Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.04.18.


비, 들것에 꽉 차는 ‘태평양’ 어깨 화제…‘비의 위엄’



secession  2012.04.18
[English translation]

[April-18-2012]One picture proves Rain to be second to nobody in terms of the width of a man's shoulders.

There was a picture with a post saying "This picture proves Rain to be such a cool guy." on the Internet message board of a portal site on the 18th.

The picture shows a scene in a drama Rain did, where he is being carried off on a stretcher. His broad shoulders like the wideness of the South Pacific are enough to catch the eyes of netizen. His broad shoulders that fill up almost the stretcher is phenomenal.

Netizen responded to the picture, "I didn't know he had such broad shoulders."
"His inverted triangular line is awesome." "It is hardly necessary to say, but he looks very distinguished."

Rain has served as a PR soldier in Defense Agency for Public Information Services since his enlistment last October.

emik  2012.04.18
Thank you very much 화니 for the translation ^_^







Rain in Military picture

credit DC


[Eng Trans] 12-04-18 Rainyent tweet about rain

12-04-18 Rainyent tweet about rain

source : rainyent twitter

오늘 밤8시 5분 국군방송 FM 96.7MHZ "박효신의 주고싶은마음 듣고싶은애기" 많은 청취부탁드립니다. - 사진제공: 롯데면세점^^
Today 20:05 Armed Forces broadcasting FM 96.7MHZ
Park Hyo Shin "Mind that wanna give, story that wanna hear" please Ask a lot of listening .
소식 한가지 전해드립니다.. 오늘 간발의 차이에 정지훈 일병이 못 나오세요.. 라디오 스텝들도 갑자기 전해듣게 됐는데요 일단 사과의 말씀 드리구요 ㅠㅠ 다음 주엔 꼭꼭 사수하도록 하겠습니다 죄송합니다. -

secession  2012.04.18
We hope that many of you will listen to FM 96.7MHZ "Park Hyo Shin's The Heart I Want To Show You and Your Stories I Want To Hear." which is a military radio broadcast, at 8:05 tonight.- Photo credit : Lotte Duty Free^^

secession  2012.04.18

소식 한가지 전해드립니다.. 오늘 간발의 차이에 정지훈 일병이 못 나오세요.. 라디오 스텝들도 갑자기 전해듣게 됐는데요 일단 사과의 말씀 드리구요 ㅠㅠ 다음 주엔 꼭꼭 사수하도록 하겠습니다 죄송합니다. - @radiojumam

I'm afraid that I have bad news for you.
Pfc 'Jung Ji hoon' (Rain) let us know that he wouldn't be able to come today.
Radio staffs also learned about that just a while ago.
I can't tell you how sorry I am.
I'm sure he will make a guest appearance on this show next week.
Sorry about that - @radiojumam


12-04-18 Radiojumam & rainyent tweet about Rain


[Full]120418 Friends FM - 박효신의주고싶은마음듣고싶은얘기_Rain's Interview

12-04-18 Friends FM - 박효신의주고싶은마음듣고싶은얘기_Rain's Interview 

Credit : ratoka
Dailymotion (Full)

Youtube Links

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4
secession  2012.04.19
** [Their's talks proceeded in a very friendly atmosphere from beginning to end while Rain was keeping carrying on telling a joke, so I think overseas fans shouldn't take his joke seriously. He said so merely as a joke, and he got everyone to laugh with his jokes.]

[English translation]


Pfc 'Kim Jae Wook' hosted on the radio program on behalf of corporal 'Park Hyo Shin', and pfc 'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain) and pfc 'Kang Chang Mo' made guest appearances on it. They read letters from radio listeners by turns.

[Rain] : Pfc 'Kim Jae Wook', you look down today.
['Kim Jae Wook'] : I'm exhausted because of all the work.
['Kang Chang Mo']: You look tired. You need the distraction.

[Rain] ; Don't butt in while others are speaking (to 'Kang Chang Mo' in a jovial manner) (Rain is being mean towards 'Kang Chang Mo' just because he was enlisted a month before 'Kang Chang Mo', trying to make people laugh)
['Kim Jae Wook'] : Hearing the two's conversation, I feel much better than before.

[Rain] ; There is no man who hasn't fallen for my smiling eyes.
['Kim Jae Wook'] : Are you opening your eyes now? (to Rain)
[Rain] ; I've been keeping my eyes open. (laughter)

['Kim Jae Wook'] : Each of you has never been on this show as a regular since your being transferred to Defense Agency for Public Information Services, right?
[Rain] : That's right.

['Kang Chang Mo'] ; This isn't the first time this has happened to me.
[Rain] : Don't answer back.

['Kang Chang Mo'] ; I'll listen to your words and be ruled by you (to Rain), (being all smiles) I have to eat out of my superior's hands.
[Rain] : Stop it!
(A roar of laughter went up)
[Rain] ; You know, I'm such a man who can create a friendly atmosphere.
Don't your hearts lift at the sight of me? (They all laughed over the joke)
It is like talking to a brick wall.
['Kim Jae Wook'] : You're so cute!

[Rain] : Cuteness is my only attribute, and I look very healthy and fit, don't I?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : I admit your figure is incredible. (laughing)

['Kim Jae Wook'] : 'Kang Chang Mo', you host radio program 'Free Way' every Saturday. You seemed to be so nervous when you first did it.
['Kang Chang Mo'] : Yes, I was.

[Rain] : (I’m not interested, so ) stop saying it. (a gust of laughter)
Your statement doesn't hang together. If I get to the point briefly, you feel great you've just started hosting 'Free Way', right?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : That's right! I feel great! (laughter)

The most interesting one of listeners' episodes on a topic will be picked, and enjoying reading them will be considered in awarding marks.
Today's topic is the most interesting or touching military story that you (listeners) have ever heard or experienced.
['Kim Jae Wook'] : Tell me how you have changed since your enlistment?
[Rain] : I have to act in obedience to the orders of my commanders, unlike myself in society. That was a little too difficult for me, but I'm trying to do my best.
['Kang Chang Mo'] : I'll tell you how I have changed...
[Rain] : Let's move on to the next, (taking his up short) (laughter)

['Kim Jae Wook' ]: 'Kang Chang Mo', can you introduce an information?
Read it carefully.
['Kang Chang Mo'] : Yes, I will.
[Rain] : I have a better pronunciation than 'Kang Chang Mo' does, why is he being singled out? OK, come on now!
['Kang Chang Mo'] : Listeners' opinions are greatly reflected in the outcome. (99%)
[Rain] : When you (listeners) find the one who deserves to take first place, pick the one by sending a message with #0967 on Astral board (별사탕게시판) or by sending a SMS (free)
['Kim Jae Wook'] : There is something extraordinary for you (Rain) in reading it clearly. So here we go.

-Episode 1 from a listener ('Kang Chang Mo' reads it)-

: According to my class teacher, he had a very hard time in his military days.
He was still just an immature youth with a superficial view of everything when he underwent military discipline as a recruit, but he promised himself to do his best and his patience was finally rewarded. He looked so cute when he was saying about it for around 45 minutes. He kept saying the same thing the next day.
[Rain] : 'Kang Chang Mo' was pretty good at first, but he was poor as time went on.
['Kang Chang Mo'] : Since I spoke with an accent, I seed to make things wrong.
['Kim Jae Wook'] : Let’s move on to the next episode, Ji Hoon ssi (Rain)

10: 47~11:49
[Rain] : Tune on music (laughter)

-Episode 2-
: My brother served as a driver for his commander in the military. Whenever he shifted a gear while driving, he let his commander know.
Without even realizing it because he was too nervous, one day my brother told the commander that he would (my brother) transform the gears by one step without saying "I'll shift a gear". Then, the commander told my brother, "When can the gears be combined?" My brother had a fit of the giggles at that instant.
The story is said to circulate among the drivers in the military.

[Rain] : Aren't we always too humble in the presence of our commander?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : I ever saw the battalion commander when I was trained as a recruit.
[Rain] : Stop interrupting me while I'm talking (laughter)

['Kim Jae Wook'] : Shall we listen to 'Kang Chang Mo' (KMC)'s song?
[Rain] : Why should we listen to his song again?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : Because I'm the youngest among you. The song is 'I Know'..
[Rain] : How could you do that even though you know that? (What Rain said was indirectly about the title of the song)


When listers posted comments, "I think 'Kang Chang Mo' did a better job than
Rain " and vise versa, Rain said, "I think we are out on the market." (laughter)

['Kim Jae Wook' & 'Kang Chang Mo'] : The story Rain read is more interesting than the one 'Kang Chang Mo did. So the episode 2 Rain read has passed the preliminary stage.

[Rain] : Tune on music (laughter)

-Episode 3-
: I ended up getting married to my middle school boyfriend.
He asked me to marry him while the live wedding march music of a military band comprised of 30 bandsman played in the background when I visited to meet him five months before his leaving the military. I was moved to tears when he proposed in such an atmosphere. Thank you for your trouble, and none of this could have ever been possible without the love and support of the military band and its head.
I've been happily married for 5 years, thanks to them.

['Kim Jae Wook']: I thought it would be a funny story, but I'm annoyed and bored by it. (laughter)
[Rain & 'Kang Chang Mo'] : I am of one mind with in this behalf.
[The three] : Life is harder because neither of us has a girlfriend.

[Rain] : Can I take more leaves of absence when I am married during the military service?
['Kim Jae Wook']&['Kang Chang Mo'] : Yes.
[Rain] : I may have to be married in May to be a May Groom.
['Kim Jae Wook' & 'Kang Chang Mo'] : The military service really seems to drive Rain out of his mind.
[Kang Chang Mo'] : Tune on music.
[Rain] : Don't follow what I did.
[Kang Chang Mo'] : All right!

-Episode 4-
I am on leave just days before my leaving the military. I was the last one to join the company at the time when it was 12 October 2010 which was my birthday. I felt very lonesome because nobody remembered my birthday, furthermore, I had been in a sulk ever since I got it from my seniors.
When I stepped into the barrack after a tough day, a surprise party they threw me surprised me a lot and I felt a lump in my throat at the instant.
I'd never had such a delicious cake. It must have been a memorable moment.

[Rain] : I was less moved with the story than impressed with the back ground music. (laughter). The PD and I have similar tastes in music, so I feel great.

['Kang Chang Mo'] : There was a chanson, wasn't it?
[Rain] : Don't poke your nose without the least knowledge of it (laughter).

['Kim Jae Wook']: Jung Ji Hoon, can you introduce the next song?
[Rain] ; It was quite strong-minded. (laughter)
It caused a sensation in 2003, it is "How to Avoid the Sun"
I must have sunglasses now.

[Video 3]

[Rain] ; Now I want to live like a human being. (the part of the lyric of the song)

['Kim Jae Wook'] : It was Rain's "How to Avoid the Sun" which caused a sensation in 2003.

['Kim Jae Wook'] : The episode 4 'Kang Chang Mo' read has passed the preliminary stage because it is the story of a soldier on service.

['Kim Jae Wook'] : This episode will be in the championship by default.

-Episode 5-
This is a story about my friend who was an exceptional beauty. She met a man and fell in love, but he had to join the military. One day she used a lot of makeup and was dressed beautifully to visit him after his being trained. She met up with him that she hadn't seen for a long while and got a lot off her chest, but somebody called her when she got home afterwards. It was his senior soldier and best friend.
It was just like that her boy friend was cuckolded by his best friend (the senor).
While her boy friend got dumped by her without even knowing the reason, they (she and the senior) dated for a while, but they broke up finally.
The two (she and her boy friend) split up and went their separate ways.
Every woman, please don't wear too much make-up when you visit your boy friend serving in the military.

['Kim Jae Wook'] : Don't you think she's going too far?
[Rain] : As stated above, a man had better break up with his girl friend before he joins the military if he bends his mind on the task of his military service, and he has to decide to wipe her hands of.

['Kang Chang Mo']: This episode is....
[Rain] : Stop interrupting me while I'm talking (laughter). Keep talking about it.
['Kang Chang Mo'] : I feel quite bitter about the episode.
[Rain] ; You've finished talking now?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : Yes..
[Rain] ; I'll fix you later (laughter)

['Kim Jae Wook'] : We'll screen all our candidates during the next song.


[Video 4]

[Rain] : Many gifts have been delivered today. Thank my fans such as benamoo members, DC Gallery members, etc. for having prepared those gifts for me.
['Kim Jae Wook'] : Gifts for 'Jung Ji Hoon' have poured in from all quarters since he said that the ban against sending gifts to him was ended last week.
[Rain] : Couldn't be better since I've put the PR soldiers including Park Hyo Shin down today. (laughter)
[Rain] ; No matter how much Park Hyo Shin's fans prepare gifts, I won't mind. (laughter)
['Kim Jae Wook', 'Kang Chang Mo', and Rain] : Thank you for such good gifts.

[Kang Chang Mo'] : My particular thanks to the fans (DC Gallery members) preparing such good character sweatsuit. I checked out the back with a design saying "tiredness-nism" of the sweatsuit. (laughter)

['Kim Jae Wook'] : Did 'Kang Chang Mo' ever mention the term, "tiredness-nism", last time?
[Rain] : So, why are you (Kang Chang Mo) constantly complaining of tiredness even if you look really fit and healthy? I've never seen that kind of such a big bust he has before. (laughter)

[Rain] : The clothes don't only fit him ('Kang Chang Mo') (laughter)
['Kang Chang Mo'] : I think the clothes fit me just right.
['Kim Jae Wook'] : It seems to me that the seams may end up popping. (laughter)
[Rain] : Anyway, now we're sitting in that clothes. Thank you my fans for the clothes and the snacks.

['Kim Jae Wook'] : 'Jung Ji Hoon' got the gifts you (fans) sent, so don't worry too much.
['Kang Chang Mo'] : I'm sort of a greedy man. (laughter)
[Rain] : Do you want me to bring the gifts to you?

[Rain] ; The winner is 'Kim Yi Young' who wrote episode 2.
Small gifts will be provided for the applicants including the winner.
[Rain] : We can do very well without "Park Hyo Shin".
He'll leave soon (He'll leave the military in a little while)
Now we could stick the job (laughter)
In fact if not in profession, we are the actual influence.

['Kang Chang Mo'] : I'll sponge off you (Rain)
[Rain] : Just kidding. I really miss "Park Hyo Shin".
['Kang Chang Mo'] : We just nagged because "Park Hyo Shin" is not in the studio right now.

[Rain] : But, we have to take his place while he's gone. Those who ever seen "Park Hyo Shin" are asked to contact the defense ministry. (laughter)
I left "Park Hyo Shin" just a couple of hours ago, but I miss him again. (laughter)
Don't be too long !

['Kang Chang Mo'] : I think Rain has grown remarkably slack. (laughter)
[Rain] : I just miss "Park Hyo Shin".

['Kang Chang Mo'] : I'll let you know what to do next week.
[Rain] ; The next week's subject is about tour buses.

['Kang Chang Mo'] : How did you know that?
[Rain] : No wonder I wanted to go sightseeing. (Rain knew all the details but pretended like he knew nothing.)

['Kang Chang Mo'] : You (listeners) can participate in the event in advance by posting comments on the program board.

[Rain] : You (my fans) can’t help being mesmerized by my charm if you come to know me. As long as you have access to me even indirectly, you can't forget me.
But, I miss "Park Hyo Shin" now. (laughter)

[Kim Jae Wook']: How was your day?
[Rain] : Good. (laughter)
['Kim Jae Wook'] : How did you enjoy it?
[Rain] : With good cheer.
['Kang Chang Mo'] : I'm very happy that Rain and I were able to cheer 'Kim Jae Wook' up.
[Rain] ; I peed off when with 'Kang Chang Mo' because he doesn't listen to me. (laughter) As I was enlisted three weeks before 'Kang Chang Mo', he is a cut below me.
['Kang Chang Mo'] : Of course, I admit that.
['Kim Jae Wook'] : You can't imagine how I felt at the news of you two's enlistment. (laughter) I wanted to help you at that time, but I was always too busy to do my work here.

[Rain] : What time will this program be over?
['Kim Jae Wook'] : It ends at 9:40pm

[Rain] : I think we have about six minutes left. Do you have any memories of
tour buses?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : Sure. But I can't remember anything about it since you ask all of a sudden.
['Kim Jae Wook'] : I remember my middle school field trip.

[Rain] ; Discipline in my high school was strict and no one shirked.
Also. we couldn't be insubordinate by doing such things as insulting the dignity of our superiors. There was a girl friend I was interested in dating. The girl had long straight hair and had a pretty face which is white as snow. Her surname was Jung like me. When she called my name and I went to her, she asked me, "Do you have a diary?" I handed it her, and she marked down her telephone number on a page of it. I was so nervous my heart was hammering in my chest. The result was pretty, but I finally got dumped by her and she went to date with another man.
I'll say more to you (Kim Jae Wook' &'Kang Chang Mo') after the program.

['Kim Jae Wook'] : Thanks for the wonderful evening and good night!
['Kang Chang Mo'] : The next song is Ailee's Heaven.
[Rain& 'Kang Chang Mo'] ; Thank you!
emik  2012.04.21
[和訳- 敬語は基本的に省略しました]

'Park Hyo Shin'伍長に代わり'Kim Jae Wook'一等兵が司会をしたラジオプログラムに 'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain)一等兵と'Kang Chang Mo'一等兵がゲスト出演をした。彼らはラジオ聴取者からの手紙を交代で読んだ。



[Rain] :'Kim Jae Wook'一等兵, 今日はなんか元気ないね。
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 仕事で疲れ果ててるんだ。
['Kang Chang Mo']: 疲れているようだね。気晴らし/リラックスが必要だね。
[Rain] ;('Kang Chang Mo'に向かって陽気な態度で)他の人が話してる時に割り込むなよ。(Rain が'Kang Chang Mo' に対して意地悪なのは彼が'Kang Chang Mo'より1ヶ月前に入隊したから、2人を笑わせようとしている)
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 2人の会話を聞いて、前よりすっきりしたよ。
[Rain] ; 僕の笑顔にほれない男はいない。
['Kim Jae Wook'] :(Rainに向かって)今、目開けてるの?
[Rain] ; ずっと開けてるよ。 (笑い)

['Kim Jae Wook'] : 2人は異動してきてからこの番組にレギュラーとして出演したことはないよね?
[Rain] : そうだね。

['Kang Chang Mo'] ; こんなことが起こるのは初めてじゃない。
[Rain] : 口答えしないで。

['Kang Chang Mo'] ; :(Rainに向かって)あなたの言う事を聞いて従うよ、(ニヤニヤしながら)上司の手から抜け出して食べなきゃ。
[Rain] : やめろよ!

[Rain] ; 僕がフレンドリーな雰囲気を作る男だって知ってるだろ。僕を見て元気が出ない? 
['Kim Jae Wook'] : お前はほんとかわいいな!

[Rain] :かわいらしさが唯一元々備わっている性格/特質、そしてとても健康で元気に見えない?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : お前の体型が信じられないほど素晴らしい/すごいことは認めるよ。 (笑い)
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 'Kang Chang Mo', は毎週土曜日の番組'Free Way' やってるよね。初めてやった時とてもナーバスそうだったよ。
['Kang Chang Mo'] : そう、ナーバスだった。

[Rain] : (僕は興味ないから) 言うのはやめろよ。 (どっと笑う)
お前の発言は筋が通ってないよ。要はもし'Free Way'を自分が司会したら気分がいいんだろ?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : その通り! 気分がいい! (笑い)


['Kim Jae Wook'] : 入隊してからどう変わったか話してくれる?
[Rain] : 自分自身で行動する社会とは違って、指揮官の命令に従って行動しなくてはならない。僕にはそれがちょっと難しすぎる、でもベストを尽くしているよ。
['Kang Chang Mo'] : 僕がどう変わったかというと...
[Rain] : さて次に行こう、(と言って彼の話を遮った)(笑い)
['Kim Jae Wook' ]: 'Kang Chang Mo'情報を紹介できる?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : はい。
[Rain] :僕のほうが'Kang Chang Mo' より発音がいいよ、どうして彼が選ばれたの?OK, どうぞ!
['Kang Chang Mo'] : 聴取者の意見は結果的に大いに反映されている。(99%)
[Rain] : 聴取者は誰が1番にふさわしいのか、ひとつ選んでAstral board (별사탕게시판)の #0967 、またはSMS(free)でメッセージを送ってください。
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 思いもよらず、Rainむけにはっきりと読むところがあるから、はいどうぞ。

-Episode 1 聴取者より(と'Kang Chang Mo' が読む)-
[Rain] : 'Kang Chang Mo' は最初はよかったのに、だんだん悪くなっちゃったね。
['Kang Chang Mo'] : アクセントをつけて話したから、なにかを間違えちゃったみたいだ。
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 次のエピソードに行こうか、Ji Hoon ssi (Rain)

10: 47~11:49
[Rain] : 音楽かけて (笑い)

-Episode 2-
: 私の兄/弟が軍で指揮官の運転手として服務している。運転中に彼がギアを変える時はどんな時でも、指揮官にそれを知らせる。ある日彼はナーバスになっていたので、”ギアを変えます“と言わずに指揮官に一段ギアを変形しますと伝えた。その後、指揮官が私の兄/弟に言った、”いつギアが結合できたのかな?“ その瞬間、私の兄/弟は急にクスクスと笑いだした。この話は軍の運転手達の間で広まっている。

[Rain] :司令官のいるところでは、いつも僕達は謙虚すぎてない?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : 大隊指揮官を見たのは、新人兵として訓練を受けていた時だ。
[Rain] : 僕が話している時に口を挟むのはやめてよ (笑い)
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 'Kang Chang Mo' (KMC)'の曲を聴こうか?
[Rain] : どうして、彼の曲をまた聴かなくちゃいけないの?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : だって、僕がこの中で一番若いから。曲は 'I Know'..
[Rain] : それを知ってるくせに、どうしてそんなことができるんだ? (Rainが間接的にいっているのは、曲名のこと)


聴視者がコメントを投稿した時、 "僕は'Kang Chang Mo' の方がRainよりもいい仕事をしたと思うよ“ それに対してRain言った “僕たちは市場ではアウトだと思うよ”(笑い)

['Kim Jae Wook' & 'Kang Chang Mo'] : Rainが読んだ話は'Kang Chang Mo”が読んだものより面白いね。 なのでRainが読んだエピソード2は予備段階を通過だね。

[Rain] : 音楽かけて (笑い)
-Episode 3-
: 私は中学校の時の彼と結婚することになった。
彼が私に結婚を申し込んだのは、彼が除隊する5カ月前に彼に会いに行った時、30人の楽団員から成る軍楽隊がウエディングマーチを生演奏している時だった。そんな雰囲気の中でプロポーズされた時、私は感極って涙ぐんだ。 お手間をかけました、今回のことは軍楽隊とその隊長のサポートと愛のおかげ。 結婚して5年ですが幸せです。皆さんに感謝してます。


['Kim Jae Wook']: それは笑える話かと思ったよ、でもちょっと腹が立って、つまらなかった。(笑い)
[Rain & 'Kang Chang Mo'] :この点は意見が一致だね。
[The three] : 人生は甘くない、だって僕たちは誰も彼女がいないのだから。

[Rain] : 兵役中に結婚したら、もっと休暇を取ることができるの?
['Kim Jae Wook']&['Kang Chang Mo'] : YES.
[Rain] : 5月の新郎になるために5月に結婚しなくちゃいけないかも。
['Kim Jae Wook' & 'Kang Chang Mo'] : 兵役はRainの正気をかなり失わせているようだ。

[Kang Chang Mo'] : 音楽かけて
[Rain] : 僕のやったことの真似しないでよ。
[Kang Chang Mo'] : OK
-Episode 4-
つらい1日が終わったあと兵舎に足を踏み入れた時、僕のサプライズパーティーを彼らは開いてくれたので、僕はとても驚いた、そしてその瞬間に胸がいっぱいになった。あんな美味しいケーキは食べたことがない。 忘れられない瞬間になったにちがいない。

[Rain] : その話よりもバックミュージックのほうが僕は感動した。(笑い)

['Kang Chang Mo'] : シャンソンだったよね?
[Rain] : 少しも知識がないのに、首を突っ込むなよ。(笑い)

['Kim Jae Wook']: Jung Ji Hoon, 次の曲を紹介してくれる?
[Rain] ; かなり、気が強かったね。(笑い)
2003年に一大センセーションを巻き起こした "How to Avoid the Sun"

[Video 3]

[Rain] ; 今、人間らしく生きたい。(曲の歌詞の一部)
['Kim Jae Wook'] :今かかった曲は2003年に一大センセーションを巻き起こした Rainの"How to Avoid the Sun"

['Kim Jae Wook'] : 'Kang Chang Mo'が読んだエピソード4は兵役中の兵士の話だったので準備段階を通過した。

['Kim Jae Wook'] : このエピソードは戦わずしてチャンピオンになる。

-Episode 5-
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 彼女は度を越してると思わない?

[Rain] : 上記で述べられたように、男は入隊する前に彼女と別れたほうがいい、彼が兵役中の任務に専念するために、そして彼女から手を引く事を決心しなくてはならない。

['Kang Chang Mo']: このエピソードは....
[Rain] : 僕が話してる時に口を挟まないでよ (笑い). ずっと言い続けるよ。
['Kang Chang Mo'] : このエピソードについてひどく苦々しく感じるよ。
[Rain] ; 話は終わった?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : Yes..
[Rain] ; あとで、癒してあげるよ (笑い)

['Kim Jae Wook'] : 次の曲の間に候補者を選択しよう。

[Video 4]

[Rain] : 今日、沢山のギフトが届いたよ。僕のfan、例えば、ピナムメンバー、DCギャラリーメンバーその他、ギフトを用意してくれてありがとう。
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 'Jung Ji Hoon'へのギフトは各方面から届いているね。ギフトを送る事を禁ずるのを先週でやめると彼が言ったから。
[Rain] : Park Hyo Shin を含む広報支援隊に恥をかかせた今日は最高だ (笑い)
[Rain] ; Park Hyo Shin'のfanがどんなにギフトを用意しても,僕は気にしない (笑い)
['Kim Jae Wook', 'Kang Chang Mo', and Rain] : 良いギフトをありがとう。

[Kang Chang Mo'] : ぼくは特に良いキャラクターのスエットスーツを用意してくれたfan(DCギャラリーメンバー)に感謝。背中をみたら、”tiredness-nism" とスエットスーツにデザインがしてあった(笑い)。

['Kim Jae Wook'] : 'Kang Chang Mo' は前回"tiredness-nism"と言う用語について話した?
[Rain] : だから、どうして”Kang Chang Mo”は絶えず疲労感の文句/口を言っているの?元気で健康そうに見えるのに。 そんな大きな胸部、今まで見たことないよ(笑い)。

[Rain] : 洋服が彼に('Kang Chang Mo')合ってないだけでしょ (笑い)
['Kang Chang Mo'] : 服は僕に調度合っていると思うよ。
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 僕には縫い目がはじけて終わるように見えるよ(笑い)
[Rain] : とにかく、今、僕達はその服を着て座っている。fanのみんな、服とスナックをありがとう。
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 'Jung Ji Hoon' はあなたたち(fan)が送ったギフトを受け取ったよ,だから心配しないで。
['Kang Chang Mo'] : 僕は言って見れば、グリーンマン ((笑い)
[Rain] : 僕にギフトを持ってきてほしいの?

[Rain] ; 優勝はエピソード2を書いた'Kim Yi Young' 。

[Rain] : 僕達は "Park Hyo Shin".なしでもとってうまくできてるね。
彼はじきに休暇だよ (彼は暫くの間,軍を離れる)

['Kang Chang Mo'] :僕はRainにたかるよ。
[Rain[ : 冗談だよ、 "Park Hyo Shin". が本当に恋しいなあ。
['Kang Chang Mo'] : "Park Hyo Shin" が今スタジオにいないので、僕達は小言を言っただけ。

[Rain] : でも、僕達は彼がいない間、彼の代理をしなくてはならない。"Park Hyo Shin" を見かけた人は国防省へ連絡してほしい。(笑い)
数時間前に"Park Hyo Shin" を見捨ててきたけど、また彼が恋しくなってきた。(笑い)  長くならないでね!(不在が)
['Kang Chang Mo'] : Rainはかなりたるんできたようだ。
[Rain] : ただ彼が恋しいだけ。

['Kang Chang Mo'] : 来週、何をするかは追ってお知らせします。
[Rain] ; 来週のテーマは観光バスについて

['Kang Chang Mo'] : どうして、それを知っているの?
[Rain] :当然、 観光に行きたかったから(Rainは全詳細を知っているが、何も知らないふりをしている)
['Kang Chang Mo'] : 聴取者はコメントを前もって投稿することによって番組に参加することができます。

[Rain] : あなた達(Rainのfan)は、僕のことを知ったら、僕の魅力にうっとりするのは仕方がない。間接的でも僕に近づく限り、僕を忘れることはできない。 でも、僕は"Park Hyo Shin" が恋しい。

[Kim Jae Wook']: 今日はどうだった?
[Rain] : 良かったよ(笑い)
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 楽しかった?
[Rain] : とてもよかった。
['Kang Chang Mo'] :僕とRainは'Kim Jae Wook' を元気づけることができたので とてもうれしいよ。  

[Rain] ; 'Kang Chang Mo' は僕の言うこと聞かないから彼と一緒のとき、僕はキレる/いらつく。(笑い)僕は'Kang Chang Mo', より3週間前に入隊したので、彼は僕の1段下。
['Kang Chang Mo'] : もちろん認めるよ。
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 2人の入隊したというニュースを聞いて僕がどういう気分だったか、想像できないだろうな(笑い)当時は君達を助けたかった、

[Rain] : この番組は何時に終わるの?
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 9:40pm

[Rain] : あと6分くらいあるよね。なにか観光バスの思い出はあるかな?
['Kang Chang Mo'] : もちろん、でも突然聞かれても何も思い出せないよ。
['Kim Jae Wook'] : 僕は中学校の社会見学を思い出す。
[Rain] ; 僕の高校の規律はとても厳しかった、誰も逃れらなかった。
結果はかわいい、でも最終的には彼女にふられて、彼女は他の男とデートに行った。番組が終わったあと、もっと話すよ (Kim Jae Wook' &'Kang Chang Mo'に向かって) 。

['Kim Jae Wook'] : 素敵な夜をありがとう、おやすみ!
['Kang Chang Mo'] : 次の曲は Ailee の Heaven.
[Rain& 'Kang Chang Mo'] ; ありがとう!

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