Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.09.09.


[HD Ver] Rain 도망자 / Runaway / Fugitive teaser



<S1.Plan B> Filming location in Philippine Day 3



Rain @ INTENSITY newspaper ad for The Philippine Star.


[09-Sep-10][allkpop]Rain’s Fugitive teaser

Upcoming KBS2 drama, Domangja aka Fugitive: Plan B, has released an official teaser!
Fugitive stars Rain, Lee Na Young, Daniel Henney, and Lee Jung Jin. As you can see in the teaser below, the drama boasts many international stars that are also set to appear on the highly anticipated drama.
The story is about a large sum of money that has been lost during the Korean War and suddenly reappears after 60 years causing a fugitive chase across Asia. Filming took place in several different countries, including Thailand, Japan, and China.
Based on the preview, we get a glimpse of what we can expect from the drama, a bit of what each character’s roles are, a whole lot of action packed chase scenes and some nice eye candy as well!
Fugitive: Plan B is scheduled to air on the 29th of September after the mega popular drama Baker King / Kim Tak Gu.
Thanks to Queenhy for the tip!



도망자 picture, created by: RainInTheCloud 


10-09-09 KBS TV Runaway HP_The teaser clip for Runaway  is promptly released.

credit to 플랜B929
2010-09-08 18:33:31

Please visit the linked site below to see the clip:


한국이 낳은 세계적인 명탐정 "지우"
돈 밝히고, 여자 밝히는
탐정에게 찾아온 치명적 의뢰인!

그들을 기다리고 있는 함정

정지훈, 이나영, 이정진, 다니엘헤니, 윤손하, 윤진서, 성동일, 공형진
그리고 세계적인 명품 배우 타케나카 나오토, 우에하라 타카코 등 출연!

9월 29일 수요일 밤 9시 55분!
KBS2TV 첫방송!!

"Ji-Woo" who is a world-class private detective from Korea.

A deadly client who comes to see that detective who is crazy about money and really likes women and shows it !
There is a terrible trap against the two..

'Jung Ji-Hoon', 'Lee Na Young', 'Lee Jung Jin', 'Daniel Henney', 'Yun Son Ha', 'Yun Jin Seo', 'Sung Dong Il', and 'Gong Hyung Jin' including internationally famous actor 'Dkenaka Naoto' and actress 'Uehara Takako', will appear in the drama !

It'll be on the air for the first time on Wednesday, September 29th, at 9:55pm, through KBS2TV !!

English trasnaltion by rain bird. 


10-09-09 KBS TV Runaway HP_What I want to tell you today is, just wait and see..

credit to @moonbeards
Date : 2010-09-09 // 09:32:03


오늘..드릴말씀은..기다려보세요!!^^ㅋㅋ 기다려보시면..알게될꺼에요..!!^^
about 10 hours ago

이미..보신분도있고못보신분도계신것같은데..오늘공개됐습니다..!!^^ 다들..기대하시는만큼나왔는지모르겠네요..!!^^
about 10 hours ago

What I want to tell you today is, just wait and see..!!^^
Just wait and see and you'll find out what's happening.. !!^^
about 10 hours ago

While there are those who have already seen the teaser, others have not yet seen it.
It has been released today..!!^^
I'm not sure if it has been made as well as all of you expected.!!^^
about 10 hours ago

Eng.trans.by rain bird.


[Sep-09-2010] Please look forward to the still pictures.
Ryan Moon


Now please look forward to the still pictures, and they will be pumped out of me...ㅋㅋ

Eng.trans.by rain bird.


[09-Sep-10][dongdrama]The Official Tralier for ‘Runaway’ is OUT !


This is it! The first official trailer of upcoming romantic-comedy action Korean drama ‘Runaway’ aka ‘Fugitive: Plan B’, which stars Asian superstar Rain, Lee Na Young, Daniel Henney, and Lee Jung Jin has finally released.

The drama plots the story about a hefty sum of money which has disappeared and reappears after 60 years during the Korean War causing a fugitive chase across Asia. The shooting location takes in several different Asian countries, including Thailand, Japan, and China. Therefore, as we can see the trailer below is full of action packed chase scenes.

With the duo creative behind hit Korean drama ‘Chuno’ aka ‘Slave Hunters’ the drama is also expected to deliver a lot of stylish cinematography.

‘Runaway’ premieres on September 29, following the most watched Korean drama ‘Baker King, Kim Tak Goo’.



[09-Sep-10][Expo news]The splendid teaser for Runaway is released, its first class action draws attention.

The teaser clip for Runaway which would replace drama series 'Baking King, 'Kim Tahck-Goo' running amidst rising popularity, has been released.

KBS 2TV released the teaser clip for Runaway immediately after the 27th episode of 'Baking King, 'Kim Tahck-Goo' last 8th.

The clip for Runaway showed Rain gong around hiding from his pursuers, running as fast as he can, based in Asia's major cities where the tune that has a speedy tempo is playing in the background.

In the clip, Rain is first introduced, and he is followed by 'Lee Na-Young', 'Daniel Henney', and 'Lee Jung-Jin', and then Rain & Lee Na Young shows stunt techniques with high level of difficulty.

Netizen saw the clip and excited by the anticipation of the drama, commenting on it,
"I'm sure this drama will be awesome as it is its all-star cast."
"It seems not to be a drama, but a film."

This drama boasts scale that is like a blockbuster from the drawing board, which attracts the attention, and having shot on location abroad, traveling widely in Asia such as Japan, China, Macau, Philippines, etc. particularly draws attention.

People have greater expectations of Runaway than ever because it is the collaboration of the team that made big hit drama 'Choono' early this year.

Meanwhile, comic romantic detective and action drama Runaway is a tale that takes place while Ji-Woo (the main character Rain plays in the drama), a world-class private detective from Korea, is being trapped.
This drama'll be on the air for the first time on September 29th.

credit to Expo news http://news.nate.com/view/20100909n12123
Pictures from DC Rain Gallery.
Brief transaltion by rain bird.


10-09-09 Runaway staff's post on Twitter_ On behalf of 'Ji Hoon' ssi (Rain), a heart-felt thank his Filipino fans.

어제 필리핀 팬분들이 보내주신 고추덕분에 햇반 두개씩 싹싹 비웠다는 ㅎㅎ 장어,장조림 ,김치,여러 밑반찬도 너무 맛있네요 지훈씨를 대신해 감사드립니다!!너무 잘먹고있어요..   

Thanks to the fresh peppers Filipino fans sent us yesterday, we all finished off two bowls of instant rice (Haetban brand) in a flash.ㅎㅎ (haha)
Several side dishes such as broiled eels, Jangjorim (beef boiled), Kimchi, etc. are also very delicious..
On behalf of 'Ji Hoon' ssi (Rain), a heart-felt thank you !!
We are enjoying the food.

Re-post by DC Rain Gallery http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=rain&no=269437&page=1&bbs
Brief translation by rain bird.


[FanAcct]10-09-09 S1 Plan B Cast Filming – Kawit Cavite, Philippines

It was 11:00 AM when I received a text message from a fellow Cloud saying that Rain and the cast of S1 Plan B will be shooting a scene in one of our hometown’s most popular landmark, I was inside the campus then. I felt incredibly thrilled and surprised. I never expected that the producers would choose my Kawit Cavite to be one of the filming sites and best of all; it was only a few kilometers away from our house. My heart began to rejoice as I thought of having the chance to see Rain 3 days earlier than I expected, but unfortunately, our guidance counselor wouldn’t just let me out of the campus.Disappointed, I tried thinking of ways to escape. When I realized that escaping will only bring me to the principal’s office for cutting classes, I gave up and
called my mom instead. When my mom picked up the receiver, I spoke so fast without even
letting her say hello. I asked her to go to the location quickly to see what
she can see and take pictures of him if possible. Completely aware of my obsession
to Rain and being a fan of Full House herself, mom agreed keenly and even asked
one of my cousins to accompany her. She also assured me that she would tell me all
the details when I get home.

When my mom and my cousin arrived, they were surprised to see a huge number of people cheering for Rain, they were not aware that Rain was that well-known in our hometown. They scanned the place and eventually saw the person they were looking for. At first my mom thought that Rain was only
having a motorcade to promote the drama since she saw him smiling and waving
ceaselessly from inside a vehicle, then she saw the staff setting up the
location for filming.

Eager to feed my hunger for stories, my mom and my cousin went closer to have a better look. According to them, Rain’s eyes and face were
so small. His skin was tanned and his hair was slightly brown in colour. I
personally liked my cousin’s remark about Rain being 10 times
better-looking than a certain famous Taiwanese artist she had seen before^^Although
not that much of a fan as me, my mom thought Rain was an ample illustration of
a perfect man—tall, dark and handsome. They wanted to grab a few pics, but I
guess it wasn’t allowed since Rain’s manager (not sure if he was really the
manager) didn’t want them to.

Here’s another one!

The location for filming was only a few walks away from the school where my best friend studies. When the news about Rain reached the school, students and teachers instantly made their way outside the campus and
stopped all their businesses just to catch a glimpse of him. The cast were
about to film a new scene when a great number of people “barged” into the

My best friend’s description about Rain’s physical appearance is almost the same with that of my mom’s. However, she thought Rain
was not that lively and did not show much smile at that moment. She said he
looked exhausted and a bit bothered. Perhaps he lost his focus to what he was
contemplating about because of the commotion caused by the crowd. Some of my
best friend’s schoolmates begged Rain’s manager (still not sure if they were
pertaining to the real manager) to let them have a picture with him, the
die-hard ones even knelt and pleaded, but unfortunately, they didn’t stand a
chance. It took a few minutes for the security to settle the commotion. When
everything was back to normal, the crowd stood in an orderly manner and watched the filming. Rain was very serious and focused. He didn’t face the fans’
location that much. My best friend said that there were times when they wanted
to scream, like the time when they saw Rain collapse on the floor (part of
acting) and most especially when they saw him took off his shirt!

I’m so disappointed that I wasn’t able to see Rain today! Still, I feel honored and thankful that the producers chose my hometown to be
one of the sites for filming. There’s one thing I’ve proven from my loved ones’
fan accounts—Rain is really absorbed in portraying his role and perfecting his
craft when the lights and cameras focus on him. Perhaps it’s one of the reasons
why some people who didn’t know much about him misunderstood and thought that he was snob and all… but I don’t care! All I know is, even though I didn’t get
the chance to see him today, I will be able to enjoy his breathtaking performances
in his concert this coming Saturday ^^

Please help us Filipino Clouds pray for a successful concert and an immensely enjoyable time with our dear baby—RAIN

**thanks so much for sharing your Fan Account with us babyrain2504



100908 도망자 Plan B_ Teaser_01 _[Official Teaser#1]

Credit: dc // scorpiolabibi1 @ youtube



[HD] 100908 Fugitive_Teaser

[HD] 100908 Fugitive_Teaser




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