Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN NAPTÁRA: 2015.04.17.

««« Előző nap                                                                                                                                                  Következő nap »»»


Credit: Jung Ji Hoon FB
Forrás: https://www.facebook.com/jung.jihoon.754/posts/901027299953442?pnref=story

Rain bejegyzése:

Thanks to my fans and CMA
It's my honor~
(Köszönöm a rajongóimnak és a CMA-nak.
Megtiszteltetés a számomra~)


Rain indulóban hazafelé Makaó repülőterén:

Credit @debii--WithK WEIBO


A koreai bulvár ezen a napon sem tagadta meg önmagát. Ahelyett, hogy Rain sikerének örvendeztek volna, véget nem érő sorban terítették be az összes nyomtatott és elektronikus hírforrást egy kacsa cáfolatával. Mert megint volt bátorsága valakinek egy hazugságot felröppenteni, amin aztán jól elcsámcsoghat firkász és olvasó egyaránt.


Forrás: http://mwave.interest.me/enewsworld/en/article/91362/cube-denies-marriage-rumors-between-rain-and-kim-tae-hee

Cube Denies Marriage Rumors between Rain and Kim Tae Hee
2015.04.17 16:32 CJ E&M enewsWorld Kim, JiYeon

Regarding rumors that Rain and Kim Tae Hee are on the verge of marriage, Rain′s agency has stated that the rumors were groundless.
Cube Entertainemnt stated on April 17, "In contrast to what′s been reported, Rain and Kim Tae Hee′s parents have not met each other and there are no detailed plans for marriage as of now."
Earlier in the day, one news outlet borrowed the words of someone who knew Rain and Kim Tae Hee and reported that their families have met each other and gave permission to marry. The report stated that the stars are preparing to get married within 2015.
Meanwhile, Rain and Kim Tae Hee became an official couple in 2013 through the report of a news outlet. They are still currently dating.


Cube Entertainment denies Rain and Kim Tae Hee have wedding plans
April 17, 2015 @ 4:25 am

Cube Entertainment has once again officially denied Rain and Kim Tae Hee's rumored wedding plans.

Talk of their alleged marriage began again after Rain's recent real estate purchase. Rain's agency Cube Entertainment stated on April 17, "Parents from both sides have not even met once. After talking to Rain himself, he says that there hasn't been talk of marriage yet."

The rep continued, "There has not been a formal bow between bride and groom, and neither of their families have given permission for marriage. They have not spoken about it yet, and he's puzzled as to why their alleged marriage continues to make headlines."

Not yet, guys!


Forrás: http://star.mk.co.kr/v2/view.php?year=2015&no=368354

김태희 측 “비와 결혼보다는 차기작이 먼저” 공식입장

기사입력 2015.04.17 17:08:34 | 최종수정 2015.04.18 10:33:34

[매일경제 스타투데이 진현철 기자]

배우 김태희 측이 가수 겸 연기자 비와 결혼을 하게 되면 “공식적으로 알릴 것”이라고 밝혔다.

김태희 측 관계자는 17일 오후 김태희와 비가 연내 결혼한다는 보도에 대해 “본인에게 확인한 결과, 비와 잘 만나고 있는 건 사실이지만 결혼 계획은 없다”며 이같이 전했다.

이날 오후 한 매체는 김태희와 비가 양가 허락을 받고 연내 결혼한다고 보도했다.

이 매체는 “두 사람의 결혼에 대한 허락이 떨어졌다. 연내에 결혼식을 올리기 위해 준비에 들어갔다”며 “친한 지인 등에게 웨딩 촬영 등을 문의하는 등 구체적인 계획을 세우고 있다”고 전했다.

하지만 김태희 측은 “상견례도 없었다”며 “두 사람이 이슈이다 보니 매번 시끄러워지고 화제가 되는 것 같다. 이렇게 몇 차례 와전되고 있는데 나중에 결혼을 하게 된다면 공식적인 루트로 알리게 될 것”이라고 강조했다.

이어 “김태희에게 가장 중요한 건 결혼보다는 차기작 선택”이라며 “본인은 좋은 작품으로 먼저 인사하고 싶다는 생각이 가장 크다. 결혼 소식보다 차기작 소식을 먼저 알릴 것”이라고 덧붙였다.

두 사람은 이전에도 결혼설에 여러 차례 휩싸인 바 있다. 지난해 비는 천주교인 김태희를 따라 세례를 받았고, 이에 따라 “두 사람의 결혼이 임박한 것 아니냐”는 주장이 제기됐다. 그러나 양측 소속사는 이를 부인했다.

한편 김태희와 비는 지난 2013년 1월 1일 교제 사실을 인정하고 공개 열애 중이다.



Forrás: http://yakorea.com/kim-tae-hee-rain-is-not-the-first/

Kim Tae-hee, Rain is not the first! 
By LEA | April 18, 2015


According to Kim Tae-hee‘s agency, they are going to inform officially if they get married.

An official mentioned about the report ‘Rain and Kim Tae-hee’s marriage’, saying “As we confirmed from her, Kim Tae-hee has kept good relationship with Rain but no plan on marriage yet.”
On the day, a media reported Kim Tae-hee and Rain would get married within the year after consent of two families.

it said “They are allowed marriage, and preparing for wedding ceremony before the end of the year. They draw up specific plans by asking their close friends.”However, Kim Tae-hee‘s acquaintance insisted “There was no meeting between two families.” and focused “They are talked-about all the time due to the fame. They will announce officially if they get married.”

Following, “What is most important to her is the next career than marriage.”, and added “She really wants to see fans with better work. She will open her next work rather than marriage.”

There were also similar rumors in the past. Rain was baptized into the Christian faith last year, and assertions followed that their marriage is drawing near. However, both managements denied it.

Meanwhile, Kim Tae-hee and Rain admitted their relationship on January 1st in 2013.

Source: Star Today


Forrás: http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=2015041722597

김태희♥비 결혼설, 양가 허락에 웨딩 촬영? "결혼한다면…" [공식입장 전문]
입력 2015-04-17 15:33:00 | 수정 2015-04-17 21:31:20

비 김태희 결혼설 사실무근 / 비 김태희 결혼설 사실무근 사진=한경DB

김태희 비 결혼설 사실무근

배우 김태희와 가수 비 커플이 결혼설에 휩싸였다.

김 태희 소속사 루아엔터테인먼트 관계자는 17일 한 매체를 통해 "김태희의 연내 결혼 계획은 없다. 개인사이기 때문에 언급은 어렵다"며 "두 사람이 결혼을 한다면 예의를 갖춰 공문을 보내는 형식으로 알릴 것"이라고 결혼설을 부인했다.

또한 비 소속사 큐브 엔터테인먼트 역시 "보도된 내용과는 양가 부모님과 만남의 자리를 가진 적이 전혀 없으며, 아직까지는 구체적인 결혼 계획은 없는 상황"이라고 공식 입장을 밝혔다.

이 날 한 매체는 비와 김태희 측근의 말을 인용해 두 사람이 연내 결혼할 계획이라고 전했다. 보도에 따르면 측근은 "두 사람의 결혼에 대한 허락이 떨어졌다. 연내에 결혼식을 올리기 위해 준비에 들어갔다"며 "친한 지인 등에게 웨딩 촬영 등을 문의하는 등 구체적인 계획을 세우고 있다"고 말했다.

한편 비와 김태희는 지난 2013년 1월 연예 매체 디스패치에 데이트하는 모습이 포착된 이후 공개 열애를 하고 있다.

- 이하 비 소속사 공식입장 전문 -

안녕하세요. 큐브 엔터테인먼트 입니다.

금일(17일) 보도된 비 결혼설과 관련된 소속사 공식 입장 전달드립니다.

보도된 내용과는 양가 부모님과 만남의 자리를 가진 적이 전혀 없으며, 아직까지는 구체적인 결혼 계획은 없는 상황입니다.

현재 전화를 바로 받지 못하는 상황에 대해 죄송하다는 말씀 전해드립니다.


Forrás: http://yakorea.com/kim-tae-hee-rain-is-not-the-first

Kim Tae Hee and Rain B is getting married?
By Brandon Baeg | April 17, 2015

Kim Tae Hee and Rain is getting married? 

It has been reported that actress Kim Tae Hee and singer Rain Bi have received permission from both families and have been preparing for marriage.

On April 17, Kim Tae Hee’s agency, Lua Entertainment stated, “We have no plan about Kim Tae Hee’s marriage this year, but as it is a personal matter, we can’t reveal anything about it more“, and added, “When it is confirmed, we will report it officially.”

Also, Rain’s agency, Cube Entertainment denied the rumor and stated, “Their families have not met each other yet and there is no marriage plan on both sides.”

However, according to an insider of a media outlet, the two stars are getting married within this year and preparing for the wedding pictorial.

Meanwhile, Kim Tae Hee and Rain Bi have admitted that they are in a relationship since they were spotted on a date in January of 2013.

Source: Hankyung



Kim Tae-hee denies wedding rumors

Actress Kim Tae-hee on Friday denied rumors she is planning a wedding with singer-actor Rain later this year.

On Friday a local news outlet reported the two have already received approval from their families and are making concrete plans, including arrangements for wedding photo shoots.

"Kim has no plans to marry within the year," an official from Kim's agency said. "She is still dating Rain, but there are no concrete plans to wed."
The two stars, who were first reported to be dating on January 1, 2013, have confirmed their relationships status, but they have largely kept their romance out of the spotlight.

At the time of the revelation, singer Rain was enlisted in his mandatory military service, which he was discharged from in July.

The initial report said signs of wedding preparations were apparent from as early as late last year.

The same outlet said there was opposition from families on both sides to marrying a fellow celebrity, which was reportedly an ongoing issue of contention for both stars. Rain is said to have tried to win over his Kim's family members.

Rain converted to Roman Catholicism, following actress Kim, and sold his long-term residence in Samseong-dong, Seoul.

The 32-year-old, who was a K-pop sensation in the 2000s, recently concluded filming for the Chinese drama series "Diamond Lover."

Kim, 34, is one of Korea's most popular and successful actresses.

By Yoon Sarah (sarah356@heraldcorp.com)


Forrás: http://www.iduobo.com/2015/04/17/kim-tae-hee-rain-exposure-married-years-both-companies-denied-the-claim-32661.html

Kim Tae Hee Rain exposure married years both companies denied the claim

A Korean media reported Kim Tae Hee and actor Rain will be married within the year ‘s news, but the two are affiliated company denied the claim. 

NetEase Entertainment April 17 reported a South Korean media reported the actress Kim Tae Hee and Rain will be married within the year ‘s news , but the two are affiliated company denied the claim.

17, some media reported Kim Tae Hee and Rain has been recognized by both sides of his family, and plans to be married this year. In response, Kim Tae Hee affiliated agency said, ” Kim Tae-hee did not plan to get married this year. They want to get married if so, the company will abide by the etiquette for a formal announcement .” The Rain affiliated agency also said that ” the contents of the reports were not true , two home of the parents have not met , but now they have no plans to get married . “

In addition , Kim Tae Hee and Rain in January 2013 affair was exposed , followed by two facts admitted in love .

Original link: http://ent.163.com/15/0417/16/ANDR787S00031H2L.html


Forrás: http://kpopfighting.com/2015/04/17/rain-wins-asian-most-influential-korean-artist-at-19th-china-music-awards/

Rain wins Asian Most Influential Korean Artist award at ’19th China Music Awards’

Apr 17, 2015

Global star Rain recently attended the prestigious ’19th Chinese Music Awards’ in Macau, and came away with an award.

CUBE Entertainment expressed on April 17th, “Rain went to Macau yesterday afternoon (April 16th), and attended the ’19th China Music Awards‘ which was held at the Venetian Cotai Arena. Besides performing on stage, Rain was also awarded the Asian Most Influential Korean Artist award.”

The ‘China Music Awards’ was broadcast live to many countries around the world, and Rain’s arrival also elicited much cheers from waiting fans. Rain was the only Korean singer to be invited to the awards ceremony, and cemented his position as an influential star. 
By: Alvin


A kép láttán az az érzésünk, hogy ma jól érezte magát a csapat Makaón :)

Credit: gori7911
Forrás: https://instagram.com/p/1kVXsnrm6B/

"평균연령 36짤ㅠㅠ"
(Az átlagéletkor 36 ㅠㅠ)

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