English translation :
credit : 화니
[Rain]&[KMC] : Rain&KCM's "The Desire To Speed"!
[Rain] : Love isn't always what one likes, is it?
But he or she'll do his best to get his or her love.
Let us start the show full of fun and love again today.
[Rain] : Recently, the temperature fluctuates considerably from night to day.
The wind-chill factor will make it seem colder.
[KCM] : At a time like this, the only thing left is to create a boyfriend or girlfriend.
[Rain] : Listener 'Hidily', "My life without "The Desire To Speed" doesn't mean anything."
[KCM] : Listener 'Only Rainy R, "I'm enjoying a nice walk, listening to the show after having lunch."
[Rain] : It's been about 7 months since we started hosting this show.
I thank you for all the love you've shown to us.
Some new and more talented soldiers than us, will be transferred here and they'll take over the work from us sometime next year.
[Rain] : Listener 'Hyobin', "Listening to your voices make me happy. Are you two going to quarrel again today?"
We never meet but we quarrel. (laughs) But, it really is like brothers.
[KCM] : Listener 'Song Iko #1012', "I'm more than thrilled to hear you two's voices in such a long time. I wonder how you two will get through these cold winters."
[Rain] : If I were to pick a favorite season, I guess this would be it.
This time of the year is the best season for wearing a trench coat which is a must for the fashion-conscious. When I took a vacation for the first time since my enlistment, I went home wearing my old-fashioned and ironed uniform.
After that I've been wearing a up-to-the-minute uniform, and there is no need to iron it.
[Rain] : Listener 'Blue', "Can you please recommend a good place for a picnic in fall?"
We can't go on a picnic.
[KCM] : Chuncheon is recommend. Normally prime fall foliage season for
this part of the country.
[Rain] : This talk of going on a picnic in the part is all just pie in the sky.
[KCM] : I know.
[Rain] : Listener 'Dignity', "My new clothes were mistakenly put in the trash while I was cleaning the house."
[KCM] : Oh my God!
[Rain] : KCM will buy you a new one.
[KCM] : Okay, I'll do that.
[KCM] :Listener 'Terry', "When my younger sister saw a fair haired foreigner who was a complete stranger walking in the street, she shout 'English teacher!'. I think every foreigner is an English teacher in her eyes." (laughs)
[Rain] : That can happen. In my childhood, I thought all Chinese people were Jackie Chan's friends in my eyes.
Let me hear KCM speak some Chinese at intermission.
[KCM] : (KCM speaking with a strange accent in Chinese)
The meaning of this word is "I'm happy" (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener '#6225', "I took money out of my modest income to buy some perfume. I feel like a million dollar, but I've got to tighten my belt until money comes in."
My aunt ever dropped a hint to me, "Fabric conditioner added during the final rinse, puts the equivalent of 'the subtle fragrance of your perfume is smelt.”
There is good fallout to that - fabric conditioner has an antistatic feature.
[KCM] :So I find it always smells sweet when I am with you.
[Rain] : I always wash my body well, while you don't do it. (laughs) When was the last time you tried? (laughs)
[KCM] : I did it yesterday. (laughs) I wash my body well !
[Rain] : I meant it for a joke.
[Rain] : Listener '#5788', "My mother always pushes me to wash my body clean even though I wash myself clean." (laughs)
[KCM] : What perfect timing ! (laughs) I usually wash myself very quietly.
[Rain] : I wash myself very quickly.
I remove dust, smuts, and grease from the face with a cleanser first, and I have a shave and shampoo my hair and wash it and put body lotion on, and then I wash major parts of my body and wash the whole body.
[KCM] : After washing myself roughly and shaking out the water, I leave the bathroom. (laughs)
[Rain] : Are you an animal? (laughs) So you don't need any towel, do you? (laughs)
[KCM] : I also use towels. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Fiancee', "My fingers were embellished with nail art at a hair saloon and the beauty operator was effusive in her praise. But I don't like it much. I didn't complain about that though. "
I'm a dupe who easily believes other's words.
[Rain] : I do not think I have been credulous or gullible.
[KCM] : Listener '#4113', "I'm clearing my desk. I'm embarrassed because I think this job never ends."
[Rain] : I usually have my clothes stacked in a pile on the side next to my closet, and arranged them at once later on.
[KCM] : I really want to have the jacket with checks that I used to admire more than any other in your possession.
[Rain] : No way! Absolutely not! (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener 'See Breeze', "My mother started learning guitar just for fun, but now she plays like a professional. I've never seen her so happy. She'll have a presentation soon. I'm looking forward to it. I love mom."
She is blessed with such a good son.
[KCM] : I want to have a son and a daughter.
[Rain] : I hope your future daughter won't look just like you. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Ahn Hoon Hee', "My heart is breaking as I watch over my sick child. I want to recover his health soon."
[Rain] : A parent's love knows no bounds.
[Rain] : Listener 'Confusion', "I want to learn how to play the guitar well, too."
I have a guitar and a keyboard in my home, but I have no one to teach me how to do it. (laughs) 'Jung Jun Yil' is a great guitarist, but he doesn't want to teach me how to play it. That guy is as slippery as an eel. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener '#0889', "My father is a member of an orchestra at work."
[Rain] : Listener '#9630', "Children get sick often while growing up."
But it's impossible to express in words what it's like for a parent to see her sick child.
[KCM] : Listener 'Seutong', "I didn't know how deeply concerned my parents were about me in my childhood. I think my behavior occasioned them much anxiety at that time."
[Rain] : In my school days, I used to help my classmates who were outcasts at school because they were also others' beloved children.
[Rain] : Listener 'Hwang Han Sung', "I'm a 26-year-old guy, and it's been 6 months since my discharge. Before I knew it, I scrubbed off the dead skins of 9 people including a man having a tattoo of a tiger on his body at a public bath.
I even picked up 140,000 won in tips today. I went for a bath to a public bath, and washed others and even made money despite not being a bath cleaner. I feel like a wet noddle." (laughs)
[KCM] : Never in my life have I seen anything like that.
[KCM] : Listener 'Starry Night', "My father has started climbing mountains to stop smoking, and he's has finally succeeded in quit smoking."
[Rain] : Heavy smokers had better quit smoking or cut down on cigarettes for their health.
[KCM] : Listener '#3114', "In actuality, anyone who has ever tried knows how challenging it can be, but anyone who cares about children and their health should quit now."
[Rain] : Listener 'I Like Strawberry', "He’d be much healthier if my father quits smoking. I'll argue him out of smoking. I hope he'll convalesce by climbing mountains"
It is said smoking while climbing a mountain does improve mood. (laughs)
But if anybody smoke while climbing a mountain, he or she can be charged with a crime.
[Rain] : Listener '#5322', "I've been out of work for months. The bath cleaner is an ear-catching story."
[KCM] : The bath owner may ask you to go fifty-fifty with your income.
[KCM] : Listener '#7320', "When I saw somebody's back covered in tattoos, I got really scared."
[Rain] : I think tattoos show a new freedom of expression, but if they promote an atmosphere of social disharmony, people can react badly to them.
[KCM] : Through the years, people have changed their perspective on it and you may tattoos, but you must use moderation.
[Rain] : In a public bath in my high school days, five of us got into a scuffle with two gang members who had tattoos on the back and belly.
Each of our party has become entertainers, and we shall not forget that day as long as we live.
[Rain] : Listener 'Power of Habit', "I had a chance to experience being a blind person. I realized yet again just how precious health is."
They say blind people's five senses are very keen. One of US famous musicians is an acquaintance of mine and is a blind person. His sense of sound seems very keen and permeates in his work.
[KCM] : Listener 'Pinwheel', "My close friend will be going to a Filipino university. I feel an emptiness in my heart now that I've come to part with her."
When my close friend went study abroad in his middle school days, I was also reluctant to part with him.
[KCM] : Listener 'Peace', "For the first time in my life, I'll be getting my state identification card. What is it like becoming an adult?"
[Rain] : Listener '#5929', "I sleep more, eat more and gain weight after going climbing. It's a vicious circle with no end in sight."
[KCM] : Listener 'Boksily', "You two DJ's sound of laughter makes me laugh. I laughed so much that my tummy hurt, and all this laughing has worked up an appetite."
[Rain] : Listener 'Yijinshin', "Today is my 29th birthday. I'm having a tough time deciding on my career. I can't decide whether or not I will change my career."
[KCM] : Just relax and let things flow.
[KCM] : Listener 'Sherbet', "A passerby asked me on the street, 'Have you seen a person and a soldier?'. A soldier is also a person, isn't he? " (laughs)
[Rain] : It's a shame that soldiers seem to compare unfavourably with the general public, but I believe soldiers deserve respect for their devotion to their country and for their national loyalty.
[KCM] : So..
[Rain] : Let's move on to the next. (laughs)
- "Twist" szegmens (Kicsit mélyebbre ásunk a múltjában és meglátjuk, mit találunk.) -
Rain: Üdvözöljük Lee Jin Ho tizedest és Jung Joon Yil őrvezetőt. Köszönjük, hogy részt vesznek a műsorban.
Lee Jin Ho (LJH): Régóta nem láttalak! Tesztelés, tesztelés, mikrofonpróba. Egy, kettő, három. Koreai nyelvű tankönyvek, társadalomtudományi tankönyvek, természet stb. (nevetés)
Rain: Nem láttalak benneteket egy ideje.
LJH: Jung Jun Yil és én két hete és tíz napja jöttünk vissza ide. Azzal szemben, amikor egyedül volt, Jung Jun Yil ma különösen ragyogónak tűnik. (nevetés)
Rain: Amikor Jung Jun Yil vendégül látott KCM-mel minket a műsorában, amit valaha vidéken hallgattam, az egész műsor alatt iszonyúan álmos voltam. (nevetés)
KCM: Nos, ki a mai nap sztárja?
Jung Jun Yil (JJY): Jung Ji Hoon (Rain).
Rain: Amitől tartottam, végül bekövetkezett. Megpróbálom mindenemet kiadni.
LJH: Rain vagy Jung Ji Hoon énekes és színész. 1982. június 25-én született. Harmincegy éves, 185 cm magas és 74 kilogramm.
Rain: De tíz kilóval nehezebb vagyok, mint korábban. (nevetés)
LJH: Hárman vannak a családjában, az édesapja, a húga és ő. Mit gondolsz, melyikünk lehetne a húgod számára Mr. Tökéletes?
Rain: Majd azt mondom neki, "Inkább egyedül kellene élned, mintsem megházasodni." (nevetés) Kívül-belül ismerlek benneteket, szóval egyikőtöket sem fogom magammal vinni, hogy bemutassam neki. (nevetés)
LJH: Rain a Fan Club nevű fiúcsapat tagjaként debütált 1998-ban. Mit lehet elmondani a Fan Clubról?
Rain: Korábbi képviselőnk adta a Fan Club nevet, bízva sikerünkben. Nem tudom, hogy rosszul lett-e az együttes elnevezve, de nemsokára tönkrementünk. Most az összes korábbi tag az olajszektorban, ingatlanértékesítésben, motorkerékpár-üzletben, divatvonalon, élelmiszerlánc- és étteremüzletben dolgoznak, de nem hallottam egyikükről sem, mióta feloszlottunk.
KCM: Kapcsolatban vagy még a barátaiddal?
Rain: A feloszlás után még érintkezésben voltunk. De a rendszeres találkozásokkor mindig tőlem várták, hogy fizessem az étkezést, habár a legtöbbjük már nagyon sikeres volt. (nevetés)
JJY: Rain első albuma, a Bad Guy 2002-ben jelent meg. Sokan kíváncsiak arra, hogy Bi (Rain) név hogyan lett kitalálva.
Rain: JYP, a korábbi képviselőm mondta nekem, hogy olyan szomorúnak látszom mikor táncolok, és a Bi szó jelentése szomorúság vagy eső. A Bi név kettőnk megbeszélése során alakult ki. Pályakezdőként a popping dance alapjait tanultam, ami magába foglalta a hip hopot és a jazzt is abban az időben, amikor Justin Timberlake, Janet Jackson stb. popping táncai voltak híresek. Még jazzt is kezdtem tanulni.
JJY: Raint nyomon követve a második single, az Instead Of Saying Good Bye következik. Melyiket kedveled inkább, az Instead Of Saying Good Bye-t vagy a Bad Guyt?
Rain: A Bad Guyt jobban szeretem, mint az Instead Of Saying Good Bye-t. Igazából rossz fiú vagyok, és ez az, amiért sok nőt megbabonáz a varázsom. (nevetés)
LJH: Valójában azt gondoltam, hogy Rain lesz, aki berobban a zenei életbe és felülmúlja az Ink együttes Manbokját, meglovagolva az akkori idők zenei hullámát. (nevetés) Tényleg, egy bokszkesztyűt használtál, amikor az Instead Of Saying Good Bye-t nyomtad. Megőrizted azokat?
Rain: Természetesen megvannak. Otthon tisztogatom őket.
LJH: Ismeretes, hogy Yu Gun Hyung részt vett az Instead Of Saying Good Bye komponálásában. Ő az a híres zeneszerző, aki Psy Gangnam Style-ját is írta.
Rain: Valaha jártam a Yu Gun HYung kiadó meghallgatásán, és átmentem a tesztjükön, még JYP gyakornoki programja előtt. Szóval majdnem a Yu Gun Hyung kiadóhoz tartozó énekes lettem.
LJH: Rain második albuma, amelyen a How To Avoid The Sun található, 2003-ban jelent meg. A színpadi kosztüm, amit előadás közben viseltél, nagy érdeklődést váltott ki. Hogyan ismertetnéd a jelmez koncepcióját?
Rain: Amikor eldőlt, hogy a How To Avoid The Sun lesz a lemez címadó dala, először csalódott voltam, de összerendeztem a gondolataimat. Egy énekes-táncos számára nagyon fontos a vizuális megjelenése. Az erősebb vizuális hatás érdekében napszemüveget és egyedülálló jelmezt használatára gondoltam, ezért vettem egy bőrdzsekit (csak színpadi jelmeznek) Amerikában egy női cuccokat áruló vintage shopban, az ára kb. 20 dollár volt, és 1965-ben készítették, ezután az általam készített koreográfia gyakorlására koncentráltam.
KCM: Kérlek, engedj egy kis bepillantást abba, hogy mi történt a Japánban tartott koncerted közben?
Rain: Amikor 2004-ben, Japánban a színpadon éppen egy fordulást csináltam, az egyik lencse kiesett a méregdrágán importált napszemüvegemből. De nem vettem észre, szóval folytattam az előadást. (nevetés) Már százmillió wont biztosan kiadtam a napszemüvegeimre.
LJH: Rain 2003-ban feltűnt egy drámában, amelynek Sangdu, Let's Go To School volt a címe, és ez megfelelt a How To Avoid The Sun által kialakított képnek.
Rain: Azt hiszem, a népszerűségem jelentősen növekedett a dráma következtében.
LJH: A média elárasztotta Raint a dícséreteivel a drámában nyújtott kiváló alakításáért.
Rain: Azóta fejlesztem a színészi képességeimet, mióta a középiskolában elhatároztam, hogy színész szeretnék lenni.
LJH: A népszerűségi hullám csúcsain jártál akkortájt.
Rain: Azt hiszem. Ez nagy bevételt is hozott nekem, tehát ki tudtam fizetni a tartozásaimat és vettem egy házat.
(Bad Guy)
[KCM] : How does it feel to become a star in this segment?
[Rain] : I feel as if I were a guest, so I feel like I have to go home after the show. (laughs)
[Jung Ju Yil]: Rain's third album including 'It's Raining', was released in 2004.
His wild ride really started that year, with the release of the album.
'Lee Jin Ho's comic version parodying Rain's 'It's Raining', was a big hit in this radio broadcast five months ago. (laughs)
(Rain and 'Lee Jin Ho' are holding a demonstration->
-Rain : When I am on stage again.
-'Lee Jin Ho' : Flake off! Never show your face to me again!)
[Rain] : Seems like only yesterday that 'Lee Jin Ho' made us laughs.
[Jung Ju Yil]: Rain appeared in a drama called 'Full House' starring actress 'Song Hyeu Kyo and him that year.
[Lee Jin Ho] : The drama was a huge box-office hit, locally and abroad.
[Jung Ju Yil]: When there was a scene where Rain was interviewed at a press conference in the drama, I broke into tears. (laughs)
[Rain] : Particularly, I was true to the craft of acting by careful attention in the scene. (laughs)
'Jung Jun Yil', you can be my right-hand man.
[Jung Ju Yil]: I'm afraid I'm 'Lee Jin Ho's left-hand man. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : It is said a sequel to the drama comes out next year.
[Rain] : I'm glad to hear that. Actually, all members of the cast including me were like-minded and promised they would appear in a sequel to the drama ten years later. If given the chance, the members can separately appear in another sequel to the drama under another title, for example, 'Empty House'. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : 'I Do' in Rain's third album, also became a smash hit.
[Rain] : 'I Do' with its bright melody had popular appeal.
JYP said that the title song should be 'I Do' since 'Full House' is a big hit, but I tried to change my image by choosing 'It's Raining' as the title.
As soon as he approved my plan, things were being done swiftly.
There were some of my breaths here and there throughout the song and that's why it was more enlivened by those sexy breaths than expected. (laughs)
I think the choreography of the song was well made as well.
[Lee Jin Ho] : Rain appeared in a drama called 'That Damn Love' in 2005.
He played a character called 'Kang Bok Gu' in the drama.
[Rain] Yes, I did.
[Lee Jin Ho] : Rain, I think you worked in perfect harmony with the greatest actresses in Korea.
[Rain] : I think so, too. Acting is very attractive but also very hard and absorbing and it takes tremendous effort.
I was identifying with the character, being more absorbed than ever in the drama.
[Jung Ju Yil] : Rain's fourth album 'Rain's World' was released in 2006.
Since then, most of his opinions had been reflected in the outcome.
[Rain] : I formed a successful dance team composed of overseas dancers who had worked with Madonna. As a result, I was able to come up with my finest album to date, but inevitably the costs rose enormously. (laughs)
[Jung Ju Yil] : Rain appeared in a movie, 'Im a Cyborg, But That's OK!' directed by 'Park Chan Wook' in 2006.
[Rain] : The film produced a deep impression on me.
Berlin International Film Festival gave the director an award for Golden Bear, but the film failed at the box office. It however got to the bottom line because of me. (laughs)
[Jung Ju Yil] : Rain finally went to Hollywood to film 'Speed Racer' directed by brothers Andy and Larry Wachowski in 2008.
What was your impression of Hollywood?
[Rain] : Their capital and labor were so plentiful, and what was still better was, they had tons of capital and technology and the manager did me a special favor.
In particular, they arranged matters that my personal chefs were always on duty for me while I was filming 'Ninja Assassin'
(Love Song)
[Rain] : I'm very happy to listen to 'Love Song' with you after such a long while.
To break the ice with my new soldier mates when I was transferred here (Defense Media Agency), I performed 'Love Song' at our talented show. (laughs)
I think it will ever remain a delightful memory.
[KCM] : When I was transferred here, 'Lee Jin Ho' compelled me to sing songs in a Noraebang (karaoke) inside the base. I later realized that I had been fooled. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : KCM sang 9 songs, paying 1,800 won for the songs. (laughs)
[Rain] ; KCM has a lot of temper, but his mind is pure as the driven snow.
However, when he gets angry, he looks like Hulk who tries to rend up all his clothes and whose breast swells. (laughs)
[KCM] : Please don't get me wrong. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : KCM seems to share some traits with a man who raises cattle in a country place. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : Many of Rain fans are concerned about his health.
[Rain] : I think the rumor about my back pain has gone too far.
It's not a serious illness, so please don't worry too much.
I've been having treatment for my back problem, and I'm almost well again.
The media has been blowing it up out of proportion.
I'm planning to do my best until the very last.
[Jung Ju Yil] : I was moved to tears when Rain read his diary to me.
[Rain] : I had written about what happened each day during my recruit.
I still have vivid memories of that time.
[KCM] : In my case..
[Rain] : Let's move on to the next. (laughs)
[Jung Ju Yil] : How did you feel about acting in the army?
[Rain] : During the exhausting training in my recruit days, I definitely felt, "Soldiers' devotion to their country and loyalty to the Flag, make me bow my head in respect, and they are indeed great men."
[Lee Jin Ho]: What do you think of your fans with age?
[Rain] : I think they could die any day. (laughs) Just kidding.
I'm not a man of sentiment, but I really value them as my precious fans regardless of age. I'll try presenting myself better in front of my fans after my discharge.
[Lee Jin Ho]: Is there somewhere you can take a rest after your discharge?
[Rain] : I'll go to the ocean by ship and catch shrimp. (laughs) (a tongue-in-cheek remark) Originally, I was scheduled to take a rest after my discharge, but I'm going to hold a mini fan meeting in Hong Kong or Thailand or China or Taiwan or Japan or USA in return for my fans' support for me.
I've already formed an idea of the main concept of my next album.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I know about the concept generally, that provides formidable opposition to the previous one, so I'm really looking forward to it.
[KCM] : How does it feel to be interviewed today? (laughs)
[Rain] : It has been a lot fun, and I’d like to thank you for arranging this wonderful occasion today.
[KCM] : It's time to wrap it up. Please favor us with a song.
[Rain] : Not to mention 'It's Raining' will be ending the finale in a flourish. (laughs)
[KCM] : Thank you for coming in today, 'Lee Jin Ho' and 'Jung Jun Yil'.
[Lee Jin Ho]&[Jung Ju Yil] : Thank you.
(It's Raining)
[Rain] : Recently, we’re now in the middle of October, normally prime fall foliage season for this part of the country, which pleases me.
Hope you leisurely have a nice weekend while enjoying the beautiful fall leaves.
[KCM] : Small gifts will be provided for 'Pinwheel', 'I Like Strawberry', and 'Power of Habit'. And 'Female Student Girl' will be presented with a book. Congratulations!
[Rain] : This has been Rain.
[KCM] : This has been KCM. Thank you!
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