Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.11.27.

비 ‘닌자어쌔신’ 돌풍 시작..예매율 ‘2012’ 넘었다! 뉴스엔

비 `닌자 어쌔신` 개봉 당일, `2012`에 승! 매일경제

충무로에 단 ‘비’ 내릴까…‘닌자 어쌔신’, 예매율 1위 ‘등극’ 매일경제

비 주연 '닌자 어쌔신', 개봉일 예매점유율 '2012' 누르고 1위 이데일리

'닌자 어쌔신' 예매율 1위, '비 바람 '2012' 잠재우나?' 스포츠조선

비 ‘닌자 어쌔신’ 촬영직후 명품복근 공개 ‘초콜릿복근? 이정돈 돼야..’ 뉴스엔

'닌자 어쌔신' 비, 환상 복근 공개 한국일보

비, '닌자어쌔신' 때 완벽 몸매 화보 통해 공개 아시아경제

`닌자 어쌔신` 美 개봉관 2800→3000관으로 늘려 매일경제

'닌자어쌔신', 美 개봉관 3000개로 확장…'흥행 청신호'

“브루스 리 같은 카리스마 넘쳐… 비, 세계적 슈퍼스타로 도약”

[화보] 월드스타 비, 잡지 '얼루어' 통해 매력 발산!

비 "준비한 의상은 200벌. 입은 것은 가죽자켓과 맨몸뿐"

'닌자' 비 "8개월 체력훈련, 못 위 물구나무서기 장면 때문" 


No NA-Premiere in Germany  

Bad news for german/european Rain-Fans,
there will not be a Premiere of Ninja Assasin in Germany!

Sehr geehrte Frau xxxx,

es findet in Deutschland keine Premiere von Ninja Assassin statt.

Der Film läuft ab 10.12. in den Kinos in Deutschland.
Beste Grüße,

Eike Wolf

Eike Wolf

Studio Babelsberg AG

Leitung Unternehmenskommunikation/ Unternehmenssprecher

Head of Corporate Communications

credit: buffy/sexybi

it looks like that Warner gave up on promotion in europe, buffy was so nice to write an email to the bablesberger
studios / berlin / germany who are co-producer of the movie,
and there she got this info
what a pity :-(


New York fan attended Hong Kong Ninja Assassin Premiere

I enjoyed the movie very much. I arrived Ocean Terminal early yesterday, it was about 3:30pm although the premiere wouldn't start until 9:30pm.  Per Hong Kong fans website, it had another promotional event outside the theatre at 9:00pm. Unfortunately, it needed special pass to enter the fans zone. I got to make up my mind if I wanted to attend premiere or this outdoor function.  Because theatre staff said they wouldn't allow any admission after 9:00pm.  Thus, I decided to give up outdoor event.  At 7:45pm I lined up for premiere. Around 8:30pm we started to enter the auditorium. Fans were arranged to sit in the front section, some Hong Kong entertainers would sit in the 2nd level middle section (I don't know who they are).  Everybody was so excited.  Many fans brought the lightboards (so was I).  About 10 minutes before Rain arrived, media arrived and told everybody got ready the light signs on.  haha....I couldn't wait actually.  It was so beautiful living under this sea of electricity light signs.  Our prince, Ji Hoon, finaly arrived, he wore a cap, grey color 3 pieces suit, black high heel shoes. Fans screamed and he came out with lovely smile.  He kept waving to fans.  MC asked him "which scenes you liked most?" Ji Hoon said "I liked all of them".  MC said "Anything you wanted to tell your fans?"  Ji Hoon "Enjoy the movie".  There were few more questions and mostly were standard questions as other events. Then, Rain left. Movie started...
Personally, I enjoyed all the scenes like Ji Hoon. I accepted bloody thing...haha...If you have ever watched Hong Kong style kung fu movies in before, you wouldn't surprise all those martial arts in Ninja Assassin.  But, it surprised me that it happened in American movie like this.  The way how Ninja cut or killed the people, the way how they used the swords, were so good and unique. I believed the scenes will shock most of American audiences very much.  Although some fans said Rain didn't hold much dialogues in the movie, I think the portion was pretty fair.  In Ninja Assassin, Rain called Razio, he was an orphan, he had unhappy childhood.  His heart was full of anger.  Thus, Razio spoke very slow and less because his personality was loneliness.  Rain acted so good perhaps he had similar feeling as Razio. He got a lonely eyes.
I paid attention all his facial expression on each scene. Rain did very detail. Razio was a cool guy but he had a warm heart. He made a joke with the major actress, "the only lie you told me was your size" hahahaha...(I think this is typical Ji Hoon's joke).  "You made me like you more" (when the actress tried to rescue Razio inside the jail).
Ninja Assassin will become a hot topic and Rain will be known in USA soon. 
Wish Ninja Assassin Box Office Success!


뉴스] <닌자 어쌔신> 개봉 첫 날 1위, 9만 관객 동원


비와 함께하는 크리스마스 데이트....행사 있는거 알고계세요?? 


비님이랑 닌자 어쌔신 프리뷰랑 메이킹 필름관람하고...싸인이 포함된 비님 사진 증정에...
비님께 질문하고 대화하는 시간이라네요.


비 '닌자어쌔신', 美에서도 '2012' 눌렀다

비 '닌자어쌔신', 美 개봉 첫날 박스오피스 4위 

정지훈의 ‘닌자 어쌔신’, 개봉일 韓 1위, 美 4위
"비 활약 보자" 5만 클릭

"비, 이소룡 능가한다"… '닌자' 마케팅비 2배로!

‘닌자’ 비 홍콩잠입 들켰네

[OSEN] 美 잡지, "'닌자어쌔신'은 '뉴문'에 관심없는 남성들에 어필"

비 '닌자어쌔신', 개봉 첫 날 韓 1위-美 4위

비 '2012' 잡고, 이범수 '백야행' 잡고

'닌자어쌔신', '2012' 제치고 韓박스오피스 1위 OSEN

박스오피스 1위 '닌자어쌔신', "비 액션 압권" 스타뉴스

비 '닌자 어쌔신', '2012' 누르고 박스오피스 1위 마이데일리

'닌자 어쌔신', 美 박스오피스 4위…극장당 수익률 '2012' 제쳐 이데일리

비 주연 `닌자 어쌔신', 美 개봉당일 박스 오피스 4위 스포츠조선

비, 체지방 0%의 환상 몸매 드러내 스포츠조선

조엘 실버 “비가 닌자 역할, 그게 왜 문제?”

<닌자 어쌔신>, 미국 전역 뒤흔들었다

'닌자 어쌔신' 비 "남자 팬들 늘어날 것으로 기대"

비 ‘닌자어쌔신’ 여세몰아 亞투어 재가동..홍콩에도 ‘RAIN’ 내린다

비 `닌자 어쌔신' 美극장가 주목

[뉴스] <닌자 어쌔신> 개봉 첫 날 1위, 9만 관객 동원

[뉴스] <닌자 어쌔신> 흥행돌풍 일으키나, 상영작 중 관객평점 .

[뉴스] <닌자 어쌔신> 흥행돌풍 일으키나, 상영작 중 관객평점 1위 차지


[정보] EBS 주간 편성 779회, 

EBS 2009년 11월 27일 금요일 편성표

23시9분   시네마 천국


MTV Movie : 닌자 어쌔신 - 11월 ..

MTV Movie : 닌자 어쌔신 - 11월 28일 밤 9시



[Nov-27-2009] Ninja Assassin is topped the box office in Korea, and climbs to number four in America, on its opening day.

Singer and actor Rain's first hollywood leading movie Ninja Assassin is receiving attention by movie theaters in America and in Korea, getting a tremendous popularity and continuing to draw popular & critical acclaim.

According to America's box office web sites on the movie's opening day (the 25th), Ninja Assassin climbed to number 4 at the box office, collecting 3,300,000 dollars and raking first among the movies released on the same day.

Because Ninja Assassin is rated R and is playing at 2,503 theaters nationwide, and the figure is relatively small compared to the other movies, it has nearly made a good start at the box office.

Also, this movie took the first raking in Korea on the day even if it is rated R with relatively small number of theaters, receiving a lot of praise from the critics and the public.

Meanwhile, Rain who visited Hong Kong last 26th and did his final promotion for Ninja Assassin, is to hold his Asia Tour 'Legend of Rainism' in Asia-World Expo from Hong Kong's largest stadium on the 28th and the 29th.

Brief translation by rain bird.



11.27.09 ‘Ninja Assassin’: Korea’s Rain storms Hollywood

He was born Jeong Ji-hoon 27 years ago, but his stage name, Rain, is perfect: He’s like a force of nature as he bustles into a suite at the Ritz-Carlton earlier this week, winding up a North American press tour for his new movie, “Ninja Assassin,” and on his way to perform a concert in Hong Kong.
“I (first came) to San Francisco four years ago for a commercial shoot at Golden Gate Bridge,” Rain said. “The last time? Just rest. Vacation. With girl!”
Dressed in a stylishly patterned black T-shirt underneath a gray sport coat, his gelled-up hair colored an orangish brown, Rain looks like a college kid hanging out at an after-hours club. His penchant for self-promotion (“I have good talent”; “I think my character is very sexy”; “I love sexy or cute girl”) is never offensive, as he delivers his lines with effortless charm.
But this is no lightweight. Rain has risen from the son of a baker to the brink of international acting stardom because of talent, yes, but also a relentless work ethic. In the past seven years, he has recorded five albums in Korean and one in Japanese and is in the planning stages of his English-language debut.
He’s a CEO; two years ago, he started his own company, J. Tune Entertainment, when his previous management company encountered some legal trouble. In films, he started as the love interest in Park Chan-wook’s odd romance “I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK” and made his Hollywood debut in a supporting role in Andy and Larry Wachowski’s “Speed Racer.” The Wachowski brothers, famous for their “Matrix” trilogy, saw something in Rain and cast him in “Ninja Assassin,” which they produced for director James McTeigue. “I had to make my body fit like Bruce Lee,” said Rain, who was determined to conduct the interview in English and rarely turned to his translator. “I trained for eight months, five days a week, eight hours a day. I only ate chicken breast and vegetables. No sugar, no salt, no chocolate. “You know what? I really love chocolate. I’m a chocoholic. … It was horrible!” As a boy, Rain was captivated by Al Pacino’s performance in “Scarface” and Michael Jackson’s songs and videos – clearly influences in his own work. As a man, he said his guiding influence is his mother, who died when he was 18 of health issues. “We were so poor,” Rain said. “She’s my hero. She’s my angel. I always miss her.” That might account in part for his maturity, a trait that seems missing from many pop idol/actors of his age. “I had a dream,” Rain said. “I wanted to be a singer and actor since I was 10. My dream’s come true. But “I want to challenge myself to see where my limit is.” “Ninja Assassin” is now playing in Bay Area theaters.
by G. Allen Johnson
source: sfchronicle.com


Interview with 10Asia 

Credit: wloi@RainHK

3 fotó

From turning into a top Korean singer who puts on one of the best performances in the country to becoming a star across all of Asia, then from taking on a supporting role in a film by a popular Hollywood director to landing the leading role. The rising curve representing his career resembles more of a conqueror's than that of an entertainer's. But that man, Rain, spoke most frankly about the difficulties in pursuing a career in the United States and the agony and anguish he felt while undergoing training for his new film. It is not weird to expect the superstar to live in a world of his own but our interview revealed he is a 27-year-old standing on the same ground as us and putting in his best effort to overcome one challenge after the other.

10: I was actually looking forward to seeing you with long black hair, like in the movie. (laugh)
Rain: Really? I wanted to lose it. It's really hard to maintain that hair.

10: It may also be because of your hairstyle but your Asian appearance was greatly emphasized in the movie.
Rain: I hadn't intended on it. I also had almost no make-up on my face. Thankfully, I have nice skin (laugh) so I came out okay. And my hair had been closer to a brown, like the color it is right now, but the director wanted it black. This style looks better on me though, right? I prefer short hair.

10: Without question, your body was as impressive as your looks. It must've not been easy to control what you eat to all the training you had to undergo.
Rain: Everyday, I ate only chicken breast, vegetables and black pepper. Once in a while I'd get to eat beef cooked in plain boiling water which wouldn't take out the smell of the blood in it, but eating it made me feel like I won the lottery. I underwent a lot of training too. I'd start with weight routines such as bench presses or dead lifts and take a one-minute break after. After that I'd complete a total of 10 sets with eight rounds of bench presses, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups and dead lifts without any breaks at all. This way, you lose fat without doing aerobic exercises and your muscles even out rather than just blow up in volume.

10: In other words, you got to learn the advanced method. You'd probably be able to use it in the future.
Rain: I learned a lot and I've been teaching my kids, MBLAQ, the same workout routine. Member Lee Jun of the group, who played the younger version of me in "Ninja Assassin", underwent the same workout process as me so he's been teaching the rest of the group. When they're in training, they'll do the exact same routine I just mentioned and if one of them can't complete a certain exercise, they'll keep going until they do while the rest of the group will have to keep doing their own exercises too. Only then they're allowed to go onto the next part of the routine and they just keep repeating the sets. It's definitely hardcore. I'm planning on using the same training routine for everyone at my agency.

10: So like your workout routine which will continue on in a systematic way, your Hollywood experience with "Ninja" will help in your future connections and businesses.
Rain: I always try to maintain any connections I have. And it's definitely extremely important in Hollywood. It's been four years since I announced I would expand my career into the United States after making it on Time magazine's 100 Most Influential Person list. And the way I spent those four years? Me and my agency called up every studio in the U.S., explained how much recognition I have in Asia, tell them I want to make an album with them and then meet them to hang out with them. And then when I called them afterwards, they would say they'd sign for an album in Asia, and maybe work on expanding my career to the States after that. It means that all they're interested in is making money. In the meantime, I got rejected at audition after audition, when I finally got the part for "Ninja". From then of, I've continuously been receiving proposals for films and albums. Joel Silver went around saying my name, and although he's not sure what I'm about, the Wachowski Brothers like me. "Speed Racer" didn't do well but Hollywood producers got to know who I am.

10: Now that they know of you, you must have plans for other movies after "Ninja".
Rain: There's a film which will cost over 170 million dollars to make but we're sort of at a red light with it right now. Things are just like that in Hollywood. Nothing will happen unless you've signed on. Even if the other side says they want to make it happen with me, things could turn over anytime. That's why I can't mention the name of the film. But it's an action fantasy, sort of like "Lord of the Rings", where several soldiers protect the King who is on his way to his destination. If all goes well, I'll be playing one of the seven main characters. I'll be able to reveal the details when I sign on.

Reporter : Wee Geun-woo eight@10asia.co.kr
Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@10asia.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr, Lee Ji-Hye seven@10asia.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


[INTERVIEW] Rain - Part 2

10: Getting the part for "Ninja Assassin" and appearing in "Speed Racer" have sort of become the surprising twist to your career in the United States. What did the Wachowski Brothers see in you to have asked you to audition for them?
Rain: I endured through everything. When I was shooting "Speed Racer", I held back from expressing my pain when I got sick, I went to set although I was having a hard time and I stepped up to go first with whichever task. My spine hurt as if it would snap while shooting the car racing scene. And the temperature inside cars in Europe during July goes up to 40 and 50 degrees. Wear a leather jacket on top of that, everything becomes painstakingly unbearable. So other actors would go into shoot for about 20 minutes and take one-hour breaks in between but I kept going until I finished the whole scene. And they really seemed to like that energy about me. I think I also adjusted pretty quickly to everything. I learned the action moves quickly too. And Asian action movie stars are usually smaller but I was tall so they were telling me that I had the body of a Westerner but the face of an Asian. The stunt team mentioned it first, the Wachowski Brothers heard them talk about me and they told Joel Silver. I won over their recognition in that order.

10: Your presence there has changed greatly over the past four years. Have you met with any other famous producers or actors other than the Wachoski Brothers during that time?
Rain: I think people may say something when I say this... (laugh) I'm with the William Morris Agency right now but before, I had gone to a firm called CA because they said they would be my agent. I was talking with the people there when they told me Tom Cruise was in the room next door and that he wanted to talk to me. I was thinking 'Why me? Does he know me?' when the president of CA stepped in with Tom Cruise. We said hi and talked for a bit. It was a really shocking experience... actually getting to actually meet someone I had always seen on screen since I was young.

10: So what is the significance of expanding your ground in Hollywood? You had said before that glory is important so I'm guessing Hollywood must have a special meaning to you in that sense.
Rain: It's about conquering. Every country denies it but everyone really does like American culture. It's due to the competitiveness of the country itself but I think winning the battle between cultures and minds is worth much more than winning a physical battle involving guns and knives. It's game over when you win over minds. So if I go to the heart of the U.S. and make my name known to the world through Hollywood, it'll mean that I have conquered the world. That's why "Ninja" is important. It's not just about the producers in Hollywood recognizing me but about the worldwide public recognizing me one day if I happen to pass on the streets. There are 1.3 billion people in China, 900 million in India and even over 120 million in Japan. If one Korean out of the 40 million on our country can make their name known to the world, it would be something much more meaningful than gaining glory. That's why I truly respect Kim Yuna and Park Chan-ho.

10: You're carrying out your activities on a global level now yet your self-consciousness of being a Korean has seemed to have grown stronger.
Rain: It's become much stronger. I really didn't like it when it seemed like someone was ignoring me because it would feel like they were making fun of not just me, but also my family and my country. They would say "Rain? What's that?", they wouldn't know where Korea is and would ask questions such as whether we have nuclear weapons and whether we're in war. Everytime, I would answer by saying that I'm from the country below it, South Korea, who made it to the semi-finals at the 2002 World Cup and is the home country of figure skater Kim Yuna. I guess it's sort of a national spirit I have in me -- I can't help being drawn to my own blood. And I'm so happy whenever I see Koreans overseas.

10: You must've been lonely. Did advice or support from people around you help?
Rain: Screenwriter Lee Kyung-hee of drama "Sang Doo! Let's Go To School" is always supportive. It's just that I don't tell her the details of the difficulties I'm going through or my concerns. I don't want to show her the weak side of me. And in director Park Chan-wook's case, I hadn't known it before but he really likes action pics like the "Matrix". So when I told him I would be working with the Wachowski Brothers, he told me he would be looking forward to the film. All their words of support helped.

10: On the other hand, you had also mentioned that seeing false reports of you in Korea was also a boost at times. What sort of articles stimulated you? (laugh)
Rain: Honestly, I wish people would only mention the facts. I can't help receiving harsh criticism when the movie itself is bad but I really don't like seeing distorted articles. There is one person in particular who I really don't get. He keeps telling distorted stories rather than the truth. For example, it's like this. He would write, "He says he's going to Hollywood but when on earth will he appear in a movie?" And when I appeared in a movie, he would then write that I am back after failing in Hollywood. I just beared with it although I thought of taking legal action at one point. And he came to me at the time and apologized but I saw later on that he was at the same thing again. So I'm just trying to concentrate on working really hard. That's why in a way, such articles actually give me a boost. (laugh)

10: Let's talk about a lighter subject. How do you feel when you see articles about actor Jang Dong-gun and actress Ko So-young dating? What are your thoughts on dating a celebrity?
Rain: There's no reason not to, as long as we share the same feelings for each other. It's not important whether she is a celebrity or not. I don't care about the nationality either.

10: What is your ultimate goal? Is there a certain point you are aiming for or will you simply keep putting yourself up for new challenges?
Rain: I want to see how far I can go. I want to test out how high my luck runs. And I keep pushing forward without a plan which is why I go through trial and error. But strangely enough, I've achieved everything so far. Who would've known I would meet [Park] Jin-young. I didn't know how I got to start acting in dramas and I don't know how I ended up working with director Park Chan-wook. Nor do I know how my name got on Time magazine's 100 Most Influential Person list. I've just ended up here somehow. And if "Ninja" does well, it'll make everything just perfect.

Reporter : Wee Geun-woo eight@10asia.co.kr
Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@10asia.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr, Lee Ji-Hye seven@10asia.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


<updated>Rain @ Hong Kong Harbour City Ninja Assassin Premeire 

Source: let_let@RainHK
Thanks so much!~

sok fotó hiányzik


09-11-26 Rain試鞋

Credit//by Maggie S. @Rainhk

10 fotó


09-11-26 Rain left the W Hotel  

credit//by Maggie S. @Rainhk

4 fotó


26-11-09 Rain Bi -Ninja Assassin Premiere  

Credit//by Maggie S. @Rainhk

25 kép


MORE 11.26.09 Rain @ Hong Kong Harbour City Ninja Assassin Premiere 

CREDIT: Ninja@RainHK

19 kép


more Rain Bi picture in HK  


 1 kép


It's hot in Hong Kong cause Rain is here 



six to five with musical wedding singer  


1 kép


09-11-27 six to five -Season off  


1 kép


09-11-27 Six to five HOODIE JUMPERS  


14 kép


more Rain Bi in kress party  

credit//Rain USA


RAIN on YAHOO Home Page!

1 kép
Great publicity for our RAIN who continues to do greater things!!!  Aja aja, Bi.....(+_+)



<updated>Rain @ Ninja Assassin Premiere

7 kép


more rain bi ninja assassin premiere in HK


19 kép


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