Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.08.20.


Rain forecasted in Japan and Hong Kong

Japan and Hong Kong has another round of Rain coming their way.
Following his ‘Legend of Rainism’ Asia tour in Japan later this month, Rain has officially set the dates for his tour in Hong Kong. J Tune Entertainment put up an official announcement on their website with the first official ‘Legend of Rainism’ Asia tour dates. Rain will start off his tour at the Super Arena in Japan on August 29th and 30th, then have his following performance in Hong Kong on December 12th and 13th.
It has been reported that the reason why the Asia tour dates are being revealed so slowly is due to the worldwide release of Rain’s first Hollywood movie, Ninja Assassin, this coming November 25th. A J Tune Entertainment representative stated,
The Ninja Assassin promotional tour dates are slowly coming into place. We are constantly working with the production company to discuss Rain’s schedule, so we are arranging the following Asia tour dates and locations in conjunction with the Ninja Assassin promotion dates to avoid any problems.
Looks like Rain has a tightly packed schedule already. Hopefully, this time Rain will sort his schedule properly and avoid any messy situations like his previous Hawaii lawsuit with Click Entertainment.
Now the most important question is, when will Rain be holding his US tour?! He’s been keeping his fans in the states waiting far too long.




비, 한 국가당 공연 개런티 5억

세계일보 | 기사입력 2009-08-20 10:15 | 최종수정 2009-08-20 11:11


 ‘한 공연에 2억5000.’

 최근 아시아 투어를 진행중인 가수 겸 연기자 비가 천문학적인 몸값을 자랑하고 있다.

 비는 29∼30일 일본 사이타마 슈퍼 아레나에서 공연을 하기로 확정지은 데 이어 홍콩에서 12월12∼13일 콘서트를 열기로 결정했다.

 지난 19일 제이튠엔터테인먼트는 공시를 통해 일본과 홍콩에서의 공연계약을 체결하며 받은 비의 개런티가 각각 5억원과 4억6000만원이라고 밝혔다. 일본과 홍콩에서 총 4번의 공연을 통해 약 10억원, 공연 한 회당 2억5000여만원이라는 거금을 받는 것이다.

 가수가 본인의 이름을 걸고 해외공연에서 그만큼의 개런티를 받을 수 있는 것은 한국가수 중에 비가 유일하다는 것이 가요계 관계자들의 설명이다.

 비는 11월25일 전세계에서 개봉되는 할리우드 주연작 ‘닌자 어쌔신’의 프로모션 일정도 예정돼있는 상태다. 이에 영화사와 일정을 조율하는 입장이라 일본과 홍콩 외에 타지역 공연은 아직 확정짓지 못했다. 

 소속사 관계자는 “모든 일정은 영화사와 상의하면서 정해야 한다. 현재 일본과 홍콩의 공연만 확정됐지만, 영화사와 일정이 조율되는 대로 다른 지역에서의 공연도 결정할 것”이라고 말했다.

스포츠월드 황인성 기자 enter@sportsworldi.com, 사진=스프츠월드DB

[ⓒ 스포츠월드 & Sportsworldi.com, 저작자표시+비영리+변경금지]
<세계닷컴은 한국온라인신문협회(www.kona.or.kr)의 디지털뉴스이용규칙에 따른 저작권을 행사합니다.>


[Aug-20-2009] Rain, his guarantee amounts to 5 billion won (around $401,445)
per nation.


2.5 billion won (around $ 200,722) per concert.
Rain who has been preparing for his Asia Tour, is showing off his astronomical guarantee.

Rain's decided to hold his Asia Tour in Hong Kong on December12,13, following his tour in Saitama Super Arena, Japan on August 29, 30.

As a result of his contracts with Hong Kong and Japan concert organizers, he's come to command 5 billion won (around $401,445) and 4.6 billion won (around $ 369,329 ) each.

With this, he is to receive nearly as much as 10 billion won (around $ 80,289), by more than 2.5 billion won (around $ 200,722) per concert, through total 4 concerts.

It is said that Rain is the only star who is well worth receiving that much among domestic singers who hold their concerts under their own names overseas.

Also, Rain's hollywood movie Ninja Assassin which will be released on November25, is to be scheduled.
Since he is in a delicate situation that he has to consult with WB Studio about his concert schedule, other regions except Hong Kong and Japan in his Asia Tour schedule have not been confirmed yet.

Rain's agent J.Tune entertainment expressed, "Rain's entire tour schedule has to be arranged after consultation with the studio. Under the present conditions, only Japan and Hong Kong concerts have been confirmed, but once we've come to coordinate with the studio to find the promotion schedule, we plan to fix the date for his concert in other regions."

Brief translation by rain  bird



[August-20-2009]Rain's Korea concert follows Hong Kong and Japan concert.


The date for Rain's Korea concert has been fixed for October after Hong Kong and Japan concert.

Rain's agent expressed, "Korea concert will be held in Seoul Olympic Gymnastic Stadium in October, over two times, but the exact date is still undecided, and it will be set either for October 9, 10 or October 24, 25, sooner or later."

Rain's come to hold his domestic solo concert in over 3 years since 2006, and since he's pushing forward his tour even in South-East Asia, his Asia Tour is to be exptended more.

Continuing, they said, "His domestic concert in October is expected to be at the height of his tour in season or in environment. The decision reflects his intention to show the best performance to his domestic fans."

It is known that Rain is totally preoccupied with preparations for his concert tour except his official activities.
Rain is to leave for Tokyo next week, for Japan concert which is the beginning of his Asia Tour. Japan concert will be held in Saitama Super Arena on August 29, 30.

Brief translation by rain bird


비, 일본-홍콩 이어 10월 한국 공연 확정



아시아 투어를 계획 중인 톱스타 비가 일본, 홍콩에 이어 한국 공연도 확정했다.

비 소속사 제이튠 엔터테인먼트는 10월 서울 방이동 올림픽공원 체조경기장에서 2회 공연을 갖는다고 20일자 공시를 통해 밝혔다. 정확한 날짜는 미정이며, 10월9·10일 또는 10월24·25일 중에서 조만간 결정될 예정이다.

비가 국내에서 단독 공연을 벌이기는 2006년 이후 3년 만이다.

비는 동남아시아 지역에서도 투어를 추진하고 있어 그의 아시아 투어는 더욱 확대될 전망이다.

제이튠 엔터테인먼트 측은 “10월의 국내 공연은 시기적으로도 환경적으로도 투어의 정점이 될 것이다. 무엇보다 국내 팬들에게 최고의 무대를 선사하고 싶은 비의 의도를 반영해 10월을 선택하게 됐다”고 밝혔다.

비는 현재 공식 활동을 제외한 대부분의 시간을 연습에 몰두하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

비는 다음주 아시아 투어의 시작인 일본 공연을 위해 도쿄로 출국한다. 일본 공연은 29·30일 일본 사이타마 슈퍼 아레나에서 열린다.


비, 12월12일 홍콩 공연

가수 겸 배 비(정지훈)가 오는 12월 홍콩에서 콘서트를 갖는다.
소속사 제이튠엔터테인먼트는 20일 "29~30일 일본 사이타마 슈퍼아레나에서 투어 첫 공연을 펼치는 비는 12월 12~13일 홍콩에서도 공연을 개최한다"고 밝혔다.
소속사 관계자는 "비의 할리우드 첫 주연작인 '닌자 암살자'가 11월25일 전세계에 개봉할 예정이어서 영화 프로모션 일정에 보조를 맞춰 공연 일정을 잡고 있다"고 전했다.
비는 일본과 홍콩 공연 사이인 10월께 서울 공연 일정을 놓고 논의 중이다.



비 '아시아 투어' 12월 홍콩 공연

(서울=연합뉴스) 이은정 기자 = 배우 겸 가수 비(본명 정지훈ㆍ27)가 아시아 투어 '2009 레전드 오브 레이니즘(LEGEND OF RAINISM)' 일정에 홍콩을 추가했다.

29-30일 일본 사이타마 슈퍼아레나에서 투어 첫 공연을 펼치는 비는 12월 12-13일 홍콩에서도 공연을 개최한다고 소속사인 제이튠엔터테인먼트가 20일 말했다.

그의 홍콩 방문은 6월, 의류 브랜드 '식스 투 파이브(Six To Five)' 패션쇼에 이어 6개월 만이다.

제이튠엔터테인먼트는 "비의 할리우드 첫 주연작인 '닌자 암살자'가 11월25일 전세계에 개봉할 예정이어서 영화 프로모션 일정에 보조를 맞춰 공연 일정을 잡고 있다"고 전했다.

비는 일본과 홍콩 공연 사이인 10월께 서울 공연 일정을 놓고 논의 중이다.



비, ‘닌자 어새신’ 개봉 맞춰 홍콩서 추가 콘서트


비가 일본에 이어 홍콩 콘서트도 갖는다.

오는 29~30일 일본 사이타마 수퍼 아레나에서 아시아 투어를 시작하는 비는 12월 12일과 13일 양일간 홍콩
공연을 추가로 확정했다. 지난 6월 'Six To Five' 패션 콘서트로 홍콩 팬들과 만남을 가진 비는 이로써 홍콩 팬과 6개월 만에 재회하게 됐다.

비의 아시아 투어 공연 일정은 그가 출연한 영화 '닌자 어새신' 개봉에 맞춰 진행된다. 소속사는 "'닌자 어새신'의 전 세계 프로모션 투어 일정에 맞춰 콘서트 계획을 짜고 있다"고 밝혔다. 비의 아시아 투어는 'Legend of Rainism(레이니즘의 전설)'이라는 타이틀로 열리며 '닌자 어새신'은 11월 25일 개봉할 예정이다.



[Aug-20-2009] The Fight Of The Ninja Assassin Begins


Inspired by the ninja scenes featured in their 2008 film “Speed Racer,” in which the South Korean pop star Rain had impressed them with his portrayal as a fighter, the Wachowskis started the project of “Ninja Assassin.” The “Matrix” creators also once again teaming with director James McTeigue (V for Vendetta) to create the martial arts flick. While the Wachowskis are known for giving audiences inventive action sequences and liberally using digital visual effects to tell a story, this film should be no exception. Anyhow, McTeigue had cited various influences in filming “Ninja Assassin,” such as the films “Panic in the Streets” (1950), “The Getaway” (1972), “Badlands” (1973), “Ninja Scroll” (1993), and the television series “Samurai Champloo” (2004-2005). Earlier, the director also had talked about the influence of anime in this movie, saying "Yeah, there is actually because anime really did influence what I wanted to do. I guess the obvious one in the way that you see how I dealt with the blood which I guess there's a lot of which I mentioned in the introdcut - which I mentioned into the introduction to the film that you saw."
"I wanted to treat that like anime and the obvious influence there was Ninja Scroll," he continued. "I always liked the way that that film dealt with blood and so I tried to do that. Some - mostly digital but there was a lot of practical effect that I did. Samurai Champloo that I really liked, so like, when Assassins Creed was probably - but that's a game that I was, kind of, like, influenced by that obviously."
The involvement of McTeigue's, the same guy who directed the wonderful “V for Vendetta”, is really what has me genuinely very excited for this. He is a filmmaker who definitely attempts to push the limits and he did it with “Vendetta,” so it’s very likely that he will do it again with “Ninja Assassin.” In the preview so far, it has been showed action sequences which look so incredible, a person can jump and kick multiple people while changing and reversing his direction in midair with very naturally, it seems they’re obviously putting tons of work into it to make it flow and look so much ‘real’. About Rain himself, he was previously very well known as a sweet K-pop star in Asia. That may change once the Wachowski brothers are done with him though, coz he certainly looks like anything but a pop star here as he is covered in blood wielding all kinds of shiny weaponry and pushing his body to the limit. In addition to Rain’s test drive in "Speed Racer," you can also watch him in "Thirst" director Park Chan-wook's previous film "I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK," where the guy formerly known as Jeong Ji-hoon played a kleptomaniac who falls in love with a woman who believes she is a cyborg.


In the film, Raizo (Rain) is one of the deadliest assassins in the world. Taken from the streets as a child, he was transformed into a trained killer by the Ozunu Clan, a secret society whose very existence is considered a myth. But haunted by the merciless execution of his friend by the Clan, Raizo breaks free from them...and vanishes. Now he waits, preparing to exact his revenge. In Berlin, Europol agent Mika Coretti (Naomie Harris) has stumbled upon a money trail linking several political murders to an underground network of untraceable assassins from the Far East. Defying the orders of her superior, Ryan Maslow (Ben Miles), Mika digs into top secret agency files to learn the truth behind the murders. Her investigation makes her a target, and the Ozunu Clan sends a team of killers, led by the lethal Takeshi (Rick Yune), to silence her forever. Raizo saves Mika from her attackers, but he knows that the Clan will not rest until they are both eliminated. Now, entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse through the streets of Europe, Raizo and Mika must trust one another if they hope to survive...and finally bring down the elusive Ozunu Clan.
018779139.jpg 018779141.jpg 018779312.jpg
# The Wachowskis were dissatisfied with the original script from Matthew Sand, and hired J. Michael Straczynski to write a new draft for the film six weeks before it began production. As he was told the script had to be sent out to the actors by the end of the week, Straczynski completed the rewrite in 53 hours.

# Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg provided filmmakers US$1 million in funding, and Germany's Federal Film Fund provided an additional US$9 million to the film's funding.

# As with “Speed Racer,” principal photography is taking place at Babelsberg Studios and on location in various parts of Berlin.

Budget: $120 million
Opening prediction: $ 25 million
Domestic gross prediction: $ 80 million

Theatrical release dates:
Nov 25, 09: South Korea, USA
Nov 26: Australia, Malaysia
Nov 27: UK
Dec 03: Germany, Russia, Ukraine
Dec 04: Brazil, Italy
Dec 10: Argentina, Netherlands
Dec 23-25: France, Czech Rep, Spain

Sources: IMDB, Wikipedia – Photos courtesy of Warner Bros



[Aug-20-2009]<Correction>Rain, his guarantee amounts to 5 hundred million won (around $401,445) per

** Billion won -->hundred million won on #2244 article of rain-cloud
[Aug-20-2009] Rain, his guarantee amounts to 5 hundred million won (around $401,445)
per nation.


2.5  hundred million won (around $ 200,722) per concert.
Rain who has been preparing for his Asia Tour, is showing off his astronomical guarantee.

Rain's decided to hold his Asia Tour in Hong Kong on December12,13, following his tour in Saitama Super Arena, Japan on August 29, 30.

As a result of his contracts with Hong Kong and Japan concert organizers, he's come to command 5 hundred million won (around $401,445) and 4.6 hundred million won (around $ 369,329 ) each.

With this, he is to receive nearly as much as 1 billion won (around $ 80,289), by more than 2.5 hundred million won (around $ 200,722) per concert, through total 4 concerts.

It is said that Rain is the only star who is well worth receiving that much among domestic singers who hold their concerts under their own names overseas.

Also, Rain's hollywood movie Ninja Assassin which will be released on November25, is to be scheduled.
Since he is in a delicate situation that he has to consult with WB Studio about his concert schedule, other regions except Hong Kong and Japan in his Asia Tour schedule have not been confirmed yet.

Rain's agent J.Tune entertainment expressed, "Rain's entire tour schedule has to be arranged after consultation with the studio. Under the present conditions, only Japan and Hong Kong concerts have been confirmed, but once we've come to coordinate with the studio to find the promotion schedule, we plan to fix the date for his concert in other regions."

Brief translation by rain  bird

Japan and Hong Kong has another round of Rain coming their way. Following his ‘Legend of Rainism’ Asia tour in Japan later this month, Rain has officially set the dates for his tour in Hong Kong. J…

Posted by memo-rain on August 20, 2009 at 10:15am

Japan and Hong Kong has another round of Rain coming their way.

Following his ‘Legend of Rainism’ Asia tour in Japan later this month, Rain has officially set the dates for his tour in Hong Kong. J Tune Entertainment put up an official announcement on their website with the first official ‘Legend of Rainism’ Asia tour dates. Rain will start off his tour at the Super Arena in Japan on August 29th and 30th, then have his following performance in Hong Kong on December 12th and 13th.

It has been reported that the reason why the Asia tour dates are being revealed so slowly is due to the worldwide release of Rain’s first Hollywood movie, Ninja Assassin, this coming November 25th. A J Tune Entertainment representative stated,

The Ninja Assassin promotional tour dates are slowly coming into place. We are constantly working with the production company to discuss Rain’s schedule, so we are arranging the following Asia tour dates and locations in conjunction with the Ninja Assassin promotion dates to avoid any problems.

Looks like Rain has a tightly packed schedule already. Hopefully, this time Rain will sort his schedule properly and avoid any messy situations like his previous Hawaii lawsuit with Click Entertainment.

Now the most important question is, when will Rain be holding his US tour?! He’s been keeping his fans in the states waiting far too long.



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