Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.10.27.

A dátum a kép feliratán szerepelt:


Megjelölés nélkül:

Sajtókonferencia Hong Kongban (valószínűleg az előző napon):


Rain was plagued with paparazzi during his stay in Hong Kong.

Rain visited Hong Kong on the 23rd to promote his Asia Tour 'Legend of Rainism' to be held in that country on November 28th and 29th.

Rain got through with his crowded schedule while staying for 3 days until the 25th in Hong Kong, speaking with a lot of media from many other countries and meeting the press, but it was not his exhausting schedule but the stubborn offensive of the notorious local paparazzi what made trouble for him.

According to an official from his agency J.Tune entertainment, his fans and paparazzi who separated into about 15 vans took pictures of his every action, chasing after him all the time from the entrance into Hong Kong until the departure from that country.

When Rain was riding for his schedule in that country, he had to a close call many times, because the paparozzi's vans tailgated his car as if they surrounded it.

Also, when Rain's driver was stopped at a light, all the paparazzi climbed out of their vans and pressed the shutters outside the window altogether, so it is said he cloud not relax even in the car, after all, he had to spend all his time confined to the hotel except his official schedule.

Such things happening were predicted to some extent from his entrance in Hong Kong on the night of the 23rd.
Since hundreds of people crowded in Hong Kong international airport to watch Rain, the entrance gate in the airport was pandemonium, and he could manage to get away from the airport after he was escorted by more than 10 securities.

Meanwhile, Rain spoke with the major local media and met the press, at W Hotel for both days of the 24th and the 25th. On the 24th, he individually spoke not only with print media such as Oriental news, Apple Daily, Ming Weekly Magazine, etc, but also with broadcast media such as TVB, MTV, etc. in addition, on the 26th, he met more than 50 major press only selected, and he visited i-cable broadcasting station and was interviewed.

creid to Sports DongA http://news.nate.com/view/20091026n14563 /tungstar (picture)
Brief translation by rain bird.


MBLAQ, “Under Rain, we do dance practice for up to 14 hours a day” 


Super rookie MBLAQ has been a hot topic as soon as they debuted.

They are a 5-member group produced by world star Rain, and its members are known siblings to celebrities like 2NE1 Sandara Park and actress Go EunAh.

And in a recent interview, the members talk about their love and ‘hate’ for the ‘Rain leadership’ they receive.

▶Secret to the ‘Rain leadership’?

The group debuted with doing the opening performance to Rain’s concert previously on the 10th. And they were even called ‘Rain’s kids’ by many. Even though they just debuted, they have gained much popularity and capabilities. Hence, there is curiosity as to how the members see Rain.

FYI, MBLAQ has been called the in-sa-dol (coined by words ‘greeting’ and ‘idol’), this nickname was earned from their 90-degrees bowing when they do greetings.

* “Really? The first thing we learnt was the ways of greeting”
* “Perfectionism. We just do that and everyone just called us that after that. They said that we ‘JTunes Kids’ are dance machines. We did dance practice for up till 14 hours a day. At first it was tough, but slowly we adapted to it”
* Normally he is like a hyung to us, but when he transform into a producer he is someone who does things well.”
* “Even though there is much stress and burden, he never pass the burden to us. He always gives us hope and courage through his words.”

▶Thunder talks about Sandara Park, Mir talks about Go EunAh!

There are 2 members in MBLAQ who are younger brothers to stars and singers. Thunder’s sister is Sandara Park. In 2004, he watching a videp of Rain’s concert performance in the Philippines, and decided to be a singer. So he went back to Korea to do audition under JTunes and was casted as MBLAQ member.

When asked about his sister’s real personality as compared to the funny and carefree image she shows, he said, “She is the same real life. And very funny”.

Member Mir was understood as FT Island member Hongki during the group’s appearance on Mnet M!Countdown by one of the staff to the show.

But who he really look like is his sister Go EunAh. It is said that you can’t tell them apart if Mir is to have long hair. And his brother-in-law is also the president of JTunes Entertainment.
▶People say they are similar to 2PM?

Amidst this point in time where they call it the ‘beasty idol syndrome’, there were some reference to group 2PM.

Member Thunder has the looks like Nich Khun in 2PM. While 2PM focuses on acrobatic performance, MBLAQ SeungHo is known for his gymnastic performances. Their songs have the same type of feel. You will just get hooked to the group’s debut R&B title song ‘Oh Yeah’.
▶Looking for Rain’s lookalike

The members pick Lee Joon as the one who looked the most like Rain. In terms of looks and dance, the 2 are really similar.

It is said that he also have the build like Rain, and Lee Joon has a share in ‘revealing of the skin’ during performance.

And about the group striving to do better than Rain, it was revealed that one of Rain’s favourite lines are “Please do better than me” as a teacher to the group.

But like the saying goes, even for the longest journey, everything starts with the first step. And all attention is on how far this group will go.

Credit : Kbites


<Info> Regarding 'Super Star Power of Love concert'

The rain-cloud fan club side originally procured 1,000 fan club seats (700 Rain fan club seats +300 MBLAQ fan club seats) irrespective of what part of the world you're from, but the number has not been filled up so far, and there are around 300~400 seats available for the fans.
(Earlier, around 400 fan club seats have primarily been booked through e-mail

So the day of the concert, you can get the free ticket if you bring along your 'Rain fan club membership card' (in case you are a member of Rain fan club) and show it to Rain fan club booth, or if you aren't a member of Rain fan club, you should bring along MBLAQ's single CD and present it (pretending as a fan of MBLAQ as a matter of convenience). In addition, just in case, I think you should probably bring along Rain's 5th CD which would be required for you to prove that you are Rain's fan.

MBLAQ fan club has not yet been systematized, so you can seem to get admission to the concert if you arrive earlier than the others on the day.

With the CDs of Rain and MBLAQ, You are advised to arrive a few hours early as seats are on a first-come, first-served basis.

*The organizations said they'd provide the English website for foreign fans, but I've heard nothing from them yet, in this case, you have to buy the tickets.
When they complete the site, I'll post it here.

* For more information, please phone the number '+82 2 3447 3411' ( J.Tune camp) and press 'three',  and the manager'll answer your phone call.

from rain-bird.


네이처 리퍼블릭 해외진출 본격화…태국 1호점 오픈  

경제투데이] 화장품 브랜드 네이처 리퍼블릭(대표 이규민)은 27일 태국에 1호점을 오픈했다고 밝혔다. 이로써 네이처 리퍼블릭은 대만과 싱가포르에 이어 태국까지 해외 3개국에 진출하게 됐다.

태국 1호점은 패션의 1번지이자 ‘방콕의 명동’이라고 불리는 시암 스퀘어에 로드숍 형태로 입점했으며, 매장 규모는 약 15평이다. 시암 스퀘어는 방콕의 최신 유행을 반영하는 로드숍과 편집매장이 몰려 있으며 주변에 대학교가 인접해 있어 젊은 층이 즐겨 찾는 곳이다.

네이처 리퍼블릭은 현지 시장에 성공적으로 진입하기 위해 합리적인 가격 정책을 통해 이미 진출한 국내 및 해외 브랜드들과의 차별화를 꾀하고, 태국에서 인기가 높은 모델 비와 연계해 브랜드 인지도를 높일 방침이다. 태국 소비자들은 동남 아시아 고객들의 화장품 구매 트렌드를 보여주듯 미백 라인 등 산뜻한 기초 스킨케어 제품을 선호하는 만큼 이들 제품의 우수한 품질력을 알리고 브랜드 친밀감을 높이기 위해 샘플링 등 마케팅 활동을 펼칠 계획이다.



이범수 vs 비 ‘복근’ 맞대결..같은날 영화개봉 노출신 눈길  

배우 이범수가 비(본명 정지훈) 못지 않은 초콜릿 복근을 공개했다.

‘홍길동의 후예’(감독 정용기)의 이범수가 엄격한 식이요법과 혹독한 하드트레이닝 등 각고의 노력으로 완성한 ‘히어로 초콜릿 복근’을 선보였다.

슈퍼맨, 배트맨, 스파이더맨 등 할리우드 수퍼히어로들 못지 않은 스타일리시한 홍길동 바디슈트를 소화하며 완벽에 가까운 보디라인을 선보였던 이범수가 남자들의 로망이자 식스팩이 돋보이는 초콜릿 복근을 또 한 번 공개했다.

지난 7월 최고의 몸짱에게만 수상하는 남성잡지 맨즈헬스의 ‘최고 쿨가이 상’을 수상하며 당당히 몸짱 배우 대열에 들어선 이범수는 영화 속 한국 대표 영웅 홍길동의 후예로 거듭나기 위해 술과 담배를 금하고 샐러드만 먹는 엄격한 식이요법과 트레이너가 제시한 혹독한 복부 단련 프로그램을 빠짐없이 모두 소화해냈다.

이렇게 완성된 이범수의 초콜릿 복근은 촬영장에서 빛을 발했다. 신출귀몰 날렵한 액션과 스피디한 의적활동을 펼치기 위해 암벽등반을 하며 체력훈련을 하는 ‘암벽등반 신’에서 공개된 이범수의 복근은 현장에 있던 여자 스태프들은 물론, 전 스태프들의 탄성을 자아내며 촬영장 최고의 화두로 떠올랐다.

이범수의 몸 만들기의 가장 큰 특징은 ‘한국판 슈퍼히어로’ 홍길동으로서의 리얼함을 중점에 뒀다는 것이다. 너무 과해 부담스러운 근육 만들기가 아닌 현재 우리 안에 이런 영웅들이 실제 존재할 수 있다는 가정 하에 철저한 식단조절과 스스로에게 혹독한 트레이닝을 거쳐 지금의 한국적 영웅의 파워풀함을 만들어냈다.

“배우는 끊임없는 노력을 해야 하기 때문에 다이어트는 역할에 맡게 평생 해야 한다. 다이어트를 하려면 미각을 잃을 정도가 되야 한다”는 이범수의 말에 상대역 송연화 역의 이시영은 “선배는 존경스럽고 정말 대단하다”고 존경을 표했다.

또 톱스타와 몸짱배우들의 몸매를 책임지고 있는 정주호 트레이너(빅죠휘트니스 대표)는 “이범수의 몸은 요즘 대세인 적당한 볼륨감뿐만 아니라 선명함까지 갖춘 이른 바 입체감이 있는 멋진 몸매”라고 극찬했다.

이어 정주호씨는 “적당한 운동량으로는 만들어지기 힘든 가슴 중앙(대흉근)의 라인과 모든 구간에 걸쳐 솟아오른 이두근은 이범수의 프로정신을 엿볼 수 있는 대목이다”고 밝혔다.

특히 정주호씨에 따르면 이병헌, 배용준 등 많은 스타들이 몸을 만들고 있지만 이범수의 장점은 바로 ‘타입2 머슬’(Type2 muscle 속근, 빠르고 강한 힘을 내는 근육 섬유)이 많아 근육의 부피가 크다는 것이다.

한편 11월26일 함께 개봉하는 ‘닌자어쌔신’의 거친 근육의 비와 ‘홍길동의 후예’의 초콜릿 복근 이범수가 몸매 대결을 펼친다.

비, 닌자 어쌔신으로 자존심 회복할까? 

가수 겸 배우 비(본명 정지훈)이 헐리우드 액션 영화 '닌자 어쌔신'으로 돌아온다.

지난 2008년 헐리우드 처녀작 '스피드 레이서'에서 주조연급의 높은 배역을 맡아 큰 관심을 끌었지만 흥행면에서 실패를 하며 안타까움을 산 터라 가요계에서나 영화계에서는 비의 헐리우드 성공 여부에 많은 관심을 집중하고 있다.

'닌자 어쌔신'은 영화 '매트릭스' 워쇼스키 형제와 헐리우드 미다스의 손 조엘 실버가 제작한 작품이다. 특히 이 영화는 워쇼스키와 조엘 실버가 10년 동안을 준비해온 것으로 알려져 화제가 되고 있으며 오는 11월 26일 개봉을 앞두고 있다.

지난달 예고편이 미국 MTV 공식 홈페이지에 공개되자마자 반나절 만에 조회수 30만을 넘어서는 등 전 세계 네티즌들의 폭발적인 관심을 끌었다.

또한 뉴욕 타임스퀘어의 한복판에 비가 등장한 '닌자 어쌔신' 광고가 내걸리며 뉴욕 시민 및 뉴욕시 방문객들의 시선을 끌었다.

삼성이나 LG 등 한국을 대표하는 글로벌 기업들이 전광판을 통해 타임 스퀘어에 광고한 적은 있지만 한국배우가 할리우드 영화 광고를 통해 세계 경제와 문화 중심지인 뉴욕에 모습을 드러낸 것은 처음이다.

이는 세계 3대 영화사 중 하나인 워너브라더스가 ‘닌자 어쌔신’에 많은 애정을 가지고 있는 것을 의미한다.

이같은 반응은 상당히 고무적이다. 더군다나 비의 첫 주연작이라는 점에서 국내 영화팬들의 관심을 끌고 있다.


 기대를 모았던 비의 헐리우드 처녀작인 '스피드 레이서'는 워쇼스키 형제가 연출 맡았은 작품에도 불구하고 흥행에 참패하는 수모를 겪었다.

비는 이 작품에서 주조연급의 높은 배역을 맡으며 기분 좋은 출발을 알렸다. 다부진 액션 연기, 날카로운 눈에서 나오는 섹시한 매력이 스크린에 배어들었다는 평도 받았지만 흥행 면에서도 부진했다.

여기에 엎친데 덮친격으로 국내에서는 '스피드 레이서'가 일본 애니메이션이 원작이라 왜색 논란도 꼬리표처럼 따라붙었다. 역할 자체가 일본인으로 설정됐지만 비는 스스로 일본 캐릭터에 한국 옷을 입히는 노력을 보였다.

사실 한국이든 일본이든 중국이든 동양 배우가 헐리우드에서 성공하기란 하늘의 별따기에 해당한다. 특히 그나마 역할의 폭이 넓은 여배우보다는 고작 무술배우 역에 국한되기 일쑤인 남자 배우의 경우는 더욱 그렇다.

게다가 한국 배우들의 경우는 한국인이라는 이미지에 맞는 역할보다는 일본식 닌자나 게이샤, 승려 역할, 북한, 일본, 중국의 야만적인 군인 역할이나 동남아의 정글보이 역할이 대부분이다.

그런 그가 '스피드 레이서'의 흥행 부진을 딛고자 선택한 작품이 '닌자 어쌔신'이다.

전작과 같이 일본인 캐릭터라는 설정에서 벗어나지 못했지만 아직까지 한국 남자배우가 헐리우드에서 성공한 전례가 없다는 점을 비춰볼때 전문 배우 출신이 아닌 비의 헐리우드 도전기는 박수 받기 충분하다. 비가 처녀작의 부진을 털고 '닌자 어쌔신'으로 자존심을 회복할 수 있을 지 귀추가 주목된다.


<황보현 기자 hbh@asiatoday.co.kr>


[Oct-27-2009] Thanks to Rain, CT&T alone who attended Tokyo Motor Show makes a hit.

The booth of domestic electric vehicle maker CT&T on the 22nd during Tokyo Motor Show, was unique among Korean automakers.

When world star Rain made a surprise appearance at CT&T booth on the day and introduced their model cars, contrasting with the quiet atmosphere of nearby other Japanese car booths, it was crowded with his Japanese fans.

Rain congratulated CT&T on their entering into Japan for more than about 10 minutes, right at that time, local and international reporters who were being scattered about the venue including hundreds of his fans, were crowded in front of CT&T booth at a time, at the same time, the whole neighborhood was filled with the people.

An official from CT&T expressed, "Such a special event was planned because we came to participate in the motor show at first time."

CT&T's products have been certificated by Japan for the first time as electric vehicles produced in Korea, and their making inroads in Japan will be sped-up, being included in the list of EcoCar protection to be paid from the nation (Japa)

Brief translation by rain bird.

 -Rain is extending congratulations on CT&T on the 22nd during Tokyo Motor Show-

From 17sec -

MC : World star Rain has participated in this significant event for CT&T.
Here is world star Rain, who is working as the publicity ambassador for CT&T's electric vehicles.

Rain : I'd like to thank all of you for attending this event.
I've heard that CT&T has succeeded in developing the world's first electric vehicles which have an environment-friendly factor.
Since this brand has basically originated in Korea, I've willinly come to participate in this show to encourage and support them as the same Korean as they are.
I hope you to love CT&T's electric vehicles concerned with the environment a lot.
I'm very proud of such achievement concerned with the environment, and they look very wonderful.

credit to rain-cloud
Brief translation by rain bird.


[Oct-27-2009]Rain, MBLAQ, 2NE1, and 4Minute will appear on the stage at 'Super Star Power of Love Concert'.

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'Rain and MBLAQ' with relations between master and pupil, and '2NE1 and 4Minute' who have been rivals with one another as girl groups, will get together.

Singer Rain and his pupil MBLAQ , and 2NE1 and 4 Minmute, will show their special stages at 'Super Star Power of Love Concert' which will be held at Gymnastics Stadium inside of Olympic Park in Bangidong, Seoul, on October 31st.

The organizers said, "Singer Rain whose Asia concert is currently underway, is going to show his several hit songs, Rainism, Love Story, Fresh Woman, etc. with the performances which will be second only to his single concert." and "This concert could put on more exciting show for the audience in that Rain and MBLAQ will appear on the stage in succession."

Meanwhile, it is expected this concert will be a very significant event as some of the proceeds will go to teen heads of household.

Brief translation by rain bird.


Rain on CNN talk Aisa 2009  

Rain's interview on CNN Talk Asia will be aired at 9:30pm, 28 October 2009. CNN anchor woman Ana Coren will be interviewing the 27 year-old Korean pop sensation.

In the interview, Rain will talk about being selected as 2007 100 Most Influential People on Time magazine. Rain said "I was so surprised to hear of the news and could not believe it. I was very excited. I think my involvement in Hollywood movies have given me many opportunities."

Rain also talks about his 2008 movie Speed Racer and up and coming movie (in which is stars in the lead role) - Ninja Assassin.

Rain (real name Jung Ji-hoon) came from humble beginnings. He was a shy child and suffered difficult times especially when his mother died when he was 18. Even at a young age, Rain loved to dance and used to study the moves of his idol - the late Michael Jackson. Times were tough and he went for so many unsuccessful auditions. But things finally changed when he met producer Park Jin-young (JYP).

Rain last appeared on CNN's Talk Asia in 2005. At that time, he could not speak English fluently and had to use a translator. From the stills, it sure looks as if Rain spoke in English in the interview. Find out tomorrow...

Source: Joy Entertainment
Credit: K-popped


MBLAQ's Thunder wants to hook up his sister Dara with Rain  

 Yes, you read the title right and no, we are not making this up! Sorry Blackjacks and Clouds!

I would have thought that the brother would be protective over his sister, regardless of who's older but apparently, MBLAQ's Thunder wants his sister Dara to date his producer Rain!

During a Newsen interview with MBLAQ, Thunder was asked, "What did your sister, Sandara Park, say about MBLAQ's performance?" To this question, he answered, "She complimented me saying that we're getting better each performance."

Thunder also expressed his thankfulness towards his sister by stating, "My sister keeps texting me, asking where I am. She also monitors my performances a lot."

Continuing on with Thunder's individual interview, he was asked, "Is there a person you would like to introduce your sister to?" However, even before the reporter finished asking the question, MBLAQ members started to ramble off about who they thought was 'right'.

In response to the reporter's question, Thunder answered, "G.O." At first, he replied with this response because he thought G.O's humor would be perfect for Dara. However, he quickly changed his mind and replied, "Come to think of it, Rain hyung would be better. As much as Rain is a top celebrity, I think he and Dara will match."

Source: Allkpop






RAIN (Bi) in peruvian magazine ^^  

Hi clouds!!! ^^
 I was surprised when I saw this in a Peruvian magazine dedicated to anime and manga that belongs to a newspaper that is well known in our country because it's around all the cities here........Rain was in the front page and also a brief presentation about him ^^ here some scans
( ahh i'm so sorry..i'm leaving the scans' links because, I have a problem with the server, so I couldn't put them dIrectly)
the front page
the presentation
here the translation ^^

"The K-Pop is the pop Korean music, and here in Peru the fans are growing faster. Among the stars who belong to this kind of music we have BoA, RAIN, SS501, TVXQ also known as Tohoshinki (THSK) or Dong Bang Shin Ki (DBSK), Super Junior and Se7en.
In 2005, RAIN was invited to the MTV Japan Awards as the only Asian singer that wasn’t Japanese,who gave a presentation during the ceremony in Tokyo, Japan. Among the other
international artists that were invited we had Mariah Carey. That year he won the prize to best artist in the MTV China-CCTV Mandarin Music Honors Award. RAIN sang for more than 40 thousand people in Pekin and more than 20 thousand in the worldwide famous Bodokan in Tokyo.
In February of 2006, Rain was singing two consecutives nights in the Madison Square Garden in New York City, with all the tickets sold. The singer had a profile in the New York Times and they also wrote a brief description of his concert in the newspaper In April of 2004, the magazine Times included him among the most influential people around the world, wining the second place after the Taiwanese director Ang Lee."
Traslation Credits: ayase@ Rain Peru fans
Report in "Manganime" magazine Nº 107 (2009-10.27)

I'm really happy for this....and I hope that more magazines and newspapers 
can give more info about RAIN ^^ let's give him support!! aja aja ^^

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