をもらう。みんなお祝いしてくれて本当にありがとう。

[Rain] :リスナー 񡕞', "'Roller Jung' (Rain) と 'Macchiato Kang' (KMC)は国内のいろんな場所へ旅した、よくやったね! "

[Rain] : リスナー 'Return To Base', "今日はこの夏で一番暑い日になるらしい。"
[KCM] : リスナー '#5535', "夏の暑さで食欲がなく、体重が減り続けている。"
[Rain] : 何も食べないで1日過ごしてみて。(笑い)


[Rain] :リスナー 'Won Young Joo', "私の母が田舎でジャガイモを育てて、私に送ってくれた。でも私の息子はジャガイモが好きじゃないので私は不機嫌になる。"

[Rain] : リスナー '#0232', "川岸でトカゲを見た。"

[KCM] : 白翎島で任務している 'Jung Jae Yun'軍曹, "昨日初めて、この番組を聴いた、そしてとても面白いショーだった。考えただけで笑えた。僕は除隊まであと数日。僕の将来のガールフレンドに出会うことにワクワクしている。"
[Rain] : 女性のみなさん、どうか 'Jung Jae Yun'に会わないで。(笑い)
[KCM] : Rain は'Jung Jae Yun'にすごく嫉妬してる。
[Rain] : 冗談のつもりだよ。

- 音楽について'Lee Dae Hwa' とトーク-
[Rain] : お会いできてうれしいです。先週はお越し頂けなかったので、代わりに女性の評論家にお越し頂きました。
[Lee Dae Hwa] : 急用で手が離せなくて。ご迷惑をお掛けしました。
[Rain] : もちろん彼女もとても有能な人でした、でも僕達は誰よりも貴方に会いたかった。
[Lee Dae Hwa] : そういってくれるとありがたい、と同時に欠席して申し訳なかった。

-Duck Sauce の Barbra Streisand-
[Lee Dae Hwa] :2010年 'Barbra Streisand' は世界中で人気だった。 グループメンバーは"Armand Van Helden"と"A-Trak"の2人。
このアルバムのカバーは,Barbra Streisand と Barry Gibbによるアルバムのカバーの物まね。
[Rain] : ところで、音楽業界が急な変化を被っていると知った。

[KCM] : (KCM がDuck SauceのBarbra Streisandのメロディーをハミングした時)
[Rain] : 歌ってみて。
[KCM] : ウォウウ~~
[Rain] : お願いだから、君が一番得意なことだけに集中して。 (笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー '#6054', "Lee Dae Hwa, (番組に)ようこそ戻って来てくれました/お帰りなさい。"

[Rain] :リスナー 'Newt Rain', "この曲を聴くと、いつでもビールが飲みなくなる。 TVの広告ソングとしての効果を考えている。"
[KCM] :リスナー '#5535', " こういった曲は昼間よりも夜に聴いた方がいい。"
[Lee Dae Hwa] :リスナー '#0485', "この曲を聴くといつでも世界的有名な韓国のフィギュアスケーター'Kim Yu Na'が出演しているTVコマーシャルが浮かぶ。"
'Barbra Streisand' はとても記憶しやすい。

-Calvin Harrisの' Let's Go (デジタルオーディオバンドル) (Feat. Ne-Yo)
[Lee Dae Hwa] : これは信じられないヒットになっている。
Calvin Harris はスコットランド出身の歌手であり、DJ。彼は27歳。
彼は歌手'Rihannaの'We Found Love'をプロデュースし、大ヒットだった。
彼の'Let's Go' はエレクトロニック・ミュージックでメロディーも見事。
[Rain] : KCM, 僕達が 'Let's Go'を聴いている間、曲に合わせて踊れる?
[KCM] : もちろん、できるよ!

[Rain] : リスナー'#6053', "'Macchiato Kang' (KMC), いつの日か貴方のダンスを見せてもらえますか?"
[Rain] :リスナー '#3462', "これは聴いたことがあるような曲。お帰りなさい'Lee Dae Hwa' "

[Lee Dae Hwa] : ありがとう。
[KCM] : リスナー '#6054', "最近、この曲がメガヒットしていることは知っている。"
[Lee Dae Hwa] :リスナー 'My Love Boku', "一緒に歌うと楽しい。"
[Rain] :リスナー 񠝪', "曲のハイライトがすごく覚えやすい。"

[Lee Dae Hwa] : リスナー 'Ang', "曲に合わせて踊って、ビールを飲みたい。"
[KCM] :鏡で自分を見ながら曲に合わせて踊りたいな、でも僕は見ためがひどい。(笑い)
[Lee Dae Hwa] : 数分前にKCM がダンスしているのを見たけど、大きなテディベアがダンスしているようだった。(笑い)
[Rain] : あれは見苦しい光景だった。(笑い)
[KCM] : Rain, 踊り方を教えていただけませんか?
[Rain] : お願いだから歌を唄って。(笑い)

-Afrojack の 'Take Over Control' & Can't Stop Me-
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Afrojack は世界的に有名な PD でありDJ,そして彼はParis Hilton の元彼でもある。
[Rain] : この音楽はクラブで踊りたいという欲望を起こさせる。
[Lee Dae Hwa] : 君は平日に行った方がいいよ。薄暗いクラブはたばこの臭いがものすごいし、週末はたくさんの人がいる。

[KCM] : リスナー'#8686', "この音楽は踊りながらビールが飲みたくなる。"
[Rain] : ところで、国際的な冗談を紹介させて-ある英国人が半生の甲イカを食べた、でも彼が気づく前に彼の歯茎でその卵が孵化し、そしてたくさんの小さな甲イカを取り除くため彼は手術を受けなければならなかった。
[KCM] : ほんとうに? そんなことが起こるなんて僕には想像できない

[Rain] :リスナー '#5658', "ダンスが上手ではない、でも今すごくダンスしたい。"
[Lee Dae Hwa] :リスナー '#1702', "今夜すごくクラブに行きたい、でも明日は月曜日だから行けない。"
[Rain] :僕が訓練生の時、師匠JYPが "出かけて遊ぶために睡眠時間を分割しろ。" と言った。今振り返ってみると、彼は正しいと思う。歌手は音楽業界で生き残るために努力を続けるべきだ。

- Chris Brown のTurn Up The Music -
[Rain] : ハウスミュージックは主流の一つとなり、今はもうモダンミュージックの一分野ではなくなったけど、僕は本物の音楽をやりたい。
[Rain] :時間が経つのは本当に早い。
今日はお越し頂きありがとう, Lee Dae Hwa.
[Lee Dae Hwa] : ありがとう、また来週。

[KCM] : リスナー '#5024', "主人とクラブに行くことを考え中"
[Rain] : リスナー '#1103', "先週の金曜にソウルの梨泰院にあるイタリアンレストランでディナーを食べた、そこではDJ が音楽をかけていた。"

[Rain] : リスナー '#0232', "砂糖と塩を等分に入れたマッシュポテトが好き。"
[KCM]: ポテトはキムチをつけると美味しい。
[Rain] :砂糖をひとつまみ入れたすりつぶしたサツマイモが好き。

[KCM] : リスナー 'Kim Han Sol'. "昨夜一晩中働いたあと、両親を助けるためにKTXに乗って家に帰る。"
[Rain] :リスナー'Ji Soo'. "体重を落とした後、この夏はビーチでビキニを着るつもり。"

- R vs K または K vs R -
-ゲスト : [Park Kyung Wook]& [Kim Sung Won]-
[Rain] : 'Park Kyung Wook' と 'Kim Sung Won' はとても優れた広報支援隊員。
[Park Kyung Wook] : まだ1か月ぐらい。
[Kim Sung Won] : 僕は2カ月。

[Rain] :今年前半でどの曲がベストだと思う?

例えば、SISTAR : 'ひとり', Taeyoen, Tiffany, そしてSeooyeon : 'Twinkle', miss A: 'Touch', Busker Busker : 桜エンディング, など。

[Park Kyung Wook] : 僕はBusker Busker:'桜エンディング'を選ぶ。.
[Kim Sung Won] : 僕は SISTAR:'ひとり'を選ぶ。.
[KCM] : 僕はBusker Busker:'桜エンディング'を選ぶ。
[Rain] : 僕はSeven;'僕が歌えなくても' を選びたい。

- Busker Busker:'桜エンディング' (KCM), または Seven;'僕が歌えなくても' (Rain)のどちから一つを選ぶ-

[Kim Sung Won] : リスナー '#2358', "私はSISTAR : 'ひとり'に投票。"
[Rain] : リスナー'#2358', " Seven;'僕が歌えなくても' '"
[Park Kyung Wook] : リスナー '#3593', "私はWonder Girlsの'Like This' が好き。"

[KCM] :リスナー 'Kin Yin Joo', "私は女性歌手の歌は聴かないけど、 'Baek Ji Young の曲は聴く。"
[Rain] : 僕は男性歌手の歌は聴かないけど、自分の曲はお金を払って聴くよ。(笑い)

[Kim Sung Won] : リスナー '#1702', "私はBusker Busker:'桜エンディング''"
[Rain] : リスナー '#8686', " Busker Busker:'桜エンディング''

[KCM] :リスナー'#0232', " Busker Busker:'桜エンディング''"
[Rain] :リスナー '#7645', " Seven;'僕が歌えなくても' "
[Park Kyung Wook] : リスナー '#6696', " Busker Busker:'桜エンディング''"
[Kim Sung Won] : リスナー'#0774', " Busker Busker:'桜エンディング'"
[Rain] : リスナー '#0625', " Busker Busker:'桜エンディング"

[Park Kyung Wook] :僕は Busker Busker:'桜エンディング''に投票。.
[Kim Sung Won] :僕は Seven;'僕が歌えなくても' に投票。'

[KCM] : リスナー '#5114', " Busker Busker:'桜エンディング''に投票。"
[Rain] : リスナー '#5658', "私はBusker Busker:'桜エンディング'に投票。"
[Kim Sung Won] : リスナー 'Love', "私はBusker Busker:'桜エンディング'に投票。"

[Rain] : 勝利はBusker Busker:'桜エンディング''
Busker Busker:'桜エンディング' (195票)
Seven;'僕が歌えなくても' (152票)

[KCM] :リスナー '#0455', "親しい友人に誕生日おめでとう。"
[Rain] : リスナー 'Nana', "私に面白い話を紹介させて。"

リスナー 'Nana', "もし ‘Song Hae' (有名な MC) がお風呂に入ったらどうなる?
-彼の肌は 'Bbosonghae'のようになる。 (絹のように柔らかくなる)"
そういうことを言うべきじゃないよ。 (笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー 'Eun Young', "昨夜ラーメンを食べたので顔がむくんだ。"
[KCM] : または緑茶を含んだ水で顔を洗う。
[Rain] : 2つの方法を試して、どちらが良かったか結果を来週知らせてね。

[KCM] :リスナー 'Newt Rain' " 暑さをしのぐには氷枕/アイスパックを入れて巻いたタオルを首の後ろに当てる事を試してみて。"
[Rain] : 暑さをしのぐには、すべての食べ物を冷蔵庫から出して中に入る事を試してみて。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー 'R2B Will Hit The Jackpot', "景福宮にある慶会楼へ行った。私たち祖先の生活の息吹が染み込んでいた。"
僕が主演した映画 'R2B' は8月に公開される、でも残念ながら僕は映画を宣伝するためのさまざまなイベントに参加することが出来ない、なので 'Shin Se Kyung', 'Yu Joon Sang', 'Kim Sung Soo'などの俳優や女優達と同席できず、申し訳ない。
[KCM] : もちろん、観に行くよ。

[Rain] : リスナー '#8745', "麗水万博へ行き、外人が経営していたショップで買い物をしようと英語で価格を尋ねた "これはいくらですか?", その時、主人が韓国語で"10,000ウォン, 10.000ウォン"と言った。いやはや、恥ずかしかった! 最終的に指輪を買って店を出た。"

[Rain] : 実際、番組が始まった時ひどい頭痛だったけど、番組を進行しているうちに頭痛が消えた。

[Rain] : 僕達と一緒に過ごしてくれてどうもありがとう。
[KCM] : ありがとう。また来週。
[Rain] : さようなら!


[Fancams]120623 Rain @ Military Music Festival @ Gongju

Credit: pharkil @ youtube

Hip Song

It's Raining

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