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“Singing, Acting—I Want to Do Both!”
JULY 08, 2004 22:27 by Sun-Woo Kim (sublime@donga.com)
“What do you mean? I sing really well!”
Rain (Jung Ji-hoon, 22) responds in earnest, taken aback by the comment, “But you’re not as good a singer as you are an actor or a dancer, right?” It’s a change from the soft tone he’s been using to answer the preceding questions from the reporters gathered before him.
Rain will be taking another shot at acting in the upcoming “Full House” (directed by Pyo Min-su, written by Min Hyo-jeong) on KBS2, set to debut on July 14. He will play a top Asian actor named Lee Yeong-jae. It’s been eight months since his last acting stint on KBS2’s “Let’s Go to School, Sangdu!” His new show, “Full House,” is based on a comic series of the same name by Won Soo-yeon.
Lee Yeong-jae scores record numbers at the box office in each of his movies, but he’s arrogant and closed off, which makes him rather inept at love. He aims to neither hurt nor be hurt, but he slowly learns how to love when a woman named Han Ji-eun (Song Hye-gyo), a cheerful realist, comes into his life.
We met with Rain on the afternoon of July 6 in Sido, in Bukdo-myeon, Ongjin-gun, Incheon, where the set of “Full House” is located. Rain appeared wearing a large pair of sunglasses and a red sleeveless shirt that revealed his chest. “Since the character is supposed to be a major star, his clothes are a bit on the flashy side,” he quips. “So I tend to pay a lot of attention to the wardrobe.”
--So you’re playing a star on the show as well…
“Because I’m an entertainer, sometimes I’m not even at liberty to get angry when I want. Lee Yeong-jae is arrogant and selfish, and tries to solve everything with money. We’re both similar and dissimilar. If I behaved like my character does, I’d never hear the end of it.”
--This is the second time you’re trying your hand at acting…
“When I appeared on ‘Let’s Go to School, Sangdu,’ many people were saying that a singer shouldn’t try to act. Then, when I began to receive favorable reviews for my acting, some people tried to downplay it by insisting that it was because the character was so similar to who I am in real life. But if I do well again this time, maybe I’ll actually be recognized for my acting ability. There are many singers out there who are good at both dancing and singing, entertainers who have both looks and acting talent; I want to be one of them.”
--Are there any particular lessons you’re taking for your acting?
“I’m working with a diction coach. An actor’s enunciation is very different from a singer’s, so I had to learn it from scratch. When I was working on ‘Sangdu,’ I used to get three copies of the same script, because they’d always get tattered from my reading them so many times. The third and last copy was the only intact one. I don’t really like comics, but I read ‘Full House’ three times for the role.”
― What’s the difference between acting and singing? What if you had to choose one?
“Acting is fun because it lets you live somebody else’s life. But you can’t do it alone; you have to strike a harmony with your fellow cast members. Singing, you can do well by yourself. And if I point my finger in a certain direction when I’m onstage, thousands of people move with me, to follow where I’m pointing. Singing, acting--I don’t want to give up either. I guess I’m fortunate in this respect: when I get tired of acting practice, I can always work on my dancing, and if I get tired of that, I can go practice my singing.”
Song Hye-gyo, who stars as Rain’s love interest, remarked, “I’ve never seen an actor who works this hard. He always disappears somewhere with his script to go practice by himself.”
Director Pyo Min-su also commented, “He doesn’t seem to have had proper training in acting, but he seems to have a natural knack for it.” “He’s very hardworking and meticulous,” he added.
Rain will return to singing with his third album, slated for release in September. “I’ll refrain from dancing this time and concentrate on my ballads, to demonstrate my vocal prowess,” he laughs.
기사입력2004.07.08. 오후 5:43
말 왜 그러세요? 저 노래 잘해요.”
나긋나긋한 목소리로 차분히 기자들의 질문에 답하던 비(본명 정지훈·22)가 ‘연기도 웬만큼 하고 춤도 잘 추지만 가창력은 떨어지지 않느냐’는 질문에 정색을 하고 반박했다.
비는 14일 처음 방영되는 KBS2 ‘풀하우스’(연출 표민수·극본 민효정)에서 아시아 정상의 영화배우 ‘이영재’ 역을 맡아 다시 연기에 도전한다. KBS2 ‘상두야 학교가자’ 이후 8개월 만이다. 드라마 ‘풀하우스’는 만화가 원수연의 ‘풀하우스’가 원작.
이영재는 출연 영화마다 대박을 터뜨리지만 거만하고 자기폐쇄적인 성격이어서 사랑에 약하다. 상처를 주지도 받지도 않으려고 하지만 쾌활한 현실주의자 한지은(송혜교)을 만나면서 사랑을 배운다.
6일 오후 ‘풀하우스’의 세트장이 있는 인천 옹진군 북도면 시도에서 비를 만났다. 큰 선글라스에 가슴이 트인 빨간 민소매 옷을 입고 나타난 비는 “캐릭터가 톱스타다 보니 의상이 좀 화려하다. 옷에도 신경 많이 쓴다”고 말문을 열었다.
―극중에서도 스타인데….
“연예인이라는 이유로 화도 맘대로 내지 못하는 경우가 많아요. 이영재는 거만하고 돈으로 모든 것을 해결하려는 이기적인 성격이죠. 저와 비슷하면서도 달라요. 제가 이영재처럼 행동하면 욕 많이 먹을 겁니다.”
―두 번째 연기 도전인데….
“‘상두야 학교가자’에 출연할 때 가수가 웬 연기냐는 소리도 들었어요. 연기가 괜찮다는 평이 나오니까, 극중 배역과 성격이 비슷하기 때문이라며 잘 인정해주지 않으려는 이도 있었죠. 그러나 이번에도 잘 한다면 인정받지 않을까 생각해요. 춤 실력과 가창력을 함께 갖춘 가수, 외모와 연기력을 동시에 갖춘 연예인도 많잖아요. 저도 그렇게 되고 싶어요.”
―연기를 위해 특별히 노력하거나 배우는 게 있다면요?
“발음교정 수업을 받고 있어요. 연기자의 발성은 가수의 발성과 달라 처음부터 다시 배워야 해요. ‘상두야 학교가자’를 찍을 때는 같은 대본을 3개씩 받았습니다. 하도 많이 읽어 다 찢어지기 때문이죠. 세 번째 대본만 온전했어요. 만화를 좋아하진 않지만 드라마를 위해 ‘풀하우스’를 세 번이나 읽었어요.”
―연기와 노래의 차이는 뭔가요? 둘 중 하나를 고른다면?
“연기는 다른 사람의 인생을 살 수 있어 재미있죠. 하지만 혼자만 잘 해서 되는 게 아니고 상대 배우들과 호흡이 잘 맞아야 해요. 노래는 혼자 잘 하면 그만이죠. 내가 무대 위에서 손가락으로 가리키는 곳으로 수천명이 움직입니다. 연기와 노래 둘 다 놓치고 싶지 않아요. 이런 것을 보면 전 행복합니다. 연기 연습하다 싫증나면 춤 연습하고, 그것도 지치면 노래 연습하면 되니까요.”
비의 연인으로 나오는 송혜교는 그에 대해 “이렇게 열심히 하는 배우는 처음”이라며 “항상 대본을 들고 어디론가 사라져 혼자 연습한다”고 전했다.
표민수 담당 PD는 “연기를 따로 배운 것 같지는 않으나 천부적이라는 느낌이 들 만큼 잘 한다”며 “아주 성실해 철저히 하려고 한다”고 말했다.
비는 9월에 3집 음반을 발표하며 가수로 복귀할 예정. 그는 “가창력을 보여주기 위해 춤은 자제하고 발라드만으로 승부하겠다”며 웃었다.
김선우기자 sublime@donga.com
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