Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

Dazed & Confused - Interjú Rainnel (2014.12.24.)

Új szakasz

Jung Ji-hoon tizenévesen tele volt önérzetességgel. A huszas éveiben tele volt szenvedéllyel. Most élvezi a gördülékeny 30-as éveit.

Mit csinál, amikor otthon van?

Az otthon az, ahol tökéletesen lehet pihenni. Az év 365 napjának felét a tengerentúlon töltöm, a 24 órás nap felét más helyszínen dolgozva. Ezért az otthon az a hely, ahol nem kell semmi másra gondolni, csak pihenni kényelmesen.

Tehát azt szeretné, hogy az otthonát úgy tervezzék meg, hogy az a legjobb pihenőhely legyen.

Az egyetlen vágyam egy hatalmas tévé, amelyre szükségem van. Sok drága és szép bútor létezik, de engem nem érdekel. Nem fordítok túl nagy figyelmet a lakberendezésre, mivel nincs időm. Ezt a feladatot a húgomra hagyom, aki erre specializálódott.

Szokott néha főzni?

Legtöbbször máshol eszem, amire néha ráunok. Ilyenkor főzök otthon. Ha nincs semmi hozzávaló, akkor főzés helyett édesburgonyát készítek. Nem is olyan régen szárítottam édesburgonyát három napig. Félszáraz lett, elég rágós és finom. Komolyan fontolgattam, hogy nem kellene-e ilyennel üzletelnem.

Ma reggelig a tengerentúlon volt?

Malajziában és Szingapúrban voltak programjaim. A repülőn aludtam és egyenesen ide jöttem a fotózásra.

Rengeteg dolgot vitt véghez, de mégsem látszik kimerültnek.

Ki ne lenne ilyen azért, hogy ne hagyjon ki egy remek munkát vagy egy nagyszerű lehetőséget? Bár én is egy jóval kényelmesebb utat szeretnék járni, érzem, hogy az nagyon veszélyes. A legtöbb ember kategóriákba rendezve minősíti a színészeket: jól játszik, jól néz ki, kiemelkedő sztár. Ami engem illet, olyan színész szeretnék lenni, aki tudja, hogyan válassza meg a munkáit. Hogy ilyen lehessek, még mindig sok dolognak híján vagyok. Ezért, amikor a "My Lovely Girl"-t forgattam, azzal kezdtem, hogy kiejtési és hangképzési alapgyakorlatokat végeztem.

Azért, mert hosszú ideig nem játszott?

Igaz, hogy ez így volt néhány évig, de ez mégis inkább valami olyasmi volt, amit meg kellett még tennem. A magam számára elfogadhatatlan, hogy ne rendelkezzem a kiejtés és a hangképzés alapvető képességeivel. Akkor még lehetne magyarázkodni, amikor éppen csak belekezdett valaki egy sorozatba, de én most már semmi olyat nem akarok, amit magam vagy a közönség előtt szégyellnem kellene.

Mit gondol a hazai és a külföldi munkái közötti egyensúlyról?

Már tíz éve, hogy elkezdtem játszani, és ma már világosan látom, hogy szeretnék olyan szerepeket is kipróbálni, amelyeknek semmi közük a "box office"-hoz. Annak ellenére, hogy kötve vagyok az időbeosztásomhoz, a legjobbat próbálom nyújtani abban, amit csinálni akarok. Annak ellenére, hogy bár Ön a kezdeti idők aktuális munkáira és sikereire gondol, senki nem tudhatja igazán, hogy mi lesz az eredmény. Bár nem lehetek eléggé ambiciózus, de természetesen szeretném bővíteni a spektrumomat és a karrieremet. A debütálásom korai éveiben, amikor keményen dolgoztam, ám a dolgok mégsem az általam vágyott irányba haladtak, akkor magamat hibáztattam és úgy éreztem, hogy tévedtem. De most az a fontos számomra, hogy azt mutassam, amit a szerepem szerint szükséges megmutatnom, és azt jól vigyem véghez.

"A debütálástól számított évek", "30-as" - függetlennek érzi magát ezektől a számoktól?

Ha minderre mint egy vállalatra gondolunk, akkor úgy vélem, hogy a jelenlegi pozícióm egy olyan üzletág vezetőjéé, amelynek Jin Young és Hyun Sun a cégvezetői. Elegendő út áll még előttem a feljebb jutásra. Bár már van sok fiatalabb pályatárs is, akik ugyancsak az élre törnek. Úgy érzem, hogy most még keményebben kell dolgoznom a pozícióm megőrzéséért, így amit tehetek, hogy jó munkát végzek, az előző szakaszhoz hasonlóan.

Az idő folyamán a dolgok jobb irányba változtak?

Táncosként 1999-ben kezdtem Rain név alatt. Tizennégy év telt el a debütálásom óta. Voltak csúcsidőim éppúgy, mint a kés élén táncolók. Most amikor elbukom, még ha el is esek, már tudom, hogyan kell ismét felállni. Belülről a mi analóg korunk digitális korra változott, és ennek jelenleg a különleges k-pop hasznát látja.

A folyamatosan végzett dolgokról: melyikben a legjártasabb?

A tánc és a színészet. Másokra nem gondolnék.

És mi az, amiben nem érzi magát fesztelennek, bármi is legyen az?

A fotózás. Eredetileg még selfie-t se nagyon készítettem, arra gondolva, hogy az úgyis csak egy pillanatot rögzítő kép. Mostanában ezt kicsit jobban élvezem.

Hogyan összegezné röviden a 10-es, a 20-as és a 30-as éveit?

A 10-es éveim dühösek voltak, a 20-asok szenvedélyesek, a 30-as éveimben szeretnék lágy és gyengéd lenni.

Imént mondott egy remek példát a nagyvállalattal. Hogyan hasonlítaná magát a "Misaeng" dráma karaktereihez?

Oh menedzser. Nem ő az a típus, aki szid, ha szükséges, tanít, ha kell és védelmez, ha arra van szükség?

Első alkalommal szólították "bácsinak" egy munkája során.

A "My Lovely Girl"-ben egy titkos támogató szerepét játszottam. Köztem és Krystal, a női főszereplő között 12 évnyi korkülönbség van, ezért természetes, hogy bácsinak szólított. Nincsenek ezzel kapcsolatosan különösebb érzéseim.

Színész, állandó tengerentúli projektekkel.

Hálás vagyok, amiért folyamatosan jó ajánlatokat kapok, beleértve a Hollywoodból érkezőket is. Egyik a másik után jön, amelyben rám gondolnak. Valószínűleg a Ninja Assassin főszerepében mutatott erős akcióbeli képességeim miatt rengeteg akciószínészi ajánlatot kaptam. De úgy érzem, hogy szükség van a változásra, és különböző oldalakról szeretném megmutatni magam.  Változatos szerepeket akarok játszani, még ha azok csak mellékszerepek is. Szeretnék egy romantikus vígjátékot.

Elkezdte a spektrumát Kína felé kiterjeszteni.

Éppen most mutatták be az első kínai filmemet "For Love Or Money" címmel. Gao Xixi rendező hatalmas sikert ért el "A három királyság" című tévésorozatával. Crystal Liu a kínai színésznők egyik reprezentánsa. Szerencsém volt, hogy velük dolgozhattam. Úgy érzem, hogy ha folytatom ezt a tevékenységet, akkor olyan színésszé válhatok, akit nem korlátoz a nemzetisége, és nem is címkézik tengerentúli színészként.

Van olyan rendező vagy színész, akivel együtt szeretne dolgozni?

Remélem, hogy ismét készíthetek egy filmet Park Chan-wook rendezővel. Szintén remélem, hogy tanulhatok az elődjeimtől és többet dolgozhatom velük együtt.

Említette, hogy JYP producerrel és Wachowskiékkal való találkozás fordulópontokat jelentett az életében. Vár egy hasonló harmadikra?

Lehet, hogy a harmadik már el is jött. És az is megtörténhet, hogy nem érkezik el. Jelenleg nagyon boldog vagyok és nagyon elégedett. Énekelhetek, amikor énekelni szeretnék és kiválaszthatom a jó projekteket.

Máris belekezdett egy új projektbe.

A "Diamond Lover"-t fogom forgatni, amelyet Chen Ming Zhang rendez. Néhány napon belül Kínába megyek és három hónapig ott maradok. Még nem ismerem az időbeosztást. Én vagyok az az ember, aki jön és megy, ahogy éppen mondják neki, haha.

Ön nem áll meg és egyáltalán nem pihen.

Volt egy gondolatom, hogy nem csinálok semmit a "My Lovely Girl" forgatása után. De aztán megkaptam a felkérést a "Diamond Lover" forgatására és meg kell csinálnom. Most elhatároztam, hogy pihenni fogok ezután a dráma után, de ki tudja, vajon márciusban befut-e egy jó projekt.

Ha holnaptól lenne egy hónap szabadsága, mit tenne?

Elmennék az USA-ba. Szabadon kóborolnék. Az USA olyan ország, amely tele van látni- és tanulnivalóval. Nem az a fajta ember vagyok, aki képes üldögélni, pihenni és semmit sem csinálni. Úgy látszik, hogy el kell kezdenem gondolkodni a következő albumomon.

Milyen változásokat hoz 2015?

A 2014-es évem olyan, mintha ismét újra debütáltam volna. Ha 2014 a testem pihentetésének ideje, akkor 2015-ben olyan dolgokat akarok csinálni, amelyeket korábban nem tettem, és érdekes dolgokban akarok részt venni. Ezért is csinálom ma ezt a bávatag stílusú fotózást.


Angol fordítás: huhuhuhu

Magyar fordítás: Harudo11

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2008.06.30.





📰   The Cloud - 08.06.30 JCB Press Conference Question & Answer
📰   The Cloud - Korea Fanmeeting summarized Q & A



Post by hongtha 2008.08.18.

08.06.30 JCB Press Conference Question & Answer.

Rain’s Fan Meeting in Japan held at the Tokyo JCB center.

R: (said in Japanese) How are you, thank you for coming today.

MC: Long time no see, what have you been busy doing?
R: Because of “Speed Racer” and “Ninja Assassin” movie shooting so I couldn’t visit Japan. It has been a year I couldn’t see my Japanese fans, I don’t know what I can do for everyone so I decided to hold this fan meeting as a gift to my fans.

MC: Seem like you had gotten thinner?
R: Yes, because I had to shoot “Ninja Assassin” I lose 10kg of weight. The movie shooting had finished so I planned to adjust my body.

MC: It was said the movie shooting ended and you will release an album?
R: We estimated the new album to be release on October or maybe earlier on September. I planned to have activities in Seoul, Japan and China for a month, please look forward to it.

MC: Is this fan meeting free admission? Is new? How is it?
R: I saved up some money (smiled) so I decided to use it for this fan meeting as a gift to my fans.

Hyongi: Everyone applause for Rain, clap your hands!
R: Thank you.

MC: Seem like you saved up a lot of money (smiled), what are your activity plans in Japan?
R: From now on I wanted to present many good works to everyone. Not only English and Korean album, I also wanted to produce a Japanese album. Because of the activities in Hollywood and album activities in the World, I am sorry I couldn’t always meet with everyone. Since I am still young I wanted to try out many things (smiled). From now on I will work hard on Japan activities, please show your support.

Q: I heard there were love scene in the movie “Ninja Assassin”R: The movie's central parts were the action scenes but also with some sad parts. I only can reveal a little, I had a crying scene, please look forward to it.

Q: You have been active for a year, what were some things that you felt you have changed?R: I think lines in my forehead increased (smiled), I probably grew up a lot.

Q: More specific?R: I felt more confident. Even though my Hollywood movie have not officially released yet. I had to live alone left my friends but I had serious thoughts on every little things. Then, I missed my fans in Asia. I chose the path that is not easy, I chose this path to challenge myself. In “Ninja Assassin” you will see my spirit of challenge. For example, you knew I love to eat, because of body training I could only eat chicken breast and vegetable, I am not allow to eat other food. Before I came here, I finally satisfied that I ate a regular meal, that difficult. (in Japanese) honto (smiled).

Q: Did your schedule in Japan engage in nationwide activities? You are not going to Fukuoka?R: I have not decided yet, I am not confirmed with the places but if there were supporters I will go.

Q: How did you survive the difficulties such as loneliness where you can’t meet your friends and the meal restrictions?R: 3 things. First is my family. Family always been my power. Then is my pride. I hope to become my supporters’ proud. Like before, when I had activities in Korea or Asia possible that I can live more relaxed, going to America is a new challenge in my life. If my fans feel proud because supporting me it will make me feel proud of myself as well. Lastly is my ambition, I wanted to gain the victory feeling and challenge myself into the next level.

Q: What were the differences between Korean movie and Hollywood movie?R: The passion of the movie from the directors and the staffs are the same in Korea and Hollywood. However, the capital investments of the two were different.

Q: Can you tell a little story about your “Speed Racer” colleagues?R: Susan Sarandon, I respected her since I was young. I was happy to meet her in real person. Her son is the same age as me, such relationship was special to me. When I was still learning English and everybody instructed me kindly. Especially Susan, it was a very happy time. I still felt like to dream when I had the chance to work with many famous actors.

Because of the “Ninja Assassin” role, Rain had lose 10kg of weight. It was said that after the movie ended, he will produce a Korean album and will engage in activities in Japan and China.

English Translation by Rain-America.com



Post by hongtha 2008.08.18.

Korea Fanmeeting summarized Q & A

MC:  Why got thinner these days?

Rain:  Because I have to shoot movie Ninja Assassin, trained for 7 months, during shooting, other people can't drink or smoke, but I can't eat so I felt very painful, I had to fight against myself.

Then MC asked about his diet method...

Rain:  3,3,4 method, 30% fat, 30% protein and 40% carb, for carb, eat rice with other snacks, eat 3-5 times a day plus exercise.

MC:  What did you learn during shooting Ninja Assassin?

Rain: I learn many martial arts, such as sword techniques and ninja weapons.

MC:  What are some painful things while shooting the movie?

Rain:  I thought it would be more relax to shoot movies in Hollywood, I didn't expect it was much more tired than in Korea. Moreover, the production cost for Hollywood movies by far is much higher than in Korea. One day's shooting expense almost equal 1/3 of the overall production cost for the whole movie in Korea. Therefore, the shooting continued from 8am in the morning until the evening, almost no time to rest.

MC:  While you are shooting movies oversea, if you have a week of rest time what do you want to do?

Rain:  In Berlin there were pop arts everywhere, many artistic work, artists, clubs and pretty girls, I'm a guy so if I have time I would like to go walk around.

MC:  There were many pretty girls in the club?

Rain:  Honestly, I don't know because I didn't go to the club.

Fans screamed: why didn't you go?

Rain:   No time so I didn't go.

MC:  We went hiking before right?

Rain:   Yes, there was a squirrel running but suddenly stopped and posed for me and let me took its picture, it was amazing.

(MC and Rain acted like the squirrel's pose)


MC:  It has been 6 years after you debuted, since 2002 right?

Rain:  Yes, I debuted in April 2002.

MC:  I started October 2002.

Rain: So we were the same year?

MC:  Yes, same year.

(Rain kept on laughing)

MC:  So you decide not to use polite expression? (joking)

(Rain embarrassed with his head down)

MC:  If you have a girlfriend and a week vacation, what would you like to do together?

Rain:  If I have a girlfriend, I like the hug feeling, going to the beach for vacation.

MC:  What do you want to do on the beach?

Rain:  Swim, play with water, barbecue and games.

(fans screamed hugging)

Rain:  Of course, hugging.

MC: if you have a girlfriend, what food will you make for her?

Rain:  Kimchi soup.

(then Rain started talking how to make it)

When asked since 6 years after debut, what were some unforgettable things between the fans and him. Rain expressed sometime when he read fans message he felt grieved, he said, "I saw a gentleman's message, he said his wife had illness and hope to meet with me, at that time I felt grieved, later me and my manager went to visit this patient. I don't have anything else to do for everybody but things that I can help I wish to contribute."

MC:  How was your new album preparation?

Rain:  When we had meeting earlier, our original plan was to release world wide album in this September, but since movie NA is a big chance for me so I chose to shoot the movie first, and postponed other work. World wide album will be postponed to next year. I will produce this Asia special album for my fans who wished to see me on stage for a very long time. Now I had completed 50% and left with 50% of work to be done. I wanted to do it better so the rest of 50% was delayed. Around beginning of October this will be shown to everybody, I will have activities oversea as well. I'm also planning on having concerts.

MC:  Did you prepare some shocking things in this new album?

Rain:  Yes, I always have headache about one thing which is "what to do if I don't have good idea for my next performance".

(then Rain went on talking about his past album images)

End of Q & A part.

Translated by Wanda @ Rain-America.com


RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.09.10.


( 90 pices) Rain @ Press conf at Manila picture

credit a tagged//cap by ratoka


Rain (Bi) @ Plan B set (Twitter)  

Rain (Bi) @Plan B set
On Thursday 9th September 2010, @moonbeards said:

오늘의에피소드는..^^막내의..재롱(?) 가끔촬영장에서..쉬는시간..모든스텝이모여웃고있으면..그중심엔..늘지훈이형이자리잡고있죠..ㅋㅋ극중주인공이긴하지만..실제론..진서누나다음으로막내니..그냥막내나다름없죠..ㅋㅋ 늘..촬영장에서..분위기를 주도하는..지훈이형..정진이형과의..므흣한분위기도가끔연출하고..ㅋㅋ


10-09-09 Fancam _ Rain @ Press conf. in manila



Rain (Bi) lottedfs pic  

credit as sizuku219


[Sep-10-2010] Today's episode is about our youngest member's cute things.(?)

credit to @moonbeardshttp://twitpic.com/2mqtkj

오늘의에피소드는..^^막내의..재롱(?) 가끔촬영장에서..쉬는시간..모든스텝이모여웃고있으면..그중심엔..늘지훈이형이자리잡고있죠..ㅋㅋ극중주인공이긴하지만..실제론..진서누나다음으로막내니..그냥막내나다름없죠..ㅋㅋ 늘..촬영장에서..분위기를 주도하는..지훈이형..정진이형과의..므흣한분위기도가끔연출하고..ㅋㅋ

Today's episode is..^^ about our youngest member's cute things.(?)

'Ji Hoon' hyung (Rain) always has a leading role in making all of our team laugh, when we are sometimes gathered together during break time on the set...ㅋㅋ

'Ji Hoon' hyung plays the hero in the drama, but he is as good as the youngest person of our team because he is actually the second youngest person, after 'Jin Seo' nuna (Yun Jin Seo)...ㅋㅋ

'Ji Hoon' hyung who is always in control of the atmosphere of the set, sometimes creating a pleasant refreshing mood with 'Jung Jin' hyung (Lee Jung Jin)...ㅋㅋ

'Ji Hoon' hyung is the one who always makes the atmosphere around him lighter while shooting Runaway..!!^^

*** NOTE : Rain is a year older than 'Yun Jin Seo'.

Re-post by DC Rain Gallery.

English transaltion by rain bird.


[10-Sep-10][Yonhap News]South Korean pop singer Rain at a press conference in Manila.

South Korean pop singer Jihoon Jung aka Rain, attends a press conference in Manila, Philippines 09 September 2010. Rain is scheduled to perform in a show with fellow Korean bands U-Kiss and K-Pop in Manila on 11 September. EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA

 Yonhap News :


10-09-09 More Rain (Bi) @ Press Con in Manila piccredit//tv5 facebook


[5 Fancam] Rain (Bi) @ Fugitive press conf in manila

credit//Raymund Cifra@cloudph facebook+schmuckaroos@youtube
up ratoka@youtube

watch video here


Fancam 2


fancam 3http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6feiMXOc634

Fancam 4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6A8SMMsTuI

fancam 5http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCqiCV5DPzI


[10-Sep-10][Sport Josun] "Runaway Plan B" revised from original "Runaway"

- The behind the story of "Runaway Plan B" revised from original "Runaway" -

The final decision on what would be a good title for Runaway, has been confirmed.

This drama known as Runaway from the start, was broadcast with the revised title, "Runaway Plan B" ( 도망자 Plan B ) for the first time on the 8th.

An official from the drama production expressed, " 'Plan B' next to the word, 'Runaway', means someone takes an alternative course when he or she fails at the original plan, 'Plan A'...So 'Plan B' can mean the revised plan."

credit to Sports Josun http://news.nate.com/view/20100910n08461?mid=e0101
Brief translation by rain bird


[Rain teaser #2]100909 Rain 도망자 / Plan B teaser

도망자 / Plan B teaser #2



[10-Sep-10] The extra special teaser for 'Runaway Plan B' only.  

[10-Sep-10] The extra special teaser for 'Runaway Plan B' only.

 *** Please visit the site below to see the extra special teaser !


<도망자>만의 특별한 티저 "번외편"

국제탐정협회 태평양지부 아시아지회 대한민국 사무소장 지우라고 합니다.

그 놈이 그런 놈이에요.  엄청나게 빨라~
놓치는 법이 없지~ 발정난 하이에나라고나 할까.

돈 밝히고, 여자 밝히는 탐정에게 찾아온 치명적 의뢰인!

탐정 지우에 대한 여러분들의 평가는?

9월 29일 수요일 밤 9시 55분 첫방송까지~ 쭉!
<도망자> 홈페이지를 지켜봐주세요!

(The extra special teaser for 'Runaway Plan B' only.)

-They call me 'Ji Woo' who is the Asian Pacific Korean bureau chief for the International Federation of Detective.

-He's that kind of guy : Since he is so slippy about it, he never lets an opportunity slip.~

-Shall we call him as a hyena in heat?
 -A deadly client who comes to see that detective who is crazy about money and really likes women and shows it.

-What is your opinion of him?

-Please continue to stay with "Runaway Plan B" homepage from the beginning to end of the drama that will be
aired on Wednesday, September 29th, at 9:55.



10-09-10 S1.Plan B (도망자)  

On Friday 10th September 2010, @moonbeards said:

reply http://twitpic.com/2n0zxh
오늘의에피소드주인공은..비덩..정진이형입니다..^^ 언제..어디서..어떻게..어떤카메라로..찍어도..잘나오는형..ㅋㅋ그래서..쪼금겁나기도합니다..ㅋㅋ


[71 pics] 100909 Rain @ press con in Manila


100802 Rain @ Beijing filming 'Runaway Plan B'

Credit: moonbeards @ twitter (posted on 10-09-09)


[19 pics] 100909 Rain @ press con in Manila

Credit: TV5 @ facebook

Credit: Raymund Cifra @ facebook


[10 Fancams] 100909 Rain @ press con in Manila

Credit : schmuckaroos @ Youtube
[FANCAM] 100910 비 Bi Rain 기자회견 / Press Conference Fugitive Part 1


[FANCAM] 100910 비 Bi Rain 기자회견 / Press Conference Fugitive Part 2


[FANCAM] 100910 비 Bi Rain 기자회견 / Press Conference Fugitive Part 3


[FANCAM] 100910 비 Bi Rain 기자회견 / Press Conference Fugitive Part 4


[FANCAM] 100910 비 Bi Rain 기자회견 / Press Conference Fugitive Part 5


[FANCAM] 100910 비 Bi Rain 기자회견 / Press Conference Fugitive Part 6


[FANCAM] 100910 비 Bi Rain 기자회견 / Press Conference Fugitive Part 7



Credit: dangergirl01@youtube



Credit: Raymund Cifra @ Rain CloudPh (facebook)

Please click links




100910 도망자 Plan B_Teaser_02_[Side Story#1]

Credit: 도망자 Official website // scorpiolabibi1 @ youtube



[3 Fancams] 100909 Rain @ Greenbelt 4, Philippines

Credit: sapphireLOVEmi @ youtube
we took it yesterday outside Chetau. He was filming something, not sure if it's an MV or a drama

Yeah, he's uber sweet. Actually he waved at us twice, we weren't able to take a vid of the first one. Hehehe.




[Fancam] 100909 Rain @ press con in Manila

Credit: seashellvs @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huWLgn-i0Ms


[Fancam] 100909 Rain @ press con in Manila

Credits: kairu for Cloud Philippines // cloudph@youtube
***Please do not reupload to other sites, and credit Cloud PH when re-posting. Thanks!



RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.09.09.


[HD Ver] Rain 도망자 / Runaway / Fugitive teaser



<S1.Plan B> Filming location in Philippine Day 3



Rain @ INTENSITY newspaper ad for The Philippine Star.


[09-Sep-10][allkpop]Rain’s Fugitive teaser

Upcoming KBS2 drama, Domangja aka Fugitive: Plan B, has released an official teaser!
Fugitive stars Rain, Lee Na Young, Daniel Henney, and Lee Jung Jin. As you can see in the teaser below, the drama boasts many international stars that are also set to appear on the highly anticipated drama.
The story is about a large sum of money that has been lost during the Korean War and suddenly reappears after 60 years causing a fugitive chase across Asia. Filming took place in several different countries, including Thailand, Japan, and China.
Based on the preview, we get a glimpse of what we can expect from the drama, a bit of what each character’s roles are, a whole lot of action packed chase scenes and some nice eye candy as well!
Fugitive: Plan B is scheduled to air on the 29th of September after the mega popular drama Baker King / Kim Tak Gu.
Thanks to Queenhy for the tip!



도망자 picture, created by: RainInTheCloud 


10-09-09 KBS TV Runaway HP_The teaser clip for Runaway  is promptly released.

credit to 플랜B929
2010-09-08 18:33:31

Please visit the linked site below to see the clip:


한국이 낳은 세계적인 명탐정 "지우"
돈 밝히고, 여자 밝히는
탐정에게 찾아온 치명적 의뢰인!

그들을 기다리고 있는 함정

정지훈, 이나영, 이정진, 다니엘헤니, 윤손하, 윤진서, 성동일, 공형진
그리고 세계적인 명품 배우 타케나카 나오토, 우에하라 타카코 등 출연!

9월 29일 수요일 밤 9시 55분!
KBS2TV 첫방송!!

"Ji-Woo" who is a world-class private detective from Korea.

A deadly client who comes to see that detective who is crazy about money and really likes women and shows it !
There is a terrible trap against the two..

'Jung Ji-Hoon', 'Lee Na Young', 'Lee Jung Jin', 'Daniel Henney', 'Yun Son Ha', 'Yun Jin Seo', 'Sung Dong Il', and 'Gong Hyung Jin' including internationally famous actor 'Dkenaka Naoto' and actress 'Uehara Takako', will appear in the drama !

It'll be on the air for the first time on Wednesday, September 29th, at 9:55pm, through KBS2TV !!

English trasnaltion by rain bird. 


10-09-09 KBS TV Runaway HP_What I want to tell you today is, just wait and see..

credit to @moonbeards
Date : 2010-09-09 // 09:32:03


오늘..드릴말씀은..기다려보세요!!^^ㅋㅋ 기다려보시면..알게될꺼에요..!!^^
about 10 hours ago

이미..보신분도있고못보신분도계신것같은데..오늘공개됐습니다..!!^^ 다들..기대하시는만큼나왔는지모르겠네요..!!^^
about 10 hours ago

What I want to tell you today is, just wait and see..!!^^
Just wait and see and you'll find out what's happening.. !!^^
about 10 hours ago

While there are those who have already seen the teaser, others have not yet seen it.
It has been released today..!!^^
I'm not sure if it has been made as well as all of you expected.!!^^
about 10 hours ago

Eng.trans.by rain bird.


[Sep-09-2010] Please look forward to the still pictures.
Ryan Moon


Now please look forward to the still pictures, and they will be pumped out of me...ㅋㅋ

Eng.trans.by rain bird.


[09-Sep-10][dongdrama]The Official Tralier for ‘Runaway’ is OUT !


This is it! The first official trailer of upcoming romantic-comedy action Korean drama ‘Runaway’ aka ‘Fugitive: Plan B’, which stars Asian superstar Rain, Lee Na Young, Daniel Henney, and Lee Jung Jin has finally released.

The drama plots the story about a hefty sum of money which has disappeared and reappears after 60 years during the Korean War causing a fugitive chase across Asia. The shooting location takes in several different Asian countries, including Thailand, Japan, and China. Therefore, as we can see the trailer below is full of action packed chase scenes.

With the duo creative behind hit Korean drama ‘Chuno’ aka ‘Slave Hunters’ the drama is also expected to deliver a lot of stylish cinematography.

‘Runaway’ premieres on September 29, following the most watched Korean drama ‘Baker King, Kim Tak Goo’.



[09-Sep-10][Expo news]The splendid teaser for Runaway is released, its first class action draws attention.

The teaser clip for Runaway which would replace drama series 'Baking King, 'Kim Tahck-Goo' running amidst rising popularity, has been released.

KBS 2TV released the teaser clip for Runaway immediately after the 27th episode of 'Baking King, 'Kim Tahck-Goo' last 8th.

The clip for Runaway showed Rain gong around hiding from his pursuers, running as fast as he can, based in Asia's major cities where the tune that has a speedy tempo is playing in the background.

In the clip, Rain is first introduced, and he is followed by 'Lee Na-Young', 'Daniel Henney', and 'Lee Jung-Jin', and then Rain & Lee Na Young shows stunt techniques with high level of difficulty.

Netizen saw the clip and excited by the anticipation of the drama, commenting on it,
"I'm sure this drama will be awesome as it is its all-star cast."
"It seems not to be a drama, but a film."

This drama boasts scale that is like a blockbuster from the drawing board, which attracts the attention, and having shot on location abroad, traveling widely in Asia such as Japan, China, Macau, Philippines, etc. particularly draws attention.

People have greater expectations of Runaway than ever because it is the collaboration of the team that made big hit drama 'Choono' early this year.

Meanwhile, comic romantic detective and action drama Runaway is a tale that takes place while Ji-Woo (the main character Rain plays in the drama), a world-class private detective from Korea, is being trapped.
This drama'll be on the air for the first time on September 29th.

credit to Expo news http://news.nate.com/view/20100909n12123
Pictures from DC Rain Gallery.
Brief transaltion by rain bird.


10-09-09 Runaway staff's post on Twitter_ On behalf of 'Ji Hoon' ssi (Rain), a heart-felt thank his Filipino fans.

어제 필리핀 팬분들이 보내주신 고추덕분에 햇반 두개씩 싹싹 비웠다는 ㅎㅎ 장어,장조림 ,김치,여러 밑반찬도 너무 맛있네요 지훈씨를 대신해 감사드립니다!!너무 잘먹고있어요..   

Thanks to the fresh peppers Filipino fans sent us yesterday, we all finished off two bowls of instant rice (Haetban brand) in a flash.ㅎㅎ (haha)
Several side dishes such as broiled eels, Jangjorim (beef boiled), Kimchi, etc. are also very delicious..
On behalf of 'Ji Hoon' ssi (Rain), a heart-felt thank you !!
We are enjoying the food.

Re-post by DC Rain Gallery http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=rain&no=269437&page=1&bbs
Brief translation by rain bird.


[FanAcct]10-09-09 S1 Plan B Cast Filming – Kawit Cavite, Philippines

It was 11:00 AM when I received a text message from a fellow Cloud saying that Rain and the cast of S1 Plan B will be shooting a scene in one of our hometown’s most popular landmark, I was inside the campus then. I felt incredibly thrilled and surprised. I never expected that the producers would choose my Kawit Cavite to be one of the filming sites and best of all; it was only a few kilometers away from our house. My heart began to rejoice as I thought of having the chance to see Rain 3 days earlier than I expected, but unfortunately, our guidance counselor wouldn’t just let me out of the campus.Disappointed, I tried thinking of ways to escape. When I realized that escaping will only bring me to the principal’s office for cutting classes, I gave up and
called my mom instead. When my mom picked up the receiver, I spoke so fast without even
letting her say hello. I asked her to go to the location quickly to see what
she can see and take pictures of him if possible. Completely aware of my obsession
to Rain and being a fan of Full House herself, mom agreed keenly and even asked
one of my cousins to accompany her. She also assured me that she would tell me all
the details when I get home.

When my mom and my cousin arrived, they were surprised to see a huge number of people cheering for Rain, they were not aware that Rain was that well-known in our hometown. They scanned the place and eventually saw the person they were looking for. At first my mom thought that Rain was only
having a motorcade to promote the drama since she saw him smiling and waving
ceaselessly from inside a vehicle, then she saw the staff setting up the
location for filming.

Eager to feed my hunger for stories, my mom and my cousin went closer to have a better look. According to them, Rain’s eyes and face were
so small. His skin was tanned and his hair was slightly brown in colour. I
personally liked my cousin’s remark about Rain being 10 times
better-looking than a certain famous Taiwanese artist she had seen before^^Although
not that much of a fan as me, my mom thought Rain was an ample illustration of
a perfect man—tall, dark and handsome. They wanted to grab a few pics, but I
guess it wasn’t allowed since Rain’s manager (not sure if he was really the
manager) didn’t want them to.

Here’s another one!

The location for filming was only a few walks away from the school where my best friend studies. When the news about Rain reached the school, students and teachers instantly made their way outside the campus and
stopped all their businesses just to catch a glimpse of him. The cast were
about to film a new scene when a great number of people “barged” into the

My best friend’s description about Rain’s physical appearance is almost the same with that of my mom’s. However, she thought Rain
was not that lively and did not show much smile at that moment. She said he
looked exhausted and a bit bothered. Perhaps he lost his focus to what he was
contemplating about because of the commotion caused by the crowd. Some of my
best friend’s schoolmates begged Rain’s manager (still not sure if they were
pertaining to the real manager) to let them have a picture with him, the
die-hard ones even knelt and pleaded, but unfortunately, they didn’t stand a
chance. It took a few minutes for the security to settle the commotion. When
everything was back to normal, the crowd stood in an orderly manner and watched the filming. Rain was very serious and focused. He didn’t face the fans’
location that much. My best friend said that there were times when they wanted
to scream, like the time when they saw Rain collapse on the floor (part of
acting) and most especially when they saw him took off his shirt!

I’m so disappointed that I wasn’t able to see Rain today! Still, I feel honored and thankful that the producers chose my hometown to be
one of the sites for filming. There’s one thing I’ve proven from my loved ones’
fan accounts—Rain is really absorbed in portraying his role and perfecting his
craft when the lights and cameras focus on him. Perhaps it’s one of the reasons
why some people who didn’t know much about him misunderstood and thought that he was snob and all… but I don’t care! All I know is, even though I didn’t get
the chance to see him today, I will be able to enjoy his breathtaking performances
in his concert this coming Saturday ^^

Please help us Filipino Clouds pray for a successful concert and an immensely enjoyable time with our dear baby—RAIN

**thanks so much for sharing your Fan Account with us babyrain2504



100908 도망자 Plan B_ Teaser_01 _[Official Teaser#1]

Credit: dc // scorpiolabibi1 @ youtube



[HD] 100908 Fugitive_Teaser

[HD] 100908 Fugitive_Teaser




RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.09.08.


10-09-08 Rain (Bi) @ TVPWorld PH

watch video here



비님에 선행 그리고 후원,기부 (역시 멋진 스타)


세상에 이런일이에 나온 분들2명도 후원하고 계시고
여기 없는 부분들 정말 보이지 않게 많은 좋은 일들을 하십니다.

언젠가 비님 꿈 중 하나인 음악하기 어려운 학생들을 위한 무료학교 짓고 거기서 학생들을 가르치시는 비님의 멋진
모습도 기대해 봅니다.

구름들활동..얼마전 중국구름들은 감수성 광산 사고에 중국돈 15000위엔(265만원)을
기부하여서 (중국에선 아주 큰 금액이죠... 돈보다는 팬분들 마음이 울 스타닮아 이쁘시다는)
감사장도 받고 .. 어려운 곳에 봉사 활동도 다니시는것 같음
그간 팬카페 비나무도 5000만원 상당에 기부 활동도  꾸준 하게 해 오고 있습니다.

언제나 마음과 행동이 최고인 비님의 팬인게 늘 자랑스럽네요.


[08-Sep-10][TV Daily] A teaser picture which shows Rain and Lee Jung-Jin's faces filled with playfulness in a very friendly atmosphere on the set, is released.

A picture showing Rain and 'Lee Jung-Jin' on the set has been posted as part of the Runaway homepage teasers on KBS TV website.

In the picture, Rain and 'Lee Jung-Jin' are being playful, getting along well.

This picture proves the mood of the set to be convivial, which attracts the attention from netizen.

"The two are getting along very well, don't you agree?"

"I envy them their friendship"

"Can I ask the staff to post more pictures on it?"

"The picture of the set is increasing my anticipation."

Meanwhile, the cast of Runaway has been currently shooting chase scenes in the Philippines, and Runaway, scheduled for broadcast every Wednesday and Thursday at 9:55pm will be on air for the first time on September 29th.

credit to TV Edaily http://news.nate.com/view/20100907n10443?mid=e0101

Brief translation by rain bird.


Rain <S1. Plan B> @ Magazine

From//DC Gallary


10-09-08 Rain <S1.Plan B> teaser 




(update) Rain <S1. Plan B> pic  



Rain's 'INTENSITY' Concert Billboard along Espanya Road

Credit: alandiamay @ twitter
Rain's Concert Billboard along Espanya Road. ^^~

about 3 hours ago via Twitpic


Rain Fugitive shooting ~ Philippines

These pictures are from my sister.. The scene today was not in Manila ^_^



Chinese traditional people.
Inspiration from "The Legend of the White Snake".
Rain and Lee Jung Jin version. ^___^



100906 TV5_ Rain's arrival @ Manila & INTENSITY concert press con on 9/6

100906 TV5_Aksyon News_Rain's arrival @ Manila & INTENSITY concert press con on 9/6

Credit: philippinechannel.tv // Vid Edited by scorpiola // scorpiolabibi @ youtube



[Eng Sub] 100907 TVPworld_Rain PH press con+ CloudPH interview

Credit: cloudph @ youtube
Please turn CC 'on' to view the English subtitles

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.09.07.


[07-Sep-10][dkpopnews]No Rain At The Press Conference: No Gain For The Media


Today was supposed to be Rain's press conference but unfortunately for the media who was there, Rain was nowhere to be found. It was canceled at the very last minute and every one who attended were bewildered and some questions that were needed to be ask were unanswered.

PEP.PH said there was a "miscommunication" between Rain's management team and the Philippine promoters. It turned out, that the press conference wasn't really supposed to be today which is Monday, September 6, but it should be on the 9th which is Thursday.

According to Tim Yap, an editor, a model, an eventologist, and a TV personality in the Philippines, along with Rain other cast of Fugitive/Run Away like Lee Na Young, Lee Jungjin & Daniel Henney will also be present at the press conference on Thursday at Manila Hotel. More so, he said that they will also film the series here.

Reports said that Rain's action-spy drama Fugitive/Run Away will premiere on the Philippine TV and will be shown at TV5, the official media partner for Rain's Concert entitled "INTENSITY".



100906 Rain “도망자”



credit//runaway staff


100906 [PEP] Korean pop idol Rain a no-show at presscon for his Manila c

Korean pop idol Rain a no-show at presscon for his Manila concert

Bong Godinez
Monday, September 6, 2010
08:55 PM

Korean pop singer and actor Rain will perform at the SM Mall of Asia Concert Grounds on Saturday, September 11 in a concert titled Intensity.

Korean pop superstar Jung Ji-Hoon—known simply to music fans as Rain—failed to show up at his own press conference this afternoon, September 6, at the Manila Hotel in Manila.

The press engagement was originally called at 2 p.m., only to be canceled at the last minute by the organizers. A representative from Rain's management team later told the invited members of the press and guests that a "miscommunication" had transpired between them and the Philippine promoters concerning the date of the press conference.

Speaking with the help of an interpreter, Mr. Jung explained that Rain's team thought that the press conference will be held on Thursday, September 9, and not Monday, which is today.

Rain's management group, Mr. Jung added, picked September 9 as the date of the press conference during the time they were organizing the 28-year-old singer-actor's Manila itinerary.

The popular Korean celebrity is here in the country to do a one-night concert this Saturday, September 11, at the SM Mall of Asia Concert Grounds in Pasay City. Smart Communications and TV5—two companies that are owned by businessman Manny V. Pangilinan—are sponsoring the live music spectacle.

Korean pop group U-Kiss along with our very own Christian Bautista will be special guests at the concert dubbed Intensity.

Rain, who arrived quietly in Cebu last September 1, is in the country to shoot a Korean television series titled Fugitive. The series, according to reports, will be shown in the Philippines via TV5 under the title Runaway.

Born in Seoul, South Korea, on June 25, 1982, Rain has successfully juggled an acting and singing career even outside his home country. His stint in the popular Korean drama series Full House (2004) has endeared him across the Asian region, including the Philippines.

Rain was also seen in the Hollywood film Speed Racer (2008) and even topbilled the 2009 action flick Nina Assassin.

To date, Rain has released seven albums, which overall have churned out 19 radio singles. His success prompted him to put up his own company in 2007 named J Tune Entertainment.


[07-Sep-10[dkpopnews]Rain wants to become a fighter pilot


South Korea's top star Rain (real name Jung Ji-hoon) was originally called to enlist for military service on 28 September 2010. However, the celebrity has requested to postpone his enlistment to next year (2011).

Rain has also stated his preference in serving in the Air Force during his 2-year service. According to a report on Newsen, Rain has a high chance serving in the Air Force, much like fellow celeb Jo In-sung.

So Rain wants to become a fighter pilot! Rain's reason for postponement is that he is busy shooting his latest drama Fugitive and is also in the midst of pursuing his graduate degree at Dankook University. It is reported that his postponement has been accepted by the MMA (Military Manpower Administration).

source: Newsen
Credits: K-popped


[Sep-06-2010] Let me chase down both PD 'Kowak Jung-Howan' and the cast in the news these days very much.

The writer : 플랜B929
Date : 2010-09-06 // 15:12:01
 오늘도 여러분을 위해 열심히 달리고 있는 플랜B929 입니다.
9월의 끝자락에 방영될 드라마 "도망자"지만
벌써부터 열기가 뜨거운 이유는 화려한 배우들 때문 만은 아니죠.
바로 2010년 상반기 최고 화제작 "추노"를 만든 곽정환 감독의 후속작이라는 기대감이 큰 몫을 했습니다.

"추노"에 이어 2010년 하반기 최고의 화제작이 될 "도망자"까지
아주 대단한 <곽정환> 감독님을 바짝 추격해봤습니다. 함께 보실까요?

This is Plan B929 (플랜B929) working hard for you again today.

People already have a lot of interest in Runaway even if this drama will be aired at the end of September, and not just because of the splendid cast.
A high expectation for the sequel of PD 'Kowak Jung-Howan' who directed his former drama 'Choono' which was the biggest during the first half of this year, has contributed the boost.

Runaway will be sure to be another hit for the PD in the latter half of this year following Choono.
I've tried to chase down PD 'Kowak Jung-Howan' who is great. Can we see that?

1-2. kép

언제나 열정적인 촬영 현장의 감독님! 
The PD who is always passionate on the set. !

3-4. kép

헤니님과 비덩 제이제이는 지금 감독님과 함께
촬영 연습에 열의를 불태우고 있습니다.

Daniel Henney and Lee Jung-Jin are very eager in their rehearsals for the shooting with the PD. 

5-6. kép

이어폰을 하나씩 꽂고 함께 모니터링 중인 지우지훈과 감독님
 Rain and the PD are monitoring with each of earphones.

7-8. kép

나영여신님도 열심히 감독님과 대본에 대해서 토론 중!
Lee Na-Young is also diligently discussing the script with the PD !

9-11. kép

추노에 이어 감독님과 함께 호흡을 맞추고 있는 공형진씨도,
팜므파탈로 변신한 윤손하님도 좌충우돌 엉뚱발랄한 윤형사 윤진서님도
감독님과 함께 <도망자>의 한컷 한컷을 위해 최선을 다하고 있답니다.

Kong Hyung-Jin, Yun Son-Ha, and Yun Jin-Seo are doing their best with the PD. 

12-13. kép

감독님은 앉으나 서나 <도망자> 생각 뿐~~!!

The PD is constantly thinking about ~~!!

뜨거운 여름보다 더 뜨거운 촬영현장에서 지금까지 플랜B929였습니다!
오늘도 촬영에 온몸을 불사르고 있는 감독님을 위해
여러분의 뜨거운 응원 부탁드려요!

9월 29일 수요일 밤 9시 55분 대공개

덧붙임 하나 _ 앞으로 매일 매일 티저 홈페이지에 자주 방문해주세요.
언제 어디서 터질지 모르는 <도망자> 홈페이지만의 향연이 계속 됩니다~~ 쭉!!!  ^^

Until now, this was Plan 929 on the set that is much hotter than the hot weather.
Hope you to give words of enthusiastic encouragement to the PD !
The grand opening will be on Wednesday, September 29, at 9:55pm.
The first episode of is coming soon !
In addition, please try to visit the drama homepage frequently.
There'll be a lot of unique feasts of Runaway homepage all the way, which are like time bombs ; you never know when and where it's going to explode.~~!!!^^

Brief translation by rain bird.


Rain (Bi) Lotte pic

source//lotte // cap by ratoka


10-09-07 Runaway staff's post on Twitter_ Swordman 'Ji-Woo' !! 



credit//runaway staff

Today's episode is about swordman 'Ji-Woo' !!^^ (who is the name of the main character Rain plays in Runaway)

This sword is not used as a prop in the drama, but he showed some natural motions that he does when

grabbing a sword when he saw it...^^ㅋㅋ

I heard that he had practiced with all his heart for his former film...So now I see that he looks great..??ㅋㅋ.

I was going to look at this picture alone, saving it for later ㅋㅋ, but I've decided to show it to the world. !!

This guy is swordman 'Ji-Woo' !!^^

Eng.trans.by rain bird.


10-09-07 KBS TV Runaway HP> Hyung! just once again!

형! 한번 더!
The writer : 플랜B929 (PlanB929)
Date: 2010년 09월 07일 10:41:40
짜자잔~~~!! ^______^γ
당당하게 돌아온 플랜B929 입니다.
그동안 <도망자> 티저를 오픈하고서도
좀처럼 현장 뒷모습을 공개하지 않았던 두 배우!
왜! <도망자> 남주의 촬영현장은 공개하지 않느냐는 항의가 많았는데요.
오늘은 도망자의 활력소, 정지훈 VS 이정진 도촬로 조공 드립니다.

이곳은 중국!
하루종일 쫓고 쫓기는 액션씬을 촬영한 두 배우.
컷 소리와 함께 정지훈의 장난끼가 발동했는데요.
겨우 겨우 촬영이 끝나고 걸어가는 이정진을 붙잡은 정지훈.

Hyung! just once again!
The writer : PlanB929
Date: 2010-09-07 // 10:41:40

Ta da ~~~!! ^______^γ
This is PlanB929 who has come back, holding his head up.

The two actors who have rarely given you any behind-the-scenes glimpse of how the drama is created, although the teaser for has been released !
We've received complaints about not releasing the drama set from many of you, so today I try to dedicate a picture of 'Jung Ji-Hoon'(Rain) vs 'Lee Jung-Jin' taken on the sly, who are giving our team a cutting edge.

Here in China ! the two actors had to work intensively all day long in order to finish shooting a cat-and-mouse game scene between them. 'Jung Ji-Hoon' was getting playful soon after the director shouted, "Cut!"

'Jung Ji-Hoon' caught hold of 'Lee Jung-Jin's arm when 'Lee Jung-Jin' managed to get it finished in the end,


그리고 이어지는 정지훈의 무서운 한마디!
"형! 한번 더!"

and followed by Jung Ji-Hoon's word which scared 'Lee Jung-Jin' away, "Hyung ! (Lee Jung-Jin) just once again.!"


이정진 : "하아 알~겠습니다."

'Lee Jung-Jin' : "Ha, O~kay."


9월 29일 수요일 밤 9시 55분 TV앞으로!
/span>도망자> 첫방송! COMMMING SOOOOON!

So please, everybody be in front of TV on Wednesday, September 29th, at 9:55pm !
The first episode of is COMMMING SOOOOON!

Brief translation by rain bird.


10-09-07 Lee Jung Jin & Rain on KBS “S1. Plan B” site

credit// www.kbs.co.kr/drama/run


[07-Sep-10][Medical Today] Runaway is the project for Asia.


Runway is overwhelming its emulative exercises by far, in terms of scale.

With chase scenes filled with high tension being shot, traveling throughout Asia such as China, Japan, Macau, etc., many of the top crew have attended the shooting, not only from Korea but also abroad, which attracts the attention.

The director hired more than 1,000 extras including Rain's fans for a scene on location in Japan where more than 150 staffs from Japan took part in the shooting.

In addition, more than 200 staffs and 120 staffs and 200 staffs from China and Macau and the Philippines have taken part in the shooting in each country. It is not too much to say that Runaway has become the project for Asia.

Runaway which is expected to take the Hanryu dramas one stage further by its virtually awesome scenes and compulsive viewing, will be unveiled with many expectations on September 29th.

credit to Medical Today's My Star News

Brief trnaslation by rain bird.


Kollen Park talk about Rain (Bi) @ TVN @백지연의 피플 Inside

watch video here



'Runaway Plan B' new pics on KBS

Credit: http://www.kbs.co.kr/drama/run


100712 Rain @ Osaka filming 'Runaway Plan B'

Credit: moonbeards @ twitter

posted by moonbeards @ twitter on 10-09-06


Info added by scorpiola
Photo Date:07/12/2010
Photo Time: 6:02pm


100907 Rain 'Runaway Plan B' new KBS official pics

Credit: http://www.kbs.co.kr/drama/run
짜자잔~~~!!   ^______^γ
당당하게 돌아온 플랜B929 입니다.

그동안 <도망자> 티저를 오픈하고서도
좀처럼 현장 뒷모습을 공개하지 않았던 두 배우!

왜! <도망자> 남주의 촬영현장은 공개하지 않느냐는 항의가 많았는데요.

오늘은 도망자의 활력소, 정지훈 VS 이정진 도촬로 조공 드립니다.

이곳은 중국!
하루종일 쫓고 쫓기는 액션씬을 촬영한 두 배우.
컷 소리와 함께 정지훈의 장난끼가 발동했는데요.

겨우 겨우 촬영이 끝나고 걸어가는 이정진을 붙잡은 정지훈.


그리고 이어지는 정지훈의 무서운 한마디!
"형! 한번 더!"


이정진 : "하아 알~겠습니다."


9월 29일 수요일 밤 9시 55분 TV앞으로!



Fanmade MV_Smile with hyung

Credit: made by lunaluna // eye0rain @ youtube
Enjoy~♥ Smile (laugh) with me^____^ ....
「♪애인이 생기면 하고 싶은 일(With Rain)/ G.NA 」
Thaks to drama"도망자" cast and staff, especially 이정진님(LeeJungJin)


비를 위해 [팬이 만든 뮤직비디오] : 그 곳으로 갈께요// Fanmade MV] For Rain: I'll Be There.

구름팬들은 비님을 믿습니다..

비는 제이튠 엔터테인먼트와 의논을 한 즉시, 마카오에서 드라마 촬영 중,
그 언론사 (머니투데이의 스타뉴스)를 통해 자신이 처해진 상황에 대해 설명하려 했다..
그가 자신의 팬들을 포함해 더 많은 사람들이 자신의 생각을 들어 줄 수 있기를 원한다고 나는 믿고 있다..
나는 그의 가장 최근에 있던 '스타 뉴스'와의 인터뷰에서 ‘질문&답’ 부분을 편집해 영상으로 만들었다..

노래 가사처럼, “나를 필요로 할 때 마다 당신이 있는 그 곳으로 갈께요..
그 곳으로 가서 당신을 존중하는 헌신적인 마음으로 당신을 보호하렵니다..
내 이름 '구름'을 불러주기만 하면 당신이 있는 곳으로 달려 갈께요..”

Cloud Believe in Rain!

On the controversy with JTune Entertainment, he tried to explain his position on the case through the press company while he was filing in Macau. I believed he wants more people (fans and non-fans) can hear his thought.
I edited the part of Q&A on his latest interview with Star News and made a video.

As the song lyrics,
"whenever you need me, I'll be there.
I'll be there to protect you, with unselfish love I respect you.
Just call my name (Cloud) and I'll be there."

credit: bicuckoo@youtube

I'll Be There (lyrics) 그곳으로 갈께요
당신과 나는 맹세해야만 합니다..
우리는 다시 한번 구원을 받아야 하죠..
사랑이 있는 그곳으로 갈 겁니다..
나는 당신에게 손을 내밀거구요..
당신이 하는 모든 일들은 신뢰할 겁니다..
내 이름을 불러 주기만 하면 그곳으로 갈께요..

그곳으로 가서 당신을 편안하게 해 줄 겁니다..
당신의 주위에 나의 꿈의 세계를 짓습니다..
당신을 알게 되어 너무 기쁘네요..
강한 사랑으로 그곳에 가서
당신의 힘이 되 줄 거에요..
내가 계속해서 붙잡고 있다는 것을 당신은 알고 있잖아요..

당신의 마음을 기쁨과 웃음으로 채우도록 할 겁니다..
가장 중요한 것은 ‘단란함’을 찾는 거죠,,
내 이름을 불러 주기만 하면 당신이 있는 그곳으로 갈께요..
그곳으로 가서 당신을 지켜 줄 겁니다..(yeah 내 사랑)
당신을 존중하는 헌신적인 사랑으로..
내 이름을 불러 주기만 하면 그곳으로 갈께요..

거기로 가서 당신을 편안하게 해 줄 겁니다..
당신의 주위에 나의 꿈의 세계를 짓습니다..
당신을 알게 되어 너무 기쁘네요..(너무 기뻐요..내 사랑)
강한 사랑으로 그곳에 가서
당신의 힘이 되 줄 거에요..
내가 계속해서 붙잡고 있다는 것을 당신은 알고 있잖아요..

만일 당신이 새로운 사랑을 만날 경우
그녀가 당신에게 더 좋은 사람이라는 걸 알고 있어요..
때문에 그녀가 당신을 원하지 않을 경우
그 때는 내가 당신에게 가겠습니다..

그거 모르시나요? 내사랑..
내가 거기로 갈 거라는 것..
내가 거기로 갈 거라는 것..yeah
내 이름을 불러 주기만 하면 그곳으로 갈께요.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
당신이 있는 곳으로 갈께요..내 사랑
내가 당신에게로 갈 거라는 것을 당신은 알고 있잖아요..yeah.
내 이름을 불러 주기만 하면 그곳으로 갈께요.
내 이름을 불러 주기만 하면 그곳으로 갈께요.

credit to Cuckoo
Korean trans.by Rainia

I'll Be There (lyrics)
You and I must make a pact
We must bring salvation back
Where there is love
I'll be there

I'll reach out my hand to you
I'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name
And i'll be there

And oh, woah,
I'll be there to comfort you
Build my world of dreams around you
I'm so glad I found you yeah,
I'll be there with a love so strong
I'll be your strength
You know i'll keep holdin on

Let me fill you heart with joy and laughter
Togetherness, well it's all i'm after
Just call my name
And i'll be there

I'll be there to protect you,(yeah baby)
With an unselfish love that respects you
Just call my name
And i'll be there

And oh woah
I'll be there to comfort you
Build my world of dreams around you
You know i'm so glad I found you yeah (so glad baby)
I'll be there with a love so strong
I'll be your strength
You know i'll keep holdin on

If you should ever find someone new
I know she better be good to you
'Cos if she dosoen't, then i'll be there

Don't you know baby, yeah yeah
I'll be there
I'll be there, yeah
Just call my name and i'll be there
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I'll be there baby
You know i'll be there, yeah
Just call my name
And i'll be there
Just call my name
And i'll be there