Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

Friends FM - Sebességvágy (2012.09.22.)

[Rain]&[KMC] : Rain&KCM's "The Desire To Speed"!

[Rain] : They say that having a healthy & balanced diet, exercising moderately, getting lots of rest, and relieving stress are very important for a healthy life and longevity.
[KCM] : But, that's difficult for most people to do.
[Rain] : Thinking positively is also one way of dealing with stress.
[KCM] : That's just what I've been trying to tell you.
Eojjeol! (A sort of "Oh my God!")
[Rain] : Oh, no! Please don't say such a thing. (laughs)
[KCM] : Sorry. Well, let's get started!
[Rain] : Go go go go!

[KCM] : Listener 'White Grapes', "One day is really not long enough to enjoy the weekend break."
[Rain] : I hope the time will go by quickly (so that I can leave the army soon.)

[Rain]: Listener '#2455', "I've ended up buying food which is cheap when I'm out of pocket money."
I think current prices are going up awfully fast as it is difficult to find cheap foods.
[KCM] : Food costs are very high outside the army; on the other hand, it is much cheaper here.

[Rain]: Listener 'Candy Bar', "I've lost my wallet and my valuables were in it."
I hope you'll find it soon. But I've never lost my wallet.

[KCM] : Listener '#2214', "Sometimes I want to go back to my childhood."
[Rain] : I think trying to live in the moment is the most important.
I believe we can live a fruitful life by starting living life the here.

[KCM] : Listener 'Love Rain', "My wisdom tooth aches. I'm suddenly overwhelmed with sorrow." (laughs)
[Rain] : I had 2 of my 4 wisdom tooth pulled at the dentist's, but the dentist has not yet decided the remains of the two other wisdom teeth need to be extracted.

[Rain] : Listener 'When That Day Comes', "Parents often make great sacrifices for their children. I thank my parents for their endless love."
We never know the love of our parents for us till we have become parents.
[KCM]: The word "Parents often make great sacrifices for their children" truly touches my heart.

[Rain] : Listener '#3287', "I really want to declare my love by gathering heart."
[KCM]: I hope he'll do not hesitate to do so.
And, please don't be too discouraged even though he fails because the world is packed with nice men and women looking for their mates.

[KCM] : Listener '#6778', "I've been prepared for a civil service exam, living alone in Seoul since I broke up with my boyfriend. It is a difficult and lonely time."
[Rain] : There is a legend that I wept out my sadness for 24 hours when I said goodbye to my fans and friends.
[KCM] : I think Rain and I have all been there.
[Rain] : KCM, please don't follow what I did. (laughs)
I miss them so much.

[Rain] : Listener 'Ballet Dancer', "I have no sense of direction."
[KCM] : As people get older, they often get more and more forgetful.

[KCM] : Listener 'Good Bye', "I asked my mom to make gimbap. I was happy when I ate the one she cooked."
[Rain] : Gimbap is best when I have it dipped in ssamjang.
[KCM] : It makes my mouth water just thinking about it.
[Rain] : Me too.

[Rain] : Listener 'Listen To My Heart', "I almost study all night at the library because I'm job hunting, so I've been under a lot of strain. I hope I get a job soon."
You may have a lot of stress at work even though you find a job.
[KCM]: I think this stress is a terminal disease to modern people.
[Rain] : KCM, what are you saying all of a sudden? (laughs)
Please be sensible! (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Boundless Charm', "I went climbing alone. I'm crazy about my hobby."
We soldiers go jogging mornings and evenings, and I think it's a great habit.

-Talk with 'Pyo Ju Yeol' about music-

[Rain] : Welcome 'Pyo Ju Yeol'.
I think it's been a long time since we last met.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : I guess you're right.
[KCM] : I've regained my other half. (KCM is referring to Rain) (laughs)
[Rain] : But, KCM's contribution comprises less than 20/100 of the total contribution. (laughs) Therefore I've become an essential part of this team. (laughs)
I just want nothing but the best for myself. (laughs)

[KCM] :'Pyo Ju Yeol', do you like to watch performances?
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Of course I do. I like all kinds of performances.
[Rain] : What is your most memorable performance?
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : It was pop group 'Wild Chrysanthemum's performance.

(1) Singer 'Jang Hye Jin's 'Bad Person'.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : 'Jang Hye Jin' has a powerful voice and outstanding singing ability.
She is staying in the public’s good graces, quickly making her way up once again.
She was a vocal trainer before her debut as a singer, and she went to USA to study at Berklee College Of Music in 2002 while working as a singer.
Recently she even participated in the O.S.T. for the famous drama 'Shiny'.

[Rain] : I think 'Jang Hye Jin's unique voice and laid-back style are striking a chord among music lovers.

[Rain] : Listener '#4572', "The song lyrics are pathetically touching. How nice to hear her voice!"

[KCM] : Listener 'Maron Doll', "There is an indescribable charm in her music."
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Listener '#9725', "Her music brings back old memories."

[Rain] : In my rookie days, I often saw her husband who is at the helm of an entertainment agency.
[KCM] : She also has a wonderful personality and is extremely hospitable.

[Pyo Ju Yeol] : They are good singers and are very good at writing and composing songs. This album is to gain FTISLAND recognition as good musicians and composers.
[Rain] : I think they are so admirably equipped for their task as musicians.

[KCM] : Listener '#3012', "This song makes me feel better."
[Rain] : Listener 'Gentle Breeze', "I think they are good guitarists and trumpeters."

[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Listener '#3782', "It's nice to listen to their new song after a long time."
They ever had concerts in Busan and Seoul's Janshil on September 2 and 3, each.

[Rain] : It has been nearly one year since I had my concert last.
I really want to have a concert again.
[KCM] : I feel the same way, too.

(3) One Direction's 'What Makes You Beautiful'
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : They are enjoying a tremendous popularity as they're sweeping the awards, and have been a major force in terms of boy band.
They have sold over 12-million records worldwide.
[Rain] : The fact is that things that you could do in the past can't now be done.
But, they've made the impossible possible.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : It is said their 800,000 concert tickets were sold out in 12 minutes.
[Rain] : I really envy them. I can't hide my eagerness to have a concert.

[Rain] : This music produces a desire to go to the beach with my beautiful girl friend while I'm driving a wrangler car with a hamburger in my hand, but then I causes a traffic accident. (laughs)
This song is really great!

[KCM] : Listener 'Yellow', "Listening to the song, I get excited."
[Rain] : Listener '#2171', "The contagious sounds of 'One Direction' has me dancing in aisles."

(4) The Script's 'Fall of Fame'
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : By releasing Celtic-style music, the band from Island has broken new ground. Also, they have much pride as musicians as they've ever declined the offer of a big US entertainment agency.

[Rain] : It's time to wrap things up. Thank you very much for coming in.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Time really goes like the wind.
[Rain] : See you next week.
[Pyo Ju Yeol] : Thanks. I'll see you then.

[Rain] : KCM, I want to ask you just a little favor.
Please don't make noise while we are on the air! (laughs)
[KCM] : I'll try not to do that.
[Rain] : Please take my words. Ok? (laughs)
[KCM] : Ok! (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener '#8932', "I won a gift certificate for a free food. When I gave my parents a nice dinner using the certificate, they were very pleased. I'm going to often spend time with them, eating out."

[Rain] : Listener ཮Dumplings ', "In football, he is someone who never admits his shortcomings and doesn't tolerate even a tiny mistake."
That’s the way the cookie crumbles. (laughs)
The World Cup will be held soon. I have something to tell you.
I have good news for me..Well, I'm supposed to work on a large-scale project in 2014, so I think I can visit Brasil to watch the World Cup football match during the project.
[KCM]: I’d love to.

[Rain] : Listener 'Constant Mind', "There was such a clamor from my baby nephew that I slept early and played with him."
If I had a nephew, I would dress him or her in hip-hop style clothes and take him or her to all the award ceremonies. (laughs)
[KMC] : I have four grown-up nephews, but they underestimate me, (laughs)
[Rain] : You should have been always nice to them. (laughs)

[KMC] : (Cutting him off when Rain is talking) (laughs)
Listener 'Adolescence', "I guess I am going through puberty these days. I'm getting all steamed up about nothing. Will time solve the problem?"
Everyone goes through a stormy period of adolescence, so please don't worry too much.
[Rain] : Our family's fortune was on the wane during my puberty, so I wasn't allowed to experience puberty. Just thinking about that time makes me feel sorry to myself. I was already forward for my years and never wavered from my desired goal at that time. I heard KCM was in the same situation.
[KMC] : However, I think I experienced puberty. I'm way off base? (laughs)

-Miss A & Mr. B-

[Rain] : Nice to meet you.
[Kim So Jung] : Nice to meet you.
[KCM] : It's turned cold, hasn't it?
Kim So Jung, how do you maintain your health as a singer?
[Kim So Jung] : I try not to use air conditioners or electric heaters to protect my throat.
[Rain] : In particular, the heat from the dryer is actually very bad for singers' scalps and skins.
[KCM] : Rain seems to know a lot about everything. (laughs)
[Rain] : Recently, I have a secret worry. KCM and I seem to be utterly incompatible with each other. (laughs) The very sight of him makes me sick. (laughs)
[KCM] : My mother is listening to this radio show. (laughs)
[Rain] : My daddy is listening to this radio show, too. (laughs)
[KCM] : No matter what Rain says to me, he is just adorable. (laughs)
[Rain] : I like KCM, too, but I guess I can't hide my feelings very well. (laughs)

[Rain] : By the way, recently it is not a surprise any more that actors make their own music recordings or that singers become thespians.
'Kim So Jung', what would you do in this situation?
[Kim So Jung] : If I get the chance, I would like to launch an acting career within the year.
[Rain] : I can help you to debut as an actress.
[Kim So Jung] : Really?
[Rain] : A military drama is on the floor. (laughs)
[Kim So Jung] : I'll accept the offer with alacrity. (laughs)
[Rain] : Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.
Starting work at the bottom of the ladder can lay the foundation for your success.
[Kim So Jung] : I'm in full agreement with you, Rain.

[Rain] : By the way, recently it is not a surprise any more that actors make their own music recordings or that singers become thespians.
'Kim So Jung', what would you do in this situation?
[Kim So Jung] : If I get the chance, I would like to launch an acting career within the year.
[Rain] : I can help you to debut as an actress.
[Kim So Jung] : Really?
[Rain] : A military drama is on the floor. (laughs)
[Kim So Jung] : I'll accept the offer with alacrity. (laughs)
[Rain] : Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.
Starting work at the bottom of the ladder can lay the foundation for your success.
[Kim So Jung] : I'm in full agreement with you, Rain.

-Story 1 -
[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Ukulele Carol', "I have a boyfriend, going out for three years, but I've never received even a little gift from him. Even though I always give him a present on his birthday, he just pretends not to know it. It’s my birthday. As if he didn't know. Actually, I just want to him to be always very considerate of my feelings. However, I really want to receive even a little gift from him."

[Rain] : I used to be very good to my ex-girlfriend, getting her gifts regardless of our anniversary. The amount of gifts is not important, and I think that all the gifts exchanged between lovers have a lingering potency even though they split up and go their separate ways. (laughs)
[KCM] : I couldn't make my ex-girlfriend feel happier and more abundant due to my hardscrabble life.
[Rain] : My ex-girlfriend was thankful for my careful attention. I thinkn a present was not always good to her just because it was expensive.
[Kim So Jung] : Receiving small unexpected gifts can be a pleasant surprise to women.
My ex-boyfriend couldn't play the piano at all at first but he diligently learned how to play the piano and made it after all in order to please me. I was impressed by his sincerity.
[Rain] : I used to hand her a letter of love, sinning a song of love. (laughs)
You know what I'm saying? (laughs) I feel proud of myself. (laughs)
[KCM] : I thought listener 'Ukulele Carol's boyfriend might be financially embarrassed.
[Rain] : We have to know that the listener takes the view that how much he loves her is more important than money.
I want to advise her to write a letter to him with her heart, which can become the major catalyst in understanding each other better.

[Rain] : Listener 'Movie Lover', "It's the thought that counts, not the price-tag."

[KCM] : Listener '#1104', "She can ask him to buy her a gift using her childlike charms."
[Rain] : But, it would be unrealistic and misleading to do so.

[Kim So Jung] : Listener '#6704', "His kind word can move her deeply."

[Rain] : Listener 'Peach', "As a woman marries a man expecting that he won't change but he does, she needs to watch the guy more whether he is an OK person."
If I get married, I can become a lot more domesticated. I really want my future wife to become the happiest person in the world. Actually, it is my entire life's goal, and my family living a content life is the reason for my happiness.
[KCM] : Well..
[Rain] : (Interrupting KCM) (laughs)
Let me read the next story. (laughs)

-Story 2-
[Rain] : Listener 'The Stump Of A Pencil', "I've dated with her since I dropped across her at the reunion in 15 years. I really want to marry her, but she wants to stay single forever. She (28 years old) is hanging tough so I've failed in persuading her to marry me. What can I do?"
Please don't force her to make a decision. She can be far too young to get married, and I think time will solve the problem.

[KCM] : As a woman has a maternal instinct, surely she'll want to marry and have a baby someday.
[Rain] : Just dating with her can make him happy, don't you think so? (laugh)
[KCM] : You're right!
[Rain] : Don't you thing? (think so?) (laughs)
[KCM] : OK, don't you thing. (laughs)
[Rain] : I'd like to give the couple a piece of advice. Please love each other happily.

[KCM] : By the way, 'Kim So Jung', do you believe in remaining single?
[Kim So Jung] : Not at all. I really want to get married.
[KCM] : I can't understand why there are such people who don't want to marry in the world.
[Rain] : As each of people has a different identity, I think we should accept diversity.
[KCM] : If they don't marry, surely they'll live to regret it.
[Rain] : (Interpreting KCM) (laughs), the next song is Bruno Mars' "Marry You".

[Rain] : Listener '#5780', "I'm sure she'll dearly love to marry after she is 30."
I think so, too. Women change their mind with the change of seasons as they change their mind easily.

[KCM] : Listener '#7011', "I think he should read her mind because she may be a two-timer."
[Rain] : As time goes on, their friendship may deepen into love over the years and marry. I think he should let time shape.

[Kim So Jung] : Listener '#2745', "My mother wanted to stay single forever. She says that people change whether they decide to or not."
[Rain] : I also change my mind many times throughout the course of a day as sometimes I think I like KCM ; other times I don't. (laughs)However, KCM is like a girlfriend to me. (laughs) I'm uneasy and feel something's missing in my heart without him. (laughs)
[KCM] : I feel as if I have Rain watching over me. (laughs)
So I'm also uneasy without him. (laughs) He has no equal as a hulk of a protector who can watch over me. (laughs)
[Rain] : Anyway, I want to advise listener #7011 to give it some time.

[Rain] : Listener 'Walnut Cereal', "I believe that marriage would diminish me, reduce my options."
When a woman gets married and has babies, it is hard for her to relax and take time for herself. As actually there has been a complete role reversal with the man staying at home and the woman going out to work in many marriages, they can shuffle the cards.
I think KCM can take good care of his baby and do 100 percent of those jobs at home. (laughs) Moreover, he can chat with middle aged women. (laughs)
[KCM] : As far as chatting with middle aged women is concerned, I'm by far the best. (laughs)
[Rain] : I am too embarrassed to lift my head up because KCM really has a cool cheek. (laughs) He is like a middle aged woman. (laughs)
He also likes to put his finger in others' pie. (laughs)
[Kim So Kung] : I think KCM has a certain charm about him. (laughs)
[Rain] : His attractiveness is just due to his firm body. (laughs)

-Story 3-
[Kim So Kung] : Listener 'Gallery Park', "I have an unrequited love for someone older from my major department. He seems more interested in me and even does light petting romantically, but I've found out he has a girl friend whom he has dated for a long time. I can't decide whether to reject him."
I think he is a low-rent guy. (laughs)
He must approach her with bad intentions. (laughs)
[KCM] : In my opinion, he's approached her on purpose since he heard a rumor that she loves him.
[Rain] ; She'd better make a clean breast of it, and he must offer definite answers concerning whom he will date with.

[Rain] : Listener '#2074', "Please put it to him straight."
[KCM] : Listener 'Princess', "If I were her, I would choose friendship, not love."

[Kim So Kung] : Listener 'Morning Bread', "One-sided love is just unreturned."
[Rain] : In my case, my one-sided love has come about as I've won KCM's heart. (laughs) I wanted to tell this story. (laughs)
[KCM] : Rain, you are playing around with me, aren't you? (laughs)
[Rain] : I mean, I hope we can be good friends as I really value him as a friend.
KCM is a very nice guy and works hard, even at odd jobs. (laughs)
He is older than me, but he has a big heart and has grown up fine. (laughs)
[KCM] : I feel terrible. (laughs)
[Rain] : Anyway, I want to advise listener 'Gallery Park' to put it to him straight like me. (laughs)
It's time to wrap it up. Thank you for coming in today, 'Kim So Jung'.
And, KCM, you've gone to so much trouble for me today. (laughs)
Let's wrap things up here for today.
Thank you.

[Rain] : Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can help you feel better.
I hope you'll have a nice day while being with someone.
[KMC] : Small gifts will be provided for 'Gallery Kwon', 'The Stump Of A Pencil', and 'Ukulele Carol'.
[Rain] : This has been 'Jung Ji Hoon'.
[KMC] : This has been 'Kang Chang Mo'
[Rain] : Bye!
[KMC] : Thank you!

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