Élő adás, Rain részéről hatalmas tüsszentésekkel, és még nagyobb közös hahotázásokkal, mert megtudjuk, hogy ki mikor került olyan helyzetbe, hogy legszívesebben a föld alá süllyedt volna zavarában.
Egyébként pedig mindenki küzd, ahogy tud az utóbbi 45 év leghavasabb decemberével, ami Szöulra köszöntött, a Rain és KCM a kedélyállapot hőfokának emelésével olvasztja a jegesedést.
A szövegben vastag betűkkel kiemelve olvashatjátok Rain kínos-vidám történeteinek fordítását.
[English Translation By 화니]
[Rain]&[KMC] : Rain&KCM's "The Desire To Speed"!
[Rain] : We've got a ton of snow recently.
"Snow," a word often seems to stand for not only romance but also labor.
[KCM] : That's right! Even though I love snowy days, I hope it will stop snowing.
[Rain] : I'm afraid our listeners are going to slip on ice.
The weatherman says it will feel like 13 below in Seoul today.
We're trying melting your hearts again today.
[Rain] : Hamarosan egy csomó havat kapunk.
"Hó", ez a szó nemcsak romantikát jelent, hanem munkát is.
[KCM] : Így igaz! Bár szeretem a havas napokat, remélem eláll a hóesés.
[Rain] : Attól tartok, hogy a hallgatóink jégen fognak csúszkálni.
A meterorológus azt mondta, hogy ma megérezzük Szöulban, hogy milyen 13 fok alatt.
De mi megpróbáljuk ma újra átmelegíteni a szíveteket.
(Jin Woo's 'Wild Imagination')
[Rain] : 'Jin Woo's 'Wild Imagination' was very popular in my middle school.
[KCM] : Listener 'Ha Ji Min Heart R', "I've never seen so much snow in my whole life in Daegu city where I live. Have you shoveled snow?"
It’s hard work shovelling snow. (laughs)
[Rain] : It's exhausting shovelling snow. (laughs)
[Rain] : A hólapátolás nehéz munka. (nevetés)
[Rain] : You can send your stories and song request to us through SMS #0967 or its Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/speeding967) or its message board
(http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2...) or (http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2...)
[KCM] : Particularly, foreign fans can send their stories and song request to us by email : speedingradio@hanmail.net
-Quiz Pang Pang-
[KCM] : If you give a correct answer to my question or if you give a funny answer despite a wrong answer, you will get a present as a prize.
*Quiz 1
(Rain and KCM read the words to a song.)
[Rain] : What is the name of the song?
[KCM] : Please send a chargeable text message to this number #0967 if you know the answer or if you want to send your wrong and funny answer to us.
[Rain] : The answer is Rain's 'Love Song'.
[KCM] : Listener '#8462'-Rain's 'There Is No Denying This Blatant Song'
Listener '#9852'- Rain's The Song To Fail To Date With You'
Listener '#2133'- Rain's 'I Confess, Catching Hold Of Your Arm'
Listener '#9541 - Rain's 'Please Make Me Want To Stay'
[Rain] : Listener '#6535- Rain's 'The Song Hitting On You' (laughs)
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#6535'.
[Rain] : Listener '#1327', 'Lee Bina', '#9148', etc. - Rain's Love Song.
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '이빈나'.
*Quiz 2.
(A song is playing on the radio)
[Rain] : What is the name of the song?
[KCM]: There is a person I'm really looking forward to seeing.
[Rain] : Girlfriend?
[KCM]: Yeah..
[Rain] : Sujin?
[KCM]: Sujin, Minjin, Yijin, etc. Sorry. (laughs)
[Rain] : You must be managing women. (laughs)
[Rain] : The answer is 'Kim Bum Su's 'I Miss You'
[Rain] : Listener '#9651'-'Kim Bum Su's 'I'd Like To Leave The Army;
Listener '#6759' - 'Kim Bum Su's 'I'm Very Anxious To Meet You'
Listener '#1215' - 'Jang Bum Su's 'I Miss You'
Listener '#4054' - 'Kim Bum Su's 'I'd Like To Get A Perm' (laughs)
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#4054'.
[KCM] : Listener '#0415', '#1141', '#0232', '#4681', '#7244', '#9852', '#4681', etc. -'Kim Bum Su's 'I Miss You'.
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#1141'. Congratulations!
*Quiz 3
(Singer 'Brown Eyed Girls' 'Abracadabra' is playing)
[Rain] : I want you to guess what the lyrics are when a bell rings.
[Rain] : Listener '#2089'- 'Cast A Spell On The Hulk Who Are A Carbon Copy Of You'
Listener '#8755'- I Try Casting A Spell To Leave The Army Soon'
Listener '#1719' - Webfoot Octopus
Listener '#9106' - Plaice, Plaice.
Listener '#7244' - 'The Fool Who Looks Just Like You'
Listener '#1233' - 'The Doll Having Four Legs That Looks Just Like You'
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#2089'.
[KCM] : The answer is 'Doll'.
Listener '#8362', '#3024', '#6202', '#3827', '#5535', etc. - 'Doll'
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#3827'. Congratulations!
[KCM] : Listener '#6054', "You two seem to be in a good mood because many of your juniors have been transferred here.
[Rain] : Listener '#9655', "Because of the heavy snow, the road is really slippery, so there isn't a day that I don't worry about my son who is serving as a driver in the army in Gangneung of Gangwon Province. I hope he's okay."
Please drive safely, private first-class 'Yeo Jin Sung'.
[KCM] : Listener '#7244', "I'm listening to the radio, eating Hodduk (a Korean rice snack) with my children. I'd like to bake Hodduk for you two."
[Rain] : Listener '#3405', "December 8th is my parents' wedding anniversary and my birthday. Please congratulate us."
[Rain] : Listener 'Jaejae', "My children have ad gold time when the snow falls, but I hate getting snowed in. My daughter wonders why I don't like snow. I think I look realistic."
[KCM] : They say people are getting realistic in their old ages, but I still become sentimental when I see the snow falling. (laughs)
[KCM]: Listener '#0825', "My father is returning from a business trip in Abu Dhabi.
I'm waiting for him to pick him up at the airport, but the snow has delayed his flight another hours. I can't wait to see him."
[Rain] : Hope you have a good time.
[Rain] : Listener '#1871', "The radio signals are jammed up, so I can't listen to the show, but I hope you're successful at hosting the radio again today. Actually, I've been studying hard for an exam in a library. Please encourage me,"
I hope that you will pass the exam. Fighting!
[KCM]: Listener '#0232', "I'm staying home because it is chilly outside. My mom is cooking Kimchi jigae for me, and the smell is making my mouth water."
[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "It's been snowing every day for days, I'm sick of it.
I think my heart has hardened."
[KCM]: Listener '#5310', "This is 'Kim Bok Ryul' who works as a forest fireman in Gangwon Province's Yangyang and Hawang. Next Tuesday is my son's birthday.
He, ‘Kim Ki Hyun', is serving as a corporal in the army in Incheon city. Please celebrate his birthday."
Happy birthday!
[Rain] : Listener '#3862', " Baseball player 'Hong Seung Heun' said, 'I wish to be reborn as world star Rain'. 'Ji Hoon' ssi (Rain), if you were reborn, what would you like to be?"
I still want to be myself 'Jung Ji Hoon'. I love myself.
[Rain] : #3862 hallgató, "Hon Seung Heum baseball játékos azt mondta, hogy 'remélem, hogy a világsztár Rainként fogok újraszületni'. Ji Hoon (Rain), ha te születnél újra, ki szeretnél lenni?"
Még mindig magam, Jung Ji Hoon szeretnék lenni. Szeretem magamat.
-The Desire to Post Comments With 'Lee Jin Ho' and 'Lee Ji Hoon'-
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'A', "Three beautiful women asked me to push their car on the driveway when I passed the way. When I was about to push the car, before I knew it I broke wind and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die."
[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener 'A', "While staying in USA for a short language training course, I was such a know-it-all when in fact I was so ignorant, but my ignorance was revealed soon when a foreigner asked me the way to Myung-dong, but I couldn't answer um and aah."
[KCM] : Today's comment subject is about "When you were so shamed and you wished that the ground would swallow you".
[All] : The Desire to Post Comments!! (laughs)
[Rain] : Welcome, 'Lee Jin Ho'&'Lee Ji Hoon', it’s great to have you on our show.
[Lee Jin Ho'] : Come to think of it, the initials of 'Lee Ji Hoon', 'Lim Joo Hwan', 'Lee Jun Hyuk', and me are all the same.
[Rain] : The temperature is 11 below zero, but it is said it feels like 15 below.
[Lee Jin Ho] : It is so cold, so I just want to sit still with a blanket covering me from head to toe like old men in senior citizens' center. (laughs)
[KCM] : Could you tell me any interesting things consistent with the subject that happened to you?
[Lee Ji Hoon] : I often wore my outfit inside out by mistake and was very embarrassed.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I cannot bear to see my on-screen persona and I want to sink through the floor.
[Rain]: For my carelessness, my flies were often undone during my concerts. I was so embarrassed when people found me with my fly open.
[Rain]: A figyelmetlenségem miatt gyakran nem húztam fel a cipzáromat a koncertjeimen. Olyan zavarban voltam, amikor ott találtak az emberek nyitott sliccel.
[KCM] : When I was a 6th grader at an elementary school, I cracked a fart in class, regardless of my will. I was so embarrassed that I wish I could crawl under a rock.
[Rain]: Please post many of your funny writings on its bulletin board or by its Twitter or by SMS #0967.
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'Kim Yeon', "I got rid of a lot of stress by screaming and singing at a karaoke with my co-workers after work. I kept singing loud songs and dancing to release stress after I went to the bathroom, but I found out later I was singing and dancing in the wrong room. I was too embarrassed to lift my head up."
[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener 'Choi Min Su', "I visited a medical clinic for a flu shot.
I thought I would get an injection in the buttock, so I waited for a nurse, taking off my underpants, but she appeared and told me, 'I'll be giving an injection to your forearm'. (laughs) I could feel my face reddening with embarrassment." (laughs)
[Rain]: I had the same experience before. (laughs)
[Lee Ji Hoon] : Choi Min Su hallgató, "Orvosi rendelőbe mentem egy influenza elleni injekcióért. Azt gondoltam, hogy a hátsómba fogom kapni a szúrást, szóval az alsónadrágomat levéve vártam a nővért, de amikor megjelent, azt mondta, hogy 'a karjába fogom beadni az injekciót'. (nevetés) Éreztem, hogy zavaromban elvörösödök." (nevetés)
[Rain]: Én ugyanígy jártam korábban. (nevetés)
[KCM] : Listener 'Park Sun Min', "When my family and I went to visit my parents during Chuseok holidays, my children got pocket money from my close family members. I thought one of them would give my children some money when he took his hand out of the pocket. Now I come to think of it, I was too shameless."
[Lee Ji Ho] : When my uncle took his hand out of the pocket, I thought he would give me some money, but he had me run an errand to the store for Soju. (laughs)
[KCM] : I think it's a fabrication. (laughs)
[Lee Ji Ho] : Right, it's just all made up. (laughs)
[Rain]: Do you have any interesting stories on the air?
[Lee Ji Ho] : I was so excited that I started cursing on the air, but the parts were removed in final editing. (laughs)
[Rain] : It's not easy to play a comical role, but 'Lee Jin Ho' is good at showcasing a comical role by swearing. If he leaves the army, there won't be any fun left in my life.
[Lee Ji Hoon] : I got a running nose on the air at a ski resort and I was so embarrassed.
[Rain] : When I got a bloody nose on a TV show called 'Show Tank' which was on the air, it wasn't long after my debut. I sang my song 'Bad Guy', trying stopping a nosebleed with my fingers, but it wasn't able to be aired, so I had to sing again.
And, the seat of my tight pants even split on the air, while I was dancing passionately. I was wearing loud underpants just at the right time. (laughs)
[Rain] : Nem sokkal volt a debütálásom után, amikor elkezdett vérezni az orrom a 'Show Tank' című tévéműsor felvétele közben. A Bad Guyt énekeltem, és próbáltam elállítani a vérzést az ujjaimmal, de ez így nem mehetett adásba, ezért újra kellett énekelnem. És még adás közben szétszakadt a nadrágom ülepe, miközben szenvedélyesen táncoltam. Szerencsére épp a legjobbkor rajtam volt egy erős alsónadrág. (nevetés)
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'Lee Yeon Suk', "When I traveled from Gangwon Province to Seoul, I took the subway for the first time in my life but I didn't know how to use my transportation card. I learned the right way to use the card from the subway employee, but I felt a little ashamed."
[Lee Ji Hoon]: Listener 'HiromiraimyK', "That was my first day at my new job. When I ran in order to be on time and was barely able to take the subway, I fell down and accidentally seized a lady passenger behind me by the hips. She cried out in fright and I felt terrible and apologized."
[Rain] : Listener '#6367', "When the glass door would not open after eating at a restaurant, a worker told me. 'Please just push the door!' That was very embarrassing."
I knocked me over with a heavy glass door before my concert in USA.
That was a very pellucid glass, that didn't seem to be normal and almost ceased to be visible. It's a good thing that I just knocked me over with it. Otherwise it would've been disastrous.
[Rain] : #6367 hallgató, "Amikor vacsora után egy étteremben nem nyílott ki az üvegajtó, az alkalmazott mondta, hogy 'Kérem, csak tolja meg az ajtót!' Ez annyira kínos volt."
Engem megütött egy nehéz üvegajtó az amerikai koncertem előtt. Nagyon átlátszó üveg volt, nem úgy nézett ki, mint amilyent megszoktunk, szinte nem is volt látható. A jó dolog az, hogy csak megütöttem magam vele. Különben katasztrofális lehetett volna.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I was picking my teeth in front of the black window of a car, but I found out later that singer 'Lin' was sitting in the car. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Kim Ju Yeon', "When my co-workers and I took a trip of one night and two days, every Julie, Dick and Harry was wanted on the phone from each's boyfriend. As for me not receiving any call from my boyfriend who is an unfriendly person, the scene excited me to envy, so I pretended to receive a call from him. Just then, my phone rang and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die." (laughs)
[Rain] : Not many years ago I couldn't hear what overseas staffs were saying in English when I rehearsed before my concert in USA, so I pretended to be busy, pretending to receive a call from somebody from Korea, but my phone rang, which made me embarrassed, but I tried to put a bold face on it. (laughs)
[Rain] : Néhány évvel ezelőtt nem hallottam, hogy a tengerentúli személyzet mit mond angolul, amikor próbáltam egy amerikai koncertem előtt, ezért úgy tettem, mintha elfoglalt lennék, tettettem, hogy valaki felhívott Koreából, ám elkezdett csengeni a telefonom, ami nagyon kínos helyzetbe hozott, de megpróbáltam magabiztosnak látszani. (nevetés)
[Rain] : Listener '#2745', "When I rode on the bus after working part-time, many bus passengers saw me by glimpses. I found out later I was still putting on an apron. I felt like two cents at that time."
When I worked as JYP's backup dancer, he insisted on performing with his tap shoes on during a live TV music show in Gangwon Province, at that time the region'd had copious snow in the last few days. Finally he slipped and fell in front of many people as soon as he went on stage, but he took it out on us (his dancers) (laughs)
[Rain] : #2745 hallgató, "Amikor a részidős munkám után utaztam a buszon, sok utas tekintgetett rám. Később rájöttem, hogy még mindig rajtam volt a kötényem. Akkor úgy éreztem magam, mint egy kétcentes."
Amikor JYP háttértáncosaként dolgoztam, az előadásában ragaszkodott a tap-cipőihez egy élő televíziós zenei showban, amely Gangwon tartományban volt, ahol akkortájt az egész régióban nagy mennyiségű hó esett a megelőző napokban. Végül megcsúszott és elesett a rengeteg ember előtt abban a pillanatban, ahogy színpadra lépett, de ránk fogta az egészet (a táncosokra) (nevetés).
[KCM] : In my hurry, I went out to meet a friend, wearing boxer shorts by mistake. I thought I wore shorts. I had to run like the devil to go back home. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : The story seems to be all made up. (laughs)
[KCM] : No way! It actually took place! (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener '#9078', "It was a snowy day when it was not long after my boyfriend and I started dating. Suddenly I slipped on the frozen path and fell on my back and the heel was broken. I had to come home in supported by him.
That was very embarrassing."
[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener 'Kim Yi Young', "I had a nasty brush with my boss one day. My boyfriend sent me a SMS, wondering if something wrong happened to me. By mistake, I sent him a SMS saying 'Let me strip', instead of 'Nothing'. ” (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : Gagmen, 'Yang Se Young' and 'Yang Se Chang' are brothers.
When the brothers were walking home with their close girlfriend in elementary school, they saw their house on fire. The brothers knew what was going on, but they ignored it and went on, looking the other way because they were ashamed that their house took fire. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Choi Min Kyung', " When my daughter-in-law's parents invited us for dinner, we took off our shoes before we entered the living room, and I found there was a hole in the heel of my husband's sock. I couldn't put my face up because I burned with shame. My husband evidently knew what this was about, yet he pretended not to and tried creating a pleasant ambience for them."
[Rain]: Listener 'Bulging Forehead Eyebrow', "I called a computer repair shop and the repairman visited my house that day. I kept replying to the question, not knowing he was repairing my computer with earphones in. He was on the phone to another person."
[KCM] : Sitting on the toilet at a motorway service station, I kept replying to the question, not knowing somebody was talking on the phone. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : It sounds like a lie, right? (laughs)
[KCM] : The story is true! (laughs)
[Rain] : Look how the liar is lying in his throat. (laughs)
[KCM] : Please try to believe what I'm telling you. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho]&[Lee Jin Ho] : The winners are #2745 and 'Kim Yi Young'.
[Rain]: Thank you for coming in today. See you next week.
[Lee Jin Ho]&[Lee Jin Ho] : Thank you. See you then.
[KCM]: Small gifts will be provided for 'Lee Bina', '#6536', '#4045', '#2089', '#3827', '#1141, '#2745, and 'Kim Yi Young'. Congratulations!
Please leave your phone numbers and names in private in its bulletin board.
[Rain]: This has been 'Jung Ji Hoon'.
[KCM] : This has been 'KCM'. Thank you.
[Rain]&[KMC] : Rain&KCM's "The Desire To Speed"!
[Rain] : We've got a ton of snow recently.
"Snow," a word often seems to stand for not only romance but also labor.
[KCM] : That's right! Even though I love snowy days, I hope it will stop snowing.
[Rain] : I'm afraid our listeners are going to slip on ice.
The weatherman says it will feel like 13 below in Seoul today.
We're trying melting your hearts again today.
[Rain] : Hamarosan egy csomó havat kapunk.
"Hó", ez a szó nemcsak romantikát jelent, hanem munkát is.
[KCM] : Így igaz! Bár szeretem a havas napokat, remélem eláll a hóesés.
[Rain] : Attól tartok, hogy a hallgatóink jégen fognak csúszkálni.
A meterorológus azt mondta, hogy ma megérezzük Szöulban, hogy milyen 13 fok alatt.
De mi megpróbáljuk ma újra átmelegíteni a szíveteket.
(Jin Woo's 'Wild Imagination')
[Rain] : 'Jin Woo's 'Wild Imagination' was very popular in my middle school.
[KCM] : Listener 'Ha Ji Min Heart R', "I've never seen so much snow in my whole life in Daegu city where I live. Have you shoveled snow?"
It’s hard work shovelling snow. (laughs)
[Rain] : It's exhausting shovelling snow. (laughs)
[Rain] : A hólapátolás nehéz munka. (nevetés)
[Rain] : You can send your stories and song request to us through SMS #0967 or its Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/speeding967) or its message board
(http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2...) or (http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2...)
[KCM] : Particularly, foreign fans can send their stories and song request to us by email : speedingradio@hanmail.net
-Quiz Pang Pang-
[KCM] : If you give a correct answer to my question or if you give a funny answer despite a wrong answer, you will get a present as a prize.
*Quiz 1
(Rain and KCM read the words to a song.)
[Rain] : What is the name of the song?
[KCM] : Please send a chargeable text message to this number #0967 if you know the answer or if you want to send your wrong and funny answer to us.
[Rain] : The answer is Rain's 'Love Song'.
[KCM] : Listener '#8462'-Rain's 'There Is No Denying This Blatant Song'
Listener '#9852'- Rain's The Song To Fail To Date With You'
Listener '#2133'- Rain's 'I Confess, Catching Hold Of Your Arm'
Listener '#9541 - Rain's 'Please Make Me Want To Stay'
[Rain] : Listener '#6535- Rain's 'The Song Hitting On You' (laughs)
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#6535'.
[Rain] : Listener '#1327', 'Lee Bina', '#9148', etc. - Rain's Love Song.
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '이빈나'.
*Quiz 2.
(A song is playing on the radio)
[Rain] : What is the name of the song?
[KCM]: There is a person I'm really looking forward to seeing.
[Rain] : Girlfriend?
[KCM]: Yeah..
[Rain] : Sujin?
[KCM]: Sujin, Minjin, Yijin, etc. Sorry. (laughs)
[Rain] : You must be managing women. (laughs)
[Rain] : The answer is 'Kim Bum Su's 'I Miss You'
[Rain] : Listener '#9651'-'Kim Bum Su's 'I'd Like To Leave The Army;
Listener '#6759' - 'Kim Bum Su's 'I'm Very Anxious To Meet You'
Listener '#1215' - 'Jang Bum Su's 'I Miss You'
Listener '#4054' - 'Kim Bum Su's 'I'd Like To Get A Perm' (laughs)
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#4054'.
[KCM] : Listener '#0415', '#1141', '#0232', '#4681', '#7244', '#9852', '#4681', etc. -'Kim Bum Su's 'I Miss You'.
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#1141'. Congratulations!
*Quiz 3
(Singer 'Brown Eyed Girls' 'Abracadabra' is playing)
[Rain] : I want you to guess what the lyrics are when a bell rings.
[Rain] : Listener '#2089'- 'Cast A Spell On The Hulk Who Are A Carbon Copy Of You'
Listener '#8755'- I Try Casting A Spell To Leave The Army Soon'
Listener '#1719' - Webfoot Octopus
Listener '#9106' - Plaice, Plaice.
Listener '#7244' - 'The Fool Who Looks Just Like You'
Listener '#1233' - 'The Doll Having Four Legs That Looks Just Like You'
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#2089'.
[KCM] : The answer is 'Doll'.
Listener '#8362', '#3024', '#6202', '#3827', '#5535', etc. - 'Doll'
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#3827'. Congratulations!
[KCM] : Listener '#6054', "You two seem to be in a good mood because many of your juniors have been transferred here.
[Rain] : Listener '#9655', "Because of the heavy snow, the road is really slippery, so there isn't a day that I don't worry about my son who is serving as a driver in the army in Gangneung of Gangwon Province. I hope he's okay."
Please drive safely, private first-class 'Yeo Jin Sung'.
[KCM] : Listener '#7244', "I'm listening to the radio, eating Hodduk (a Korean rice snack) with my children. I'd like to bake Hodduk for you two."
[Rain] : Listener '#3405', "December 8th is my parents' wedding anniversary and my birthday. Please congratulate us."
[Rain] : Listener 'Jaejae', "My children have ad gold time when the snow falls, but I hate getting snowed in. My daughter wonders why I don't like snow. I think I look realistic."
[KCM] : They say people are getting realistic in their old ages, but I still become sentimental when I see the snow falling. (laughs)
[KCM]: Listener '#0825', "My father is returning from a business trip in Abu Dhabi.
I'm waiting for him to pick him up at the airport, but the snow has delayed his flight another hours. I can't wait to see him."
[Rain] : Hope you have a good time.
[Rain] : Listener '#1871', "The radio signals are jammed up, so I can't listen to the show, but I hope you're successful at hosting the radio again today. Actually, I've been studying hard for an exam in a library. Please encourage me,"
I hope that you will pass the exam. Fighting!
[KCM]: Listener '#0232', "I'm staying home because it is chilly outside. My mom is cooking Kimchi jigae for me, and the smell is making my mouth water."
[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "It's been snowing every day for days, I'm sick of it.
I think my heart has hardened."
[KCM]: Listener '#5310', "This is 'Kim Bok Ryul' who works as a forest fireman in Gangwon Province's Yangyang and Hawang. Next Tuesday is my son's birthday.
He, ‘Kim Ki Hyun', is serving as a corporal in the army in Incheon city. Please celebrate his birthday."
Happy birthday!
[Rain] : Listener '#3862', " Baseball player 'Hong Seung Heun' said, 'I wish to be reborn as world star Rain'. 'Ji Hoon' ssi (Rain), if you were reborn, what would you like to be?"
I still want to be myself 'Jung Ji Hoon'. I love myself.
[Rain] : #3862 hallgató, "Hon Seung Heum baseball játékos azt mondta, hogy 'remélem, hogy a világsztár Rainként fogok újraszületni'. Ji Hoon (Rain), ha te születnél újra, ki szeretnél lenni?"
Még mindig magam, Jung Ji Hoon szeretnék lenni. Szeretem magamat.
-The Desire to Post Comments With 'Lee Jin Ho' and 'Lee Ji Hoon'-
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'A', "Three beautiful women asked me to push their car on the driveway when I passed the way. When I was about to push the car, before I knew it I broke wind and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die."
[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener 'A', "While staying in USA for a short language training course, I was such a know-it-all when in fact I was so ignorant, but my ignorance was revealed soon when a foreigner asked me the way to Myung-dong, but I couldn't answer um and aah."
[KCM] : Today's comment subject is about "When you were so shamed and you wished that the ground would swallow you".
[All] : The Desire to Post Comments!! (laughs)
[Rain] : Welcome, 'Lee Jin Ho'&'Lee Ji Hoon', it’s great to have you on our show.
[Lee Jin Ho'] : Come to think of it, the initials of 'Lee Ji Hoon', 'Lim Joo Hwan', 'Lee Jun Hyuk', and me are all the same.
[Rain] : The temperature is 11 below zero, but it is said it feels like 15 below.
[Lee Jin Ho] : It is so cold, so I just want to sit still with a blanket covering me from head to toe like old men in senior citizens' center. (laughs)
[KCM] : Could you tell me any interesting things consistent with the subject that happened to you?
[Lee Ji Hoon] : I often wore my outfit inside out by mistake and was very embarrassed.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I cannot bear to see my on-screen persona and I want to sink through the floor.
[Rain]: For my carelessness, my flies were often undone during my concerts. I was so embarrassed when people found me with my fly open.
[Rain]: A figyelmetlenségem miatt gyakran nem húztam fel a cipzáromat a koncertjeimen. Olyan zavarban voltam, amikor ott találtak az emberek nyitott sliccel.
[KCM] : When I was a 6th grader at an elementary school, I cracked a fart in class, regardless of my will. I was so embarrassed that I wish I could crawl under a rock.
[Rain]: Please post many of your funny writings on its bulletin board or by its Twitter or by SMS #0967.
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'Kim Yeon', "I got rid of a lot of stress by screaming and singing at a karaoke with my co-workers after work. I kept singing loud songs and dancing to release stress after I went to the bathroom, but I found out later I was singing and dancing in the wrong room. I was too embarrassed to lift my head up."
[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener 'Choi Min Su', "I visited a medical clinic for a flu shot.
I thought I would get an injection in the buttock, so I waited for a nurse, taking off my underpants, but she appeared and told me, 'I'll be giving an injection to your forearm'. (laughs) I could feel my face reddening with embarrassment." (laughs)
[Rain]: I had the same experience before. (laughs)
[Lee Ji Hoon] : Choi Min Su hallgató, "Orvosi rendelőbe mentem egy influenza elleni injekcióért. Azt gondoltam, hogy a hátsómba fogom kapni a szúrást, szóval az alsónadrágomat levéve vártam a nővért, de amikor megjelent, azt mondta, hogy 'a karjába fogom beadni az injekciót'. (nevetés) Éreztem, hogy zavaromban elvörösödök." (nevetés)
[Rain]: Én ugyanígy jártam korábban. (nevetés)
[KCM] : Listener 'Park Sun Min', "When my family and I went to visit my parents during Chuseok holidays, my children got pocket money from my close family members. I thought one of them would give my children some money when he took his hand out of the pocket. Now I come to think of it, I was too shameless."
[Lee Ji Ho] : When my uncle took his hand out of the pocket, I thought he would give me some money, but he had me run an errand to the store for Soju. (laughs)
[KCM] : I think it's a fabrication. (laughs)
[Lee Ji Ho] : Right, it's just all made up. (laughs)
[Rain]: Do you have any interesting stories on the air?
[Lee Ji Ho] : I was so excited that I started cursing on the air, but the parts were removed in final editing. (laughs)
[Rain] : It's not easy to play a comical role, but 'Lee Jin Ho' is good at showcasing a comical role by swearing. If he leaves the army, there won't be any fun left in my life.
[Lee Ji Hoon] : I got a running nose on the air at a ski resort and I was so embarrassed.
[Rain] : When I got a bloody nose on a TV show called 'Show Tank' which was on the air, it wasn't long after my debut. I sang my song 'Bad Guy', trying stopping a nosebleed with my fingers, but it wasn't able to be aired, so I had to sing again.
And, the seat of my tight pants even split on the air, while I was dancing passionately. I was wearing loud underpants just at the right time. (laughs)
[Rain] : Nem sokkal volt a debütálásom után, amikor elkezdett vérezni az orrom a 'Show Tank' című tévéműsor felvétele közben. A Bad Guyt énekeltem, és próbáltam elállítani a vérzést az ujjaimmal, de ez így nem mehetett adásba, ezért újra kellett énekelnem. És még adás közben szétszakadt a nadrágom ülepe, miközben szenvedélyesen táncoltam. Szerencsére épp a legjobbkor rajtam volt egy erős alsónadrág. (nevetés)
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'Lee Yeon Suk', "When I traveled from Gangwon Province to Seoul, I took the subway for the first time in my life but I didn't know how to use my transportation card. I learned the right way to use the card from the subway employee, but I felt a little ashamed."
[Lee Ji Hoon]: Listener 'HiromiraimyK', "That was my first day at my new job. When I ran in order to be on time and was barely able to take the subway, I fell down and accidentally seized a lady passenger behind me by the hips. She cried out in fright and I felt terrible and apologized."
[Rain] : Listener '#6367', "When the glass door would not open after eating at a restaurant, a worker told me. 'Please just push the door!' That was very embarrassing."
I knocked me over with a heavy glass door before my concert in USA.
That was a very pellucid glass, that didn't seem to be normal and almost ceased to be visible. It's a good thing that I just knocked me over with it. Otherwise it would've been disastrous.
[Rain] : #6367 hallgató, "Amikor vacsora után egy étteremben nem nyílott ki az üvegajtó, az alkalmazott mondta, hogy 'Kérem, csak tolja meg az ajtót!' Ez annyira kínos volt."
Engem megütött egy nehéz üvegajtó az amerikai koncertem előtt. Nagyon átlátszó üveg volt, nem úgy nézett ki, mint amilyent megszoktunk, szinte nem is volt látható. A jó dolog az, hogy csak megütöttem magam vele. Különben katasztrofális lehetett volna.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I was picking my teeth in front of the black window of a car, but I found out later that singer 'Lin' was sitting in the car. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Kim Ju Yeon', "When my co-workers and I took a trip of one night and two days, every Julie, Dick and Harry was wanted on the phone from each's boyfriend. As for me not receiving any call from my boyfriend who is an unfriendly person, the scene excited me to envy, so I pretended to receive a call from him. Just then, my phone rang and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die." (laughs)
[Rain] : Not many years ago I couldn't hear what overseas staffs were saying in English when I rehearsed before my concert in USA, so I pretended to be busy, pretending to receive a call from somebody from Korea, but my phone rang, which made me embarrassed, but I tried to put a bold face on it. (laughs)
[Rain] : Néhány évvel ezelőtt nem hallottam, hogy a tengerentúli személyzet mit mond angolul, amikor próbáltam egy amerikai koncertem előtt, ezért úgy tettem, mintha elfoglalt lennék, tettettem, hogy valaki felhívott Koreából, ám elkezdett csengeni a telefonom, ami nagyon kínos helyzetbe hozott, de megpróbáltam magabiztosnak látszani. (nevetés)
[Rain] : Listener '#2745', "When I rode on the bus after working part-time, many bus passengers saw me by glimpses. I found out later I was still putting on an apron. I felt like two cents at that time."
When I worked as JYP's backup dancer, he insisted on performing with his tap shoes on during a live TV music show in Gangwon Province, at that time the region'd had copious snow in the last few days. Finally he slipped and fell in front of many people as soon as he went on stage, but he took it out on us (his dancers) (laughs)
[Rain] : #2745 hallgató, "Amikor a részidős munkám után utaztam a buszon, sok utas tekintgetett rám. Később rájöttem, hogy még mindig rajtam volt a kötényem. Akkor úgy éreztem magam, mint egy kétcentes."
Amikor JYP háttértáncosaként dolgoztam, az előadásában ragaszkodott a tap-cipőihez egy élő televíziós zenei showban, amely Gangwon tartományban volt, ahol akkortájt az egész régióban nagy mennyiségű hó esett a megelőző napokban. Végül megcsúszott és elesett a rengeteg ember előtt abban a pillanatban, ahogy színpadra lépett, de ránk fogta az egészet (a táncosokra) (nevetés).
[KCM] : In my hurry, I went out to meet a friend, wearing boxer shorts by mistake. I thought I wore shorts. I had to run like the devil to go back home. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : The story seems to be all made up. (laughs)
[KCM] : No way! It actually took place! (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener '#9078', "It was a snowy day when it was not long after my boyfriend and I started dating. Suddenly I slipped on the frozen path and fell on my back and the heel was broken. I had to come home in supported by him.
That was very embarrassing."
[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener 'Kim Yi Young', "I had a nasty brush with my boss one day. My boyfriend sent me a SMS, wondering if something wrong happened to me. By mistake, I sent him a SMS saying 'Let me strip', instead of 'Nothing'. ” (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : Gagmen, 'Yang Se Young' and 'Yang Se Chang' are brothers.
When the brothers were walking home with their close girlfriend in elementary school, they saw their house on fire. The brothers knew what was going on, but they ignored it and went on, looking the other way because they were ashamed that their house took fire. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Choi Min Kyung', " When my daughter-in-law's parents invited us for dinner, we took off our shoes before we entered the living room, and I found there was a hole in the heel of my husband's sock. I couldn't put my face up because I burned with shame. My husband evidently knew what this was about, yet he pretended not to and tried creating a pleasant ambience for them."
[Rain]: Listener 'Bulging Forehead Eyebrow', "I called a computer repair shop and the repairman visited my house that day. I kept replying to the question, not knowing he was repairing my computer with earphones in. He was on the phone to another person."
[KCM] : Sitting on the toilet at a motorway service station, I kept replying to the question, not knowing somebody was talking on the phone. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : It sounds like a lie, right? (laughs)
[KCM] : The story is true! (laughs)
[Rain] : Look how the liar is lying in his throat. (laughs)
[KCM] : Please try to believe what I'm telling you. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho]&[Lee Jin Ho] : The winners are #2745 and 'Kim Yi Young'.
[Rain]: Thank you for coming in today. See you next week.
[Lee Jin Ho]&[Lee Jin Ho] : Thank you. See you then.
[KCM]: Small gifts will be provided for 'Lee Bina', '#6536', '#4045', '#2089', '#3827', '#1141, '#2745, and 'Kim Yi Young'. Congratulations!
Please leave your phone numbers and names in private in its bulletin board.
[Rain]: This has been 'Jung Ji Hoon'.
[KCM] : This has been 'KCM'. Thank you.
Forrás: http://memo-rain.ning.com/profiles/blogs/12-12-08-friends-fm-rain-kcm-dj?xg_source=shorten_twitter
Szerző/fordító: Harudo11
Szerző/fordító: Harudo11
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