via The Cloud - hongtha
Despite denying earlier rumors that he will perform at the Closing Ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, Rain surprised by showing up in Beijing a few days earlier. In front of 91,000 spectators at National Stadium on August 23rd 2008, Rain, sporting a new hairstyle again, performed in Chinese, the song, “Beijing Beijing, I love Beijing.” He shared the stage with Hong Kong star Kelly Chen and Taiwanese hottie, Wang Lee Hom.
Rain will extend his language skills by singing a song in Chinese on his upcoming album. The new album is expected to be released in October 2008.
Rain Says Closing Ceremony Performance Was 'Electrifying'
[2008-08-25]Singer and actor Rain performed "Beijing, I Love Beijing" with popular Chinese entertainers during the closing ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics held at the Main Olympic Stadium, or the "Bird's Nest," on August 24. Rain performed with popular singers Wang Lee Hom, Kelly Chen and Han Xue.
The following is an excerpt from an interview with Rain right after the performance:
Q. When did you get the offer to perform in the closing ceremony?
A. A year ago, I was asked to perform with an American artist. Later, they changed the theme to "Asian Unity" and decided to invite Chinese singers to perform. The organizing committee asked me to represent Korea. I later heard that film director Zhang Yimou, who was the artistic director for both the opening and closing ceremonies, recommended me. The plan was finalized four months prior to the Olympics, and I met with the singers a month before to record all the songs. We sang two lines each and sang the chorus together.
Q. You've performed in numerous large-scale concerts throughout your career, but isn't this your first time performing in front of 90,000 audience members and billions of TV viewers?
A. I performed in front of 40,000 audience members during my Beijing concert. However, my heart started pounding at the thought of having to sing in front of 90,000 people from all over the world and the sheer size of the whole performance. Each and every one of the singers I performed with on the evening of the closing ceremony was extremely passionate. Athletes became one and enjoyed the whole party. I felt electrified and excited at the same time. It's been a huge honor.
Rain 回韓國的时間 / Time Rain flys back to Seoul | |
August 25, 2008
KE 852 Boeing 747-400 Depart PEK (Beijing) at 11:55 Arrive ICN (Incheon) at 14:55 source: CloudChina
转自Rain-China Bar
by:郑在傲云 將于25日(周一)乘坐KE852航班返回韓國首尔 , 早上11:55起飛 Monday 25 Aug KS852 Departing at 11:55am |
via The Cloud - hongtha
Rain's interview with QQ.com |
Korean superstar Rain was a guest of QQ.com yesterday (August 24th), besides coming to the Olympic closing ceremony, Rain also shared his keep fit method with us. When talked about the performance at the closing ceremony, Rain said, "I'm able to come to China and perform at the Olympic closing ceremony I felt very excited."
Sing live in Chinese, accepted challenge
Kelly Chen, Wang Lee hom and Rain duet song "Beijing Beijing I love Beijing" opened up the carnival performance. Recalled that scene, Rain still felt very excited, he said, "I'm able to come to China and perform at the Olympic closing ceremony I felt very excited. Actually I had always practiced Chinese before, singing live in Chinese to me is a big challenge." Rain disclosed, his album will be release on October, there will be Chinese song.
New movie acted as a Ninja, dream to act in comedy
Rain already shoot two Hollywood movies. "Speed Racer" just shown in theaters in China, next movie "Ninja Assassin" will be shown next year. Rain said, "My new movie called "Ninja Assassin" is done shooting, my performance is getting better, I hope to receive good results."
What is the biggest challenge when shooting movies oversea? is it acting?
"Shooting movies oversea had lots of pain, compared to acting, the bigger challenge was no time to sleep."
What are other roles you would like to try out?
"Actually I like to act more in comedy films, the very happy kind."
Likes Ping Pong, admired Ma Lin
Rain with perfect body, when asked how did he maintain his good body. Rain said, "eat more and do more exercise, eat well and then keep doing exercise." What sports does he pay attention to in the Olympic, Rain said he likes Ping Pong, "I think Ping Pong is not bad, China's three contestants included the top three men contestants, I specially admired Ma Lin, I think his Ping Pong skills is excellent."
Rain expressed, he really enjoy playing Ping Pong and he played well. He joked, "I think I can play Ping Pong very well, but people around me said I'm not good."
Official QQ Rain's webpage will open soon, Rain sent wishes
When talked about the official Rain's China webpage by QQ, he expressed happiness. He promised when he has free time he will learn better Chinese so he can interact with Chinese fans. Rain said, "while I was shooting movies oversea, I learn some English, now I still has to learn some Chinese, maybe I don't have a lot of time but when I am free I will definitely learn Chinese."
Regarding to the official webpage opening, Rain sent his wishes, "I'm very happy to cooperate with QQ.com, I hope everyone go to QQ.com and pay attention to my latest activities."
source: QQ Entertainment http://ent.QQ.comenglish translation: rain-america
騰訊娛樂 - Rain獨家做客騰訊 想演喜劇欣賞乒乓球冠軍馬琳
http://ent.QQ.com 2008年08月25日07:16 騰訊娛樂騰訊娛樂訊:韓國當紅偶像RAIN昨晚(24日)做客騰訊,借奧運閉幕之際,與大家分享了自己的運動情結與健身心得,當談及閉幕式的表演,“能來到中國參加奧運會閉幕式的表演,我很激動”。
現場唱中文 接受大挑戰
陳慧琳 、王力宏 、RAIN等中韓明星的一曲《北京北京我愛北京》,打響了閉幕式文藝表演的頭炮。回憶起當時的情景,RAIN還是很激動,“能來到中國參加奧運會閉幕式的表演,我很激動。其實之前就一直在練中文,現場用中文演唱,對我來說是個很大的挑戰”。RAIN透露,自己的專輯也將在10月份推出,到時候裏面也會收錄中文歌曲。
新戲飾忍者 夢想演喜劇
喜歡乒乓球 欣賞馬琳
官網開通在即 RAIN送祝福
騰訊網獨家專稿 轉載請注明出處
올림픽 폐막식 참여한 비 '월드스타 진출' vs '동북공정 일환'
[일간스포츠] 입력 2008.08.25 18:32
"태극마크도 없는 비가 한국인인 줄 알았겠냐. 동북 공정의 일환이다"
"아니다. 중국의 잔치에 한국 가수가 초청된 것이 오히려 자랑스러운 일이다"
가수 비가 지난 24일 2008 베이징올림픽 폐막식 공연에 출연한 사실을 두고 누리꾼들의 갑론을박이 뜨겁다.
비는 24일 오후 9시(한국시간) 베이징올림픽 폐막식 무대에 등장해 중화권 출신의 가수들과 함께 무대에 올라 폐막식 주제곡인 '베이징 베이징 워 아이니 베이징(베이징 베이징 나는 베이징을 사랑해)'을 부른 바 있다. 시청자들은 중국 무대에 초청된 월드스타 비를 자랑스러워하며 폐막식을 기다렸다.
그러나 막상 화면에 비친 비의 모습을 본 시청자들의 반응은 싸늘했다. 무대에 오른 가수 대부분이 중국과 홍콩, 대만 등 중화권 가수였기에 비가 한국인이 아닌 중화권 가수 같은 인상을 줬다는 것. 특히 비가 중국어로 노래를 부른데다 한국인임을 상징하는 아무런 단서가 없었다는 사실은 시청자들의 심기를 건드렸다.
폐막식을 본 한 누리꾼은 "중화권 가수들 사이에서 태극마크조차 없이 노래부르는데 비가 한국인인 줄 누가 알았겠냐"며 분통을 터뜨렸다. 또 '나도가끔은'이라는 필명을 쓰는 한 누리꾼은 "비는 한국가수로 초대된 것은 아닌것 같다. 중국 대만 홍콩에 한국이 끼인 형국"이라며 "이것도 동북공정의 일환이 아니겠느냐"는 우려 섞인 반응을 보였다. "17일 동안 고생했던 선수들을 자랑스럽게 생각하면서 폐막식을 보고 있었는데 비가 몇 초만에 그걸 다 망쳐놨다. 자신을 제외하고는 모두 중국계 가수들이었다면 중국의 의도를 한번쯤 의심해 봐도 됐을텐데 비는 도대체 무슨 생각으로 그 자리에 나갔는지 정말 실망이다"고 언급한 누리꾼도 있었다.
반면, 비가 폐막식 무대에 등장한 것을 지나치게 비난하는 것은 과도하다는 지적도 있었다. "비는 아시아인으로서 참여했을 것이다", "억측은 삼가야 한다"는 반응이 바로 그것이다. "단지 연예인으로 무대에 선 것인데 너무 깊게 들어가는 것도 좋지 않을 것 같다"고 언급한 누리꾼도 있었다.
구민정 기자 [lychee@joongang.co.kr]
비 "폐막식 무대 짜릿하고 흥분됐다"
베이징올림픽 폐막식서 중화권 가수들과 합창
(서울=연합뉴스) 이은정 기자 = "중국 베이징 공연 때 관객 최고 기록은 4만명이었어요. 올림픽 주경기장 9만여 관중, 웅장한 공연 규모로 인해 무대에 오르기 전부터 마음이 쿵쾅거리더군요. 노래하는 순간 짜릿하고 흥분됐어요."
배우 겸 가수 비(본명 정지훈ㆍ26)가 24일 밤 중국 베이징 올림픽 주경기장 냐오차오(鳥巢)에서 열린 '2008 베이징올림픽 폐막식'에서 한국 대표로 무대에 올라 폐막식 테마곡 '베이징 베이징 워 아이 베이징'을 노래했다.
비는 대만가수 왕리훙(王力宏), 홍콩 가수 겸 배우 천후이린(陳慧琳), 중국 가수 겸 배우 한쉬에(韓雪) 등 중화권 가수들과 함께 아시아 국가의 화합을 주제로 합창했다.
다음은 공연이 끝난 직후 비와의 국제 전화 인터뷰를 일문일답으로 구성했다.
--폐막식 참여 제의는 언제 받은 것인가.
▲당초 1년 전에는 미국 아티스트와 공연하는 것으로 얘기가 나왔다. 그러나 중화권 가수들과 아시아의 화합을 주제로 한 공연이 마련됐고, 올림픽조직위원회가 이웃나라인 한국 대표 가수로 나를 초청해줬다. 개.폐막식 총연출을 맡은 장이머우(張藝謀) 감독님도 추천하셨다고 들었다. 4개월 전 출연을 확정지었고 한달 전 가수들과 만나 전곡을 녹음했다. 두 줄씩 나눠 부르고 후렴구는 합창했다.
--대형 무대에 많이 섰지만 9만여 관중, 수십억 명의 세계인 앞에서 노래하는 것은 처음일텐데.
▲베이징 공연 때 관객 기록이 4만 명이었다. 9만여 관중, 웅장한 공연 규모와 시설 때문에 무대에 오르기 전부터 마음이 쿵쾅거렸다. 무대에 오른 공연인들은 모두 열정적이었다. 선수단은 흑인, 백인 등 다양한 인종이 하나가 돼 대규모 파티를 즐겼다. 나 역시 노래하는 순간 짜릿하고 흥분됐다. 영광스런 자리였다.
--폐막식 참여 소식은 올림픽조직위원회와 비밀 계약을 맺을 정도로 극비였는데, 중화권 언론을 통해 알려졌다.
▲출연진 전원이 비밀을 지킨다는 조항이 담긴 계약서를 작성했다. 첫번째는 테러 위험, 두번째는 관객의 흥분을 막기 위해, 세번째는 쇼를 비밀리에 진행하는 것이 이유였다고 들었다.
--베이징 올림픽을 어떻게 즐겼나. 기억에 남는 우리 선수들의 경기 장면이 있나.
▲사실은 어제 한국과 쿠바의 야구 결승전을 보러 우커송야구장에 가고 싶었다. 혹시 카메라에 잡히면 곤란해질까봐 결국 못 가 아쉬웠다.(웃음) 모든 경기가 감동적이었지만 야구 선수단은 정말 극적인 드라마를 썼다. 이날 태권도에서도 금메달을 따내 기쁨이 갑절이었다. 어제 저녁 때 우연히 탁구팀을 만나 반갑게 인사를 나누기도 했다. 국가별 메달 순위에서 종합 7위라니, 인구대비를 고려했을 때 정말 대단한 것 같다.
--아시아 스페셜 음반은 어떻게 진행되고 있나.
▲10월 초 아시아 스페셜 음반을 발매한다. 현재 녹음을 끝마쳤고 내 자작곡도 몇곡 들어있으며 영어곡도 있다. 아시아권 발매를 비롯해 아시아 마켓이 있는 여타 지역에서도 비공식적으로 선보일 예정이다.
Lyric Beijing, Beijing, Wo Ai Beijing | Phoenix |
Beijing, Beijing, Wo Ai Beijing - I Love BeijingOne, two, three Come on! Beijing, Beijing, Wo ai Beijing Ao yun sheng huo dian ran xi zhong re qing Beijing, Beijing, Wo ai Beijing Ao yun guan mang zhao yao shi jie de xin Dang qing chen di yi lu yang guang Dian liang le wo de meng xiang Na xi wang kan dao le shu guang Zhang kai chi bang yi qi fei xiang Lu se zhi dou san fa fang xiang Ke ji zhi guang ba ai dian liang Wen hua gu cheng gu shi you chang Xing fu ge sheng chang de xiang liang Cheer up (burning heart) Chao yue zi ji Cheer up (a changing world) Yong bu fang qi Cheer up (hand in hand) Jian chi dao di Yi qi chuang zao sheng ming qi ji Beijing, Beijing, Wo ai Beijing Ao yun sheng huo dian ran xin zhong re qing Beijing, Beijing, Wo ai Beijing Ao yun guan mang zhao yao shi jie de xin [unintelligible] Lu se zhi dou san fa fang xiang Ke ji zhi guang ba ai dian liang Wen hua gu cheng gu shi you chang Xing fu ge sheng chang de xiang liang Cheer up (glorious day) Chao yue zi ji Cheer up (promised way) Yong bu fang qi Cheer up (ready go) Jian chi dao di Yi qi chuang zao sheng ming qi ji Beijing, Beijing, Wo ai Beijing Ao yun sheng huo dian ran xin zhong re qing Beijing, Beijing, Wo ai Beijing Ao yun guan mang zhao yao shi jie de xin Beijing, Beijing Love in Beijing Ao yun sheng huo dian ran xin zhong re qing Beijing, Beijing, Win in Beijing Ao yun guan mang zhao yao shi jie de xin * lalalala… lalalala… lalalalalalalalalala (4x) Beijing, Beijing, Wo ai Beijing Beijing, Beijing, Wo ai Beijing Beijing, Beijing, Wo ai Beijing source: Amy-Wong.com credit: RAIN Germany |
[조이뉴스24 ] [비 "올림픽 폐막식 공연, 평생 기억에 남을 것" | 카라의창 |
[OSEN 기사모음] ‘올림픽 폐막식’ 비, “데뷔 후 이렇게 떨리긴 처음” | 카라의창 |
💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 |
Rain sings in Chinese at the Closing Ceremony | hongtha |
08.08.25 Rain sings in Chinese at the Closing Ceremony |
Despite denying earlier rumors that he will perform at the Closing Ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, Rain surprised by showing up in Beijing a few days earlier. In front of 91,000 spectators at National Stadium on August 23rd 2008, Rain, sporting a new hairstyle again, performed in Chinese, the song, “Beijing Beijing, I love Beijing.” He shared the stage with Hong Kong star Kelly Chen and Taiwanese hottie, Wang Lee Hom.
Rain will extend his language skills by singing a song in Chinese on his upcoming album. The new album is expected to be released in October 2008.
[매일경제] 월드스타 비 올림픽 공연 부상투혼 화제 | 카라의창 |
Rain Says Closing Ceremony Performance Was 'Electrifying' | hongtha |
Rain Says Closing Ceremony Performance Was 'Electrifying' Singer and actor Rain performed "Beijing, I Love Beijing" with popular Chinese entertainers during the closing ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics held at the Main Olympic Stadium, or the "Bird's Nest," on August 24. Rain performed with popular singers Wang Lee Hom, Kelly Chen and Han Xue. The following is an excerpt from an interview with Rain right after the performance: Q. When did you get the offer to perform in the closing ceremony? A. A year ago, I was asked to perform with an American artist. Later, they changed the theme to "Asian Unity" and decided to invite Chinese singers to perform. The organizing committee asked me to represent Korea. I later heard that film director Zhang Yimou, who was the artistic director for both the opening and closing ceremonies, recommended me. The plan was finalized four months prior to the Olympics, and I met with the singers a month before to record all the songs. We sang two lines each and sang the chorus together. Q. You've performed in numerous large-scale concerts throughout your career, but isn't this your first time performing in front of 90,000 audience members and billions of TV viewers? A. I performed in front of 40,000 audience members during my Beijing concert. However, my heart started pounding at the thought of having to sing in front of 90,000 people from all over the world and the sheer size of the whole performance. Each and every one of the singers I performed with on the evening of the closing ceremony was extremely passionate. Athletes became one and enjoyed the whole party. I felt electrified and excited at the same time. It's been a huge honor. http://english.kbs.co.kr/entertainment/news/ent_news.html |
[Billboard News] mentioned Rain in Beijing Olympic | hongtha |
Jimmy Page, Leona Lewis and Placido Domingo joined Chinese performers including Wei Wei, Andy Lau and Karen Mok at the 2008 Beijing Olympics' closing ceremony last night (Aug. 24). Held at the National Stadium (a.k.a. the Bird's Nest), the ceremony was held before a capacity crowd of 91,000 and hundreds of Olympic athletes. Following the handover of the Olympic flag to Boris Johnson, mayor of 2012 Summer Olympics host city London, a red double-decker London bus entered the stadium. From the bus emerged singer Leona Lewis and Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, who performed Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love." The performance culminated with an appearance by international soccer star David Beckham. The ceremony continued [[with South Korean male vocalist Rain]], Hong Kong female vocalist Kelly Chen and Chinese-American singer Wang Lee-Hom who jointly performed "Beijing, Beijing, Wo Ai Beijing (Beijing, Beijing, I Love Beijing)." Domingo then performed "Ai de Huoyan (The Flame of Love)," in Chinese and English, with Chinese soprano Song Zuying. Chinese artists who took part in the final farewell medley included Wei, Mok, Lau, Emil Chau and Joey Yung. http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003842172 credit: fanrain |
베이징 올림픽 폐막식 공연(비) 해외(영어권) 보도/반응 모음 약간 | 카라의창 |
비가 잠깐 나왔기 때문에 관련글이 별로 많지는 않지만 |
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