Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2017.02.06.

««« Előző nap 


Ezen az estén Rain és Kim Tae-hee elutaztak Los Angelesbe, a Rain Company későbbi közleménye szerint magánútra mentek. Valószínűleg az este 8-kor induló KE11-es járattal indultak, mely az időeltolódás miatt ugyanezen a napon du. 2-kor érkezett meg LA repülőterére.

Eközben a médiában megjelent tudósításokból pontosan nyomon lehet követni, hogy ismét elejtett morzsákból próbálnak híreket faragni, nem ritkán egymásnak ellentmondóakat. Mert miközben arról írnak, hogy a pár mindkét tagja a karrier helyett az új házastársi szerepére koncentrál, folyamatosan jelennek meg a hírek Rain zenei visszatéréséről és Kim Tae-hee új színészi szerepkereséséről is.

SOOMPI - Byul Congratulates Rain On His Recent Marriage To Kim Tae Hee (l. a 02.05. napnál)


[단독인터뷰①]신혼 김태희 "행복하게 잘 살고 있어요. 요리도 해봤죠"

입력2017-02-06 08:00   수정2017-02-06 08:45

[스포츠서울 남혜연기자]“어렵고 힘든 시기였잖아요. 많은 고민 끝에 내린 결정이었어요.”

꿈같은 신혼여행을 다녀온 뒤 일상으로 돌아온 ‘톱스타’ 비와 김태희 커플은 어떻게 살고있을까.

지난 달 19일 결혼식을 올린 김태희가 직접 말문을 열었다. 우연히 서울 청담동의 한 카페에서 김태희를 만난 것은 지난 2일 낮이었다. 이 자리에는 배우 하시은도 함께 있었다. 오랜만에 지인과 한가로운 오후를 보내고 있던 김태희와 대화를 나눴다.

◇극비리에 진행된 결혼식 “힘든 시국, 화려하게 하고 싶지 않았어요”

가장 궁금했던 질문 중 하나는 ‘비공개 결혼’이었다. 최근 연예계에는 허례허식 없는, 소박하지만 의미있는 작은 결혼식이 이어지고 있다. 비와 김태희 커플 역시 소규모 결혼식을 올렸다. 더욱이 초대받은 사람의 경우 결혼식 당일 오전에야 장소를 연락받을 정도로 극비리에 진행됐던 까닭에 “너무 한 것 아니냐”는 불만도 나왔다.

김태희는 “사실 지난해 부터 결혼식을 어떻게 올릴지에 대해 많은 상의를 했다”고 말문을 연뒤 “두 가지 계획이 있었다. 언론에도 공개하고, 모든 지인들을 초대하는 대규모의 결혼식과 극비리에 결혼식을 올리고 난 뒤 사진을 공개하는 것이었다”고 설명했다. 이어 “당시 상황을 생각했다. 경제적으로도 어렵고, 어려운 시국에 화려한 결혼식을 올리고 싶지 않았다. 고민끝에 결정을 내렸다. 여러가지로 많은 생각을 하지 않을 수 없었다”며 끝까지 비밀리에 부치며 소규모 결혼식을 올린 이유에 대해 설명했다.

두 사람의 뜻은 결혼식에서도 고스란히 드러났다. 김태희는 유명 디자이너 브랜드의 웨딩드레스를 입지 않았다. 직접 아이디어를 내 디자인한 미니 드레스를 입었다. 김태희의 결혼식을 지켜본 메이크업아티스트 정샘물은 “너무나 감동스러운 결혼식이었다. 무엇보다 신부님의 주례사가 인상적이었다. 두 사람의 결혼식을 모두 한 마음으로 축하하는 자리였고, 덕분에 행복했다”면서 “김태희의 웨딩드레스는 보석 하나 없이도 빛났다”며 당시 상황을 설명했다.

김태희는 주위 사람들의 이같은 반응에 대해 “감사할 뿐이다. 다만, 많은 분들을 초대하지 못해 죄송한 마음도 있었다. 하지만, 우리의 뜻을 다 알아주셨길 바란다”면서 “모든 것을 너무 비밀리에 부친 것이 미안했다. 그래서 신혼여행 입국과 출국 모습은 알려드리고 싶었다”며 속사정을 얘기했다.

누구보다 행복했던 그날, 김태희는 가족 그리고 지인들의 축복속에 결혼식을 올렸다. 그리고 로맨틱한 청혼 역시 이날 받았다고 했다.

‘프러포즈는 어떻게 받았냐’는 질문에 김태희는 “결혼식 당일 받았다. 피로연에서 신곡 ‘최고의 선물’을 불러줬다. 그게 프러포즈였다”며 수줍어했다.

비와 김태희 커플은 비공개 결혼식의 미안함에 신혼여행 출국 모습을 공개했다. 인천공항 | 강영조기자 kanjo@sportsseoul.com

◇신혼집은 아직 “시아버지와 같이 살고있어요. 가족 위해 요리도 해봤죠”

행복한 얼굴이었다. 김태희의 표정은 굉장히 밝아보였고, 한결 여유로운 모습이었다. 카페 한켠에 앉아있던 김태희는 선글라스를 끼고 있었다. 본의 아니게 결혼식이 굉장히 주목을 받았고, 신혼여행지인 발리에서의 모습 등 일거수일투족이 화제가 된 만큼 조심스러운 모습도 역력했다.

김태희에게 ‘선글라스는 왜 꼈냐?’고 농담섞인 말을 건내자 “메이크업을 많이 안했어요. 그래도 여배우잖아요…”라며 넉살좋게 얘기했다.

‘배우’가 아닌 ‘아내’ 그리고 ‘며느리’ 김태희는 어떻게 하루를 시작할까. 비와 김태희 커플은 아직 신혼집을 마련하지 못해 시아버지 그리고 시누이 등 네 식구가 함께 살고있다. 김태희는 “솔직하게 말한 것들이 오해로 돌아올 때가 있다. 시아버지와 함께 살고 있다. 괜히 ‘시집살이 하는 것 아니냐?’는 말을 들을 까봐 조심스럽다”면서 “아버님이 너무 잘 해주신다. 신혼집을 마련하기 전 까지는 같이 생활 할 계획이다. 좋다”며 밝게 웃었다.

김태희의 일상은 평범했다. 일어나 식구들과 아침을 먹고, 각자 일상을 시작한다. 이날 역시 오후 하시은을 만나기 위해 잠시 외출을 했다.

‘가족을 위한 밥상을 차려봤냐’는 말에 그는 “(시댁에서는)오래전 부터 아침 식사는 간단하게 빵을 먹었다고 한다. 그래서 특별히 많은 준비를 하지 않는다”면서 “아직은 많이 서툴지만, 가족을 위해 음식을 해봤다. 돼지고기와 양배추를 넣어 찜을 만들었다. 그 이후는 상상에 맡기겠다”며 미소지었다.

가족들과 함께 하는 신혼도 즐겁다고 했다. 자상하고 멋진 시아버지 그리고 착한 시누이와 든든한 남편 비가 있어서 행복한 일상인 것 같았다. 구체적인 가족계획에 대해선 밝히지 않았지만 “좋은 소식이 있으면 알려드리겠다”며 말을 아꼈다.



Kim Tae Hee Reveals How Rain Proposed To Her

In an exclusive interview with Sports Seoul, Kim Tae Hee talked about the reasons behind their simple and private wedding, how Rain proposed, and what their current living situation is like.

Kim Tae Hee and Rain married earlier this year in January and recently returned from their honeymoon in Bali. Although the couple has been heavily talked about in the media, they tend to keep to themselves. Now, Kim Tae Hee has shared a rare glimpse on what her newlywed life is like.

In regards to the couple’s small-scale wedding, Kim Tae Hee explained that they had narrowed their plans in announcing their wedding down to just two ideas:

“We discussed many ideas on how to announce our wedding since last year. There were two plans. We could announce it to the media and invite everyone that we knew to a large-scale wedding, or we could hold a top secret wedding and reveal the photos afterwards. When we thought about it, the economy was suffering, so we didn’t want to hold a luxurious wedding given the current state of affairs. We finally made a decision after much contemplation.”

– Kim Tae Hee

As for her wedding dress, Kim Tae Hee opted to wear a mini dress that she had designed herself instead of wearing a designer one. According to her make-up artist Jeong Saem Mul, “Her dress shone so brightly, even though there wasn’t a single diamond or jewel embedded in it.”

When asked how Rain had proposed to her, Kim Tae Hee bashfully smiled and revealed that she had received a gentle and moving proposal on the day of the wedding.

“I was proposed to on the day of my wedding. At the banquet reception, [Rain] sang ‘The Best Present’ for me. That was his proposal.”

– Kim Tae Hee

As of now, Kim Tae Hee and Rain are living with Rain’s father’s family, just until they are able to purchase their newlywed home. Kim Tae Hee then revealed some information about how her daily life has changed ever since she got married, to which she explained that it was quite ordinary, and that she lived much like the average housewife in Korea. Every morning, she wakes up and eats breakfast with the family, and then they all attend to their own matters.

She did however express she wanted to be careful in revealing that she lived with her in-laws, due to the negative perception that is prevalent in South Korea.

“Some of the things I’ve revealed have often been misinterpreted. Since we’re living with my father-in-law’s family, I’m cautious in revealing this information because people might ask me, ‘Aren’t you suffering by living with your in-laws?’ But my father-in-law is a very generous man. We are planning to stay at their home until we can find our own newlywed home. I like it.”

– Kim Tae Hee

She also revealed that she has cooked for the family once, and that she was practicing to improve her cooking. She did not comment on whether it tasted well and instead smiled shyly.

“My in-laws have long been eating toast for breakfast, so I don’t really need to prepare anything for them. I’m still learning, but I have cooked a meal for them. I made a jjim (steamed dish) by adding pork and cabbage. It’s up to your imagination on how it would have tasted.”

– Kim Tae Hee

Kim Tae Hee went on to reassure her fans and supporters that she would make sure they are informed of any good news regarding the couple in the future.

Source: Sports Seoul

順利娶回金泰希 Rain竟然是這樣求婚的!

2017/02/06 11:17
[Picture - Rain(右)與金泰希(左)19日在嘉會洞教堂完婚,正式結為夫妻。(翻攝自Naver)]
[Picture - 小倆口飛往峇里島去進行5天4夜的短暫蜜月之旅時,Rain全程化身「護妻狂魔」,霸氣以手摟過愛妻護在懷中。(翻攝自Dispatch)]  
[Picture - 金泰希(左)透露2人去年就在思考要怎麼公開結婚消息以及婚禮的規模,最後因時局以及經濟上的考量,2人決定就低調秘密舉辦就好。(翻攝自Naver)]  
[Picture - 金泰希(左)婚後直接入住夫家,並表示對於目前的新婚生活感到很滿意。(翻攝自Dispatch)]  


K-pop star Rain, Kim Tae-hee sing 'Happy Me' at post wedding party [VIDEO]

In a restaurant located on the 50th floor of a high-rise in Yeouido, western Seoul, a newly married celebrity couple sang a sweet love song.

The song, sang by one of the hottest celebrity couples in Korea at the moment, went, "Please love me like you do now. Unless you change, you are the only one who owns me. I will never change."

At the after-party in the evening of Jan. 19, the newlyweds, singer Rain (Jung Ji-hoon) and actress Kim Tae-hee, held hands in front of a small gathering of close friends and relatives to sing the duet "Happy Me" by Eco.

Earlier that day, the couple married at a catholic church in central Seoul, bringing a happy ending to more than four years of dating.

Kim, in a white satin dress, shyly said, "This is for now," after singing the first verse of the song.

The party was attended by Rain's close friends including producer and singer Park Jin-young, Psy, and first-generation K-pop group "god" members. Some of them sang for the couple in return, wishing them "happily ever after." Psy belted out his song "Entertainer" and Park Jin-young played the piano.

One attendee told Yonhap News Agency, "It was such a cozy and cheerful gathering." Another said "The venue was so romantic with an amazing night view over the Han River. The couple must have been tired after a long day but took photos with each of the attendees."

The venue, The Skyfarm, is said to be run by Rain's close friend Noh Hee-young, CEO of YG Foods. She posted a photo of herself posing with the lovebirds on her Instagram, saying "Ji-hoon (Micheal, his baptism name) finally married one of Korea's most beautiful girls Kim Tae-hee (Verda). What a reverent mass and a warm and happy wedding ceremony~ We all heartily celebrated them."

In the wedding ceremony, Kim's niece walked the isle a few steps ahead of the couple, who, slowly following the flower girl, couldn't hide their excitement and happiness. Big applause and cheers erupted from the family members and friends in attendance.

Last Friday, the two came back from their honeymoon in Bali, Indonesia. They've started a new life in Rain's house in Cheongdam-dong, southern Seoul.

Rain is expected to release a new song next month. (Yonhap)



Bridal Fashions Get Simpler, More Individual

By Choi Soo-hyun
February 04, 2017 08:18 

Bridal fashions are getting simpler and more individualistic thanks to the stars of screen and stage.
Actress Kim Tae-hee surprised label addicts when she wore a custom-tailored mini dress to her wedding to K-pop superstar Rain in Seoul on Jan. 19. Kim, who majored in clothing and textiles at Seoul National University, designed the dress herself.

Just two days later, in the final episode of hit tvN soap "Guardian," stars Gong Yoo and Kim Go-eun got married in a small ceremony in a garden full of buckwheat flowers. The bride wore a simple dress that came down to the ankles and no veil, and just had a floral crown and a bouquet.
The trend began a few years ago, when celebrities like Lee Hyo-ri and Lee Na-young opted for smaller, simpler festivities rather than the overblown fairy-tale number of the popular imagination. Wedding industry insiders expect Kim's mini dress to catch on big time.

In traditional wedding dresses that come down at least all the way to the floor, often supported with stays and hoops, the bride's movements are heavily confined during the ceremony and at the party.

Not only is a shorter and simpler dress more suitable for a smaller wedding, it also gives brides more freedom to enjoy themselves. Wedding venues are also moving from traditional wedding halls or hotels to cafes, restaurants, and outdoor areas.

Dress shops accommodate a wider range of budgets. Lee Ji-hyo at occasion wear brand Reehue said, "As more people now host western-style parties after the ceremony, many people are looking for dresses rather than traditional hanbok."

Many brides-to-be are getting a versatile dress tailored and occasionally wear it on other important occasions.

Fashion designer Lee Seung-jin, who runs occasion wear brand ELJOY, said, "It's not about saving money, but it is about more people recognizing that a simple yet sophisticated wedding dress is trendy and chic. We are seeing a new wedding culture emerging."


김태희·비, 뒤늦은 혼수장만

입력 2017-02-06 06:57:00

가수 비-배우 김태희. 스포츠동아DB

‘논현동 가구거리에 떴다’ SNS에 목격담

신혼부부 김태희·비 커플이 본격적으로 신접살림을 준비 중이다. 1월 19일 결혼한 두 사람은 최근 신혼여행을 다녀온 후 살림에 필요한 물품 등을 알아보고 있다. 4일 서울 강남구 논현동의 가구매장에서 가구 등 혼수용품을 둘러봤다는 목격담과 사진이 각종 SNS 등을 통해 공개돼 화제를 모으고 있다.
두 사람이 뒤늦게 살림장만에 나선 것은 결혼 전 신혼집을 따로 마련하지 않았기 때문이다. 신혼집을 알아보던 중 상황이 여의치 않아 비가 결혼 전부터 살아온 서울 강남구 청담동의 빌라에서 신혼생활을 일단 시작했다.

한 관계자는 5일 “현재 비의 아버지와 여동생이 함께 살고 있다. 가족과 협의해 신혼부부로서 새롭게 살림을 차리기로 하고 현재 둘 만의 보금자리를 열심히 알아보고 있다. 청담동 빌라와 멀지 않은 곳에 신혼살림을 다시 차릴 예정이다”고 말했다.

한편 두 사람은 당분간 활동보다는 신혼생활에 집중하겠다는 생각이다. 비가 3월 발표를 앞두고 신곡을 준비 중이긴 하지만, 앞서 결혼 전 발표한 신곡 ‘최고의 선물’과 마찬가지로 왕성한 활동은 계획하지 않고 있다. 김태희도 아내로서 역할을 충실히 한 다음 차기작 등을 고를 예정이다.

이정연 기자 annjoy@donga.com


Kim Tae-hee and Rain getting furnishings



'Spotted at Nonhyeon Furniture Street' on SNS

The Rain and Kim Tae-hee couple is getting ready to furnish their honeymoon home. They got married on the 19th of January and they have been looking around for furniture ever since they returned from their honeymoon in Bali. Witnesses have been saying they were spotted at the Nonhyeon Furniture Street recently.

The reason why they are only looking for furniture now is because they haven't bought a new house. They are going to start living in Rain's villa for now.

Rain's father and sister live there as well. So for now, the couple will live together there and slowly look for a place of their own not far from the house they are living in now.

Meanwhile, the two are going to focus more on each other rather than work for the time being. Rain is coming out with a new album in March but he hasn't planned out details yet. Kim Tae-hee will also focus more on becoming his wife rather than work.


(A cikk február 7-én jelent meg.)


Kim Tae Hee and Rain captured shopping for their newlywed home
By yckim124


Kim Tae Hee and Rain are captured shopping for their newlywed home!

Back on January 19, the celebrity couple officially became husband and wife. A few days later, Kim Tae Hee and Rain were captured in Bali where they enjoyed their honeymoon, and most recently, they were spotted in Gangnam shopping for furniture and home appliances.

Currently, the couple is living with Rain's father and sister, but plan to move out to their own home in the near future. Regarding this, Kim Tae Hee has previously commented, "My father-in-law is very nice. We plan to live with him until we find our newlywed home."


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