Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.05.01.


[Apr-30-2010] Rain's 'Love Song' has topped KBS 2TV 'Music Bank's K-charts for the third week in a r

On KBS 2TV 'Music Bank' aired on April 30, Rain's 'Love Song' topped its K-charts for the third week in a row, beating 'Lee Hyo-Ri' and '2PM'.

Rain stated his feelings about having received the award, "I'd like to thank you all for this wonderful award for the third week in a row. Thank my fans and staffs for supporting me."

Last 7th, Rain came back as a singer with his special album 'Back To The Basic' in 2 years, but it was not until the 30th he had his stage comeback in 'Music Bank' because the broadcast was cancelled for 4 weeks to honor the victims as a result of the sunken warship.

During the broadcast, Rain sang 'Love Song' and 'Hip Song', being loudly cheered by his fans.
And he showed his six pack dance which is not rusty at all while he was singing 'Love Song'.

Brief translation by rain bird.

[Apr-30-2010] Rain's 'Love Song' has topped KBS 2TV 'Music Bank's K-charts for the third week in a row.

On KBS 2TV 'Music Bank' aired on April 30, Rain's 'Love Song' topped its K-charts for the third week in a row, beating 'Lee Hyo-Ri' and '2PM'.

Rain stated his feelings about having received the award, "I'd like to thank you all for this wonderful award for the third week in a row. Thank my fans and staffs for supporting me."

Last 7th, Rain came back as a singer with his special album 'Back To The Basic' in 2 years, but it was not until the 30th he had his stage comeback in 'Music Bank' because the broadcast was cancelled for 4 weeks to honor the victims as a result of the sunken warship.

During the broadcast, Rain sang 'Love Song' and 'Hip Song', being loudly cheered by his fans.
And he showed his six pack dance which is not rusty at all while he was singing 'Love Song'.

Brief translation by rain bird.

On KBS 2TV 'Music Bank' aired on April 30, Rain's 'Love Song' topped its K-charts for the third week in a row, beating 'Lee Hyo-Ri' and '2PM'.

Rain stated his feelings about having received the award, "I'd like to thank you all for this wonderful award for the third week in a row. Thank my fans and staffs for supporting me."

Last 7th, Rain came back as a singer with his special album 'Back To The Basic' in 2 years, but it was not until the 30th he had his stage comeback in 'Music Bank' because the broadcast was cancelled for 4 weeks to honor the victims as a result of the sunken warship.

During the broadcast, Rain sang 'Love Song' and 'Hip Song', being loudly cheered by his fans.
And he showed his six pack dance which is not rusty at all while he was singing 'Love Song'.

Brief translation by rain bird.

On KBS 2TV 'Music Bank' aired on April 30, Rain's 'Love Song' topped its K-charts for the third week in a row, beating 'Lee Hyo-Ri' and '2PM'.

Rain stated his feelings about having received the award, "I'd like to thank you all for this wonderful award for the third week in a row. Thank my fans and staffs for supporting me."

Last 7th, Rain came back as a singer with his special album 'Back To The Basic' in 2 years, but it was not until the 30th he had his stage comeback in 'Music Bank' because the broadcast was cancelled for 4 weeks to honor the victims as a result of the sunken warship.

During the broadcast, Rain sang 'Love Song' and 'Hip Song', being loudly cheered by his fans.
And he showed his six pack dance which is not rusty at all while he was singing 'Love Song'.

Brief translation by rain bird.


Rain Bi Lotte -May Wallpaper  


Rain Bi @ Love note on 30-4-2010


10-05-01 Rain Bi Nature Republic new event  



Rain Bi Lotte Duty Free New Event  

cap by ratoka


Back to the Basic - 2 Japanese Editions

Back to the Basic - 2 Japanese Editions (release date: 23 Jun 2010)

#1 Back To The Basic-Japanese Edition + BOOK

Genre :        World       
Format :      CD     
Label :      Tokuma Japan
Issued :      23 Jun 2010     
Item sourced from :      Japan
Number of Discs :      1
Other :      +BOOK

#2 Back To The Basic-Japanese Edition + DVD Limited First Edition

Regular price (tax inc.) :  ¥2,625

Genre :        World       
Format :      CD     
Label :      Tokuma Japan
Issued :      23 Jun 2010     
Item sourced from :      Japan
Number of Discs :      1
Other :      +DVD, Limited (First Edition)

source: HMV
credit: Phoenix-RAIN Germany



Brown Eyed Girlsのナルシャが、ついにワールドスターRain(ピ)と対面する。


Rain(ピ)の熱烈なファンであることを公言してきたが、二人きりで会うのは今回が初めて。Rain(ピ)の出演を聞いたナルシャは「顔を真っすぐ見つめて話す自信がない。仕切りでも作って欲しい」と照れながら話した。ナルシャとRain(ピ)の縁は、2008年10月に遡る。 当時MBCラジオ『星が輝く夜に』にRain(ピ)が出演した時、制作スタッフがナルシャとびっくり電話を試みた。予想外のRain(ピ)との電話インタビューに、ナルシャは悲鳴を上げて喜んだが、Rain(ピ)とはまともに話もできずに、最後に「オッパ、愛してます」と話して、ファンの間で大きな話題になった。

また、2月KBS第2芸能番組『青春不敗』で、Rain(ピ)と親しいキム・テウが、Rain(ピ)との電話連結を試み、ナルシャがどうすればいいのか分からなくて喜ぶ姿が、テレビに映し出された。しかしこの時は、話を交わす前に「通話圏離脱」と表示され、電話が切れてしまった。ナルシャと Rain(ピ)の前科(?)が公開され、ナルシャ自身だけではなくラジオファンも、二人の出会いに注目している。



[May-01-2010] Rain said, "Rending my shirt once is worth a thousand songs."

Episode 1:

During SBS show program 'Intimate Note - Luxurious Dining Table' aired on April 30, Rain expressed, "During my hard times, my house was foreclosed and turned over to a bank, so I swore I would wreak vengeance on the bank someday, but the bank finally went bankrupt.

After that, I banked at another bank which had acquired the bankrupt one, and then I bought a new house to my father. I believe that I took vengeance on the bank that was my archenemy because it had taken my house.

Episode 2:

Rain confessed, "I was recently taken to the emergency room and got an IV injection after drinking far too much because singer Psy egged on me to drink the night before a live broadcast (Mnet 'Mcountdown') in which I was scheduled to appear.

Episode 3:

Rain said, "Rending my shirt once is worth a thousand songs, that is believed to be an expression of my thanks to all my fans who come to see me. I believe keeping my well-shaped body is a manner towards my fans."

Brief translation by rain bird


Rain Bi lotte duty free new


Rain Bi @ mbc fm NEW 

~나르샤, 비 드디어 만난다! "얼굴을 똑바로 볼 자신없어" 부끄부끄


[May-01-2010] JYP's scathing tongue made Rain grit his teeth in the past.  

During SBS show program 'Intimate Note - Luxurious Dining Table' aired on April 30, Rain said, "In the past, JYP (Park Jin-Young), my former producer, sometimes made me feel ashamed of myself by doing such things as insulting my dignity.

At that time I had my own space, I continued to post his insulting remarks there, and then I had come to have the posts plastered all over my space wall. I gritted my teeth I'll defeat him someday', looking at the posts."

Meanwhile, JYP ever commented on the posts, " I figured he engraved my words in his mind, so I was very moved to tears when I saw the posts."

credit to Newsen http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shellview.htm?articleid=20100501091227698e7&linkid=4&newssetid=1352&from=rank
Brief translation by rain bird.

비 ‘백투더베이직’ 4월 음반판매량 1위


[FULL] 10-05-01 Rain Bi @ Love Note on 30/4/2010

4. rész hiányzik

10-05-01 Rain Bi SK Telecom New CF 20+17 Sec:

ratoka8    [Rain Bi CF] 01-05-2010 Rain Bi SK new CF



[May-01-2010] Rain's special album 'Back To The Basic' has hit the number one spot in this month's sales of CDs.

According to 'Hanteo' Research Center on May 1st, Rain's special album 'Back To The Basic' has hit the number one spot in this month's sales of CDs, marking its highest sales figure during the month of April.

Also, it has topped this month's online music charts of Melon, Dosirak, Mnet, etc.

Brief translation by rain bird.


Rain Bi @ love note


[New] Rain Bi with ??? 

Credit//DC gallary

Fancam Rain Bi @ SBS FM  
video hiányzik


[01-May-10][Kbites]Rain, “Ripping my shirt is better than singing a thousand songs on stage”

Singer Rain reveals his honest thoughts about ripping his shirt on stage.

He was on SBS Close Note 3 aired on 30th April when he said, “For me, as compared to the effect for singing a hundred or thousand songs, the effect with just ripping my shirt one time is bigger.”

He also revealed, “I’ve received dashing by other females after my 2nd album. But I didn’t have any strange relationship with other singers, they were all models.”

He was then asked by the MCs “So did you go out with them?”, Rain answered, “I was so innocent back then that I didn’t know that it was dashing. So when they called to ask me out for a meal late at night, I just rejected saying that I’m not hungry.”

Rain had revealed previously on another program, “I’ve dated 2 entertainers and 2 normal people. 2 before debut and 2 after debut.”
And when asked if Park JinYoung knows of his dating, “Park JinYoung knows.”


10-05-02 Rain Bi @ Infinity Girls [Edit Rain Part]  



Talking about Lee Hoyri & Rain on Hong Kong newspaper

Also mention about Rain going to shoot a new Korean drama"Fugitive" this summer!


[Eng Trans]Rain shooting 'Red Muffler' in an air unit.

- Brief Summary -
This account was written on 19 April.
Movie 'Red Muffler' was filmed on location in an air unit for the last two days.
Some people had a chance to watch Rain closely in a convenience store.

Unfortunately, I just watched him from the distance while he was shooting the movie, but I enjoyed watching it.
These are pictures of 'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain).
In the pictures, any of them could not be recognized since there are so many staffs, but try to find out where he is.

Also, I saw actress 'Shin Se Kyubng' but lost the good opportunity to take her picture.
The staffs asked us to be silent by saying, "We'll begin filming right now", so I could only hear Rain's voice from inside the set.

Some of lots of people who were watching there wrote comments, "I guess I could only hear "Good night" dozens of times, which was one of Rain's lines from the movie."
"I was there to look at it, but I could just see a child actor playing the youngest version of Rain. I am dying to see him, too.."

English translation by rain bird

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