Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2005.03.28.


Rain's Overseas Fans Stage Signature Gathering Event to Wish Him Fast Recovery


After singer Rain gave up his role in the new television miniseries "Bad Love" due to health problems, his overseas fans launched a website and staged a relay signature gathering event to wish him a fast recovery. The site was created by one of Rain's Brazilian fans, Manoela Neves, who opened the homepage on a famous petition site. As of March 27, 1,317 of the singer's fans from the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, Singapore, China, Japan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand had posted their signatures on the site. 


Rain's Overseas Fans Stage Signature Gathering Event to Wish Him Fast Recovery


After singer Rain gave up his role in the new television miniseries "Bad Love" due to health problems, his overseas fans launched a website and staged a relay signature gathering event to wish him a fast recovery. The site was created by one of Rain's Brazilian fans, Manoela Neves, who opened the homepage on a famous petition site. As of March 27, 1,317 of the singer's fans from the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, Singapore, China, Japan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand had posted their signatures on the site.

Source : english.kbs.co.kr...

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2005.03.27.

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2003.03.26.

(2012.05.02.) Friends FM

[English translation]
credit : 도로데아 - rain-cloud.co.kr/

A beszélgetés résztvevői: Rain, Kim Sung-won (KSW) és Park Hyo-shin (PHS)

--------[1. rész]-----------

KSW: Első alkalommal szerepelek ebben az adásban. Segítek megnyerni az első helyet azzal, hogy jól fogom felolvasni a történeteiteket.
Rain: Ez a második szereplésem ebben a műsorban. A mi csapatunknak kell nyerni, mivel én már gyakorlott vagyok ebben a munkában.
PHS: A kettőtök közti versenyre remélhetőleg majd sor kerül a hallgatóság részvételével zajló "Egy közeli hívás" című részben.

PHS: Jung Ji-hoon  és Kim Sung-won őrvezetők, üdvözöllek benneteket az adásunkban. Jó estét kívánok!
KSW: Jó estét, itt Kim Sung-won őrvezető.
Rain: Jó estét, itt Jung Ji-hoon őrvezető.

PSW: Elfoglaltságuk miatt több PR-katona, aki rendszeres vendégünk volt, nem lesz jelen abban a részben, így az kevésbé lesz jelentőségteljes.
Rain: Így van. Nincs itt a "hájgombóc" ma.  Ezt a becenevet adtam Kang Chan-mo őrvezetőnek, hogy "hájgombóc". (nevetés)
PHS: Mit szólnál a "zsírmáj"-hoz?
Rain: Mindkettő rendben.
PHS: Mert Kang Chan-mo egész idő alatt panaszkodott, hogy fáradt, pedig inkább iszákos.

Rain: Elneveztem Park tizedest és Kim Sung-won őrvezetőt is, "Mindenki, Aki Szereti"-nek*, illetve "Pepero"-nak. (nevetés) 
KSW: A gimiben a barátaim Mantisnak hívtak, a becenevemen. (nevetés)

   * (lefordíthatatlan szójáték a who és a Hyo szavakkal)

Rain: Egyébként, így most a születésnapja kétszer-egy-évben esemény lett: a valódi születésnapján és a Pepero Napon (november 11-én).
KSW: Kiéről beszélsz?
Rain: A tiédről. De már nem érdekes.
KSW: Ah! Bocs, most én vagy "Pepero". (nevetés)

PHS: Kim Sung-won, kétszer jártál itt a távollétem alatt, ugye?
KSW: Igen.
PHS: Be tudod magad mutatni rendesen? (Meg tudod mutatni a specialitásodat ebben?)
KSW: Távol voltál, ezért nem volt esélyem se rá, de Lee Jin-woo négyszer-ötször lehetőséget adott a rappelésem bemutatására.
PHS: Na gyerünk! Próbáld meg!
KSW: (rappel)

Rain: Az akcentusából ítélve, úgy tűnik, hogy az ország egy másik részéből érkezett.
KSW: Egy rap-akcentussal dolgoztam.
Rain: Pepero már elfáradt.
KSW: Szégyellem magam, amiért nem tudom jobban csinálni.
PHS & Rain: Ne aggódj. Épp jól csinálod!
PHS: Mi már énekeltünk és táncoltunk a saját tehetségkutatónkban.

PHS: Én vagyok az igazi házigazdája ennek a műsornak, de te fogod átvenni tőlem a távollétem alatt.
KSW: Nem vagyok túl jó a gördülékenységben, de megteszem, amit csak tudok.
PHS & Rain: (nevetésben törnek ki a kiejtése hallatán)
Rain: Egyértelmű, hogy helyi nyelvjárásban beszél! (Rain utánozza a kiejtését)

KSW: Azt mondják, hogy ez a műsor identitászavarral küzd, mert a műsorvezető személye folyton változik.
PHS: Egyáltalán nem! Azt hiszem, a végeredmény meghaladja a várakozásokat.
Rain: Ahhoz, hogy vidám műsort tudjuk csinálni, barátságos légkört kell teremtenünk.
KSW: Azt hiszem, ez itt a kérdés.
Rain: Ne vegyétek komolyan a viccelődésemet.
KSW: Sajnálom.
PHS: Kim Sung-wo és Yim Joo Howan komolyság tekintetében sokkal hasonlóbb karakterek.
KSW: Mert én még tapasztalatlan vagyok.
Rain: A "hájgombóc"-nak is itt kellene ma lennie. (Kang Chang-mo, KCM)

PHS: KCM érte el a legnagyobb hatást a múlt héten, és teljesen alkalmazkodott ehhez a részhez.
Rain: Megint a tintahalakról beszélt?
PHS: Megint, persze. Nagyon beszédes volt az idevágó tapasztalatairól.
Rain: Állandóan csak erről beszél. (nevetés) Ez itt a kérdés.
PHS: De, tőle eltérően, nekem keveset kell beszélnem.
Rain: Lehet, hogy hallgatja a műsort, mert neki tripla A vércsoportja van. (értsd: visszahúzódó, nem túl beszédes)

PHS: Még a szabadsága alatt is állandóan otthon volt.
Rain: Miért megy szabadságra, ha még egy kis elfoglaltsága sincs a szabadsága alatt? Inkább maradna itt és dolgozna keményen.

Rain: Ámbár elég terjedelmes ember. Mellben túl erős. (nevetés)

[Rain]: Anyway, he is bulky man. (laughter) It's too big in the bust.(laughter)
[Kim Sung Won] : By the time now, he is taking exercise.
[Rain]: We usually sleep when we are tired, but he lifts weights when tired.
So, I think he and I seem to live in very different worlds.

[Rain]: I spoke ill of 'Park Hyo Shin' behind his back during his absence last time.
[Park Hyo Shin] : I thought as much. (laughter)
[Rain]: Speak ill of me behind my back during my absence. (laughter)
We shall all grow up, knowing that.

[Park Hyo Shin] I wonder what would happen if 'Kim Sung Won' introduce listeners' stories today (because his accent is unique.)
[Rain]: I'm really concerned about that (laughter)
[Kim Sung Won] : I'm sure that everything will be fine.
[Park Hyo Shin] However, I’m very much looking forward to it.

[2012-05-04 오후 1:06:14]

[Park Hyo Shin] : Rain, I think you’re in a good mood today.
[Rain]: I'm very happy to receive special gifts from my fans.
My fan clubs, such as benamoo, BC Galley (* He mistakenly believes that DC Galley is BC Galley), etc. brought lots of food, sweatsuits, a USB featuring the edited videos of my past activities, etc. to celebrate the 10th anniversary of my debut. Thank all of you for the nice present.

[Park Hyo Shin] & [Kim Sung Won] :Congrats on your 10th debut anniversary.
[Rain]: Thank you.
[Park Hyo Shin] : Treat me to something nice to mark your 10th debut anniversary.
[Rain]: (I wish I could, but unfortunately) I can't.
I can't afford to treat you because my salary's too small. (laughter)

[Park Hyo Shin] : Celebrate your anniversary. A sound effect is ready.
[Rain]: Ah..Thank you (laughter)

[Park Hyo Shin] : Give us a demonstration.
[Rain]: JYP used to do this.
Happy birthday to you~ (JYP version)
You should have laughed at this point.
[Park Hyo Shin] : I laughed, right?

[2012-05-04 오후 1:07:07]

[Rain]: Happy birthday to you~ (Rain version)
[Park Hyo Shin] : Great! You're the incarnation of sexiness. Particularly, your voice is so sexy.
[Kim Sung Won] : I'm so happy that both of you are sexy.
[Rain]: 'Park Hyo Shin' has gone far beyond me in singing, but I'm better than him in breathing. (laughter)
[Park Hyo Shin] : I'm also practicing to breath.
[Rain]: It's a joke.
[Rain]: 'Park Hyo Shin' is a good singer, so I try to have a lot to learn from him.
[Park Hyo Shin] : You always are generous with the compliments.

[Rain]: Our topic today is about buffet.
[Kim Sung Won] : A hotel voucher as a gift will be provided for the winner. (They laughed because of his unique accent)
[Rain]: You should have read it as if you were rapping.
[Park Hyo Shin] : I think I can do as well as he did.

[Park Hyo Shin] : Do you like buffet food?
[Kim Sung Won] : Yes.
[Rain]: I am not particular about food, and I even prefer to eat rather than date with my girl friend, which caused a lot of conflict with her.

[Rain] : Eating is like a god to me.
[Park Hyo Shin] : You're right. Therefore, it is important to eat healthy food.
[Rain] : Eating square three meals a day is important, too.
[Kim Sung Won] : Eating well is happy.
[Park Hyo Shin] : But, 'Kim Sung Won' has a small appetite.
[Rain] : I think we'll have to help give him a good appetite.

[2012-05-04 오후 1:08:46]

[Kim Sung Won] : I can eat like a horse, and only gain weight in the gut.
So, I'm trying to eat less these days.
[Rain] : How can "Peperoo" get a potbelly? (laughter)
[Kim Sung Won] : I'm obese despite a thin frame.
[Park Hyo Shin] : It looks like your chocolate has melted down and been set in the middle. (laughter) (* "Pepero" is a chopstick-shaped snack covered with chocolate)
[Rain] : So, he will be a "Pepero" with armond. (laughter)
[Kim Sung Won] : But, my armond-shaped belly fat isn't lost.
[Rain] : Please stop talking about it. (laughter)

[Park Hyo Shin] : What kinds of foods do you like best at a buffet restaurant?
[Rain] : First of all, I eat expensive food like sashimi.
[Kim Sung Won] : I'm often a binge eater although I eat like a bird.
[Rain] : Your method is on the level of an amateur. (laughter) This is the province of the specialist. (laughter)
In my case, sashimi is first, vegetables are second, followed by meats or fish, dessert, drinking water and meats or fish... (laughter)
[Park Hyo Shin] : I'm reluctant to go to a buffet restaurant because I always comes to eat too much although I get full on small portions.

[2012-05-04 오후 1:09:09]



[Rain] : Buffet restaurants and all-you-can-eat offers can lead to binge eating, so it’s embarrassing for an entertainer to go to such restaurants.

[Rain] : I used to heap my plate with food at buffet restaurants when I was a child, but I've eaten several smaller meals instead of a couple really big ones since I was told off for having too much on my plates from an elderly woman.

[Park Hyo Shin] : When I went to a buffet restaurant for the first time, I piled as much food as I could onto my plate, but I just ate food which suited my taste, transferring food, that didn't taste as good as it looked, to empty plates.

[Rain] : It's good to take only as much as you can eat even if it's free.

[Kim Sung Won] : The most funny thing among listeners' episodes will win top honors, and your opinions will be reflected in the outcome.

[Rain] : I think he (Kim Sung Won) is cute in a comical sort of way.
[Park Hyo Shin] : I feel the same way. Seeing him talking funny, I found myself laughing. (laughter)

[Kim Sung Won] : This is because it's the first time that I've read such a manual.

[Park Hyo Shin] : I love his way of speaking. (laughter)
As a way of reading, which can generate a lot of interest, usually translates into more vote for the one directly concerned, please retail those episodes with relish.

[2012-05-04 오후 1:11:08]

[Rain] : 'Baek Seo Ban's episode, [I'm a girls' high school senior. Our school walked away with first prize in the brass band contest last year, so we had the buffet as a reward.
We ate most of the food on the table and just left a little food for others, since the owner told us to eat like a horse. I think he little suspected that things would turn out that way. We could not be more sorry about what had happened. Nevertheless, we'll have dinner at the same restaurant again this time because we love dining there.]

[Rain] : It's better than having no custom at all.

[Park Hyo Shin] : I don't see how they can eat so much even if they belong to a brass band not to a physical education class. (laughter)

[Rain] ; Extra food is always secured at such restaurants, so you don’t have to worry about running out of food. The more customers, the merrier they are.
Eating much at such restaurants means that food could be brought to customers quicker, which means it is fresher.

[Park Hyo Shin] : That's exactly what I was thinking.

[Rain] : All this talking has worked up an appetite, and suddenly I'd really like to have some meats such as pork belly, etc.
Park Hyo Shin & Kim Sung Won : I'd love to.

[Park Hyo Shin] : Talking about delicious food, which makes listeners' mouth water, seems to be bothering them today, so sorry about that.
I think 'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain) copies women's voice well.
[Rain] : Really? You (Kim Sung Won) should try it for yourself first. (laughter)

[2012-05-04 오후 1:11:33]

[Kim Sung Won] : Meat Mania's episode, "[When I heard my acquaintance, with whom I'm close, would go to a buffet restaurant, I was getting playful and advised him to bring some lettuces, ssamjang, and garlics to the buffet.
He took my word for it, but he later realized that he had been fooled.
Seeing him putting something to eat in his bag, the restaurant's owner told him, "You should not take them home. Then he provoked laughs by saying, "That's what I brought from my house."
Afterwards, I apologized and I was really sorry by joking, "I’d love to come along next time, and I'll bring some food to the buffet for you then."]

[Kim Sung Won] : So embarrassing!
[Park Hyo Shin & Rain] : Don't tell us that! I think you did very well.
[Kim Sung Won] : Despite being a rapper, I had to copy a feminine voice.

[Rain] : How much more should I be!
[Park Hyo Shin] : It's the same with me!
[Rain] : If 'Park Hyo Shin' is the King of Ballad, I can be a dancing machine..Besides, I'm a world (star). (laughter)
[Kim Sung Won] : Being here is an exciting new experience for me.
[Rain] : It has a wry dryness you won't recognize, which makes my blood pressure rise. (laughter)

[Park Hyo Shin] : Have you ever taken the buffet food home?
[Kim Sung Won] : I've never done this kind of thing before.
[Park Hyo Shin] : But, sgt 'Yu Seung Chan' often takes hot sauces to his barrack.
They are hot but very delicious, but I'm not used to eating spicy food.
[Rain] : It ill becomes a Korean person not to eat hot foods.
It’s normal to sweat a lot when we eat hot foods, isn't it?
Now I come to think of it, I'm hungry.
[Park Hyo Shin] : We'll be appeasing our hunger with our lovely junior's song, "Love Is"

[2012-05-04 오후 1:11:57]



[Park Hyo Shin] : It was Rain's 'Love Is'. Good song!
I wanted to harmonize on the melody. Not only is Rain sexy, but he sings and dances very well. He is a real jack-of-all-trades.
[Kim Sung Won] : I resisted an impulse to perform a rap for the song.
[Park Hyo Shin] : Right. This song is really great, so I was singing along with it.
[Rain] : It ill becomes you (Park Hyo Shin) to speak so. Aren't you the king of song?
[Park Hyo Shin] : Aren't you the world star?
[Rain] : Let's stop talking about that, and let's read the script.

[Rain] : Listener #5024's post, “All pfc 'Jung Ji Hoon's detailed information about something to eat were very interesting. I select number one.”

[Kim Sung Won] : Listener #2332's post, "Pfc 'Jung Ji Hoon' is scary..ke, so I wasn't hearing his words..ke, therefore, I select number two.”

[Rain] ; Please give me #2332's address. I'll try to stalk #2332 and teach her a lesson even if I have to go awol. (laughter)

[Park Hyo Shin] : Listener #8613's post, "I select number one (episode 1)
I really felt for pfc 'Jung Ji Hoon when he copied a feminine voice..kekeke.."

[Rain] : Listener #9154's post, "I select number two (episode 2) ..keke..
pfc "Kim Sung Won' was so cute. It is said soldiers have to be master of their circumstances without anyone knowing in the military."

[Rain] ; I want not to do so anymore. I've won the victory over myself extravagantly. (laughter)
[Kim Sung Won] : But you'll have to win the victory over yourself for the next thirteen months. (It means it takes about one year and one month for Rain to get out of the army.) (laughter)
[Park Hyo Shin] : The same is true of my case.
[Kim Sung Won] : Unlike us, 'Park Hyo Shin' has a bit more to go till he is separated from the army.

[2012-05-04 오후 1:12:59]

[Kim Sung Won] : Listener 'Kim Si Yeon's post, "I marvel that 'Kim Sung Won' could do so as if he was rapping..kekeke..Yo!"
Listener 'Sodium's post, "He's too ingenuous and cute to bring food to the buffet. So, episode 2."

[Rain] : Listener #9891's post, "Sorry, Pfc 'Jung Ji Hoon', episode 2 is more interesting than 1."
[Kim Sung Won] : Listener #6455's post, "I burst out laughing hearing episode 2, studying in the library. kekekekeke."
[Rain] ; To be honest, it interested me little. (a tongue-in-cheek remark)
[Park Hyo Shin] : I enjoyed both episodes.

[Park Hyo Shin] : Listener #6002's post, “Kim Sung Won's way of speaking as if he sobbed out an account was very interesting. I couldn't make out what he was
saying, but I choose episode 2."

[Park Hyo Shin] : So, Meat Mania's episode has secured a place in the finals.

[Rain] : I like meat, too. (laughter) I like anything that is chewable.

[2012-05-04 오후 1:13:23]

[Round 2]
[Kim Sung Won] : Listener 'Person Possessed By A Spirit's episode, [About fifteen years ago when I was new to the workforce, on Christmas Eve, I had dinner with my 6 friends, and then we went to a pre-booked coffee shop in the basement of a luxury hotel. When I asked a waiter there, "May I see the menu, please?", he looked flustered for a moment and then brought a person who looked like a manager. The person told us, "This is a buffet restaurant." Since it was rare to find such a buffet restaurant at that time, we were not familiar with it. We had a grasp of the situation and began to have a buffet dinner even if we had already had plenty. The manager reduced the price a little, but we had no money with us after paying the meal because credit card wasn't also common at that time. That's why we couldn't go to a night club after that even if going there was planned previously.]

[Rain] ; I don't understand why they could not cancel their reservation for the buffet.
[Kim Sung Won] : That's reasonable explanation.
[Park Hyo Shin] : But they couldn't change it because they were new to the workforce.
[Rain] : It's possible.

[2012-05-04 오후 1:14:10]

[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Soo Jung's episode, [I worked part-time at a family restaurant for a year. At the restaurant, there were those who talked with their friends all day long by coming earlier than I did and leaving later than I did, which was meant to set a time limit of three hours for the meal, those who kept ordering food despite my repeated explanation, a regular customer glamorously dressed who made complimentary remarks to us about the good food, a customer who made complimentary remarks to us, "The fruit is very fresh and tastes good.", etc.
My job was hard work, but it was a tremendous experience.]

[Rain] : I worked part-time at such a family restaurant for a while in my high school days, but the boss dismissed me in a week with no pay after he found out my age fraud.
[Kim Sung Won] : He is such a bad hat!

[Rain] : I want to reveal the restaurant's name, but...I've decided not to do it.
[Park Hyo Shin] : Have patience.

[Park Hyo Shin] : I think restaurant employees should explain to their customers how to serve themselves at their restaurants.

[Park Hyo Shin] : Next song is Untouchable's "I Have Given Her Nothing"

[2012-05-04 오후 1:14:47]



~2:49 ;[Park Hyo Shin] : As listeners' opinions are reflected in the outcome, 'Kim Soo Jung's episode has secured a place in the finals.

[Rain] : Listener #9272's post, "With my family, I went to a buffet restaurant in the 63 Building, Seoul's Youido, and it was my father's first experience going to the building although he lives in Seoul. My father asked me, "This building has buffet restaurants on each floor?" which made us laugh. I think he's really funny." (laughter)
[Park Hyo Shin] : That could be so.

[Kim Sung Won] : Listener 'Jae Lim's post, "My family went to a buffet restaurant a few days ago, but they charged children six and over.
My married sister tried to enter the restaurant, evading answering a question while lying about her boy's age (his real age is 6 years old), but her boy vent his displeasure of her, insisting that he is 6 years old." (laughter)

[Park Hyo Shin] : He is so cute and innocent.

Rain : I was very good at lying when I was a child. It's natural for a child to lie, but they should be given a good scolding by his parent in order to have a decent living.

[Park Hyo Shin] : Listener 'Paeng Hye Sun's post, "My family went to a nice buffet restaurant to mark my sister's birthday, and I was having a pinkberry about my boss while eating food - I was new to the workforce at that time. Unfortunately, my eyes met the icy gaze of my boss who was on opposite side of our table. I hesitantly approached him to say hello to him. The awful sight almost made me throw up."

[Park Hyo Shin] : It's a small world. We should always watch our mouth.
I've seen the same situation before.

[2012-05-04 오후 1:15:14]

[Rain] ; I'd rather speak ill of a person behind his back, thinking that the listener would sneak on me to the person.
We should not bad-mouth others behind their backs though, but there's no one like such a person who doesn't dog on others in the world. That's why we must try to control ourselves.

[Park Hyo Shin] : Let me think seriously about it, listening the next song.
[Rain] : We have to listen to a song again?
[Park Hyo Shin] : Because it's an important song.
[Rain] : Before I know it, I'm likely to cry (laughter)
[Park Hyo Shin] : The next song is my "I'm likely to cry"

[Kim Sung Won] : The winner is Meat Mania.
[Rain] : A hotel coupon, a fish cake set, and Germarola will be provided for the first-place entry, the second-place entry, and 'Jae Lim'.
[Rain] : What is this Germarola for?
[Park Hyo Shin] : It is said it's sort of a machine for a face massage.
[Rain] : It seems to be very useful. I think I'll have to send my story to this program in order to get this.
[Park Hyo Shin] : When listeners send your stories to this program, you should fill in your full name, address, and contact number.

[2012-05-04 오후 1:16:08]

[Park Hyo Shin] : How was your day?
[Rain] : I had an enjoyable day here.
[Park Hyo Shin] : I am hungry now.
[Rain] : In between times, we can eat even during the program.
[Park Hyo Shin] : Let's take some time to think about it.
[Rain] : I don't have the time to deal with that because I wouldn't stay here beyond a year. (laughter)
[Park Hyo Shin] : It is high time for you to go.
[Rain] : I would love to remain here a little while longer not to be trained. (laughter)
[Park Hyo Shin] : I may get a scolding from your fans if you do so.
[Rain] : If that's what you really want, there's nothing I can do. Everyone, please love our loved corporal 'Park Hyo Shin'. (laughter)
[Kim Sung Won] : Please don’t give corporal 'Park Hyo Shin' a hard time.
[Rain] : According to corporal 'Park Hyo Shin', his lower back hurts so much he can't sleep at night.
[Kim Sung Won] : Furthermore, he was even coughing so much at night.
[Rain] : I think I'll have to pop healthy food into his mouth. (laughter)

[Park Hyo Shin] :Our topic next week is about Yeosu.
[Rain] : The World Expo is being held there. Pfc 'Lee Jin Woo' has been sent to the scene of the Expo. He is making moan because it's too hot.

[Rain] : Please send your stories related to Yeosu to this program. You can
participate in this segment in advance via its bulletin board.

[Park Hyo Shin] : Thank both of you for all of the time and hard work.
Before ending this, say something for all your fans.
[Rain] : (to Park Hyo Shin) Please go first. I'll go after you. (laughter)
[Park Hyo Shin] : The next song is Girls’ Generation's Run Devil Run.

[2012-05-04 오후 1:16:36]

Friends FM - Sebességvágy 3. (2012.05.19.)

2012_05_19_ The Desire For Speed

[English translation]
by화니 @rain-cloud.co.kr


[Rain] &[KCM] : Rain and KCM's "The Desire to Speed"!

[Rain] : As Kant explains that, "Take a rest after your hard work is worth every penny.", we should work hard on weekdays if we want to find a real pleasure on the weekend.
[KCM] : That's right! Oh, I've just remembered a really nice wise saying by someone.
[Rain] : Let's stop talking about it. (laughter)

[KCM] : Strength of mind results from workout, not from relaxation.
[Rain] : Why is everything always associated with workout?
Anyway, it's good to exercise while listening to the radio music, isnt' it?

[Rain] : (After Rain corrected KCM's wrong pronunciation after the song)
I think KCM always associates everything with exercise.
[KCM] : Those are UK's writer Alexander pope's words, not mine.
[Rain] : What he said isn't entirely wrong. Because we can keep healthy and relieve the stress by exercising.
[KCM] : Totally! I think there is nothing like exercising while listening to good music in order to relieve the stress caused by working.

[Rain] : KCM, your pronunciation is not correct today of all days.
Do you happen to get drunk?
[KCM] : My mind is apt to wander when weekend comes.
[Rain] : But you look like a tramp (laughter). You need a shave.
[KCM] : You're just like me (laughter)
[Rain] : But, I did my hair this morning.
[KCM] : Really?

[2012-05-20 오후 7:43:31]

[Rain] & [KCM] :
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.

[KCM] : Please send your stories and song requests to the radio station through a chargeable SMS #0967 (₩ 50) or its Twitter (@speeding967) or Smart R2 Application.

[Rain]: Although 'The Desire To Speed's home page is yet far from perfect, you can visit " http://www.dema.mil.kr " and post comments on its bulletin board (별사탕게시판)

[KCM] : Or you can visit the page by putting the keyword "국방홍보” (Defense Agency for Public Information Services) in the search box. So please send your stories about the joys and sorrows of everyday living or letters to the people around you or song request to <Rain&KCM's The Desire To Speed>.

[KCM] : Mini radios the military broadcast's logo is emblazoned on, gift certificates, vitamin sets, etc., will be provided to the participants.
[Rain] : I'll check out the home page address, http://www.dema.mil.kr

[Rain] : Listener "Danbi"s comment, "I'm exercising listening to the show, which helps to reach and go beyond my goal."
[KCM] : Listener "Type B"s comment, "You two should have taken rests on the weekend. Anyway, you're really something!"
[Rain]: We should work, but we don't have any place to go except the army base.
[KCM] : We should host 'The Desire To Speed' every weekend.

[Rain] : KCM, how have you been for the past week?
[KCM] : I've been good.
[Rain] : You're no fun to be around. (laughter) ( perhaps due to KCM's too short reply)

[2012-05-20 오후 7:44:21]

[KCM] : Listener "Type B"s comment, "My friends and I enjoy singing the song of
pop group Cool in Karaoke."
[Rain] : I used to go there (Noraebangs = Karaoke) often in my junior high school days. In particular, I loved to sing Cool's songs again and again at that time.
Please sing their song for me now. (to KCM)

[KCM] : Can I sing another?
[Rain] : (taking the words out of KCM's mouth) The next story is listener 'Baby Perm's comment (laughter), "It's a perfect day for an outing. Where would you go?"
[KCM] : I think any place will be fine.
[Rain] : Except for the army base.

[Rain] :There is a small hill inside our army base, and it's an ideal place for a walk and it commands a fine view.
[KCM]: But, I often have a lot of mixed emotions at the top of the hill. (because I must be confined to the army base)
[Rain] : (taking the words out of KCM's mouth) The next story is listener '#2332's comment, "Now I can't make an appointment every weekend because of you two who are the bulky brothers. Shall we run on the Autobahn again today?"
[Rain] : Excuse me, but could I say something here?
I am a damned sight slimmer than KCM is. He is a blimp of fat, while my figure is in good shape.
[KCM]: Surely he is a blimp of fat as well as I am.
[Rain] : Please introduce the next story?

[2012-05-20 오후 7:45:30]

[KCM]: Listener "Newt B"s comment, "I'm listening to the show through Smart phone's Application, but perhaps since I'm in an area with bad radio reception, your voice is indistinct. I'm on an outing with my family. My nephew (baby) is asking me to play with her, acting charming."
[Rain] : How cute she is! (the baby)
I love to go camping in the mountains and by the sea.
[KCM] : So do I.
Didn't we go to Jinhae the day before yesterday where we visited the army base to give a morale-boosting concert ? (The city is located near the sea.)
I wanted to throw something, looking out to sea. (he was a shot-putter in his junior high school days.)

[Rain] : Let's move on to the next. (taking the words out of KCM's mouth)
Listener "#9785"s comment, "My nephews are 4 and 7 years old. How do you prefer to be called, 'oppa' or 'sir'?"
I should be greatly indebted if they would call me oppa.
[KCM] : Sir (Samchun) would be better by far to call you oppa.
[Rain] : As I grow old, quite a number of people call me 'sir' when I go to restaurants, so I'm put off by that.

[KCM] : We usually call him 'sir' when someone do something wrong in the amy base, right?
[Rain] : Please stop jabbering away and get on with your work. (laughter)

[Rain] : Listener "#3011"s comment, "My son spilled milk on the floor that I got my dander up. I'm sorry to have lost my temper with him. I became restive because my listening to the show was interrupted."
I'm sure that his mother likes me, so I think he’ll understand.
She may be a young mother. I love you~ hihi.

[KCM] : Listener "My Love Boku"s comment, "Listening to the show for the first time, I feel slightly nervous."
[Rain] : That's the third time this week we've co-hosted this show.
[KCM] : Please just let your hair down and have a good time.
[2012-05-20 오후 7:46:11]

[KCM] : Listener "#5011"s comment, "Today is my husband's birthday, and we're a weekend couple. I'm busy listening to the show, so I can't even serve him a lunch.
I should be very grateful to you if my happy birthday to him will be broadcasted."
[Rain] : KCM, please sing "Happy Birthday" to him.
[KCM] : Happy Birthday to you~~
[Rain] : Too short.
[KCM] : This is good enough.

[Rain] : Listener "Mongshili"s comment, "Now I'm enjoying the nice weather at Haeundae Beach in Busan, listening to the show."
I went to Haeundae Beach in Busan during my vacation a couple of days ago.
As there is Busan Woman, one of my songs, the people of Busan are really good.
[KCM] : Looking out to sea..
[Rain] : The next is.. (laughter)... Listener "Haenim"s comment, "It's so good to listen to the show."
[KCM] & [Rain] : Me too.
[KCM] : Listener "Love Stick B"s comment, "Now I have something to look forward to for the weekend."
[Rain] : I'm also really happy to be with you (listeners) today.
[KCM] : (He started to giggle)
[Rain] : Why are you laughing? (to KCM)[KCM] : Because..
[Rain] : The next.. (laughter)

[KCM] : We’ve had a busy week, touring the whole country.
[Rain] : We went to Jinhae the day before yesterday and met many dashing naval cadets. Our schedule is really hectic this month, so there is so much work to do.
[KCM]&[Rain]: When we received guerrilla training recently, KCM skinned the back of his feet and Rain hurt his knee. (laughter)
[Rain] : I think it's hard to dance any more.

[2012-05-20 오후 7:48:07]

[KCM] : The next segment is "Show me your mind"!
[Rain] : Please say formally! (laughter) Why are you destroying the atmosphere?
[KCM] : Because the female scriptwriter looks very different with the new hairstyle.
[Rain] : Please don't say that. She asked us not to say such a thing, right?
[KCM] : She looks a lot younger.
[Rain] : I just love her. (laughter)
[KCM] : I love her, too.
[Rain] : I love both of them (scriptwriter &PD)
[KCM] : So do I.
[Rain] : There is something attractive about them although they are seemingly blunt.
[KCM] : They are chic, that's what I like about them.
[Rain] : They are full of charm. (laughter)


[Part 2]

-Replies to listeners' comments-

[Rain] : Listener "Choi Hee Jin"s comment, "I turned in my resignation a couple of days ago to challenge myself."
A new job could open up whole new vistas for her. Fighting!
[KCM] : Please cheer up.
[Rain] : I think she can live a content life as well as KCM can.
[KCM] : She has to do what she loves.

[KCM] : Listener "Lee Keum Soo"s comment, "I tend a vegetable garden, so I've grown vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and lettuce on my farms (The lot covers 100 pyung). I'm so happy to grow my own vegetables, which can be very comforting as well as the radio show can be."
[Rain]: She is saying that the lot covers 100 pyung.
[KCM] : My mother is tending a vegetable garden in a small way, and she is very happy to do so.
[Rain]: KCM has gained both wealth and honor. (laughter)
[KCM] : The lot covers just 2 pyung.
[2012-05-20 오후 7:48:27]

[Rain]: My father has got a green thumb and always enjoyed gardening himself, but whenever I went home, I found that he turned over the soil and changed the shape of the garden in the short term. (laughter), and it had been changed to such an extent that I no longer recognized my house (laughter)
[KCM] : Rain has the air of the rich as expected.

[Rain] : Listener "Hwang Seon Ae"s comment, "I become a speed merchant whenever I drive my car. I want to break the habit."
It's not safe for a car to run fast. In roads such as expressways, it is easy for people to lose their sense of speed and to end up going over the speed limit.
"Hwang Seon Ae", if you have a desire to speed, please go to the game room.
(laugher) or take exercise like KCM.
[KCM] : There are a lot of arcade games at the game room.
[Rain] : The next song is..(laughter)

[Rain]: Listener "Lee Bo Ram"s comment, "My hobby is raising a heart-shaped flower called 'Love Orchid'. I'm mesmerized by its charm."
It's the first. I've never heard of that. I really want to have one.

[KCM] : Listener "Han Sang A"s comment, "I lived in a semi-basement, but I just moved to a new house where sunlight comes in all day through the skylight.
I've got up very early in the morning and jogged, and taken three meals a day since then. I'm happy with my unusual living arrangements.
Are you two getting adjusted to the new radio show? "
[Rain]: I can imagine how she would feel. My room was half underground so it got damp every rainy season, and that place didn't get very much sun, which made me feel painfully alive.
Did you know that your body produces vitamin D or E if you enjoy the sunshine?
[KCM] : It's definitely vitamin D.
[Rain]: Are you sure it's vitamin D?
[KCM] : It sure is. Hooray!
[Rain] : My self-respect has been wounded. (laughter)
[2012-05-20 오후 7:49:07]

[Rain] : It is said that Vitamin D can help improve your vision.
[KCM] : It is also considered a pick-me-up.
[Rain]: Anyway, congratulations on moving to your new house.

(When asked if the two got adjusted to the new show)
[Rain] : It's so good for me to communicate with fans on the show and to meet the staffs weekends. but I wish KCM were not here. (laughter)
[KCM] : Rain uses apt expressions well, using irony....
[Rain] : (KCM barely started speaking when Rain interrupted him)
The next is..(laughter)
[KCM] : (KCM nearly died with laughing)

[Rain] : Listener "Won Young Ju"s comment, "KCM, please speak in an assured voice. Rain, please don't talk on and on without pausing for breath."
I hope not, but I should talk much as a DJ. Sorry (laughter)
It is said I speak so fast that they can't follow me.
[KCM] : Don't worry. You're doing just fine.


[2012-05-20 오후 7:49:49]


[Rain]; I'll read very slowly (laughter).
Listener "Ha Ji Min"s comment, (she is a high school senior), "I'm doing my best to prepare for the college entrance exams like every other senior student.
I had a dream which was up to Richard, but I felt pressure to meet people's expectations, so my goal has newly been set. It is to be a stewardess.
I think it isn't easy to achieve a target, but as Rain's efforts, patience, and modesty have made what he is now, I will strive for my dreams like him, with best efforts and modesty."
Am I doing it right? I'll do as I wish no matter what other people may think. (throwing his voice)
[KCM] : I'm afraid that you (Rain) were very slow of speech that I felt sleepy.
Senior students suffer a great deal of stress due to the competitive college prep environment.
[Rain] : It is not easy to blaze a trail of a field, but his or her place in the field will be secure for a long time.
[KCM] : I agree with that.
[Rain] : If "Ha Ji Min" realizes her dream and becomes a stewardess, and if I get on the airplane where the crew including her is boarding after I leave the army, then I wish she would reveal her identity to me. It will be very touching.

[KCM] : Listener "Han Mi Lahn"s comment, "I left my new umbrella in the bus. Recently I am forgetful. Such trifles occasionally ruffle my temper."
[Rain] ; It was the same with me. Talking on the phone holding the cellphone to my ear, I often found myself looking for it.
[KCM] : I've been there myself, but Rain seems to get dementia.
[Rain] ; Please don't say it to me even in joke, and just take an exercise.
(laughter). "Han Mi Lahn", please don't get down on yourself. Someone could come into a huge windfall. (laughter)

[2012-05-20 오후 7:50:39]

[Rain] : Listener "Son Su Won"s comment, "I had a nice stereo in my early days, so I enjoyed listening to the radio. But now the tools of the digital age give us a way to easily get, share, and act acting on information in new ways.
The music echoing from the radio show stir memories of a simpler time."
[KCM] : I feel really bad for what she said.
[Rain] : She didn't send her story to make you (KCM) feel better. (laughter)

[Rain] : Let's try a version of old-fashioned DJ. Hello~ This is DJ "Jung"~
[KCM] : This is DJ "Kang"~
[Rain]: What was the nickname for me last time?
[KCM] : It was "Roller Jung"
[Rain]: I knew something about roller-skating in my early days. I was popular among girls who were older than I.
[KCM] : Were you good at roller-skating at that time?
[Rain]: The next is.. (laughter)

[Rain]: The next song is Bruno Mars' song. I have met him once before.
He is a great fellow.

[Rain]: Listener "Blue"s comment, "The characteristics of Rain and KCM can be described as Vivace and Adagio, respectively, in terms of the pace of speaking."
I like to just hear your voices."
I think she is familiar with music theory.
[2012-05-20 오후 7:52:00]

[KCM] : Listener "#5535"s comment, "I'm on a diet. Do you happen to know the keys to losing weight?"
[KCM] : But, it's not easy.
[KCM] : We're dieting, too.
[Rain] : It's OK to eat something 4 hours before going to bed, but you should not eat too much. Have some water with some vitamin tablets and coffee when you exercise, and have some coffee with half a diet pill called Fat Burn and half a multi-vitamin in order to burn fat. It is said that a molecule in coffee can help to burn fat.
[KCM] : Caffeine that coffee has in it may help the diet of people.
[Rain] : They say there is another molecule that is not caffeine.
Please don't get on your high horses!
[KCM] : Sorry. Anyway, Rain is quite a character. Unlike me, he suppresses the urge to eat something.
[Rain] : The next is..(laughter). Sorry (laughter).

[Rain] : Listener "#8686"s comment, "It sure is a nice today, and I am so happy to listen to the show."
[KCM] : Listener "#2101"s comment, "When I took a comprehensive medical test at a hospital, I found that my body needs vitamin D."
[Rain] : She needs to get a tan.
[KCM] : She needs to sun herself.
[Rain] : I've smeared myself with coke and slept (by the swimming pool) once before. I was seriously stung by bees, but I was able to bear the pain because luckily I'm not allergic to bees.
[KCM] : Really?

[KCM] : Listener "#3462"s comment, "I'll listen to the show again after cooking for my son who is a middle-school boy."
[Rain] : I don't think she needs to do everything for her son. Now, he has to do something himself. I've cooked for myself since I was in fifth grade.
[KCM] : So have I, but I think he needs his mother's help in many ways.
[Rain] : If so, listener 3462 will do better to listen to the show, cooking for her son.

[2012-05-20 오후 7:52:28]

[Rain] : Listener "Baby Cloud"s comment, "I'm taking an aptitude test now, but I' listening to the show without my teacher knowing."
[KCM] &[Rain] : We also took an aptitude test when we were enlisted.

[Rain] : Listener "Na Jin"s comment, "I'm living in communion with nature because it is an area of outstanding natural beauty.”
But, I love the hustle and bustle of city life.
[KCM] : I like the country better than the city.
[Rain]; Really? You'd rather go to the front lines near the border where there is the 5th Division. (laugher)
[KCM] : No, thanks. (laughter)

[KCM] : Listener "#0467"s comment, "As drinking a moderate amount of wine every day is good for you, my family enjoy drinking wine. My mother even bought me a wine salad.
[Rain] : It's a wine cellar, not a wine salad (laughter)
In fact, it's hard to make out the letters because they're tiny, but KCM is a presbyopic person (laughter).
[KCM] : My eyesight is poor. I'm blind as a bat.

[Rain] : Listener "#5863"s comment, "Now my life pattern has shifted due to the show. You two always have such a funny show."
[KCM] : We'll do our best.
[Rain] : I think we'll have to change the title to "The Desire To Speed by Tom and Jerry".
[KCM] : Should I act as Jerry?
[Rain] : Of course. Such Jerry who has muscular body or is a blimp of fat or is a bad guy (laughter)
[2012-05-20 오후 7:53:18]

[Rain] : We've co-hosted the show since last time.
Once again I want to take this opportunity to apologize for causing KCM's trouble by interrupting him.
[KCM] : No need to apologize. I'm so happy to have a friend like you.
[Rain] : Well, can I treat you much more badly?
[KCM] : You shouldn't because my mother is listening to the show. (laughter)
When she visits me, she may ask me to get you in here.
[Rain] : My father called me and asked me to treat you much more badly (laughter)
[KCM] : She may ask me to drag you out of here (laughter)
[Rain] : So funny! (laughter)


[Part 4]


-Pfc 'Lee Jin Ho' (gagman) and pfc 'Lee Sung Won' made guest appearances on the show-

[Rain] : 'Lee Jin Ho' is ranked higher than us.
[All] : Wow!
[Rain] : We need to keep the noise level down.
[Lee Jin Ho] : The two of Rain and KCM seem to click really well.
KCM is quite strong-minded, but he seems to get completely helpless before Rain.
[KCM] : Rain is extremely obstinate. (laughter)
[Rain] : KCM has barely started speaking when I interrupts him. (laughter)
[Kim Sung Won] : The atmosphere in the studio is very fun and enjoyable.
And, now the other member has joined me (Pop group 'Untouchable' is comprised of two members, 'Kim Sung Won' and 'Park Kyung Wook'), so we're very jittery before the performance.
[KCM] : Finally, 'Half-touchable' has turned into 'Untouchable'. (laughter)
[Lee Jin Ho] : I saw them giving an electrifying performance, capturing audiences. (laughter)

[2012-05-20 오후 7:53:36]

[Rain] : The subject this week is about showing their own speciality, just like those students appearing onstage singing and dancing before the whole school when they go on school trips.
Rain teams up with 'Lee Jin Ho', and KCM teams up with 'Kim Sung Won'.
R (Rain and 'Lee Jin Ho') vs K (KCM and 'Kim Sung Won').
As usual, the winner will be decided by listeners' votes.
Listeners can vote by posting comments in its message board.

[Rain] : I'm certain that we (Rain and 'Lee Jin Ho') will this match because I do believe 'Lee Jin Ho' has an advantage. (pfc 'Lee Jin Ho' is a gagman)
[Lee Jin Ho]: KCM also has talent to speak of.


[Part 5]

[Rain]: Please ensure fairness when you vote.
To vote, be sure to log on to the site.

[KCM] ; Let's do rock, paper, scissors to see who will start first.
[Rain] : I'll start first cause I lost the toss. (laughter)
You know that animation 'Super Board', right? (laughter)
I'll copy the voice of Jerpalgye (pig) which is one of the most unique characters in the animation (laughter)
"Sonyu (girl), why did you do that?" (laughter)

[All] : Can you please repeat that?
[Rain] : I hope you understand I'm new at this here.
"Sonyu (girl), why did you do that?" (laughter)

[Rain] : Please vote for me! (laughter)

[KCM] : I'll copy the voice of baby octopus-shaped aliens which are the characters in animation ‘Dooly' (laughter)
When the aliens fell to the earth and found a cigarette case, one said to the other as, "Prince, the case says 'dynamite watch' ", Then the other (prince) said, "You're absolutely right!" (laughter)
Please vote for me! (laughter)

[Lee Jin Ho] : It's a scene out of a drama called "The Age of Wild Men"
"Duwhani (the hero in the drama) is coming over here!" (laughter)
[2012-05-20 오후 7:54:03]

[Kim Sung Won] : I'll copy the voice of singer 'Tiger JK'
[Rain] : But, you should not copy the same thing over and over again.
[KCM] : You are welcome to try it.
[Kim Sung Won] : I'll try..
"I'm wandering, drawing a sword ! " (laughter)
[Rain] : Please stop it. (laughter)

[KCM] : I'll copy the voice of Honey who is the heroine in animation "Run, Honey!" (laughter) "Mom, I'll run." (laughter)
[Rain] : Fans knew that we used to imitate those characters. (laughter)

[Lee Jin Ho] : I'll copy the voice of 'Pak Hyo Shin'
"Forgive me, I was so foolish.. wo wo wo wo." (laughter)

- An imaginary scene -
[Rain] : (Rain sings the first line of 'It's Raining')
"When I return to the stage.."
[Lee Jin Ho] : "Go and be miserable ! "

-Repeating the imaginary scene-
[Rain] : (Rain sings the first line of 'It's Raining')
"When I return to the stage and the light flashes on me.."
[Lee Jin Ho] : "Go and be miserable ! You're not ready to appear on stage!"

[Rain] : It's too obvious that we win the game.

[KCM] : I'll copy the voice of Jordan (the villain) who is one of the characters in animation 'Power Range'
When a robot said, "Ayayaya, Jordan!", the villain shout, "I'll kill Power Range!"
[Rain] : He is only practising such things at his home. (laughter)
[KCM] : Can I do one more thing?
I'll copy the voice of Samzang Monk who is one of the characters in animation
'Super Board'
" Okonga ( Sonokong or Goku)"

[2012-05-20 오후 7:54:23]

[Rain] : Please visit " http://www.dema.mil.kr " to vote.
[KCM]: (to Rain) Can you introduce the next song during the vote?
[Rain] : Please try it yourself. (laughter)

[Part 6]

[Rain] : 'Lee Jin Ho' will have one last go at it before we release the result.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I'll imitate pop group GOD's song 'To Mother'
"Mother hated jajangmyun (black bean-paste noodles), she ate up Jjambbong before he could say knife. Mother hated jajangmyun, but she ate up Jjambbong-bab (Jjambbong with rice) before he could say knife because she didn't like flour-based food. She liked only Jjambbong-bab."
[Rain] : We're sure of victory in the match.

[Rain] : "When I return to the stage~~"
[Lee Jin Ho] : "Go and be miserable ! "
-Listeners' comments -
[Rain] : Finally, our team has made a clean sweep at the championship games.

[Rain] : "When I return to the stage~~"
[Lee Jin Ho] : "Go and be miserable ! You're not ready to appear on stage!"

[2012-05-20 오후 7:54:42]

[Rain] : How do you feel?
[Lee Jin Ho] : The atmosphere in this studio is great, and I feel the smell of spring at this show.
[Rain] : The penalty for those who lose the game is to do something next week.
[KCM] : We're anxious to hear your ideas.
[Rain] : Please stop interrupting me while I'm talking.
[KCM] : OK. (laughter)
[Rain] : 'Lee Jin Ho' and 'Kim Sung Won', thank you so much for joining us here on the show today.

[Rain] &[KCM] : Small gifts will be provided for listeners, 'Han Ji Min', 'Jan Sang A', and 'Sin Su Min'.

[Rain] : Listener "Baby Cloud"s comment, "I'm keeping laughing. By the way, it's been 8 years since the song 'It's Raining' was released."
[KCM ] : I never get tired of listening to that song.

[KCM] : Listener "#0232"s comment, "It's an awkward hour to have lunch. Should I have lunch after the show. or before the show?"
[Rain] : Please just eat, listening to it. (laughter)

[Rain] : Listener "#0914"s comment, "Chang Mo oppa (KCM), Bi oppa (Rain) is taking care of you?"
[Rain] &[KCM] : Sure.

[KCM] : Listener "Kim Han Sol"s comment, "Today is my parents' wedding anniversary."
[Rain] &[KCM] : Congratulations !

[Rain] : Listener "Movie Star Rain"s comment, "I've gone on a diet, but I keep craving for something to eat at midnight."
I hope she will successfully lose weight.

[KCM] : Listener "#1907"s comment, "I'm moving from Uijeongbu to Icheon. I wish to live well there."
Hope you'll make many good memories.
[2012-05-20 오후 7:55:00]

[Rain] : Listener "Flower Bora"s comment, "I hope you enjoyed your meal."
We have not had lunch yet. I feel hungry.
[KCM] : We'll eat after the show.

[KCM] : Listener "#2106"s comment, "I'm still single, but thankfully my parents don't push me to marry someone."

[Rain] : KCM, did you have a good week?
[KCM] : I spent my days busy as a hen with one chicken.
[Rain] : I guess it's time to bid you adieu.
What do you want to do if weather permits?
[KCM] : There are so many things I want to do. I want to stroll in a park with my friends.
[Rain] : I want to smear myself with suntan oil or coke (laughter) and sleep by the swimming pool.
[KCM] : Do you want to get stung by bees again?

[Rain] : Listener "#8686"s comment, "You two have lovely voices. My body seems to be falling to the voices."
[Rain] : Please be falling to them.
[KCM] : Please be falling to them.
[Rain] : Well, that's it for today.
[KCM] : Well, that's it for today.
[Rain] : I love you.
[2012-05-20 오후 7:55:22]

Consolatory Train (2012.07.12.)

Forrás: http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/346/rain-_-비-_-bi-official-thread/p1315
Szerző: Harudo11

Consolatory Train (2012.07.26.)

A Consolatory Traint ezúttal az Air Force 16th Fighter Wing fogadta állomáshelyén.

A nyári időre való tekintettel Rain megjelenése kis meglepetéssel szolgált: ezúttal rövidnadrágban lépett fel. Borítékolni lehetett, hogy azonnal megérkezik majd a "cute knees" bejegyzés a képekhez, és bizony az nem is váratott soká magára, megtekinthető a Rainy Ent. facebook oldalán :)

Forrás: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.509280999086058.128779.496646793682812&type=3
Szerző: Harudo11

Consolatory Train (2012.07.31.)