[13-01-05]Channel A News Interview
Please watch interview here:
Interview with Independent Defense Network Representative Mr. Shin In Goon
The first part of the interview related to Rain. Title of video clip: “Singer Rain’s 71 days of sleep out/leave… A distortion”
Following is summary of what Mr. Shin said.
If Rain really had taken 71 days leave during the 10 months time he is with DEMA (from March to December 2012) then it was really excessive and not acceptable by any Korean soldier. But looking at the material provided by DEMA, the so called 71days leave is a distortion. As a soldier attached to DEMA, Rain has the duty to go to various army units for “Consolatory Train” performance. Out of the 71 days, 19 were for staying out in various districts because of Consolatory Train performance. At the same time, there are activities like the Lisui Expo when DEMA had to support the government on such an important national event. In order to attract tourists within the country and from overseas, such as Japan or China, a special stage was arranged for Rain. In fact we did attract over 120,000 tourists. Rain hasn’t performed for a long while since he joined the army. He needs to rehearse with his back dancers. DEMA does not have studio and facilities for such rehearsal, so he has to go out to do this. The problem now is that he was not accompanied in these rehearsals, because the schedules were not fixed. They could be early in the morning or late at night as they had to work around the schedules of the back dancers. Such trips should be classified as business trips. They were just like soldiers who had to go out for their field training. Such activities and the sleep out nights due to regional Consolatory Train performance constituted a total of 44 days, which were included in the 71 days leave. Grouping these 44 days in the 71 days is a distortion. They are business trips and should be deducted from the 71 days leave. After the subtraction Rain actually had only taken 27 days leave. On average, an ordinary soldier who has served 10 months will have earned 21 days leave. So compared to him, Rain had 6 days more in terms of leave days. (note. In a later news DEMA confirmed that Rain has applied for 4 days personal leave during his time at the No. 5 Division, because of health problems. These 4 days had been included in the 71 days, which will be deducted from his unused leave. So in actual fact Rain had only taken a extra of 2 days leave compared to an ordinary soldier who served the same amount of time as he does.)
Because of the distortion of this number, 71 days, Rain suffered mass criticism.
DEMA has already made it clear about the details of these 71 days, and confirmed the sleep out days were in order. The problem then moved to private encounter during official business. Note it is not truancy. If Rain played truant then it is a problem.
As for walking in public without wearing his beret, all soldiers will agree being caught on this is pure bad luck. If it is a problem then the whole nation’s soldiers will have to be very cautious. You could easily see soldiers without their berets on if you care to walk to any bus terminal.
People have the wrong conception that entertainment soldiers have an easy life. Actually they had a hard job. There is a 99.9% chance they cannot take their holidays and rest during the weekends, due to performance, radio programs etc. During week days they have to do just what other ordinary soldiers do. They have to receive training, they have to clean up. In fact Rain has earned himself Special Warrior by going through the same training and hard work any other soldier did, and did it well to earn the award.
Some people questioned that the rank and file do not need entertainment soldiers, we could just invite girl groups. This is not true, the soldiers actually like to watch the performance of these entertainment soldiers who also give them great strength. It is more demanding for Rain, because all units wants him to go to their place to perform. If he goes to just one unit, others will question why he does not go to theirs. So he had more performances, and there were times when he had to hurry off after one performance to go to another one.
The article said at the moment the position of DEMA is that on three occasions while Rain was out for official duty, he had private contact on his way back, which could be deemed as having violated military regulations. It asked a rhetorical question. DEMA does not have the rehearsal room, the sound systems, not even the costumes, which are necessary for the preparation of major activities, and has to go outside to source these. With such a system, shouldn’t it fully anticipate there will be private contact during a business outing?
oluperigelin 2013.01.06
Röportajı buradan izleyebilirsiniz,
Independent Defense Network Temsilcisi Mr. Shin In Goon ile röportaj,
Röportajın ilk kısmı Rain ile ilgili. Videonun başlığı da: “Şarkıcı Rain’in 71 günlük izni... Gerçeğin çarpıtılması.”
Mr. Shin’in söylediklerinin özeti aşağıda,
Eğer Rain gerçekten DEMAda olduğu(Mart ayından Aralık ayına kadar) 10 ay içerisinde 71 gün izin almışsa, bu gerçekten fazladır ve herhangi bir Kore askeri açısından baktığınızda kabul edilemez. Ama DEMA’nın sunduğu belgelere baktığımızda, bu sözde 71 günün çarpıtıldığını görüyoruz. DEMA’ya bağlı bir asker olarak Rain’in görevlerinden biri de farklı askeri üslere giderek “Consoltary Train” performanslarını sergilemek. Bu 71 günün içerisinde, 19 gün uzak şehirlere gittiği Consoltary Train performansları için yatılı kaldığı günler.Aynı zamanda, DEMA’nın Lisui Expo gibi büyük çapta ulusal etkinliklerde hükümete destek olması gereken zaman oldu. Japonya, Çin gibi yurtdışından ve denizaşırı ülkelerden gelecek olan turistleri çekmek için, Rain için özel bir sahne ayarlandı. Ve gerçekten de bu sayede 120.000 turist bölgeye geldi. Rain askeriyeye katıldıktan sonra uzun bir süre performans sergilememişti. Dansçıları ile beraber prova yapması gerekiyordu, bu yüzden de dışarı çıkması gerekti. Buradaki problem şu ki, bu dışarı çıkışlarında yanında başka bir asker eşlik etmedi, çünkü prova zamanları sabit değildi. Dansçıların diğer programlarına bağlı olarak saat belirlediklerinden dolayı sabahın çok erken saatlerinde ya da gece geç saatlerde olabiliyordu. Bu çıkışlarlar iş çıkışları olarak nitelendirilebilir. Saha eğitimi için dışarı çıkmak zorunda olan askerler gibiydiler. Bu aktiviteler ve Consoltary Train konserleri için dışarıda kalmak zorunda olduğu günlerin toplamı 44 gün ediyor, ki bu 44 gün bahsi geçen 71 günün içerisine dahil edilmiş. 71 günün içerisine bu 44 günü de dahil etmek olayları çarpıtmaktır. Bunlar sadece görev ziyaretleridir ve 71 günün içerisinden düşülmesi gerekmektedir. 71 günden çıkardıktan sonra, Rain sadece 27 gün izin almıştır. Ortalama olarak, askeriyedeki 10 ay bulunmuş normal bir asker 21 gün izin alır. Yani onunla karşılaştırırsak Rain sadece fazladan 6 gün izin almıştır. (note: DEMA’nın onayladığı sonraki haberlerde, Rain 5. Bölükte askerliğini yaparken sağlık sorunları nedeniyle 4 günlük izin almıştır. Bu 4 gün 71 günün içerisine dahil edilmiş, ve kullanılmamış izinlerinden düşülmüştür. Yani gerçekte Rain onunla aynı sürede askeriyede kalmış normal bir askerden sadece 2 gün fazla izin almıştır.)
Bu çarpıtalarak yazılmış 71 gün yüzünden, Rain büyük eleştiriler almıştır.
DEMA çoktan bu 71 günün açıklamasını getirmiş ve yatılı kaldığı günlerin emre tabi olduğunu onaylamıştır. Bundan sonra sorun resmi göreve çıktığında özel buluşma olayına gelmiştir. Bu görevi bırakıp buluşmak değildir. Eğer Rain görevini bırakıp kaçsaydı, o zaman problem olurdu.
Sivil ortamda beresiz dolaşmak konusunda ise, tüm askerler bu şekilde yakalanmanın kötü şans olduğu görüşünde hemfikirdir. Eğer problem buysa, o zaman tüm ülkedeki askerlerin çok dikkatli olması gerekir. Herhangi bir otobüs terminaline giderseniz, çok kolay bir şekilde beresiz gezen askerleri görebilirsiniz.
İnsanların ‘entertainment soldier’ın kolay hayat sürdüğü konusunda yanlış fikirleri var. Aslında onların çok zor işleri var. Radyo programları, moral konserleri vb. nedenlerle %99.9 olasılıkla tatillerini yapamıyorlar ve haftasonları dinlenemiyorlar. Hafta içleri de normal bir asker neler yapıyorsa onları yapmak zorundalar. Eğitim almak, temizlik yapmak zorundalar. Hatta Rain tüm askerlerin yaptığı zor eğitimleri ve işleri yapıp, ve bunları çok başarıyla yaptıktan sonra “Special Warrior ödülü” almıştır.
Bazı insanlar “entertainment soldier”lara gerek olup olmadığı konusunu sorguluyorlar. Kız gruplarını davet etmemizin yeterli olduğunu düşünüyorlar. Ama bu doğru değil. Askerler aslında bu entertainment soldier’ların verdiği konserleri izleyerek güç ve moral depoluyorlar. Özellikle Rain’e çok fazla ilgi gösteriyorlar, çünkü tüm birlikler Rain’in gelip onlara da konser vermesini istiyor. Bir birliğe gittiği zaman, diğerleri hemen niye onlara gelmediğini sorguluyor. Bu yüzden Rain’in çok fazla konseri oluyor, ve çoğu zamanda bir konserden koşturarak diğerine gitmek zorunda kalıyor.
Makalede DEMA’nın şu an Rain’in görev için dışarıda bulunduğu 3 seferde, askeri kuralların dışında olacak olan, kışlaya dönerken şahsi bir görüşme yapıp yapmadığını incelediğini söylüyor. Ve şu kritik soru soruluyor, DEMA’nın konserlerin hazırlığı için büyük önem taşıyan bir prova odası, ses sitemi, ve kıyafetleri bile yokken, bunları karşılayabilmek için dışarı çıkmak gerekiyor. Böyle bir sistemle, görev için dışarıya çıkıldığında şahsi bir görüşme yapabilmesi beklenmez mi?
Kaynak: The Cloud
İngilizce Çeviri: huhuhu
Türkçe Çeviri: oluperigelin
Rainlirio 2013.01.06
[13-01-05] Channel una nueva entrevista
Publicado por huhuhuhu The CLoud
Traducción al español por Lili Jeung
Por favor, ver la entrevista aquí:
Entrevista con el Representante de la Red de Defensa Independiente el Sr. Shin In Goon
La primera parte de la entrevista está relacionada con Rain.
Título del video: "Los 71 días de permiso para dormir afuera de la base del cantante Rain/ Licencia... Una distorsión"
A continuación se resume de lo que el Sr. Shin dijo.
Si Rain realmente se hubiera tomado 71 días de licencia durante el tiempo de 10 meses que ha estado con DEMA (desde marzo a diciembre de 2012) esto hubiera sido muy excesivo y no es aceptable para ningún soldado coreano. Pero mirando el material proporcionado por DEMA, dicha licencia de 71 días no es más que una distorsión. Como soldado de DEMA, Rain tiene el deber de ir a varias unidades del ejército para las presentaciones de "Consolatory Train". De esos 71 días, 19 eran por permanecer en varios distritos debido a las presentaciones de "Consolatory Train". Al mismo tiempo, hay actividades como la Expo cuando DEMA tuvo que apoyar al gobierno en un evento tan importante a nivel nacional. Con el fin de atraer a los turistas del país y del extranjero, como Japón o China, una presentación especial fue organizada para Rain. De hecho, atrajo a más de 120.000 turistas. Rain no ha cantado ni bailado ya por un tiempo largo desde que se unió al ejército. Él tiene que ensayar con sus bailarines. DEMA no tiene establecimientos como estudio de grabación y ensayo, por lo que tiene que salir para hacer esto. El problema ahora es que no fue acompañado en estos ensayos, porque los horarios no eran fijos. Podrían ser temprano en la mañana o tarde en la noche, ya que tuvo que trabajar en torno a los horarios de los bailarines. Tales viajes deberían ser clasificados como viajes oficiales. Eran como los de los soldados que tuvieron que salir para su entrenamiento de campo. Estas actividades y el dormir afuera por las noches debido a las presentaciones regionales de "Consolatory Train" constituyen un total de 44 días, los cuales fueron incluidos en la licencia de 71 días. Agregar estos 44 días en los 71 días es una distorsión. Son viajes oficiales y deben ser deducidos de las vacaciones de 71 días. Después de la resta Rain en realidad se ha tomado sólo 27 días de permiso. En promedio, un soldado común y corriente que ha servido a 10 meses gana 21 días de licencia. Así que comparado con él, Rain ha tenido 6 días más en términos de días de licencia. (Nota: En una noticia posterior DEMA confirmó que Rain había solicitado un permiso personal de 4 días durante su servicio en la División N º 5, a causa de problemas de salud. Estos 4 días habían sido incluidos en los 71 días, que se deducirán de su licencia sin usar. Así que en realidad Rain había tomado sólo 2 días adicionales de permiso en comparación con un simple soldado que sirvió durante la misma cantidad de que él lo ha hecho)
Debido a la distorsión de este número, 71 días, Rain sufrió la crítica de la gente.
DEMA ya ha dejado claro los detalles de estos 71 días, y confirmó que los días para dormir afuera estaban en orden. El problema entonces se trasladó al encuentro privado en asuntos oficiales. Tenga en cuenta que no es ausencia intencional no autorizada o ilegal. Si Rain se ausentaba de manera no autorizada, entonces sería un problema.
En cuanto a caminar en público sin llevar la boina, todos los soldados estarán de acuerdo en que ser atrapado así es pura mala suerte. Si es un problema, entonces los soldados de la nación entera tendrían que ser muy cautelosos. Aquí se puede ver a los soldados sin sus boinas al caminar en cualquier terminal de autobuses.
La gente tiene la idea errónea de que los soldados de entretenimiento tienen una vida fácil. En realidad trabajan duro. Hay una posibilidad de un 99,9% que no pueden tomar sus vacaciones y descansar durante los fines de semana, debido a los programas de radio, las presentaciones etc. Durante los días de semana tienen que hacer lo que otros soldados rasos hacen. Ellos tienen que recibir un entrenamiento, tienen que limpiar. De hecho Rain se ha ganado el título de Guerrero Especial al pasar por el mismo entrenamiento y el trabajo duro que cualquier otro soldado pasa, y lo hizo bien para ganar el premio.
Algunos cuestionaron que la tropa no necesita soldados entretenimiento, podríamos invitar a los grupos de chicas. Esto no es cierto, los soldados realmente les gusta ver las presentaciones de estos soldados de entretenimiento que también les dan una gran fuerza. Es más exigente para Rain, ya que todas las unidades quieren que vaya a su lugar a hacer una presentación. Si va a una sola unidad, otros se preguntarán por qué no va a la suya. Así que tenía más actuaciones, y hubo momentos en los que tuvo que apresurarse después de una actuación que ir a otra.
El artículo dijo que por el momento la posición de DEMA es que en tres ocasiones, mientras que la Rain estaba fuera en servicio oficial, tuvo reuniones personales en su camino de vuelta, lo que podría ser considerado como haber violado los reglamentos militares. Se hace una pregunta retórica. DEMA no tiene la sala de ensayo, los sistemas de sonido, ni siquiera los trajes, los cuales son necesarios para la preparación de las actividades principales, y tiene que salir para conseguirlos. Con este sistema, ¿no debe anticipar plenamente que habrá reuniones durante estas salidas oficiales?
NovemberRain 2013.01.07
Silahkan melihat wawancaranya disini:
Wawancara dengan Perwakilan Defense Network Bapak Shin In Goon.
Bagian pertama dari wawancara ini berkaitan dengan RAIN. Judul video klip: “71 hari libur RAIN… Sebuah kesalahan”
Berikut adalah ringkasan dari apa yang Bapak Shin katakana.
Jika RAIN benar-benar mangambil cuti sebanyak 71 hari selama 10 bulan masa tugasnya dengan DEMA (sejak Maret – Desember 2012) maka itu benar-benar keterlaluan dan tidak bisa diterima oleh tentara Korea. Tapi dilihat dari materi yang disiapkan oleh DEMA, cuti 71 hari merupakan suatu distorsi. Sebagai seorang prajurit yang ditempatkan di DEMA, RAIN diwajibkan untuk berpergian ke berbagai unit militer untuk tampil pada acara“Consolatory Train”.
Dari 71 hari tersebut, 19 merupakan hari dimana dia harus tinggal di berbagai distrik karena tampil di Consolatory Train. Pada saat yang bersamaan, ada kegiatan seperti Yeosu Expo saat DEMA harus mendukung pemerintah dalam acara nasional yang penting itu. Dalam rangka menarik wisatawan dalam dan luar negri, seperti Jepang dan China, sebuah panggung khusus telah disiapkan untuk RAIN. Bahkan kita berhasil menarik lebih dari 120,000 wisatawan. RAIN saat itu sudah lama tidak melakukan pertunjukkan sejak dia mulai wamil. Dia harus latihan dengan penari latarnya.
DEMA tidak memiliki studio dan fasilitas untuk latihan semacam itu, sehingga dia harus pergi keluar untuk latihan. Masalahnya sekarang adalah, dia tidak didampingi dalam latihan-latihan seperti ini, karena jadwal yang tidak tetap. Kadang bisa pagi-pagi sekali atau larut malam karena mereka harus bekerja dengan menyesuaikan jadwal para penari latar. Perjalanan seperti itu harus diklasifikasikan sebagai perjalanan bisnis. Sama seperti saat prajurit yang harus pergi untuk latihan diluar. Kegiatan-kegiatan sejenis dan tinggal diluar barak karena acara Consolatory Train di daerah ada sebanyak 44 hari, yang mana telah dijumlahkan kedalam 71 hari cuti. Memasukkan ke-44 hari ini kedalam 71 hari cuti adalah sebuah kesalahan. Karena itu merupakan perjalanan bisnis dan seharusnya dikurangi dari 71 hari cuti. Setelah dikurangi, RAIN sebenarnya hanya mengambil 27 hari cuti.
Rata-rata seorang prajurit biasa yang telah bertugas selama 10 bulan akan mendapatkan 21 hari cuti. Jika dibandingkan, maka RAIN memiliki 6 hari lebih banyak dalam hal cuti. (catatan. Berita terakhir dari DEMA menegaskan kalau RAIN telah mengajukan 4 hari cuti pribadi saat bertugas di Divisi No. 5, karena masalah kesehatan. Ke-4 hari ini juga telah dijumlahkan kedalam 71 hari tersebut, yang akan dipotong dari cuti yang tidak dipakainya. Jadi sesungguhnya RAIN mengambil cuti 2 hari lebih banyak dari prajurit biasa yang bertugas dalam jangka waktu yang sama seperti dia.)
Karena kesalahan penjumlahan hari, 71 hari, RAIN menderita keritikan massal.
DEMA telah memperjelas rincian dari ke-71 hari tersebut, dan menegaskan tentang bermalam diluar barak sebagai bagian dari pekerjaan. Masalah kemudian berpindah ke pertemuan pribadi pada saat bertugas. Catatan, ini tidak merupakan mangkir. Jika RAIN mangkir dari tugas, maka itu akan menjadi masalah.
Dan untuk berjalan di depan umum tanpa mengenakan baret, setiap prajurit setuju, jika tertangkap karena hal ini, itu adalah nasib buruk. Jika itu dipermasalahkan, maka prajurit diseluruh negri harus sangat berhati-hati. Anda bisa dengan mudah melihat prajurit tanpa baret saat berada di terminal bis mana saja.
Masyarakat memiliki konsep yang salah bahwa prajurit PR manjalani hidup yang gampang. Sebenarnya pekerjaan mereka sangat berat. Ada kemungkinan 99,9% mereka tidak bisa menikmati hari libur dan beristirahat saat akhir pekan, karena harus melakukan pertunjukkan, program radio, dll. Saat hari kerja, mereka harus melakukan tugas seperti yang dilakukan oleh prajurit biasa. Mereka mendapat pelatihan, mereka harus membersihkan. Bahkan RAIN mendapatkan gelar Special Warrior [Prajurit Khusus] dengan melalui pelatihan dan kerja keras yang sama seperti yang dilakukan prajurit lainnya, dan melakukannya dengan baik untuk mendapatkan penghargaan tersebut.
Sejumlah orang mempertanyakan bahwa para prajurit tidak memerlukan prajurit PR, kita bisa hanya mengundang grup penyanyi wanita saja. Ini tidak benar, para prajurit benar-benar ingin menyaksikan penampilan prajurit PR yang juga memberikan mereka kekuatan. Tuntutan lebih besar bagi RAIN, karena semua unit ingin dia tampil di tempat mereka. Jika dia pergi ke satu unit saja, unit-unit lainnya akan mempertanyakan mengapa dia tidak datang ke tempat mereka. Jadi dia punya lebih banyak pertunjukan, dan ada saat-saat ketika dia harus bergegas dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya.
Artikel tersebut menyatakan saat ini posisi DEMA adalah bahwa dalam tiga kesempatan saat RAIN sedang bertugas diluar, dia melakukan kontak pribadi dalam perjalanan kembali, yang dapat dianggap melanggar peraturan militer. Ini menimbulkan pertanyaan retoris. DEMA tidak memiliki ruang latihan, sound system, bahkan kostum, yang diperlukan untuk persiapan kegiatan-kegiatan besar, dan harus pergi keluar untuk mendapatkan itu semua. Dengan sistem seperti itu, bukankah pasti akan ada kontak pribadi saat perjalanan bisnis?
[13-01-03][Joynews]"Rain's vacations and leaves totaled 27 days, not 71 days ... the controversy spirals into a witch hunt"
Representative 'Shin In Gyu' of the Self-Reliant National Defense Network made an incisive statement about the public controversy over the conduct of entertainment soldier Rain (Jung Ji Hoon) that is threatening to deteriorate into a kind of witch hunt.
In a phone call with Joy News 24 on the morning of the 3rd, Mr. 'Shin In Gyu' commented that "There appears to be a tendency to escalate this issue into a severe witch hunt in a manner that reminds me of past incidents involving Tablo and Tajinyo. It’s necessary to evaluate the situation more level-headedly" and disclosed the results of his research.
According to Representative Shin, as had been disclosed by the Defense Agency for Public Information Services, Corporal 'Jung Ji Hoon' received a total of 17 days of reward vacations and 10 overnight leaves granted based on individual performance and 44 days of overnight leaves for the performance of work duties in the 10 month period he worked as an entertainment soldier in the Defense Ministry beginning in March of last year, making a sum total of 71 days of vacations or overnight leaves.
Representative Shin explained the reasons for the leaves in detail, arguing that "It is incorrect for the media to exaggerate based on this data to give the impression that Corporal 'Jung Ji Hoon' used as much as 71 days of vacation or leave days."
Representative Shin pointed out that first of all, it isn’t reasonable to include the 44 overnight leaves that were granted for work duties within the total of 71 days. Those 44 days consist of the 25 days that Corporal Jeong spent rehearsing choreography for the performance he had to give at the Yeosu Expo, as well as the 19 days in which he performed for the 'K-Force Special Show' performances.
Representative Shin claimed that "The 19 days during which Corporal Jung performed on the 'K-Force Special Show' should be regarded as a work assignment rather than a personal leave. He went to the location to perform his duties as in the case of expedition training, and therefore those days should be subtracted from the total in question. "
Representative Shin also gave specific explanations regarding the 25 days used for choreograph rehearsals in preparation for the Yeosu Expo performance. Meticulous practice was necessary to prepare thoroughly for the Expo, an event of national importance. Although initially Corporal Jeong was directed to ride the taxi to make the necessary trips including rides to the Defense Ministry, since the schedule of the choreography team often made it unavoidable to attend practice at dawn or at 8 in the morning, Corporal Jung was ordered instead to stay at the rehearsal site.
Representative Shin emphasized that during the two days of the Expo, Rain contributed to national pride by performing 8 songs each day, and that he has worked hard to raise morale through his 'K-Force Special Show' performances.
If the 44 days that Representative Shin claims to be have been used for work duties are subtracted, there are 27 days of overnight leaves or vacation days remaining.
Those 27 days include 17 days of reward vacation, and 10 overnight leaves granted based on individual performance. Representative Shin clarified that "Overnight leaves based on individual performance are allocated to each soldier to be used over the course of 21 months, and Corporal Ji-Hoon Jeong used 10 of those days early because he needed to meet with his attorney and attend court about a lawsuit. Therefore, he will not be able to claim any more the overnight leaves based on individual performance."
Representative Shin pointed out that "As of 2012, ordinary soldiers in our military use an average of 43 days for vacations or overnight leaves over the course of 21 months. If we divide this total by 10 months, that is 21 days per month. Compared to this average, Rain was granted 6 more days" and he criticized the "tendency to exaggerate the situation as though Rain had enjoyed some enormous preferential treatment, when it is a matter of six extra leave days."
Representative 'Shin In Gyun' argued that "It is improper for the media and the commentators on the internet to indiscriminately attack Rain’s conduct based on an exaggerated total of 71 days. I think we should at least accurately establish the fact that his leaves actually amounted to 27 days, in other words, only around 6 more days than the average, before venturing to criticize."
Source :
English translation by 화니.
[13-01-04][TV Report]Defense Ministry "Regarding the alleged special privilege granted to Rain … Rain’s vacation days included overnight stays at the Defense Agency for Public Information Services"
The authorities have issued a statement clarifying their position regarding the controversy that has arisen regarding whether the singer Rain(age 31, Jung Ji Hoon), known to be in a romantic relationship with actress 'Kim Tae Hee', received special preferential treatment during his military service.
On the 4th, the MBC TV show entitled ‘Section TV Entertainment Communications' (hereafter referred to as "Section") reported on the controversy regarding the special preferential treatment Rain allegedly received as an entertainment soldier.
The controversy about the military’s preferential treatment flared up after the entertainment media outlet Dispatch reported that Rain and 'Kim Tae Hee', were in a romantic relationship, along with a photo of the two celebrities on a date.
Initially, criticisms were made about Rain’s outfit. In the photos disclosed, Rain was not wearing the regulatory military hat, and was wearing a civilian jacket over his military uniform. A spokesperson for the Defense Ministry stated that "A soldier must always maintain an orderly outfit to uphold the dignity of the military" and added that "Rain will not necessarily be punished, but the plan is that he will be instructed to wear the military outfit properly through training and guidance."
According to the report made by Dispatch, Rain went on dates with 'Kim Tae-Hee' as frequently as around once a week since last November, while on overnight or daytime leave. Immediately following the report, there was a deluge of critical comments on the internet claiming that "The military granted Rain preferential treatment as an entertainment soldier."
In actuality, the average number of days that an ordinary soldier receives for vacation is 44 days. Entertainment soldiers receive an average of 75 days, which is around 1.7 times more.
A spokesperson of the Defense Ministry explained that "There were two large scale performances given by Corporal Jung during the Yeosu Expo. He needed time to prepare for the performances. Also, when he needs to go far for a 'K-Force Special Show' performance, he sleeps over on location. Even if the location is closer, it is around midnight by the time he returns to Seoul.
In such cases, he sleeps at the Defense Agency for Public Information Services, and those days have totaled 19. Those instances were included in the number of Rain’s vacation days disclosed to the public (a total of 71 days including 17 vacation days, 10 overnight leaves based on individual performance, and 44 overnight stays for official duties)."
The spokesperson added that "A disciplinary committee is planned to be held regarding the issue of having gone on a personal date after military duties, and the failure to wear the military hat."
Source :
English translation by 화니
(13-01-04) (Reporte en TV)Ministro de Defensa" En relación al presunto privilegio especial dado a Rain. Las vacaciones de Rain incluyeron estadías tarde en la noche en la Agencia de Defensa para los Servicios de información Pública"
Las autoridades han sacado un comunicado aclarando su posición con respecto a la controversia que se ha levantado debido a si Rain (edad 31, Jung Ji Hoon), conocido por estar en una relación romántica con la actriz 'Kim Tae Hee', recibió un trato preferencial durante su servicio militar.
El dia 4 de Enero, The MBC TV show titulado 'Sección de TV de Comunicaciones y Entretenimiento' (de aquí en adelante mencionado como "Sección") reportaron la controversia sobre el trato especial y preferencial que Rain presuntamente recibió como un soldado de entretenimiento.
La controversia sobre el trato preferencial de la milicia se encendió después que los medios de comunicación de entretenimiento difundieron la noticia de que Rain y Kim Tae Hee estaban envueltos en una relación romántica, acompañado de una foto de las dos celebridades en una cita.
Las autoridades han sacado un comunicado aclarando su posición con respecto a la controversia que se ha levantado debido a si Rain (edad 31, Jung Ji Hoon), conocido por estar en una relación romántica con la actriz 'Kim Tae Hee', recibió un trato preferencial durante su servicio militar.
El dia 4 de Enero, The MBC TV show titulado 'Sección de TV de Comunicaciones y Entretenimiento' (de aquí en adelante mencionado como "Sección") reportaron la controversia sobre el trato especial y preferencial que Rain presuntamente recibió como un soldado de entretenimiento.
La controversia sobre el trato preferencial de la milicia se encendió después que los medios de comunicación de entretenimiento difundieron la noticia de que Rain y Kim Tae Hee estaban envueltos en una relación romántica, acompañado de una foto de las dos celebridades en una cita.
Inicialmente, las críticas fueron hecha sobre Rain y su vestimenta. En las fotos mostradas por la prensa, Rain no llevaba puesto su regulatorio gorro militar, y llevaba puesto un chaqueta no militar sobre su uniforme. Un portavoz del Ministerio de Defensa mencionó que ¨Un soldado tiene siempre que mantener un uniforme ordenado para defender la dignidad de la milicia¨ y agregó que ¨Rain no será necesariamente castigado, pero el plan es que el será instruido a llevar el uniforme militar propiamente a través de entrenamiento y dirección."
De acuerdo al reporte hecho por el ¨Dispatch", Rain y Kim Tae Hee salieron tan frecuentemente como alrededor de una vez a la semana desde el pasado mes de noviembre, mientras tenía un permiso durante la noche o el día. Inmediatamente seguido al reporte, hubo un diluvio de comentarios críticos en la internet reclamando que ¨La milicia concedió a Rain un trato preferencial como soldado de entretenimiento."
En la actualidad, El número promedio de días que un soldado ordinario recibe de vacaciones son 44 días. Soldados de entretenimiento reciben un promedio de 75 días, lo cual es alrededor de 1.7 veces más.
Un portavoz del Ministerio de Defensa explicó que ¨Hubo dos grandes presentaciones dado por el Soldado Jung durante la Exposición de Yeosu. El necesitó tiempo para prepararse para las presentaciones. Además, cuando el necesita ir lejos para una presentación en el ¨Show especial de K-Force", el duerme en el lugar. Aún si el lugar está cerca, es cerca de la medianoche para el tiempo que el regrese a Seúl.
En esos casos, el duerme en la Agencia de Defensa para Información de Servicio Públicos, y esos días completaron 19. Esos días fueron incluidos en el número de vacaciones de Rain sacados al público (un total de 71 días incluyendo 17 días de vacaciones, 10 días que Rain pasó la noche basado en presentaciones individuales, y 44 noches que Rain se quedó por deberes oficiales)."El portavoz agregó que ¨Está planeado un comité disciplinario ha llevarse a cabo sobre el asunto de ir en una cita personal después de deberes militare, y la falla de no llevar el gorro militar."
Traducido al español por Lluviakoreana
[Friends FM]130106 Rain @ Consolatory Train
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