Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)
Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)
Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)
RAIN NAPTÁRA: 2006.06.21.
서세원·서정희 부부 옛집 31억원에 구입한 가수 비
가수 비가 지난 5월 중순 서울 삼성동에 있는 고급 단독주택을 31억원에 경매로 낙찰받아 화제다. 이 집은 예전 서세원·서정희 부부가 살던 집이라는 점에서 더욱 관심을 모으는데 비는 아버지에게 집을 선물하고 싶어 경매에 참여했다고 한다.
비가 경매로 구입한 삼성동 새 집 전경.고급 단독주택가에 자리해 대기업 임원이나 연예인들이 많이 사는 곳으로 유명하다. |
인기 가수 비(24)가 서세원·서정희 부부가 살던 집을 경매로 낙찰받았다. 경매정보업체 지지옥션에 따르면 지난 5월 중순 서울중앙지방법원(경매6계)에서 실시된 서울 강남구 삼성동 67-22 소재 단독주택에 대한 경매에서 감정가의 105%인 31억7천4원을 써낸 가수 비가 낙찰자로 선정됐다고 한다.
비 소속사 JYP 엔터테인먼트에 따르면 비가 아버지 정기춘씨를 위해 현재의 집보다 주거환경이 더 좋은 주택을 알아보던 중 경매에 나온 서세원 부부의 옛집이 여러 가지 조건을 갖추고 있어 경매에 참여했다고 한다. 비가 낙찰받은 집은 대지 1백57평, 건평 97평에 지하1층, 지상2층으로 돼있고, 경기고 서쪽 인근 고급 단독주택가에 자리해 주로 대기업 임원이나 정·재계 고위관료, 연예인들이 많이 거주하는 곳으로 유명하다. 서세원 부부 외에도 탤런트 이재룡·유호정 부부가 전세로 거주했던 이 집은 현재 아무도 살고 있지 않다.
JYP 엔터테인먼트 한 관계자는 “평소 비가 좋은 주거환경을 가진 집을 얻어 아버지에게 선물하고 싶어했는데, 그 소원을 이루게 돼 무척 기뻐하고 있다”고 전했다. 이어 그는 “소속사 입장에서도 비가 좀 더 사생활 보호가 잘되는 곳으로 이사 가게 돼 안심”이라고 덧붙였다. 비는 현재 아버지와 함께 서울 마포의 한 아파트에 살고 있다.
작성일 | 2006.06.21
글·김유림 기자 / 사진·동아일보 출판사진팀, 동아일보 사진DB파트
작성일 | 2006.06.21
글·김유림 기자 / 사진·동아일보 출판사진팀, 동아일보 사진DB파트
RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2006.06.18.
📸 Újságcikk fotója
📰 Apple Daily - New movie"Cyborg, It's okay" style revealed, Rain toilet head with tears
Via Rain/Bi Forum #76 Villenette
via rainhk and Rain/Bi Forum #79 basta_noh
translated from Chinese to English by Papapanda
📸 Újságcikk fotója
📰 Apple Daily - New movie"Cyborg, It's okay" style revealed, Rain toilet head with tears
Via Rain/Bi Forum #76 Villenette
via rainhk and Rain/Bi Forum #79 basta_noh
translated from Chinese to English by Papapanda
New movie"Cyborg, It's okay" style revealed, Rain toilet head with tears
[Cheng reporter]
Asian new superstar Rain's new movie"Cyborg, It's okay"'s style is revealed! In his new movie he leaves his handsome guy image behind and changed into a toilet fake hair [Papapanda: mushroom head to be specific...well I didn't know it was fake...no wonder Rain looks okay on public appearances] , the funny style makes people spit out their rice [Papapanda: literally...]. His first appearance on the big screen, director Park kept praising his 10second tear flowing, and praises his rich emotions.
"Cyborg" director Park has directed "Revenge", "Original criminal" and Il yingai (sound) starred "Choice". He really praises Rain's acting skills, he says: "Rain is not like a newbie in acting, on the contrary, he is like a professional actor. One second before he can be a naughty kid and in 10 seconds he can be teared all over, very sentimental."[Papapanda: Rain is the best! very genuine person]. The staff group also reveals that after he returns Korean next Tues, he will have an extraordinary kiss scene with the main female cast [Im Soojung, and apparently this is old news cuz we know already] Cyborg is a romatic comedy and now the shooting process is 70% complete, will be release in December.
RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2006.06.14.
Singer Rain to Perform to Repay Fans
[2006-06-14]Asian star Rain is keen on returning the love he has received from his Asian fans. He plans to donate part of proceeds from a concert tour of 11 Asian nations scheduled for December to those same countries through various donation programs.
`It won`t be a simple donation. Rain will involve himself in raising funds and developing donation programs that meet each nation`s needs,` Lee In-Kwang, the president of Star-M Planning, the performance agency in charge of Rain`s Asian tour, said during a phone interview with Yonhap News. `He is now considering building schools to fight illiteracy in China and some Southeast Asian nations, but detailed plans will be made available in September.`
This is not the first time that the top singer has tried helping Asian nations in need. Late last year, he cooperated with the Green Fund, an environmental organization, to build wells in several Asian nations suffering from the absence of proper water supply facilities. He donated all the proceeds from the sales of products promoting him. He will also participate in a Pepsi Cola-sponsored charity for Asian youths in need scheduled to be held in Hong Kong in November.
Meanwhile, a Pepsi commercial featuring Rain, who is Pepsi`s model for Chinese-speaking nations, and U.S. pop diva Christina Aguilera singing a song together against the backdrop of a soccer stadium has been released in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. His agency, JYP Entertainment, said that the two stars were so busy that they separately shot the commercial and recorded the song.
Rain will release his fourth album on Oct. 15 in Korea before embarking on his Asian tour on Dec. 14, which kicks off in Seoul.
RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2006.06.10.
060610 KBS Coverage Bi in Vietnam (eng subs)
Interview and coverage of Bi's trip to Vietnam this year (S Fone Concert). Cute remarks from Bi behind the stage and while being interviewed inside the car, with English subs.
060610 Sang Doo Lets Go To School NG
Consolatory Train (2013.03.25.)
A mai Consolatory Train koncert a tüzérségi helyőrségen volt. Mégis szélsebességgel érkezett egy felvétel, melyen pont azt a zárójelenetet láthatjuk, melyet az egyik jelenlévő rajongó így írt le:
A felvétel itt megnézhető |
Azok a rajongók, akik ma elmentek a Consolatory Train műsorára, úgy tűnik, hogy megütötték a főnyereményt^^ Egy női alkalmazott megpróbált közbelépni, de a Hercegünk ragaszkodott hozzá, és egytől egyig kezet fogott a rajongókkal.
Az egyik szerencsés rajongó írta, hogy a Hercegünk keze nagy és meleg volt, lágy és kellemes illatú. Még sokáig érezte a kézfogás után azt a finom illatot^^.
A befejező szám után a csapat minden tagja visszament a színpadra, hogy elköszönjön a hallgatóságtól. Aztán egymás után elhagyták a színpadot, és a Hercegünk maradt utoljára. Amint jött lefelé, az összes katona úgy viharzott feléje, mint egy kommunista osztag. Kicsit meglepődött, de mosolygott, méghozzá nagyon huncut mosollyal. Azok, akik mellette álltak, kiszóltak, hogy ez veszélyes, és megmentették őt^^.
Forrás: http://memo-rain.ning.com/profiles/blogs/fancam-13-03-25-rain-consolatory-train
Bejegyezte: Harudo11
A mai Consolatory Train koncert a tüzérségi helyőrségen volt. Mégis szélsebességgel érkezett egy felvétel, melyen pont azt a zárójelenetet láthatjuk, melyet az egyik jelenlévő rajongó így írt le:
A felvétel itt megnézhető |
Azok a rajongók, akik ma elmentek a Consolatory Train műsorára, úgy tűnik, hogy megütötték a főnyereményt^^ Egy női alkalmazott megpróbált közbelépni, de a Hercegünk ragaszkodott hozzá, és egytől egyig kezet fogott a rajongókkal.
Az egyik szerencsés rajongó írta, hogy a Hercegünk keze nagy és meleg volt, lágy és kellemes illatú. Még sokáig érezte a kézfogás után azt a finom illatot^^.
A befejező szám után a csapat minden tagja visszament a színpadra, hogy elköszönjön a hallgatóságtól. Aztán egymás után elhagyták a színpadot, és a Hercegünk maradt utoljára. Amint jött lefelé, az összes katona úgy viharzott feléje, mint egy kommunista osztag. Kicsit meglepődött, de mosolygott, méghozzá nagyon huncut mosollyal. Azok, akik mellette álltak, kiszóltak, hogy ez veszélyes, és megmentették őt^^.
Forrás: http://memo-rain.ning.com/profiles/blogs/fan-acct-25-march-consolatory-train-performance
Hírcsokor (2013.03.24.)
Rain nem jelent meg az általa indított rágalmazási peren
2013. március 23.
Az énekes és táncos Rain, valódi nevén Jung Ji-hoon, ismét nem tett eleget az őt a szerdai tárgyalásra tanúként beidéző bírósági végzésnek abban a rágalmazási perben, melyet egy Lee nevű üzletember ellen indított.
A helyi média szerint Rain visszautasította a részvételt a tárgyaláson, mivel jelenleg a kötelező katonai szolgálatát tölti. Azt is mondták, hogy kellemetlennek érzi, hogy a nyilvánosság előtt szerepeljen, miután kiderült a kapcsolata Kim Tae-heevel.
Ez volt a harmadik alkalom, hogy az énekes nem tett eleget a bírósági idézésnek.
Seoul Central District Court will summon him once more. It is also considering a summons after he is discharged from the military in July.
Seoul Central District Court will summon him once more. It is also considering a summons after he is discharged from the military in July.
A Szöuli Központi Kerületi Bíróság még egyszer be fogja idézni őt, figyelembe véve, hogy az idézésre a júliusi leszerelését követően kerüljön sor.
Rain rágalmazási pert indított az üzletember Lee és két újságíró ellen 2010-ben, akik Lee-t használták hírforrásként. Az újságcikkek azt állították, hogy Rain összejátszott egy divatcég elnökével, és elsikkasztották a cég alaptőkéjét.
Később Rain ejtette az újságírók elleni vádakat, de Lee ellen a per még folyamatban van.
Lee Sun-min
Forrás: http://koreajoongangdaily.joinsmsn.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=2968986
Lee Jin Ho és Lee Jun Hyuk említették Raint a műsorban.
DJ Lee Jun Hyuk és a vendége, Lee Jin Ho néhány új hírrel szolgált az osztagparancsnok Jung Ji Hoon tizedesről a rádióműsorukban március 21-én.
Lee Jin Ho azt mondta, Rain komolyan fogyókúrázik, hogy a testét csúcsformába hozza. Lee Jun Hyuk hozzátette, hogy Rain rendkívül szexi látványt nyújt, amikor leveszi a ruháit! ^_________^
Forrás: http://memo-rain.ning.com/profiles/blogs/friends-fm-130321-radio-jumam-mention-rain
[Rajongói beszámoló] A Barátság Hídja koncert, március 20.
Many fans sat in the front on the left side of the concert hall holding silver tassels to cheer for our Prince. They were particularly happy when our Prince turn to their side and acknowledged them quite often during his performance. A fan gave her advice: bring silver tassels with you, the more tassels you have the more eye contact you may have with our Prince ^___^
Many fans sat in the front on the left side of the concert hall holding silver tassels to cheer for our Prince. They were particularly happy when our Prince turn to their side and acknowledged them quite often during his performance. A fan gave her advice: bring silver tassels with you, the more tassels you have the more eye contact you may have with our Prince ^___^
Sok rajongó ült a koncertteremben a nézőtér bal oldalán ezüst
In the middle of singing Hip Song, our Prince greeted the audience: "Nice to meet you all. Are you doing well? Many fans came today! It won't be long till we will meet again. Until then, fighting!"
Our Prince has lost a lot of weight. A lucky Korean fan who managed to shake hands with our prince wrote about her wonderful experience:
As a polite cloud she had to wait until the end of the concert ,so she did not dash out to follow our Prince when he finished his performance. She and her friends waited outside afterwards but did not see him. A gag singer came out, saw the large crowd and commented "I believe there is such a large crowd because Rain is here today!"
The fans waited for a long while and still did not see our Prince, so they decided to leave. On their way they saw a DEMA bus so they took the opportunity to ask the driver about our Prince. The kind driver told them he hadn't come out yet so the five of them decided to wait there.
Soon they heard noises from the KBS hall and saw our Prince walking towards their direction. He walked in big strides while fans around him had to run to catch up with him. In an instant our Prince was right in front of them. Intuitively they called out "Obba, Obba" and held out their hands. Our Prince saw them and shook hands with them.
Our Prince then got into the DEMA bus and sat at the back. KCM followed and drew down the curtain. In between this short moment they saw our Prince's beautiful jawline and his white jade skin.
Our Prince continued to wave to the fans from his seat after he got into the bus. As the bus left, he turned and waved goodbye again to fans from the rear window.
Anther fan took this picture showing our prince leaving the concert place.
In the middle of singing Hip Song, our Prince greeted the audience: "Nice to meet you all. Are you doing well? Many fans came today! It won't be long till we will meet again. Until then, fighting!"
Our Prince has lost a lot of weight. A lucky Korean fan who managed to shake hands with our prince wrote about her wonderful experience:
As a polite cloud she had to wait until the end of the concert ,so she did not dash out to follow our Prince when he finished his performance. She and her friends waited outside afterwards but did not see him. A gag singer came out, saw the large crowd and commented "I believe there is such a large crowd because Rain is here today!"
The fans waited for a long while and still did not see our Prince, so they decided to leave. On their way they saw a DEMA bus so they took the opportunity to ask the driver about our Prince. The kind driver told them he hadn't come out yet so the five of them decided to wait there.
Soon they heard noises from the KBS hall and saw our Prince walking towards their direction. He walked in big strides while fans around him had to run to catch up with him. In an instant our Prince was right in front of them. Intuitively they called out "Obba, Obba" and held out their hands. Our Prince saw them and shook hands with them.
Our Prince then got into the DEMA bus and sat at the back. KCM followed and drew down the curtain. In between this short moment they saw our Prince's beautiful jawline and his white jade skin.
Our Prince continued to wave to the fans from his seat after he got into the bus. As the bus left, he turned and waved goodbye again to fans from the rear window.
Anther fan took this picture showing our prince leaving the concert place.
RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2006.06.08.
Singer Rain's 2nd Single Album Ranks 9th on Japan's Oricon Charts
[2006-06-08]Asian star Rain (24) has been listed on Japan's Oricon Charts once again.
Rain's second single album entitled "Free Way" ranked ninth on Oricon's daily single charts on June 7, the day of its release. His first single album "Sad Tango," which was released on January 25, finished 11th on Oricon's daily single charts on the day of its release and 14th on Oricon's weekly charts. His second single album features two songs, "Free Way" and "Feel So Alight."
Rain will leave for Japan to promote his newest single album on June 13. He is scheduled to give interviews to TVs and newspapers there. He will hold a meeting for his Japanese fan club, "Cloud Japan," as well as his birthday party, at Budokan, Tokyo on June 15-16. At the fan meeting on June 16, he will present video images from a photo album entitled "Road For Rain," which is featured in his DVD.
An official from his agency, JYP Entertainment, said, "Rain will return home on June 19 after promoting his newest single album and holding a fan meeting in Japan. Prior to his visit to Japan, Rain will leave for Vietnam on the morning of June 8 to attend the 'S Phone Forever Concert' sponsored by SKT (SK Telecom) in Ho Chi Minh, and return home on June 9."
Meanwhile, Rain will release his fourth full-length album in Korea on October 15. He will make a concert tour of 11 Asian nations in December. His debut film entitled "I'm a Cyborg. But That's OK" directed by Park Chan-wook is expected to be released in December.
RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2006.06.01.
📸 Cha Tae-hyun és Choi Seok-eun esküvőjén
via Rain/Bi Forum #62 basta_noh
Részt vett Cha Tae-hyun színész és Choi Seok-eun dalszövegíró esküvőjén a Sheraton Grand Walkerhill Hotelben.
📸 Cha Tae-hyun és Choi Seok-eun esküvőjén
via Rain/Bi Forum #62 basta_noh
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