c««« Előző nap
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Mint minden nagy bejelentést, Rain a mai nap hatalmas hírét is az óra 12-es állásához igazította. Délben tette közzé azt a kézzel írott levelet, melyben arról értesít bennünket, hogy összeköti az életét Kim Tae-hee-vel.
Ezzel a gesztussal két dologhoz is konzekvensen tartotta magát: egyrészt a sajtónak küldött utolsó figyelmeztetéséhez, miszerint a házassági terveiről ő rendelkezik, és majd szól, ha lesz közölni valója. Másrészt ahhoz az ígéretéhez, hogy az esküvőjéről szóló hírt először a rajongótáborával fogja tudatni. Így is tett.
Ezzel a gesztussal két dologhoz is konzekvensen tartotta magát: egyrészt a sajtónak küldött utolsó figyelmeztetéséhez, miszerint a házassági terveiről ő rendelkezik, és majd szól, ha lesz közölni valója. Másrészt ahhoz az ígéretéhez, hogy az esküvőjéről szóló hírt először a rajongótáborával fogja tudatni. Így is tett.
"Üdvözöllek Benneteket... Hideg tél van, de bízhatom abban, hogy mind egészségesek vagytok?
Itt Jung Ji Hoon.
Hirtelen telt el a 16 év a debütálásom óta. A rajongóim, akik végig velem voltak, már gyönyörű felnőtt nők, vagy akár tiszteletreméltó édesanyjuk a gyermekeiknek.
Én is azt remélem, hogy becsülendő férj és férfi válik belőlem egy új család fejeként. Ő mellettem állva a végtelenségig védelmezett engem, mindegy, hogy boldog voltam vagy nehézségekkel küzdöttem, és átsegített engem ezeken az időkön.
Most, hogy a bizalmunk és a szerelmünk kiteljesedett, eldöntöttük, hogy összekötjük a sorsunkat.
Az esküvő és az idő csendes és kegyelemteljes lesz, mivel az ország a nyugtalanság és a gazdasági nehézségek idejét éli. Ezért kérem a megértéseteket, amiért nem fogunk beszélni [a szertartásról].
Nagyon hálás vagyok a szeretetért, amit tőletek kaptam az elmúlt 16 év során.
Mostantól mindent meg fogok tenni, hogy nagyszerű énekesként és színészként a jó részemet láttassam veletek, több felelősséggel és alázatossággal.
"Ő a legszebb ajándékom."
Jung Ji Hoon."
RAIN @29rain
Koreai idő szerint: 11:55 AM |
A médiát és a közönség érdeklődését maga a legújabb dal, de méginkább az a tény, hogy Rain - ha nem is kezdett el beszélni a párkapcsolatáról, de engedte és mosolyogva tűrte, hogy a zenei visszatérése körül látható összes szórakoztató műsor azzal foglalkozzon - lázba hozta. Az előző napokban szinte tapinthatóvá vált, hogy elmozdulás történt a pár kapcsolatának eddigi nyugvópontjáról és valami készül, amit a koreai publikum és a rajongótábor nagy része epekedve várt, sokszor egyenesen és kíméletlenül presszionált is, kisebb része pedig rémülettel vegyes csalódással gondolt rá.
Természetesen a média azonnal nyomozásba és találgatásokba kezdett, hogy végre bekövetkezik-e az esküvő, és ha igen, akkor mikor és hol lesz várható a nagy esemény. Az első hírt az Ilgan Sports röptette fel, gyorsan lenyomozták a várható nagyobb szabású esküvőket, és a tudósításban egy februári 19-i dátumot valószínűsítettek. Azonban váratlanul mindkét híresség ügynöksége cáfolta, de legalábbis nem erősítette meg az esküvő készülésének hírét. Nyilván jó okkal tették ezt, hiszen tudták, hogy Rain fenntartotta magának a döntéséről szóló közlés jogát. Végül valóban Rain megjelenő levele tette bizonyossá, hogy a pár rövidesen tényleg összeköti a sorsát. Mivel Rain azt is egyértelműen közölte, hogy nem kívánja média-eseménnyé tenni magánéletének ezt a jeles napját sem, várható volt, hogy elindul a bulvár szenzációhajhász küzdelme ennek lehetetlenné tételére, és a az érintettek taktikázása a szándékuk megóvása érdekében.
Ennek fényében újabb "sokként" érte a közönséget, hogy az esküvő dátumaként végül egy sokkal korábbi időpont is felmerült a médiában, amely szerint már két nap múlva bekövetkezik a nagy esemény. De ahogyan Rain jelezte, az továbbra is magánügy maradt, senki nem tudhatott semmi biztosat.
김태희(37)와 가수 비(35)가 연애 5년 만에 결혼한다.
한 연예계 관계자는 17일 일간스포츠에 "소문만 무성했던 두 사람이 드디어 긴 연애 끝에 결혼식을 올린다"며 "결혼식은 양가 친척과 최소한의 지인만 불러 조촐히 치른다"고 밝혔다.
비 또한 결혼 보도 후 자신의 인스타그램에 '한 가정의 가장으로서 훌륭한 남편이자 남자가 되려 합니다'라며 직접 결혼을 발표했다.
김태희 또한 '결혼식과 시간은 현재 현재 시국이 불안정하고 경제적으로 어려운 시기에 최대한 조용하고 경건하게 마무리하고자 합니다'라고 알렸다.
김태희와 비는 2012년 가을 한 광고 촬영으로 만난 후 그해 말부터 교제를 시작했다. 두 사람은 아시아가 주목하는 커플. 앞서 몇차례 결혼설이 불거지기도 했다. 특히 종교가 없던 비가 경기도 남한산성순교성지 성당에서 김태희와 가족, 지인들만 참석한 가운데 세례를 받았다. 비는 최근 3년만에 새 앨범으로 컴백, 타이틀곡 '최고의 선물'이 김태희임을 증명했다.
김진석 기자 superjs@joongang.co.kr
[2017-0119]Singer Rain's new song 'The Best Present' dedicated to Kim Tae-hee
2017/01/17 11:45
These English subtitles are on the video:
Singer Rain's return to the music scene is the first in three years after his track "La Song". The song is dedicated to his lover Kim Tae-hee.The song is dedicated to his lover Kim Tae-hee. ..."Tae" means "greatest" and "Hee" means "happiness". The combination of the words easily reminds the listeners of Kim Tae-hee. The singer recently appeared in the South Korean music program Yoo Hee-yeol's Sketchbook and confirmed that he had written the lyrics for the song's bridge. He also added that the lyricls of a love song comes naturally when one's in love. Other than his love expression towards Kim, there's another aspect that stands out in the song. It's Rain's self-confidence as a singer. He knows where he stands as a solo male singer. In the first half of the song, the singer performs alone without any backup dancers. The song's choreography incorporates moves from modern dance. The singer expresses the lyrics with dance moves and uses silhouettes in his music video to convey his message making the song more classy and refined."Your everlasting name
My greatest happiness is you"
"It was you who hugged me
It was you who held me tight
Yes, it was you"
The emcee of the music program Yoo Hee-yeol said, Rain is dancing to a groovy-beat song that can't be danced to. It's very surprising. The dance moves that mark the 15th year of the singer's debut, doesn't require fancy stage lights, strong makeup or powerful sounds. The dance itself conveys a deep and strong message. He doesn't have to hide possible loopholes with powerful beats and fancy stage lighting. Rain uses all body parts in his superb dance performance to convey his message. The dance itself fills up the entire stage.
"My greatest happiness is you
I want to wake up with you
and on the same day, close our eyes together"
SEOUL, Jan. 17 (Yonhap) -- South Korean singer-actor Rain's newly released track "The Best Present" turns out to be a love song dedicated to his lover Kim Tae-hee.
The ballad track, released on Sunday, includes self-composed lyrics such as "You are my greatest happiness" that convey the singer's deep feelings towards Kim.
The finger-snapping, piano-led ballad marks the 34-year-old singer's long-awaited return to the music scene after a three-year hiatus. Rain once again proves his prowess in singing and dancing as he appears classy and refined in a fedora with choreography incorporated from modern dance.
The music video also portrays Rain's established position as a singer as he stages a solo performance in the first half of the song without the aid of any backup dancers, fancy stage lighting or powerful beats to make up for any possible loopholes.
The song has attracted more attention as the international icon Psy of the global hit song "Gangnam Style" spearheaded the song's overall production.
Rain and Kim Tae-hee met each other at a TV commercial set in 201l and officially started dating in fall of 2012.
This clip, uploaded Monday on Yonhap News Agency's entertainment YouTube channel Tong Tong TV, talks about the worldstar's highly anticipated track, the message it conveys and Rain's established confidence as a singer.
Rain announces marriage with longtime girlfriend, actress Kim Tae-hee
2017/01/17 13:45
SEOUL, Jan. 17 (Yonhap) -- Singer Rain announced Tuesday he plans to marry Kim Tae-hee, an actress he has dated for over four years.
"I am going to be a good husband and man as a head of one family," he said in a handwritten letter posted on his Instagram account earlier in the day.
"She has always kept her place beside me whenever I am in hard times or happy and showed affection in many ways," he said.
The date of marriage was not given, with Rain only saying, "Regarding the time and the wedding ceremony, (we) plan to have them in the most quiet and holiest manner possible given the unstable national mood and economically difficult time."
The 35-year-old Rain and the 37-year-old Kim met each other on a TV commercial set in 201l and officially started dating in the fall of 2012.
Rain, Kim Tae-hee to marry
Updated : January 17 2017
(Herald DB]
Rain will marry Kim Tae-hee, the singer announced via a handwritten letter uploaded to his Twitter on Tuesday.
“I am ready to be a good husband and a man as the head of a household. She (Kim) stood by me through thick and thin,” the message read. “She’s the greatest present of all.”
Rain Company, the singer's agency, said the wedding ceremony will be small and private.
The exact date is yet to be confirmed, but multiple media are suggesting it could be this Thursday or on Feb. 19.
Rain and Kim have been dating since 2012.
Full text of Rain’s marriage announcement
Updated : January 17 2017
(Rain Company)
Rain has officially announced his upcoming marriage to Kim Tae-hee through a letter on Twitter.
(Rain's Twitter)
The following is a translation of what he wrote:
Hello. How’s everyone doing in this cold winter?
This is Jung Ji-hoon (Rain).
Sixteen years have been passed since I made my debut.
Over the years, many fans have grown up to become beautiful women and great moms.
I am also ready to be a good husband and head of a household. She (Kim) has always stood by me through thick and thin.
She impressed me in so many areas.
After building trust in our relationship and as our love for each other has grown, we have decided to tie the knot.
Since the nation is going through an unstable state of affairs and difficult times in the economy, we have decided to marry in a tranquil atmosphere.
So I apologize for not being able to give you any further details about it. Please kindly understand the situation.
Thanks for your love over the past 16 years.
From now on, I promise I will be much more responsible and humble as a singer and actor.
She’s the greatest present of all.
Jan. 17, 2017
Jung Ji-hoon
By Jie Ye-eun (yeeunjie@heraldcorp.com)
비, 손편지로 결혼 발표 “김태희는 제게 최고의 선물”(입장 전문)
2017-01-17 12:59:35
[뉴스엔 황혜진 기자]
가수 겸 배우 비가 배우 김태희와 결혼한다.
비는 1월17일 SNS에 직접 쓴 손 편지를 게재하고 김태희와의 결혼을 공식화했다.
비는 "저 또한 한 가정의 가장으로서 훌륭한 남편이자 남자가 되려 합니다. 그녀는 제가 힘들 때나 행복할 때나 변치 않고 늘 제 곁을 지켜주며 언제나 많은 것들로 감동을 주었습니다"고 말했다.
이어 "이제 신뢰가 쌓이고 사랑이 커져 결실을 맺게 됐습니다"고 덧붙였다.
이날 한 매체는 두 사람이 오는 2월 19일 모 성당에서 결혼식을 올린다고 보도해 관심을 모았다.
비와 김태희는 2012년 한 광고 촬영을 통해 인연을 맺었다. 그해 말 연인 관계로 발전했으며 2013년 1월 1일 데이트하는 모습이 포착돼 교제를 인정했다.
두 사람은 지난 약 4년간 수 차례 결혼설에 휩싸였으나 설이 불거질 때마다 양 측 모두 "잘 만나고 있는 건 맞지만 결혼 관련 이야기는 오간 적이 없다"는 입장을 고수했다.
다음은 비의 손편지 전문이다.
어느덧 제가 데뷔한지도 16년이란 세월이 지났습니다. 저와 함께했던 많은 팬 여러분들 또한 예쁜 숙녀로 혹은 한 아이의 엄마로 훌륭하게 변했습니다.
이제 저 또한 한 가정의 가장으로서 훌륭한 남편이자 남자가 되려 합니다. 그녀는 제가 힘들 때나 행복할 때나 변치 않고 늘 제 곁을 지켜주며 언제나 많은 것들로 감동을 주었습니다. 이제 신뢰가 쌓이고 사랑이 커져 결실을 맺게 됐습니다
결혼식과 시간은 현재 시국이 불안정하고 경제적으로 어려운 시기에 최대한 조용하고 경건하게 마무리하고자 합니다. 그리하여 말씀 못드리는 점 이해해주시길 발바니다.
지난 16년동안 여러분들의 사랑의 감사했습니다. 앞으로는 더욱 더 책임감 있고 겸손한 모습으로 멋진 가수와 배우로서 좋은 모습 보여드리도록 하겠습니다.
그녀는 저에게 최고의 선물입니다.
(사진=비 인스타그램)
뉴스엔 황혜진 blossom@
Breaking: Rain And Kim Tae Hee Are Getting Married
Rain and Kim Tae Hee are getting married!
January 17, Rain posted a sweet handwritten letter on Instagram announcing his engagement to Kim Tae Hee. Here is Rain’s letter:
“Hello, I hope everyone’s healthy this cold winter.
“This is Jung Ji Hoon.
“Already 16 years have passed since I debuted. The fans that were with me all that time have become beautiful women and mothers.
“Now I, as the oldest son in my household, also seek to become a great husband. [Kim Tae Hee] has always been there for me, unmoving, in sad times and in happy times, and she never fails to amaze me. Our trust and love for each other is as strong as ever, and we’ve decided to take the leap.
“As the current times are unstable, we will be as quiet and humble as possible with our wedding ceremony. As such, we apologize for not revealing details to the public.
“Thank you again to everyone for sending me so much love over 16 years. I will continue to move forward with my career, both as a singer and actor, with responsibility and modesty.
“She is the best present to me.”
Rain and Kim Tae Hee have dated for four years. Some reports are stating that the wedding ceremony will be held on February 19, although this has not been confirmed.
Source (1)
Rain Announces Marriage Plans With Girlfriend Kim Tae Hee
Singer and actor Rain and actress Kim Tae Hee have officially announced wedding plans.
On January 17, Rain shared a hand written letter revealing his wedding plans to Kim Tae Hee through his personal Instagram.
Through the letter, Rain revealed plans to marry Kim Tae Hee by writing, "I am becoming the head of a family. We have decided to get married as our trust and love for each other has grown."
He expressed his love for Kim Tae Hee by saying, "She is the best present for me."
Rain did not reveal the exact date of the wedding through the letter, but he did express his desire for an intimate ceremony.
Meanwhile, Rain and Kim Tae Hee officially began dating in 2012 and officially confirmed their relationship in January of 2013.
Photo credit: eNEWS24 DB
K-pop star Rain and actress Kim Tae-hee to ring modest wedding bells
Rain, one of South Korea’s biggest stars, and his fiancée, an actress with a massive following in the region, plan a low-key ceremony to take place on Thursday
South Korean pop icon Rain announced his engagement to top actress Kim Tae-hee in a handwritten letter to fans on Tuesday – but said their wedding would be low-key given the country’s economic and political woes.
“I am going to be a good husband and man as a head of a family,” the 34-year-old said in the letter, posted on his Instagram feed on Tuesday.
“She has always been by my side through the hard times and the good times,” he said, referring to the actress two years his senior, who has a massive following in Asia.
The celebrity couple first met while shooting a TV commercial in 2011 and began dating a year later.
Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, is one of the biggest names in the world of K-pop, which commands a huge following in South Korea, across much of Asia and beyond.
He has also starred in several South Korean TV dramas and Hollywood action pictures including the Wachowski brothers’ Ninja Assassin and Speed Racer.
“Regarding the time and the wedding ceremony, we plan to keep it as quiet and holy as possible during the current unstable national mood and economically difficult times,” he wrote.
The couple are expected to wed at a Catholic church in Seoul on Thursday with family members in attendance as the bride-to-be is a devout Catholic, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency said, citing industry insiders.
The singer was confined to barracks for a week in January 2013 for sneaking out to meet Kim while performing his mandatory military service.
Rain, Kim Tae Hee Engaged: K-pop Star Announces Upcoming Wedding On Social Media, Fans Shower Long-Term Couple With Well Wishes
By Kim Z. | January 17, 2017 09:47 AM EST
Rain, Kim Tae Hee getting married soon, good news released by "Full House" actor on Instagram. (Photo : Abiz - Entertainment Buzz/YouTube) |
Love is in the air for K-pop performer, Rain, and K-drama actress Kim Tae Hee as the former announced their upcoming marriage through a handwritten letter posted on his official Instagram account. Rain and Kim Tae Hee have been a couple since 2012 and are considered to be one the Korean celebrity couples who have managed to stay together for a long time.
"I am ready to be a good husband and a man as the head of a household. She stood by me through thick and thin," the handwritten message from Rain said. "She's the greatest gift of all." According to Straits Times, Rain Company, the agency handling Rain, released a statement saying that there is no exact date yet. However, Rain and Kim Tae Hee's wedding is expected to be small and private.
[Rain's letter]
Meanwhile, Kim Tae Hee remained quiet on Instagram, with no new posts pertaining or responding to Rain's profession of love via the micro-blogging social media site. As of writing, Kim Tae Hee's latest post on Instagram remains to be a photo of her playing with a dog posted 37 weeks ago.
Having a small and private wedding for two of Korea's top celebrities will prove to be quite a feat, considering that a lot of their fans will surely want to witness the wedding. Rain and Kim Tae Hee are reportedly set to have their wedding ceremony in a Catholic church in Seoul.
Rain, 34, and Kim Tae Hee, 36, first met during a commercial shoot in 2011. They did not hit it off right away but they eventually became close and ended up dating in 2012. As one famous saying goes, the rest is history.
K-pop and K-drama fans all over the world are expressing their happiness and best wishes to the soon-to-be married couple. Rain's romantic announcement of their upcoming marriage only proves that romance and true love is not dead, even among top Korean celebrities.
[★BREAKING] Media report Rain and Kim Tae Hee officially to get married February 2017
Rain and Kim Tae Hee have officially announced that they will be getting married in February 2017, according to media sources.
Korean media site, Ilgan Sports, originally reported the couple was set to get married at a Catholic Church on February 19th. The two first started dating after they met at a CF filming in 2012. Rain was baptized at a Catholic Church after he began dating Kim Tae Hee, with very few friends and his family in attendance.
The two have been dating for 4 years now.
In an interview for InStyle Magazine, Kim Tae Hee recently opened up about dating Rain stating,
“It’s completely average. We eat good food and talk a lot. We have a lot in common and similar personalities. I’m a quiet person but he is funny and talks well so our conversations never end.”
This is not the first time that wedding reports have circulated around the couple. On November of 2015 there were reports that they were set to marry on Christmas Eve of that same year but both sides strongly denied the allegations. Last year in May there was also speculation that Rain was planning to propose to Kim Tae Hee on a trip they took to Jeju Island.
Source: Ilgan Sports, Sports Chosun
Rain and Kim Tae Hee wrapped up in marriage rumors
By beansss
Singer Rain and actress Kim Tae Hee are finding themselves wrapped up in marriage rumors.An exclusive report on January 17 (KST) claimed that the couple, who met through a couple CF gig in 2012 and admitted that they were dating in 2013, will be tying the knot this February 19, at a Catholic church in Seoul.Some netizens see the rumors as just the media taking advantage of Rain's recent appearance on 'Please Take Care of My Refrigerator', while others see it as attempts to cover up issues in government news. Stay tuned for updates.
[★BREAKING] Rain and Kim Tae Hee’s agency respond to wedding rumors
Published:Update: Rain has now confirmed that the two will be getting married.
Rain and Kim Tae Hee’s agencies have both denied wedding rumors that they will be getting married in February 2017 after news broke out in media moments ago.
Media broke news that the celebrity couple would be marrying in February 2017 but was quickly denied by Rain and Kim Tae Hee‘s agencies. The news comes as Rain is making a comeback for the first time since finishing his army.
We just received word of the news report and we are confirming whether this is true or not.— Rain Company
The agency then quickly responded after they checked with Rain.
He has no plans of marriage with Kim Tae Hee. The reports are not true.
— Rain Company
Kim Tae Hee’s agency also responded by denying the wedding announcement.
“Even her manager did not know anything about this, we are looking into it right now.”— Ruach Entertainment
[★BREAKING] Rain confirms wedding with handwritten letter to fans
Rain has confirmed that he will indeed be marrying Kim Tae Hee after media first reported on their wedding and then mistakenly denied the reports soon after.
The past half-hour has been a confusing time for Korean media, with initial reports coming out that Rain and Kim Tae Hee would be getting married. However, just moments after this breaking news, it was quickly revealed by both agencies that it was not true.
Rain himself has now confirmed that he will be marrying Kim Tae Hee, in a heartwarming letter uploaded to his Instagram and dated 2017.01.17.
Read the translation by Koreaboo of his letter below:
Hello, I hope to find all of you in good health in this cold winter. This is Jung Ji Hoon.
It’s already been 16 years since I first debuted and many of my fans have grown into beautiful women and in some cases have even become amazing mothers. I too am trying to become the head of a household as a husband and a man.
She was always there for me during my hardest and happiest times and moved me on multiple levels. Our trust and love has grown to a point where it has finally borne fruit.
The wedding is going to be private and quiet as Korea is currently going through emotional and financially difficult times. I hope you all understand that I cannot speak of where and when it is going to take place. I would like to thank you for all your love in the last 16 years and from now on I hope to show you a more responsible and modest side of me as an actor and a singer.
“To me, she is the best present.”
—Jung Ji Hoon (Rain)
Here’s his original post on Instagram with the caption, “Thank you…
Korean media site, Ilgan Sports, originally reported the couple was set to get married at a Catholic Church on February 19th. The two first started dating after they met at a CF filming in 2012. It was later revealed by the advertisement manager on TV that when the two met they were so shy around each other that it almost felt as if they were on a blind date rather than a commercial shoot.
Soon after dating Kim Tae Hee, Rain was baptized at a Catholic Church in a private ceremony with family and friends.
In an interview for InStyle Magazine, Kim Tae Hee also recently opened up about dating Rain stating,“It’s completely average. We eat good food and talk a lot. We have a lot in common and similar personalities. I’m a quiet person but he is funny and talks well so our conversations never end.”
Kim Tae Hee's label conveys message of thanks to fans about her upcoming marriage
By beansss
Shortly after boyfriend Rain blew up the media by delivering surprising news of his upcoming marriage, actress Kim Tae Hee also took to words to address her fans, via a message from her label!Earlier today, an exclusive report claimed that Rain and Kim Tae Hee, a well-known celebrity couple celebrating 4 years together, would be tying the knot this February. Rain addressed the report personally by uploading a handwritten letter to fans on his Instagram, and now, Kim Tae Hee's label Lua Entertainment has also released a message for fans of the actress.The message is as follows:"Hello, this is Lua Entertainment.It's time for actress Kim Tae Hee and (singer/actor) Jung Ji Hoon to become bonded as each other's most valuable partners, so we want to summarize the current situation. The two have built up their relationship of love and trust as a couple over the years, and that relationship has finally yielded its fruit.They plan on carrying out their ceremony as quietly and as piously as possible under the guidance of the Catholic church, and to honor the wishes of both as well as their parents, we cannot reveal the time and place of the wedding, for which we apologize. They will hold a small and meaningful ceremony with only their families present, and have not yet made any plans for a honeymoon afterward.Children, who are the beautful gifts of two coming together, will be discussed slowly after the ceremony. [Kim Tae Hee] would like to thank everyone for their love and attention, and will put in all her efforts into living as an exemplary family. Any questions and concerns there may be, we will answer as soon as we come to a decision on each situation.Once again, we thank you, and we wish you good fortune in the new year."Let's all congratulate the Rain-Kim Tae Hee couple one more time!
[★BREAKING] Kim Tae Hee confirms marriage and discusses plans for children
Published:Kim Tae Hee has now also confirmed her wedding with Rain after a heartwarming letter was uploaded by her husband-to-be on his Instagram account.
Koreaboo first reported that Rain and Kim Tae Hee would be getting married as news broke in Korea. However, Rain and Kim Tae Hee’s agency quickly denied the report stating that neither of the companies knew anything about it and the report was false.
Soon after that, Rain released a letter to his fans on his Instagram confirming their plans to get married in February. This letter contradicted the agencies response to media, confusing both fans and media.
Kim Tae Hee has now confirmed that the couple is definitely set to get married and the wedding announcement is official.
The actress released a statement through her agency, Lua Entertainment with the following message:
As Kim Tae Hee and Jung Ji Hoon are about to become each other’s life long partners we would like to let everyone know what has been happening.
They have been building their love and trust for each other and it has finally borne beautiful fruit.
As the country is emotionally and financially unstable right now we would like to carry out the wedding as quietly as possible in a catholic mass form. As both Kim Tae Hee, Jung Ji Hoon and their parents wish, the time and place will not be disclosed.
It will be a quiet event with few people including their parents and family members. Their honeymoon has not been planned yet.
As for the most beautiful gift of all, their children, they plan to think about it slowly after the marriage.
We thank you for all your love and support and will live as a couple everyone can look up to.
— Lua Entertainment
It looks like the two are definitely serious about getting married! Congratulations to the beautiful couple.
入力 2017-01-17 13:13:49.0
[BREAKING] Rain dedicates a handwritten letter to fans, delivering news of his upcoming marriage!
By beansss
Singer Rain took to his Instagram to dedicate a handwritten letter to fans, delivering news of his upcoming marriage!He wrote,"Hello... It's a cold winter, but I trust you're all healthy?
This is Jung Ji Hoon.
All of a sudden, it's been 16 whole years since I debuted. My fans who have been with me all this time, you've also grown into beautiful women, or even into respectable mothers to your own children.
I also hope to become a respectable husband and man, as the head of a new family. She has been protecting me by my side indefinitely, whether I was happy or facing difficulties, and has moved me through many things, all this time.
Now that our faith and love have grown, [we've] decided to form a bond.
The wedding and the time will be quiet and pious, since it is a time of unrest and economic difficulty for the country. As a result, I ask that you understand that we cannot tell you [about the ceremony].
I am very thankful for your love I received over the past 16 years.
From here on, I will do my best to show you a good side of me as a great singer and actor, with more responsibility and humility...
'She is the best present for me.'
2017.1.17Jung Ji Hoon."Earlier today, one exclusive report claimed that Rain would be tying the knot with his girlfriend of 4 years, actress Kim Tae Hee, this coming January 19 at a Catholic church. It seems like the report was true after all!
Congratulations, Rain and Kim Tae Hee!
(LEAD) Rain announces marriage with longtime girlfriend, actress Kim Tae-hee
2017/01/17 15:05
(ATTN: UPDATES throughout with more details)
SEOUL, Jan. 17 (Yonhap) -- Singer Rain announced Tuesday he plans to marry Kim Tae-hee, an actress he has dated for over four years.
"I am going to be a good husband and a faithful man of the family," he said in a handwritten letter posted on his Instagram account earlier in the day.
"She has always been beside me through both hard and good times and showed affection in many ways," he said.
The date of marriage was not given, with Rain only saying, "Regarding the time and the wedding ceremony, (we) plan to have them in the most quiet and holiest manner possible given the unstable national mood and economically difficult times."
But industry insiders said two stars will wed at a Catholic church on Thursday with members from both families attending as Kim is a devout Catholic.
Kim's agency also confirmed the marriage, saying "They will hold a small but meaningful wedding where only their parents and other family members are to be invited, but have no specific plan for a honeymoon after the ceremony, yet."
"They will take time before having a child, and will try their best to become a model couple."
The 34-year-old Rain and the 37-year-old Kim met each other on a TV commercial set in 201l and officially started dating in the fall of 2012. Their relationship was made public on Jan. 1, the next year.
They have so far denied rumors on their immediate marriage. The rumors were renewed on Sunday when the singer released a love song believed to have been dedicated to his would-be bride Kim. "The Best Present," Rain's first song after three years of hiatus, was co-written by himself and rapper Psy.
Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, is one of the most popular male celebrities in South Korea and a well-known star in other Asian nations.
Debuting as a pop singer in 2002, Rain was later named one of the "100 Most Influential People" by the U.S. Time magazine in 2006 and 2011.
His acting career began in 2003, when he played the lead role in KBS TV drama "Sang Doo! Let's Go To School." He has since appeared in many Korean soap series such as "Full House" and "A Love To Kill." He also acted in Hollywood films like "Speed Racer" (2008) and "Ninja Assassin" (2009) and the Chinese TV series "Diamond Love."
Kim, often referred to as the country's most beautiful face, is best known for her roles in Korean dramas such as "Stairway to Heaven" (2003), "Love Story in Harvard" (2004), "Iris" (2009), "My Princess" (2011), and "Yong-pal" (2015). She has also appeared in many TV commercials.
K-pop star Rain, top actress Kim Tae-hee to marry
Posted : 2017-01-17 13:25 Updated : 2017-01-18 00:02
By Park Si-soo
K-pop star Rain and top Korean actress Kim Tae-hee will marry. The two celebrities have been dating for five years.
"The relationship has finally borne fruit," Kim said in a statement on Tuesday. "So far we have built up our relationship with love and trust for each other and finally reached a point where it (the relationship) bears beautiful fruit."
The wedding date and venue were not revealed.
"We have decided to have a small and solemn Catholic-style wedding, with a small number of people from the two sides," the actress wrote.
Rain also announced his marriage in a separate handwritten letter posted on his Instagram account.
"I've decided to become the husband of a woman who I love so much," said the singer, whose name is Jung Ji-hoon. "She has touched my heart by standing by me all the time -- through thick and thin."
2017/01/17(Tue) 19:30
싸이, 비-김태희 결혼 축하 "대한민국 3대 도둑"
[매일경제 스타투데이 진현철 기자]
가수 싸이가 절친한 동료 비와 김태희의 결혼을 축하했다.
싸이는 17일 SNS에 "정지훈 축하해 가장 큰 기쁨"이라는 글과 함께 사진을 게재했다.
공개된 사진에는 '대한민국 3대 도둑, 연정훈, 비, 간장게장'이라는 글귀가 적혀 웃음을 자아낸다.
싸이는 3년 만에 가수 복귀를 알린 비의 신곡 '최고의 선물' 공동 작사에도 참여하기도 했다.
비는 이날 SNS에 "한 가장으로서 훌륭한 남편이자 남자가 되려 한다"라며 "그녀는 제가 힘들 때나 행복할 때나 변치 않고 늘 제 곁을 지켜주며 언제나 많은 것들로 감동을 주었다. 이제 신뢰가 쌓이고 사랑이 커져 결실을 맺게 됐다"고 결혼 소식을 알렸다.
김태희도 소속사를 통해 "그동안 연인으로서 사랑을 키워오며 마음과 신뢰가 쌓여 드디어 너무도 아름다운 결실을 맺게 됐다"고 전했다.
싸이 "비에게 '가장 큰 기쁨' 김태희 어원 듣고 소름"
가수 싸이가 사랑꾼 비의 면모를 전했다.
싸이는 17일 자신의 SNS에 '후렴을 함께 작사하던 중 정지훈이 가장 큰 기쁨 을 적고 어원을 말해준 게 생각나네요. 소름이 소름이. 이제는 말할 수 있다 . 최고의 선물'이라고 적었다.
비의 신곡 '최고의 선물'은 싸이와 비가 공동작사한 노래. 김태희를 향한 비의 프러포즈송이기도 하다. 이에 대해 비의 한 측근은 일간스포츠에 "비가 '최고의 선물'에 김태희를 향한 마음을 담았다. 특히 후렴구 가사 중 '가장 큰 기쁨'은 실제로 클 태, 기쁨 희 김태희를 표현한 것이다"고 귀띔했다.
'사랑꾼' 비의 면모는 이게 끝이 아니다. 비는 이 노래를 통해 "웨딩드레스, 네번째 손가락에 끼워진 반지, 너와 같이 눈을 뜨고 같은 날 같이 눈을 감고 파" 등 달콤한 가사를 멜로디에 담아 김태희에게 보냈다.
한편, 비와 김태희는 열애 5년 만에 백년가약을 맺는다. 비는 직접 자필편지를 공개하며 '한 가정의 가장으로서 훌륭한 남편이자 남자가 되려 합니다. 그녀는 제가 힘들 때나 행복할 때나 변치않고 늘 제 곁을 지켜주며 언제나 많은 것들로 감동을 주었습니다. 이제 신뢰가 쌓이고 사랑이 커져 결실을 맺게 되었습니다'라고 밝혔다.
박정선 기자
Psy Shares Adorable Story About “The Best Present” Lyrics To Congratulate Rain And Kim Tae Hee
Psy recently took to Twitter to congratulate Rain and Kim Tae Hee on the news of their upcoming marriage.
On January 17, Psy wrote “Congratulations Jung Ji Hoon (Rain), the greatest joy,” on his Twitter account along with a photo.축하해 정지훈 @29rain #가장큰기쁨 ? pic.twitter.com/W0EoUXshxj— PSY (@psy_oppa) January 17, 2017The photo is a screenshot of a hilarious text post that reads, “The three biggest thieves of Korea, Yeon Jung Hoon, Rain, soy sauce marinated crab.”
Yeon Jung Hoon and Rain stole the hearts of Han Ga In and Kim Tae Hee, two of the most famous and beautiful actresses of Korea. Ganjang-gaejang (soy sauce marinated crab) is included as the punchline as it has earned the nickname of “rice thief” in Korea, considered to be so delicious that it can make anyone’s appetite return in full force.
Psy also went on to share a story from working on “The Best Present” with Rain. In another tweet, he wrote, “While working on the chorus together, Jung Ji Hoon (Rain) wrote down ‘The Biggest Joy’ and explained why he wanted to use it. Chills. #I can say it now #The Best Present.”“The greatest joy” is a direct reference to Kim Tae Hee as the phrase can be written in hanja (Chinese characters) as “Big Tae (泰), Joy Hee (僖)” to make “Tae Hee”.후렴을 함께 작사 하던중 정지훈이 #가장큰기쁨 을 적고 어원을 말해준 게 생각나네요…소름이 소름이 ? #이제는말할수있다 #최고의선물 pic.twitter.com/JIeVAelg2R— PSY (@psy_oppa) January 17, 2017
Congratulations to the happy couple!
Source (1) (2)
Rain talks about Psy being his puppet master for his comeback single, 'The Best Present'
By KpopJoA Tuesday, January 17, 2017
On January 16, Rain appeared as a guest on SBS 'CultTwo Show' to promote his new song, "The Best Present"!The singer confessed that Psy was the mastermind behind his new single, saying, "At first, he just gave me some songs, but then he started to comment on my choreography, entertainment, schedule, and so on... calling me everyday to work out my schedule."Rain claimed, "One day Psy said to me, 'Why do you dance like that?' He's like my puppet master. The funny thing is I do whatever he says," making the audience laugh.Toward the end, the singer stated, "He is natural and fun, and also good at publicity, telling me to let others know he wrote the lyrics and composed the song himself."But he added on, "When I first heard the song it wasn't really appealing... Psy and I have different tastes in music," jokingly.
Rain Drops His Psy-Produced Single 'The Best Present,' An Ode to Fiancee Kim Tae Hee
1/17/2017 by
What Rain call Kim Tae Hee and how they met?
Su Jin Jang, Jan. 17, 2017, 9:42 a.m.
Rain calls his lover Kim Tae-hee “Goddess,” Bbaek Ga of dance group Koyote said in 2014. On an episode of KBS’ “Quiz Show The Four Musketeers” that aired on Jun. 8, 2014, Bbaek Ga said he is so close with Rain that they call each other “honey.”
When the host asked him what Rain calls his actual sweetheart, Bbaek answered without hesitation: “goddess.” Rain and Kim plan to exchange wedding vows Thursday.
Love first blossomed between the two in 2011 while modeling together for a social commerce site.
Kim and Jung started dating in 2012 and made the relationship public in January 2013. Prior to making the marriage announcement, Rain put out a new song on Sunday. Titled “The Best Present,” the song is a marriage proposal produced by “Gangnam Style” singer Psy.
A felcsigázott érdeklődést mi sem mutatja jobban, mint az, hogy az internetes keresőrendszerek kulcsszavainak élére a "Rain és Kim Tae-hee esküvője" keresések ugrottak. A képen a Naver listája látható:
A The Best Present pedig a zenei listák első helyeit foglalta el:
TongTongTv 통통영상[ENG][리뷰] RAIN(비), 김태희 그리고 자신감 (최고의 선물,The Best Present,PSY) [통통영상]
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연합뉴스 TV (YONHAPNEWS TV) '5년 커플' 비ㆍ김태희, 19일 전격 결혼…빅스타 부부 탄생
Yonhapnews TV 비-김태희, 19일 결혼...교제 5년 만의 결실 / YTN (Yes! Top News)
K STAR 생방송 스타뉴스 [생방송 스타뉴스] 비, 김태희와 결혼 발표 '훌륭한 남편이자 남자 되려 한다'
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