[Oct-12-2009]<Message from rain-jihoon>Thank many of you for coming to Legend of Rainism concert.
Hello, this is Cloud master.
Rain part : Thank many of you for coming to my 'Legend of Rainism' concert in Korea.
I trust you'll support the upcoming MBLAQ's debut, my next Asia Tour, and Ninja Assassin due for release.
Thank you.
Brief translation by rain bird.
비 “연기-가수 둘다 좋아 하나 선택못해”
월드스타 비(본명 정지훈)가 연기와 노래에 강한 욕심을 드러냈다.
10월 12일 방송된 KBS 2TV ‘여유만만’에서는 비의 콘서트 현장을 공개했다.
비는 10월 9일 오후 8시 서울 방이동 올림픽공원 체조경기장에서 열린 '2009 비 아시아 투어-레전드 오브 레이니즘(Legend of Rainism)' 한국 공연에서 1만여 명의 관객들과 호흡했다.
이날 비는 고(故) 마이클 잭슨의 '빌리 진'(Billie Jean) 인트로에 맞춰 '잇츠 레이닝'(It's Raining)을 선보였다. 비는 “1년 전부터 준비했던 퍼포먼스인데 어쩌다보니 추모공연이 됐다”고 털어놨다.
비는 오는 11월 주연을 맡은 할리우드 영화 ‘닌자 어쌔씬’ 개봉을 앞두고 있다. 비는 “연기와 가수 둘 다 너무 좋다”며 “장단점이 너무 확실해서 하나를 선택 못 하겠다”고 전했다.
한편 비는 조만간 새 앨범을 발표할 계획이다.
10월 12일 방송된 KBS 2TV ‘여유만만’에서는 비의 콘서트 현장을 공개했다.
비는 10월 9일 오후 8시 서울 방이동 올림픽공원 체조경기장에서 열린 '2009 비 아시아 투어-레전드 오브 레이니즘(Legend of Rainism)' 한국 공연에서 1만여 명의 관객들과 호흡했다.
이날 비는 고(故) 마이클 잭슨의 '빌리 진'(Billie Jean) 인트로에 맞춰 '잇츠 레이닝'(It's Raining)을 선보였다. 비는 “1년 전부터 준비했던 퍼포먼스인데 어쩌다보니 추모공연이 됐다”고 털어놨다.
비는 오는 11월 주연을 맡은 할리우드 영화 ‘닌자 어쌔씬’ 개봉을 앞두고 있다. 비는 “연기와 가수 둘 다 너무 좋다”며 “장단점이 너무 확실해서 하나를 선택 못 하겠다”고 전했다.
한편 비는 조만간 새 앨범을 발표할 계획이다.
엠블랙 12일 뮤직비디오 티저영상 공개
엠블랙 12일 뮤직비디오 티저영상 공개
가수 비의 후계자 남성 5인조 그룹 엠블랙(MBLAQ)이 12일 타이틀곡 ‘오 예’(Oh Yeah)의 뮤직비디오 티저영상을 공개했다.
이번 동영상은 14일 발매하는 엠블랙의 타이틀 곡의 맛보기 영상으로 약 30초 분량이다. 지난 9일과 10일 비의 콘서트 ‘레전드 오브 레이니즘(Legend of Rainism)’의 한국공연에서 오프닝을 장식한 엠블랙은 관련 영상이나 사진 등이 일절 공개되지 않아 궁금증을 불러 모은 바 있다.
30초 가량 짧은 동영상은 화이트와 블랙이 어우러진 감각적인 영상과 기타의 정열적인 선율로 인해 엠블랙에 대한 관심도를 집중시키고 있다. 티저영상은 엠넷닷컴과 곰TV에서 공개된다. 뮤직비디오 전편은 엠블랙의 첫 번째 싱글이 나오는 14일 베일을 벗는다.
엠블랙은 비의 한국공연에 오프닝에 선 이후, 주말 내내 각종 포털 사이트에서 실시간 검색어 1위에 올랐다.
스포츠월드 황인성 기자
기사입력 2009.10.12 (월) 10:46, 최종수정 2009.10.11 (일) 10:47
[ⓒ 스포츠월드 &, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]sr : sportsworldi
[JYP 동창회] 비·박진영·김태우·손호영, 클럽 패션…"데님룩에 페도라, 심플"
[스포츠서울닷컴 | 나지연기자] JYP의 옛주역들이 다시 뭉쳤다. 이번엔 회사가 아닌 클럽에서였다. 프로듀서 박진영을 비롯해 가수 비, GOD멤버 김태우와 손호영까지 전현직 JYP출신 스타들이 한 자리에 모인 보기 드문 광경을 확인할 수 있었다.
비는 지난 11일 오전 12시 30분경 서울 청담동에 위치한 클럽 '르뉘 블랑쉬(Le Nuit Blanche)'에 모습을 드러냈다. 10일 오후 8시 올림픽 공원 체조 경기장에서 열린 자신의 콘서트 'Legend of Rainism-2009 비 아시아 투어 인 서울' 공연을 끝내고 뒷풀이를 겸한 파티를 연 것이다.
클럽에 들어서는 비 옆에는 그의 옛스승인 박진영이 함께였다. 두 사람은 회사 관계자들과 공연에 참여한 댄서들을 대동하고 미리 예약된 클럽 VIP실로 향했다. 30분 뒤인 오전 1시. 이번에는 GOD 멤버인 김태우와 손호영이 나타났다. 둘은 곧바로 앞선 일행들과 합류했다.
JYP의 전현직 스타들이 뭉친 것은 비의 성공적인 공연을 축하하기 위해서였다. 그도 그럴 것이 이번 비 콘서트는 국내에서 3년만에 열린 무대였다. 게다가 자신이 첫 프로듀싱한 그룹 엠블랙까지 데뷔시켜 의미가 남달랐다.
실제로 비는 지난 9일 엠블랙의 첫 공연 후 "이제야 박진영의 마음을 알 것 같다"며 떨리는 마음을 전한 바 있다. 그리고 바로 다음 날인 10일 박진영을 공연에 초대했고, 스승의 응원 속에 공연을 마무리했다.
클럽 내부에서 비와 박진영, 김태우, 손호영은 VIP룸에 앉아 비교적 차분하게 이야기를 나누는 모습이었다. 웃고 즐기는 화기애애한 분위기가 이어졌다. 이는 VIP룸이 여느 곳과 달리 유리로 되어 있기 때문에 확인 가능했다. 덕분에 클럽을 찾은 손님들도 이를 쉽게 볼 수 있었다.
비의 한 측근은 "오랜만에 JYP 식구들과 뭉쳐서인지 분위기가 좋았다. 박진영이 비에게 '엠블랙에게서 성장 가능성이 엿보인다. 성공적인 프로듀서 데뷔를 축하한다'고 했다"며 현장 분위기를 설명했다. 비 역시 "진영이 형이 제일 먼저 생각났다. 감사하다"고 화답한 것으로 전해졌다.
비는 자리가 무르익자 흥에 겨운 듯 스테이지로 향하기도 했다. 댄서들과 힘께 홀로 향한 비는 가볍게 몸을 흔들며 리듬에 맞췄다. 수많은 팬들이 몰렸지만 비는 의식하지 않고 자유롭게 분위기를 즐겼다. 이에 클럽을 찾은 사람들 역시 부담갖지 않고 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있었다.
새벽 3시가 되자 김태우와 손호영이 먼저 나왔다. 최근 앨범을 내고 활동 중인 김태우와 뮤지컬 공연으로 바쁜 손호영은 다음날 스케줄을 의식한 듯 일찍 자리를 뜨는 모습이었다. 20분 뒤엔 박진영이 나왔고, 비는 새벽 4시가 되서야 나머지 일행들과 자리를 파했다.
비 일행이 밖에 나올 때 클럽 앞에는 일본과 중국에서 온 팬과 국내 팬 수십여명이 모여 있었다. 모두들 "비를 실물로 보니 더 멋지다"며 기뻐하는 모습이었다. 이들을 의식한 듯 비는 곧바로 건물 앞에 세운 자신의 밴을 타고 황급히 자리를 떠났다
현재 비와 박진영, 김태우와 손호영은 각자 다른 회사에 몸담고 있다. 하지만 이 날의 모습에서 확인할 수 있듯 우정만은 여전했다. 서로 좋은 일을 축하해주는 끈끈한 그들만의 정을 느낄 수 있었다. 각자의 자리에서 활동 중인 네사람. 앞으로도 그들의 멋진 우정이 계속되길 바란다.
[기사모음] 가수 비, 전기차 홍보대사 위촉
가수 비, 전기차 홍보대사 위촉 뉴스엔
월드스타 `비' 전기車 홍보대사로 뛴다 연합뉴스
[Oct-12-2009]Rain isn't distinguished from MBLAQ members in their picture due to his boyish-looking face.
Rain opened a friendly picture taken of newcomer MBLAQ including himself.
Rain posted a picture of MBLAQ including himself, taken from his Seoul concert hall, which is entitled :
"Thank many of you for coming to my 'Legend of Rainism' concert in Korea" on his official homepage last 11th.
On his homepage, he asked his fans to support the upcoming activities of MBLAQ and himself by saying, "Thank many of you for coming to my 'Legend of Rainism' concert in Korea. I trust you'll support the upcoming MBLAQ's debut, my next Asia Tour, and Ninja Assassin due for release."
His fans who saw the picture, are commenting on the homepage in response to the picture and his message,
"I can't distinguish Rain from the 5 boys due to his boyish-looking face since he is among the boys."
"MBLAQ is so cool as well."
"His concert was great impressive."
"I could feel singer Rain really is a hard worker, and MBLAQ was so lovely too."
Meanwhile, MBLAQ made their first stage appearance in front of the public at Rain's solo Seoul concert last 9th and 10th, and their first debut album 'Oh Yeah' is due out October14th.
credit to Money Todat's Star news
Brief translation by rain bird.
MBLAQ Impresses at Rain’s Concert
After 2 very long years, Rain's first boy group, MBLAQ, has finally made their debut! Taking the stage before an audience of 8000 fans, MBLAQ opened Rain's concert on the 9th for the "Legend of Rainism" tour and successfully performed 3 songs. After taking a look at these fancams from the concert, it's safe to say these boys made Rain proud as they danced and sang their hearts out before a roaring crowd. The boys performed their title song "Oh Yes," "Good Love," and member Jung Byung Hee performed his very own solo.
[Oct-12-2009]Rain is to start promoting Ninja Assassin all over the world from mid-November.
Word star Rain'll officially start promoting his hollywood movie Ninja Assassin all over the world from mid-November.
After his '2009 Asia Tour concert-Seoul', that was a phenomenal success, at Olympic Park's Gymnastics Stadium last 9th and 10th, Rain directly introduced his schedule of the Ninja Assassin promotion.
Just before the concert, Ninja Assassin's trailer was also released to the audience.
Rain expressed, "After the first premiere event of Ninja Assassin in Washington, D.C. upcoming 11th, I'll promote the movie, traveling around the world including several American cities."
Continuing, "I attended the filming, working out hard enough to play in a K1 contest." the expectancy in his face wasn't concealed.
The reason why the end of November has been selected as the day for the release, is because, this time, it is Thanksgiving Day.
Legendary Pictures Studio which formerly produced movie 'Batman Begins', 'Superman Returns', took a role of making Ninja Assassin, and hollywood major distributor Warner Brothers will take charge of the distribution of the movie.
Meanwhile, Rain'll continue to hold his Asia Tour in Hong Kong upcoming November 28th and 29th, also, he plans to appear in a domestic drama early next year.
credit to Money Today's Star news
Brief translation by rain bird.
Rain Wows Fans in 'Legend of Rainism'
This was the singer's first concert in Seoul in three years, and he somewhat successfully proved that, despite his busy schedule, he still had the time to rehearse and work on a three-hour show with 25 songs.
New group MBLAQ from Rain's agency J.Tune Entertainment opened the show and impressed with their powerful stage presence. The five-member group, who were dressed in black-and-white with dark-eye makeup, sounded nervous as they greeted fans, but enthusiastically encouraged them to enjoy the show.
Rain finally appeared on stage clad in a floral print velvet jacket with a black-sequined vest and bow tie. He opened his three-hour performance with ``My Way.''
The 27-year-old didn't save his bag of tricks for the end, surprising fans with fireworks throughout the show.
With only a pin-light illuminating him, he sported a black fedora and offered the famous ``Billie Jean'' dance by the late Michael Jackson, who he said was his spiritual mentor and the reason he started dancing when he was young.
``Hello, I missed you all. I so wanted to hold a concert, but I have been busy doing other things, such as filming movies, and so that was why I had to postpone performing for a while. But I'm back now, and I hope you all enjoy the show,'' he said.
The singer changed into a total of five different outfits, making vests the focal point of his wardrobe. From the sequined black vest to a silver metallic and biker black leather one, Rain showed off his muscular arms and lean figure throughout the show.
Not only is Rain popular for his songs around Asia, but he has also made a name for himself as one of the best male dancers in Korea. On Friday he showed why. The singer constantly danced to the beat, jumping from the second floor of the stage to the first, stomping his feet and punching his fists to the music, all carried out without losing his breath. New moves were also added to the famous dance routines, some resembling martial arts to others, while others were more energetic.
``When you live abroad, you get lonely easily so it feels great to be back in my home country. Sometimes when I'm busy, having both good and bad times, I lose my sense of direction. But I have to say I am always thankful for the love and interest you show me,'' he said.
One section of the show was a special treat for his fans, as Rain stood on stage alone moving to the beat without backup dancers or colorful stage lights.
He then stood in the middle of the stage and an installation in the ceiling opened up and rain literally starting pouring down on him. Ripping off his black sweatshirt with his hands, he sang in the downpour, with fans screaming and the screens focusing on his tight abs. While many enjoyed this particular scene, it was nothing original.
His finale in a silky white suit was a smart finish, as he sang ``Love Story'' and ``Friends,'' waving to his fans and disappearing from the stage.
After giving four encore numbers, the singer once again vanished into the dark, waving and thanking fans for supporting him.
Indeed, Rain was back, but it was hard to ignore the fact that the show was not much different from those by local stars. The club scene, pole dancing, mask dance and even the pouring rain was nothing new, and although his presence as a singer and dancer may have made a difference, the overall content of the concert lacked creativity and spark.
Nevertheless, the concert was a perfect chance to watch how much Rain enjoys performing, and also how much support he has as one of the most popular Korean stars in Asia.
[Oct-12-2009] Rain'll promote electronic vehicles as their Goodwill Ambassador.
CT &T, a professional electricity vehicle company, held an event that entrusts Goodwill Ambassador to Rain at Ritz-Carton Hotel on the 12th.
The company working the development export of urban electricity vehicles expressed, "We've come to entrust the ambassador to Rain, because his image appeals to our global marketing strategy."
Rain'll attend Tokyo Motor Show upcoming 22nd as Goodwill Ambassador of CT &T and will promote it.
Meanwhile, it has been found that Rain'll purchase even the company's stock for an undisclosed price.
credit to Yonhap news
Briefd translation by rain bird.
가수 비의 제이튠 엔터, 전기차 회사 CT&T, 정말 합칠까?
월드스타 비가 친환경 전기차 전문업체 CT&T(대표 이영기)의 홍보대사가 되면서 비가 주요 주주(지분율 8.0%) 겸 소속 연예인으로 있는 제이튠엔터(035900)를 통한 CT&T의 코스닥 우회상장설이 설득력을 얻고 있다.
CT&T는 12일 오후 서울 논현동 리츠칼튼 호텔에서 가수 겸 배우 비(본명 정지훈)를 홍보대사로 위촉했다.
위촉식에서 이영기 대표는 “당사의 글로벌 마케팅 전략과 한국을 대표하는 월드스타로 전세계적으로 맹활약중인 비의 글로벌 이미지가 잘 맞아 홍보대사로 위촉하게 됐다”고 위촉 배경을 설명했다.
비는 “국내 순수 독자기술로 만든 친환경 전기차를 세계 속에 알리는 뜻깊은 일에 참여하게 돼 기쁘다”고 소감을 밝혔다.
비는 CT&T의 홍보대사로 위촉됨과 동시에 CT&T의 주식을 인수해 주주로도 참여할 것으로 알려졌다.
비가 CT&T의 홍보대사를 맡고 이 회사의 주주로도 참여하게 된다는 사실이 알려지면서 제이튠엔터테인먼트의 주가는 이날 한때 가격제한폭까지 치솟았다. 하지만 곧 매물이 쏟아지면서 이날 종가는 전일 대비 50원 하락한 860원을 기록했다.
제이튠엔터의 주가가 이날 강세를 보였던 것은 바로 CT&T의 우회상장설에 따른 것이다.
CT&T는 도시형 전기차(City EV)를 개발해 전세계로 활발히 진출하고 있다. 지금까지 미국, 일본, 대만 등에 약 1만대에 달하는 수출계약 실적을 보유하고 있으며, 최근엔 해외 현지공장 설립을 추진 중이다.
또 지난 8일 정부의 ‘전기자동차산업 활성화방안’이 발표되면서 이 회사가 생산 중인 최대시속 60㎞ 이하의 저속형 전기차(NEV)가 국내서도 일반도로를 주행할 수 있는 길이 곧 열릴 것으로 보여 양산을 위한 대규모 투자가 필요할 전망이다.
이에 따라 증권가에는 CT&T가 해외 진출을 포함한 사업 확장을 위한 자금조달 목적으로 우회상장을 시도할 것이라는 루머가 파다했다.
이런 가운데 최근 제이튠 엔터가 사업 목적에 전기목적을 추가한 데 이어 이날 비와 CT&T가 인연을 맺게 되면서 제이튠 엔터를 통한 CT&T의 우회상장 가능성이 제기된 것이다.
이에 대해 CT&T 백인영 홍보실장(상무)은 이날 기자와 만나 “현재 당사가 코스닥 입성을 위해 여러 방법을 모색 중인 것은 사실”이라고 밝히면서도 “비를 홍보대사로 위촉한 것은 홍보대사로서 적임자이기 때문이고, 비가 취득한 지분도 홍보대사 역할을 수행하기 위한 미미한 수준일 뿐 제이튠엔터를 통한 당사의 우회상장을 목적으로 한 것은 아니다”라고 선을 그었다.
한편 비는 오는 22일부터 11월 4일까지 일본 치바현 마쿠하리 멧세(Makuhari Messe)에서 열리는 ‘제 41회 도쿄모터쇼’의 프레스데이에 참석, 본격적인 CT&T의 홍보대사 활동을 시작하게 된다.
사진= (위)12일 서울 리츠칼튼 호텔에서 열린 위촉식에서 월드스타 비(오른쪽)와 CT&T 김종수 사장과 포즈를 취했다.(지형준 기자)
(아래)CT&T의 전기차 e카탈로그(CT&T 제공)
Tokyo Moter Show 2009 Press day October 21 and 22. He comes to the show on the 22nd.
[Oct-12-2009] After Rain's Seoul concert, his former friends get together at his after party.
After Rain's 2009 Asia Tour concert-Seoul, Legend of Rainism at Olympic Gymnastics Stadium last 10th at 8pm, he appeared in 'Le Nuit Blanche' club located in Cheongdamdong, Seoul, last 11th about 12:30am (at dawn), and held an after party combined with giving an entertainment, there was also his formal teacher JYP.
Rain and JYP were heading toward the reserved VIP room in the club with their own company officials and Rain's dancers who participated in the concert.
About 01:00am in half an hour, this time, former idol group GOD's members 'Kim Tae-Woo' and 'Son Ho-Young' appeared in the club and soon joined the company of Rain who got there ahead of these two.
As such, JYP's current and former stars got together to celebrate the great success of Rain's Asia Tour concert in Seoul.
Since the glass VIP room in the club was unlike elsewhere, what the company including Rain were doing there could be checked even outside the room.
Rain, JYP, 'Kim Tae-Woo', and 'Son Ho-Young' were chatting with a relatively quiet manner.
When it was high time, Rain also went toward the stage as if he had been in the excess of mirth.
Rain who alone went to the stage with his dancers, gently shook himself to the music.
Just then, millions of people crowded around Rain, but he freely enjoyed the mood of the merrymaking, showing indifference to them.
'Kim Tae-Woo' who is currently doing his activities and 'Son Ho-Young' preparing for his musical, first got out of the club at 03:00am, and JYP left in about 20 minutes.
It was nearly 04:00 am before Rain left his seat with the rest of the party.
When Rain came out, there were dozens of his fans from China, Japan, and Korea.
All of the fans seemed to be moved by real Rain.
He hurriedly got in his car and hasted away as if he had been aware of the people's attention.
Rain, JYP, 'Kim Tae-Woo', and 'Son Ho-Young' are now working at each other's company, but their friendship seemed to remain unabated.
credit to Sports Seoul
Brief translation by rain bird
[Oct-12-2009]Rain, 2NE1, and 4Minute will appear on the stage of 'Power of Love Concert'
World star Rain, 2NE1, and 4Minute will appear on the stage together.
'Power of Love Concert' under Super Natural, will be held at Gymnastics Stadium inside of Seoul Olympic Park upcoming October 31 at 7:00pm.
During this concert, Rain, 2NE1(CL, Sandara Park, and Park-Bom, Gong Min-Ji), and 4Minute(Nam Ji-Hyn, Heo Ga-Yun, Jeon Ji-Yun, Kim Hyun-Ah, Kwon So-Hyun) will appear on the stage and show their splendid performances.
The tickets will be distributed through cellphone's SMS, that is the first to try in Korea, so interest is on the way.
The free tickets can be given through Magic Talker homepage.
The concert has come to be held with conveying the expression of dream and love for teenagers for its main object.
credit o Musicen news
Brief translation by rain bird.
JYP oldtime family members unite!
Posted on October 12, 2009 by sookyeong
JYP oldtime family members are back together again. Producer Park Jin Young was seen together with singer Rain, G.O.D Kim TaeWoo and Son Ho Young recently.
Rain was seen at the club Le Nuit Blanche on 11th October at 12.30am. This was after his concert performance in Seoul for ‘Legend of Rainism – 2009′ on 10th October.
Rain was seen together with his teacher of the past Park Jin Young. They were seen heading to the VIP room in the club. At about 1am GOD members Kim TaeWoo and Son HoYoung also appeared.
The JYP oldtime characters have got together to congratulate Rain on the success of his concert. This is Rain’s concert in Korea after 3 years. Also at the concert, Rain revealed his first producing group MBLAQ.
The 4 individuals were seen sitting and chatting in the VIP room. The atmosphere was good and the 4 of them were laughing and enjoying their talk.
Rain’s side revealed, “The atmosphere was good to have the JYP family gather after such a long time. Park Jin Young saw the potential of success in MBLAQ and congratulated on the success of the concert. We thought of JinYoung hyung. Really thankful.”
At about 3am in the morning, Kim TaeWoo and Son HoYoung were the first tot come out of the club. And then after 20 minutes, Park Jin Young were seen coming out of the club, and Rain also left the club at 4am.
Posted on October 12, 2009 by sookyeong
JYP oldtime family members are back together again. Producer Park Jin Young was seen together with singer Rain, G.O.D Kim TaeWoo and Son Ho Young recently.
Rain was seen at the club Le Nuit Blanche on 11th October at 12.30am. This was after his concert performance in Seoul for ‘Legend of Rainism – 2009′ on 10th October.
Rain was seen together with his teacher of the past Park Jin Young. They were seen heading to the VIP room in the club. At about 1am GOD members Kim TaeWoo and Son HoYoung also appeared.
The JYP oldtime characters have got together to congratulate Rain on the success of his concert. This is Rain’s concert in Korea after 3 years. Also at the concert, Rain revealed his first producing group MBLAQ.
The 4 individuals were seen sitting and chatting in the VIP room. The atmosphere was good and the 4 of them were laughing and enjoying their talk.
Rain’s side revealed, “The atmosphere was good to have the JYP family gather after such a long time. Park Jin Young saw the potential of success in MBLAQ and congratulated on the success of the concert. We thought of JinYoung hyung. Really thankful.”
At about 3am in the morning, Kim TaeWoo and Son HoYoung were the first tot come out of the club. And then after 20 minutes, Park Jin Young were seen coming out of the club, and Rain also left the club at 4am.
Tous Les Jours pieces
cap by me
Rain carries baby in Backstage Legend Of Rainism
credit : baidu
holding the baby (son) of his agency J. Tune Entertainment's
representative 'Jo Dong-Won' at the backstage of his Seoul concert.
[update] 12-10-09 Rain electric vehicles ambassador, participate as shareholders
13 fotó
Legend of Rainism! 최고!
정말 멋있었습니다.
춤도, 노래도 최고!
수고하셨습니다. (*^_____^*)
앞으로도 일본에 많이 와주세요.
기다리고 있습니다
빨리 보고 싶어!!!
nao씨가 비를 마음 담아 그려 주었습니다최고 였습니다.
Rain's MBLAQ - gifs of 1st teaser =D
here some gifs I made n-n
credit: Duggu // MBLAQ Latino
there another fact that make it more amazing, have you heared the intro of the video? I mean when
our dear Rain talks, omg he's speaking in spanish XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ok ok ok just one phrase
but, for me and latin comunity is really great!
He says: "Yeoh AMIGO" = friend .... even it's a single one word, n-n was really cool!!!!!!!!!
I'm really proud of Rain, he has got another goal in his life, I admired him and admired his passion an
talent to do such things like this, god bless MBLAQ, and all Rain's dreams! as a cloud I'm really proud
of my dear Rain! wish all the best and I'm sure all your clouds around the world wish the same!!!!!!!!!
12-10-09 Fancam-Rain Bi with assistants in the noon in south korea
credit // + rain angel
reposted @ Baidu
Mnet RainyDay 46
source: 3asian clubbox
capture: rainkum
Nature Republic Poster
source: Nature Republic
credit: Phoenix - RAIN Germany
credit: Phoenix - RAIN Germany
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