Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.12.02.


Hiányzó videók:

091202-FANMADE- Interview1 exclusive ...
091202-FANMADE- Interview2 exclusive ...
091203 Jakarta fancam it's raining
091203 Jakarta fancam Avoid Sun
091203 Jakarta fancam I do
091203 Jakarta fancam solo dance by m...
091203 Jakarta fancam Rainism by mett...
091204 Bi left Jakarta


비 "아시아 대표 할리우드 스타 될 터" 

자카르타=연합뉴스) 신성철 통신원 = 비(본명 정지훈)가 아시아투어 '레전드 오브 레이니즘'(LEGEND OF RAINISM)의 인도네시아 공연을 위해 1일 새벽 자카르타에 도착했다.

앞서 홍콩 공연을 성황리에 마친 비는 이날 저녁 자카르타 리츠 칼튼 호텔에서 기자회견을 갖고 "한국은 물론 아시아를 대표하는 배우가 돼 아시아 문화를 전하고 싶다"며 할리우드 진출을 본격화하겠다는 각오를 드러냈다.

회견장에는 현지 TV방송국, 신문, 잡지 등 60여개 매체가 참석, 이달 3일 예정된 자카르타 공연과 인도네시아에서 지난주 개봉된 비 주연의 영화 '닌자 어쌔신'에 대해 뜨거운 관심을 나타냈다.

비는 3일 자카르타 최대 공연장인 지텍(JITEC)에서 첫 콘서트를 열어 2시간여 동안 20여곡을 선보인다.

인도네시아서 기자회견하는 비


[Dec-02-2009] Rain, "I want to be a hollywood star to represent Asia.

Rain arrived in Jakarta at dawn, on Dec.1st, for his Asia Tour 'Legend of Rainism' in Indonesia.

Earlier in the day, Rain who successfully had completed the concert in Hong Kong, met the press in the Ritz-Carlton Jakarta Hotel on Dec.1st at 4pm and made a speech about being prepared for his concert in Jakarta by saying, "I want to be the leading artist in Asia including Korea and to let the world know about Asian cultures."

More than 200 journalistst and around 100 media from the local TV stations, newspapers, and magazines, attended the press and showed much interest in his concert scheduled for the 3rd of this month and his hollywood movie Ninja Assassin released last week.

Rain who will be the first star to hold a concert in Indonesia, is to show his more than 20 hit songs with the performances for 2 hours during his concert in JITEC, which is the largest stadium in Jakarta of the country, on the 3rd, from 8pm.

Brief translation by rain bird.



HK Legend of Rainism concert from the eyes of New York fan  

Oh! it was an unforgettable 2 days concert. I was on standing zone on the 1st night and VIP
seated on the 2nd night. Compared with Seoul concert, Rain spoke less but concentrated on
performing. However, the most impressed thing was how he handled the accident and
surprise.  Rain is really a professional artist. On the 2nd night, his wireless mic was out of
order due to his jump from 2nd level to the ground while he was singing "I'm Coming".  He
found his mic was not working, then he asked the help from dancer next to him.
Unfortunately, the mic still didn't work. He missed the first few lines and finally someone gave me
another mic. But, that mic had no sound. He stayed calm and expressed his apology to
audiences with bow.  He kept his lovely smile until the mic worked fine.  He didn't miss
dance steps. How wonderful....

The next unforgettable thing was the surprise visit from Jacky Chan. Haha...Rain didn't
expect Jacky's visit at all. He was walking down from 2nd level to the ground and preparing
to sing "Rainism". Suddenly, Jacky held a bunch of flowers and shown in front of him.  Our Ji
Hoon looked like a little fan. Yes, Jacky was his hero.  How's sweet?  I impressed that the
truth of Ji Hoon. He didn't cover his happiness. He kept smiling like a little fan. He totally
forgot he was "Rain", a superstar. At that time, he was Jung Ji Hoon, a little fan of Jacky
Chan.  His naive face clearly shown on the big screen.  I shouted "Thank you...Thank you,
Jacky" at that time.  Yes, thanks Jacky Chan, thanks him bringing back Ji Hoon's naive and
simple mind.  In the past few weeks, Rain was having promotional tour in USA. I knew many
fans had unhappy experiences in airport or premiere.  Fans didn't get autograph, missed him
in airport or being ignored in theatre/club/after party etc.  Some fans might think Rain was
not friendly.  Some fans were wondering if Rain only pretended friendly in paid events.  It
hurt me when I heard such comment.  But, such scene proved the truth of Rain, he wore
simple mind. He had a warm heart and real.  Rain didn't pretend to be somebody, he is still
our baby!

from Cuckoo@NY

비, “결혼 전까진 몸매 유지할 것” 입담 과시 다음    마이데일리
크리스 브라운도 비 영화 칭찬, "사랑해요, 닌자어쌔신" 다음     마이데일리

비, “결혼 전까진 몸매 유지할 것” 입담 과시 네이버    마이데일리
크리스 브라운도 비 영화 칭찬, "사랑해요, 닌자어쌔신" 네이버    마이데일리

비 "결혼전까지 영화속 몸매 유지" 폭소만발 다음   스타뉴스
비 "결혼전까지 영화속 몸매 유지" 폭소만발 네이버 스타뉴스

비, 인도네시아에서 콘서트 “결혼 전까지는 몸매 유지할 것”  네이버  일간스포츠
비, 인도네시아에서 콘서트 “결혼 전까지는 몸매 유지할 것” 다음  일간스포츠

[뉴스] <닌자 어쌔신>, 19금 액션장면 관객평점 1위 올라 [맥스무비]

비 인도네시아 강타 ‘콘서트 기자회견 200명 몰려’ 뉴스엔   다음

비, 인도네시아 기자회견 취재진 200여명 `대성황` 매일경제    다음
비, 인도네시아 기자회견 취재진 200여명 `대성황` 매일경제     네이버

 <닌자 어쌔신>, 19금 액션장면 관객평점 1위 올라 



비, 인도네시아도 적셨다 아시아경제

[한류펀펀]비, 인도네시아 강타 OSEN


Paris Hilton Loves Ninja Assassin 

It seems that the popularity of Rain's latest Hollywood project, Ninja Assassin, is quite evident among Americans with its ranking of 6th at the box office. It seems celebrities aren't an exception as well, since Paris Hilton, famous American socialite/actress/businesswoman updated her Twitter account yesterday with the following message:


This should be an incentive enough for all you skeptics out there to go out and watch it already - like Paris would say, "That's Hot!"

Paris Hilton
first came to Korea back in 2007 as she had a $1 million advertising contract with FILA Korea. In October of 2008, Paris invited TBNY's Yankie to the launch party of her hair product line Dreamcatchers in Los Angeles, California.



닌자어쌔신, 여성 관람객에게 가수 ‘비’ 효과 톡톡
2009-12-02 14:52:55

[DIP통신 김정태 기자] 지난달 26일 개봉한 닌자어쌔신이 가수 비(정지훈)의 효과를 톡톡히 보고 있다.

가수 비라는 인기도 있겠지만 예술에 가까운 (정지훈의) 액션 연기 때문. 뿐만 아니라 연기라고는 믿기지 않을 정도로 풍부한 감정연기를 선보인 이준의 호연도 함께 호평을 받고 있다.

닌자 어쌔신은 청소년 관람불가 등급에도 불구하고 개봉 주 국내 54만 여명의 관객을 동원하고 한국배우가 주연을 맡은 작품으로 첫 주 할리우드 박스오피스 10위권 안에 진입했다.

닌자 어쌔신이 개봉한 이후 주연을 맡은 정지훈에 대한 찬사가 끊이지 않고 있다. 인간의 몸으로 표현할 수 있는 최대치의 액션을 펼쳐 보인 정지훈의 액션은 이구동성 ‘멋지다’라는 말보다 ‘아름답다’는 찬사와 함께 국내외 언론의 ‘미래의 액션스타’라는 말이 결코 과장이 아님을 증명했다.

또한 피가 난무하는 남성적인 액션 속에 사랑을 위해 복수를 감행한다는 멜로적인 스토리 라인이 절묘하게 어울려 남성은 물론 여성 관객 모두를 사로잡고 있다.

특히 정지훈의 어린 시절을 애절한 눈빛으로 연기한 이준은 주목할만한 연기자로 호응을 얻고 있다. 몸을 사리지 않은 정지훈의 열연과 이준의 감성연기, 안타까운 사랑 등이 여심을 사로잡는 가운데 붉은 피는 실제가 아닌 그래픽적으로 표현돼 여성 관객들도 부담 없이 즐길 수 있다는 것.

예매율에서도 여성과 남성이 7:3의 예매비율을 보이고 있다.

남녀 예매비율은 영화 300, 트로이 등 초반 여성 관객이 주도하고 남성 관객이 그 뒤를 따르는 흥행 액션 영화의 추이와 유사한 움직임이어서 이후 흥행에 대해 더욱 많은 관심이 모아지고 있다.


[Dec-02-2009]Ninja Assassin has jumped to the fourth place at the box office in North America again.

Top star Rain's first hollywood leading movie Ninja Assassin has jumped to the fourth place at the box office in North America, and is expected to be a picture of proven box office power.

According to the data released by the box office Mojo on Dec.2nd, Ninja Assassin ranked fourth at the box office in North America. The movie was fourth on the opening day, after that, it was sixth and seventh, but it has drawing audiences again.

The movie is R-rated and is being screened in 2,503 theaters. Meanwhile, "The Twilight Saga: New Moon", which tops the list, is PG-13 and is being screened in 4,024 theaters, and "The Blind Side", also PG-13, creened in 3,140.

In spite of conditions inimical to its interests, Ninja Assassin has turned up trumps.
Movie analysts describe the movie as men's rebellion against 'New Moon' amidst hearty cheers by


[2 Dec. 09] Legend of Rainism Hong Kong Concert – Fan Account

From the first song of the first night, it was evident that our prince was in great mood, top form, ready to kill us all with his charm. The run down was basically the same as those in Tokyo and Seoul, except that “Bad Guy” original version was not in the performance list this time. 

I could see him quite clearly from the standing area.  He has such nice skin which makes even a girl jealous.  Sweat must have melted most of his make up and on the big screen I could even see his freckles!  He looked absolutely gorgeous.

I have a new name for our prince – the world’s most flirtatious ninja assassin!  He flirted with us throughout the performances, throwing a cute smile, blinking his electric eye, touching his sensual hip, and he even checked the big screen as he did so (full of prince complex..).  He is driving us crazy with shouts and yells! He clearly enjoyed this and he is definitely an expert.

Something funny happened on the first night.  We know Rain will rip off his black top for his signature rain pouring scene.  But for some reason the black top didn’t come off totally, so he adjusted it in such a way he looked even more enticing.  I was expecting him to do the same for the second night! (But he didn’t).

Something else happened the second night though.  When he came out to sing “I’m coming”, his microphone didn’t work.  The stage people were a bit slow in reacting to this, but his dancer noticed and tried to help.  The music started, Rain was smiling to us, but he didn’t have a microphone, so we sang his line for him!  And then he picked up again!  How wonderful we all became his chorus!

For many of us, the most touching moment was when Rain started to sing “Friends” on the first night.  Rainhk has prepared a card written in Korean “we will wait for you”.  Despite all sorts of difficulties Rainhk support staff managed to distribute the cards, as well as light sticks, to most if not all of the audience who attended the show.  There is instruction at the back of the card in different languages, asking people to hold the words towards Rain when the music for “Friends” began. We want Rain to know that his fans will wait for him no matter what he does and where he goes.  We want Rain to feel our love and support at his very own concert.   The result was truly touching.  The music started, Rain got ready for his song.  He looked up and saw the whole audience all holding up the card towards him. He was surprised, read the words, and was clearly touched. (I believe he tried to hold back his tears too).  I have no doubt Rain gets our message, our special way of telling him how much we love him.

Another highlight was the appearance of  Jacky Chan on the second night.  Rain was taken by surprise (so were we).  He stood beside Jacky Chan like a small kid seeing his idol, all smiles and lost for words.  He looked so young to me then, so genuine, so honoured, so humble – how could you not love him and want to protect him from all evil?

There is of course the mischievous side of our prince as well.  I cannot remember whether it was the first or second night.  When he sang “I’m coming” and when it came to his “breathing” sound, he changed it to coughing!!   And during the encore part when he splashed water onto his dancers, you could clearly see he aims at all of them.  He ran back from the T to the central stage to get more water, meanwhile tilting his head to look for his target, with a big smirk on his face.  And he didn’t even spare the lady dancers!  He is totally a naughty boy enjoying his water fight!  He is so happy and excited that he asked all the audience to “stand up”.  He even said to the audience “Why are you so serious”, “stand up”, and he won’t give in until we all obeyed him!!

No fan account can describe the happy, relaxed, touching, wonderful times the King of Stage has given to his loyal fans.  Prince Rain has given us two magical, unforgettable nights.  We have in turn given him some magical, unforgettable moments.  Thanks to our prince, we all became part of the legend.

credit by huhuhuhu @ rainhk


'닌자 어쌔신', 北美 박스오피스 4위로 상승


12.12.09 2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards
fotó hiányzik


RAIN @ RAIN ASIA TOUR 'LEGEND OF RAINSM' 2009 Press Conference - Jakarta Indonesia



dirrtybeyb   RAIN @ RAIN ASIA TOUR 'LEGEND OF RAINISM' 2009 Press Conference - Jakarta Indonesia

Rainyday 52 is the last of this season.
 Season2 will broadcast next year.


LOR in Indonesia PC

Q: What do you think when you saw the rain was pouring down at the airport when you landed?
A: Everywhere I go it always rains. (& Surprisingly, when the PC started, it also pouring rain in Jakarta)
Q: For the movie role Ninja Assasins, you did amazingly in building your musles. Do you intend to work out like that to maintain that well build body?
A: Yes, of course. Until I got married, I will concentrate on other things.... (Too noisy... too bad I can't catch what the translator explain after that!)

Photo credit and Eng trans: Matahari_Biru@soompi/ssusita@LJ
Posted by angelordevil@RainHK

fotók hiányoznak


Rain at the press concference for his Legend of Rainism in Jakarta

15 kép



1 kép




09-12-02 Rain Bi nature republic new picture [christmas]

4 kép


09-12-01 Rain Bi tous les jours new picture

10 kép


09-12-02 Rain Bi lotte Duty Free new picture

cap by ratoka

4 kép


From//memo rain blog

1 kép


며칠 후엔 볼 수 있겠네요.

기다리고 있겠습니다!
며칠 후엔 볼 수 있겠네요.
빨리 보고 싶어요.

nao씨가 비를 마음 담아 그려 주었습니다

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