[info] R2B Return to Base: Black Eagle DVD available in the U.K.
— Written by: Stephe Thornton, ^@@^
As you may recall, in our recent post about the Black Eagle North American DVD (Region 1), we were unsure about a DVD being offered in the United Kingdom that we had run across.
Well, wonder no more. CJ Entertainment America's PR team assures us that this is legitimate.
Entertainment One is a major Canadian creator/distributor of global TV, music, and movies, and is not only working with CJ's Black Eagle North American DVD release, but the U.K. DVD release as well. Which means that U.K. is at least one place where U.K. Clouds can get their R2B-on.
The U.K. DVD (Region 2) release date was January 14, so for y'all, it's available now. So go. Go, go!
Back in November 2012, R2B: Return to Base was screened at the London Korean Film Festival in England and Scotland as Black Eagle. And the R.O.K. Air Force Blackeagles Aerobatics Team from Seoul took its skills international by competing in several U.K. air shows in June 2012 and winning over the crowds there. So it stands to reason that the "Black Eagle" name would stick in Britannia. I reckon that that may be why we got the name too, here in the U.S.—it made things a lot easier on the distributor. But that's just my point of view. Stephe
(Region 2, may not play outside of Europe)
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130205 Rain Mentholatum Men
Credit: Mentholatum @ weibo
#曼生活•男士# 臨近歲末,準備新年送禮的時候,也為肌膚送上透明質酸鈉的滋潤吧!透明質酸鈉普遍存在於人體肌膚之中,具有良好的保濕功效,但面對著眾多的環境污染,肌膚時刻面臨著透明質酸鈉含量下降而出現皮膚乾燥的危險,所以當肌膚出現乾燥警號就應該繼續為它補充透明質酸鈉,提高保水力。
130205 Rain Mentholatum Men
Credit: Mentholatum @ weibo
#曼生活•男士# 臨近歲末,準備新年送禮的時候,也為肌膚送上透明質酸鈉的滋潤吧!透明質酸鈉普遍存在於人體肌膚之中,具有良好的保濕功效,但面對著眾多的環境污染,肌膚時刻面臨著透明質酸鈉含量下降而出現皮膚乾燥的危險,所以當肌膚出現乾燥警號就應該繼續為它補充透明質酸鈉,提高保水力。
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