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Forrás: http://mwave.interest.me/enewsworld/en/article/94711/rain-and-kim-tae-hee-spotted-at-event-in-china
Magyar fordítás
Fordította: Harudo11
Forrás: http://www.koreaboo.com/news/rain-and-kim-tae-hee-spotted-attending-promotional-event-in-china/
Az előző cikkekhez képest új információ a vastagon jelölt részben:
Forrás: http://www.dispatch.co.kr/322330
Forrás: http://www.hancinema.net/rain-and-kim-tae-hee-seen-entering-china-together-83785.html#$$nr8igs&&wdHIsCZtEeWQFgrYejcaCQ$$
Credit 电视剧克拉恋人后援会 weibo
Forrás: http://jinquan.taiwan.tmall.com/?_lang=zh_CN:TB-GBK
Credit 曼秀雷敦中国官方微博 Weibo
Rain és Kim Tae-hee hazaérkezett Kínából, ahol - mivel mindketten a márka arcai, de más-más termékvonalon - együtt vettek részt a JVJQ fennállásának 10. évfordulóját ünneplő eseményen. Külön utaztak kifelé, a színpadon más műsorblokkban szerepeltek, és hazafelé sem tudott képet készíteni róluk a bulvár, élén a lesben álló Dispatch nevű lappal. Mert bár ugyanazzal a járattal jöttek hazafelé, a repülőteret fél órányi eltéréssel hagyták el, különböző kijáratokon. Az az érzésem, hogy főként a Dispatch kijátszása miatt történt így az egész, ezzel "büntetve" különösen ezt a szennylapot, amely nagyon csúnyán belelépett az életükbe 2013 első napján. Másrészt világos az az üzenet is, hogy a magánéletük tabu.
Forrás: http://mwave.interest.me/enewsworld/en/article/94711/rain-and-kim-tae-hee-spotted-at-event-in-china
Rain and Kim Tae Hee Spotted at Event in China
2015.06.29 11:47 Newsen Yoon Hyo Jung
Rain and Kim Tae Hee were spotted at an event in China.
According to a source on June 29, Rain and Kim Tae Hee attended a promo event in China on June 28. This is the first time both Rain and Kim Tae Hee have attended the same public function since going public with their relationship; however, they were not seen together due to the event′s order of appearance.
A source from Rain′s party stated, "It was the same function, but they were invited separately. There were many other actors in attendance besides these two. They are doing well."
Rain and Kim Tae Hee are going on three years together since revealing they were dating in January of 2013. Wedding rumors began swirling in April; however, both sides have denied the reports.
Kim Tae Hee has been confirmed for upcoming SBS drama Yong Pal-ie, set to premiere in August, marking her comeback to the small screen in two years.
Photo credit: Newsen
Magyar fordítás
Fordította: Harudo11
Raint és Kim Tae Hee-t látták Kínában egy eseményenRaint és Kim Tae Hee-t egy eseményen látták Kínában.Egy június 29-i forrás szerint Rain és Kim Tae Hee részt vett Kínában egy promóciós eseményen június 28-án. Ez az első alkalom, hogy Rain és Kim Tae Hee ugyanazon a nyilvános eseményen vesz részt, mióta nyilvánosságra hozták a kapcsolatukat; bár nem voltak együtt láthatók a rendezvényen való megjelenési sorrend miatt.Egy Rain oldali forrás azt állította, hogy "Azonos szerepben, de külön kaptak meghívást. Mellettük még sok más színész is a résztvevők között volt. Ők jól vannak."Rain és Kim Tae Hee három éve együtt vannak, 2013 januárja óta, amikor felfedték, hogy együtt járnak. Esküvői pletykák kaptak lábra áprilisban, habár mindkét fél tagadta a tudósításokat.Kim Tae Hee résztvételét megerősítették a Yong Pal-ie című következő SBS drámában, melynek a bemutatása augusztusban lesz, jelezve a tévéképernyőkre való visszatérését két év elteltével.
Rain and Kim Tae-hee together but not ‘together’ at Chinese event
Updated : June 29 2015
Actress Kim Tae-hee and singer-actor Rain, or Jung Ji-hoon, on Monday attended a public event together for the first time since going public about their relationship.
According to reports, Kim and Rain attended an event marking the 10-year anniversary of the Chinese cosmetics brand JVJQ.
However, the two -- who are both models for the brand -- did not appear on stage together.
The two celebrities’ agencies said that while they both attended the event, they had not gone there together but appeared on stage as the brand’s models.
Kim and Rain have been in a relationship for about three years, and their relationship was made public in January 2013.
Although they have been rumored to be planning a wedding in the near future on several occasions, they have refuted all related reports.
By Choi He-suk (cheesuk@heraldcorp.com)
Magyar fordítás
Fordította: Harudo11
Rain és Kim Tae-hee együtt, de mégsem "együtt" egy kínai eseményenKim Tae-hee színésznő és Rain, vagyis Jung Ji-hoon énekes-színész hétfőn első alkalommal vett részt együtt egy nyilvános eseményen mióta a kapcsolatuk publikus lett.A jelentések szerint Kim és Rain a JVJQ kínai kozmetikai márka fennállásának 10. évfordulóját ünneplő eseményen vett részt.Azonban, ők ketten - akik a márka modelljei - nem jelentek meg együtt a színpadon.A két híresség ügynökségei azt mondták, hogy miközben mindketten részt vettek az eseményen, nem volt a színpadon közös megjelenésük mint a márka modelljeinek.Kim és Rain kapcsolata közel három éve tart, és 2013 januárjában tették közzé az összetartozásukat.Annak ellenére, hogy több alkalommal is pletykák terjedtek el a közeljövőben tervezett esküvőjükről, minden ezzel kapcsolatos jelentést cáfoltak.
Forrás: http://www.koreaboo.com/news/rain-and-kim-tae-hee-spotted-attending-promotional-event-in-china/
Rain and Kim Tae Hee spotted attending promotional event in China
Posted on June 29, 2015
For the first time since making their relationship public, Rain and Kim Tae Hee were spotted attending the same event in China.
According to reports on June 29th, Rain and Kim Tae Hee were spotted attending the promotional event for JVJQ cosmetics in China on June 28th, making it the first time that both celebrities attended the same public function since announcing their relationship. However, the couple were not spotted together at the event due to the specific order of the program.
A representative from Rain’s side further clarified that Rain and Kim Tae Hee were invited separately along with other Korean personalities.
They returned to South Korea on the same plane from China and to South Korea on June 29th, however, were seen walking off separately with Rain coming off the plane first and Kim Tae Hee following 30 minutes later out the side gate.
Meanwhile, since making their relationship known back in 2013, Rain and Kim Tae Hee soon faced marriage rumours early this year, which was later on denied by their respective agencies.
The actress is currently busy with her comeback drama Yong Palyi scheduled to air in August.
Az előző cikkekhez képest új információ a vastagon jelölt részben:
Egy Rainhez tartozó képviselő további tisztázta, hogy Rain és Kim Tae-hee egymástól függetlenül kapott meghívást egyéb más koreai személyiségek mellett.
Ők ugyanazzal a járattal tértek vissza Koreaába Kínából június 29-én, habár külön volt látható, amint Rain távozott elsőként a járatról, majd Kim Tae-hee 30 perccel később követte egy oldalsó kapun.
Forrás: http://www.dispatch.co.kr/322330
비·김태희, 中 동반입국 포착…”우리 여전히 잘 만나요”
[Dispatch I 인천공항=송효진기자] ‘한류커플’ 비(33·정지훈)와 김태희(35)가 중국에서 동반입국했다. 현지 브랜드 행사를 마치고 함께 돌아왔다.기사입력 : 2015-06-29 11:08 오후
비와 김태희가 공개 연인을 선언한 후 처음으로 동반 스케줄에 나섰다. 중국 하이난에서 열린 화장품 브랜드 ‘JVJQ’ 10주년 행사에 참석한 것.
비와 김태희는 행사를 끝낸 뒤, 같은 비행기로 입국했다. 29일 밤 10시 경 KE5830 편을 타고 인천공항에 모습을 드러냈다.
둘은 3년째 공개 열애 중이다. 하지만 주위 시선을 상당히 신경썼다. 비행기에서 내리자마자 따로 떨어져 걸었다.
입국 절차를 밟을 때도 마찬가지. 다른 시간 다른 게이트를 이용했다. 비가 먼저 모습을 드러냈고, 김태희는 약 30분 뒤 옆 게이트로 빠져 나왔다.
두 사람은 중국에서도 철저히 거리를 뒀다. 이번 브랜드 행사에서도 동시에 무대에 오르지 않았다. 서로 다른 라인 모델이라는 이유로 시간차를 뒀다.
실제로 이 브랜드 여성라인 모델은 김희선, 남성라인 모델은 비다. 김태희는 올해 색조 부분 모델로 계약을 맺었다.
한편 두 사람은 편안한 차림의 공항 패션을 연출했다. 김태희는 누드톤 티셔츠에 하얀색 프릴 스커트를 입었다. 모자와 마스크로 생얼을 사수했다.
비는 회색 민소매 셔츠에 블랙 팬츠를 매치했다. 김태희와 마찬가지로 마스크로 얼굴을 가렸다. 손에는 와인색 페도라가 들려 있었다.
30분 뒤 모습을 드러낸 김태희.
C게이트로 빠져 나온 비.
김태희는 D게이트를 이용.
여전히 단단한 비의 근육.
러블리룩으로 단장한 김태희.
우월한 기럭지.
완벽한 비율 각선미
Forrás: http://www.hancinema.net/rain-and-kim-tae-hee-seen-entering-china-together-83785.html#$$nr8igs&&wdHIsCZtEeWQFgrYejcaCQ$$
Rain and Kim Tae-hee seen entering China together Read more at: http://tr.im/oTta2
Hallyu couple, Rain,
33, and Kim Tae-hee, 35, entered China together. They returned to Korea
together after attending a promotional event. This is their first time
to attend a same event since they announced their relationship
officially. The event they attended took place in Hainan, China for the
10th anniversary of cosmetic brand, JVJQ.
After the event, Rain and Kim Tae-hee came back to Korea using the same
flight, KE5830. Around at 10 PM on June 29th, the two appeared at the
airport. The two have been in relationship for the last three years.
However, they minded the possible public attention in a great deal. As
soon as they got off the flight, they started walking separately.
When they were going through the customs, they used different gates.
Rain showed up first and Kim Tae-hee came out of a different gate 30
minutes later.
The two also kept distance even in China. They did not go on the state
together during the promotional event. For the reasons they represent
different product lines, they had an interval to go on the stage.
The model for women's products is Kim Hee-seon, and the model for men's
products is Rain. Kim Tae-hee became the new face for the makeup
products of the same brand starting this year.
The two showed up in the comfortable style at the airport. Kim Tae-hee
wore nude-color shirts and a white skirt with frills. She covered her
face with a hat and a mask.
Rain wore a grey sleeveless shirt matched to a pair of black pants. He
also covered his face with a mask. He was holding a wine-colored fedora.
Read more at: http://tr.im/oTta2
Hallyu couple, Rain,
33, and Kim Tae-hee, 35, entered China together. They returned to Korea
together after attending a promotional event. This is their first time
to attend a same event since they announced their relationship
officially. The event they attended took place in Hainan, China for the
10th anniversary of cosmetic brand, JVJQ.
After the event, Rain and Kim Tae-hee came back to Korea using the same
flight, KE5830. Around at 10 PM on June 29th, the two appeared at the
airport. The two have been in relationship for the last three years.
However, they minded the possible public attention in a great deal. As
soon as they got off the flight, they started walking separately.
When they were going through the customs, they used different gates.
Rain showed up first and Kim Tae-hee came out of a different gate 30
minutes later.
The two also kept distance even in China. They did not go on the state
together during the promotional event. For the reasons they represent
different product lines, they had an interval to go on the stage.
The model for women's products is Kim Hee-seon, and the model for men's
products is Rain. Kim Tae-hee became the new face for the makeup
products of the same brand starting this year.
The two showed up in the comfortable style at the airport. Kim Tae-hee
wore nude-color shirts and a white skirt with frills. She covered her
face with a hat and a mask.
Rain wore a grey sleeveless shirt matched to a pair of black pants. He
also covered his face with a mask. He was holding a wine-colored fedora.
Read more at: http://tr.im/oTta2
Hallyu couple, Rain,
33, and Kim Tae-hee, 35, entered China together. They returned to Korea
together after attending a promotional event. This is their first time
to attend a same event since they announced their relationship
officially. The event they attended took place in Hainan, China for the
10th anniversary of cosmetic brand, JVJQ.
After the event, Rain and Kim Tae-hee came back to Korea using the same
flight, KE5830. Around at 10 PM on June 29th, the two appeared at the
airport. The two have been in relationship for the last three years.
However, they minded the possible public attention in a great deal. As
soon as they got off the flight, they started walking separately.
When they were going through the customs, they used different gates.
Rain showed up first and Kim Tae-hee came out of a different gate 30
minutes later.
The two also kept distance even in China. They did not go on the state
together during the promotional event. For the reasons they represent
different product lines, they had an interval to go on the stage.
The model for women's products is Kim Hee-seon, and the model for men's
products is Rain. Kim Tae-hee became the new face for the makeup
products of the same brand starting this year.
The two showed up in the comfortable style at the airport. Kim Tae-hee
wore nude-color shirts and a white skirt with frills. She covered her
face with a hat and a mask.
Rain wore a grey sleeveless shirt matched to a pair of black pants. He
also covered his face with a mask. He was holding a wine-colored fedora.
Read more at: http://tr.im/oTta2
Hallyu couple, Rain,
33, and Kim Tae-hee, 35, entered China together. They returned to Korea
together after attending a promotional event. This is their first time
to attend a same event since they announced their relationship
officially. The event they attended took place in Hainan, China for the
10th anniversary of cosmetic brand, JVJQ.
After the event, Rain and Kim Tae-hee came back to Korea using the same
flight, KE5830. Around at 10 PM on June 29th, the two appeared at the
airport. The two have been in relationship for the last three years.
However, they minded the possible public attention in a great deal. As
soon as they got off the flight, they started walking separately.
When they were going through the customs, they used different gates.
Rain showed up first and Kim Tae-hee came out of a different gate 30
minutes later.
The two also kept distance even in China. They did not go on the state
together during the promotional event. For the reasons they represent
different product lines, they had an interval to go on the stage.
The model for women's products is Kim Hee-seon, and the model for men's
products is Rain. Kim Tae-hee became the new face for the makeup
products of the same brand starting this year.
The two showed up in the comfortable style at the airport. Kim Tae-hee
wore nude-color shirts and a white skirt with frills. She covered her
face with a hat and a mask.
Rain wore a grey sleeveless shirt matched to a pair of black pants. He
also covered his face with a mask. He was holding a wine-colored fedora.
Read more at: http://tr.im/oTta2
Hallyu couple, Rain,
33, and Kim Tae-hee, 35, entered China together. They returned to Korea
together after attending a promotional event. This is their first time
to attend a same event since they announced their relationship
officially. The event they attended took place in Hainan, China for the
10th anniversary of cosmetic brand, JVJQ.
After the event, Rain and Kim Tae-hee came back to Korea using the same
flight, KE5830. Around at 10 PM on June 29th, the two appeared at the
airport. The two have been in relationship for the last three years.
However, they minded the possible public attention in a great deal. As
soon as they got off the flight, they started walking separately.
When they were going through the customs, they used different gates.
Rain showed up first and Kim Tae-hee came out of a different gate 30
minutes later.
The two also kept distance even in China. They did not go on the state
together during the promotional event. For the reasons they represent
different product lines, they had an interval to go on the stage.
The model for women's products is Kim Hee-seon, and the model for men's
products is Rain. Kim Tae-hee became the new face for the makeup
products of the same brand starting this year.
The two showed up in the comfortable style at the airport. Kim Tae-hee
wore nude-color shirts and a white skirt with frills. She covered her
face with a hat and a mask.
Rain wore a grey sleeveless shirt matched to a pair of black pants. He
also covered his face with a mask. He was holding a wine-colored fedora.
Read more at: http://tr.im/oTta2
Hallyu couple, Rain,
33, and Kim Tae-hee, 35, entered China together. They returned to Korea
together after attending a promotional event. This is their first time
to attend a same event since they announced their relationship
officially. The event they attended took place in Hainan, China for the
10th anniversary of cosmetic brand, JVJQ.
After the event, Rain and Kim Tae-hee came back to Korea using the same
flight, KE5830. Around at 10 PM on June 29th, the two appeared at the
airport. The two have been in relationship for the last three years.
However, they minded the possible public attention in a great deal. As
soon as they got off the flight, they started walking separately.
When they were going through the customs, they used different gates.
Rain showed up first and Kim Tae-hee came out of a different gate 30
minutes later.
The two also kept distance even in China. They did not go on the state
together during the promotional event. For the reasons they represent
different product lines, they had an interval to go on the stage.
The model for women's products is Kim Hee-seon, and the model for men's
products is Rain. Kim Tae-hee became the new face for the makeup
products of the same brand starting this year.
The two showed up in the comfortable style at the airport. Kim Tae-hee
wore nude-color shirts and a white skirt with frills. She covered her
face with a hat and a mask.
Rain wore a grey sleeveless shirt matched to a pair of black pants. He
also covered his face with a mask. He was holding a wine-colored fedora.
Read more at: http://tr.im/oTta2
Rain and Kim Tae-hee seen entering China together Read more at: http://tr.im/oTta2
Rain and Kim Tae-hee seen entering China together Read more at: http://tr.im/oTta2
Rain and Kim Tae-hee seen entering China together Read more at: http://tr.im/oTta2
Rain and Kim Tae-hee seen entering China together Read more at: http://tr.im/oTta2
[Rain CF]15-06-29 Rain LOVO Making CF
Credit 电视剧-克拉恋人 weibo
Forrás: http://jinquan.taiwan.tmall.com/?_lang=zh_CN:TB-GBK
Credit 曼秀雷敦中国官方微博 Weibo
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