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Credit: rain_oppa / @29rain
Forrás: https://instagram.com/p/3MUzUDJSq8/
내사랑 - Sarangom, írta a kép mellé Rain:
Forrás: https://instagram.com/p/3MU4OIJSrJ/
A pár perc múlva érkező képhez nem is kell magyarázat, elég látni a gazdi simogató kezének hatását :)
Forrás: https://instagram.com/p/3MVk27JSs6/
꽃밭... - virágoskert, írta Rain a képhez, és cseppet sem csodáljuk, hogy megérintette a látvány:
Credit: Ph7.35
Forrás: https://instagram.com/p/3L74GNrMTW/
A képen a CDL előtt Rain látható, aki pedig a takarásban mellette áll, a kép feltöltője szerint Kim Tae-hee.
Rain promóciós üzenete:
Credit 克拉恋人rain唐嫣 weibo
Forrás: http://kpopherald.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=201505271741049865163_2
Forrás: http://kpopfighting.com/2015/05/27/kim-tae-hee-once-again-denies-marriage-rumors-which-arose-from-sbs-tv-drama-negotiation/
Forrás: http://www.soompi.com/2015/05/26/kim-tae-hees-agency-denies-marriage-rumors-stemming-from-upcoming-drama/
Forrás: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=016&aid=0000738540
Forrás: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=215&aid=0000311117
Forrás: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=421&aid=0001437794
Forrás: http://www.kdramastars.com/articles/85055/20150527/kim-tae-hees-agency-denies-latest-round-of-wedding-rumors.htm
In June 2014 rumors were sparked when actor-singer Rain converted to Catholicism. Since Kim Tae Hee is Catholic, it was seen as preparation for an upcoming wedding. Both stars' agencies denied that a wedding was being planned.
The couple began dating late in 2012 but revealed their relationship to the public in early 2013. Kim Tae Hee's last k-drama role was in "Jang Ok Jung: Living For Love." She also appeared in the Chinese TV drama "Wang Xizhi." Rain's last drama role was starring in "My Lovely Girl" with f(x) singer Krystal Jung.
Credit: rain_oppa / @29rain
Forrás: https://instagram.com/p/3MUzUDJSq8/
내사랑 - Sarangom, írta a kép mellé Rain:
Forrás: https://instagram.com/p/3MU4OIJSrJ/
A pár perc múlva érkező képhez nem is kell magyarázat, elég látni a gazdi simogató kezének hatását :)
Forrás: https://instagram.com/p/3MVk27JSs6/
꽃밭... - virágoskert, írta Rain a képhez, és cseppet sem csodáljuk, hogy megérintette a látvány:
Credit: Ph7.35
Forrás: https://instagram.com/p/3L74GNrMTW/
A képen a CDL előtt Rain látható, aki pedig a takarásban mellette áll, a kép feltöltője szerint Kim Tae-hee.
Rain promóciós üzenete:
15-05-27 Rain LOVO Message
Credit 克拉恋人rain唐嫣 weibo
Minden alábbi írás ugyanazt tartalmazza: Kim Tae-hee ügynöksége, a Lua Entertainment határozottan cáfolja a mai sajtóban felröppent híresztelést. Az inkriminált cikk szerint Kim Tae-hee szerződési tárgyalásban áll az SBS újabb, augusztusban bemutatandó tévésorozatának, a Yongpalee-nek egyik szerepével kapcsolatban, és a szerződésbe kérte egy záradék beiktatását, miszerint a forgatás ütemezésénél figyelembe veszik a Rainnel kötendő esetleges házasságát. Az ügynöksége szerint az egész cikk kitaláció, mivel jelenleg még csak a sorozat forgatókönyvét tanulmányozzák, ezért nem történtek tárgyalások a gyártó céggel. A bulvár nem száll le a párról, és az ügynökségek már szinte heti rendszerességgel, folyamatosan cáfolják a házassági híreszteléseket.
Forrás: http://kpopherald.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=201505271741049865163_2
Kim Tae-hee denies yet another wedding-related report
Updated : May 27 2015
Actress Kim Tae-hee on Wednesday denied yet more reports implying that a wedding with singer Rain was imminent.
Kim’s agency Lua Entertainment refuted reports that Kim requested the inclusion of clauses that would enable her to get married during the shooting of an upcoming drama.
The initial reports claimed that Kim was considering her wedding while signing on for a new SBS drama.
According to reports, Kim had requested the contract include clauses implying that there may be developments related to her wedding while that the drama is being filmed.
The working title of the project is “Yongpalee,” and the drama is slated to air in August.
The drama tells the story of a doctor who struggles to manage the large debt he accumulated due to his sister’s medical condition.
Kim’s agency, however, said that related reports were “fiction.”
“We have not even met the production company’s officials. (Kim) is reviewing the synopsis and the script, but nothing has been decided,” Kim’s agency said.
“Nothing (in the report) is true. It is all fiction.”
By Choi He-suk (cheesuk@heraldcorp.com)
Forrás: http://kpopfighting.com/2015/05/27/kim-tae-hee-once-again-denies-marriage-rumors-which-arose-from-sbs-tv-drama-negotiation/
Kim Tae Hee once again denies marriage rumors which arose from SBS TV drama negotiation
May 27, 2015
Actress Kim Tae Hee has once again had to deny marriage rumors between her and Rain, following media speculation today regarding a specific contract negotiation for her possible participation in upcoming SBS TV drama ‘Yong Pal-ie.’
It was reported by several media outlets on May 27th that Kim Tae Hee’s agency had asked for a special clause to be inserted into the contract. The clause asked for the production company to be understanding and adjust schedules accordingly, should a marriage take place between Kim Tae Hee and her boyfriend, Rain, during the course of the drama filming.
Thus, many have concluded that Kim Tae Hee and Rain will get married sometime this year.
Kim’s agency however stated, “We are only at the stage of reviewing the offer and the script for ‘Yong Pal-ie.’ We have not even met the people from the production company that’s in charge of the drama. So to say that there’s such a clause in the contract is unfounded, since we haven’t even discussed anything at the moment.”
Besides Kim Tae Hee, actor Joo Won has also been offered the lead role for ‘Yong Pal-ie.’By: Alvin
Forrás: http://www.soompi.com/2015/05/26/kim-tae-hees-agency-denies-marriage-rumors-stemming-from-upcoming-drama/
Kim Tae Hee’s Agency Denies Marriage Rumors Stemming From Upcoming Drama
JiwonYu May 26, 2015
While a recent report was released stating that Kim Tae Hee had certain negotiations in her contract for her participation in the upcoming Wednesday-Thursday drama “Yongpalyi” (working title), the actress’s agency denied such rumors.
On May 27, one affiliate of the drama department stated that Kim Tae Hee’s contract had a clause wanting the crew of “Yongpalyi” to be understanding if a marriage between her and her boyfriend Rain were to happen during the filming of this drama.
However, a representative of Kim Tae Hee’s agency stated, “We are appalled by such reports coming out, when we didn’t even confirm her role in the drama. [Kim Tae Hee and Rain's marriage rumors] are definitely false. The two are still maintaining a good relationship but they are not getting married.”
Another representative said, “Their marriage hasn’t been discussed yet. [Kim Tae Hee] is only in the process of looking over her role [for 'Yongpalyi'] and never mentioned any contracts.”
Meanwhile, actor Joo Won is also in talks of joining this drama.
Source (1)(2)(3)
Forrás: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=016&aid=0000738540
이번엔 진짜 결혼?… 김태희 “촬영중 결혼 양해해라” 계약조건 언급
기사입력2015.05.27 오후 12:51
[헤럴드경제]배우 김태희(35)가 연인 비(33)와의 결혼을 염두한 계약 조항을 언급한 사실이 알려졌다.
27일 복수의 관계자에 따르면 김태희는 SBS 새 수목드라마 ‘용팔이’의 제작사 HB엔터테인먼트 측과 출연 계약을 조율하던 가운데 연인 비와의 결혼을 염두한 계약 조항에 대해 언급했다.
한 매체는 김태희 측은 드라마 촬영 중 결혼과 관련한 이벤트가 발생하더라도 제작사가 이를 양해한다는 계약 조항을 거론했다고 보도했다.
주연배우로 주원과 김태희가 유력하게 거론 중인 ‘용팔이’는 총 16부작으로 8월 첫 방송될 예정. 방송 기간은 8월~10월 정도로 이를 고려하면 김태희와 비가 하반기 결혼식을 염두에 두는 것이 아니냐고 추측해 볼 수 있다.
한편 비와 김태희 측 관계자들에 따르면 비와 김태희는 양가가 서로 결혼에 대한 합의는 하고 있지만 상견례 등 구체적인 일정은 잡지 않고 있다.
공식적으로 비는 올해 중 앨범, 영화, 드라마 등 활동 목표가 세워져 있으며 김태희 역시 중국 영화 촬영을 마친 후 ‘용팔이’ 출연을 적극 검토 중에 있다.
Forrás: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=215&aid=0000311117
김태희♥비 하반기 날 잡았다?··결혼설 공식입장은?
김태희♥비 또 결혼설 '하반기 날 잡았다?'··드라마 계약 조항에..
'김태희♥비 결혼설' 배우 김태희(35)가 연인 비(33)가 결혼설이 휩싸였다.
27일 복수의 관계자에 따르면 김태희는 SBS 새 수목드라마 '용팔이'의 제작사 HB엔터테인먼트 측과 출연 계약을 조율하던 가운데 연인 비와의 결혼을 염두한 계약 조항을 제시했다.
한 매체는 김태희 측이 드라마 촬영 중 결혼과 관련한 이벤트가 발생하더라도 제작사가 이를 양해한다는 계약 조항을 거론했다고 보도했다.
드라마 '용팔이'는 주원과 김태희가 주연배우로 거론 중인 상황으로 올해 8월 첫 방송될 예정이다.
때문에 방송가에서는 김태희와 비가 올 하반기 결혼식을 염두에 두는 것이 아니냐는 관측이 나오고 있다.
하지만 김태희 측은 결혼설에 대해 전면 부인했다.
김태희 소속사 관계자는 "출연 결정을 하는 것부터가 순서인데 출연조차 확정되지 않은 상태에서 이런 보도가 나와 굉장히 당황스럽다"고 설명했다.
이어 김태희 비 연내 결혼설과 관련해 "절대 사실이 아니다. 두 사람(김태희와 비)이 잘 만나고 있는 것은 사실이지만 연내 결혼은 아니다"며 사실 무근이라는 입장을 확고히 했다
Forrás: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=421&aid=0001437794
김태희 측 "비와 연내 결혼? 사실 무근" 강력 부인
김태희가 비와의 연내 결혼설을 부인했다. © News1 스포츠 DB
'용팔이'는 의사가 됐지만 신장투석을 받아야하는 여동생 때문에 빚에 허덕이는 한 남자의 이야기를 그린 웹툰을 원작으로 한 작품이다. 주원과 김태희가 출연 물망에 올라 화제를 모으고 있다.
Forrás: http://www.kdramastars.com/articles/85055/20150527/kim-tae-hees-agency-denies-latest-round-of-wedding-rumors.htm
Kim Tae Hee's Agency Denies Latest Round Of Wedding Rumors
BY Julie Jones | May 27, 2015 08:14 AM EDT
Marriage rumors have circulated ever since actress Kim Tae Hee began dating singer and actor Rain in 2012. The latest wedding rumors to circulate concern her possible participation in the upcoming drama "Yongpalyi."
The rumors say that Kim Tae Hee's contract for appearing in the drama includes a clause concerning her possible marriage to Rain.
But Kim Tae Hee's agency has denied the rumors. Not only is there no marriage clause, the agency representatives told the Korean media outlet Naver T, no contract has been signed for her appearance in the drama.
"We are appalled by such reports when we have not yet confirmed her role in the drama," said the Lua Entertainment representative. "The marriage rumors are definitely false. The two are still dating and it's going well but they do not have any marriage plans."
According to the agency Kim is still reading the script for "Yongpalyi and has not yet committed to taking the role. She has never mentioned any contract clauses.
"Yongpalyi" tells the story of a man who becomes a doctor but is crippled by debt because of his sister's dialysis treatment. The drama is set to air after "Mask" ends in August. Joo Won is also considering a role in the Wednesday-Thursday drama.
Despite the agency's repeated denials that Kim Tae Hee and Rain have no immediate plans to marry, the rumors continue. The previous round of marriage rumors took place in April 2015 when a Korean news outlet reported that both sets of parents had met and given their permission for Rain and Kim Tae Hee to marry. The news outlet also reported that the couple was making wedding arrangements, including booking a hall for a ceremony some time in 2015.
At the time the agency denied the rumors, saying that Rain never attended a meeting with both sets of parents. The agency also said there were no wedding plans.
When Rain sold his home in Seoul's Samseong neighborhood that same month, it was also rumored that he sold the house to fund his upcoming wedding.
In June 2014 rumors were sparked when actor-singer Rain converted to Catholicism. Since Kim Tae Hee is Catholic, it was seen as preparation for an upcoming wedding. Both stars' agencies denied that a wedding was being planned.
The couple began dating late in 2012 but revealed their relationship to the public in early 2013. Kim Tae Hee's last k-drama role was in "Jang Ok Jung: Living For Love." She also appeared in the Chinese TV drama "Wang Xizhi." Rain's last drama role was starring in "My Lovely Girl" with f(x) singer Krystal Jung.
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