Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.12.09.

월드스타 비 해외 재출국 전 국내 팬미팅 개최 뉴스엔
'금의환향' 비, 17일 깜짝 팬미팅 스타뉴스

'닌자 어쌔신' 개봉 12일만에 100만 돌파 아시아경제
비 ‘닌자 어쌔신’ 개봉 12일만에 100만 관객 돌파 뉴스엔
비 주연작 '닌자 어쌔신' 국내 100만 돌파 '흥행' sbsTV
'닌자어쌔신', 개봉 12일만에 관객 100만명을 돌파 한국경제

비 차기작 곧 공개, "명실공히 할리우드 스타 됐어요!"

비 '닌자 어쌔신' 국내 개봉 12일 만에 100만 돌파
월드스타 비 입국 인터뷰, "차기작도 할리우드에서"

[SBS 영상]
비 주연작 '닌자 어쌔신' 국내 100만 돌파 '흥행'


Ninja Assassin box office records in Korea and in North America, on Dec.8 and on Dec.7 each

Ninja Assassin box office record in Korea on Dec. 8th.


Ninja Assassin box office record in North America on Dec. 7th.



Rain gets jealous in new CF for Tous Les Jours Bakery with Goo Hye Sun

Back in August, Rain / Bi and Boys Over Flowers star Goo Hye Sun signed up to do endorsements for the Tous Les Jours Bakery. Most recently, they took photos together for Tous Les Jours with a Christmas Theme. Now, the Christmas-themed CF has been released.

The CF features the duo of Rain and Goo Hye Sun along with a teddy bear. The teddy bear hugs Goo Hye Sun which causes Rain to get jealous,


비 “어머니 생각하며 힘든 시간 견뎌냈습니다”


[fan acct]Legend of Rainism in Jakarta - the wonder trip

Legend of Rainism in Jakarta - the wonder tripHi everybody,
I will write a detail fan account about my trip to Indonesia, cause it's the first time I can write a fan account so I'm sory if my poor english let some of you feel confused, keke.
First thing I want to send my appreciate to rain-indonesia's FC (especially Jenny-strawberry, Lisa, Mei, Nana,and the other cause I don't know how to write your names, so sorry, they help me a lot when I was in Indonesia. If don't have them, I think I can't go to Indonesia to watch Rain's concert. The second thing, I have met Rain 3 times in a day (keke), and the third thing I finally can meet soompier, Annsit, Bambina, Kalinda and some friends in HK. So great.

Ok, let me begin my story.  I flied to Indonesia at the midnight Dec 2nd, and I met Jenny in the airport after long finding (I thought I can't meet her). At this time I was said that tomorrow we can meet Rain in the Ritz Carlton' Hotel around 9AM, so excited.

On Dec 3rd, we (I, Jenny and the other Rain-Indonesia FC) wake up early to prepare everything to go to the hotel. But for some reasons, when we arrived hotel, it's almost 10AM. At this time, so worried cause news yesterday said that Rain would appear around 9PM. But when we entered the Hotel after a very careful checking, we see a lot of fans in the hotel, they said that Rain hadn't appear. Thank Goodness, we could still met him.  We waited him at the Hotel's lobby in the main gate ( I guess cause they don't allow we go around ) . After short waiting, a woman ( I guess from the W production ) said that Rain would appear around 11PM. So we continued waiting. While I was waiting, I met a lot of Indonesia, they come from everywhere, we chat together, we talked about Rain. .v.v. I asked them about Rain in the press conference, in the airport. There was a girl said me that " In the press conference, Rain is very very handsome, keke and the most impressive that his skin is very white. He is so tall and his body is big " The other girls tell about the story in the airport. " At first, when Rain appeared in the airport, Rain walked very fast ( as usual), but when Rain heard screaming and see the banner < Indonesia welcome Rain>, he walked slow, saw the banner and waved his hand to them, and walked so fast again. (kaka) Mr " Pink" tie has appeared several times before Rain appeared, I think he need to check the security. There is the funny story about Mr " Pink " tie, I want to share with everybody. At time, Mr " Pink " tie come to us and tell that " No camera, no shooting, there is a gir from FC said that " Aroso", he heard that and turned his head and looked at our said again " Aroso... yo" and we said again " yo" Oh my god, I haven't thought that he is so funny. Now when we said that about Mr " Pink" Tie, we call him " Aroso... you". After Mr " Pin" tie dissapeared, his manager appeard. I took 2 pictured of them, you can see below. Around 11:30AM, Rain still didn't appear, in stead of all of female dancers and some male dancers. There is the strange that all of them went to the preciptionist to check out the hotel. ( I don't know why ). I took some pictures dancers. When they went out the hotel, and waiting the car, I saw them again when I took a piture LOR's banner in the lobby, but the security didn't let me took a piture. If I can took, it's so great cause at time Sung Tak was doing some dance moving, it's so funny.


Aigoo, finally we was said that Rain is coming, so we queueed, most of us thought that Rain will appeared at the right side, so we just see the right side. I stood in the left side. Thanks Goodness, when I sill ask mysefl Why Rain hasn't appeared , I turned my head to the left side, OH my god. It's Rain. Exactly it's Rain. Although Rain was covered around some securities wore black clothes, manager wore black clothes, even Rain wore black clothes too. He wore a black T-shirt, a black jeans. But I still can recognize him. His hair is straight and quite blond, not red like in HK. He wore a glasses ( I think it's the white glasses). He walked very fast. At this time some people recognize and begin screaming, but not too much. I think every people is very suprised that they can't shout anything like me. Rain heard that and turned his back so fast. Oh when I saw him turned back, I thought that it's a cute boy, not a man, keke. Yeah, exactly it's a cute boy. No words can describe his cuteness at this time. So in the morning I just saw him in 5 seconds. I'm still luckier than some people. They just saw a glance of his back. 

 before the concert begins
The evening finally the concert has begun. The stadium is not big but it's fit for the concert. I sat in plantinum's area, and can watch clearly. Before the concert has begun, we saw CF Seoul and Ninja Assassin 4 times. Whenever Rain appeared in the screen, every people screamed a lot.
A standing area at the end of stadium screamed a lot " Jung Ji Hoon, Jung Ji Hoon" . A noticed that there are a lot of man come to watch concert. Almost them sat in the plantinum's area and behind platinum's area. In front of me, there are a lot of mans come to watch. keke. I guess the percent between male and female is 35%:65%. Beside that, I see a lot of woman and girls who wore Jibal come to watch Rain's concert. So Rain's fans come to every region, religion from Christian , Buddhism,Protestantism ... and even Islam), so great. Rain perfomed very wonderful. The concert almost perfect, actually we can't find any mistake about the concert. I think the only mistake that Rain was not " crazy" so much like he done in HK. But I guess cause of the audiences, if the audiences were more crazy, He certainly was more crazy. Rain knows how to heat the audience. Do you know, all of the male who stand in front of me did everything Rain asked us. ( stand up, Push the hand, clap the hands keke ). When Rain sand " I do " he kept everybody stood up, some people in the block A not stood up, he put his finger and said " Why so serious,? " Don't sit down" " Stand up " " Keep moving" . It's so wonderful. All the stadium swung with the music, with Rain. Actually I almost stood up all the time's concert, so sory with the person who sat behind me. How can I just sit down in the chair why the Fan's area in VVIP area stood up and wave their hands, their banner and scream a lot. I can't. So I stood up.

The encore was very funny and wonderful. Before the encore, Rain sang " Friends " and said Thank you to people who come the concert. The light turn off. We stared shouting " We want more" " Jung Ji Hoon" " Encore" , and He re- appeared, with Bad Guy sad tango, and Fresh Woman. I think at this time all the stadium began crazy, All the stadium stood up and screamed a lot. I jump from platinum area to VIP area. I can see him very clearly. But poor my camera is not good so I couldn't took him clearly. I think Rain knows we want his towel, so he picked a lot of towel, just use them a little and threw them to the audience ( I guess aroud 5 or 7 towels had been thrown to the audience ). My friend has picked one of them , I asked her let me smell it. But actully no scent in the towel. (so ashamed). Rain even jumped from to the stage to shake hand with every body from the left side and the right side. Cause I'm too small so how can I elbow myself into the crowd. Poor for me. And the concert ended. Light turned off. I thought at that time every people like me, want to a micrale, light turn on and Rain re-appeared. But it's the end. Everything like a dream. We need to wake up. The stadium is almost full house, cause just 3 row in block A VIP area is not full. All the stadium full house. 


After the concert ending, we was said that Rain would go to the Club. So we decide go to the club. When we arried the club. It's almost 2:30AM, when we were in the lobby, we see some male dancer enter the club. But no Rain. I thought that maybe Rain was in the club. But later there are 2 fans from Macaou out of the club and said that when they went out the club, Rain appeared in the VIP entered. So that he just entered. They said something but I can't hear it clearly. So we decided entering the club. It's the first time I went to the club. The amostphere is not fit with me. (too loud, too smoke I don't like it ). I wanted to go out, but at the moment I saw Mr Pink tie and manager, they stood up in front of the black curtain near the stage. I guess Rain was behind the curtain. so I decided continue waiting. Actually I stood near the door, so after 5 minute a security apeared, Mr " Pink" tie and of course Rain, and finally manager. The club is so dark but I still can see him clearly. Rain likes a light in the dark. He wore a same shirt he wore when he came to HK, a cap and a handicraft. This time I can see him in 10 second. Rain was in the club just around 15 minutes. The third time I saw him.

Rain-Indonesia has a prepared a gift to Rain. The gift is so great, you can see in the pictures I upload.  They gave it to the J.Tune staff in the hotel on Dec 4th, and do you know that when Rain checked out the hotel , they saw the red-cover gift has disappeared so they said that Rain certainly has seen it. I guess Rain likes a cute boy, with a big beauty gift, how can't he curious, of course he immediately opended it.

That's something relative about Rain. There another something about my story miss the plane on Dec 4th, so I must stay more 2 days in Jakarta I will tell later. It relatived Ninja Assassin.




[korea times] 'Ninja' Opening Another Door to Hollywood for Rain  

12-08-2009 19:45
'Ninja' Opening Another Door to Hollywood for Rain 

Singer and actor Rain, who plays the title role as an orphan-turned-assassin in the movie "Ninja Assassin," said he was likely to be cast in another Hollywood film to be directed by a high-profile director.

Rain returned home on Monday evening, following four weeks of Asian tours and other promotional events for the action-packed movie. He was greeted by hundreds of his fans at Incheon International Airport.

In an interview in his van with the Hanook Ilbo, the sister paper of The Korea Times, Rain said the next film in which he will appear has almost been decided.

"The next film is likely to be a Hollywood film. What I can reveal for now is that it is a world-class project. A great director is likely to get together with the movie. I also expect my role to be significant," Rain said.

Asked whether he would play a leading role in the new film, he said, "That's not important. I wish it will be a character or movie that can publicize me more. It would be a big surprise to everybody if the casting is finalized."

Rain said that "Ninja Assassin" was faring well in North America. "I've heard that two-thirds of the production costs have been already retrieved in North America. I'm pleased that the work in which I took part in as an actor has bagged gains without suffering losses."

He said that the competition with the mega-hit Twilight series "New Moon" was "not an easy game" as his movie was rated R.

He said he was surprised that male adults were showing positive reactions to the movie in the U.S.

He also said that the head-flying, blood-splattering martial arts action flick was also attracting female viewers. "I've heard that there are more female fans than we expected earlier."

Rain thanked actress Megan Fox and other international stars for their positive comments about him. Asked whether he has heard of favorable remarks about him from Hollywood actresses, he said, "Yes, I've heard that. I have nothing else to say but `Thank you.'"

In an interview, Megan Fox said she wanted to have a date with him and that she could see herself falling in love with the South Korean.

Stressing that his "dream will come true," Rain said that he was committed to making his name appear on a No. 1 box office movie in the United States.

"I want to put my name on a movie that will become a No. 1 box office hit. I hope my fans will cheer for me up until that moment," he said. "I am trying to not lose the attitude I had when I debuted."


비 '닌자어쌔신' 개봉 12일만에 100만 돌파 OSEN

`닌자 어쌔신` 개봉 12일만 100만 돌파! 매일경제


Rain bares abs for Japan and U.S.

Riding on the exposure from his action flick, “Ninja Assassin”, Rain will be baring his chocolate abs at two concerts in Japan on the “Legend of Rainsim” tour. His produced boy group, MBLAQ will be making a special guest performance. And just in case you are in the land of the rising sun, the concert will be held at the Osaka Jo Hall, in Osaka, Japan on January 23rd and 24th, 2010. Tickets will go on sale on December 9th at 12000 yen (about $133 USD).
However, before a concert in Japan, his first stop is the city of sin: Las Vegas, Nevada. Rain will be there to celebrate Christmas with fans on the 24th and 25th of December. The concert will be held at the Caesar Palace Colosseum at 8pm.



Ninja Assassin box office records in Korea and in North America, on Dec.8 and on Dec.7 each.

2 kép


Legend of Rainism in Jakarta - the wonder tripHi everybody,
I will write a detail fan account about my trip to Indonesia, cause it's the first time I can write a fan account so I'm sory if my poor english let some of you feel confused, keke.
First thing I want to send my appreciate to rain-indonesia's FC (especially Jenny-strawberry, Lisa, Mei, Nana,and the other cause I don't know how to write your names, so sorry, they help me a lot when I was in Indonesia. If don't have them, I think I can't go to Indonesia to watch Rain's concert. The second thing, I have met Rain 3 times in a day (keke), and the third thing I finally can meet soompier, Annsit, Bambina, Kalinda and some friends in HK. So great.

Ok, let me begin my story.  I flied to Indonesia at the midnight Dec 2nd, and I met Jenny in the airport after long finding (I thought I can't meet her). At this time I was said that tomorrow we can meet Rain in the Ritz Carlton' Hotel around 9AM, so excited.

On Dec 3rd, we (I, Jenny and the other Rain-Indonesia FC) wake up early to prepare everything to go to the hotel. But for some reasons, when we arrived hotel, it's almost 10AM. At this time, so worried cause news yesterday said that Rain would appear around 9PM. But when we entered the Hotel after a very careful checking, we see a lot of fans in the hotel, they said that Rain hadn't appear. Thank Goodness, we could still met him.  We waited him at the Hotel's lobby in the main gate ( I guess cause they don't allow we go around ) . After short waiting, a woman ( I guess from the W production ) said that Rain would appear around 11PM. So we continued waiting. While I was waiting, I met a lot of Indonesia, they come from everywhere, we chat together, we talked about Rain. .v.v. I asked them about Rain in the press conference, in the airport. There was a girl said me that " In the press conference, Rain is very very handsome, keke and the most impressive that his skin is very white. He is so tall and his body is big " The other girls tell about the story in the airport. " At first, when Rain appeared in the airport, Rain walked very fast ( as usual), but when Rain heard screaming and see the banner < Indonesia welcome Rain>, he walked slow, saw the banner and waved his hand to them, and walked so fast again. (kaka) Mr " Pink" tie has appeared several times before Rain appeared, I think he need to check the security. There is the funny story about Mr " Pink " tie, I want to share with everybody. At time, Mr " Pink " tie come to us and tell that " No camera, no shooting, there is a gir from FC said that " Aroso", he heard that and turned his head and looked at our said again " Aroso... yo" and we said again " yo" Oh my god, I haven't thought that he is so funny. Now when we said that about Mr " Pink" Tie, we call him " Aroso... you". After Mr " Pin" tie dissapeared, his manager appeard. I took 2 pictured of them, you can see below. Around 11:30AM, Rain still didn't appear, in stead of all of female dancers and some male dancers. There is the strange that all of them went to the preciptionist to check out the hotel. ( I don't know why ). I took some pictures dancers. When they went out the hotel, and waiting the car, I saw them again when I took a piture LOR's banner in the lobby, but the security didn't let me took a piture. If I can took, it's so great cause at time Sung Tak was doing some dance moving, it's so funny.

1-5.. kép

Aigoo, finally we was said that Rain is coming, so we queueed, most of us thought that Rain will appeared at the right side, so we just see the right side. I stood in the left side. Thanks Goodness, when I sill ask mysefl Why Rain hasn't appeared , I turned my head to the left side, OH my god. It's Rain. Exactly it's Rain. Although Rain was covered around some securities wore black clothes, manager wore black clothes, even Rain wore black clothes too. He wore a black T-shirt, a black jeans. But I still can recognize him. His hair is straight and quite blond, not red like in HK. He wore a glasses ( I think it's the white glasses). He walked very fast. At this time some people recognize and begin screaming, but not too much. I think every people is very suprised that they can't shout anything like me. Rain heard that and turned his back so fast. Oh when I saw him turned back, I thought that it's a cute boy, not a man, keke. Yeah, exactly it's a cute boy. No words can describe his cuteness at this time. So in the morning I just saw him in 5 seconds. I'm still luckier than some people. They just saw a glance of his back.  

6-8. kép

before the concert begins
The evening finally the concert has begun. The stadium is not big but it's fit for the concert. I sat in plantinum's area, and can watch clearly. Before the concert has begun, we saw CF Seoul and Ninja Assassin 4 times. Whenever Rain appeared in the screen, every people screamed a lot.
A standing area at the end of stadium screamed a lot " Jung Ji Hoon, Jung Ji Hoon" . A noticed that there are a lot of man come to watch concert. Almost them sat in the plantinum's area and behind platinum's area. In front of me, there are a lot of mans come to watch. keke. I guess the percent between male and female is 35%:65%. Beside that, I see a lot of woman and girls who wore Jibal come to watch Rain's concert. So Rain's fans come to every region, religion from Christian , Buddhism,Protestantism ... and even Islam), so great. Rain perfomed very wonderful. The concert almost perfect, actually we can't find any mistake about the concert. I think the only mistake that Rain was not " crazy" so much like he done in HK. But I guess cause of the audiences, if the audiences were more crazy, He certainly was more crazy. Rain knows how to heat the audience. Do you know, all of the male who stand in front of me did everything Rain asked us. ( stand up, Push the hand, clap the hands keke ). When Rain sand " I do " he kept everybody stood up, some people in the block A not stood up, he put his finger and said " Why so serious,? " Don't sit down" " Stand up " " Keep moving" . It's so wonderful. All the stadium swung with the music, with Rain. Actually I almost stood up all the time's concert, so sory with the person who sat behind me. How can I just sit down in the chair why the Fan's area in VVIP area stood up and wave their hands, their banner and scream a lot. I can't. So I stood up.

The encore was very funny and wonderful. Before the encore, Rain sang " Friends " and said Thank you to people who come the concert. The light turn off. We stared shouting " We want more" " Jung Ji Hoon" " Encore" , and He re- appeared, with Bad Guy sad tango, and Fresh Woman. I think at this time all the stadium began crazy, All the stadium stood up and screamed a lot. I jump from platinum area to VIP area. I can see him very clearly. But poor my camera is not good so I couldn't took him clearly. I think Rain knows we want his towel, so he picked a lot of towel, just use them a little and threw them to the audience ( I guess aroud 5 or 7 towels had been thrown to the audience ). My friend has picked one of them , I asked her let me smell it. But actully no scent in the towel. (so ashamed). Rain even jumped from to the stage to shake hand with every body from the left side and the right side. Cause I'm too small so how can I elbow myself into the crowd. Poor for me. And the concert ended. Light turned off. I thought at that time every people like me, want to a micrale, light turn on and Rain re-appeared. But it's the end. Everything like a dream. We need to wake up. The stadium is almost full house, cause just 3 row in block A VIP area is not full. All the stadium full house.  

9-14. kép

After the concert ending, we was said that Rain would go to the Club. So we decide go to the club. When we arried the club. It's almost 2:30AM, when we were in the lobby, we see some male dancer enter the club. But no Rain. I thought that maybe Rain was in the club. But later there are 2 fans from Macaou out of the club and said that when they went out the club, Rain appeared in the VIP entered. So that he just entered. They said something but I can't hear it clearly. So we decided entering the club. It's the first time I went to the club. The amostphere is not fit with me. (too loud, too smoke I don't like it ). I wanted to go out, but at the moment I saw Mr Pink tie and manager, they stood up in front of the black curtain near the stage. I guess Rain was behind the curtain. so I decided continue waiting. Actually I stood near the door, so after 5 minute a security apeared, Mr " Pink" tie and of course Rain, and finally manager. The club is so dark but I still can see him clearly. Rain likes a light in the dark. He wore a same shirt he wore when he came to HK, a cap and a handicraft. This time I can see him in 10 second. Rain was in the club just around 15 minutes. The third time I saw him.

Rain-Indonesia has a prepared a gift to Rain. The gift is so great, you can see in the pictures I upload.  They gave it to the J.Tune staff in the hotel on Dec 4th, and do you know that when Rain checked out the hotel , they saw the red-cover gift has disappeared so they said that Rain certainly has seen it. I guess Rain likes a cute boy, with a big beauty gift, how can't he curious, of course he immediately opended it.  

That's something relative about Rain. There another something about my story miss the plane on Dec 4th, so I must stay more 2 days in Jakarta I will tell later. It relatived Ninja Assassin. 

 16-20. kép



Rain Bi @ Jakarta newspaper [ legend of rainism]


4 fotó


09-12-09 Custom Raizo from Ninja Assassin Movie

2 kép

"Hunted by the Ozunu Ninja clan for leaving them, Raizo is constantly in a fight for his life. From the shadows his brothers and sisters come for him. They will not stop, they will not rest, not until he is dead. But Raizo was trained by Lord Ozunu himself and knows the secrets of hiding in shadow and repairing of the flesh. With the memory of the death of his childhood love fueling his fury, nothing will stop Raizo from defeating the deadly clan of Ninja Assassins!"
Raizo was made from:
Head: ROC Storm Shadow with hair sculpt
Body: ROC Arctic Assault Storm Shadow
Lower Arms: 25th Shipwreck
Legs: Arctic Assault Snake Eyes
Feet: Wolvie Origins Weapon X
Ninja Warriors were made from:
Head: 25th Storm Shadow
Bodies: Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow
Legs: ROC Pit Commando/Sgt Flash
Arms: Arctic Assault Storm Shadow/25th Storm Shadow
Magnets were inserted so the limbs could be removable.

Tous Les Jours Christmas cf  
5 gif

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