美 팝스타 오마리온, 트위터에 “내 친구 비 ‘닌자’보니 옛날 생각 나네”
월드스타 비, '살인병기'에서 '순수소년'으로!
인도네시아 후끈 달군 비 공연
12.03.09 South Korean Heartthrob Rain Sends Indonesian Fans Into a Frenzy
The South Korean singer Rain had teenage girls nearly apoplectic during his concert at JITEC Mangga Dua Square, despite singing almost entirely in Korean. (Photo: Afriadi Hikmal, JG)
South Korean Heartthrob Rain Sends Indonesian Fans Into a Frenzy
Deafening screams from thousands of dolled-up teenage girls rocked a North Jakarta auditorium as South Korean pop sensation Rain opened his first Indonesian concert with the hit song, “My Way.”
Backed by a small army of gyrating dancers, Rain gave a hypnotic performance, even if the songs were almost all in Korean.
Every move sent a charge through an audience eager to scream. Some fell into a frenzy when Rain removed his sunglasses for his second song, “Touch Ya.”
When he took off his jacket for his third song, “It’s Raining,” many in the crowd started chanting his full name, Jeong Ji-hoon.
Rain’s appearance renewed hope that Jakarta may once again be on the map for touring superstars. Several international artists have canceled scheduled concerts here over fears of terrorism and concerns about security.
R&B sensation Rihanna backed away from a live show earlier this year. Legendary US band Chicago and hip-hop group NERD also canceled shows.
None of that was on the mind of Umi, 17, on Thursday night. Wearing a jilbab, the teenager began weeping as Rain, who has recorded five best-selling albums in South Korea and whose appeal has swept most of Asia, opened his mouth to sing.
“I really love him. I love his music. He is the perfect idol,” said Umi, who attended the concert with four friends. She said they had been saving money for tickets since August, when they first heard that Rain was coming to Jakarta.
Three other young women at the concert confessed that the handsome Asian heartthrob, who has starred in several TV series and three movies, including the current “Ninja Assassin,” had captured their imaginations with his looks and dancing skills.
“I like his six-pack abs and he is good looking,” Fiki Biaston said.
One of her friends, Cherry, said she loved just looking at Rain.
“We are here because we want to see him dance,” Cherry said.
Another earnest fan, Michelle, said she also admired Rain’s body, but was at the concert to hear him sing.
She also attended the concert with friends, all of whom were female, like the vast majority of the audience.
by Nurfika Osman
source: http://thejakartaglobe.com/home/ … nto-a-frenzy/345436
[[정보]] 엠블랙 4일 일본 출국 엠넷재팬 특별 방송 촬영 (일본 동경) 및 6일 비 팬미팅 게스트 참석
12월 04일 (금) ~ 12월 07일 (월)
12/4(금) 일본출국:김포->하네다 KE5707 12:00~13:55
12/7(월) 김포입국:하네다->김포 KE5701 15:35~18:00
엠넷재팬 특별 방송 촬영 (일본 동경) 및 6일 비 팬미팅 게스트 참석
비, 인도네시아를 적시다! '5,000명 관객 열광'
12월3일 오후 8시, 인도네시아 자카르타에 위치한 JITEC 공연장에 떠나갈 듯이 함성이 울려 퍼졌다.
JITEC 공연장을 가득 메운 5,000명의 관객이 오랫동안의 기다림과 방문에 대한 감사함을 가득 담아, 비(본명 정지훈)의 본명을 연호했다.
그리고 8시20분, 드디어 비가 등장하자, 관객들이 모두 자리에서 일어나며 순식간에 임의적으로 만들어놓은 좌석줄이 흐트러지고, 공연장 전체가 스탠딩 석으로 돌변했다. ‘안녕하세요’라는 뜻의 인도네시아어 “아빠 까바라”로 비가 인사를 하자, 관객들의 호응은 절정에 달했다.
2시간10분 동안 진행된 공연에서 관객들은 비의 몸짓 하나하나에 열광했고, 공연의 엄청난 스케일과 새로운 시도들, 그리고 화려할 퍼포먼스에 연신 감탄했다.
앵콜 공연까지 포함해 2시간 10분 동안 진행된 공연이 끝나고 나서도, 관객들은 쉽게 떠나지 못하고 계속해서 ‘정지훈’을 외쳤다. 하물며, 주차장에서는 500여명의 팬들이 늦게까지 자리를 떠나지 않고 비를 기다려, 짧은 만남에 대한 아쉬움을 표현하기도 했다.
이로써, 영화 ‘닌자 어쌔신’의 미주 지역 프로모션을 위해 지난 11월 11일 워싱턴 DC로 출발했던 비는, 홍콩 및 자카르타의 공연까지 마치고, 오늘 일본으로 출국, 일본 공식 홈페이지 오픈 기념 행사를 진행한다. 그리고, 한국에는 한 달여만인 12월7일 오후 4시35분, KE 704 편으로 귀국할 예정이다. (사진제공: 제이튠)
[기사모음] 가수 비, 자카르타 공연도 대성황 "아빠 까바라, 비!"
비, 인도네시아 5천팬 열광속 공연 성사 스타뉴스
다음 비, 인도네시아 5천팬 열광속 공연 성사 스타뉴스 비, 자카르타 5천팬 열광시켜 OSEN 비, 인도네시아 5,000 팬 적셨다 매일경제 가수 비, 자카르타 공연도 대성황 "아빠 까바라, 비!" 어사어경제 |
[Dec-04-2009]Rain made Indonesia wild with enthusiasm.
Sold out extremely high ticket.. open the possibility of commercial concert.
JTEC Stadium in Jakarta on the 3rd at 8:00pm, Dec. was almost swept away by the audience's shout 'Jung Ji-Hoon'. When Rain appeared on the stage at 8:20pm, all the audience rose up from their seats, the voluntarily arranged seat lines scattered in a moment, and the whole concert hall turned into a huge standing room.
Rain ended his Indonesia concert, one of Asia tour concerts, in great success. In the concert which started from 8:20 pm on 3rd, Dec. at JITEC, Jakarta, Rain made the audience wild with enthusiasm with such World Star’s stage manner, perfect dance and singing.
The concert which has over 6,000 seats was crowded with fans from Indonesia as well as Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and so on and from the beginning of the concert, the fans shouted Rain’s name ‘Jung Ji-hoon’ and the concert atmosphere became very excited.
Saying ‘apa kabar’ which is ‘hello’ in Indonesian, Rain started his opening stage with "My way" and continued singing his hit songs such as ‘How to avoid the Sun’ with fabulous dances and the audience repeated his songs with hearty cheers.
Reaching the climax of the concert, water sprayed from the special device installed over the stage and Rain showed his upper body while tearing his shirts and the crowd turned into a fever pitch.
Over 2 hours, he sang about 20 songs and ended his concert with ‘Rainism.’ His performance was held in Indonesia which held barely Korean singer’s concerts because it had rarely affected by Korean wave comparing to East Asia such as China or Hong Kong which was swept by it.
In addition, the ticket price was decided as almost equally expensive like American top stars’ ticket prices so many people was worried about that.
However he succeeded to gathering the audience and showed the possibility that enables to open Korean singer’s commercial performance.
In this concert, the most expensive VIP ticket price was 3million rupiah (around $313) and each platinum and gold ticket was sold at 2million rupiah (around $210) and 1.5million rupiah (around $156).
The average wage of a local university-graduated employ is 2million rupiah. Given the point that the concert profits of foreign stars or local musicians are affected by sponsors’ supports rather than its admission fee, Rain’s successful concert means a lot.
Meanwhile, even after the concert including the encore for two and a half hours was finished, the audience could not left their seats instantly, shouting 'Jeong Ji-Hoon', and more than 500 of his fans were waiting for him in the parking lot and were reluctant to leave him, not leaving the area until late.
Rain who left for Washington DC last November 11th completed his concert in Hong Kong and in Jakarta and is going to head for Japan on the 4th to celebrate his Japan official homepage opening. He is expected to return home on Flight KE 704, on 7th, Dec. at 4:30pm, in more than one month.
credit to Osen news
Yonhap news
Translation by rainbird @ rain-eu
[Dec-04-2009]'Hip Hop Korea' has won three of four Asia Television Awards 2009 it was nominated for.
Documentary channel Discovery's 'Hip Hop Korea' in which Rain appeared, has been the winner of Asia Television Awards 2009 that was held in Singapore for Best Cross-Platform Content, and has been highly commended for Best Music Programme and Best Infotainment respectively. So they have given 'Hip Hop Korea' four.
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-EU
Rain~Hip Korea=> Won Award for "The Best Cross-Platform Content"Congratulations to Bi !!!!!
Hip Korea~Rain who won the above award in 14th Asian Television Awards held in Singapore last night !!!!http://shilianglim.wordpress.com ... ion-awards-results/
Credit to : Baidu
[HOT 동영상]‘레고로 만든 비’ 감탄 연발 · ‘독특한 졸음방지’ 웃음 폭발
한해의 끝자락인 12월 첫째주 월드스타로 돌아온 정지훈(비)이 주연을 맡은 영화를 레고로 재현한 동영상이 큰 화제를 모았다. 이명박 대통령이 소개해 논란이 된 로봇 물고기를 만들어 실험하는 동영상과 해체 위기에 내몰린 동춘서커스를 응원하는 영상 등도 네티즌의 눈길을 끌었다.
●특수효과 실제 액션영화 보는 듯
△레고 닌자어쌔신=최근 개봉한 영화 ‘닌자어쌔신’ 예고편을 레고 블록으로 재현했다. 주인공 정지훈의 탄탄한 근육과 불만 가득한 표정은 레고에 색을 칠하거나 그려서 표현, 영화와 달리 앙증맞은 느낌이 난다. 배우들이 칼싸움을 하거나 표창을 던지고 자동차에서 뛰어내리는 장면 등 액션신도 레고를 움직여 실제처럼 표현했다. 특히 주인공이 공중에서 3회전하는 자동차 액션 장면은 레고로 만들었다고 믿기 힘들 정도다. 영상 중간 중간에 들어간 특수효과는 실제 액션 영화를 보는 듯한 느낌을 준다.
●‘하울…’ 더빙에 G드래곤 등장?
△아이돌 팬의 더빙놀이=꽃미남 마법사와 평범한 소녀의 사랑이야기를 그린 일본 애니메이션 ‘하울의 움직이는 성’에 이색적인 더빙이 입혀졌다. 소녀가 마법사를 만나서 하늘을 걷는 장면을 빅뱅 소녀팬이 콘서트장을 찾아간다는 내용으로 대사를 입혔다. 소녀가 빅뱅 콘서트장을 찾지 못하고 길을 헤매자 마법사가 빅뱅 멤버 ‘G드래곤’이라며 안내한다. 하지만 그가 안내한 곳은 소녀시대의 콘서트장이며 마법사는 소녀시대에 푹 빠진 소덕후(소녀시대와 오덕후의 합성어)였다. 새롭게 입힌 더빙이 애니메이션과 잘 맞아 떨어져 색다른 재미를 줬다.
●하천에 띄운 ‘로봇상어’ 신기하네
△로봇 상어(?) 납시오=이명박 대통령의 로봇 물고기 논란이 일고 있는 가운데 한 남자가 실제 로봇 물고기를 하천에서 실험한다. 이 남자가 50㎝ 남짓 되는 상어 모양의 물체를 끈에 묶어 하천에 띄운다. 손에는 무선 컨트롤러를 들고 있다. 물에 반 정도 잠긴 이 물체는 꼬리 지느러미를 좌우로 흔들며 천천히 앞으로 나간다. 실제 어떤 원리로 움직이는지 알 수 없지만 네티즌은 신기하다는 반응이다.
●해체위기 ‘동춘서커스’ 응원클릭
△동춘서커스 파이팅=84년 만에 경영난으로 해체 위기에 처한 동춘서커스를 담은 동영상이다. 이들이 서커스를 준비하는 과정, 연출가와 곡예사가 말하는 동춘서커스가 사라지지 말아야 하는 이유, 관객의 응원 메시지 등이 잔잔하게 이어진다. 동춘서커스는 노동부가 사회적 일자리 창출 차원에서 1년간 단원 15명에게 월급을 지원할 것으로 알려지면서 희망이 생겼다.
●비명…박장대소…졸음이 싹~
△독특한 졸음 운전 방지법=운전하는 남자가 누군가가 옆에서 찌르기라도 한 듯 비명을 지르더니 연방 웃기 시작한다. 그냥 웃는 것이 아니라 큰 소리를 내며 입을 벌려 가면서 웃어댄다. 커다란 웃음에 반쯤 감겼던 눈에 생기가 돈다.
●공포물 보고 놀란표정 각양각색
△공포물의 위력=컴퓨터에서 게임인 줄 알고 하고 있던 사람들이 갑자기 무서운 소리와 함께 공포스러운 사진이 뜰 때 어떤 반응을 보이는지 담은 동영상이다. 의자에 앉아 있다가 뒤로 넘어가기도 하고 너무 놀라 울거나 컴퓨터 모니터를 때리는 등 각양각색이다.
[joongangdaily] Rain takes his act to Indonesia
Rain takes his act to Indonesia
Talk of the town
December 03, 2009
Rain is in the forecast today for Indonesia as the “Legend of Rainism” tour presented by the top Korean singer sweeps into the Jakarta International Event & Convention Centre.
The world tour is Rain’s third following “Rainy Day” (2005-06) and “Rain’s Coming” (2006-07).
It began on Aug. 28 in Japan and continued with performances in Korea in October and in Hong Kong in November.
The Hong Kong show attracted over 10,000 people, including top Asian actors Chow Yun-fat and Jackie Chan. It was held at the Asia-World Expo, the largest exhibition venue in Hong Kong.
As an indication of Rain’s popularity in Jakarta, the cheapest tickets sold for 750,000 rupiahs ($80) which is about $15 below the average monthly salary in Indonesia, the same price as tickets for recent concerts in that country by international pop stars Beyonce and Linkin Park.
Rain’s next destination after Indonesia will be the Colosseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on Dec. 24 and 25.
Source: http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2913370
[asiae] Rain attracts 5,000 to Indonesia concert
Rain attracts 5,000 to Indonesia concert
Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
2009.12.04 18:17최종수정2009.12.04 18:17
Singer and actor Rain performs at the JITEC in Jakarta, Indonesia on December 3, 2009. [J.Tune Entertainment]
Asian pop sensation Rain shook the hearts of some 5,000 fans at his concert in Indonesia yesterday, according to his agency on Friday.
Rain performed for over two hours at the concert, part of the singer's Asia tour titled "Legend of Rainism," held at a fully-packed JITEC in Jakarta on Thursday evening, J.Tune Entertainment said in a press release.
Ahead of performing in Indonesia, the 27-year-old pop star had also performed in Hong Kong for two days over the weekend of November 28. World famous Hong Kong movie stars including Jackie Chan and Chow Yun Fat attended his shows, congratulating the star on his concert.
Rain left for Japan today to make an appearance at an event celebrating the opening of his official Japanese website.
The superstar will return to Korea for the first time in about a month after having been in the Americas since early November to promote his Hollywood film "Ninja Assassin". The action flick, helmed by James McTeigue of "V for Vendetta" and produced by Joel Silver and the famous Wachowski Brothers of the "Matrix" trilogy, opened worldwide on November 26.
Singer and actor Rain performs at the JITEC in Jakarta, Indonesia on December 3, 2009. [J.Tune Entertainment]
Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>
Photos of Legend of Rainism in Hong Kong
2 kép
Omarion talking about rain & ninja asssassin on twitter
cap by ratoka
1 kép
12.03.09 Rain in Dutch Newspaper (Metro)
1. kép
He is already a sensation in
Asia, But the South-Korean singer is also ready to break into hollywood.
Ninja Assasin is his second movie outside Asian. But this is his first
leading role.
And you can do it the best in combination with lots of blood?This is unique because it’s so bloody. I love bloody. I’m not worried. I will have more fans after this movie.
You have a lot of convidence, are you going to make it in hollywood?
Gerarding Asia and Hollywood, I’m going to concentrate on both. Asia is a big market and so is Hollywood. I’m going to be a superstar.
You are already treated as a star in America. Did you expected it?
Yes, why not?
Was the training for this movie heavy?
I have trained for 8 months long, 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. It was horrible. I only ate chicken breast and vegetables, salmon and protein. But it is my big change, so I did my best.
How could I say no to this?.
What are you’re plans for the future?
I wanne do everything, comedy, romance, horror. I would in any case continu my career in Hollywood.
And more material-arts movies?
Sure. I love Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan & Jet Li. But I’m so powerfull and fast, and younger and more handsome then they are. I’m just kidding. Don’t say to Jakie Chan that I said that please.
2. kép
Just a small summary since it was quite big
Rain is a remarkable choice for this movie. Rain is often to sweet, and to much fun. So much sometimes that it’s hard to identify him with his other character the bloody killer. A little confusing, but it’s not Rain’s fault. The greatest popstar from Asia has a shiny future ahead of him in Hollywood.
Rain is a remarkable choice for this movie. Rain is often to sweet, and to much fun. So much sometimes that it’s hard to identify him with his other character the bloody killer. A little confusing, but it’s not Rain’s fault. The greatest popstar from Asia has a shiny future ahead of him in Hollywood.
credit & translation by eunkyung@rain_on_us
09-12-04 Rain Bi LOR in Jakarta picture
4 kép
Thank You Rain for a Great 2009 !!! >> Video Project
We couldn't think of a better way to wrap up this year then with a special gift for Rain.
For our end of the year project, Rainlistings & Rain Destiny Peru
would like to invite all Clouds to create a video 'Thank You letter'
for Rain to let him know how much we love him and appreciate all he has
giving us throughout this past year.
今年末の私たちのプロジェクト、Rainlistings & Rain Destiny Peru
The rules & requirements for this video project are as follows >>
The phrases: Thank you Rain for a great 2009, …. Rain and Clouds always “fighting together” ,
MUST be included in your video somewhere … this is our theme for this project :)
If video & or pics of Rain are included, they must be from an
event that happened in 2009 (exp: 6to5 Store Opening/Fashion
Concert,Fan Meeting, Legend of Rainism tour , or Ninja Assassin).
If you would like to represent your website, fanclub, or submit as a team,
you can do so n.n, but please put your site name (or email the name
with the video) in the credits of your video 'only' since we will be
adding a special project logo to the corner of the submitted videos
before posting them.
Once all the videos are collected, we will be showcasing them on their own special page!
To submit your videos, please email us the video via email at rl-rdp-projectrain@live.com. Since the videos will be hosted on youtube, the file type must meet their requirements.
The Deadline for this project is December 31st
Thank you so much for taking part in this project for Rain!
~ Rainlistings & Rain Destiny Peru
http://rainlistings.blogspot.com , http://raindestinyperu.foroes.net
If you have any further questions, please contact us at rl-rdp-projectrain@live.com
Español >>
No podiamos imaginar una mejor manera que terminar este año dandole un regalo especial a Rain
nuestro proyecto de fin de año, Rainlistings & Rain Destiny
Peru, nos gustaria invitar a todas las Clouds a crear un video especial
llamado "Thank you letter" para Rain, de esa forma poder expresarle lo
mucho que lo queremos y apreciamos todo el trabajo que ha realizado a
lo largo de este año.
Las reglas & requirimientos para este proyecto son los siguientes >>
Las fotos o clips de video de Rain que usen en su creacion deberan ser
de eventos que se han dado en el 2009 ( ejemplo, apertura de las
tiendas 6to5, Fashion Concert, Fan meetings, Legend of Rainism o de
Ninja Assassin)
- El video debe incluir las palabras tema de nuestro proyecto:
Thank you Rain for a great 2009,
.... Rain and Clouds always "fighting together"
caso de que algunos deseen hacerlo de manera grupal, ya sea
representando una web, o club, pueden hacerlo, pero porfavor, no
coloquen ningun tipo de logo, pueden poner el nombre de su agrupacion o
grupo solo en los creditos de su video ya que nosotros les pondremos un
logo especial a todos los videos como simbolo de este proyecto
internacional de las fans, antes de subirlos a internet.
Una vez que todsos los videos sean recibidos, los mostraremos a todos en la cuenta especial que se creara para el proyecto!
Para enviar los archivos de sus videos, porfavor escribirnos ah: rl-rdp-projectrain@live.com
( don't forget to write here xD Send your videos to: "email" ok? no more options xDDDDDDDDDDD)
Ya que nosotros nos encargaremos de subirlos a youtube, porfavor asegurense de seguir los pequeños requisitos n-n
"Fecha limite: 31 de Diciembre!"
Muchas gracias por formar parte de este proyecto para Rain
~ Rainlistings & Rain Destiny Peru
http://rainlistings.blogspot.com , http://raindestinyperu.foroes.net
Cualquier consulta, o duda solo escribannos ah: rl-rdp-projectrain@live.com
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