Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.06.10.



Rain, “Even though I’m envious of Se7en-Park HanByul, I will not reveal my girlfriend if I had one”

Singer Rain reveals that he will reveal his future girlfriend to the masses.

On MBC Golden Fishery aired on 9th June, Rain was special appearance and he talked about his junior singer Se7en and his girlfriend Park HanByul, “We keep in touch often. And I’m envious of them.”

The MCs Kim KookJin, Yoon JongShin and Kim GooRa then urged Rain, “Reveal yours.” Rain then replied, “I need to have a girlfriend to talk about it.”

He added, “Even if I have a girlfriend, I will not reveal her.” But when asked if there are evidence found out on his girlfriend, what he would do is, “And I have to talk about it” which roused laughter from the other star appearances.


Is Rain dating Jeon Ji Hyun?


Rumors have been circulating that world star Rain is dating actress Jeon Ji Hyun. Whether it’s true or not, the agencies from both sides are denying the rumor.

For the past one year, there has been a lot of talk about the two dating from the media. In fact, it is said that they have been caught dating secretly. If it’s true though, they will be the first world star couple.

Both Rain and Jeon Ji Hyun was cast in Hollywood movie in 2009 with the former being in Ninja Assassin and the latter in Blood: The Last Vampire.

Rain’s agency, J. Tune Entertainment, denied the rumor stating, “Rain is not dating anyone currently. His busy schedule does not allow him any time for dating. … It is true that he is friends with Jeon Ji Hyun, but they are not dating.”

While Jeon Ji Hyun’s agency stated, “We do not know our actor/actress’s personal life. We will reveal our stance after confirming whether it’s true or not.”

The rumors stemmed from pictures published by paparazzi news agency, Sports Seoul this morning and claiming it as a world exclusive. But the pictures aren’t really conclusive if you get what I mean, since they don’t really tell us anything.

Furthermore, on June 9th’s episode of MBC Golden Fishery’s Radio Star, the guest star was none other than Rain. During the show, he stated, “I am currently not dating anyone. … If I am caught [dating], I will reveal that I am dating.”

Talk about bad timing.



Rain Denies Dating Jeon Ji Hyun



Hot on the heels of the recent news reports that pop star Rain and actress Jeon Ji Hyun have been dating for months, Rain has released a statement denying any relationship. In addition, his associates have confirmed his plans to sue Daily Sports Seoul, the newspaper which released paparazzi photos of him and Jeon Ji Hyun standing outside her apartment complex.

"My conscience is clear and I have nothing to fear," said Rain during a telephone interview with Daily Hankook. "Daily Sports Seoul has been spying on me for a year. They claim that they have concrete evidence. I ask them to show me this evidence."

He also explained that the Cartier "couples ring" he had been photographed wearing was actually a "family ring" worn by all the members of his family. "I'll display our family rings on my Twitter," said Rain. At this time, Rain has not confirmed having an official Twitter account.
Source: Daily Hankook
credits: Sylphid @ soompi


Rain strenuously denies the rumors of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun'. He plans to bring legal proceedings against 'Daily Sports Seoul'


Rain said, "My conscience is clear and I have nothing to be afraid of."

Rain strenuously denied the rumors of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun'.

Earlier, 'Daily Sports Seoul' reported, "Rain and Jeon have been going out with each other for one year."

In a short telephone interview with 'Daily Hankook', Rain said, "I already knew that 'Daily Sports Seoul' would report on me, I know and they have secretly pried my private affairs since last year. They claim that they have concrete evidence, but if so, release all of them."

Rain also explained his ring on his finger presented in the concrete, "This ring is our family's way of affection between the members. I'll release our family's rings on my Twitter."

Rain already knew their intention beforehand, but his work was all right and according to schedule, and he looked so peaceful as his words were posted on his Twitter even on the morning of the 10th.

Associates of Rain plan to bring legal proceedings against 'Daily Sports Seoul' after verifying the news.

credit to Daily Hankook http://news.hankooki.com/lpage/culture/201006/h20100610120142111780.htm

Brief translation by rain bird.

Jun Ji Hyun's agency strongly denies the issue of Jun Ji Hyun being in a relationship with Rain


Celebrities Rain and Jun Ji Hyun have been allegedly said to be "Dating each other" however both parties have strongly denied the relationship issues surfacing.

Jun Ji Hyun's agency Sidus HQ has made their official statement about the issue, on a phone call interview they said, "This is absolutely not true" they continued "They met a couple of times because of their drama schedules" and strongly refuted the issue of Rain and Jun Ji Hyun dating, "The issue's about the bracelets and couple rings are not true as well".

Meanwhile, J.Tune Entertainment have said that they will give their official statement about the mater this 1pm KST.

According to officials on Rain's side, The relationship with Jun Ji Hyun seemed ot to be true. Also both parties have strongly denied the issue.

source: starnews
credits: blueprincess824

Rain and Jun Ji Hyun are secretly dating each other?


Rain real name Jung Ji Hoon (28) and actress Jun Ji Hyun (29) are in the heats in the industry to be said to be in a middle of a relationship with each other, both parties have "not confirmed" these issues however.

J. Tune Entertainment said on the 10th "Rain and Jun Ji Hyun have met and were acquaintance last year around October. Rain on this issue has not confirmed anything as to whether or not they are dating, as soon as official stances will be made, we will make our statement".

There were issue's saying that photo's of them being together and also secretly dating has surfaced but officials said, "We do not have any pictures of them together nor can we confirm it".

Sidus HQ agency on the other hand has made their statement on the issue, "We do not confirm any contents of this issue".

Officials said, "If the story is credible and they have officially announced their positions then we will make our statement on the issue".

Meanwhile, Rain is starring in the upcoming drama "Fugitive" and Jun Ji Hyun was one of the candidates for the leading actress but Lee Na Young was casted in the final casting.

source: starnews
credits: blueprincess824 @ dailykpopnews


Netizens spotted that both were seen wearing couple rings and bracelets but their agency said they were sponsored items, there's a lot of speculation that netizens have spotted them dating for quite a few times but their agency said that "both are busy with international activities".

Both parties have denied so far, no words yet from the persons involved.


비, 전지현과 열애 '부인'..오후1시 공식입장 발표

기사입력2010.06.10 오후 12:37 최종수정2010.06.10 오후 12:38

[머니투데이 스타뉴스 길혜성 기자]

 비(왼쪽)와 전지현 ⓒ머니투데이 스타뉴스

톱스타 비가 전지현과의 열애설에 대해 최종 입장을 표명할 예정이다.

비 소속사인 제이튠엔터테인먼트 고위 관계자는 10일 낮 12시 20분께 머니투데이 스타뉴스와 전화통화를 갖고 "이번 사안과 관련, 비와 회사 측은 최종 입장을 담은 공식 자료를 오후 1시께 외부에 공개할 것"이라고 밝혔다.

비 측에 따르면 비는 이번 전지현과의 열애설이 사실이 아니라는 입장을 보였기에, 공식 자료에도 열애설을 강력 부인하는 내용을 담을 것으로 알려졌다.

또한 열애설을 제기한 매체에 대한 대응 조치도 포함될 것으로 전해졌다. 한편 10일 한 매체는 비와 전지현이 지난해 말부터 열애중이라고 보도했다. 비와 전지현은 비가 출연 예정인 드라마 '도망자'의 동반 캐스팅 설이 오고간 적이 있으며, 최종적으로 전지현의 출연이 불발된 가운데 이나영이 여주인공에 발탁됐다.

Rain strenuously denying the rumors of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun', will officially announce his final position on this issue at 1:00 this afternoon

Top star Rain'll officially announce his final position on the rumors of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun'.

A senior J,Tune Entertainment which is Rain's agent expressed on the phone speaking to Money Today's Star News on the 10th at 12:20, "In an official release, we'll finalize position on this issue at approximately 1:00pm."

According to Rain's side, "The announcement will strenuously deny the rumors of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyunn' because Rain has publicised his position that it is not true, and it will say that we are looking into taking legal action against 'Daily Sports Seoul'."

Earlier, 'Daily Sports Seoul' reported Rain and Jeon have been going out with each other for one year.

credit to Money Today's Star News http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=108&aid=0002034064

Brief translation by rain bird.

Rain denies the rumors about his relationship with Jeon Ji Hyun


As promised, Rain has given his personal answer and feelings toward the circulating rumor on his relationship with actress Jeon Ji Hyun which became headlines. According to the man himself, “No, the rumors aren’t true.”

According to Rain, he’s known that a paparazzi was chasing after him for over a year. The media where that paparazzi belonged to recently contacted him, informing him that the company has successfully achieved various crucial information to back up his relationship with Jun Ji Hyun. Rain told the media to feel free to reveal them to public, as he had no reservations in saying that the rumors were false.

Many evidences supporting their relationship were actually given, including how both were sighted wearing Cartier’s couple-worn ring & bracelet and how Rain is often seen visiting Jeon Ji Hyun’s condominium in Seoul Samsungdong.

Toward these observations, Rain stated, “The two pictures were taken at different times and places, and I was wearing that ring with a family member of mine. It’s sad for me to see my family ring is getting viewed as a couple ring.

Rain also promised to post pictures of his father and sister wearing the same ring via Twitter to validate his statement. He then explained how an acquaintance of his resides in the same apartment as Jun Ji Hyun, which is the main reason why he visits the place much often.

J.Tunes revealed that the company will be filing a lawsuit against the media who started the rumor, for blatantly invading Rain’s privacy.

S: Nate News

Rain's agent J.Tune officially announced their position on the issue of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun, "The rumor is never true.“

In an official press report at around 2:45pm this afternoon, Rain's agent J.Tune Entertainment stated their official position on the issue of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun, "The rumor is never true."

"It is true that Rain has known actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun' on whether to appear in a drama with her, but the rumor that a person of considerable wealth introduced her to him, is nowhere near the truth.

About what he had been in and out an apartment complex called 'I Park' where she lives, he just visited the apartment because that is where his acquaintance lives.

The photographs presented as evidence were composites of different pictures put together. The reports about his ring which is a pledge of his family's love were a distortion of the facts, so he's so sore."

J.Tune Entertainment expressed regret for the newspaper (Daily Sports Seoul) that reported falsely, "It's too bad, because his privacy has been completely invaded by reason of a celebrity, so we are considering taking legal action against the newspaper."

** Please refer to news # 778, 777 on rain-eu.com.

credit to Money Today's Star News http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=108&aid=0002034084

Brief translation by rain bird.

JTune Ent denies reports of love scandal between Rain and Jeon JiHyun

An official stand is revealed on the scandal between singer Rain and actress Jeon JiHyun.

JTune Entertainment released official report on 10th June, “Even though it is true that Rain and Jeon JiHyun have close friends in common in the drama industry, reports and rumours that the 2 are in a love relationship after being introduced to each other are not true. The reasons why they were seen together at the i-park is because they have friends living there. The reported photo of them together are actually 2 photos of them taken individually. They are hurt that the rings that their familes gave them are misreported as token of love between the 2.”

JTune added, “We are sad that we were not able to protect Rain’s private life because he is famous. We intend to handle this case legally.”

The media reportedly stated, “We have been watching them for 100 days. They even have a special dating venue. To avoid the public eye, the 2 had gone for secret dating. The dating venue is SamSung i-park where Jeon JiHyun is staying. The 2 will meet on days when they don’t have schedule. They will avoid meeting on weekends where there are music broadcast filming, but will spend time together on Sunday evening when all the filmings are over. The day before Rain left for the States to attend the MTV Movie Awards, he had gone to look up Jeon JiHyun at her place. Before headnig to Jeon JiHyun’s place, Rain has checked a few times along the streets at his place. The 2 have their couple accessories – Rain’s Cartier’s ring design matches Jeon JiHyun’s bracelet.”

S:Newsen, MyDaily /Kbites

Rain came clean about some episodes told of his former girl friend and JYP on MBC 'Radio Star'

Episode 1

Rain appeared on MBC show program 'Radio Star' aired on the 9th and came clean about some episodes told of his former producer 'Park Jin-Young' (JYP) and his former girl freind.

Rain expressed, "JYP had almost hysterically kept getting on my case. 'Never laugh! Never step out of the car! Act in a very charismatic manner! You need to use mysticism marketing'. Whenever my disciple MBLAQ's manners go against the grain with me, I sometimes think, 'I was a very good disciple'."

When MCs asked Rain a question, "Can you introduce JYP to your younger sister as a potential mate?",

Rain answered, "Never happen!" At that time, everybody burst out laughing.

When they asked, "Have you ever regarded singer 'Lee Hyo-Ri' as a woman?", Rain said, "She is an older sister to me. I think she is the best female singer in Korea."

Episode 2

Rain expressed, "I used to act charming, and used to be physically affectionate to allay my former girl friend. But when I performed, expressing my affection in dramas, she was very jealous of the main actresses and turned on me in anger. So I tried consoling her, 'Please take my special situation into consideration'. However, the consequence was that I got dumped by her."

When one of MCs told a joke like a truth, "That may be because you only did light petting, only acted charming.", they all burst out laughing at the same time.

credit to Daily Economy http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shellview.htm?articleid=2010061007554170298&linkid=63&newssetid=487&from=rank

Newsen http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shellview.htm?articleid=20100610074117742e7&linkid=63&newssetid=487&from=rank

Brief translation by rain bird.

Rain, “Noona Lee Hyori is the best female solo singer in Korea”

Singer Rain picks Lee Hyori as the best female solo singer.

Rain was on MBC Golden Fishery aired on 9th June when he was asked what he think of Lee Hyori as a member of the opposite gender and his answer was, “She is like a noona.”

Rain, “I think of her as the best female singer of our country.” MC Shin JungHwa then teased him with the question, “Do you think that she and Um JungHwa are of the same level?” which had everyone in the studio bursting in laughter.

Translated by Sookyeong @ Kbites

Rain confesses, “I have let go of MBLAQ”


Rain talks about idol group MBLAQ whom he had personally groomed for singer debut.
Rain was on MBC Golden Fishery aired on 9th June when he talks about why he no longer interferes with what idol group MBLAQ do.

He said, “For an idol group, I expected them to be charismatic. I tried to restrain them, but seeing them on variety shows, they are just so funny. So in such a case, I thought they still will receive love from the masses anyway, so I just let them off.”
Rain also talked about his mentor Park JinYoung on the show, “He is really tight. He was a hysteria. Jinyoungie hyung had been strict with me, like commanding ‘Don’t be funny with me’.”

Rain added, “He also told me not to get out of the car. In this way, I can be seen with the charismatic mysterious concept. There are times when I groom MBLAQ, I wasn’t like what I think. And during these times, I thought to myself ‘What a wonderful student I am’.”

Translated by Sookyeong @ Kbites

All hail the dancing machine - Rain to the twitter world!

After MBLAQ's Mir addition to the twitter world, it seems like their President, Rain Jung Ji Hoon has already jumped on the bandwagon too!

Check out Rain's twitter at http://twitter.com/29rain now!

If you suspect the authenticity, here's a snapshot of G.O from MBLAQ replying to his beloved President:


Rain Bi tous les Jours new picture




MTV Asia:


[June-09-2010] Rain, a computer illiterate, does Twitter cutely.


Rain has also joined Twitter-holic.
He sent messages on his Twitter on the afternoon of the 9th.

First, beginning to talk, "If I write like this, is it visible to other sights?", he let the whole world know himself as being a computer illiterate.

When site visitors kept asking him, "Where are you?", he said, "Stop asking me the same question over and over again. Do what you will, it will avail noting at all because I never inform you of where I am." So the visitors raised laughs with his cute messages.

Also, he unexpectedly shouted, "Santoki!" and added, "Why! My girls who are poor sense! You had to answer, 'Yeah!'"

He bantered and was at ease with them in taking liberties.  But, before this, he explained this situation, "Hello, I've never used my official community, but I've come to communicate with you on my Twitter. Please give me your interest and opinions."

With his brief words "Hello, i am rain" last May 25, he had begun his Twitter but complained on it, "It is too difficult for me to do. It's too much for me ㅠㅠ (It means crying)." which had made users a present of laughter.

Netizens connecting his Twitter are catching on fire by his messages, "I'll get this job done no matter what." "If my MBLAQ wins the first prize and if I win the MTV Movie Award, I won't have to make my God Luck wish for 10 years." "Will Smith is seated in the front of me, and Scarlett Johansson is in the back of me. Wow!"

Brief translation by rain bird.


[June-09-2010] Rain exchanges greetings with 'Channing Tatum' on Twitter.  


What Rain who had won a MTV Movie Award last 7th exchanged greetings with actor 'Channing Tatum' nominated for the award with Rain, is the talk of th town.

Rain thanked Tatum, "Channingtatum. Hi, this is Rain..thank you!! and I love your film.", returning Channing Tatum's congratulations to Rain on his Twitter, "Congrats to Rain and Rob on their wins!"

Meanwhile, Rain's real performance in Ninja Assassin made him the first Korean to win Biggest Badass Star honors at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards.

Brief translation by rain bird.

10-06-10 Rain Bi message _ Love tour 2010  
video hiányzik


Singer Rain reveals that he will reveal his future girlfriend to the masses.

On MBC Golden Fishery aired on 9th June, Rain was special appearance and he talked about his junior singer Se7en and his girlfriend Park HanByul, “We keep in touch often. And I’m envious of them.”

The MCs Kim KookJin, Yoon JongShin and Kim GooRa then urged Rain, “Reveal yours.” Rain then replied, “I need to have a girlfriend to talk about it.”

He added, “Even if I have a girlfriend, I will not reveal her.” But when asked if there are evidence found out on his girlfriend, what he would do is, “And I have to talk about it” which roused laughter from the other star appearances.


9/6/2010 Rain Bi @ Star Radio TV show 
3 részes video hiányzik


10-06-10 Rain Bi tous les Jours new picture 

From//memo rain blog

비 “할리우드 스타들과의 밥값, 내가 냈다”

비 “타이트한 박진영, 차에서 내리지도 못하게 해”

비-전지현, 초특급 월드스타 커플 탄생


[June-10-2010] Rain strenuously denies the rumors of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun'. He plans to bring legal proceedings against 'Daily Sports Seoul'  

Rain said, "My conscience is clear and I have nothing to be afraid of."

Rain strenuously denied the rumors of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun'.
Earlier, 'Daily Sports Seoul' reported, "Rain and Jeon have been going out with each other for one year."

In a short telephone interview with 'Daily Hankook', Rain said, "I already knew that 'Daily Sports Seoul' would report on me, I know and they have secretly pried my private affairs since last year. They claim that they have concrete evidence, but if so, release all of them."

Rain also explained his ring on his finger presented in the concrete, "This ring is our family's way of affection between the members. I'll release our family's rings on my Twitter."

Rain already knew their intention beforehand, but his work was all right and according to schedule, and he looked so peaceful as his words were posted on his Twitter even on the morning of the 10th.

Associates of Rain plan to brirng legal proceedings against 'Daily Sports Seoul' after verifying the news.

Brief translation by rain bird.


비. 전지현 ... 사실아닌가봐요... ^^;; 다행


비군이 연예인이 아닌.. 정말 비군을 엄마처럼 잘 챙겨줄....
그런 가정에만 충실한 여자분 만났으면 좋겠어요 ^^

Rain Bi @ Y-Star news
video hiányzik


[June-10-2010] Rain came clean about some episodes told of his former girl friend and JYP on MBC 'Radio Star'.

Episode 1

Rain appeared on MBC show program 'Radio Star' aired on the 9th and came clean about some episodes told of his former producer 'Park Jin-Young' (JYP) and his former girl freind.

Rain expressed, "JYP had almost hysterically kept getting on my case. 'Never laugh! Never step out of the car! Act in a very charismatic manner! You need to use mysticism marketing'. Whenever my disciple MBLAQ's manners go against the grain with me, I sometimes think, 'I was a very good disciple'."

When MCs asked Rain a question, "Can you introduce JYP to your younger sister as a potential mate?",
Rain answered, "Never happen!" At that time, everybody burst out laughing.

When they asked, "Have you ever regarded singer 'Lee Hyo-Ri' as a woman?", Rain said, "She is an older sister to me. I think she is the best female singer in Korea."

Episode 2

Rain expressed, "I used to act charming, and used to be physically affectionate to allay my former girl friend. But when I performed, expressing my affection in dramas, she was very jealous of the main actresses and turned on me in anger. So I tried consoling her, 'Please take my special situation into consideration'. However, the consequence was that I got dumped by her."

When one of MCs told a joke like a truth, "That may be because you only did light petting, only acted charming.", they all burst out laughing at the same time.

Brief translation by rain bird.


Rain strenuously denying the rumors of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun', will officially announce his final position on this issue at 1:00 this afternoon.

Top star Rain'll officially announce his final position on the rumors of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun'.

A senior J,Tune Entertainment which is Rain's agent expressed on the phone speaking to Money Today's Star News  on the 10th at 12:20, "In an official release, we'll finalize position on this issue at approximately 1:00pm."

According to Rain's side, "The announcement will strenuously deny the rumors of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyunn' because Rain has publicised his position that it is not true, and it will say that we are looking into taking legal action against 'Daily Sports Seoul'."

Earlier, 'Daily Sports Seoul' reported Rain and Jeon have been going out with each other for one year.

Brief translation by rain bird.


Is Rain dating Jeon Ji Hyun?


Rumors have been circulating that world star Rain is dating actress Jeon Ji Hyun. Whether it’s true or not, the agencies from both sides are denying the rumor.

For the past one year, there has been a lot of talk about the two dating from the media. In fact, it is said that they have been caught dating secretly. If it’s true though, they will be the first world star couple.
Both Rain and Jeon Ji Hyun was cast in Hollywood movie in 2009 with the former being in Ninja Assassin and the latter in Blood: The Last Vampire.

Rain’s agency, J. Tune Entertainment, denied the rumor stating, “Rain is not dating anyone currently. His busy schedule does not allow him any time for dating. … It is true that he is friends with Jeon Ji Hyun, but they are not dating.

While Jeon Ji Hyun’s agency stated, “We do not know our actor/actress’s personal life. We will reveal our stance after confirming whether it’s true or not.

The rumors stemmed from pictures published by paparazzi news agency, Sports Seoul this morning and claiming it as a world exclusive. But the pictures aren’t really conclusive if you get what I mean, since they don’t really tell us anything.

Furthermore, on June 9th’s episode of MBC Golden Fishery’s Radio Star, the guest star was none other than Rain. During the show, he stated, “I am currently not dating anyone. … If I am caught [dating], I will reveal that I am dating.

Talk about bad timing.



Rain Denies Dating Jeon Ji Hyun

2 kép

Hot on the heels of the recent news reports that pop star Rain and actress Jeon Ji Hyun have been dating for months, Rain has released a statement denying any relationship. In addition, his associates have confirmed his plans to sue Daily Sports Seoul, the newspaper which released paparazzi photos of him and Jeon Ji Hyun standing outside her apartment complex.

"My conscience is clear and I have nothing to fear," said Rain during a telephone interview with Daily Hankook. "Daily Sports Seoul has been spying on me for a year. They claim that they have concrete evidence. I ask them to show me this evidence."

He also explained that the Cartier "couples ring" he had been photographed wearing was actually a "family ring" worn by all the members of his family. "I'll display our family rings on my Twitter," said Rain. At this time, Rain has not confirmed having an official Twitter account.

Source: Daily Hankook
credits: Sylphid @ soompi


Jun Ji Hyun's agency strongly denies the issue of Jun Ji Hyun being in a relationship with Rain

Celebrities Rain and Jun Ji Hyun have been allegedly said to be "Dating each other" however both parties have strongly denied the relationship issues surfacing.

Jun Ji Hyun's agency Sidus HQ has made their official statement about the issue, on a phone call interview they said, "This is absolutely not true" they continued "They met a couple of times because of their drama schedules" and strongly refuted the issue of Rain and Jun Ji Hyun dating, "The issue's about the bracelets and couple rings are not true as well".

Meanwhile, J.Tune Entertainment have said that they will give their official statement about the mater this 1pm KST.

According to officials on Rain's side, The relationship with Jun Ji Hyun seemed ot to be true. Also both parties have strongly denied the issue.

source: starnews
credits: blueprincess824


Rain, “Noona Lee Hyori is the best female solo singer in Korea” 

Singer Rain picks Lee Hyori as the best female solo singer.

Rain was on MBC Golden Fishery aired on 9th June when he was asked what he think of Lee Hyori as a member of the opposite gender and his answer was, “She is like a noona.”

Rain, “I think of her as the best female singer of our country.” MC Shin JungHwa then teased him with the question, “Do you think that she and Um JungHwa are of the same level?” which had everyone in the studio bursting in laughter.

Translated by Sookyeong @ Kbites


Rain confesses, “I have let go of MBLAQ” 

Rain talks about idol group MBLAQ whom he had personally groomed for singer debut.
Rain was on MBC Golden Fishery aired on 9th June when he talks about why he no longer interferes with what idol group MBLAQ do.

He said, “For an idol group, I expected them to be charismatic. I tried to restrain them, but seeing them on variety shows, they are just so funny. So in such a case, I thought they still will receive love from the masses anyway, so I just let them off.”
Rain also talked about his mentor Park JinYoung on the show, “He is really tight. He was a hysteria. Jinyoungie hyung had been strict with me, like commanding ‘Don’t be funny with me’.”

Rain added, “He also told me not to get out of the car. In this way, I can be seen with the charismatic mysterious concept. There are times when I groom MBLAQ, I wasn’t like what I think. And during these times, I thought to myself ‘What a wonderful student I am’.”

Translated by Sookyeong @ Kbites


Rain denies the rumors about his relationship with Jeon Ji Hyun

As promised, Rain has given his personal answer and feelings toward the circulating rumor on his relationship with actress Jeon Ji Hyun which became headlines. According to the man himself, “No, the rumors aren’t true.”

According to Rain, he’s known that a paparazzi was chasing after him for over a year. The media where that paparazzi belonged to recently contacted him, informing him that the company has successfully achieved various crucial information to back up his relationship with Jun Ji Hyun. Rain told the media to feel free to reveal them to public, as he had no reservations in saying that the rumors were false.

Many evidences supporting their relationship were actually given, including how both were sighted wearing Cartier’s couple-worn ring & bracelet and how Rain is often seen visiting Jeon Ji Hyun’s condominium in Seoul Samsungdong.

Toward these observations, Rain stated, “The two pictures were taken at different times and places, and I was wearing that ring with a family member of mine. It’s sad for me to see my family ring is getting viewed as a couple ring.

Rain also promised to post pictures of his father and sister wearing the same ring via Twitter to validate his statement. He then explained how an acquaintance of his resides in the same apartment as Jun Ji Hyun, which is the main reason why he visits the place much often.

J.Tunes revealed that the company will be filing a lawsuit against the media who started the rumor, for blatantly invading Rain’s privacy.

S: Nate News //allkpop


[June-10-2010] Rain's agent J.Tune officially announced their position on the issue of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun, "The rumor is never true.“

In an official press report at around 2:45pm this afternoon, Rain's agent J.Tune Entertainment stated their official position on the issue of his romance with actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun, "The rumor is never true."

"It is true that Rain has known actress 'Jeon Ji-Hyun' on whether to appear in a drama with her, but the rumor that a person of considerable wealth introduced her to him, is nowhere near the truth.

About what he had been in and out an apartment complex called 'I Park' where she lives, he just visited the apartment because that is where his acquaintance lives.

The photographs presented as evidence were composites of different pictures put together. The reports about his ring which is a pledge of his family's love were a distortion of the facts, so he's so sore."

J.Tune Entertainment expressed regret for the newspaper (Daily Sports Seoul) that reported falsely, "It's too bad, because his privacy has been completely invaded by reason of a celebrity, so we are considering taking legal action against the newspaper."

** Please refer to news # 778, 777 on rain-eu.com.

Brief translation by rain bird.



10-06-10 Rain Bi Rehearsal  


JTune Ent denies reports of love scandal between Rain and Jeon JiHyun 

An official stand is revealed on the scandal between singer Rain and actress Jeon JiHyun.

JTune Entertainment released official report on 10th June, “Even though it is true that Rain and Jeon JiHyun have close friends in common in the drama industry, reports and rumours that the 2 are in a love relationship after being introduced to each other are not true. The reasons why they were seen together at the i-park is because they have friends living there. The reported photo of them together are actually 2 photos of them taken individually. They are hurt that the rings that their familes gave them are misreported as token of love between the 2.”

JTune added, “We are sad that we were not able to protect Rain’s private life because he is famous. We intend to handle this case legally.”

The media reportedly stated, “We have been watching them for 100 days. They even have a special dating venue. To avoid the public eye, the 2 had gone for secret dating. The dating venue is SamSung i-park where Jeon JiHyun is staying. The 2 will meet on days when they don’t have schedule. They will avoid meeting on weekends where there are music broadcast filming, but will spend time together on Sunday evening when all the filmings are over. The day before Rain left for the States to attend the MTV Movie Awards, he had gone to look up Jeon JiHyun at her place. Before headnig to Jeon JiHyun’s place, Rain has checked a few times along the streets at his place. The 2 have their couple accessories – Rain’s Cartier’s ring design matches Jeon JiHyun’s bracelet.”

S:Newsen, MyDaily /Kbites

10-06-10 Rain Bi interview @ ETN news_MTV Movie Award  
video hiányzik


10-06-10 Rain Bi _MTV Asia

source//MTV Asia
cap by ratoka


Rain Denies Rumors of Dating Jeon Ji-hyeon

Despite the rumors that have been linking two of Korea's hottest stars, the official word is out that these rumors are indeed false. Top star, Rain, has spoken out saying that he is not dating one of the popular actress, Jeon Ji-hyeon. ?They were originally supposed to star in the drama "The Fugitive" together, but plans fell through. Jeon was since replaced with actress, Lee Na-young.

Rain's representative company, JTune Entertainment, released an official statement saying that though the two stars are close, they are not romantically involved.

One media source had reported on the 10th, that Rain and Jeon started dating around late May.?There were also recently pictures of Rain supposedly going into Jeon Ji-hyeon's home in Samsung-dong of Seoul. Rain's rep cleared the air by saying that he was visiting another friend, but the photo was presented in a way to make it seem like he was visiting Jeon. He also denied the related rumors of a family ring being distorted to ring that was symbolic of their love.

JTune Entertainment continued by saying that it's a shame Rain can't keep his private life private due to his celebrity status, and that he's even considering taking legal action against the current rumors.

credit by : KBS World Entertainment

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