Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2008.09.27.



'RAIN來了'公開,RAIN「進軍好萊塢很自豪!」 hongtha

『RAIN來了』被公開。接著「我是李英愛」之後在下個月10日將播放用來COMEBACK SPECIAL的『RAIN來了』。
MBC在26日接著李英愛之後將10月10日晚上9點55分播放RAIN COMEBACK SPECIAL-『RAIN來了』。

在RAIN MBC SPECIAL預告片中對於進軍好萊塢的感想,很滿足地說「我終於做到了」。接著又對10月中發表的新專輯自然而然得意地說「有種被提升的感覺」。
同時,26日播放的,MBC SPECIAL『我是李英愛』創下了9.7%的全國收視率。


兩人是為了RAIN 10月最新公開的亞洲特別專輯的MV拍攝才見了面。18日晚上江南一帶,也因為兩人的出現造成了人海聚集的擁擠場面。


翻譯 by 小曹曹 from cloudchina
雨,『性感腹肌』秘訣?...未公開的影像也公開 hongtha


RAIN 在發表COMEBACK專輯前,10月10日通過MBC高陽節目-'RAIN來了'篇和FANS見面.RAIN那段時間拍攝了好萊塢電影<忍者殺手>,一刻也不休息的來管理身體.

傳出RAIN受到一天10小時以上殘酷的訓練.不只是運動連三餐也進行徹底的菜單管理.由於這樣,才可以具備敏捷的身手、健壯的8塊腹肌和結實的胸。那方說「從6月開始,5個月的時間跟隨RAIN的行程。從運動、吃飯等RAIN平時生活的樣子開始,到華納兄弟公司提供的< 忍者殺手>未公開的拍攝影像被國內最早獨家公開為止」。

從和RAIN一起拍攝<忍者殺手>工作的James導演、演員Naomi Harris、<忍者殺手>的製作人Joel Silver等好萊塢大亨的嘴中對RAIN的評價,的工作人員「大部分對RAIN的評價出來的都是肯定的、積極的。也可以聽到對於他今後成功的可能性的一些談話。還有就是也承載對 RAIN寄予了無限的愛的歐洲和美洲,亞洲等各國FANS的樣子」

*註明: 몸짱----指身材很棒的人

翻譯 by 小曹曹 from cloudchina
비가오다공개, 비 "할리우드 진출 자랑스럽다!" hongtha
비가오다공개, 비 "할리우드 진출 자랑스럽다!"

비가오다 공개 된다. MBC 스페셜이 '나는 이영애다'에 이어 다음달 10일 컴백스페셜로 '비가오다'를 방송한다.
MBC는 26일 이영애에 이어 비(본명 정지훈) 컴백스페셜 '비가 오다'를 오는 10월10일 밤 9시55분에 방송한다.
MBC스페셜은 그동안 극비리에 준비해온 비의 새 앨범작업과정과 할리우드 영화 '닌자 어새신'의 뒷이야기를 보여준다.
비는 MBC스페셜 예고편에서 할리우드 진출소감으로 "나는 드디어 해냈다"며 만족해 했다. 또 10월 중 발표될 새앨범에 대해서는 "업그레이드됐다는 느낌"이라고 스스로 대견해 했다.
한편 26일 방송된, MBC 스페셜 '나는 이영애다'는 9.7%의 전국시청률을 기록했다.(TNS미디어조사결과 )
한편 비와 하지원이 강남에서 뜨거운 데이트를 즐겼다. 지난 18일 오후 서울 강남의 한 클럽과 압구정 로데오 거리에 위치한 카페그리고 한 호텔에서 비와 하지원은 뮤직비디오를 촬영했다.
이들의 만남은 비가 10월 선보이게될 아시아 스페셜 앨범 뮤직비디오를 촬영하기 위한 것. 18일 밤 강남 일대는 두 사람을 보려고 몰려든 인파로 혼잡이 빚어지기도 했다.
하지원 소속사 측은 19일 두 사람이 뮤직비디오에서 연인으로 출연한다고 밝혔다.
또한 비 측에서 하지원에게 제의를 해왔고, 하지원 역시 흔쾌히 수락해 촬영이 성사됐다고 전하기도 했다. 한편 비는 오는 10월 아시아 스페셜 앨범으로 국내 무대에 컴백한다.
source: SSTV
MBC TV-Star Before & After hongtha
ENGLISH TRANSLATION : 08.09.19 MBC TV-Star Before & After
It's raining all over the world. Unapproachable charisma. Smile that instigate protective instinct.

Rain - This is my zone, I'm really made for stages. Puhahahaha

Rain, a perfect guy who even has sense of humor. Rain who obviously became a world star across Asia.

Rain - (mike test) I will begin, one two three.

Raining all over the world. Rain, a super special rookie who debuted in year 2002.

Reporter Soo-Jin Kang said, when (the new singer) Rain was on stage, the seats became crowded.I saw lot of woman marched to go see him. I asked them who is that you want to see like this?

Splendid dance that fully shows off his nice body. Powerful charisma, an awful rookie Rain.

Reporter Soo-Jin Kang - They seen so many stars but even staffs of broadcasting stations who were insensitive about stars tried to see him. The stage was extremely splendid and they used the expression of super special rookie from jyp at that moment.

Powerful dance. Sweet voice and attractive appearance. 3 charms of Rain - dance, face and smile.

The best precious guy of this age Rain.

His singles "Way to avoid the sun"(2003), "it's Raining"(2004), and "I do"(2004), all of them were successful.

Fans - (He's perfect.) He's a great dancer, he's sexy.

Imitating Rain. Only the butt? Man who wants to be like Rain - imitator Jae-Yong.

Just like that, he became a syndrome. Women's only Heartbreaker Rain. 1 minute before beginning of performance - exceptional performance.

Yoon-Jin Lee (Rain's English instructor) - When he's off from the stage, he doesn't seem like a star. But whenever he's on the stage, then he becomes the Rain. Ji-Hoon Jeong's appearance is pretty different from Rain's appearance.

Ji-Hoon Jeong with shy smile and informal charms and Rain the singer with awful charisma.

Rain - I danced in free style when I was entertaining others. When I received applauses, I felt shiver from the edge of my feet.I felt as this was it.

Boom - Whenever I went to school field trips, I danced with Rain many times. I remember that I started dancing first at the opening and then Ji-Hoon danced afterward. We always kept that order. This guy really loved take care of the latter part. I remember that I was always less recognized because of Ji-Hoon.

Rain who was originally a back dancer. His meeting with producer Jin-Young Park. Story that Rain cried because of Jin-Young Park before his debut.

Rain - Mr. Jin-Young Park scolded me, at that moment it was raining outside and I cried much.

Jin-Young Park - I was concerned about if his debut might go to wrong direction and I lost my temper unconsciously.

Fantastic rhythm between the best producer and singer of this age.

Reporter Soo-Jin Kang - All of Rain's song was actually from Jin-Young Park, but since Jin-Young was a singer as well he probably wanted to sing all that songs by himself as well. One of them as a producer and one of them as a singer...

Rain captured Braun tube. Rain, Ji-Hoon Jeong who took the role of Sang-Doo Cha in drama 'Let's go to school Sang-Doo'. Despite all the voices of concerns he was admitted as actor Ji-Hoon Jeong.

Rain - My high school was school of art. I was attending theater course. I was keep acting ever since that.

His path that was constantly prepared. His passion for acting. He took the role of main character from the movie 'It's OK even if you are a cyborg'.

Director Chan-Wook Park- Rain had to speak a long speech but he actually prepared for speech of another scene by mistake. With his high level concentration he remembered it within very short period of time and he made it.

Actor Ji-Hoon Jeong, entered worldwide stage proudly.

Director Chan-Wook Park - I haven't seen anyone like him. I bet he can handle whatsoever.

Rain stands on worldwide stage. Best singer of Asia, his fans that fully occupied airport in Japan. Realizing his unchangeable popularity. Appeared on best American talk show Colbert show.

Reporter Soo-Jin Kang - If he wasn't a star, then they wouldn't made sarcasm of him. In American society, whether in positive manner of negative manner they talk about Rain.

Selected for 100 of most influential people of the world.

Rain - I guess I can enter stage of America officially about next year.

Planned a world tour with aiming 35 concert over 12 countries. Rain who entered worldwide stage.

Yoon-Jin Lee - While he was running on running machine, questions and answers went back and forth.

Stage of dream - Rain's passion for entering stage of America. Cancellation of his LA concert.

Fans - We are quite disappointed now but we still love him and we believe that this event is irrelevant with him.

Rain's voice recording at the moment when his LA concert was cancelled - When I arrived to the auditorium, there was no stage. I really want to say sorry sincerely.

It's raining all over the world. Everyone said it's unlikely to rehabilitate. But instead of tears Rain chose sweat and effort. He rearranged himself. The first movie that he entered American stage which announced his name all over the world. He selected face-bout. He restarted his career in America. Movie Ninja Assassin. His first movie in America as main character, expecting to be released next year.

Rain - I did my best as I was laughing and acting for hard scenes.

Rain who finally stands as world star.

Jin-Young Park - He will succeed in whatever he does.

Yoon-Jin Lee - He always makes me feel that I'm lacking.

Director Chan-Wook Park - If America has to consume stars of different race, then I guess Ji-Hoon might be the first one for that.

I'm mostly afraid of losing to myself. I wanna listen If they have Joe in China, then there's Rain in Korea. So be it. He always answers shortly, doesn't talk much and doesn't complain about things. The answer for life is always efforts. My aim is only one, that I will expand my stage over other countries in the world. I will be the best by doing my best. It's the beginning now.

source : rain-eu.com
English translation by rain bird @ rain-eu
[기사모음] 비 "업그레이드 된 느낌" MBC '비가오다' 예고편 공개 카라의창

비 ‘MBC스페셜-비가오다’ 예고편 공개 관심폭주
[뉴스엔 이현우 기자] 가수 비(본명 정지훈) 5집 컴백 스페셜 방송 'MBC 스페셜-비가 오다'의 예고편이 공개돼 팬들을 흥분시키고...
뉴스엔 | 09.27 14:56

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    [스포츠서울닷컴ㅣ김주경기자] MBC 스페셜의 가수 비 특집인 ‘비가 오다’의 예고편이 공개되면서 팬들의 관심이 증폭되고 있다.비는 ‘...
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    [아시아경제신문 이혜린 기자]MBC가 마련한 비 컴백스페셜 '비가 오다'가 오는 10월10일 밤 9시55분에 방송된다. 이 방송은 그...
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    국내 컴백하는 비, ‘비가오다’ 예고편 공개 ‘관심집중’
    MBC스페셜 '비가오다'가 오는 10월 10일 방송된다. 지난 26일 MBC스페셜 '나는 이영애다'편이 끝나고 '비가오다' 예고편이 방송돼 팬들은 환호를 질렀다. ... 한국경제 2008-09-27 14:50

    비 스페셜 방송 '비가 오다' 예고편 공개에 팬들 '들썩'
    가수 비(본명 정지훈) 특집인 ‘비가 오다’의 예고편이 공개되자 팬들이 기대감에 부풀어 있다. MBC는 오랜만에 국내 활동을 벌이게 되는 비의 스페셜 ‘비가 오 ... 스포츠칸 2008-09-27 14:35

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