- 4월 23일, 국방FM <건빵과 별사탕> 정지훈 일병 출연예정!
source :
지난 4월 10일, 제 9대 병무홍보대사로 위촉된 월드스타 정지훈.
입대 전, 연예인 활동시절에도 그는 감히 통화하기가 힘든 대스타였는데요
물론, 군인신분인 지금도 국민의 의무인 군복무를 하기에 쉽사리 만나기가 힘든 연예병사입니다.
그런 그를.. ! 정지훈 일병의 목소리를 라디오를 통해 들을 수 있는 날이 머지않았습니다.
심지어 전화통화도 할 수 있다고 하는데요!!
바로 오는 4월 23일 월요일 오후 6시부터 8시까지 진행되는
국방FM <건빵과 별사탕>..
월요일 일일 초대 게스트로 정지훈 일병이 나온다는 소식입니다.
국방FM <건빵과 별사탕>은 본래 곰신과 군화를 모티브로 한 방송인데요.
지난 2일 봄개편을 맞이하여 2시간으로 방송시간을 확대,
요일별 코너 중 월요일 코너 '별별 선곡'과 '다짜고짜 전화데이트'로
일명 '월요병'에 시달리는 청취자들에게 깨알같은 재미를 들려주고있습니다.
특히, 이 중 '다짜고짜 전화데이트'는 방송을 청취하며 실시간으로 문자를 전송하는 청취자 중
일부를 무작위로 선별하여 전화연결을 하는데요.
일일게스트로 코너진행을 맡아줄 정지훈 일병도 이 코너에 참여 할 예정입니다.
정지훈 일병이 아주 오랜만에 헤드폰과 마이크를 앞에 두고 라디오로 일반인들과 국군장병들을
잠깐이지만 찾아뵈는 좋은 시간..!
제가 특별히 ! 청춘예찬에만 살짝이 공개하는 일정이니,
여러분들도 아래 참여방법을 참고하시어 좋은 방송 청취해보시길 바랍니다^^
◈ 군복무 중인 특수한 상황을 고려, 당일날 출연일정이 변경되거나 불참할수도 있음을 미리 안내해드립니다.
secession 2012.04.20[English translation]
[Pfc "Jung Ji Hoon" (Rain) is to make a guest appearance on military FM (건빵과 별사탕 = Hard Tack & Astral Candy) on 23 April (Mon)]
World star "Jung Ji Hoon" (Rain) appointed as 9th term honorary ambassador for Defense Agency for Public Information Services, was a super star that we would hardly even dare speak to him even if we met him on the rare occasions even when he was a singer before his enlistment, and he still is.
There is a good news that pfc "Jung Ji Hoon" will make a guest appearance on military FM (건빵과 별사탕 = Hard Tack & Astral Candy) on 23 April (Mon) from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. He'll also talk with you (listeners) on the phone on the air.
The names of the winners who will speak with Rain on the phone will be drawn randomly from our membership list.
* How to participate in the event*
-Participation via SMS with #0967 from 6:00pm to 8ᜌpm on the air (₩50 charge)
-Posting your story and song request on 건빵과 별사탕's homepage
* How to listen to the program *
- Frequency by regional groups :
- How to listen to it via Smart Phone :
◈ Considering his special situation where he is serving in the military, the schedule is subject to change. (his schedule can be changed or he can be absent.)
12-04-20 [Rain-Jihoon Notice]Remember RAIN Diary Notice on purchase method for non group purchase countries/regions
Hi, this is Rainy Entertainment.
This is to inform you about the purchase method for countries/regions where it is not possible to arrange group purchase of the Remember RAIN Diary. (Group purchase countries/regions are: Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. For all other countries/regions please check relevant information below.)
*If you want to organize group purchase for your country, please write
* Remember RAIN Diary purchase method
- order submission period (including payment): 23 April – 5 May 2012
- scheduled delivery date: 14 May 2012
- Diary cost: diary price: per copy + paypal deposit charge + relevant country based delivery charge
Please refer to the table below for relevant amount (overseas deposit charge included) and please make sure to remit the correct amount. *If your country is missing in the following table please write to to ask for the amount for your country.
(Quantity of diary purchased + paypal deposit charge + country based delivery charge)
* Please make sure to email a copy of your remittance proof after you have made your payment.
* Each individual delivery can contain up to 5 copies of diaries.[Paypal Information]
Payment by Paypal
[Email information after remittance]
* email address for order
* email content:
- Subject: Name of Depositor, Country, Quantity (e.g. Jung Jihoon, Singapore, 2 copies)
- Content: quantity of diary ordered/name of depositor/name of deposit bank/date of deposit/name of delivery recipient/address (including zip code)/contact number 1/contact number 2/special notes about delivery (if any)/*copy of overseas remittance proof.
(Please make sure to provide correct address (including zip code) of the recipient, otherwise additional delivery charge may be incurred after the goods have been delivered. Please pay particular attention to this point.)
Thank you.
120420 장군이 General
Credit: hana's cy
2012.04.20 00:56
한장보기 EXIF정보 크게보기
장군이 잠자는 모습.....
그렇게 불쌍하게 자지마..ㅠ ㅋ
secession 2012.04.20
[English translation]
Janguny (General) in his posture when sleeping...
Don't put on such a pitiful face..ㅠ ke
So cute~
12-04-20 Rain Military picture
source :
Rain climbling pictures
[Eng Trans]12-04-13Rain woth soldiers at Les Graines
12-04-20 Rain woth soldiers at Les Graines
source :
연예 사병들의 래그랜느 실습
지난 토요일 4월14일 현재 군복무 중인 연예사병들이 래그랜느를 찿았습니다
장애인의날을 즈음하여 우리 직원들과 작업체험을 하며
현재 군복무중인 젊은 병사에게 홍보하기 위함이지요
유명한 가수,배우들이 왔지만 우리 직원들은 눈길한번 주지 않습니다
남범선대리는 연예사병이 만든 쿠키를 모두 걷어 냅니다
범선이가 보기엔 제대로 만들지 못했으니까요
몇번을 시도하고는 범선이가 걷어내지 않으니까 환호를 하더군요
와 합격했다고
사실 연예사병과 범선이는 같은 나이 또래 입니다
장애를 가진것 과 장애가 없다는 차이
무었이 다른지?
secession 2012.04.20
[English translation]
- PR soldiers practice making bread at Les Graines -
PR soldiers serving in the military visited Les Graines on Saturday, April 14.
As a means of informing the young soldiers about our work and of giving an opportunity for them to work with us on the occasion of National Disabled Persons Day, they were invited.
Even if famous actors and singers came, our staffs just worked silently without looking at them.
Assistant 'Nam Beom Seon' removed all the finished things they had made as if he didn't like those things.
When the things passed the quality test after they made several attempts, they cheered. The PR soldiers and 'Nam Beom Seon' are around the same age.
What makes you think there is a difference between able-bodied and disabled people?
[Eng Trans]12-04-20 Rain climbing mountains with children
source :
2012. 4. 12. 산행에는 연예인 군인아저씨들이 천사들의 짝꿍이 되어 산행을 도와주었습니다.
가수 비와 함께 찍은 유환이, 진호 사진입니다. ^^
2012. 4. 14. 청계산 등산에 연예인 군인아저씨들이 천사들의 짝꿍이 되어 등산을 도와주었습니다.
가수 비와 함께 찍은 유환이 사진입니다. ^^
ecession 2012.04.20
[English translation]
[산행에는 연예인 군인아저씨들이 천사들의 짝꿍이 되어 산행을 도와주었습니다.]
Angels (people with autism) were accompanied by PR soldiers while climbing a mountain.
[가수 비와 함께 찍은 유환이, 진호 사진입니다. ^^]
The pictures present singer Rain, 'Yu Howan', and 'Jin Ho' ^^
[2012. 4. 14. 청계산 등산에 연예인 군인아저씨들이 천사들의 짝꿍이 되어 등산을 도와주었습니다. ]
Angels (people with autism) were accompanied by PR soldiers while climbing Cheongkye Mt. on 14 April 2012.
[가수 비와 함께 찍은 유환이 사진입니다. ^^]
The pictures present singer Rain and 'Yu Howan' ^^
[산행에는 연예인 군인아저씨들이 천사들의 짝꿍이 되어 산행을 도와주었습니다.]
Angels (people with autism) were accompanied by PR soldiers while climbing a mountain.
[가수 비와 함께 찍은 유환이, 진호 사진입니다. ^^]
The pictures present singer Rain, 'Yu Howan', and 'Jin Ho' ^^
[2012. 4. 14. 청계산 등산에 연예인 군인아저씨들이 천사들의 짝꿍이 되어 등산을 도와주었습니다. ]
Angels (people with autism) were accompanied by PR soldiers while climbing Cheongkye Mt. on 14 April 2012.
[가수 비와 함께 찍은 유환이 사진입니다. ^^]
The pictures present singer Rain and 'Yu Howan' ^^
[Eng Trans]12-04-20 KTV - News_Rain with soldier @ Military event
credit : ktv // ratoka @ YT
secession 2012.04.20
[English translation]
[Rain does voluntary service that helping the handicapped (people with autism)]
Word star Rain who is serving in the military took time to make 'Love' bread with the handicapped to give them unforgettable memories.
Special visitors showed up at Les Graines, a social enterprise, in which people with autism make bread.
6 PR soldiers including singer Rain came there before a week for the disabled.
They learned about how to treat people with autism and how to make bread before they began to work.
'Nam Gi Cheol' (The owner of Les Graines), “If you make bread well, I'll give you this as a present, but you'll get a talking-to by our staffs with autism if you're handless at a task. The staffs have made all the process a breeze."
[Rain] ; I think it's finally time for us to set aside our prejudice and learn to accept the disabled as common people like ourselves.
Probably it will be even cooler if we can live in a world where both able-bodied and disabled people are treated equally.
Those PR soldiers also went hiking with the handicapped. (Chengkye Mt.)
Disabled person A : I can see flowers over there. They should be in full bloom.
A soldier : What kind of flower do you like best?
Disabled person A : forsythias, Azaleas, etc..
For 15 years, Grain Angel, an organization of volunteers, has been providing an antidote to isolation while climbing mountains, holding the hands of the handicapped. On the day in particular, 4 PR soldiers took the lead by taking part in volunteer work.
"So I Love You, And I Love You Though", a special feature on the volunteer activities will be aired on KTV tomorrow evening at 7 with "Park Wan Gyu", "Park Hyo Shin", and "KMC" attending.
emik 2012.04.22
[Rain は、障害のある人たち(自閉症)を助ける奉仕活動を行った。]
兵役中のワールドスターRainは、障害のある人たちに記憶に残る/忘れられない思い出を与えるために彼らと'愛' のパンを作る時間を過ごした。
特別な訪問者は自閉症の人たちがパンを作る特別企業 "Les Graines"と言う場所に現れた。
'Nam Gi Cheol' (Les Grainesのオーナー)が言った"もしうまくパンができたなら、これをプレゼントとして差し上げましょう、でも、もしあなたがタスクに対して不器用ならば、自閉症の私達のスタッフから小声が出るでしょう。スタッフは全工程を順番(スムーズ)に進ませたことがあります。"
[Rain] ; ついに我々の先入観を取り除け、そして我々のように一般大衆として障害者を受け入れる時がきたと思いました。
障害者 A : あそこに花が見える。満開に違いない。
兵士 : どんな種類の花が一番好きなのかな?
障害者 A : レンギョウ、つつじ とか...
ボランティア組織"Grain Angel"は15年にわたり登山の間、孤独の解毒剤を提供している、それは障害者の手を持つ/握ること。この日は特に、4人の広報支援隊が先頭に立って奉仕作業に参加した。
ボランティア活動の特別な機能、"だから愛してる、そしてだけれども愛してる" は明日の夜7時からKTVで放送され、"Park Wan Gyu", "Park Hyo Shin" そして "KMC"が出演する。
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