Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)
Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)
Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)
> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.12.08.
12-12-08 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain & KCM DJ
Credit : ratoka
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0MJg9tUav0&feature=plcpmemo-rain link
secession 2012.12.08
[Rain]&[KCM]: Rain&KCM's "The Desire To Speed"!
[Rain] : We've got a ton of snow recently.
"Snow," a word often seems to stand for not only romance but also labor.
[KCM] : That's right! Even though I love snowy days, I hope it will stop snowing.
[Rain] : I'm afraid our listeners are going to slip on ice.
The weatherman says it will feel like 13 below in Seoul today.
We're trying melting your hearts again today.
(Jin Woo's 'Wild Imagination')
[Rain] : 'Jin Woo's 'Wild Imagination' was very popular in my middle school.
[KCM] : Listener 'Ha Ji Min Heart R', "I've never seen so much snow in my whole life in Daegu city where I live. Have you shoveled snow?"
It’s hard work shovelling snow. (laughs)
[Rain] : It's exhausting shovelling snow. (laughs)
[Rain] : You can send your stories and song request to us through SMS #0967 or its Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/speeding967) or its message board
(http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2086&mod_id=board_2093&pseq=0) or (http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2141&mod_id=board_2098&pseq=0)
[KCM] : Particularly, foreign fans can send their stories and song request to us by email : speedingradio@hanmail.net
-Quiz Pang Pang-
[KCM] : If you give a correct answer to my question or if you give a funny answer despite a wrong answer, you will get a present as a prize.
*Quiz 1
(Rain and KCM read the words to a song.)
[Rain] : What is the name of the song?
[KCM] : Please send a chargeable text message to this number #0967 if you know the answer or if you want to send your wrong and funny answer to us.
[Rain] : The answer is Rain's 'Love Song'.
[KCM] : Listener '#8462'-Rain's 'There Is No Denying This Blatant Song'
Listener '#9852'- Rain's The Song To Fail To Date With You'
Listener '#2133'- Rain's 'I Confess, Catching Hold Of Your Arm'
Listener '#9541 - Rain's 'Please Make Me Want To Stay'
[Rain] : Listener '#6535- Rain's 'The Song Hitting On You' (laughs)
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#6535'.
[Rain] : Listener '#1327', 'Lee Bina', '#9148', etc. - Rain's Love Song.
The winner out of those who have got the right answers, is '이빈나'.
*Quiz 2.
(A song is playing on the radio)
[Rain] : What is the name of the song?
[KCM]: There is a person I'm really looking forward to seeing.
[Rain] : Girlfriend?
[KCM]: Yeah..
[Rain] : Sujin?
[KCM]: Sujin, Minjin, Yijin, etc. Sorry. (laughs)
[Rain] : You must be managing women. (laughs)
[Rain] : The answer is 'Kim Bum Su's 'I Miss You'
[Rain] : Listener '#9651'-'Kim Bum Su's 'I'd Like To Leave The Army;
Listener '#6759' - 'Kim Bum Su's 'I'm Very Anxious To Meet You'
Listener '#1215' - 'Jang Bum Su's 'I Miss You'
Listener '#4054' - 'Kim Bum Su's 'I'd Like To Get A Perm' (laughs)
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#4054'.
[KCM] : Listener '#0415', '#1141', '#0232', '#4681', '#7244', '#9852', '#4681', etc. -'Kim Bum Su's 'I Miss You'.
The winner out of those who have got the right answers, is '#1141'. Congratulations!
*Quiz 3
(Singer 'Brown Eyed Girls' 'Abracadabra' is playing)
[Rain] : I want you to guess what the lyrics are when a bell rings.
[Rain] : Listener '#2089'- 'Cast A Spell On The Hulk Who Are A Carbon Copy Of You'
Listener '#8755'- I Try Casting A Spell To Leave The Army Soon'
Listener '#1719' - Webfoot Octopus
Listener '#9106' - Plaice, Plaice.
Listener '#7244' - 'The Fool Who Looks Just Like You'
Listener '#1233' - 'The Doll Having Four Legs That Looks Just Like You'
The winner out of those who have got the wrong answers, is '#2089'.
[KCM] : The answer is 'Doll'.
Listener '#8362', '#3024', '#6202', '#3827', '#5535', etc. - 'Doll'
The winner out of those who have got the right answers, is '#3827'. Congratulations!
[KCM] : Listener '#6054', "You two seem to be in a good mood because many of your juniors have been transferred here.
[Rain] : Listener '#9655', "Because of the heavy snow, the road is really slippery, so there isn't a day that I don't worry about my son who is serving as a driver in the army in Gangneung of Gangwon Province. I hope he's okay."
Please drive safely, private first-class 'Yeo Jin Sung'.
[KCM] : Listener '#7244', "I'm listening to the radio, eating Hodduk (a Korean rice snack) with my children. I'd like to bake Hodduk for you two."
[Rain] : Listener '#3405', "December 8th is my parents' wedding anniversary and my birthday. Please congratulate us."
[Rain] : Listener 'Jaejae', "My children have ad gold time when the snow falls, but I hate getting snowed in. My daughter wonders why I don't like snow. I think I look realistic."
[KCM] : They say people are getting realistic in their old ages, but I still become sentimental when I see the snow falling. (laughs)
[KCM]: Listener '#0825', "My father is returning from a business trip in Abu Dhabi.
I'm waiting for him to pick him up at the airport, but the snow has delayed his flight another hours. I can't wait to see him."
[Rain] : Hope you have a good time.
[Rain] : Listener '#1871', "The radio signals are jammed up, so I can't listen to the show, but I hope you're successful at hosting the radio again today. Actually, I've been studying hard for an exam in a library. Please encourage me,"
I hope that you will pass the exam. Fighting!
[KCM]: Listener '#0232', "I'm staying home because it is chilly outside. My mom is cooking Kimchi jigae for me, and the smell is making my mouth water."
[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "It's been snowing every day for days, I'm sick of it.
I think my heart has hardened."
[KCM]: Listener '#5310', "This is 'Kim Bok Ryul' who works as a forest fireman in Gangwon Province's Yangyang and Hawang. Next Tuesday is my son's birthday.
He, ‘Kim Ki Hyun', is serving as a corporal in the army in Incheon city. Please celebrate his birthday."
Happy birthday!
[Rain] : Listener '#3862', " Baseball player 'Hong Seung Heun' said, 'I wish to be reborn as world star Rain'. 'Ji Hoon' ssi (Rain), if you were reborn, what would you like to be?"
I still want to be myself 'Jung Ji Hoon'. I love myself.
-The Desire to Post Comments With 'Lee Jin Ho' and 'Lee Ji Hoon'-
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'A', "Three beautiful women asked me to push their car on the driveway when I passed the way. When I was about to push the car, before I knew it I broke wind and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die."
[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener 'A', "While staying in USA for a short language training course, I was such a know-it-all when in fact I was so ignorant, but my ignorance was revealed soon when a foreigner asked me the way to Myung-dong, but I couldn't answer um and aah."
[KCM] : Today's comment subject is about "When you were so shamed and you wished that the ground would swallow you".
[All] : The Desire to Post Comments!! (laughs)
[Rain] : Welcome, 'Lee Jin Ho'&'Lee Ji Hoon', it’s great to have you on our show.
[Lee Jin Ho'] : Come to think of it, the initials of 'Lee Ji Hoon', 'Lim Joo Hwan', 'Lee Jun Hyuk', and me are all the same.
[Rain] : The temperature is 11 below zero, but it is said it feels like 15 below.
[Lee Jin Ho] : It is so cold, so I just want to sit still with a blanket covering me from head to toe like old men in senior citizens' center. (laughs)
[KCM] : Could you tell me any interesting things consistent with the subject that happened to you?
[Lee Ji Hoon] : I often wore my outfit inside out by mistake and was very embarrassed.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I cannot bear to see my on-screen persona and I want to sink through the floor.
[Rain]: For my carelessness, my flies were often undone during my concerts. I was so embarrassed when people found me with my fly open.
[KCM] : When I was a 6th grader at an elementary school, I cracked a fart in class, regardless of my will. I was so embarrassed that I wish I could crawl under a rock.
[Rain]: Please post many of your funny writings on its bulletin board or by its Twitter or by SMS #0967.
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'Kim Yeon', "I got rid of a lot of stress by screaming and singing at a karaoke with my co-workers after work. I kept singing loud songs and dancing to release stress after I went to the bathroom, but I found out later I was singing and dancing in the wrong room. I was too embarrassed to lift my head up."
[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener 'Choi Min Su', "I visited a medical clinic for a flu shot.
I thought I would get an injection in the buttock, so I waited for a nurse, taking off my underpants, but she appeared and told me, 'I'll be giving an injection to your forearm'. (laughs) I could feel my face reddening with embarrassment." (laughs)
[Rain]: I had the same experience before. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Park Sun Min', "When my family and I went to visit my parents during Chuseok holidays, my children got pocket money from my close family members. I thought one of them would give my children some money when he took his hand out of the pocket. Now I come to think of it, I was too shameless."
[Lee Ji Ho] : When my uncle took his hand out of the pocket, I thought he would give me some money, but he had me run an errand to the store for Soju. (laughs)
[KCM] : I think it's a fabrication. (laughs)
[Lee Ji Ho] : Right, it's just all made up. (laughs)
[Rain]: Do you have any interesting stories on the air?
[Lee Ji Ho] : I was so excited that I started cursing on the air, but the parts were removed in final editing. (laughs)
[Rain] : It's not easy to play a comical role, but 'Lee Jin Ho' is good at showcasing a comical role by swearing. If he leaves the army, there won't be any fun left in my life.
[Lee Ji Hoon] : I got a running nose on the air at a ski resort and I was so embarrassed.
[Rain] : When I got a bloody nose on a TV show called 'Show Tank' which was on the air, it wasn't long after my debut. I sang my song 'Bad Guy', trying stopping a nosebleed with my fingers, but it wasn't able to be aired, so I had to sing again.
And, the seat of my tight pants even split on the air, while I was dancing passionately. I was wearing loud underpants just at the right time. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'Lee Yeon Suk', "When I traveled from Gangwon Province to Seoul, I took the subway for the first time in my life but I didn't know how to use my transportation card. I learned the right way to use the card from the subway employee, but I felt a little ashamed."
[Lee Ji Hoon]: Listener 'HiromiraimyK', "That was my first day at my new job. When I ran in order to be on time and was barely able to take the subway, I fell down and accidentally seized a lady passenger behind me by the hips. She cried out in fright and I felt terrible and apologized."
[Rain] : Listener '#6367', "When the glass door would not open after eating at a restaurant, a worker told me. 'Please just push the door!' That was very embarrassing."
I knocked me over with a heavy glass door before my concert in USA.
That was a very pellucid glass, that didn't seem to be normal and almost ceased to be visible. It's a good thing that I just knocked me over with it. Otherwise it would've been disastrous.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I was picking my teeth in front of the black window of a car, but I found out later that singer 'Lin' was sitting in the car. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Kim Ju Yeon', "When my co-workers and I took a trip of one night and two days, every Julie, Dick and Harry was wanted on the phone from each's boyfriend. As for me not receiving any call from my boyfriend who is an unfriendly person, the scene excited me to envy, so I pretended to receive a call from him. Just then, my phone rang and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die." (laughs)
[Rain] : Not many years ago I couldn't hear what overseas staffs were saying in English when I rehearsed before my concert in USA, so I pretended to be busy, pretending to receive a call from somebody from Korea, but my phone rang, which made me embarrassed, but I tried to put a bold face on it. (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener '#2745', "When I rode on the bus after working part-time, many bus passengers saw me by glimpses. I found out later I was still putting on an apron. I felt like two cents at that time."
When I worked as JYP's backup dancer, he insisted on performing with his tap shoes on during a live TV music show in Gangwon Province, at that time the region'd had copious snow in the last few days. Finally he slipped and fell in front of many people as soon as he went on stage, but he took it out on us (his dancers) (laughs)
[KCM] : In my hurry, I went out to meet a friend, wearing boxer shorts by mistake. I thought I wore shorts. I had to run like the devil to go back home. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : The story seems to be all made up. (laughs)
[KCM] : No way! It actually took place! (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener '#9078', "It was a snowy day when it was not long after my boyfriend and I started dating. Suddenly I slipped on the frozen path and fell on my back and the heel was broken. I had to come home in supported by him.
That was very embarrassing."
[Lee Ji Hoon] : Listener 'Kim Yi Young', "I had a nasty brush with my boss one day. My boyfriend sent me a SMS, wondering if something wrong happened to me. By mistake, I sent him a SMS saying 'Let me strip', instead of 'Nothing'. ” (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : Gagmen, 'Yang Se Young' and 'Yang Se Chang' are brothers.
When the brothers were walking home with their close girlfriend in elementary school, they saw their house on fire. The brothers knew what was going on, but they ignored it and went on, looking the other way because they were ashamed that their house took fire. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Choi Min Kyung', " When my daughter-in-law's parents invited us for dinner, we took off our shoes before we entered the living room, and I found there was a hole in the heel of my husband's sock. I couldn't put my face up because I burned with shame. My husband evidently knew what this was about, yet he pretended not to and tried creating a pleasant ambience for them."
[Rain]: Listener 'Bulging Forehead Eyebrow', "I called a computer repair shop and the repairman visited my house that day. I kept replying to the question, not knowing he was repairing my computer with earphones in. He was on the phone to another person."
[KCM] : Sitting on the toilet at a motorway service station, I kept replying to the question, not knowing somebody was talking on the phone. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : It sounds like a lie, right? (laughs)
[KCM] : The story is true! (laughs)
[Rain] : Look how the liar is lying in his throat. (laughs)
[KCM] : Please try to believe what I'm telling you. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho]&[Lee Ji Hoon]: The winners are #2745 and 'Kim Yi Young'.
[Rain]: Thank you for coming in today. See you next week.
[Lee Jin Ho]&[Lee Ji Hoon]: : Thank you. See you then.
[KCM]: Small gifts will be provided for 'Lee Bina', '#6536', '#4045', '#2089', '#3827', '#1141, '#2745, and 'Kim Yi Young'. Congratulations!
Please leave your phone numbers and names in private in its bulletin board.
[Rain]: This has been 'Jung Ji Hoon'.
[KCM] : This has been 'KCM'. Thank you.
Alisa4Rain 2012.12.09
I'm listening to the program and at 6:50 on the YouTube timeline Rain starts reading to the piano accompaniment and he keeps repeating what sounds like "fung fung" and it is sooooooo crazy sexy all I do is keep replaying it. Rain's voice is the voice you want to serenade you.......especially late at night. Thanks Ratoka and 화니 for the video and translation. Rain thanks for being ......you. I love the part when the listener asks you if you were to be reborn what would you like to be .....and your answer? "I still want to be myself 'Jung Ji Hoon'. I love myself."...........pure confidence.NovemberRain 2012.12.09They were reading part of a song lyrics for their new segment "Quiz Pang Pang" and since last week, they said "fang fang" instead of "pang pang" just to make it cuter ^^Alisa4Rain 2012.12.10Thanks. So fang fang means cow. Only Rain can make saying the word for cow sound that dang sexy.NovemberRain 2012.12.10welcome ^^ btw that was word by word meaning, not sure what it really means when put in a sentence
emik 2012.12.24.
[ 英訳⇒和訳です。 ]
[Rain]&[KMC] : Rain&KCM の “疾走本能”!
[Rain] : 最近たくさん雪が降った。 “雪,” と言う言葉はロマンスを象徴するだけではなく労働も表しているように思える。
[KCM] : その通り ! 僕は雪の降る日が大好きだけど、雪が止んでくれることを願うよ。
[Rain] : 僕達のリスナ-が氷の上で滑って転ぶのではないかと心配。 今日ソウルでは零下13度以下のように感じるだろうと天気予報官は言っている。僕達は今日もまた、あなたの心を和ませるようにするよ。
(Jin Woo : ‘Wild Imagination’)
[Rain] : ‘Jin Woo’ : ‘Wild Imagination’は僕が中学生の時、とても人気があった。
[KCM] : リスナ- ‘Ha Ji Min Heart R’, “私が住む大邱市でこんなに雪が降ったのを見たのは生まれて初めて。あなた達は雪かきしましたか?”
[Rain] :雪かきは疲れる。(笑い)
[Rain] : 貴方のストーリーまたは曲のリクエストはSMS #0967 またはtwitter
(https://mobile.twitter.com/speeding967) またはメッセージボード
(http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/speeding?skin_type=S&menu_seq=2086&mod_id=board_2093&pseq=0) または
[KCM] :特に海外のファンは email : speedingradio@hanmail.net
-Quiz Pang Pang-
[KCM] : 正解者、そして間違っているけど面白い回答をしてくれた方に、賞品としてプレゼントが送られます。
*Quiz 1
(Rain & KCM がある曲の歌詞を読む)
[Rain] : この曲のタイトルはなんでしょうか?
[KCM] :正解または間違えているけど面白い答えを有料テキストメッセージ番号 #0967 に送ってください。
[Rain] : 正解は Rain :‘Love Song’
[KCM] : リスナ- ‘#8462′-Rain : ‘このバラード曲を否定することが出来ない’
リスナ-‘#9852′- Rain : ‘あなたとデートすることをしくじる/失敗する曲’
リスナ- ‘#2133′- Rain : ‘白状します、あなたの腕をしっかりつかんでいます。’
リスナ- ‘#9541 – Rain : ‘どうか私をとどまらさせて’
[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#6535- Rain : ‘あなたを口説く曲’(笑い)
間違った答えをくれた中からの当選者/勝者は ‘#6535。 おめでとう !
[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#1327′, ‘Lee Bina’, ‘#9148′, 他 – Rain : Love Song.
間違った答え(正解?)をくれた中からの当選者/勝者は ‘이빈나’。 おめでとう !
*Quiz 2.
[Rain] : この曲のタイトルはなんでしょうか?
[KCM]: 僕は会うのをすごく楽しみにしている人がいる。
[Rain] : ガールフレンド?
[KCM]: うん..
[Rain] : Sujin?
[KCM]: Sujin, Minjin, Yijin, とか。 ごめん。(笑い)
[Rain] : 君は女性達を管理しているに違いない。(笑い)
[Rain] :正解は‘Kim Bum Su’:‘I Miss You/あなたが恋しい’
[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#9651′-’Kim Bum Su’: ‘除隊したい’
リスナ- ‘#6759′ – ‘Kim Bum Su’: ‘あなたに会うのがすごく心配/不安’
リスナ- ‘#1215′ – ‘Jang Bum Su’: ‘I Miss You/あなたが恋しい’
リスナ- ‘#4054′ – ‘Kim Bum Su’: ‘パーマをかけたい’(笑い)
間違った答えをくれた中からの当選者/勝者は ‘#4054′おめでとう !
[KCM] : リスナ- ‘#0415′, ‘#1141′, ‘#0232′, ‘#4681′, ‘#7244′, ‘#9852′, ‘#4681′, 他. -
’Kim Bum Su’: ‘I Miss You’。間違った答え(正解?)をくれた中からの当選者/勝者は ‘#1141′おめでとう !
*Quiz 3
(歌手‘Brown Eyed Girls’ ‘Abracadabra’ が流れる)
[Rain] : ベルが鳴った時の歌詞が何か予想してください。
[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#2089′- ‘あなたとうり二つ/そっくりなハルクに魔法をかける’。
リスナ- ‘#8755′- ‘すぐに除隊できるよう魔法をかけてみる’。
リスナ- ‘#1719′ – ‘水かき足のたこ’。
リスナ- ‘#9106′ – (魚)‘アカガレイ, アカガレイ’。
リスナ- ‘#7244′ – ‘あなたに似た間抜けな人’。
リスナ- ‘#1233′ – ‘あなたにそっくりな4つの足を持った人形’。
間違った答えをくれた中からの当選者/勝者は ‘#2089。 おめでとう !
[KCM] : 正解は‘Doll’。
リスナ- ‘#8362′, ‘#3024′, ‘#6202′, ‘#3827′, ‘#5535′, 他. – ‘Doll’
間違った答え(正解?)をくれた中からの当選者/勝者は ‘#3827′おめでとう !
[KCM] : リスナ- ‘#6054′, “多くの後輩が広報支援隊に異動してきたので2人は機嫌が良いように思える。”
[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#9655′, “大雪ですごく滑りやすい、なので江原道地方の江稜で陸軍運転手として任務している息子を心配しない日はない。彼が無事なことを願う。”
‘Yeo Jin Sung’一等兵、安全運転を心がけて。
[KCM] : リスナ- ‘#7244′, “子供達と一緒にホットク(韓国の米菓)を食べながらラジオを聴いています。2人にホットクを焼いてあげたい。”
[Rain] : リスナ-‘#3405′, “12月8日は両親の結婚記念日であり、私の誕生日。どうか私達を祝ってください。”
あめでとう !
[Rain] : リスナ-‘Jaejae’, “雪が降った時、子供たちは素晴らしい時間を宣伝した(?)、でも私は雪が降るのが嫌い。娘はなぜ私が雪が嫌いなのか不思議がっている、私は現実的に見ているのだと思う。”
[KCM] : 人は年をとると現実的になると言われている、でも雪が降るのをみるといまだに僕はセンチメンタルになるよ。(笑い)
[KCM]: リスナ-‘#0825′, “父がアブダビへの出張から戻ってくる。私は父を空港で待っているのだけど、雪でフライトが1時間遅れた。早く父に会いたくてたまらない。”
[Rain] : 素敵な時間を過ごすことを願うよ。
[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#1871′, “ラジオ信号が混雑しているので番組を聴くことができない、でも今日もまたあなた達がラジオの司会をうまくやっていることを願います。実は図書館で試験のために一生懸命勉強しています。どうか私を励まして。”
試験に合格することを願うよ。ファイティング !
[KCM]: リスナ- ‘#0232′, “外は寒いので家にいる。私のためにお母さんがキムチチゲを作ってくれている、その匂いでよだれが出てきた。”
[Rain] : リスナ- ‘Only One’, “ここ数日毎日雪が降っている。もううんざり。 私の心が頑固になった。”
[KCM]: リスナ- ‘#5310′, “私は江原道地方の襄陽とHawangで森林消防士として働いている‘Kim Bok Ryul’ です。 来週火曜日は息子の誕生日。 息子‘Kim Ki Hyun’は仁川市の陸軍で上等兵として任務している。
誕生日おめでとう !
[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#3862′, ” 野球選手‘Hong Seung Heun’は‘ワールドスターRainとして生まれ変わりたい’と言った。 ‘Ji Hoon’ ssi (Rain), もし生まれ変わったら誰になりたいですか?”
僕はまた‘Jung Ji Hoon’になりたい。僕は自分が大好き。
-‘Lee Jin Ho’ と ‘Lee Ji Hoon’とともにコメントを投稿したいという欲求-
[Lee Jin Ho] : リスナ- ‘A’, “通りを通ったとき、私道できれいな女性3人が車を押して欲しいと頼んできた。僕が車を押そうとしたその時、知らぬ間におならをしてしまい穴があったら入りたかった(くらい恥ずかしかった)。”
[Lee Ji Hoon] : リスナ- ‘A’, “短語学習得のためにUSAに滞在している間、実のところ無知だったのに私は知ったかぶりをしていた、でも外国人が明洞への行き方を聞いてきた時、私は口ごもって答えられず、私の無知はすぐにばれた。”
[KCM] : 今日のコメントのお題は “すごく恥ずかしくて穴があったら入りたい気持ちだった時”について。
[All] : コメントを投稿したいという欲求 !! (笑い)
[Rain] :‘Lee Jin Ho’&’Lee Ji Hoon’ようこそ, 僕達の番組にお越し頂きありがとう。
[Lee Jin Ho'] :そういえば ‘Lee Ji Hoon’, ‘Lim Joo Hwan’, ‘Lee Jun Hyuk’, と僕のイニシャルはみんな同じ。
[Rain] : 温度は零下11度、でも零下15度以下に感じると言われている。
[Lee Jin Ho] : すごく寒いので高齢者センターの老人のように頭からつま先まで毛布にくるまって座りたい。(笑い)
[KCM] : お題にマッチした君に起こった面白い話をしてくれない?
[Lee Ji Hoon] :ユニフォーム/軍服を裏返しに着たことがよくあってすごく恥ずかしかった。
[Lee Jin Ho] : スクリーン上に現れる自分の顔を見るのは耐え難い、そして穴があれば入りたい気分。
[Rain]: 僕の不注意でコンサート中、よくズボンのチャックが開いていることがあった。ズボンのチャックが開いていることを気づかれた時、僕はすごく恥ずかしかった。
[KCM] : 僕が小学校6年生の時、僕の意思に反して教室でおならをしてしまった。僕は本当に恥ずかしくて身を隠せるものなら隠したかった。
[Rain]: 面白い話を電子掲示板またはTwitter または SMS #0967にたくさん送ってください。
[Lee Jin Ho] : リスナ- ‘Kim Yeon’, “仕事帰りに会社の同僚とカラオケで歌い叫んでストレスを開放した。トイレに行った後も大声で歌い、踊り続けてストレスを発散した、でも部屋を間違えて歌って踊っていたことに後で気がついた。私は恥ずかし過ぎて頭を上げられなかった。”
[Lee Ji Hoon] : リスナ- ‘Choi Min Su’, “インフルエンザの予防接種を受けに病院へ行った。私/僕はお尻に注射されるのだと思ったので下着をおろして看護婦を待っていた、でも彼女が現れた時‘前腕に注射します’と言った。(笑い) 私/僕は恥ずかしさに顔が赤くなるのを感じた。” (笑い)
[Rain]: 僕も前に同じ経験をしたよ。(笑い)
[KCM] : リスナ- ‘Park Sun Min’, “秋夕休暇中、家族と両親を訪問した時、親しい家族達から子供達がお小遣いをもらった。 彼(親しい家族達の一人)がポケットから手を出した時、彼は私の子供達にお金をくれるのだと思った。今考えてみると、私は恥知らず/厚かましすぎた。”
[Lee Ji Ho] : 僕の叔父がポケットから手を出した時、彼は僕にお金をくれるのだと思ったけど、焼酎を買いに使い走りさせられた。(笑い)
[KCM] : それはでっち上げだと思う。(笑い)
[Lee Ji Ho] : そう、ただのでっち上げ。(笑い)
[Rain]: 放送中の面白い話しはある?
[Lee Ji Ho] : 放送中にのろいをかけ始めたのですごく興奮した、でも最終編集でそのパートが削除された。(笑い)
[Rain] : コミカルな役割を演じるのは簡単なことじゃない、でも‘Lee Jin Ho’ は悪態/罵ることによってコミカルな役割を見せることが上手。もし彼が除隊したら、僕の人生で面白いことは何も残っていないだろう。
[Lee Ji Hoon] : スキーリゾートで放送中に鼻水がでた、それですごく恥ずかしかった。
[Rain] :デビュー後すぐに‘Show Tank’ というTV番組で放送中に鼻血を出した時、僕は‘Bad Guy’を歌いながら指で鼻血を止めようとしたけど、放送することが出来なかったので、再び歌わなければならなかった。
[Lee Jin Ho] : リスナ- ‘Lee Yeon Suk’, “江原道地方からソウルに旅行していた時、生まれて初めて地下鉄に乗った、でも交通機関カードの使い方が分からなかった。地下鉄職員にカードの使い方を教えてもらったけど、少々気が引けた。”
[Lee Ji Hoon]: リスナ- ‘HiromiraimyK’, “それは新しい仕事の初日だった。時間通りに着くために走り、辛うじて地下鉄に乗った、私はこけてしまい思わず後ろにいた女性の乗客のお尻をつかんでしまった。彼女はびっくりして大声を上げた、私は申し訳なく思い謝罪した。”
[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#6367′, “レストランで食事後、ガラスのドアが開かなかった時、従業員が私に言った。‘ドアを押してください !’ すごく恥ずかしかった。”
[Lee Jin Ho] : 僕は黒塗りの車の前で歯をほじっていた(爪楊枝でそうじ?)、でも歌手‘Lin’ が車の中に座っていたことを後で知った。(笑い)
[KCM] : リスナ- ‘Kim Ju Yeon’, “会社の同僚達(Tom, Dick, Harry )と一緒に1泊2日の旅行へ行った時、同僚達には彼氏から電話がかかってきた。私の場合、彼氏がフレンドリーな人ではないので電話がなかった。私は同僚達の光景がうらやましかったので、彼氏からの電話を受けたようなフリをした。その途端に私の携帯が鳴り、穴があったら入りたい気分だった。” (笑い)
[Rain] : 数年前、USAでのコンサート前のリハーサルをしていたとき、海外のスタッフが英語でなんと言っているのか聞こえなかったので、僕は忙しいふり、韓国 からの電話を受けたフリをした、でも僕の電話が鳴ったので恥ずかしかった、でも平静を装うとした。(笑い)
[Rain] : リスナ- ‘#2745′, “パートタイムの仕事を終えてバスに乗った時、バスの乗客が私をチラッと見てきた。私はエプロンをつけたままだったことに後で気がついた。 私は恥ずかしい思いをした。”
[KCM] : 友人に会うため、すごく急いでいたので間違えてボクサーショーツをはいて出掛けた。僕は短パンをはいていると思った。僕は鬼のように走って家に帰った。(笑い)
[Lee Jin Ho] : その話しはでっち上げだ。(笑い)
[KCM] : とんでもない ! 実際に起こったことだよ! (笑い)
[Lee Jin Ho] : リスナ- ‘#9078′, “私が彼と付き合い始めてすぐ、雪が降った日の事。私は凍った小道で滑り、しりもちをつきヒールが壊れた。私は彼に支えられて家に帰ってこなければならなかった。すごく恥ずかしかった。”
[Lee Ji Hoon] : リスナ- ‘Kim Yi Young’, “ある日、上司と意地の悪い小競り合いをした。友人(彼)が、私に何かあったのかと、SMSを送ってきた。私は彼に‘なんでもない’と言う代わりに間違えて‘私に服を脱がせて’とSMSで送った。” (笑い)
[Lee Jin Ho] : ギャグマン‘Yang Se Young’と‘Yang Se Chang’は兄弟。彼らが小学校の時、仲のいい女友達と家に向かって歩いていて自分達の家が火事になっているのを見た。兄弟は何が起こっているのかわかっていながら無視してそっぽを向いて/見ないようにして歩き続けた、なぜならば自分達の家に火がついてたのが恥ずかしかったから。(笑い)
[KCM] : リスナ- ‘Choi Min Kyung’, ”義理の娘の両親に夕食に招待された。リビングルームに入る前に靴を脱いだ時、夫の靴下に穴が開いているのをみつけた。私は恥ずかしさで火照っていたので顔を上げることが出来なかった。夫はどうやらそこのことを知っていた、にもかかわらず彼は知らないフリをした、そして楽しいムードにしようとしていた。”
[Rain]: リスナ- ‘Bulging Forehead Eyebrow’, “コンピューターの修理屋を呼び修理工が家に来た日のこと。修理工がイヤホンをしながら修理しているのを知らずに、私は繰り返し質問をしていた。彼は電話でほかの人と話をしていた。”
[KCM] : 高速道路のガソリンスタンドのトイレに座っていて僕は繰り返し誰かに質問をしていた、その人は電話でほかの人と話をしていたのを知らずに。” (笑い)
[Lee Jin Ho] : うそっぽい、よね? (笑い)
[KCM] : この話しは本当だよ ! (笑い)
[Rain] : 見て、うそつきがひどいうそを言っている/真っ赤なうそをついている。(笑い)
[KCM] : どうか僕が話していることを信じて。(笑い)
[Lee Jin Ho]&[Lee Jin Ho] : 当選者/勝者は #2745 と ‘Kim Yi Young’です。
[Rain]: 今日はお越しいただきありがとう。また来週。
[Lee Jin Ho]&[Lee Jin Ho] : ありがとう。来週会いましょう。
[KCM]: ‘Lee Bina’, ‘#6536′, ‘#4045′, ‘#2089′, ‘#3827′, ‘#1141, ‘#2745, そして‘Kim Yi Young’に心ばかりの贈り物が送られます。おめでとう ! あなたの電話番号、氏名を非公開で掲示板に残してください。
[Rain]: ‘Jung Ji Hoon’がお送りしました。
[KCM] :‘KCM’がお送りしました。ありがとう。
[Fancam]12-11-29 Rain @ Consolatory Train
Credit : terry820625
[Fancam]12-11-27 Rain @ Consolatory Train
Credit : terry820625
> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.07.22.
월드스타 "비", 삼척해변서 공연펼친다
source http://breaknews.com/sub_read.html?uid=221534§ion=sc4
오는 7월 31일(화) 삼척해변 백사장(삼척시 교동위치)에서 국군방송 위문열차 특집 공연이 개최된다.
이번 위문열차 공연에는 현재 군복무중인 월드스타 비(정지훈 일병)를 비롯해 박효신, KCM, 언터처블 등 연예병사와 유명 걸그룹 등 일반가수 7개팀의 공연이 화려하게 펼쳐질 예정이다.
육군 23사단은 그동안 지역주민의 협조와 성원에 보답하기 위해 공연을 계획했으며, 이번 공연은 23사단 장병들과 시민, 관광객이 한데 어울려 즐길 수 있는 축제 한마당으로 진행된다.
이날 공연은 저녁 7시부터 9시 30분까지 2시간 30분 동안 삼척해변 특설무대에서 진행되며, 무료관람으로 누구나 입장 가능하다.
한편, 오는 8월 3일부터 6일까지 3일간의 일정으로 ‘이사부 역사문화축전’이 삼척시 정라항 일대에서 개최돼 월드스타 공연과 삼척의 대표적인 축제를 함께 즐길 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것이다.
원본 기사 보기:2018breaknews.com
secession 2012.07.23
[Brief translation]
-World star Rain will perform on the white beaches of the Samcheok Beach area-
A special performance to Consolatory Train will be held on the white beaches of the Samcheok Beach area on Tuesday 31 July 2012, which features world star Rain (PFC Jung Ji Hoon), Park Hyo Shin, KCM, Untouchable, idol groups, etc.
The performance will run for two and a half hours from 7:00pm-9:30pm, and is free and open to the general public.
-World star Rain will perform on the white beaches of the Samcheok Beach area-
A special performance to Consolatory Train will be held on the white beaches of the Samcheok Beach area on Tuesday 31 July 2012, which features world star Rain (PFC Jung Ji Hoon), Park Hyo Shin, KCM, Untouchable, idol groups, etc.
The performance will run for two and a half hours from 7:00pm-9:30pm, and is free and open to the general public.
BI Hawaiian Cloud Volunteers at Korean Festival
12-07-22 MBC - Section TV_Boom mention Rain
credit ratoka
12-07-22 Friends FM - Rain @ Consolatory Train
credit : ratoka
12-07-22 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain DJ
secession 2012.07.23
[Rain] & [KCM] : Rain & KCM's 'The Desire To Speed'!
[Rain] : It is threatening to rain as if a kid whining to his mom or a woman who falls in love with a man, is close to tears.
Please try to relieve your feelings on such a day by listening to 'The Desire To Speed' !
[Rain] & [KCM] :Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon,
Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in
Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3
in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku
and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in
[KCM] : Please send your stories and song requests to the radio station through a chargeable SMS #0967 (₩ 50) or its Twitter (@speeding967) or Smart R2 Application.
[Rain] you can visit " http://www.dema.mil.kr " and post comments on its bulletin board (별사탕게시판)
[Rain] : Or you can visit the page by putting the keyword "국방홍보” (Defense Agency for Public Information Services) in the search box. So please send your stories about the joys and sorrows of everyday living or letters to the people around you or song request to <;Rain&KCM's The Desire To Speed>.
[KCM] : Mini radios the military broadcast's logo is emblazoned on, gift certificates, vitamin sets, etc., will be provided to the participants.
[Rain]: Looks like I'm taking after you (KCM), in terms of pronunciation. (laughs)
My pronunciation is becoming worse because of you. (laughs)
[KCM]: Listener 'Because Of You', "It's really hot outside so I just want to stay home."
Rain fell throughout the night, and it is hot and humid.
[Rain] : I hope the rain will stop.
Since it was raining cats and dogs at this time last year, I was going to play all I wanted before my enlistment, but I couldn't go on a summer vacation to the beach. (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener 'Ang', "You two DJs always have such a funny show. I love you!."
[Rain]: I love you. (laughs)
[KCM] : I love you. (laughs)
[Rain]: Please don't copycat my way of speaking. (laughs)
[KCM]: Listener 'Kim Han Sol', "Where is the best place for a summer resort?"
[Rain] : Home is the best place to relax, isn't it?
But, if you have to be somewhere, I want to recommend you to go play in a mountain stream. But you should avoid pitching a tent at the water's edge because the water in the valley that could rise significantly due to the heavy rain, can be dangerous to you.
[KCM]: When I went fishing in a mountain stream couple of years ago, I almost became trapped by the rising floodwater. I hope you won't pitch a tent near mountain streams.
[Rain] : Have you had your say?
[KCM]: Yes, I have.
[Rain] : Too much blah, blah, is no good. (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener '#4172', "I'm going on a visit for the first time in a few months while driving a car. But it's raining lightly."
I anticipate that the weather will improve soon. I hope you enjoy your vacation.
[KCM]: Listener '#5685', "Today is my mother-in-law's birthday. Happy birthday!"
[Rain] & [KCM] :Happy birthday!
[Rain] : Listener 'Gaori', "I held back hunger by fasting due to a comprehensive medical testing, and that's why I was so hungry that I stuffed myself at the dinner."
[Rain] : You might destroy your body through overeating. Please kick the bad habit before you become addicted.
[Rain] : Listener '#2975', "There is no one who can celebrate my birthday. Please celebrate my birthday!"
[Rain] & [KCM]: Happy birthday!
[KCM]: Listener 'Dignity', "The temperature difference between day and night is more than 15 degrees in Tokyo here, and the temperatures reach as high as 35 by midday. So, my mood varies from day to day. What kind of things do you want to eat on such a day?"
[Rain] : Global warming seems to be the most urgent environmental problem the world is facing.
[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "I've forgotten my login ID."
I had the same experience before.
[Rain] : Listener 'Ha Ji Min', "I'm a senior high school student who has to take the KSAT to enter university this year, so I can't enjoy summer vacations."
I hope you'll live a life without regrets. If you don't work hard now, you'll live to regret it.
[Rain] : Listener 'Cocoya', "The air-conditioning broke down, and we got very warm."
Please try to turn an electronic fan out the window, then the indoor temperature will be down 2~3 degrees. You won't need to use an air-conditioning.
[KCM] : When you let the breeze from an electric fan cool yourself down, try to turn the fan to face your legs which can be the root of the body. It'll make air cooler.
[Rain] : The root of the body can be at the center of it. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Hayoung', "I have to see my dentist. I have no means of paying the medical bills."
[Rain] : The habit of brushing your teeth after meals will help prevent cavities.
[Rain]: Pop music critic 'Lee De Hwa' is our guest this week.
It's nice to see you again.
[Lee De Hwa]: Nice to meet you.
[KCM]: How have you been doing?
[Lee De Hwa] : I've enjoyed my stay. I went to the zoo yesterday and had a good time.
[Rain] : How can I am able to be always cheerful like you?
[Lee De Hwa] : Please cut back on your activities and piece out the break a little. (Wow!)
[Rain] : It's a matter of much account.
-The most popular domestic singers (songs) during the first six months of 2012-
[Lee De Hwa] : The idol group were receiving great attention from even other countries, and many wonderful vocalists were able to be found through competitive auditions.
- Girl groups & Boy Bands who have made a comeback as singers.-
1.'SISTAR' : Their popularity as singers has peaked with their new singles "Alone". "Loving You"
2. 'f(x)' : Their "Electric Shock" has gained in popularity.
3. 'Girls’ Generation' has made a comeback with a new hit song.
4. 'Wonder Girls' has also made a comeback with hip-hop single 'Like This'.
5. IU is currently in the ascendant in the world of popular song.
6. Big Bang's Blue, Fantastic Baby, Still Alive, Monster, etc. have gained in popularity.
[Rain] : Among Big Bang's songs, I like 'Bad Boy' best, which has a simple, retro-style melody in the nineties but which follows the latest music style.
[Rain] : Listener '#0490', "I hope to see more of you two's work in the latter half of next year." (Rain&KCM's work after their discharge)
'Lee De Hwa' is going to miss us during our absence due to our discharge in the latter half of next year, but I’m confident that he (Lee De Hwa) will be able to lead this radio program into the future.
Because this radio program is enjoying high listener ratings like this, I really don't want to go, but I have to go next July. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener '#2745', "Current idol groups tend to continue their activities as singers without stopping making television appearances in order to recharge."
[Rain] : Listener 'Hexagon', "I like 'Big Bang's 'Blue'. G.Dragon seems to be a man of many talents."
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Listener 'Twinkling', "I like 'Big Bang's 'Monster' best among their songs. Its melodious sound is pleasant to listen to. Their fashion is also great and ahead of the curve."
I agree.
[Rain] : As far as I know, YG Entertainment that 'Big Bang' belongs to, strategically puts more stress on visuality than on music. In contrast, JYP Entertainment, my former agency, takes a completely opposite stand.
[KCM] : Listener 'Because Of You', "I think 'Bad Boy' is the most melodic and infectious of the new bunch of songs."
[Rain] : Listener 'Silver Bead', "I like 'Fantastic Baby'."
(When KCM mimicks Rain's way of talking, KCM is openly rebuked in a jovial manner.) KCM, I'm really concerned about what you'll become when you grow up. (laughs)
[Rain] :Listener '#9777', "There was no song which was exactly to my taste during the first six months of 2012."
I thought female singer 'Lee Hyo Ri' would make a comeback with a new hit songm but she didn't.
She seems to be an outstanding singer in the visual aspect, that would only be likely to come out once in a century.
[Lee Dae Hwa] : When 'Lee Hyo Ri' released her debut album, I was promoted to corporal in the army, and she was off to such a great start with the album.
-The comeback of singers who debuted as singers after auditioning at TV song contests-
[Lee De Hwa] :
1.Busker Busker : Unexpectedly, their new song topped the music charts, being a smash hit. Since then, they have displayed great talent in singing and writing music, which helps to increase their already great popularity.
[Rain] : They should work far harder when they ride high. (laughs)
And then, they need to release a new album that shows their trying a brand new look on stage.
In LA, I bought hundreds of sunglasses to be used for the props for stage shows to try to change my image at that time when I released my second album "How To Avoid the Sun", but those sunglasses have turned out to be real lemons. I'll be glad to get shot of those things.
[KCM] : I'll take everything. (laughs)
[Rain] : No, thanks. (laughs)
[Rain] : I paid only $24 for the vintage jacket for the stage costume for "How To Avoid the Sun" at that time. (laughs)
[Lee De Hwa] :
2. John Park : He tries to play country music in his new album, "Falling", singing in falsetto.
3. ULALA SESSION : Their "Beautiful Night" made a big hit.
4. Heo Gack : He has released hit songs, making steady and persistent effort.
[Rain] : Listener 'Son Soo Wol', "I really like Busker Busker's "Cherry Blossoms Ending"."
Currently, TV audition shows have sprung up everywhere, which seems to be the nice thing. Giving competitive new singers a fair show is a good thing, I reckon.
[Rain] : Listener '#0730', "Hi, 'Ji Hoon' ssi. This is KCM's mother. (Wow! mother! )
I'm enjoying the radio show. You have a sweet voice.
Please be kind to my son 'Chang Mo' (KCM). I love you." (laughs)
Mother, I'm getting along with KCM. (laughs)
If KCM were a woman, I'd marry him. (laughs)
Thank you for sending us delicious food.
I love you so much. (laughs) Oh, how embarrassing ! (laughs)
[KCM] : She really enjoys this program.
[Rain] : By the way, father! Please don't just be still and send your story to this radio station ! (laughs)
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Busker Busker's songs are often reassuringly pleasant.
[KCM] : Listener '#1104', "John Park's songs are impressive. I hope to see more of what he can do in the future."
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Listener 'Ang', "I listen to Busker Busker's songs every day."
[Rain] :Listener '#6696', "I continue to hum Busker Busker's song to myself."
[KCM] : Listener '#0375', "I really like Heo Gack's songs."
I'm moved by his songs and his beautiful voice.
[Rain] : (Too politely) I totally agree with you, KCM. (laughs)
Mother, I love you. (laughs)
-Comic music-
[Lee De Hwa] : Hyungdony & Daejoony's Korean-style gangster music became a frenzy, but singer Psy has calmed the frenzy. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Aribebe', "Hyungdony & Daejoony's songs are very funny."
[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "Hyungdony & Daejoony will give a performance at a rock festival."
-Trouble Maker, Girls’ Generation-
[Rain] : Trouble Maker's success has surpassed all expectations.
[Rain] : Listener 'Because Of You', "I recommend the three ('Jung Ji Hoon', 'Kim Jae Wook', and 'KCM') to make a group called 'Defense Media Agency's Boys'." (laughs)
But, there is no advantage in doing. If we make a group, we'll do it after leaving the army. (laughs)
[Rain] : Actually, I'm writing a song for KCM.
Mother (KCM's mother), don't worry. The song will be fine. (laughs)
By the way, I still can’t believe that the little kid (Trouble Maker's member 'Kim Hyun Ah') has already grown up to be an adult and bestrodden the two hemispheres.
In particular, little did I know that boy band 2AM's 'Jo Kwon' would be a man of many talents. (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener '#5124', "I've been fascinated by Trouble Maker's sexy performance."
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Listener 'Because Of You', "I admit that idol groups' singing and talents are good, but I feel there is something lacking while they are performing.
I hope the two (Rain and KCM) will leave the army soon and dominate the music scene."
[Rain] : Our leaving the army is not far off now.
[Lee Dae Hwa] : 'Park Jung Hyun's 'Sorry', 'Park Ji Yun's 'I Dream Of Being A Tree', Ellie's Heaven, Mukimukimanmansu's 'Andromeda', Gate Flowers's 'Sleep Well', 'Lee Han Cheol's 'It Flows Away', etc. have been well received in the world of popular song.
[Rain] : I worked as a backup dancer for 'Park Ji Yun' in the late 1990s when she was enjoying a tremendous popularity, and the memories of that time keep popping up in my head.
Well, 'Lee Dae Hwa', we thank you for being with us.
Well then, we'll see you next Sunday.
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Thank you. See you then.
[Rain] : It looks like a very hot day, and it is threatening weather.
When you go out, you should take your umbrella.
Since KCM and I are scheduled to perform in (Yeosu Expo) next weekend, we won't host this show then, but other hosts will cover for us.
Please tune in to the show even on the day.
It was handsome 'Rain' until now. (laughs)
[KCM] : It was KCM until now.
[Rain]&[KCM] : I love you. (laughs)
emik 2012.08.04
[Rain] & [KCM] : Rain & KCM の'疾走本能'!
[Rain] :雨が降りそうな様子は、まるで子供がお母さんに駄々をこねる、または女が男と恋に落ちたかのように今にも泣き出しそう。
こんな日は '疾走本能' を聴いてあなたの気分を楽にしてみて!
[Rain] & [KCM] :*以下は地域ごとの周波数の案内なので和訳は省略します。
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon,
Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in
Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3
in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku
and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in
[KCM] : あなたのストーリーまたは曲のリクエストを有料SMS0967番(₩50)または、この番組のTwitter (@speeding967) 、あるいはSmartR2アプリケーションを通して送ってください。
[Rain] " http://www.dema.mil.kr "にアクセスして、電子掲示板 (별사탕게시판)にコメントを投稿することもできます。
[Rain] : または、 "국방홍보” (国防省広報支援隊)と検索スペースに入力してアクセスできます。日ごろの喜びと悲しみのストーリー、またはあなたの周囲の人への手紙、または曲のリクエストを<;RainとKCM の疾走本能>へ送って下さい。
[KCM] : 参加者には軍放送のロゴが入ったミニラジオ、商品券、ビタミンセットなどが贈られます。
[KCM]:リスナー 'Because Of You', "外は本当に暑いので家にいたい。"
[Rain] :雨が止むといいな。
[Rain] :リスナー'Ang', "貴方達DJ2人はいつもこうした面白い番組をしてくれる。愛してます。"
[Rain]: 愛してるよ。(笑い)
[KCM] : 愛してるよ。(笑い)
[Rain]: お願いだから僕の話し方を真似しないで。(笑い)
[KCM]:リスナー'Kim Han Sol', "夏のリゾートにベストな場所はどこ?"
[Rain] :リラックスするには家が最高、だよね?
[KCM]: 数年前、僕が渓流で釣りをしていた時、洪水で抜けられなくなりそうになった。
[Rain] : 言いたいことは言った?
[KCM]: うん、言ったよ。
[Rain] :くだらない話ばかりで良くない。(笑い)
[Rain] :リスナー '#4172', "数ヶ月ぶりに里帰りするために車を運転中。でも小雨が降っている。"
[KCM]:リスナー '#5685', "今日は義母さんの誕生日。お誕生日おめでとう!"
[Rain] & [KCM] :お誕生日おめでとう!"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Gaori', "人間ドックのため断食による空腹を我慢した、なのですごくお腹が空いていたので夕食をお腹いっぱい食べた。"
[Rain] : 食べ過ぎると体を壊すかもしれないよ。依存症になる前に悪い習慣をやめてね。
[Rain] :リスナー '#2975', "私の誕生日を祝ってくれる人がいない。お願い、私の誕生日を祝って!"
[Rain] & [KCM]: お誕生日おめでとう!
[KCM]:リスナー 'Dignity', "ここ東京では昼間と夜で温度が15度以上も違う、そして昼までには温度が35度に達する。なのでその日その日で気分が違う。こういった日にはどのようなものが食べたくなりますか?"
[Rain] :地球温暖化は世界が直面している最も切迫した環境問題だ。
[Rain] :リスナー 'Only One', "login IDを忘れた。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Ha Ji Min', "私は高校3年生、今年大学に入学するために KSAT を受けなければならない、なので夏休みを楽しむことができない。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Cocoya', "エアコンが壊れた、なのですごく暑くなった。"
[KCM] :扇風機で体を冷やそうとする時は、脚が体のもとなのでそこに風を送るようにしてみて。 空気がより冷たくなる。
[Rain] :体の中心が体のもとかもよ。(笑い)
[KCM] :リスナー'Hayoung', "歯医者に行かなくてはならない。医療費を払う術がない。"
[Rain] : 食後の歯磨き習慣は虫歯予防を手助けするよ。
[Rain]: 今週の僕達のゲストはPop music 評論家 'Lee De Hwa'です。
[Lee De Hwa]: お会いできてうれしいです。
[KCM]: どうされていましたか?
[Lee De Hwa] : 僕は自分の状態を楽しんだよ。昨日は動物園に行って楽しかった。
[Rain] : どうしたら貴方のようにいつも陽気/朗らかでいられるのかな?
[Lee De Hwa] : 仕事を減らして、休憩を少し充実させてみて。(ワォ!)
[Rain] : それは重要な事柄だ。
[Lee De Hwa] : アイドルグループは他の国からも大きな注目を集めた、そして多くの素晴らしいボーカリスト達が競争の激しいオーディションを通して発掘された。
-歌手としてカムバックしたGirl groups & Boy Bands-
1.'SISTAR' : 彼女達の歌手としての人気はニューシングル"Alone"、"Loving You"とともにピークに達した。
2. 'f(x)' : 彼女達の"Electric Shock"は人気を集めている。
3. 'Girls’ Generation' は新しいヒット曲とともにカムバックした。
4. 'Wonder Girls' もhip-hopシングル'Like This'とともにカムバックした。
5. ‘IU’は現在ポピュラーソングの世界で優勢。
6. ‘Big Bang’の"Blue, Fantastic Baby, Still Alive, Monster", etc. は人気を集めている。
[Rain] : Big Bangの曲の中で僕は'Bad Boy'が一番好き,これは90年代のシンプルで、レトロスタイルのメロディ、でも最新の流行音楽スタイルを持っている。
Rain] :リスナー '#0490', "来年の後半には2人の活躍/仕事をもっと見ることを期待している。" (Rain&KCMが除隊後の仕事)
来年後半に僕達が除隊したら'Lee De Hwa' は僕達の不在を寂しがるだろう、でも今後,
彼(Lee De Hwa)がこのラジオ番組をリードしていくだろうと僕は確信している。
[KCM] :リスナー '#2745', "現在のアイドルグループは、再充電するためにTV出演をやめることなく、歌手としての活動を続ける傾向がある。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Hexagon', "Big Bang の'Blue'が好き。G.Dragon はマルチタレントの持ち主のように思える。"
[Lee Dae Hwa] :リスナー'Twinkling', "'Big Bangの曲の中で 'Monster' が一番好き。この曲の旋律が豊かなサウンドは聴いていて心地よい。彼らのファッションもまた素晴らしくそして時代の先を行っている。"
[Rain] :僕の知る限りでは, 'Big Bang' が所属するYG Entertainment は戦略的に音楽よりも可視性を重視。これに対し、僕のかつての事務所、JYP Entertainmentは完全に正反対の姿勢を示している。
[KCM] :リスナー 'Because Of You', "'Bad Boy' はもっとも美しいメロディ、そして新しい一連の歌で伝わりやすい。"
[Rain] :リスナー'Silver Bead', "私は'Fantastic Baby'が好き。"
(KCMがRainの話し方を真似した時, KCMは陽気な態度で率直/あけすけに叱られる。)
KCM, 君が大人になった時、君がどうなるのか僕は本当に心配だ。(笑い)
[Rain] :リスナー'#9777', "2012年前半で私の好みにぴったりと合った曲はない。"
僕は女性歌手'Lee Hyo Ri' が新しいヒット曲でカムバックすると思ったけど、なかったね。
[Lee Dae Hwa] : 'Lee Hyo Ri' がデビューアルバムをリリースした時、僕は陸軍で伍長に昇格した時だった。彼女はデビューアルバムで素晴らしいスタートを切った。
-TV オーディション番組への参加を経て歌手としてデビューした歌手のカムバック-
[Lee De Hwa] :
1.Busker Busker :予想外に彼らの新曲は大ヒットになりミュージックチャートで1位になった。その後、彼らは歌うことや作曲で素晴らしい才能を示した、これは彼らがすでに持っている高い人気をさらに増やす助けとなっている。
[Rain] : 彼らは上手く波に乗っている時にさらにもっと一生懸命働くべきだよ。(笑い)
僕は2枚目のアルバム"How To Avoid the Sun"をリリースする時、当時の僕のイメージを変えようと、LAでステージショーの小道具として使うために何百個ものサングラスを買った。でもこれらのサングラスは本当に役立たず/欠陥品だと分かった。
[KCM] : 全部僕がもらうよ。(笑い)
[Rain] : いいえ、結構。(笑い)
[Rain] : 当時、僕が払ったのは "How To Avoid the Sun" のステージ衣装、ビンテージジャケット代$24だけ。 (笑い)
[Lee De Hwa] :
2. John Park : 彼は自身のニューアルバム"Falling"でカントリーミュージックの演奏、ファルセット/裏声に挑戦している。
3. ULALA SESSION : 彼らの"Beautiful Night"は大ヒットとなった。
4. Heo Gack : 彼は地道で粘り強い努力をしてヒット曲をリリースした。
[Rain] :リスナー 'Son Soo Wol', " Busker Buskerの"Cherry Blossoms Ending"が大好き。"
[Rain] :リスナー '#0730', "ハイ, 'Ji Hoon' ssi. こちらはKCMの母親です。 (ワォ!お母さん! )
私の息子'Chang Mo' (KCM)に優しくしてあげて。愛してるわよ。"(笑い)
[KCM] : お母さんは本当にこの番組を楽しんでいるよ。
[Rain] : ところで, お父さん! ただじっとしていないで、このラジオ局に話を送って! (笑い)
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Busker Buskerの曲は元気づけるように心地よいことがよくある。
[KCM] :リスナー '#1104', "John Parkの曲は印象/感動的。彼ができることが将来もっと見られることを願う。"
[Lee Dae Hwa] :リスナー 'Ang', "Busker Busker の曲を毎日聴いてる。"
[Rain] :リスナー'#6696', " Busker Buskerの曲を鼻歌で歌い続けてる。"
[KCM] :リスナー'#0375', "私はHeo Gackの曲が大好き。"
[Rain] : (丁寧過ぎる言い方で) 僕はあなた, KCMに全く同感です。(笑い)
-Comic music-
[Lee De Hwa] : Hyungdony & Daejoonyの韓国スタイルのギャングスター音楽は逆上状態になった、でも歌手 Psy は狂乱が落ち着いてきた。(笑い)
[KCM] :リスナー'Aribebe', "Hyungdony & Daejoonyの曲はとても面白い。"
[Rain] :リスナー'Only One', "Hyungdony & Daejoony はロックフェスティバルでパフォーマンスをする。"
-Trouble Maker, Girls’ Generation-
[Rain] : Trouble Makerの成功は予想を上回った。
[Rain] :リスナー 'Because Of You', "私は、3人('Jung Ji Hoon', 'Kim Jae Wook', と 'KCM')が'国防広報院の少年達'という名のグループを作ることを勧める。" (笑い)
[Rain] : 実際、僕はKCMのために曲を書いているんだ。
ところで、あの小さな子供(Trouble Makerのメンバー 'Kim Hyun Ah') がすでに成長して大人になって南半球と北半球に立った(活躍した?)なんていまだに信じられない。 特に、ボーイバンド2AMの'Jo Kwon' がマルチタレントの持ち主だなんて思いも寄らなかった。(笑い)
[Rain] :リスナー'#5124', " Trouble Makerのセクシーなパフォーマンスのとりこになっている。"
[Lee Dae Hwa] :リスナー'Because Of You', "アイドルグループの歌唱力も素質も良いことは認める、でも彼らがパフォーマンスしていると何かが欠けているように感じる。
2人(Rain と KCM) がすぐに除隊して音楽界で優位に立つことを願う。"
[Rain] : 僕達の除隊はそれほど先のことではないよ。
[Lee Dae Hwa] : 'Park Jung Hyun:'Sorry', 'Park Ji Yun':'I Dream Of Being A Tree', Ellie: Heaven, Mukimukimanmansu: 'Andromeda', Gate Flowers:'Sleep Well', 'Lee Han Cheol: 'It Flows Away', などはポピュラーソングの世界で非常に好評。
[Rain] :1990年代末、'Park Ji Yun'が自身の大人気を楽しんでいる時 、僕は彼女のバックダンサーとして働いていた、当時の記憶がよく頭に浮かぶ。
さて、 'Lee Dae Hwa', ご出演ありがとうございます。
[Lee Dae Hwa] : ありがとう。じゃあね。
[Rain] :とても暑い日のようだね、それと怪しい/荒れ模様の天気。
来週末、KCM と僕はパフォーマンス(麗水)する予定があるので、その時は僕達の司会ではないけど、他の人が僕達のカバーをしてくれる。
ここまではハンサムな 'Rain'でした。(笑い)
[KCM] : ここまではKCM でした。
[Rain]&[KCM] : 愛してるよ。 (笑い)
[1m44s]120721 CGV_주말N영화_알투비: 리턴투베이스(R2B: Return To Base)
Credit: Recorded by scorpiola // scorpiolabi1 @ youtube
> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.07.13.
[SS탐사보도-공항패션의 비밀④] '출입국장에서 캣워크를?'…'공항 패션왕' 베스트 7
12-07-13 Demaclub - Defense Promotion Comrade Marathon 9th
source : http://demaclub.tistory.com/865
120713 Dema - Soldier Message_Korea Defense Daily Comrade Marathon
source : dema // ratoka @ YT
120713 Dema - Rain Interview_Korea Defense Daily Comrade Marathon
source : dema // ratoka @ YT
secession 2012.07.13
[English translation]
This is PFC 'Jung Ji Hoon' attached to Defense Media Agency.
The 9th Comrade Marathon will be held.
I hope that many of you will participate, and I hope you will lead a happy and healthy life by making 'sport for all' a way of life.
Please be healthy, and I would like many of your participation in the 9th Comrade Marathon.
[Youtube]12-07-10 R2B: Return to Base showcase_Kim Sung Soo talks about Rain
source : http://tvpot.daum.net/v/43187149?lu=flvPlayer_in
ratoka @ YT
120710 MBC News_ R2B showcase_Kim Sung Soo talks about Rain
Source: http://tvpot.daum.net/v/43187149?lu=flvPlayer_in
[풀영상]③ 김성수 "비(정지훈), 중력테스트 성공 후 다리 실핏줄 다 터져"
[영화 '알투비:리턴투베이스' 쇼케이스]
배우 김성수는 월드스타 비(정지훈)가 영화 촬영 도중 다리의 실핏줄이 다 터지는 후유증을 겪었다고 밝혔습니다. 김성수는 9일 서울 남산N시티에서 열린 영화 '알투비:리턴투베이스'의 쇼케이스에 참석해 "비는 전투기를 탈 때 통과해야하는 중력테스트에서 6G만 통과해도 됐는데 9G까지 도전해 성공했다"며 "그런데 다음 날 아침에 일어나서 발가락을 펴지 못하더라. 다리에 실핏줄도 다 터졌다"고 말했습니다.
(제작 : 박환일)
[저작권자(c) MBC (www.imnews.com) 무단복제-재배포 금지]
[Youtube]12-07-12 R2B: Return to Base teaser
12-07-12 R2B: Return to Base teaser
credit : koreandramadiary
[Youtube]120706 dema_Rain @ Consolatory Train
credit : dema.mil.kr // ratoka @ YT
[Full,+Rain Edit YT]120706 dema_위문열차 Consolatory Train @ 육군 1군단 (ROK I Corps)
[2012년 7월 6일] 육군제1군단
Rain edit
Credit: Edit by rainmaker // onlyone0625 @ youtube
12-07-13 Demaclub - Defense Promotion Comrade Marathon 9th
source : http://demaclub.tistory.com/865
120713 Dema - Soldier Message_Korea Defense Daily Comrade Marathon
source : dema // ratoka @ YT
120713 Dema - Rain Interview_Korea Defense Daily Comrade Marathon
source : dema // ratoka @ YT
secession 2012.07.13
This is PFC 'Jung Ji Hoon' attached to Defense Media Agency.
The 9th Comrade Marathon will be held.
I hope that many of you will participate, and I hope you will lead a happy and healthy life by making 'sport for all' a way of life.
Please be healthy, and I would like many of your participation in the 9th Comrade Marathon.
[Youtube]12-07-10 R2B: Return to Base showcase_Kim Sung Soo talks about Rain
source : http://tvpot.daum.net/v/43187149?lu=flvPlayer_in
ratoka @ YT
120710 MBC News_ R2B showcase_Kim Sung Soo talks about Rain
Source: http://tvpot.daum.net/v/43187149?lu=flvPlayer_in
[풀영상]③ 김성수 "비(정지훈), 중력테스트 성공 후 다리 실핏줄 다 터져"
[영화 '알투비:리턴투베이스' 쇼케이스]
배우 김성수는 월드스타 비(정지훈)가 영화 촬영 도중 다리의 실핏줄이 다 터지는 후유증을 겪었다고 밝혔습니다. 김성수는 9일 서울 남산N시티에서 열린 영화 '알투비:리턴투베이스'의 쇼케이스에 참석해 "비는 전투기를 탈 때 통과해야하는 중력테스트에서 6G만 통과해도 됐는데 9G까지 도전해 성공했다"며 "그런데 다음 날 아침에 일어나서 발가락을 펴지 못하더라. 다리에 실핏줄도 다 터졌다"고 말했습니다.
(제작 : 박환일)
[저작권자(c) MBC (www.imnews.com) 무단복제-재배포 금지]
[Youtube]12-07-12 R2B: Return to Base teaser
12-07-12 R2B: Return to Base teaser
credit : koreandramadiary
[Youtube]120706 dema_Rain @ Consolatory Train
credit : dema.mil.kr // ratoka @ YT
[Full,+Rain Edit YT]120706 dema_위문열차 Consolatory Train @ 육군 1군단 (ROK I Corps)
[2012년 7월 6일] 육군제1군단
Rain edit
Credit: Edit by rainmaker // onlyone0625 @ youtube
> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.04.28.
[rain-jihoon notice]
The list of those who won the first prize in the event contest to
celebrate the 10th anniversary of Rain's debut.
Hi, this is Rainy Entertainment.
The following is the list of those who won the first prize in the event contest to celebrate
the 10th anniversary of Rain's debut.
The two shared the prize.
We hope the two to check our emails (emails will be sent on April 28th)
But, it is a matter of regret that we had to choose only two persons among those
people, despite being a situation where the number of applicants was more than
We hope to see more of what you can do in the future.
Thank you.
English translation by화니
♡RAIN☆彡HAPPY! 10th Anniversary ♡
♡RAIN☆彡데뷔 10주년을 군대에서 맞이하는 남자다♡
♡RAIN☆彡HAPPY! 10th Anniversary ♡
♡RAIN☆彡데뷔 10주년을 군대에서 맞이하는 남자다♡
12-04-28 Rain-Jihoon site New picture
source : rainyent twitter + xiaosiye117 weibo
♡RAIN☆彡10주년 축하합니다!♡
♡RAIN☆彡HAPPY! 10th Anniversary ♡
10주년 축하합니다!
♡RAIN☆彡10주년 축하합니다!♡
☆RAIN 비 정지훈 그이름이 영원히 빛이 날수있도록☆
♡RAIN☆彡데뷔 10주년을 군대에서 맞이하는 남자다♡
군대에 입대해, 넘쳐나는 재능을 밝혀,
점점 남자로써의 매력을
갈고 닦아나가고 있는 지훈씨를
팬으로써 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.
다시 만날 날을 마음으로 기다리고 있겠습니다.
기다리고 있겠습니다.
10주년을 맞이하시는 것에 박수를 보냅니다 사랑합니다
앞으로도 계속계속 지훈씨를 그리고싶어요.
당신의 웃는 모습은 정말 멋있어요.
정말 정말 정말 좋아해요
12-04-28 Rain-Jihoon site New picture
source : rainyent twitter + xiaosiye117 weibo
♡RAIN☆彡10주년 축하합니다!♡
♡RAIN☆彡HAPPY! 10th Anniversary ♡
10주년 축하합니다!
♡RAIN☆彡10주년 축하합니다!♡
☆RAIN 비 정지훈 그이름이 영원히 빛이 날수있도록☆
♡RAIN☆彡데뷔 10주년을 군대에서 맞이하는 남자다♡
군대에 입대해, 넘쳐나는 재능을 밝혀,
점점 남자로써의 매력을
갈고 닦아나가고 있는 지훈씨를
팬으로써 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.
다시 만날 날을 마음으로 기다리고 있겠습니다.
기다리고 있겠습니다.
10주년을 맞이하시는 것에 박수를 보냅니다 사랑합니다
앞으로도 계속계속 지훈씨를 그리고싶어요.
당신의 웃는 모습은 정말 멋있어요.
정말 정말 정말 좋아해요
HOORAY! 200 MS Days Done!
Rain mentholatum Ad
Congratulations on the 10th anniversary☆
RAIN Congratulations on the 10th anniversary.
We promise love of the eternity. (#^.^#)
> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.04.05.
120405 Rain @ Magazine
source : http://yfrog.com/oeq1hfkj
[Eng Trans]12-04-05 General picture
source : Hana cyworld
너무 커....졌어...
이렇게 크는 개가 아니라던데...
얘는 뭐지...?
흠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[Eng.trans by 화니]
He has got too big.
It is said he's not the kind of dog which grows larger like this.
Who the hell is he?
It is said he's not the kind of dog which grows larger like this.
Who the hell is he?
120405 Mentholatum_Oc Series: Icy Charcoal Face Wash
Credit: Mentholatum @ Weibo
曼秀雷敦中國官方微博:#曼秀雷敦男士專業護膚# 春眠不覺曉,一臉的倦意怎麼得了?早晚洗臉時,讓極冰薄荷與極爽活炭碰撞,Oc控油清爽系列的冰爽活炭潔面乳迸發的兩極潔淨力,帶來超越極限的潔面體驗,橫掃春困,喚醒你沉睡的肌膚,每一天都容光煥發!
曼秀雷敦中國官方微博:#這些年,我們一起炭過的潔淨# 曼秀雷敦男士護膚系列,作為國內首批男士專用護膚品,自2003年上市以來,冰爽活炭潔面乳深受男士們喜愛,特含#醫藥級天然活炭#,極炭潔淨力量,幫助吸走油脂污垢,潔面後肌膚煥發醒神光彩,連Rain也不禁大呼一聲“爽”!
12-04-04 USEmbassySeou - Ask The Ambassador_who is your favorite k-pop group or singer?
Credit : USEmbassySeou
> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.01.04.
<和訳> 12/17 Rainの兵士仲間が鍵部隊ブログに投稿
Rain news No.7875訳しました。
英訳:rain birdさん
"Ji Hoon" 兄さんの講義を聞いたあと、どうやって自分の夢を実現させるのか的確な方法は決められた。
("Ji Hoon" = Rain)
<和訳> [改訂] Rainが入隊したとき、ベッカは泣かずにはいられなかった。
Rain news No.7887和訳しました。
要約英訳:rain bird さん
[2012-01-03] Rainが入隊したとき、ベッカは泣かずにはいられなかった。
Baegka & Rain
- Rainに焦点を絞って -
男性2人と女性1人の混合POPグループ コヨーテのメンバーであるベッカが、2日enewsでの独占インタビューで
ベッカは語った"僕たちは彼がファンに別れを告げた後、僕たちの友人達だけで時間を持つつもりだった、でも慌ただしくてそうすることができなかった。なので、僕は電子時計、靴の中敷などを入れたバックをRainに手渡した、すると彼は大泣きしてしまった。僕は泣いている彼をなだめようとした、でもついには僕も彼と泣いてしまった。 僕の真情について疑う人がいる、でもどれだけ冷静にいようとしても、17年の間親友のRainが泣いているのを見た時、自分も涙を流すことを僕は前から分かっていた"
続けて"Rainはプライベート兵士なので、日曜日にだけ彼の知人に電話することができる。なので、日曜日は見覚えのない電話番号が携帯電話にかかってきたら、男性または女性からの電話なのかわからなくても電話に出るしかない。 一度、間違ってボタンを押してしまい、かかってきた電話が切れてしまったことがある。すると、すぐにRainが電話してきて、急いで "僕、僕" と言ったことは人々を笑わせた。
El 2 de enero, existían varios rumores, respaldados por funcionarios de la industria sobre la posibilidad de que Rain estaba considerando la posibilidad de protagonizar un drama una vez termine su servicio militar. Mientras que Rain está dando lo mejor de sí mismo como soldado en el ejército, su proyecto de retorno está trabajando a ritmo propio.
El drama que Rain está considerando para su proyecto está escrito por los principales escritores, que han estado trabajando en el proyecto durante años.
Un representante dijo, El Drama está siendo preparado por la agencia, de modo que Rain será capaz de entrar de lleno en la producción de este drama, cuando termine su servicio militar. Incluso cuando Rain está descansando de sus actividades y promociones debido a sus funciones de servicio en el ejército, como la mejor moda masculina por la belleza de MTV y la red de estilo, demostrando que su fama llega mucho más en todo el mundo.
Un representante de Rain dijo: "Es cierto que Rain ha recibido una propuesta para protagonizar un drama. Sin embargo, todavía tenemos mucho tiempo antes de que sea dado de alta del ejercito, así que podría ser demasiado pronto para hablar de cualquier proyecto."
Se rumora que el título de drama se llame "Four Seasons". El guión es sobre la relación entre una periodista coreana con un niño adoptado en Francia. Se informó que más de 15$ millones de dólares serán invertidos en costes de producción.
Rain, que se alisto en el ejército el 11 de octubre, celebrará sus 100 días como un soldado el 18 de enero। Actualmente, trabaja como asistente para el entrenamiento a nuevos reclutas en la quinta división del ejército
Traduccion al español: 27andreacs
El drama que Rain está considerando para su proyecto está escrito por los principales escritores, que han estado trabajando en el proyecto durante años.
Un representante dijo, El Drama está siendo preparado por la agencia, de modo que Rain será capaz de entrar de lleno en la producción de este drama, cuando termine su servicio militar. Incluso cuando Rain está descansando de sus actividades y promociones debido a sus funciones de servicio en el ejército, como la mejor moda masculina por la belleza de MTV y la red de estilo, demostrando que su fama llega mucho más en todo el mundo.
Un representante de Rain dijo: "Es cierto que Rain ha recibido una propuesta para protagonizar un drama. Sin embargo, todavía tenemos mucho tiempo antes de que sea dado de alta del ejercito, así que podría ser demasiado pronto para hablar de cualquier proyecto."
Se rumora que el título de drama se llame "Four Seasons". El guión es sobre la relación entre una periodista coreana con un niño adoptado en Francia. Se informó que más de 15$ millones de dólares serán invertidos en costes de producción.
Rain, que se alisto en el ejército el 11 de octubre, celebrará sus 100 días como un soldado el 18 de enero। Actualmente, trabaja como asistente para el entrenamiento a nuevos reclutas en la quinta división del ejército
Traduccion al español: 27andreacs
Baegka, miembro del grupo Koyote, grupo mixto de pop de 2 hombres y 1 mujer, nos mostró sus sentimientos en una entrevista exclusiva con news el día 2 sobre que no tuvo más remedio que mantener la compostura y que lloró cuando su amigo Rain entró al servicio militar.
El pasado 11 de octubre, Baegka fue con Rain al 306 Suplemento en Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi-do para despedirlo, y luego se echó a llorar, lo que se convirtió en el rumor de la ciudad.
Baegka dijo: "Íbamos a tener un tiempo para pasarlo junto a él después de se despidiera de los fans, pero estábamos tan agitados que no pudimos. Por lo tanto, le di una bolsa que contenía un reloj electrónico, unas plantillas etc, y luego se echó a llorar. Yo estaba tratando de calmar sus lloros, pero al final, acabé llorando con él. Hay algunos que tienen dudas acerca de mis verdaderos sentimientos. Pero, no importa lo mucho que intenté permanecer calmado, sin darme cuenta, me puse a llorar al ver a Rain. Ha sido mi mejor amigo durante 17 años. "
Continua diciendo, "Rain puede hacer llamadas a cobro revertido a sus conocidos los domingos al ser un soldado raso. Así que, aunque no sepa el número del que recibo la llamada que aparece en la pantalla de mi teléfono móvil; cuando alguien me llama el domingo, siempre contesto el teléfono. Una vez pulsé el botón equivocado y sonó el teléfono. Entonces, de pronto Rain me llamó y me dijo con urgencia, "¡Soy yo, soy yo!", eso hizo reír a la gente.
Baegka agregó: "En una encuesta reciente Rain y yo fuimos elegidos como las celebridades que tienen una amistad muy buena. Gracias a esas personas que nos votaron y pensaron de esa manera."
Mientras tanto, Koyote tiene la intención de aparecer en el programa de música Mcountdown de la cadena de televisión Mnet el 5 de enero
Crédito para enews24 http://news.nate.com/view/20120103n04842
Traducción al ingles by rain bird @ rain-eu. // rain-cloud
Traducción al español Myriam morales
El pasado 11 de octubre, Baegka fue con Rain al 306 Suplemento en Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi-do para despedirlo, y luego se echó a llorar, lo que se convirtió en el rumor de la ciudad.
Baegka dijo: "Íbamos a tener un tiempo para pasarlo junto a él después de se despidiera de los fans, pero estábamos tan agitados que no pudimos. Por lo tanto, le di una bolsa que contenía un reloj electrónico, unas plantillas etc, y luego se echó a llorar. Yo estaba tratando de calmar sus lloros, pero al final, acabé llorando con él. Hay algunos que tienen dudas acerca de mis verdaderos sentimientos. Pero, no importa lo mucho que intenté permanecer calmado, sin darme cuenta, me puse a llorar al ver a Rain. Ha sido mi mejor amigo durante 17 años. "
Continua diciendo, "Rain puede hacer llamadas a cobro revertido a sus conocidos los domingos al ser un soldado raso. Así que, aunque no sepa el número del que recibo la llamada que aparece en la pantalla de mi teléfono móvil; cuando alguien me llama el domingo, siempre contesto el teléfono. Una vez pulsé el botón equivocado y sonó el teléfono. Entonces, de pronto Rain me llamó y me dijo con urgencia, "¡Soy yo, soy yo!", eso hizo reír a la gente.
Baegka agregó: "En una encuesta reciente Rain y yo fuimos elegidos como las celebridades que tienen una amistad muy buena. Gracias a esas personas que nos votaron y pensaron de esa manera."
Mientras tanto, Koyote tiene la intención de aparecer en el programa de música Mcountdown de la cadena de televisión Mnet el 5 de enero
Crédito para enews24 http://news.nate.com/view/20120103n04842
Traducción al ingles by rain bird @ rain-eu. // rain-cloud
Traducción al español Myriam morales
[02-Jan-12][Hancinema]Singer Rain's performance was deemed the best event in Gangnam District for 2011
The highlight event of the year 2011 in Gangnam District, southeastern Seoul, was singer Rain's concert that took place on Oct. 9, 2011, just before the entertainer began his military service.
The send-off concert for the Hallyu star took place at Yeongdeong Boulevard, just two days before the singer went into the Army.
The concert, titled "Rain: Last of The Best", was a free event that took place on the wide stretch of the road that was blocked off all day for the performance.
The entertainer, who featured in Hollywood films like "Ninja Assassin" (2009) and "Speed Racer" (2008), confessed following the event that he didn't sleep too well as he was thinking about his post-military future. One possible career path he was considering was looking for an entry into the American market.
The second event in 2011 deemed most noteworthy by the head chief of the Gangman District Office following the K-pop star's concert was the development of Guryong Village in Gangnam, which was originally full of shacks in plain view from Seoul's skyscrapers. The third-most notable event was the Gangnam Fashion Festival which took place in October.
By Carla Sunwoo
source : hancinema
[03-Jan-11][KBS Global]Singer Rain Recognized Under MTV's "Best Men's Fashion of 2011"
World star Rain has received a very big honor from the US division of MTV.
Rain was listed under MTV's the Best Men's Fashion of 2011. A picture of him wearing a stylish jacket and shoes was featured on the music channel's official website. He was honored alongside the likes of tween heartthrob Justin Bieber, actor Ryan Gosling, Will Smith, and Smith's son Jaydon Smith.
Rain is currently serving in the military and is expected to be released on July 10th of 2013
Rain was listed under MTV's the Best Men's Fashion of 2011. A picture of him wearing a stylish jacket and shoes was featured on the music channel's official website. He was honored alongside the likes of tween heartthrob Justin Bieber, actor Ryan Gosling, Will Smith, and Smith's son Jaydon Smith.
Rain is currently serving in the military and is expected to be released on July 10th of 2013
source : KBS Global
[03-Jan-11][Gokpop]Rain's "Last of The Best" Concert Named Best Event in Gangnam
Korean soloist Rain's "Last of Best" concert was recently named the highlight event of 2011 in the southern Gangnam district.
The concert, which took place on October 9th, 2011, acted as the send-off event for the idol, as he committed to a two-year period of military enlistment a mere two days later. Hundreds of fans crowded Yeongdeong Boulevard for the free event to wish their favorite idol the best of luck before his compulsory military service, during which, Rain admitted that he was unable to sleep the night before, as he anxiously anticipated his enlistment, as well as his post-military future. As of late, it has been rumored that he is currently considering pursuing a US acting career.
Rain's concert beat out other noteworthy events in Gangnam this year, such as the development of Guryong Village, and Gangnam Fashion Festival, which also took place in October.
Header image: CloudUSA
source : GOKPOP
[Jan-04-2012]An episode that happened while filming a Coupang
commercial starring Rain.
1. kép
Rain is the man in the middle, and Mr. Kim is on the left of the picture.
2. kép
Mr. Kim, the chairman of operations for Coupang, has an interesting episode while he
was filming a Coupang commercial starring Rain. In the Commercial, Mr. Kim played bum A.
He explained what it meant for him to appear in the commercial, "I was able to throw
myself into work trying to have enough audacity to appear in the commercial even though
I've got out of shape, that has helped for my business activities."
On behalf of his wife, Mr. Kim got Rain's autograph on his CD before Rain entered the
The Coupang commercial Rain and 'Kim Tae Hee' appear in, has been a great way to
build awareness, enhance its image, and bring in new customers. Also, sales have
improved by 50% compared to existing sales since the commercial ran on TV.
Credit to Hankyung
Brief translation by rain bird.
Waiting for 2013 & BI's Triumphant Return!
[Old] Rain with Makeup artist Lee Kyung-min 2007
source : cyworld // cap by ratoka
Waiting for 2013 & BI's Triumphant Return!
[Old] Rain with Makeup artist Lee Kyung-min 2007
source : cyworld // cap by ratoka
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