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Megérkezés Xishuangbanna Gasa Repülőterére:
Credit: Zhang2悦
Credit: @LEVintage中古
A hosszú utazás után a Hilton szállodában foglalták el szállásaikat:
16-04-23 Rain's debut 14th anniversary
Az angol nyelvű oldal posztja:
Celebrate Your Moment - Moment Watcheshttps://www.facebook.com/CelebrateYourMoment/posts/1010103519078222
Thanks for the support from #Rain! This watch named #Day from the Warner Brothers series, it's so easy to mix and match with your own outfit!
#BatmanVsSuperman #MomentWatches
Moment Watches 모먼트워치
월드스타 비(정지훈)가 모먼트워치에 무료 화보를 기증했습니다!
그의 따뜻한 선행이 세계를 훈훈하게 만들 것 같아요~
앞으로도 그의 활발한 활동을 항상 응원합니다!
#정지훈 #비 #비기부시계 #RAIN #RAINCOMPANY
#모먼트워치 #momentwatches #재능기부 #기부시계
A 2016. június 4-i koncert híre, mely Macao Cotai Arénájában lesz:
Venetian Macao 澳門威尼斯人
INTERJÚ OH YEON-SEO-VAL (az eredeti forrás ismeretlen)
A színésznő a Come Back, Misterben volt Rain főszereplő partnere, ezért az interjú néhány részletet rejt az együttműködésükről.
interview with oys
Rain ma egy kunmingi átszállással a távoli, Laosz és Mianmar határának közelében fekvő kínai Xishuangbanna városba utazott, ahol április 27-30-ig a Running Man kínai változatának egyik adását forgatják. Nem lesz könnyű dolguk, mert arrafelé éppen 38-40 fokos hőség van. A műsort május 27-én sugározzák.
A fotók Kungminban a Changshui Nemzetközi Repülőtéren készültek, ahol Rain átszállt a Xishuangbanna felé tartó járatra. A repülőtéren még autogramot is szereztek tőle.
Megérkezés Xishuangbanna Gasa Repülőterére:
Credit: Zhang2悦
Credit: @LEVintage中古
A hosszú utazás után a Hilton szállodában foglalták el szállásaikat:
20160423 Rain WorldTour_ in Chengdu, CHINA_ surprise fans event for Rain's debut 14th anniversary
레인컴퍼니 2016.04.27. 11:01
Thank you, your loving care for Rain's debut 14th anniversary~!!!
the day ,23th of that moment during concert , Rain said...."thanks to my Fans; Clouds in the world!!"
also, " i will always be with you! thank you Clouds all of the world & loving care for me since first debute 24, April, 2002"
Rain was happy beyond words to utter.
Rain's WorldCloud fanclubs are always there for him in the eyes ...the reason why he was able to stay with us until now. as a stunning world star! looks enchanting, powerful performer and charming actor in the world
Thank you for congratulating Rain & 14th.anniversary together with us
중국 쓰촨성[四川省]의 성도(省都)에서..... 팬들과 함께....RAIN
16-04-23 Rain's debut 14th anniversary
20160423 Rain World Tour (Chengdu, Kína) a rajongók meglepetése Rain debütálásának 14. évfordulója alkalmábólRain Company, 2016.04.27. 11:01Köszönjük a szerető gondoskodásotokat Rain 14. debütálási évfordulója alkalmából!!!A 23-ai napon, a koncertnek abban a pillanatában Rain azt mondta: "Köszönöm a rajongóimnak; a Cloudoknak a világon!!"
valamint, "Mindig veletek leszek! Köszönöm Cloudok, szerte a világon & az irántam való szerető gondoskodást a debütálásom, 2002. április 24. óta."
Rain nagyon boldog volt, miközben ezeket mondta.Rain WorldCloud rajongói klubjai mindig a szeme előtt lebegnek .... ezért volt képes velünk maradni mind a mai napig. Milyen lenyűgöző világsztár! Elbűvölő küllemű, erőteljes előadóművésze, sármos színésze a világnak!Köszönjük, hogy velünk együtt köszöntöttétek Raint és a 14. évfordulót.Chengduban, Kína Sichuan tartományában a rajongókkal .... RAIN
Az angol nyelvű oldal posztja:
Celebrate Your Moment - Moment Watcheshttps://www.facebook.com/CelebrateYourMoment/posts/1010103519078222
Thanks for the support from #Rain! This watch named #Day from the Warner Brothers series, it's so easy to mix and match with your own outfit!
#BatmanVsSuperman #MomentWatches
Köszönet #Rain támogatásáért! Ez a #Nap nevű óra a Warner Brothers sorozatból, ami nagyon könnyen illeszkedik a saját öltözékedhez!
A koreai oldal posztja, és a bejegyzésből kiderül, hogy Rain a fotókat ingyen készítette, az adomány részeként. Emlékeztetőül: ennek a szériának az óráit ajándékozta a Come Back, Mister stábjának, és a cég bevételének 30 %-a egy gyermekeket támogató szervezethez került.
Moment Watches 모먼트워치
월드스타 비(정지훈)가 모먼트워치에 무료 화보를 기증했습니다!
그의 따뜻한 선행이 세계를 훈훈하게 만들 것 같아요~
앞으로도 그의 활발한 활동을 항상 응원합니다!
#정지훈 #비 #비기부시계 #RAIN #RAINCOMPANY
#모먼트워치 #momentwatches #재능기부 #기부시계
A 2016. június 4-i koncert híre, mely Macao Cotai Arénájában lesz:
Venetian Macao 澳門威尼斯人
韓國人氣巨星鄭智薰以藝名「Rain」為人所熟識¸ Rain將為歌迷們帶來《The
Squall 2016 王者歸來Rain亞洲巡迴演唱會 - 澳門站》,
是Rain服兵役後向全世界宣布「亞洲王者」歸來了。門票即將發售,敬請期待! Venetian Macao 澳門威尼斯人 #Rain亞洲巡迴演唱會澳門站
One of South Korea’s hottest superstars’ Jung Ji-hoon, better well-known by his stage name “Rain”, is coming to #VenetianMacao
with <<RAIN "THE SQUALL" 2016 ASIA TOUR IN MACAO >>, this
is Rain’s way to tell the world that the “King of Asia” has returned!
Ticket on sale soon, Stay Tuned! #RaininVenetian #VenetianEntertainment
Dél-Korea egyik legnépszerűbb szupersztárja, Jung Ji-hoon, akit színpadi nevén "Rain"-ként jobban ismert, a << RAIN "THE SQUALL" 2016 ASIA TOUR IN MACAO >> keretében a #VenetianMacao-ba érkezik, Rain ezzel fejezi ki a világnak, hogy "Ázsia királya" visszatért! A jegyek árusítása hamarosan megkezdődik. Maradjanak velünk! #RaininVenetian #VenetianEntertainment
Ez a cikk nem Rainről szól, hanem az órákról, de Raint említik benne és a fotójával illusztrálták az írást.
브랜드시계 종합몰, TV 드라마 속 스타들이 착용한 손목시계 판매
디지털뉴스팀 기자
입력 : 2016-04-27 14:57
옷이 얇아지는 계절인 봄이 오면서 손목시계는 중요한 패션아이템 중 하나로 인식되고 있다. 손목시계는 사계절 내내 착용이 가능하며 휴대폰을 사용하기 어려운 장소에서도 시간을 확인할 수 있는 패션아이템이다.
손목시계는 TV 드라마 속 스타들의 손목에도 등장하고 있다.
MBC, KBS, SBS 드라마에서 배우들이 착용한 손목시계는 브랜드시계 종합몰인 타임메카에서 만나볼 수 있다.
최근 종영한 SBS드라마 `돌아와요아저씨`에 출연했던 비(정지훈)가 종방연 현장에서 선물한 모먼트워치 시계의 경우도 타임메카에서 판매 중이다.
비가 선물한 모먼트워치는 물론 커피콩시계를 비롯해 태양의 후예 온유시계로 유명한 다니엘웰링턴시계, 리멤버-아들의전쟁에서 배우 유승호가 착용한 캐터필라시계 등 드라마에서 연예인들이 착용하고 나온 다양한 브랜드시계가 타임메카를 통해 판매되고 있다.
INTERJÚ OH YEON-SEO-VAL (az eredeti forrás ismeretlen)
A színésznő a Come Back, Misterben volt Rain főszereplő partnere, ezért az interjú néhány részletet rejt az együttműködésükről.
interview with oys
27 April 2016
Q: Drama ended, how do you feel? A: I feel I should still go shooting. I had hard time doing almost all of action scenes myself. Now I like it because my body can rest finally. As always, I feel sad and happy. The comical scenes that I did with Jung Ji-hoon(rain) oppa required lots of physical energy. After doing action scenes, we both joked that we couldn’t do it anymore. Oppa said it was harder than him doing the concert stage. Q: What action scene did you do? A: Even though I have acrophobia(a fear of heights), I did the wire action. It was more fun than I thought. I learned the action so quickly that stunt actors told me how about learning it professionally. I was shocked to get approval of my action acting talents from them. Q: You played a man’s role. Any difficulties? A: I had lots of stress in the beginning. I knew the viewers have to be convinced, but playing Kim Soo-ro oppa was not easy. Fortunately I don’t have much of feminine personality. I played comfortably. It bothered me to wear skirt and sit with legs spread though. Comical acting was fun. Ji-hoon oppa told me to treat him without care so I did comfortably. I was grateful. Q: Is there anything changed after CBA? A: I am happy that I gained many more female fans. These days female fans ask me to hug them. After doing ‘Shine or go crazy’, there were lots of male fans, but these days it is different. I am really thankful. Q: You earned the good reputation that you play a man’s role well. A: There were lots of romance line with Lee Ha-ni unni, but I felt comfortable because we worked together in the last project(Shine or go crazy). I thought myself as a man rather than we were woman and woman. I did many melo acting as a woman, but when I did the melo acting as a man, it was different. With man, there is this side to protect his woman and just watch quietly. I played with a thought “I want to be loved by this kind of a man”. I tried to play a man whom a woman likes from my point of view. I asked and got lots of advices on expression and behavior to be seen as a man. Since real man and a man I imitate could be different, I really paid attention. If I hear something like I am not pretty, it does not bother me because I think that’s personal preference. But if I hear I can’t act, I get upset. Then I thought I should try harder since my occupation is actress. So I tried harder. Q: How was it like playing with Jung Ji-hoon/rain? A: Ji-hoon oppa is cool Hyungnim. Oppa also considered me as his younger brother. Actually when I slap his face, or I pinch his bottom I could feel embarrassed. But Oppa’s personality is really nice. I also thought him as my Hyungnim. Oppa and my gag worked out well. Oppa really acts hardest. He had many scenes and had hard time, but I have never seen him throwing fits or feeling difficult. I learned a lot from watching him acting passionately and being nice to other people. Q: You played with Jung Ji-hoon, Lee Ha-ni etc, which pair you had the most affection? A: I have affection for all. There was bromance with Ji-hoon oppa who played my afterlife alumni. Of course I wasn’t a man. I felt like we understood even when we didn’t talk each other. Even though it was not love, the friendship was moving. I wondered how many people exist who can embrace each other like that. When I shoot with Ha-ni unni we laughed so much. Ha-ni unni has really easy-going personality. It was so much fun when I did funny scenes with unni. Q: What was the most impressive scene for you? A: The scene when I tried to take off Ji-hoon oppa’s pants, and the scene when I was in awe on his chocolate abs. It was Ji-hoon oppa’s idea. Even though I was embarrassed to no end, It was fun. And on The scene when I saved Ha-ni unni, both of us cried continuously. That was not a deep love scene, but we were even more emotional because it had woman and woman. Q: Were you not worry about controlling the level of being comical? A: Hong-nan could’ve been overacting. But it had to be exaggerated to add power on the situation that a man became a woman. Even though it became burden, I was glad. Since I usually enjoy gag, I had fun. I thought If you became a woman out of blue after you’ve lived as a man for 40 years, this wacky stuff could happen. Q: There are many discussions on your non-existence ending. A: I was sad about non-existence ending, but because of that(sad?) I liked it. The ending that I disappear from people’s memory was really sad. Q: Did you really kiss Lee Ha-ni? A: No. Ha-ni unni said in the chat room ‘Unni is going to kiss you, so make sure you use mouthwash before you come.’ before the shooting. Also when we were in the shooting site, she said ‘Unni will kiss you’ as a joke. But once camera started rolling, scene was so heavy and sad, we could not be playful. I just kissed on my finger. Soo-ro oppa and Ha-ni unni did it for real. I left it for Soo-ro oppa.(laugh) Q: Unlike good response, you had low ratings. How was the shooting atmosphere? A: Shooting atmosphere was really good. We kept talking in group chatting room. There were many laughing incidents. I think ratings is up to heaven’s will. You don’t get high ratings because you work hard, or you don’t get low ratings because you don’t work hard. It is the part you can’t do anything about it. We just told each other to focus on acting and make a good project to the end. Our drama has unique plot and has the story reminding you of love of family. I think it was the drama making you think about affection and love toward your family and appreciation to people around you. Q: Is there any new habit you’ve gotten after acting a man? A: The way I talk became man’s way of talking. People shocked and told me not to. And I sit with legs spread. People say not to do it. It is fortunate that I don’t wear skirt often. Q: Your personality must be easy-going. A: Yes. I usually don’t wear skirt. I am far from being feminine. Actually people think I am snobby. Maybe I have hard-to-please image. They misunderstand thinking I am a person who does not know about having hard time. There are some actors who do a project with me worry. I’ve heard they worry if I don’t work hard, or I have stuck-up personality. They say many ask about my personality. It is disadvantage coming from my looks. I try harder to break that misunderstanding. I am not that way-I don’t have that personality. I chose ‘Jang bo-ri’ to show my easy- going personality. I wanted to get rid of my conceited image. I wanted to show “Oh Yeon-seo had this kind of side?’ to them. I think when I keep trying to change like that, I might be able to play more various roles (and change image too?). Q: What is your goal this year? A: I wish the movie ‘National team 2’ becomes Daebak. Later this year if I do a new project, I’d like to show different side of me. I’d like to act non-stop. And I’d like to show different character every time. My wish is to work enthusiastically. I am still learning and would like to show my progressing persona. I’d like to be an actress who the word ‘actress’ fits well, who always challenge.
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