Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.06.20.


- 제 577회 -
6월 20일 오후 3시 30분
2010 남아공 월드컵 특집! [생방송 SBS 인기가요]!

# 가요계의 절대 강자! Take 7!

SS501 [Love ya], CNBLUE [Love], 다비치 [시간아 멈춰라], 4minute [Huh], f(x) [Nu예삐오], MBLAQ [Y], 아이유 with 슬옹 [잔소리]
- 사정상 SS501, 아이유 with 슬옹은 출연하지 않습니다 -

# Hot debut #
* 오렌지 캬라멜 *
섹시 그룹 ‘After school’은 잠시 잊어주세요!
깜찍발랄 유닛 [마법소녀]로 변신한 나나, 레이나, 리지!
마법사같이 요술을 부린 듯, 우리의 마음을 훔쳐버린 ‘오렌지 캬라멜’!
- 오렌지 캬라멜 [마법소녀]

# Comeback Special #
* 대국남아 *
샤방샤방한 소년 ‘대국남아’가 거친 남자들로 깨어났다!
파워풀하고 강렬한 그들의 매력에 [비틀비틀]!
- 대국남아 [비틀비틀]

# TAKE 7 #
* ‘CNBLUE’를 “Love Love Love”하신다면! 모두 같이 비트에 맞춰~“Clap Clap Clap”!
- CNBLUE [Love]
* 카리스마 넘치는 아이돌 ‘MBLAQ’! 그들의 열정적이고, 절도 있는 Y 댄스!
* 당당한 ladies! ‘4minute’ 을 따라! “내 맘대로 내 멋대로 해♬”
- 4minute [Huh]
* 시간이 멈춘 듯! 푹~~빠져들게 되는 ‘다비치’의 폭발적인 가창력!
- 다비치 [시간아 멈춰라]
* 새로운 세대를 대표하는, 개성만점 ‘f(x)’와 함께 좀 튀게! 멋지게! 신나게! 놀아볼까요?!
- f(x) [Nu 예삐오]

# Hot Music #
* 3주 연속 뮤티즌송을 차지한 [미인아]! "Listen girl~ 들어줘봐 너를 향한 고백♬“
- 슈퍼주니어 [미인아]
* 아이돌계의 새 기준을 세운다! 귀여운 일곱 명의 오빠돌! ‘인피니트’! 그들의 재기발랄한 무대!
- 인피니트 [다시 돌아와]
* 4인 4색! 톡톡 튀는 소녀들 ‘Sistar’의 상큼발랄한 고백! “Push Push baby 맘을 받아줘~♬”
- Sistar [Push Push]
* 국민그룹 ‘코요태’의 신나는 [리턴]! 김종민이 직접 구상한 ‘까딱춤’도 놓치지 마세요!
- 코요태 [리턴]
* 그를 떠나가는 여자... 그녀를 붙잡는 남자...이별을 맞이하는 그들의 이야기...
- 에이트 [이별이 온다]
* 어떤 애칭이 좋을지 고민 중이시라면?! 린의 달콤애칭3종세트[자기야, 여보야, 사랑아]를 들어보세요!
- 린 [자기야, 여보야, 사랑아]
* 2010년 가요계를 밤낮으로 환하게 비춰주는 환상 듀엣! ‘소야앤썬’이 들려주는 아름다운 하모니!
- 소야앤썬 [웃으며 안녕]
* 어깨춤이 절로 나는 신나는 무대! 태극전사들의 선전을 기원하며! 모두 함께~얼~~쑤!
- 윙크 [얼쑤]
* 사랑하는 사람을 떠나보낸 ‘디셈버’의 슬픈 약속...너를 지켜주는 별이 될게...
- 디셈버 [별이 될게]
* 마지막 나이지리아전! 태극전사들과 함께! 승리를 향해~힘차게 [간다 Go]!
- 금은동 [간다 Go]

# Fresh Music #
* 인기가요를 보고 싶은 이유.. 인기가요를 듣고 싶은 이유...거미! [Because of you]!
- 거미 [Because of you]
* 동양적인 음색을 가진 신인, 숙희! 그녀의 신선한 데뷔 무대에서 만나보는 After school 가희의 랩피처링!
- 숙희 (feat. After school 가희) [One love]
* 그저 그런 노래는 이제 [Bye Bye Bye]~ 절대 감성 ‘화요비’의 애절한 보이스를 만나보세요!
- 화요비 [Bye Bye Bye]
* 보면 볼수록 [중독]되는 강력한 신인 아이돌! 가요계의 코드로 우뚝 설, ‘Code-V’!
- Code-V [중독]
* 늦은밤 그의 전화벨이 울렸다?! my boy를 지키기 위한 NS 윤지의 강력 경고!
- NS윤지 [Don't go back]

# 그린 스포츠송 제 7 편 - 티아라 #


credit//DC Gallary


10-06-19 Rain Bi @ Mnet Ent news_Rain VS Mun Kun Yeong
2 részes video hiányzik


Love Tour Truck on the Bus in Japan

credit//team jihoon625

10-06-20 Rain Bi @ KBS Entertainment news_world star hot news
video hiányzik


[updated] Rain Bi @ Narita Airport picture

credit//rainx3+goo blog

[8 Fancam] Rain Bi @ Narita Airport:

mitunabasaki     Rain(bi)@ in 成田 20100620

pimirurain     20100620 Rain(ピ) in 成田

rainaya06251012     2010 6 20 Rain(ピ)

rainaya06251012        2010 6 20 Rain
wantan0625     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9LxGKs_-GI100620 RAIN Narita

otomesaru625     20100620 RAIN BI NARITA

2 video hiányzik


[June-20-2010] Actor 'Daniel Hay'll join KBS 2TV drama Runaway starring Rain.

'Daniel Hay'll return to work as an actor in 4 years, joining KBS 2TV drama Runaway starring Rain.

This drama features the love triangle between actress 'Lee Na-Young', Rain, and 'Daniel Hay' to act her guardian angel who screens her from danger and protects her.

Menawhile, unbeknownst to themselves, love'll blossom between the two (Rain, 'Lee Na-Young') while the characters will play a cat-and mouse game to trap each other with the dynamic plot line of the drama, and this drama'll be shot on location abroad such as Japan, China, Thailnad, Philippine, etc, including Korea.

As they cast Rain as the leading character with the joining of the production team of huge box-office hit drama 'Chuno' which went off the air last March, 'Runaway' has already become the most desired drama at home and abroad and will be aired at the end of September.

Brief translation by rain bird. 


[June-20-2010] Rain arrived at Narita Airport where there were his more than 500 fans waiting to see him, and will hold a concert tour across Japan from the 22nd.


Korea's actor and singer Rain visited Japan on the 20th in order to go on his concert tour 'ZEPP Love Concet Tour' across the country from the 22nd. That's his second visit this year.

He arrived at Narita Airport about 10:25 am and waved his hand for his more than enthusiastic 500 fans who had been there 3 hours when before he arrived.

Rain was the first Korean to receive Biggest Badass Star at 2010 MTV Movie Awards held in LA, USA, last 6th, and The tickets of this concert which will be held at 9 venues in 6 cities have been sold out in a day.

Rain who'll hold 2 shows in Saitama Super Arena on July 17th and 18th after his ZEPP tour, whose popularity continues to rise. He'll hold a press conference on the 21st.

Source : Japan blogs 


more Rain arrived at Narita Airport 


Rain Bi @ japan News ((arrive to Narita Airport ))  


Daniel Henney joins the cast of Fugitive

Already flaunting its mega-scale cast list—consisted of Rain, Lee Na Young and more—newly developing series Fugitive has added yet another hot actor on its roster.

It’s been confirmed that our favorite Korean-American actor/model, Daniel Henney has been cast for a role of an antagonist in the movie.

Although his character is yet to be revealed in further details, it’s been said that he will act as an obstacle between the love relationship between Jinee (Lee Na Young) and Jiwoo (Rain). Lee Jung Jin is the other actor confirmed for the drama.

Especially with his recent portrayal of Agent Zero in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, his participation in Fugitive is much anticipated. This will be his return after a four year long hiatus from the Korean drama industry. Filming is currently underway.
Daniel Henney to be in drama "Fugitive" with Rain and Lee Na Young?
There are plans for actor Daniel Henney and World Star Rain to be in a love triangle against each other.

Although there are still no official casting for the KBS upcoming drama "Fugitive" they producers are thinking of casting Daniel Henney to be in a love triangle against Rain with Lee Na Young.

Daniel Henney and Rain will be rivals against each other on Lee Na Young.

It has been 4 years since Daniel Henney being in a drama, his last project was the 2006 drama "Spring Waltz" that's why they are many hot interest in this drama as Rain too have not been in a drama for the past 5 years.

"Fugitive" is planned to be broadcast on September.

Source: TV report
Credits: Blueprincess824
10-06-20 Rain Bi in front of store 
credit//boom @ DC

Boom comment

울 가게 앞에서 띡, 마주친 비느님♪

이틀 전이던가, 아이스크림 사러 갔던 조만만님이 흥분된 목소리로

자기 지금 가게 옆 세븐일레븐 앞에서 비 봤다고 난리를 치길래

왜 혼자 본거냐고 !!!!! 버럭 했었는데........

나도 봤다 이거야, 조만만이 ! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

그것도 졸졸 쫓아다니면서 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (빠순이 돋아;;;)

머리론 알겠는데, 이미 내 발은 하염없이 그를 쫓고,

내 손은 셔터질 백만번째 -_-

이러고나서 저녁에 동댐 갔다가 '널 붙잡을 노래'가 흘러나오는데

어찌나 흥분되던지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

꺅, 또 봅시다 또 또 !

가게 앞에서 잠복해야게뜸 ㅋㅋ


Narita Airport

Welcome to Japan~~(*^_^*)



100619 KBS_YYGJG _Rain & Stephan Colbert

00619 KBS_YunYeGaJunGye_World Star Hot News_Rain & Stephan Colbert

Credit: Vid Edited by scorpiola // scorpiolabibi1 @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYtIqBViFwU


100620 Rain @ Narita Airport Arrival

Credit: mitunabasaki @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A95SnlC2J4


Official CM - Rain Love Tour 2010 in Saitama Super Arena

Official CM - Rain Love Tour 2010 - Rain Loves in Saitama Super Arena

Credit: rainsnow // scorpiolabibi@youtube


RAIN KRÓNIKA. 2010.06.19.


[rain jihoon] Regarding Rain’s Flight to Japan

Here is the information about Rain’s flight to Japan

Sunday June 20, 2010
Incheon - Narita
JAL950 08:00 ~ 10:25



Vote @ MTV World Cup of Rock

Please continue to vote for South Korea on MTV World Cup of Rock.  Rain is the star representing South Korea.  We have to keep voting to keep the votes up.  It has slipped from 94% to 89%.

Scroll down the page, look for South Korea and vote:

Please refer to Post 4635 for the original post.  

Here's an excerpt of the write-up:
It's MTV's World Cup of Rock! The World Cup is the greatest sporting event on the planet, a super-sized stage where legends are born with every strike of the ball, where infamy is just a moment away and where the dreams of millions live or die by the minute. That's why, in the spirit of the 2010 MTV Musical March Madness competition, we've created "The World Cup (Of Rock)," a FIFA-style tournament that takes 16 of the biggest nations — rock-wise (sorry Algeria) — and pits them against one another to determine just which is the most rockingly awesome. Heavyweights like the U.S.A., England, France and Germany are all here, but so are a handful of surprisingly strong sleeper countries. As the Cup progresses, we'll be unveiling the match-ups, and it's up to you to vote your favorites through. In the end, only one nation will be left standing: the world champion of rock.
Meanwhile, in the MTV World Cup of Rock, the battles rage on. In the second game in Group B, the stout English squad (which is currently besting South Africa in a poll that is still open) takes on South Korea. While the English have several giant bands in their pocket, the South Korean team has one superstar who rises above all the others. It's hard for any one player to change the course of a soccer game, but in MTV's World Cup of Rock, sometimes one superstar is enough. With that in mind, can all the power and finesse of the English squad defeat the international phenomenon that is Rain?


[19-Jun-10][allkpop]Lee Jung Jin to go up against Rain in Fugitive

Many of you are excited about Rain / Bi’s upcoming KBS drama titled 도망자 (Runaway / Fugitive). Lee Na Young plays opposite of Rain and filming for the drama has already begun. Now, it’s been revealed that veteran actor Lee Jung Jin will play the enemy and become Rain’s rival in the drama.

Rain and Lee Na Young’s character finds a large sum of money and they’re Fugitive’s on the run. Lee Jung Jin will play the role of a lead investigator chasing after them.

Lee Jung Jin stated that he’s lucky to have such a big role in a highly anticipated drama and is very eager to leave a positive image to the viewers


10-06-19 [Clip] Talking about Rain Bi 


10-06-19 Rain Bi

10-09-19 [Audio] Rain Bi talking

10-06-19 Rain Bi _Rainy Day episode 20  


watch video here

part 1/2

part 2/2



20日来日 JAPAN






Thank you for doing a lot of concerts in Japan。
일본에서 많이 콘서트를 해줘서 고맙다 

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.06.18.

Rain első bejegyzése a Twitteren:

@kostyle78  (Ko Soo Bong)
Jun 17, 2010


18:34 (KST)

Replying to @kostyle78   
@kostyle78  ㅎ


10-06-18 Rain Bi @ Y-Star News_MTV Movie Award
video hiányzik


10-06-18 Rain Bi Nikon new



[18-Jun-10][popseoul]Rain and Lee Na-young star in new drama

Top star Rain (Jung Ji-hoon) and Maxim Coffee girl, Lee Na-young will be hooking up in a new KBS 2 drama, “The Fugitive.” The romantic comedy/action drama is the comeback vehicle for Lee Na-young after 6 years away from the small screen.

Filming for the drama has already started on June 16th. Rain and Lee Na-young were supposedly joking around and having fun on the set.  

As with many of the dramas these days, shooting will not be limited to Korea. Other locations include Tokyo, Osaka, Shanghai, Beijing, Macau, Hong Kong, Thailand, and the Philippines. So if you are a fan of the “Bad Ass,” then look out for him! 

“The Fugitive” will be coming to a small screen near you in September 2010.



First look at Rain’s comeback drama  

Remember when we first announced that Rain will star in a new drama alongside actress Lee Na Young?

Well, filming for this drama finally started in Seoul late night on the 16th to the early hours of the 17th, and some information from this first filming session has been revealed. In this KBS drama called 도망자 (Runaway / Fugitive), actress Lee Na Young plays the role of a smart clever character named Jinee. During the filming, Lee Na Young was shown wearing a classy black colored one piece dress and sporting a wavy hairstyle.

Meanwhile, Ji Woo, an optimistic character that Rain plays in the drama, decides to challenge himself by taking on a case that no one was able to solve. He was shown wearing a chic white knit shirt and a matching suit. In order for the cast to be comfortable with their roles and concentrate better, the affiliated officials for the drama has kept the filming process a top secret.

This drama will not only center around Korea, but will also be filmed in places such as Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Shanghai, Philippines and more. 도망자 (Runaway / Fugitive) will be a funny romantic comedy drama about two detectives who fool each other and get fooled.

도망자 (Runaway / Fugitive) actually sounds really interesting, keep your eyes open for its first airing date!


비, MTV 무비어워드 밀착 동행기 [스타뉴스]

정지훈-이나영, 코믹탐정액션물 ‘도망자’ 비주얼 첫 공개 [네이버 헤럴드생생뉴스]  

10-06-18 Rain Bi Making Samsung Life CF
ratoka8     [Rain Bi CF]10-06-18 Rain Making Samsung Life CF

+ gif


[June-18-2010] The first still of KBS 2TV's romantic-comic-detective action drama 'Runaway' starring Rain and 'Lee Na-Young' is unveiled.

Top star Rain successfully got set to team with actress 'Lee Na-Young' in KBS 2TV's new drama 'Runaway's first scene shot in a temple inside of Seoul from the afternoon of the 16th by the next morning, which claims to support a new genre which is romantic-comic-detective actiondriven.

According to the production, even though the shooting of only the first scene of the drama was done, it proceeded in a very friendly atmosphere from beginning to end, while all the actors and actresses were enjoying exchanging banter with each other.

While the characters will play a cat-and mouse game to trap each other with the dynamic plot line of the drama, it'll be shot on location abroad, in cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Shanghai, Beijing, Macao, Hong Kong, etc. as well as in Korea's Seoul and Busan around Asia including Thailand and Philippine.

'Runaway' which has already become the most desired drama from abroad as they cast Rain as the leading character with the joining of the production team of huge box-office hit drama 'Chuno' which went off the air last March, will be aired at the end of September.

Brief translation by rain bird.


[June-18-2010] Actor 'Lee Jung-Jin' is cast for the part of Rain's rival in KBS 2TV's spy-action melodrama 'Runaway'.


Handsome actor 'Lee Jung-Jin' has been cast in the role of the male lead's rival in KBS 2TV's spy-action melodrama 'Runaway'.

They earlier cast Rain and actress 'Lee Na-Young' as the leading characters in 'Runaway' which will be aired around September this year, and shot its first scene last 18th. As 'Lee Jung-Jin' has come to join the drama, it's come to have a very strong cast.

According to Lee's agent, "'Lee Jung-Jin' has decided to join the drama. We know that his natural acting style and perfect visual looks appealed to the production."

Brief translation by rain bird. 


Lee Jung-jin joins Rain, Lee Na-young for


Korean actor Lee Jung-jin has joined Rain and Lee Na-young as the main cast of upcoming KBS TV series "The Fugitive," according to his agency Jambo Entertainment on Friday.

Jambo announced that the actor will be playing the role of Do-soo, an ambitious investigator who chases after Rain and Lee's character regarding a mysterious incident.

"Undoubtedly I am lucky to be getting to take part in the drama 'The Fugitive,'" the actor was quoted as saying. "I will make a very strong impression on the viewers who have high expectations."

Filming for "Fugitive," about a hefty sum of money popping up sixty years after it disappeared in times of the Korean War, will take place in various Asian cities including Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Shanghai, Beijing, Macau and Hong Kong.

The series will be directed by noted television producer Kwak Jung-hwan and written by Chun Sung-il, who collaborated on the recent hit TV series "The Slave Hunters" earlier this year.

Lee, 32, made his debut in 1998 through popular sitcom "Soonpoong Clinic" (SBS, 1998) and has since starred in many television dramas and films including "9 End 2 Outs" (MBC, 2007), "Love Story in Harvard (SBS, 2004)" and "Mapado" (2005).

He is currently a regular cast member in the popular variety show segment "Qualification of a Man" on KBS2 TV's "Happy Sunday."


 [아름다운 얼굴 남자부문⑨위] 비, 미소년 같은 미소 뒤 강렬한 아우라 [네이버]


Ninja Assassin Raizo doll by mpjo work

Source: http://blog.naver.com


☆ 별과 ♡ 하트 모양의 오이 ♪

지훈씨를 위해 만든 오이입니다.

☆별과 ♡하트 모양의 오이

지훈씨를 생각하는 마음으로
매일 조금씩 정성으로 손을 들여 길렀습니다.
별과 하트 모양의 오이, 지훈씨가 먹었으면 좋겠습니다.

☆nao씨가 비를 마음 담아 그려 주었습니다☆


00611 Mnet Radio _His Rivals- Rain vs. Justin Timberlake

Credit: vid source & uploaded by rainmaker // onlyone0625 @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHeUTpmb0uw


100615 Mnet_ Wide2030_Soccer Player Star_Rain #2

Credit: vid source & uploaded by rainmaker // onlyone0625 @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfbhodCJjPU


100617 Mnet_Star VS._ Rain VS. Moon Geun Young_Rain edit

Credit: vid source & uploaded by rainmaker // onlyone0625 @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO5BV4_Npy0


100617 Mnet_ Wide Ent. News_MTV Movie Awards

Credit: vid source & uploaded by rainmaker // onlyone0625 @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-vlus8tjm4


2010.06.13 Rain Birthday Party in Taiwan

2010.06.13 陳卡特演唱HIP SONG.mpg

2010.6.13 Rain's birthday party -模仿歌舞比賽HIP SONG


2010.6.13 Rain's birthday party -模仿歌舞比賽Hip song

2010.6.13Rain's birthday party -模仿歌舞比賽 Hip Song

2010.6.13 Rain's birthday party -模仿歌舞比賽HIP SONG

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.06.17.





Rain requests for a delay from enlisting in the army

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last month we reported that the Office of Manpower Administration requested Rain to enter military service on September 28th. Rain stated, "As a Korean man, I believe that it is only natural to be dutiful to my country and enlist into military service�I will go within the next year." Now it seems there might be a delay to this as Rain's company J. Tune Entertainment revealed that Rain has formally put in a request to delay enlistment due to his upcoming busy schedule. Rain has a full plate, he's currently undertaking a master's degree at Dangook University Graduate School of Arts under the Performing Arts Department and will soon start filming for the KBS drama Fugitive. Rain also has the RAIN LOVES ZEPP TOUR, a series of 6 concerts which takes place around all the major areas of Japan (Zepp Sapporo, Zepp Sendai, Zepp Tokyo, Zepp Nagoya, Zepp Osaka, Zepp Fukuoka). Quite the busy man but we'll have to wait and see if the Office of Manpower Administration grants his request for a delay.



100615 Fanmade MV_ ~Double-V~(ONE)

 Credit: Made by lunaluna (2010.06.15) // uploaded by eye0rain @ youtubeBGM: RAIN/ONE


Stephen Colbert, “Rain only won the ‘Biggest Badass Award’ because his movie title has ‘ass’ appear twice” 


American comedian Stephen Colbert tells what he think is the reason why Rain won the ‘Biggest Badass Star’ at the recent 2010 MTV Movie Awards.

Colbert had talked about it on his show ‘The Colbert Report’ recently on 14th June, “Last week, MTV gave out their annual movie award. But I didn’t even get a nomination. Hey MTV, what about my voiceover work in the ‘Bounty Hunter’. But what MTV did next shocked me more was Ra~~in. Yes Rain, my Kpop arch nemesis. A man who takes true pleasure in beating me at things. And now he wins for ‘Ninja Assassin’? Clearly he only won the ‘Biggest Badass Award’ because his movie title has the word ‘ass’ appear twice. And was bad.”
He added, “Rain won me with ‘Ninja Assassin? The action scenes were impressive. But you know who didn’t appeared in that movie? That’s me. Who’s the better ninja now.”

Back in 2008, Colbert did a comical satire on Rain after Rain was ranked above him on Time’s most influential top 100 people, including a funny parody of Rain’s hit song ‘How to Avoid The Sun’.

It seems he is back at that again after 2 years. And meanwhile, a report was released on American famous site Entertainment Weekly on 15th June titled ‘Stephen Colbert did Scream Raaaaaaaaiiiin Again‘ which garnered much interests from netizens.

S: EDaily/kbites


Lee Na-young confirmed for Runaway with Rain

Lee Na-young has been finalized as Rain’s co-star in the action-spy drama Runaway, which makes it her first drama in six years (since 2004’s Ireland). Having played quirky characters in the past (and a transgender role in her most recent movie, Dad Likes Women), this drama will give her a chance to showcase a completely different image from her previous roles.

Lee stars as Jin-yi, who approaches main character Ji-woo (Rain) under false pretenses. In order to get close to her objective, she becomes entangled with Ji-woo, and afterward the two must lie to each other repeatedly to cover up their real motives. Naturally, he ends up falling for her in this “unique romance.” Jin-yi is a woman who appears innocent on the outside, but possesses a sexy charm and has a “cat-like” quality as she keeps her true intentions hidden.

According to Lee’s reps at KeyEast, she chose the role because “It stands out with its high-quality script and a female lead character who has a fresh appeal that hasn’t been seen before. After talking with producers recently and hearing that it would be a ‘well-made’ [high production value] drama, I’m really looking forward to it.”

Lee Na-young has already worked with writer Chun Sung-il in Dad Likes Women, and this project reteams Chun with director Kwak Jung-hwan of Chuno. The story actually sounds pretty familiar — it recalls Chun’s previous action-spy movie Level 7 Civil Servant, which by the way is ALSO getting a drama adaptation — so I’m counting on the directing to set it apart with PD Kwak’s trademark stylish flair. In fact, I wonder if this one will end up stealing the thunder from the Civil Servant drama. (Because the premises sound so similar, one key difference will have to be tone — this one may skew more action-drama, while the original Civil Servant was much more comedic.)

The drama will take place in a number of Asian cities, requiring location shoots in Busan, Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Shanghai, Macau, and Hong Kong. Runaway will begin filming in mid-June. It is planning for a late-September premiere on KBS.

Via TV Report/dramabeans

도망자` 정지훈-이나영 첫 촬영, 환상의 비주얼 커플


[NEW] Rain Bi Runaway new Drama  


f(x) 빅토리아, '비와 댄스배틀 하던 시절?'..'과거 CF 동영상 화제'


문의: 도망자 상하이 촬영스케줄에 관하여.... 


지훈님  드라마  [도망자] 상하이 촬영스케줄 알고싶은데 ..언제 오시는지 어디서 촬영을 하는지 등등...
어디서 찾어보면 되나요 ??

저 상하이에 있는데  꼭 보고싶어요. ㅋㅋ

아시는 님들 답변부탁드립니다.

감사합니다. ~~

요런 스케줄은 공개를 안하나요 ???


[June-17-2010] Rain perfectly gets set to team with actress 'Lee Na-Young' in the first scene of KBS TV's new drama Runaway (Fugitive)


Top star Rain perfectly got set to team with actress 'Lee Na-Young' in the first scene of KBS 2TV's new drama
Runaway (Fugitive) which claims to support a new genre which is romantic-comic-detective actiondriven.

As they cast Rain, who is already recognized as an emerging star in hollywood, as the lead charcter in the drama, it has garnered a lot of attention at home and abroad.

According to the drama production, "Its first scene was shot in a temple inside of Seoul from the afternoon of the 16th by the next morning. The shooting was conducted in absolute secrecy in order to allow these two to find a more focus only in acting."

In the scene of the drama, her character called 'Jiny' appealing to man because of her image of purity & innocent, and giving a suggestive look, showed a mysterious allure, wearing a black dress with long way hair.

Rain's character called 'Jiwoo', a happy-go-lucky man with his cheerful disposition, who is involved in a case the police have not yet solved, looked chic wearing a suit with a gloss. Inevitably, Rain was praised of his acting style and as being a fashionista.

Meanwhile, 'Runaway' which will be aired at the end of September, is to be be shot on location abroad, in cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Shanghai, Beijing, Macao, Hong Kong, etc. around Asia including Thailand, Philippine, as well as in Korea's Seoul and Busan.

Brief translation by rain bird.


10-06-17 Rain Bi wearing Gucci  



Rain Bi @ Newspaper 

Credit//DC Gallary


Fugitive Drama pics

Rain and Lee Na-young

credit: naver / dc
from: RAIN Germany