Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.09.18.


Ninja Assassin Info in U.K & Denmark  




[17-Sept-09]Info-Rain Is Heading To Los Angeles Tonight
Hey everyone!!! Just wanted to give you guys the heads-up that Rain has left New York this evening and is currently on his way to Los Angeles. Sorry, the news got out really late and at the last-minute, but some faithful Rain fans managed to get this info. So anyone in the LA area and who can make it to LAX tonight, please do so!

Flight American Airlines #185

Arrival: 12:02 AM (LA time)

Source: Rain-USA


15.9.09 [Fan Account] Jeslyn’s Miracle Encounter With Rain

I’ve been given a slightly difficult task by being asked to write this fan account on behalf of Jeslyn. Note that I was NOT there amidst the chaos and action but Jeslyn and I were communicating via text and Facebook all night (so it somewhat felt like I was there every moment myself), and all this occurred while I was at work at the hotel! Hahaha…anyway, this post has been edited accordingly and approved by Jeslyn herself. ☺

With that being said, this fan account describes what Jeslyn experienced last night. We had a LONG conversation afterwards of her telling me the details, so I’ve done my best to ‘document’ most of the juicy parts.

As we all knew, Rain’s coming to the US was such a short notice, and we didn’t even know which part of the US he was in—until yesterday morning (Sept 15th) when the news of him attending the MCM event was publicized. I immediately sent Jeslyn a text, knowing she was in NYC and a fellow Rain fan, and informed her of what was going to happen. Anyway, work was incidentally slow for her in the office that day, so she decided to ‘investigate’ by browsing online about the MCM event and what exactly was scheduled at Saks Fifth Avenue that evening. She called up a friend to see if she could find company to go to the event, without telling her friend exactly WHY she wanted to go. Haha…The friend couldn’t go after all, so Jeslyn was stuck over the decision of whether to go by herself. On her way home from work on the train, her train stopped at the subway station close to where the event was going to be held, and she decided at the last minute to get off to go check it out herself. Keep in mind; this girl is still in her work attire! She heads to SFA and it seems she’s one of the first there since it was only 6 pm at this point. She felt she was the only Rain fan there while there were tons of Korean and American reporters already there setting up and getting ready. This was the point where she and I started exchanging text messages. She waited quite awhile and kept debating whether to stay or not because she had yet to see Rain appear from anywhere.Just as she was about to leave heading towards the elevators, she saw this tall figure walking towards her. It was Rain!! It was rather surreal because there he was–dressed in black with dark shades on, blending among the massive crowd, but none of his usual bodyguards or assistants was around him. Jeslyn was stunned and shocked, didn’t know what to do with herself since he was RIGHT THERE in front of her! As he walked past, she called out his name “Rain” (not like yelling or anything crazy) but he continued walking, not able to hear her because she wasn’t loud enough and the background music was blaring. There was an Asian lady walking with him then (came to find out later it was Kim Song-joo, owner of the MCM brand) and she heard Jeslyn call out his name. So she pointed towards Jeslyn, said “Rain…” and motioned him that someone was calling for him. He then turned around and saw Jeslyn and immediately flashed her a smile while saying “Hi” to her. It happened too quickly, but this was enough to melt Jeslyn into pieces!!!!

At this point, Rain disappeared into the crowd together with the VIPs for the official event. Jeslyn managed to meet up with couple of other girls (i.e. Cuckoo and Scorpiola) to catch up and all that. He was probably gone for about 30 minutes before he reappeared again and was heading out. The girls decided to follow him from behind. With him were 2 of his dancers (one with a moustache and the other was with long hair). Jeslyn thinks his entourage was probably around 4 or 5 total, including a manager and another assistant. Anyway, they headed out and there was a car outside waiting for them. There was absolutely no one around him (besides his crew); no bodyguards, nobody crowding around him, just looking completely open and free. He also took his shades off. At this point, Jeslyn and Cuckoo start debating whether they should go up to shake hands with him. They were afraid to approach him, but at the same time, they knew that if they didn’t, they might have regrets later. So Cuckoo decided to walk up to Rain and immediately extended her hand out while saying ‘hi’ to Rain. Jeslyn followed suit. ☺ Rain gave them firm and solid handshakes and said ‘hi’ back to them. They asked if they could take pictures but he just said “I’m sorry” indicating that they couldn’t. A couple of the girls told him that they were going to see him in Seoul for his upcoming concert, and he immediately perked up (in excitement) and smiled widely.

*Jeslyn said during this whole time, she was so high with excitement that she didn’t know quite what to do with herself. She exchanged eye contact with Rain and could see his eyes—nearly passed out from them! He was good-looking to his finest. The funniest part was also when she just randomly blurted, “We love you Rain” and “You look so good” to him!!!!! Hahaha…

After which, the girls stood back and continued watching him as he and his guys prepared to leave. This was also when a random American came up to him asking for directions and he pointed out where that person needed to go—like as if he was a native of NYC himself! (The account that Jay posted previously) He looked so proud afterwards and showed off to his friends, like as if he had done something so great. Hehe…
After Rain left, the girls eventually flagged down a taxi (which apparently was quite a challenge too) and headed over to Avenue for the after party, with the hope of just to see him outside….

The girls hopped on a cab that took them to Avenue (the club where the after party was held). There was obviously a line and they had to wait for almost an hour. They didn’t know if they could get it or not because those who were waiting had to be on the list. But somehow when it was time to go in, the girls managed to go right in without even being asked who they were! (talk about pure luck or divine intervention!)

While in the club, they tried to ‘blend in’ because they felt they were out of place with everyone else who seemed VIP-ish or dressed extravagantly (Remember, Jeslyn was still in her business suit from work!). They tucked themselves in the corner and mingled around while getting drinks and food. Pretty soon Rain appeared for his performance. He had the same black attire on but took off his bow tie and button down his shirt to look a little more casual. He danced and performed to “Bad Guy” up on the stairs but on this middle section with a balcony, so everyone was looking up towards him. Everybody cheered loudly for him, seems most of them had sort of an idea who he was. Jeslyn took some videos of him while he performed but it was too dark there, so there aren’t good ones to share.

Later Jeslyn was just hanging around at the bottom of the stairs. The girls knew that Rain was upstairs with the rest of the VIPs while everybody stayed on the ground floor because they didn’t have access to go upstairs. Before too long, Rain was heading down the stairs towards where Jeslyn stood. The rest of the girls started ‘panicking’ and wanted to hide somewhere else in the corner, for fear that Rain might see them or recognize them. Jeslyn decided to stay put where she was and Rain walked past her heading towards the restroom. Just as he walked past her, they exchanged eye contact. At this point Jeslyn was already melting at the sight of him, as if he looked like a glowing angel with wings (like how he looked in the “I’m Coming” MV) *Deb’s personal note: I’m dying of laughter here…*

At the end, the girls left the club and waited outside. Before too long, Rain came out and left in a car. The girls noticed that he was such a gentlemen by making sure his staff got in before he did.

Source: Jeslyn@Rain-USA
Written by dsl99a@Rain-USA // sixtofive1982.com


18-9-09 Rain reveals his new Boy Band MBLAQ!  



Rain finally reveals his newest and first creation, 5-member boy band MBLAQ through NYLON magazine!

Odd way of introducing the group, but Rain makes odd decisions all the time, so it's not too surprising.

Anyway, Rain's company J.Tune Entertainment stated:
"5-member group MBLAQ, who was directly produced by Rain, will be featured and introduced for the first time though the October publication of fashion magazine NYLON."

J.Tune Entertainment also stated:
"Because of Rain's transformation into a producer and this being his first creation of a group, many are showing interest. We are already receiving inquiries for fanclubs."

MBLAQ pronounced M Black, will release their first single in October.



비가 만든 남성 5인조 ‘엠블랙’ 첫 공개...10월 데뷔


배우 겸 가수 비(본명 정지훈ㆍ27)가 직접 프로듀싱한 남성 5인조 그룹 엠블랙(MBLAQ)이 첫 공개됐다.
엠블랙은 오는 21일 발행되는 패션 잡지 나일론 10월호 화보를 통해 처음으로 모습을 드러냈다.
비의 소속사인 제이튠엔터테인먼트는 "11월 개봉할 할리우드 영화 '닌자 암살자'에서 비의 아역을 연기한 이준을 비롯해 다섯 멤버 모두 비와 함께 2년간의 연습 기간을 거쳤다"고 말했다.
이어 "비가 프로듀서로 변신한 후 처음 선보이는 신인그룹이라 벌써 팬클럽을 결성하겠다는 문의가 들어오고 있다"고 밝혔다,
한편 엠블랙은 오는 10월 중순 첫 싱글 앨범을 발표할 예정이다.

굿데이스포츠 디지털뉴스팀 / 박정은 기자 pje0310@gooddaysports.co.kr


Rain heads to NYC

Korea’s hottest style icon/singer, Rain, showed a controversial fashion of a mixture of street casual and fine suit.

On September 14th, Rain departed Korea to participate in the opening ceremony of a new European luxury brand MCM in New York Saks Fifth Avenue.

Rain’s casual style at the airport and fine suit at the New York ceremony showed huge contrast in particular, and reassured his place as the hottest style icon.

When Rain left Korea, through Incheon International Airport, he had on a brown-colored leather jacket with Bermuda denims, black leggings with white shoes, topped off with a backpack and a checkered hat.

Although Rain shows off his sexiness and manliness on stage, this day he went through the departure procedure in his unique street casual look, with footsteps as light as feather.

On the night of September 15th, during the launching party of ‘MCM New York Collection’ held on the 5th floor of Saks Fifth Avenue's New York office, he displayed his tough and dandy style through a ‘Man in Black’ concept.

His black tuxedo, showing a little bit of his body glow, emphasized Rain’s well built body, and was decorated with a ruffle on his chest. To his outfit, he had a Mohican hair style and portray the image of a trendy, yet free, musician.

Famous celebrities such as Beyonce, Jay-Z, Julie Henderson, along with business leaders from New York attended this party. Also, famous top model Coco Rocha, as well as world star Rain, attended as a host for this party.

Credits to Melinda for the tip & Rain Bird for translations.



18-9-09 Rain unveils new group: MBLAQ  

Pop act turned producer, Rain’s new 5 member group called MBLAQ from his management company has made their debut in the October 2009 issue of NYLON magazine (Korea). Two years in the making, MBLAQ will release their first single in mid October 2009.

Netizens are waiting in anticipation for their debut and inquiries have already been made for their fanclub. Watch out for it!




프로듀서로 변신한 가수 비, '엠블랙' 드디어 공개 

월드스타 비(본명 정지훈)가 직접 프로듀서로 참여하며 야심차게 준비한 차세대 남성 5인조 그룹 엠블랙(MBLAQ)이 공개됐다.

제이튠 엔터테인먼트는 소속 아티스트인 비가 직접 프로듀스한 남성 5인조 그룹 엠블랙(MBLAQ)이 오는 21일 발행되는 패션 잡지 NYLON(나일론)의 10월호 화보를 통해, 대중들에게 공식적으로는 처음 모습을 드러낸다고 밝혔다.

비와 함께 촬영된 이번 화보에서 엠블랙(MBLAQ)은 개인 및 단체 사진을 통해 각 멤버들의 캐릭터를 한껏 강조했다.

특히 패션 화보인 만큼 기존의 아이돌 출신들이 잘 시도하지 않는 스모키 화장을 통해 색다른 매력을 뽐내 이들을 응원하는 팬들의 기대감을 높이고 있다.

한편, 엠블랙 (MBLAQ)은 영화 <닌자 어쌔신>에서 비의 아역을 맡은 이준을 비롯 멤버 다섯 명 모두가, 프로듀서 및 안무가로 변신한 비와 2년 간의 연습 기간을 함께 한 것으로 알려졌다.

제이튠엔터테인먼트는 “비가 프로듀서로 변신한 후 처음 내놓는 신인 그룹이라, 많은 분들이 관심을 보여주고 있다.”라고 전했다.

앰블랙(MBLAQ)은 오는 10월 중순에 첫 싱글을 발표할 예정이다.



비가 만든 5인조 그룹 ‘엠블랙’ 공개

월드스타’ 비(27)가 프로듀싱한 남성 5인조 그룹 엠블랙(MBLAQ)이 공개됐다.

 비의 소속사인 제이튠엔터테인먼트는 “비가 직접 프로듀스한 그룹 엠블랙이 21일 발행되는 패션 잡지 나일론(NYLON)의 10월호 화보를 통해 대중들에게 공식적으로는 처음 모습을 드러낸다”고 18일 밝혔다.

엠블랙은 비와 함께 촬영한 이번 화보에서 스모키 화장 등을 소화, 개인 및 단체사진을 통해 각 멤버들의 캐릭터를 공개했다.

엠블랙은 오는 11월 개봉하는 할리우드 영화 ‘닌자 암살자’에서 비의 아역을 맡은 이준을 비롯해 다섯 멤버들이 지난 2년간 비와 함께 연습 기간을 거쳐 구성됐다.

엠블랙은 10월 중순께 첫 싱글앨범을 발표한다.



Rain to reveal 5-member boyband mid-October

World Star Rain (Jung JiHoon) will be debuting a new 5-member boyband under him coming mid-October.
He will be the main producer to the group, like how Park Jin Young (JYP) grooms his own pool of talents like G.O.D, WonderGirls, 2PM, 2AM etc.
The ‘Rain’s 5-member group’ is a project which Rain is working on amidst his busy schedule doing filming and promotions overseas. The group is set to appear in the era of dominating girlgroups to re-search the power of boybands.

It is said that Rain not only participated in the planning of the dance, but also other aspects to the group’s debut like style etc.
A representative said, “The group will finally be revealed in October. They will show the power of boybands in Kpop.”
Much attention is focused on this group since Rain himself was groomed by JYP and now that he is a producer himself.


'닌자어쌔신', 얼마나 잔인하길래...英 "애들은 가라"

[스포츠조선 T―뉴스 백지은 기자] 비의 할리우드 주연 작품인 영화 '닌자어쌔신'이 18세 관람가 판정을 받았다.

 영국영화등급위원회 BBFC는 17일 "'닌자어쌔신'은 강도 높은 유혈 폭력이 자주 등장한다는 이유로 18세 관람가 등급 판정을 내렸다"고 밝혔다.

 '닌자어쌔신'은 액션 범죄 드라마로 제임스 맥테이그 감독이 메가폰을 잡았다. '엑스맨', '매트릭스' 등의 영화에서 감독을 맡았던 경력답게 맥테이그 감독은 '닌자어쌔신'에서도 강도 높은 액션을 연출했다. 이에 '청소년들이 보기엔 영화가 너무 잔인하다'는 이유로 18세 관람가 등급 판정을 받은것. 하지만 네티즌들은 '영화 개봉 전인데도 불구하고 너무 재밌을 것 같다'는 등 기대감을 한껏 높이고 있다. 한편 이 영화는 가수 비가 닌자인 라이조 역으로 출연해 '한국인이 일본인으로 나올 수 있냐'는 논란을 빚기도 했다.

 화제의 중심에 선 '닌자어쌔신'은 11월 25일 개봉한다



18-9-09[fan act]We just came back from JFK! 

We saw Rain off at New York JFK Airport tonight. He was wearing a black jacket with sunglasses on. He looks really sharp and cool. He had the hoodie hat on as in the pic below. He checked in with two assistants. He had a gum in his mouth all the time. He was not only standing there but doing everything possible by himself, like talking to the lady about their luggage, and carrying luggage onto the transporting belt. He and his assistant even checked a cubical luggage to try if that's fit for carry on.
After he left the counter, he forgot something, and he went back with big smile on his face to get it, suddenly, we realized he forgot his passport! with that type of smile, anyone will melt
then, they went to security check, he took his laptop out from his backpack, and took off his jacket, sunglasses, ipod, shoes,and belt,he looks so sexy...the whole person was shining in that lobby!(may be only in our eyes!)
from the way he put thing in the tray, you can tell, he is a very organized person. we waved and say good-bye to him, to our surprise, he waved back to us. we were so happy but sad at the same time bcz he is leaving!

after passing the security gate, he put everything back, and went into duty free shops. looks like he really enjoy shopping there bcz he walked all around in that area for more than half hour.
he took AA number 185 flight and will arrive in LA about midnight tonight. wish some lucky LA cloud will enjoy his arrival, believe us it's worthy to wait for him, he is such a cutie!
Love him! can not sleep tonight, hahahaha


18-9-09 [FAN ACCT 2] RAIN IN LAX

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